The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-05-17, Page 6ber
i attc•
at Blyth. L �a�-
' ' Blyth. Kimber -
went to the home of her
and ;rents, Mr. and Mra.
ek of Belgreve tram
she expected to return
on'Sunday.Victor Emerson'
aleo accompanied Brian to the
Ole, Victor and Russel were .for-
ly farmers in the Lairs
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Smith Of
Ma richam, were Sunday visitors,
with: Mr. and Mrs, Russel Chap-,
. Mr„ Smith and.Mrs. Chap,
man; Are brother and sister,
Mr. and Mrs, Clapnien on
Monday were. at Russeldaie
where Mrs. Chapman remained
to visit a week with Mr, and Mra.
Rosa Smith Arid fily.
Mrs. Earl ,Caslick on Sunday
accompanied Mr, and Mrs, 'Wil-
W ,,ford Caslick of Wingham to Loa'
don where their grandson' Scott,
son of Mr. and Mrs, Brian Cas-
lick, -was christened.
Mr. and Ifts.,Dan. Tiffin, Mrs.
Ethel. Stewart. of Windham and
Mrs, Orville Tiffin spent Sunday
with the former's daughter, Miss
Joyce Tiffin :of London Barry
Tiffin of Kitchener also spent
Sunday with them:
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Coultes,
Debbie, Kevin and Blaine of Oak -
were weekend visitors -With
their parennts, Mr, and Mrs, ••Al-
bert• Court, and Mr. and Mrs;
Mervyn Pipe of Brussels, •
`Mr; and Mrs! AlexCraig •and
tanawerkSaturdaY.visitors with
her sister, Mrs', 'e bur: Sehwieh-
•tenburg, Mr. { .Schwicbtenburg,
laiori and Kerry oL port EI
Mr. . and , Hector Purdon
and RaYmend of St> athroy.Pent
the, weekend .A with his. ,
mrs,EM.; mon and Mr.'sad
t Mowbray.
visitors with .Mr. and
Alan. : Falco r and Ty
were his parents, Mr., and Mrs.
Ani, Falconer and Kevin of
Strathror and Mr. and Mina,, P.
Donnelly and 644eja of Streets-
villeR '
Mr. and. MS. Herb Hunter and
Trevor of Login spent the week-
eekend with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Wallace Conn, and attended•
the relative shower at the home
o Mrs`; Wilford Caslick for Miss
Joyce Coultes, lade -to -be,
On; Tuesday last Mrs. J. Kirkk-
patrick of Ripley, Bruce South
District President, and Mrs. Vic-
tor Emersonattended Bruce
centre district" annual at. South-
ampton where 100 attended the
Sessions, Victor Emerson visited
with J. Kirkpatrick and other
friends in Ripley.
Walter Scott is a patient in Vic-
toria Hospital, London.
Mere was much activity at the
homes of Mr, and Mrs. Ben Mc-
Clenaghan and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
McClenaghan last • week. On
Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Moss of Plattsville visited with
them. On Friday Mr. and Mrs.
Jinn McIntyre and Mary Beth of
Sudbury arrived and remained
until Sunday. On Saturday Mr.
and Mrs. McIntyre and Mr. and,
Mrs. Carl McClenaghan attended
the Moss -McCartney wedding
reception at Ayr.
While Mrs. Earl Caslick was
attending her great-grandson's
christening at London on Sunday,
twomore r of her great-grand-
children, Michael, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Rae ;:.Lewis,. and Tiffany,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Miller of Hamilton, were
christened at. St. Andrew's,Pres-
byterian Church, Wingham.
Chew 11•010
ergufh : Aspergum's.
,nedical/y.r rognitrd pain"ielier$r
effectiv ly soothes the Sorest
,throne And it'ssf) easytotake,
.childreielikaittog. ForsoothinQ,
relief front a sore t root, ;
Aspergum' Ghetry.or
, spergu,m Orange ltherp
"tri►, the ,cOunclt' rt`'. t
de�rnnt ' the municipality' to rid ti'r per'
au junk and other j
. .
In Mrd to fiKilltate this proveth l! tern trt
will pick up refuse on May 24 insteadf ,y` 17. i
citizens With. mhos* to be mowed are. + .
It on the street for removal' not earlier th rt.
iy rfning pri4001daypI ► ►
F. E. Madill Secondary S4iooItaf4feriO
Guest Speaker_-
Macy: Allan and Greer Wylie
werein Toronto over the•weekend
to attendthe gathering honoring
Rev GeorgeVtylie onhis retire- •
ment after serving as pastor: of
the Walmstead United Church,
Scarborough,.. for the past 13
.years. Mr. Wylie is a native . of
Gorrie.and a son of the late Mr. '.
and, Mrs. John' Wylie.
A RED LETTER DAY in,the lives of members of the Triple
V Bible Class was the Sunday in November 1932 when they
assembled for this photograph, Seated are Morris` Christie,
Jack Herd, George Mason, Fred Howson, Alvin Procter, ,:R
Kenneth Lott, Harold Wild, DeWitt Miller, Bert Mitchell,..
Jim Nichol, G. W. Tiffin and Ken Lee. Among the group be- °
hind are Frank Field, Bruce Campbell, 'Elgin Coutts, Char-
lie Johnston, Ted Elliott, Frank Howson, E. S. Copeland,
Henry Jenson, Norman. Hall, Joe Clark, Fred Saint, Charlie:
Finley, Clifford Hetherington, Gordon Ard, Harold Skeid-
Big reunion pianned
ing, Jack Baker, Hec-tor. Hamilton,: Wilfred Mcf=ddklerr,
Marvin Browns, Bill Cruikshank,, l'tarold 'Ga '.lick, 'Norris
E I I iott, Gordon Buchanan, Chester • Stewart; Jack :Cook,.
Carl McKay,: Arnold Vint, Alvin Smith, rtarold• Finley,
"Tapper'.' Grey, Clifford Taman, T. W. Platt, Victor Show-
ers, Leonard James, Bert Isard, A. H. Wilford, Harold
Buchanan, Arthur Stokes, David Finley, Charlie. Mason,
Frank Collar, Harrry Angus and Fred McGee. There are
others who could not be named. •
Open to' Public a! 7:30
for speaker and awards.
r ti
Fathers +tkckets at the 'door
orfrom coach orManager
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Who's Who of Western 'Ontario ' " sented many programs at other •
A group •of ,Wingham men are, . Among these were Dr. R. C. Red- • $, churches, sponsored the presen
goings to turn -back. the :clock so, mond, Abner Cosens, Dr, R. E, `°" tation of dramatic offerings in the
that ,for a brief time, they.* and. Stewart, George Smith, Dr• town hall and the appearance in
many, others: now'llivingu'-in ;other George Ross, Mayor W. H. Willis,
'communities, :rna-. : relive q the. J. Harley Crawford, A. H. •Mus -
, y
days,,some still! remember with -grove; J. R. M. Spm
much. pleasure . - • ,-. • Lapp, Arthur. Graytori;•`
, In 1931 when,: Sunday: Schools French and a host of o
met in the afternoon and mem- nected with other ch
bership was almost „equally di- municipal bodies.
vided. between lite boys and the One of the first
girls, many • churches, encoun- Triple V'executive1 sh .,progr
about the bOys after they; reached - In form the asis.!r Th Irecort`'occupy aof Triple V accom-
Wingham of several noted in the
musical' and entertainment field.
:Pa'` `Acress'xt re''i ll, Mary,
o Slow and other_plays were
l by dramatic groups of
. Sacred concerts were
gular part of each year's
of entertainment,
es andprese
� t
over' of, the , also
o,p i
tered the problem` °of what to - do. a•class paper on a
-' plishments,pler a nine-year span
_ status - young Manhood. ould':;great , deal of
Wingham United Church came serious articles designed to keep ,sPak-
ec ,andgeach.acco�unt. would up with' an. answer, as did others interest high in -data activities.Beall time and :time again what"
in Toronto and., other places with DeWitt Miller was the first editor Nths group meant to. the comma -
the formation of a young men's and served several years o be • ,rty, and its young .men, In 1940
Bible class to offer: arplace Where
followed by Ken Lee. A feature of when many of them! had left
they><'eould meet,; gain thetadvan- The Headlight was the run of car- eWingham to fight in the war
Mage of a leader whose thinking toons by Harold Wild: winch Was .to. end all wars and
was geared to the times main- Mr. Wild has abound collection bring freedom to all, the Triple V
tain an affiliation with a church of the newspaper from 1933 also a sass ceased.
and plan and carry out activities photograph showing about 70
of interest to themselves and the members of the class grouped on • Class Creed
community. the church steps. A poem by the Canadian
This was the beginning of the Reunion Planned .poetess Wilhelmina Stitch was
Triple V Bible Class, to grow and This fall a reunion is planned adopted by the class as its creed
fill a need when economic condi" which,, is hoped, will bring to -'and aptly describes the reason
tions were such as to almost gether More than 100 omen and for' the formation of Triple V and
leave some without hope or an in- Mr. Wild's collection and photo- much of its su cess.
centive to try and accomplish graph will help them relive those Howeverr humble be my allotted\
something worthwhile. The pleasant times. • . task
original six members were Fred Anyone with information of the two do it gladly and' with all my
Howson, DeWitt Miller, Alvin present address of members who
Procter, Bill Cruikshank, no longer live in Wingham is
'Leonard James and George asked to advise Harold Wild so
Mason. invitations might go out to them
Sunday School Superintendent \to attend the reunion.
Frank Howson discussed the Mr. Wild, having held the posi-
need for such an organization tion of treasurer of the class, has
with the church board which a record of many members but
agreed to release the junior teen- lacks. their present addresses.
age boys teacher, Ed S. Copeland, In those early years, a choir
so he could assume leadership of was formed under the leadership
the new group and Harold Gar- of Jack Herd and among the solo-
Never despise it, never try to
Sita find in it great prideand keen
And crowt n it with that dig-
make of it a worthy enter-
To .make myself efficient to sue-
', teed
lick was named assistant leader. ists were Jack Reavie, Arnoh' 1o: •reap my share_ of just and,
"Via Veritas Tiva" Henry, Gordon Buchanan, Carl a .proper gain, •
What's in a : name? An old- McKay, Dave Fortune, 'Gordon 'Then may t help another in his
world language provided one Leggatt and Frank Collar. It is heed,
which was adopted without ques- hoped -that some of these and Never to"whisper with the lips of
tion. From the Latin "Via Veritas choir members can be assembled ;,; .Cain
Vita", translated "I am the way, again with the thought they might Am I my brother's keeper?
the truth and the life" was built contribute musical numbers at gut to seek of. my freewill
the foundation upon which more the reunion. The needy and the weak.
than 150 young men through the The Triple V Bible Class pre- Triple V officers in 1933 were
years held onto theiir Christian
beliefs with their activities prov-
ing to be an asset to Wingham. Guests attend ACW meeting'
Such a group and its aims just FOfi,DWICH -- The May meet -
had to beconle inter-denomina- ing of Anglican- Church Women
tional and the invitation went out was held in the church Thursday
to all young men no longer affi- evening. Guests were present
listed with a Sunday School to from St. Paul's Anglican Church,
join, but with one'pi'oviso; Should Wingham, St. Stephen's Angli-
their own church or Sunday can, Gorrie, the United Church,
School form a young men's class, Fordwich and the United Church
they would be expected to with- at Kurtzville.
draw from the Triple V and sup- The president, Mrs. Pat Daunt,
port with their active member- presided and opened with a hymn
ship the organization of their own after which Mrs. Emmerson
church.,Ferguson gave devotions on the
Because of thiel, the Trile V "parable of a young woman" and
became the forerunner of classes she also read a poem on Mother's
in other churches Where done had Day.
previously existed. The guest speaker, Mrs. Lloy
Many Speakers McFadden of Kitchenet, past
In addition to the, weekly ad- president of ACW of the Diocese,
dresses by the leaders, Mt. How- was assisted by Mrs. Patty Car-
son and Mr. Garlick, the Bible ,utile who , is chairman of the
Class had many special speakers Board of Education. Slides were
who Could be considered the shown on the work done among
the Indians at Keewatin, Kenora
and Lardubonett. The Bishop of
this district is Rev. Stiff. Both of
these ladies went to this district
and worked with these people.
Mrs. Doug Bunker thanked the
speaker and presented her with a
The next meeting will be June
31st when the men will be guests
antra barbecue will be held at the
hcineof Mr. and,Mrs. W. Sothern.
The ladies will also be enjoying
their bus trip June 14th to
Ken Lott, president; Alvin
Procter, . vice pres.; Fred How-
son, secretary;. George ::Mason,
treasurer. In 1934, DeWitt Miller,
Pres.; Bert Mitchell, vice pres.;
Joe Tiffin, secretary;:and Harold
Wild, treasurer.' x 1935, h ack ht
Herd, 'DeWitt' Miller, Dan fillies
and Harold Wild; 1936, `Frank
Collar, Herb Fuller, Howard
Bedford, H. Wild; 1937,' H. Wild,
DeWitt -Miller, Frank Collar. and
Bert Mitchell:
Time cannot.stand still and
many who were members .of
Triple V cannot return and others
may not be able, but ; for those
who do attend the' planned 're-
union it will: be a day of renewed
friendships and they will agree; it
is worthwhile to "Turn,Back the
Clock", even if it is only for a, few
.XVir. and Mrs. Herb Fuller of
1.4o&5 Head visited with Mrs.
Fred puller on Mother's bay and
attended serviees at the United
Chti'oh, where Mr. and Mrs. Jon
Bateson's baby was christened.
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