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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-10-04, Page 22
owniobilos used to pbxnt ft Every vw-i ter 00 ' 40-4-44 snowmobile revolutionised Wariesticc-Jisiii5g b, providing East, economical 4ausPortation. vrildar rss TAIxes =ey acc-Cie oy to 010 oa sew: of to Sid -ply - e, �wR £'mow vec, that the snow F4actioe has also revolu- tionized a olu-do `sized the very fish planting procedures that wake much of the excellent ice-fishing ti fro+ t the province, the Ontario Alinistry of Nattual Itesourqwa'bs b Wing, ims,04-1 hatchery fish Q matey. trout }fTq dozes€soffl lama *fore the ail r nt of the s wro i'Jte, winter fish plantings weft carried out by such mead as costly'helicopters, sld nipped fix ?. mg, aircraft and fogrAiteel-drive. vehicle. shineowto m the snow. Brighten up your meter wardrobe, and go in snow or cold with a fresh, bright, colorful look. Net count on our delightfully dependable dry cleaning service R , for spotless perfection. Fast results, too. WINGIIAM mitt CLANERS "Pick Up And Delivery" -35'D L. 1AfINGHAM Mer .ury , introduces. a � warranty. so complete �° we challenge you to find a better one. For any snowmobile. Anywhere. For one,fult. year, we cover everythin ,ion our new sleds against defects. And we mean everything right,' ' down to ,the. Spark " 1, 9 h�`� ::I�. k plugs, 'How � earl,: we do it? cause.rweY; buRi 1 t' f a►�+ y'1°0h:sleds.. Sledscoo a Hit P',f(9)66t r 9a, k. .,��n �c ra���l(DIe, � , .�:'fft :f?'101i :Corn are the 7.4, .r..` pa ._ the �lte es.wtth any Others. The, Hurricane hdnrk ,11. -The 4440 Max :or they sll new 440 ,S -R ,.Snow Twister, We challenge, You to�find ark; mdchine:with their total, toughness....their total rforrtance. And as: great a, warranty -to back them.1Seee' you - rcur,. - dealer' to - A Tt1lTON, MOTOR SALES HWY. 86 - BLUEVALE - 357-3029 A. C.'SMITH.SPORTS DIVISION R.R. 2, LISTOWEL - 291-3810. (.OOOOP Cb OVA Rg0RRDDDp wAi 11 A Dear.lir G Estod: „ r roma you f'oryoiur, Invitation to. tribute tolow' special ,a/�il~1ol tai Go•Snow )44- westernOntario". We :have .sewal publication* itwdedtoassist luproviding the public with information on Misliiky,of Natural Resources ,policy s. regarding wmobiling as a legitimate outer activity. They are as follows: "The Game awl Fri Act" laas several sectionsthat dean with the tle initiotw' of hunting that relate to followi»g game tracks etc. that >s wmob4e have done In the pat. It also includes sec- -them dealing kith chasing animus from vemeaea and carry ing loaded firearms etc., in vela - of which. snowmobiles are considered. "Forest Recreation" is a pictorial essay of what sort of re- er . ation pursuits are available within Crowd Land and agree- ment forests. Snow! . obiling obviously is: one of these legit timate forms of recreation. "Winter Recreation On Publle Lands" is a publication intended to describe the facilities available on conservation areas, park commission .areas, pro - vinyls' parks, agreementforests, wildlife management areas, recreation' areas, and other Crown 'Lands. These three publications are available 'Through _ our Wingham Office for those who are interest- ed in receiving a copy, and they are free. A further publication put out by us at a cost of 50 cents is "Planta- tion Management". In the chapter concerning man's ac- tivity, we do .comment on the effects that snowmobilmg can have on the growth of . young trees. In summary, our District policy concerning snowmobile's is as. follows: - • Snowmobiling is 'a legitimate form of winter' recreation; however, like all forms ofrecrea- tion 'it does require certain limitations which have' not been fullyaccepted by the public using snowmobiles. The form, of Control applied by the. PhrOvincial Gov- eminent in general 'NWdepend on the extent and type of adverse affects that snowmobiles have: For our' own part, we are' con- cerned that, trespassing snowmb- bilers may be confused with tres- passing;, hunters . and adversely criticized. We are Concerned ,at the disturbance of ' deerr adin Y ,.. S areas, of dales a t©",trees and of the possible entry 0,f pollutants R into natural:streaims because of snowmobiling. Over the next few years: and as. soon as we can make proper plans, we expect to have snow, mobile°trails within the Wingham District.. These will be areas which can, because of the soil type and vegittation types, wltiatand heavy'pressures that snowmobiles have on natural systems. This legitimate form of receration will be purposely directed away from unique areas that we feel should be protected from disturbance of this nature. At present we expect no more controls than that. It is the future use of these snowmobilers by the public which will determine if additional restrictions must be placed on them, and I think; you will agree that any of the restrictions that we are interested in placing on snowmobiling at present are very legitimate and are the concerns of good snowmobilers presently. Yours truly, W. Dan Mansell, Wingham Dist, Manager. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resourses. RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT Loren McFadgen, director of the ski school at Talisman, Ont., was recently re-elected for another two-year term as presi- dent of the Canadian Ski In- structors' Alliance. EAT 4DVSWEAI SALE Complete Sellout of Boys' Wear Sues 14, 16 and 18 1/2 PRICE OR LESS )Still a good stock of boys° Sweaters and Jackets SALE CONTINUES UNTIL STOCK RUNS OUT MAIN STREET MOUNT FOREST KEYS FOR FIRST SKI -:DOS- g ,_ Eu enc, Ditner of RR 1, 'Formosa receiveS the'keys for the first 1974 Ski-doo snowmobile sold by. Lynn Hoy Enterprises of Wingham Lynn Hoy made the pres"entation at the recent official Opening of hi new location on Hwy, , i 6,' just east of Wingham. --r for real Frostbite? here's.ah.iiit. • Numbness or white spots'. on exposed areas of ,skin in the •• ...,.■ w s ; wr �w winteroutdoors could mean New snowmobilers in Ontario : the Ontario Ministryof Natural . this: winter will find instant cam- :' Resources to accotnino ' to some ,, . � oda araderie by . u ng ' in the' sett; of the snowmobilers . who prefer vities � rr 4 anyI Of of the'rovinces this kind,of prepared an eed:an a'ke d more than 100 snowmobile clubs:— iraildvelopment.� i ContedLw,th one af�theclebsarelocated in areas �reiatively offers the best way to get ac- heavy anew cover. and are quainted with the splendor of the :-established to supplement the province's winter wilderness trails developed . in provincial areas and reach prime ice -fishing -parks and more than 1,000 other spots' available only to the snow- trails marked, by snowmobile mobiles. clubbss, winter resorts and d private Club members. are always landowners. happy to "adopt" newcomers or For those who don't have the visitors and make them aware of time or inclination for an over- local regulations about the .night trip, 'how about a day's machines, offer them safe, circuitous jaunt broken at Mid - marked trails, and invitations day by a simple cookout• overa- to join in regular club outings. hearty, crackling fire. It doesn't The snowmobile has conquered take muchof a pack. to carry a bush country that in other years few hotdogs, and some hot choc- was unexplorable. Snow in On- elate — or anything else front tario's back country is usually too sandwiches to the makings of a deep for boots, too remote for shish-ka-bob. snowshoes and often too rugged Don't forget the, children on* or forested for a light plane on these excursions. Many snow - skis. mobile manufacturers have now With the back -to -nature trend put on the market light weight, extending through the winter for durable sleds easily capable of More and more people: each year holding a couple of youngsters since the snowmobile came on when towed behind a machine, the scene, the hardier souls will ' Snowmobilers in Ontario find the answer to weekend should be aware of some of the doldrums with • a truly ad -laws before heading out this venturous camping trip in the winter. ` snow. snowmobilers must report any It's really quite easy to cavort collision on or off the highway in the snow all day, miles from which involved personal injury or the nearest road or habitation, damage exceeding $200 to pro - then camp overnight in a perty other than that of the owner sheltered nook and continue with or driver. 31 the fun for another day or more. .The driver of a snowmobile The bulky equipment and the must. hold a driver's license to slugging formerly associated take his machine on highways with winter camping have been where snowmobile operation is eliminated with the new light- permitted and the owner of a weight tents and freeze-dried snowmobile is to be held re - foods. Down -filled sleeping bags sponsible for any infractions are the order of the day while the committed by persons using his tiny gas -operated stoves now on machine -- this owner re - the market can handle anything sponsibility is in addition to that from boiling coffee water to pre- of the operator. paring a full steak dinner from a compact envelope. ALMOST 100 PARKS Snowmobiling is permitted in all but i3 of Ontario's more than 100 provincial parks. In 15 of these, snowmobiling is restricted to designated and marked trails and in the remainder, machines are permitted on existing park roads or other specially des- ignated and marked areas. Moreover, three Ontario parks offer special facilities for winter campers. The three — Arrow- head, Sibbald Point and Pinery — have been set up to accommodate the winter devotee. Provided throughout the winter at the parks are snowplowed roads and campsites, heated washrooms with hot water, fuel wood, gar- bage disposal and drinking water. OvernighT campers in the 'parks are required to pay a fee while those entering for a day only are assessed a reduced charge. A number of trails have been established on Crown lands by HERE'S $1o.00 Toward'the purchase price of your 1974 rnoto•ski SNOWMOBILE when presented at POWER LAWN MOWER CENTRE RR 3, HARRISTON one mile south of° Harriston on Hwy. 9 338-3616 Corne over and see m o•ski frostbite. Cover the affected area snugly, get indoors as quickly as . .' - sable> wraphe area m a warm .: el$ th1iQr,Kas4ak yfiter or . r 0 sllus� �. f e. t wa nilz returns, Avoid ov r - er, handling affected'area, and do not use extreme heat on it. Amp 7" THE ONE STOP FOR ALL YOUR SNOWMO$ILE NEEDS $uii ot:, Oi! f H.Im.ts, Goggles and Repair Kits AT YOUR FRIENDLY.CO-OP NORTH WELLINGTON CO-OP Opan days a wookS: ,o a.m, to S:3I p.r1t, Friday nights until t:110p.M. MAIN STREET • MOUNT FOREST THE STORE IN MOUNT FOREST WITH EVERYTH1NG PRICESQUOTE DON, UNIFORMS ' FOR ALL SPORTS 'E (TRA SPECIAL'TEAM DISCOUNTS EXCLUSIVE ADIDAS S DEALER MSM Gv;+w4i , MAIN, STREET 3234050 HARRIStbN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Skiin.'for t ;+ who.I SAT. AND SUN. - 10:30 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. WED., FRI. AND SAT. - 7:30 P.M. TO 10:30 P.M. -UNDER LIGHTS ,ASK ABOUT SPECIAL SEASON RATES —TICKETS FOR FAMILIES OR CLUBS RENTAL .OF CLUB FACILITIES FOR SKIING, ...TOBOGGANING OR SNOWMOBILING PARTIES SLOPES THE WHOLE FAMILY CAN USE AND ENJOY . -"-NOVICES TO EXPERIEN4ED SKIERS '180 FT. ELEVATION -800 TO 1,500 FT. DOWNHILL —ONE OPEN SLOPE, FIVE BUSH RUNS ---97 ACRES FOR CROSS COUNTRY SKIING —750 FT. MODERN 2iSTAGE ELECTRIC TOW LIFT FEES, EQUIPMENT& RENTAL. Under 12 Years 12 years and over Season Membership Wood Skis Rental Metal Skis Rental Boots Poles (deposit required) 43 o ®0(I, SMINTOOLEN G 0. $2.00 THE LODGE $2.50 A New Facility includes Ski and $40..00 Snowmobile rental area, refreshment $2.50 stand, washrooms and lockers. $3.50 A massive stone fireplace and. spiral $1.00 staircase leads to huge warm-up apres 50 cents ski area with another fireplace and i panoramic view of ski runs. 89 TO MT. POR esT EUARRIUT»I»i ‘,10146141jA el 10 ostovim' TO' Ai TlUR MINTO GLEN SKi CLUB Box 248, Harriston, NOG 120 PHONE (519) 330-2007' IF NO ANSWER (519) 338-2722 OE HAPPY AND HEALTHY COME AND SKI tip 0 1