The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-02-07, Page 84.
vagivaneeTirnes Thursday, February ?i974,
Wires from
The World of Women
Home a:
• If
i; , •
THE TOP THREE SPEAKERS in Saturday's Legion public speaking competition in the
senior di:vision of the public school section were: Janet Wood, Wingham Public School,
third; Andrew Koopmans, EastWawanosh Public School, second and Nancy -Meyer, Sac-
red Heart School, Teeswater, first. The competition was held on Saturday. (Staff Photo)
Town, district churches
hold annual meetings
Congregations of area chur-
dies have met during the past
week to record year-end business
and elect new slates of officers
for the ensuing year.
The congregation of Langside
Presbyterian Church. met ,Satur-
day afternoon. in the church with
the interim moderator, Rev.
Glenn. Noble, appointed chair-
man. He Opened the meeting with
prayer. Mrs. George Young was
the secretary for the meeting.
The Session report gave the
membership as 46. One member
was, removed by death, six inac-
tive rnembers» were removed
from the roll and six members
were addedby profesOonof faith.
Two babies Aeere bapti*Idurig
the year.
Members of the Session -\are.
Elmer Scott, Arnold Scott, Pita
de Boer and David Moffat. Trus-
tees are Elmer Scott, Graham
Moffat, and Arnold Scott. Newly
appointed to the Board of Man-
agers are Arnold Scott, Phillip
Steer and Mrs. George Young,
The Sunday School had a very
successful year. Superintendent
• is Elmer Scott and • treasurer
Russel Young, with teachers
Phillip Steer, Nancy de Boer,
: Helen Wiersma and John de
The Children of the Church,
with leaders, Mrs. Jean Young,
Helen Wiersma and Nancy de
Boer, and treasurer Hilda de
Boer, were active in the work and
contributed $18.58 to the Pres-
byterial treasurer.
The president of the Women's
Missionary Society, Mrs. George
Young, and' treasurer, Mrs. Rob-
ert Bregman, held eight meetings
and made a contribution to the
Presbyterial treasurer. Mrs.
Mann, Ladies' Aid treasurer, re-
ported a balance of $31.3().
The financial report showed the
expenses had been met and a bal-
ance was on hand.
Ushers appointed were Ken
Scott, Russel Young, Donald
EWPS report ,
BELGRAVE — On Wednesday
of last week, Grade 6 of East
Wawanosh Public School held
their assembly under the direc-
tion of their teacher, Mrs, Mary
Chamney, which was much en-
joyed by all present.
Geoffrey Hamilton acted as
chairman. An operetta entitled,
"South of the Border” was per-
formed. Robert Currie sang the
solo, "A Roving Cowboy" and the
solo part of "I'm Going to Leave
Old Texas Now".
' The curtain then opened dis-
playing a scene of a Mexican
Fiesta at night and all the class in
colorful Mexican clothing, some
with musical instruments. The
class sang, "South of the Border"
and "The Gay Caballero".
Twelve pupils danced the
Virginia Reel.
. David Pletch took the solo part
in "The Trailto Mexico",
followed bk "Carmen Cartnela",
a folk song. Grant Gnay sang a
solo, "Come My Dove" followed
by "le Mexican Hat Dance. Our
la .oer Was "The Plaza"
aim vue ticiernbly closed with
"God Save the Queen".
By Cathy Bakelaar,
Grade 6
77-7.7,, 7-7 -7,-77.77777
Scott and Robert Bregman Jr.
The meeting requested that a
letter be sent to.Presbytery, ask-
ing that L1o34 Murdock, grad-
Uating student minister, be left
with Langside and Whitechurch
charges instead of being sent to
another mission charge. If they
will not leave Mr. Murdock, the
congregation requests that they
appoint another student to these
charges.. •
The meeting closed with prayer
by Lloyd Murdock, student min-
A highlight of the annual meet-.
ing of the Wingham United
Church here was the showing of
pictures of the original church.
The pictures, taken in 1398, show-
ed. the 'original frame building
which was replaced by the pres-
ent structure and until about 20
years ago, was used as a church
shed. Thepictures.were shown by
Rev. Barry Passmore, who was
in charge of the meeting,
The session report showed a
total membership, as of De-
cember 31, 1973, 'of 940, an in-
crease over last year. Sunday
School enroltnent is 219,with an
average attendance of more than
Church officers are: secretary,
Mrs. Jack Kopas; director of
music, Hap Swatridge; cus-
todian, Harold France; treas-
urer, Ray Walker; secretary. of
Official Board, G. W. Tiffin. Sun-
day School superintendent' is Dr.
Ray Bateman and the superin-
tendent of Junior Congregation is
Mrs. Ed Daer.
Christian EdUcation leaders in-
clude Mrs. Murray McLennan
and Mrs. Ron Schefter
(Messengers); Mrs. Marvin
Streich and Mrs. Jack Gillespie
(Explorers); Miss Jean Hanock
(CGIT). Mrs. Ken Wood is presi-
dent of the United Church Women
with the unit leaders, Mrs. Tom
Jardin, Mrs. Art Laidlaw, Mrs.
ID Swatridge .and Mrs. Stan
W. H. 'French is chairman of
the Board of Trustees. Re-
maining as representatives to
Presbytery and Conference are
Norman .Woolner and G. W. Tif-
fin, with their alternates to be
Jim Ward and Wilford Caslick.
0 0
Lorne Forster Was appointed
secretary when Chalmers Pres-
byterian Church at Whitechurch
held its.annual meeting on Friday
afternoor. Interim moderator,
Rev. G. Noble, was appointed
chairman for the meeting. At the
end of the year, Chalmers had 113
members on the roll. Two were
removed by death and three by
certificate transfer, during the
Session members are Johnston
Conn, Ira Wall, Elroy Laidlaw,
James Malrath, Walter Elliott
(clerk), Bill Versteeg, Donald
Ross and Andrew Gaunt. Lloyd
A. Murdock is student minister.
Mrs. H. Simpson and Mrs.
Archie Purdon, leaders of the'
Children of the Church, reported
that eight meetings were held
during 1973. They had a member-
ship of 14 with an average at-
tendance of 11. The combined
COC and WMS meeting was held
in'July. Used stamps were sent to
the Leprosy Mission in Toronto.
Officers of' the COC are Lori
Purdon (president), Donald de
Boer ' (secretary) and treasurer
David Ross.
Treastn* of the Ladies' Aid,
Mrs: John de Boer, has a balance
on hand of $16.70.
, The Women's Missionary
Society held 12 meetings. They
have 14 active members and 13
home helpers. The meetings were
held in the homes with the excep-
tionsof July, when they met with
the COC, and October' when the
fall Thankoffering was held with
guests from Langside, White-
church UCW and Brick Church
UCW. The guest. speakers were
Mrs. Lloyd Murdock and two
deaconess friends. The Society is
grateful to all or their contribu-
tions but would welcome help
from every lady in the congrega-
tion toward their missionary ef-
Tie §u17 SO* had ar'Ter-X,
successful year with good at-
tendance each Sunday and a dos-
ing balance of $83.66. Walter El -
St. Paull'a-:elocit..(offi.teri.
at annual vestry meting• -
The annual vestry meeting Of
St. Paul's Anglican Church,
Wingham, was held in the parish,
hall on Sunday evening. The
meeting' was preceded by a pot
Luck smorgasbord supper. The
rector, Rev. T. K. HawthOrn, was
in the chair and after opening
with prayers, conducted the bus-
iness of reports and electl005.
Mrs. W. Lockridge was unable
to be present because of il5s
and Mrs. D. Farnell acted as ves-
try clerk in her absence. Reports
of the organizations of the church
were received in printed form
and adopted corporately.
It was noted that the church
and organizations had had a good
year and kept abreast of the cur-
rent difficulties caused by infla-
tion. One organization, the Teen-
age Girls, has been disbanded,
due to members leaving town for
further, educational training at
colleges and tmiveraitieo. A new
organization of a Girl Guide pack
was started last fall, oder the,
direction 40 Mrs. D. Parnell and
Mrs. James Beattie, which, while'
being an '?pen' pack, does enable
teenage girls of the church to at-
tend should they so desire.
The financial report for 1973
and budget for ion were given byg#
the church. treasurer, Norinan
Rude, and all commitments had
been met. Again it was noted with
much satisfaction, - that more
than $3000.00 had been spent on
the fabric of the church, both in-
terior and exterior, and a new
roof was put on the rectory. The
Anglican Church Women under-
wrote the cost qf painting the ex:
terior of the rectory.
A visitation of church families
was conducted during the fall by
Appointments made
at UC annual meeting
Church annual meeting was held
with, the following appointments:
The Official Board: Chairman
Rev. George W. Sach; recording
steward, Bruce M. Robertson;
charge treasurer, Mrs. J. Agnes
Wright; mission and service
treasurer, Mrs. Sharon Coulter.
The Wroxeter Session (elders):
Chairman, Rev. Geo. W. Sach;
clerk, Lyle Hart; .5 year term,
Arthur Gibson and Edwin Mar-
tin; 4 year term, George Gibsoe,
Ron McMichael and Bruce Mont.!
gomety; 3 year term, Lloyd
Townsend; 2 year term, Harvey
McMichael, Lyle Hart; 1 year
term: Ken Bennett and Jack Mc-
The Committee of Stewards:
Chairman, Jack Clarke; Secre-
tary, Garry Chambers; treas-
urer, Mrs. J. Agnes Wright; 3
year terT, Les Douglas, Glenn
McMichael, Gordon Loutit, Mrs,
Lil Gallaher; 2 year term, Mr.:.
and Mrs. Warren Fines,' Garry -h,
Chambers, Mrs,,Lenore:WilsoniiTlon
•liott is superintendent; seen- S t •
.Andrew's Chur-ch
year term, Stewart Higgins, Mrs.
J. Agnes Wright.
Trustee Board: George Gibson,
HarveyMcMichael, Les Douglas.
Sunday School Supt., Mrs. Ron
McMichael; organist and choir
director Mrs. Edwin Martin;
caretaker, Mrs. Oliver Riley
w ;
holiday supply ae! anniversary
committee, Les Douglas, Lyle
Hart; auditors, James Alcorn,
Mrs. Glenn McMichael.
Nominating committee, The
minister, retiring members of the
board, clerk of session, chairman
of Stewards, Mrs. J. Agnes
Wright, Mrs. G: Gibson, Arthur
• Gibson, Jack Clarke (with power
to add); M & S committee, Mrs.
Mac Wylie, Mrs. Gordon Loutit,
Mrs. J. Agnes Wright. •
President of UCW, Mrs. Lloyd
McGee; -manse committee, Mrs.
J. A. Wright, Mrs. Glenn Mc-
Michael, Mrs. Lloyd McGee,
Mrs..Lil Gallaher; ushers, Lloyd
Townsend, Jack Clarke • (with
power to add); United ChUr-
chmen, Les Douglas.,
tary-treasurier Mrs. John Gaunt;
teachers, Kathy Purdon, Chris- ho -Ids annucil meeting
tine Scott,. Mrs. Doris Caesar;
Mrs. Kathleen Gibson, Mrs.
Valetta Emerson.'
The financial report shOwed
expenses had been met, with a
balance on hand. New members
appointed to the Board of
Managers were Elroy Laidlaw,
Archie Purdon, Bob Mowbray
and Walter Elliott. Auditors are
Mrs. Kathleen Gibson and Bill
Versteeg, Ushers are Douglas
Ross, Bill Versteeg, Neil Rintoul,
Elroy. Laidlaw, Bill Purdon and
John de Boer. Trustees are Don-
ald Ross, John Gaunt and Wil-
liam R. Purdon.
The meeting requested that a
letter be sent from Presbytery,
asking that Lloyd Murdock be left
with Whitechurch and langAide.
A letter of thanks is to be sent to
those who printed the reports..
The meeting was adjourned by
W. R. Purden and Mr. Noble
closed with prayer.
An enjoyable pot -luck supper
preceded the annual meeting of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Wingham, on Monday,
February 4.
Rev. R. H. Armstrong showed
slides he had taken of various ac-
tivities in the church during 1973.
He suggested that the organiza-
tions of the church might like to
adopt this idea and record events
of 1974 for viewing at the next an-
nual meeting, as they proved
very interesting.
Gordon Sutcliffe was elected
secretary .of the meeting, The
minutes of the 1973 annual meet-
ing were read and approved, fol-
lowed by the review and adoption
of the reports of all departments
of the church.
It was decided that the same
three trustees remain: R. H.
Lloyd, Kenneth McKague and G.
W. Cruikshank. ' The f6llowing
members were elected to the
Board of Managers fir a three=
year term: John Cruickshank,
Mrs. hIsobel oArbuckle, William
ReedAngus Mowbray and Mrs.
Lycille Wood. John Pattison and
Ed Smyth Were elected for a` One-
year term.
A vote of appreciation was ex-
tended to the following people in
recognition of their contribution
to St. Andrew's: to „Mrs. Cleland
for her conscientious work as
church secretary; to Gordon
Leggatt for the time and "effort
givenito leading St. Andrew's Bell
Choir; to the ladies of the church
for their work in various aspects
of church activities; and to Rev.
and Mrs. Armstrong for their
leadership and Christian witness
to the congregation.
John Donaldson conducted the
financial part of the meeting,
then closed in prayer.
KEN CARTER of Bluevale shows Mrs. Helen Daugherty the set Of beer steins he won in
last week's Festival of Values draw after entering the draw at Daugherty's Pro Hard-
ware. (Staff Photo)
rr •
the church, board,
• Terry Nethery, chairman of the
nominating committee, present-
ed that report and the following
were elected to hold office for the
C0111114 year: people's warden,
Norman Cronkiright; treasurer,
Norman Rude; lay delegates to
Synod, Mrs, D. Farnell and Mra.
W. Austin; substitutes, D. Far-
nell and Mrs. James Penner;
Sunday School superintendent, D.
Farnell; vestry clerk, Mrs. W.
Lockridge; envelope secretary,
Mrs. A, Walton; chairman of
sidesmen, T. Nethery; other
board -members, Harold and Jack
King, James Penner, William
Austin, Brian Deyell. Mr. Haw-
thorn announced hs appoint-
ments of Harry ffrydges, rector's
warden, Mrs. John Hay, Elmer
Walker, James Beattie and Boris
Milosevic; auditors, A. Walton
and James Beattie.
Letters of appreciation are to
be sent to CKNX, the Advance-
TbreS and Burke Electric for the
many courtesies extended during
the year.
Mr. Hawthorn -expressed his
appreciation to all organizations
and the congregation as a whole,
for their continued efforts and ex-
cellent results achieved during
1973..Appreciation was expressed.
to Mr. Hawthorn for his spiritual
guidance and counselling during'
the past year.
In .1972 a church history was
compiledby Rev. H. Jennings, at
that time a member of the parish
but now residing in Wroxeter. At
last year's,vestry, Alvin Higgins
was historian and
during 1973 an addendum was
prepared by Mr. Higgins and
printed to enclose with the first
church history compiled. Ap-
preciation was expressed for the
excellent work done on this ad-
dendum and Higgins was
elected to carry on as church his-
The meeting adjourned, coffee
wasserved and the rector showed
few slides of events in the
:church life this past year. It was
noted that eight members; In-
cluding. the rector and hiswife, •
had *Ode& -,11*`,..:*ctelitikrce.o1i4i-,,
secration at SI Padi's Cathedral, •
London, of the former Arch-
deacon of Saugeen Deanery, now
Suffragan Bishop David Ragg.
His Episcopal Ring was* a gift
from the Deaneries of North and
South .Saugeeri. •
Bli)evcilo) Perscm is
Mr. and Ma. John K. Mad-
Tavish of Brantford, Mr. and
Mrs. a. Space McKinslOnt David
and Joan, anMrs. William Mil -
Here of Woodstock were SundaY
visitors with ,Mris. R. H. Mc-
Miss Brenda •Glotisher, RNA,
left Melton Airport last Wednell-
day on her way 40 Saskatoon
where she will be working. In
letter received by her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glousher, she
reported it is 32 degrees below
Buye to
Mr. and Mra. J. J. Elliott, Att.
tended *party at the home a Mr.
and Mrs. Al Harrison for nd
*r. a
Mr's. BrimileY KU*.
Nits. Evelyn Mu' and son
Kim and her mother, Mrs, Al.'
*nett* Muter 'of Grimsby called
on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'fall on
Congratulation* to Mr. and
Mrs.. Gordon Ruff on thebirth of a
daughter, Beverley Anne,:. in
Wingham and • iNstrict HoSpital
on January :11, a sister for Gor.
Regular Meetings
Thurs., 8.00 p.m.—Prayer Meeiing and Bible Study
Sunday, 9.30 a.m.—Breaking of Bread
11:00 a.m.—Sunday School
Adult Bible Class
Sunday Evening Service -7.30 p.m.
St. Paul s Church
and Choir Leader
Sunday, February 10
'444-.615 civilAtiotrisaptism
Thurs., Feb. 7--ACW will meet at hqme of Mrs. Alan
MaCKay,--- 1.45 p.m.
Thurs., Feb. 7 -:—Euchre party in parish hall at 8.30 p.m.
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