The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-01-03, Page 91.
101bet Land
Mount Forest 323.1780
-•CQN.IG.At SCENT Al D$ . .
Wheel l Chairs, ^^aTk , 001Tir.
n'odea, Quadruped Canes,
Bed -rests, Etc.
QPE N 9,TO 9
Mount Forest :323.1780
'Fr. Edward, tarry '
ard 01 ifount Hope spent Christ-
with Mr. and Mrs. ed *
Mr MrsMoltatt
andBrian, Mr..M.
Edith, Own* of God-
erigh were SUPPOF . el Mr.
andMrs, Bert Gland fatly
on -Boxing Day. °
and Mrs. Rick.B� of•
Guelph', • Jan E#hcQkoo,f
W,. Mr. and "Mr*,Keith
Moffatt and.farnily, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Jalmst1..n,and faMJIY,,Mr,
and Mrs., Glenn f -
ily t Phristmas.Wlth Mr. and
Mrs, Burma Moffatt.
and Mot Ja' Elliott w Mr',
and Mrs. ,Cla Mrs.
Lloyd Heng,:Mr,. Joe
Walker and family, Mr, and Mrs.
George p'iSebor, Doyle and nal,
•vin, Mira Pam Hickey and Miss
- Grace Jeffray.
,Mr.: and Mrs. Jack. Scott and
family of Newton, Mr, and Mrs,
Bob Hall and bunny of Shakes -
For competent help With yourMortgage 'Requirements
permanent or lnterirn
Builder arid Home Owner
To purchase Or renovate, to consolidate and
reduce monthly payments
160 Wallace Ave, S.,. Listowel
Open Mon. thruFri,11 a.m. to3.30 p.m.
After hours or evenings call Bill Ropp 356-2379
Pete Henderson, Kitchener, 579-5705
On behalf of residents ''and staff of Huronview, 1
would; like fp. say a heartfelt "Thank You"
y t e
of f
H ionc tY�aqd u.�in co on,.am.
H ronvl w vrn� �3eite introni?.s Qrin Ytiuait nt�r-
Iain, take part in activities with, or visit residents.
You can have no idea low much this giving of your time
and talent means to folks here. Everyone likes to _hear from
people "back .home" and for some -of our residents you aro
their only link with the old community.
Again, thank you and a Happy New Year.
C. A. Archibald,' Administrator
Are pleased to' announce a
partnership to succeed the
practice of John C. Ward, C.A.
Listowel, Ontario
Want to keep
some of your tax dollars
for yourself? You can, you' know. Sure, the
government wants your tax dollars, but they're willing to °
let you keep some for yourself if you put them into a Registered
Retirement Savings Plan. Through retirement plans registered
• under section 146 of the Income Tax Act, the government lets you
save money you'd otherwise give them in taxes. You can invest
up to 20% of your earned income, or 54,000 annually in your oWn
Plan. Or, up to $2,500 annually if you're already in a Plan to
which your employer contributes. Either way, whatever you save
in the Plan is tax-deductible.
A Great -West Life Registered Retirement Savings Plan .
is a great way to save for your retirement. And a great•►ay
to keep tax dollars for yourself. Talk to
To find out exactly how,
-an Insurance Innovator L
from Great -West Life
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Box 958,
'u:tow., Ontario
Phony: 291.3853
Mrs.4ohn 'M
haw of Toro,r and r, and
. Mrs, Jeff,
spenMrs.tib liday with Mr. and
Thorillon and Cindy.
Boxing day guests wlth Mr. and
Mra. Joe WSW and fainily were
• Mr. end Mrs. 'Jim: Wright, - Mrr.,.
mid , � -G ay, • �^^ r. .and
• 'Mr . Clarence
lo Wright,N11�+F t, . �m,,,�"
:"Mrs. � � Hem ng,. Mr. and
a... Alex Ma� a �a Rob
. sr Mk, Y . ymonT{
Wright. n
Mrs. Gordon and. ord 'T'
were Mr' and Mrs, Stanley
and Doug
of Bram .i Day guests with. the .Ruffs were
Mrs, Dorothy and .Ireae" tuff
#nd.. and Mrs. Troy Steins,
and •Lisa.
Mise Cobnie 'Mann of Toronto
and Harvey Mann of Waterloo loo
have t the� holidays tb
Rosa Mann. .�
Mr. and .Mra,. A D. Smith went
Monday spend the _holiday with
Mr. and Mrs, George Mcl144.
and fondly at Breslau ,and re-
turned home on Boxing' Pay: '
Mr, and Mrs, Keith Moffatt,'
Sandra and Greg it ' B(Czing
Day With Mrs. Moffatt's cousin,
Mr. and MI s..Eddie C of
Kincardine, - +i Mrs. Ross Mann,, Connie .Mann,
Bill Taws and Harvey Mann
spent Christer -'Day with Mit
and Mrs. John D. Mann at Clip*
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott
spent Monday and Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott and
family of Richmond Hill. They .
'returned .home, Wednesd iy and.
brought thein grandson' Robert
with them' for a 'holiday.
The Women's ,Institute will hold
the . January, ' Meeting at the
Community. Hall on Wednesday,
January 9 at 2. p.m. The roll call"
will be "Name one way in which
you think you can help a retarded
child." Mrs. Willie VanderWoude
be the speaker. All ladies are
THEE STUD .HTS, were the understudies for:themaincharacters � +� ern.:. era In the .Turnberry
Central; Schoola..concerton Wednesday oveninp They are Susan Chapman,Murrayrr
alfe tolsoassistantdirorl, KathyKathY Snell, Danny Heim, SusiePowell, 3e�bi� Sjaarde
.David Eadie and Julie Melton.
•CSthff .Photo)
:Recant o
u :�,
vinoio f',iopas d
'winners',Were: t . ar; F a
Mrs: Simon Huber, Mildmay
and Ruby Paylor, Palmerston;
Mervin Schlosser, Hanover. and
Mrs. Cruikshank, Wingham;
Mrs. Alex McMichael, Clinton
and Mrs. Sarah Anstett, Wing -
ham; Mrs. Ohm, Wingham;
Ruby Paylor, Palmerston and
Joan Robinson, Lucknow; Percy
Fischer, Listowel; Mrs.
Bellanger, Hanover and Marion
Scullion, Hanover; William Ken-
nedy, Wingham; Doug ' Felker,
Listowel and Manfred Irwin,
Gorrie; Mrs. Schlosser, 'Hanover:
and Mrs. Haugh,. Wingham
Ruby Paylor, Palmerston; Mrs,
Harold .Ritchie, Lucknow.
Share-the-wealth—Mrs. Mc-
Lennan, Lochalsh $45; Mrs.
Garniss, Wingham, $50; $25
special, Mrs. Doll, Hamilton and '
Mrs. Ohm,. Wingham. •'
Jackpot of $105 plus $10 bonus --
Mrs. Marie Hall, Mildmay; lap
card, Jack Felker, Listowel and
Mrs. Waetcher, Mildmay; door
prizes, Stewart Holloway, Wing -
ham; Barbara Tervitt, Wing -
ham; Mrs: Hammer, Listowel
and Mrs. Kaufman, Listowel.
Lucky draws—Isobel Tiffin,
Lucknow; Mrs. Bill Austin, Sea -
forth; Kaye Lobsinger, Mildmay
and Anne Sanders, Atwood; dart
game—Mrs. Garnss, Wingham
Th'e winner of the Howick
Lions' 50750 draw for December
was Mrs. Bill Austin of Seaforth,
The next bingo is Jan. 11.
ed Church.
ristmas concert
BEGRAVE. -' A large as band .numbers vocalrenditions
sembly of 'fond: parent", _.grand' andscarol singing, .
,renter. and friends Were at the
The conceY the JoolfollowedInstitutehall for the presenttion ob
of the annual Sunday School icon- by a vocal diet by Andrea
oat of Knox United Ghwrch. ott '
Coultes and Julie Gnay, Who sang
December 21. . a: `<`Thir -t o Eight .
ty w Feet and Eigh battle
Rev; John Robert$ meted as Tails". Anne Procter then�r�ecited
chairman for a fine. 'entertain -
Rev. "S. or Santa". '
rnent of choruses, huracioroue "Surprise be #_
skits,m nal r . t• t The beginner$ gave a 'finger
ogueSf rods, play in song. Clifford Coultes con-
tributed humorous monologues.
;. Marni Walith and Alison Roberts
wrote the playlet,. "A Quiet
Christmas" which was enacted
DONNYBROOK — On motion by the members of the inter-
of Mrs. Fry and Mrs. Ray Hanna ': mediate boys' and girls' class.
the slate of officers was accepted ' , Joan Higgins chose as her recite -
as. presented at the December
meeting; of the United Church
Women, held at the home of Mrs::
John Hildebrand.
Mrs. • Hilliard Jefferson and gram the Shindigs, a school band,
Mrs. Robert Jefferson were in favored with four selections.
charge of the program which . The Nixon family, John,
consisted of carols and readings.' Calvin, Glen, Marjorie and
The meeting opened with the Steven presenteda humorous skit
singing of "Joy to- the World". • Julie Gnay gave a recitation. The
Mrs. H. Jefferson gavegireading five Coolies sisters sang in their
"A Christmas Eve Thought" and usual fine style.
also led in prayer. • The junior boys acted "The Old
Other readings, were "The . Ford Car". Murray Scott' read
BlessedAssuranceof Christmas",; the account of the hazardous trip
o. Th ., ; €
Mrrse Mr,
fin ._Hubbard y {... J �� ,,,. d in
�ustde�!�f ii��� bx���,H���-�`'RT'$f?!ew"ettp'bdaicl. A di1e1N
Jefferson, "Christmas" :by by Kelly . Lougheed' ands Sheila
Pastor Fry, "The Story Forever Anderson Was sung.
Told but Forever New", by Mrs. The primary class recited "For
R. -Jefferson, "God- ;Bless Us Santa Claus Might Know".
Every One" by Mrs: Tom Arm- -A make believe bus trip with
strong, "Christmas Wants" by the junior boys was the cause. of
Mrs. H. Jefferson, and "A Christ- much amusement.
mas Prayer" by Mrs. Ray Mr. Roberts then sang amusing
Hanna. verses which he had compos
Carols were sung between the relating to a . number of persons
readings. , from the congregation.,
Mrs. Wesley Jefferson was in Choruses by the school and
charge of the business. Officers carols by all brought an enjoy -
for the coming year are as fol- able program to a close.
lows: Past president, Mrs. Wes- Santa Claus arrived and ,in his
ley Jefferson; president, Mrs. usual jovial manner presented
Ray Hanna;. first vice pres., Mrs. gifts and candy bags.
Ernest Snowden; •second vice
pres., Mrs. Hilliard' Jefferson;
secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Stuart
Chamney; -correspondent. sec:,
Mrs. Sam Thompson; press sec.,
Mrs. Charles Jefferson and Mr`s.
Wm. Hardy; stewardship, Mrs.
Margaret Leddy; flower fund,
Mrs. John. Hildebrand; supply.
Mrs. Morley Johnston; 'citizen-
ship, Mrs. Wesley Jefferson; pro-
gram committee, Mrs. ° Robert
Jefferson and Mrs. Ernest Snow -
lien, pianists, Mrs. Hilliard Jef-
ferson and Mrs. Robert Jef-
ferson; Christian education, Mrs.
Robert Jefferson; Official Board,
Mrs. Edward Robinson ; Board of
Stewards, Mrs. Tom Armstrong;
manse committee, Mrs. Murray
"Silent- Night" was sung and
Mrs. H. Jefferson closed with
prayer. Lunch was served by the Johnston and family of T'urn-
hostess assisted by Mrs. William y Tr
Hardy and Mrs. Ray Hanna. berry.
Present slate
tion "'The Red, Red Berries".
The junior'gi,ris then presented
a dialogue "Nancy Green's Good
Will". Atthis : point in the pro -
Mr. and M•
rs. Wilbert Schwich-
tenberg, Laurie and Kerry of
Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Craig and Lana, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack CoulteS,`Debbie, Kevin and
Blaine of Oakville, were Thurs-
day, night visitors with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Word was received Friday
morning that Harry Tichborne
passed away , Friday at Goderich
General Hospital. His wife was
the former Agnes Kennedy of this
vicinity. •
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McBur-
ney, Hugh and Ronald of Bel-
grave were Friday evening
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin
A COMBINED CHOIR made up of the choirs of Whitechurch Presbyterian Church,
Whitechurch United Church and Lanpside Presbyterian Church led the congregation in
carois and provided some beautiful selections for the service. Mr. the student
minister fdr,the United Church, conducted .the choir in the candlelight service at
Chalmers Presbyterian Church.ln Whitechurch ori *day, Dec. 23 (Staff Photo)
r. DOM �
Mr. and . .'�,', W
resildents were
guests on, 5a i rday,Dec
22, at the wedh wedding ..
Haskins and John Wawa In the
Gorr* 'United .
—Mr. and'M.. rs.'� k Renwick
o B , .and Mrs. Harvey,
McDermott of Or41ngeville,
and d , Jack Pitt' M Morris,
and 4' . .. Wing -
visited with Mr., and ,Mts.
`-Peds' and .MISS
k Unda_.C'a as of Detroit, fib,,,
X 1 5 v .w of the
with. r,M,flues
. Dar'i ntchael• Early ' last
� . � they lei on a tri cry
. � � the a�'arilbbesn.
The � or
h� � b—
held � December, meeting in ' Wil, andh� of
the coma chat�abia with Mrs. Scaiurlror+►. and' Glen b![adill of
z Toro'sar the of
Olive lei Chairing the meet- "
mast . � �. • e►itlr t Parent*, 'Mr, '
ung, Mrs. Ethel Day acted as ,sec- . and ' , Frp�nk Madill ' . ,}
The new `.af#ic will;: be in"
stalled at the January meeting. A Meas Laura Collar, v ►ho' has
motion was•passed that the naime been, �1 : -
of . t�' president Russell .Mac- - reel, a rived home eta ;Saturday,
. lecaem
tuber .� nod' �,
><e anent ��- ' Wil
Kers be placed u>< the Book Qf '
Remembrance at the Sema °, c?aa at the home of 'her br er;, Mr
Citizens headquarters ut Toron Frank: Collar, Others' celebrating
This was. a' mark of .a ' recaatron ' >at 'the ' same 'homeN
�'Were`.. and 1. 'Bryan run..'.
for hisAleep interest in the:Wing, ,
ham organization.. A minute of 11411, ;$,2.70_ Marailya Collar of -
was also observed. Win , Raymond Neill
A number of members showed of Wingham, 1 ..and Mrs, El- Mrs
their willingness to become Star. more ;Young and: Paul of :New
Members at a cost of an extra Sam, Mr• and Mm. Dry -
dollar ayear. Mrs. Milers was the d; Steven and Drivid of Mks-
sissauga and . Donald Collar• •of
cow�' ever of the program �=com= .
mince. Toronto.
—teanbers of Henderson,'
The Robertson sisters of Blue- the ettderaon-`
vale delighted spectators' ' with family: gathered at the :home :of •tore)
some dance numbers and the two Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henderson, Ed -
and piano numbers by Mrs. ward Street, for the Christmas :
Steven Sailows 'were much en- holiday:. Present for the occasion Pt
joyed. The reading, "Tommy at were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haider:. --
the Show", by Miss Lavonne Bal- son Jr. and family, home fro* .' and
lagh kept the audience laughing. the Salvation Army Training Col.
Nine ladies in costume presented lege, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Dave
a Christmas Star Drill and 'sang McCullough , and sons of songs. Lunch was then ' Goderidi; Mr. and Mrs. Jack
served. .Henderson and Mr. and -Mrs.
The hostesses for January are Andrew Rodger and . their
Alma Jardine, Margaret ,Haast ..families, aall of. .town• Family D
ings,.: ltettie a:Hastings, lEthelti d me n�: , Toro •_ .;n
Holmes; Myrtle Johnston' ° fano ip4whaaitild nat►=bei a for ri#rh
Nellie Gannett. mas, telephoned - their good
with Mr. and Mrs.' 'a l
Edward Street.
. and Mrs. Tem
end family of
Mrs,' Ray Walker
town *Pent Boning
went*, r. imd Mrs. Gordan
Water, ,rags
� .. Tein. Parker
etmas with
M her-
! f�� Creek
ahood and Darren returned
, }�� 'home later Ili
the week.week.and spent a day M
liTingham. S '
—Guestsof . and Mrs. Keith
week, were Miss Meta
lm Gam, Joe liciatvg filo
of Sarnia, Miss Margaret 1k -
Laughlin Hamilton and Tit
McLaughlin.; of t...
-Mr. aund Mrs. Wayne -Woods, `
stud., Shelley.'of Pembroke
returned lFriday after
spending a week wither at
the home .of ter per, Mrs.
ter Woods, Wingham, and
, `` Mrs. Robert Moffat,
�-oag 'Day at;the
home .of Mr.' and Rowland
hers of their faetnily, h1'r. awl,
Qaude , Ron and.
syn. olf` ira, Feil Bronson
of Victoria, Bk., Mr.and Mra.,
John lark, dory and seven
—Guests over
the 'home Mrs.
J��ohn� .:
Prescott, Mr. and lam, Barri
Pickford off Tonto, •Mr. and
Mrs.:, •; in
f -` •es,�al of
`.'•Members of the la
tette of St'; Andr's
terian Church, Mrs.
Richardson, Mrs. Edo Beard,' -
Murray 'Underwood,;
Day and.,.`
• • * ' —A pew in St. Andrew's •
e �� • � e e rbYtert
Murch1><as eta►,Giofi n� o f white efts: ted nchurch-has
ry ofM�ss.Jiplert
MacEwen, by her• mother. A
feature o f� service plateMacEwaen's
name, has been, placed • on the
'BELGRAVE — White Gift'Sun-
day was observed in Knox United
Church on' Sunday, December 16,
with Rev. John 'Roberts conduct-
ing -the service. •
Three members of the 'boys'
and girls' 'Intermediate class,
Joanne Coultes, Marni Walsh and
Joanne McArter , read passages
relating to the Christmas story.
The envelope °contributions,
which this year are being donated
to the "NeW Tribes Mission",
carol service •
BELGRAVE — The United
Church was filled to capacity on
Sunday evening for a candlelight
carol service.
The children of the Sunday
School, the Hi -C group and a
choir made up of members from
all churches. in the community
formed a processional and enter-
ed the church singing, "Silent
Night". ,
The service consisted of carols,
scripture readings and special
choir numbers. Rev. John G. Ro-
berts led in prayer. The scrip-
tures were read by Harold Vin-
cent, Mrs. Glenn Coultes, Mrs.
'George Procter, Barbara
Muilwyk, Mrs. Gordon Bosman,
Dale Lougheed and Gilbert Bee-
The Sunday School choir sang,
"A Rocking Carol",- the Hi -C
members sang, "Go Tell It on the
Mountain", accompanied by
guitar music and the adult choir
sang "What Child Is This?" and
"The Coventry Carol" This carol
service was planned and directed
by the organist and choir leader,
Mrs. Linda Lent' and Rev. John
--Christ as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Pere slick, Carling Ter-
race, were Mr. and Mrs. Reg Mc-
Elrea and family of RR 6,
Guelph, and Mr. and Mil.
Stirling McElrea and family of
-Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heughan
spent Christmas week with their
son, Jim, and family in Toronto,
On December 27 their daughter,
Mrs. 0. C. Gorrell of Port Credit,
entertained at a family dinner in
honor of her parents' 62nd wed-
ding anniversary.
located ,near Durham, Ontario,
• were collected in , two. small
decorated baskets by Mark
Taylor and Howard Roberts.
Mr. Roberts., spoke: mainly to
the meinber°s of the school who
were seated in the front pews. His
remarks referred to the sign- „
'ficance of the star which the wise
men followed and related it to the
present day comet which may be
seen any morning, now.' "Christ-
mas is a time of expectation for
both children and adults", he
said. The children were request-
ed to sing "Away in :a Manger".
-Using a farthing as an example
of small money, which he
showed, he referred to the Scrip-
ture passage of the woman giving
all she owned. -"White Gift are
used so all gifts appear equal,.
whether a farthing or a fifty -
pound note", he explained.
"Each of us must give his -all,
money, time or talent."
The choir sang an appropriate
Christmas anthem accompanied
.by the organist, Mrs,. Linda
Lentz. The service was much ap-
preciated by the congregation.
,bedroom, quality -built homes,
in quiet residential area in
'Wingham.Living, dining, bed-
rooms have wall-to-wall car-
pet. Spacious kitchen with
breakfast area and gorgeous'
cabinets. One home includes
extra large garage with
basement entrance,' patio
doors from dining room onto
sundeck, Master bedroom
with en -suite washroom and
shower. Exterior of homes,
claybrick and angel stone.
MORTGAGE only 93/4 per
cent. Homes available imtne-
diately Selling for 1973 prices.