The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-05-10, Page 9Teachers and others owed*
In t ,fid of education t this
t wd inToilxItoto attend
10th annual Meeting
-Terence a the
tion for ° Teachers of Retarded;
Tboze attending, frotn the
Golden CirclenSchool, IN/1;01AT,
were Mrs.Florence movie, prin-
cipal, Mrs. Connie Kilpatrick, :es-
Sista*,NM Audrey 140wis and
Mrs. Gwen Caesar, beriiers.
''fie theme of the conference,
`The .M Becomes What It.'Does
",. was Parlic?illarly planne'd
to appeal to parents :end the
,general public aswell as ;to
teachers directly involved in the
educational process of excep-
tional children.
INS Ingo r1.!
Michail tom:
rout of the
►ere w ed by
session before
Noir.sang the ant
"He Touched Me", and seripttarescripture
as read by Velma Loilttit.
Rev. O. W. Sach spm en, "A
:`Public Confession of Faith i
C�hristt""y..He.expilyaiined to,the a�,�({
a-jr member at the first step,,, was
to accept Fist, "The feeling of
acceptance should grow,' be
said, "and you said feel that.
• .God has, a special job, for you. to
do. You have fulfilled. the Vows
• madeby Your pa rents t baptism,
and you can now instruct others."
Mr. Sach also stressed the 'iim,
portance of Bible study; he said
the Bible is old but it' bthe
human mind into revelatio , with
In closing, Mr. Sach said, "The
things that give, meaning to life
are who God is, who we are and
what God has done for us. We
ought to and serve our
Heavenly Father."
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MEMBERS QF THE LIBRARY CLUB at Wingham Public'School, Debbie Foxton and
Patricia Hoggart perform their duties at the close of the school day as assistant
librarians. (Staff Photo)
Too many mouths to
topic of WMS meetin
Bridal shower onfirmatjon
The regular meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church was held on Tuesday of
last week. The president, Mrs.
Robert Armstrong, opened with
the reading of a poem, followed
by the hymn, "Now thank we all
our God".
The scripture reading from.
Matthew 25:31-46 and the medita-
tion, "Tl a Beauty of Giving to
Others", were taken by Miss
Myrtle Deans..In this parable of
the last. judgment Jesus sought to
bring back to the minds of His
disciples the commands •of love
and charity, to be something
really meaningful, as God had in-
tended them to be. The disciples
realized that to minister to one of
the least would be :ministering to
Jesus. As Christians, we should
rejoice, that although it was not
,our ego
+e ranch art;
serve Him through our ministry.
to the sinful, suffering, needy,
sorrowful and afflicted on earth
today. May we always be ready
to help others. • -
Mrs. Willis Lapp led the
meeting in prayer. The minutes
were read by the secretary, Mrs.
Gordon Wall, and a total of 68
visits by members was°rec-orded.
The correspondence was read
and arrangements made for the
Presbyterial meeting to be held
in Molesworth on May 28 com-
mencing at 2 p.m. Rev. George
Cunningham of Evangel Hall will
be the guest speaker.
Mrs. William Ford gave a brief
talk on. ``India and Stringed In-
struments" and played a selec-
tion of Indian music on the piano
while offerin4 was received. Mrs.
Gordon Francis gave the offer-
tory prayer.
Mrs. Ford then presented the
topic, "Tog Many Mouths to
Feed", as she vividly portrayed
conditions in portions of India to-
day. As India has one-sixth of the
world's population, the finding of
food is a major problem. In the
Punjab in north-western India
"The Green Revolution" has\
been going on for ten years. Irri-
gation practised, and use of
chemical fertilizers have result-
ed in a miraculous chapge in pro-
duction.. Methods of threshing
have been improved, using trac-
tors or diesel engines. Students
are ' taught at the universe'
where they . are instructed 111'
various` kinds of study related to
agriculture. After independence
in 1947 most of the food bad to be..
importedbecause of small, pro-
duction and a.large population. In
23 years, India has almost
doubled its,output and in 1972 had
almost reached the stage of suffi+:
cient production for its own use.'
The region of Maharashtra lags;
behind in irrigation.
Manufacturing and the par-
chasing power of the farmer in �s�e �► 0
India have increased.
Bhoodan Movement has helped to ; New officers of the ' Catholic
improve conditions by the rich '.' !Women's League took over their
landowners sharing with .the .. duties at their regular meeting,
poor. Besides a food shortage `held in the parish hall, after
A bridal shower was held fdr
Miss Gayle Mdzey at the home of
'Nancy Clarke, Wroxeter, on April
7. She received many lovely
gifts. Gayle thanked her friends
for the shower. s
Mrs. George Mazey of Toronto,
i 'the bride's mother, and the
groom's mother, Mrs. George
Gibson of RR2 Wroxeter at-
Lunch was served by Nancy
Clarke and Theron Riley. ,
Mr, sand:
retia home - -
Wimp Pe'"
and commrNios
GORRIE —The service of con-
firmation and corranuni�On was
held at the Sunday Morning serv-
ice in: the United ch. James --
Fairies read the scripture and the
choir sang the anthem, "Where
He Leads Me", accompanied by
Mrs, G. W. Sach at the organ.
Rev. G. W. Sach spoke on' ,
"Confirmation—A public confes-
sion of faith in Christ". After the
sermon the following were re-
e; -ceived into the. church by profes-
'CWL. executive sion of faith: George Reith Gal-
braith, Richard Melvin John
Nay, Edward Clark. Galbraith,
Julie Fairies; Karen Louise Cur -
rah, Kevin Robert Hastie, Brian
John Robinson and James
Timothy Wylie.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gibson
and sons Charles and Robert Jr.
ies office
ere is also a housing shortage. '.attending mass on Monday, May were receivedby transfer.
The ultimate solution of the prob- 75; The sacrament of the Lord's
lems will depend on the political '4 Reports were heard at the The
followed. • 0
will of nati al leaders to, see Ayat ` s ee 'shirt fox two alta . tit .
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• leaders
but a
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$241.00. SALE PRICE:
1 0"
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ted a ,im !'&nen •
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The missionary today is gn a huge success, with_ 23 tables -
who serves: We, too, can have a
part in sharing. Let us give what
we can," Mrs. Ford said in con-
clusion. -
Mrs. Tom Currie gave a short
account of three missionaries,
Miss Eleanor Knott, Miss Doreen
Morris and Mrs. Daniel who are
working in India and are inter-
ested particularly in nutrition.
Often their days are tedious and
long and they become dis-
.couraged. Brut they work diligent-
ly with the desire to lead others to
The meeting was closed with
the singing of "Jesus shall reign
where'er the sun", and Mrs.
Armstrong leading in the closing
prayer. Lunch was served by the
committee and a social hour en-
• Sunday, M'
Eas r
11�. 00 Communion ,.
TFurs,, May i0--- Altar Guild Meeting
Mrs. R.:P. Ritter, '2
Mon., Ma 14 ---Sunday School staff h
Recto , 7.30' p.m. -
present and proceeds going to the addresses KW
mission fund.
Thanks were extended to Mrs.
Peter Dubelaar, Bluevale, for
auditing the boot s. Plans were
finalized for the Pro -Life meeting
to be held Thursday, May 10 in
Sacred Heart School at 8 p.m.
with Dr. Hart Bezner as speaker.
A' rummage sale with Mrs. C.
Frieburger convening is to be
held May 25, and 26. The annual
May ceremony of "The Crowning
of Our Lady" will be held on May
24 at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Joan Henry is
in charge of the membership
drive to begin next Sunday.
The heads of important com-
mittees were elected from the
floor; Mrs. Emery Mahe, press
reporter and Mrs. Bernard Ort-
Mrs. H. Wallace presides at VISI
LAKELET — The May meeting
of the Women's Institute was held
in the hall on Thursday evening
with 14 members present. In the
absence of the president, Mrs,
Harold Wallace presided. The
roll call, "Something new you are
going to plant in your garden"
showed that the ladies don't just
plant carrots and peas.
The to,"He who roll&p his
sleeves om loses his shirt"
was preps d by Mrs. Allan and
given by Mrs. Jacques.
The topic on insecticides had
been well researched by the con-
veners, Mrs. Allan and Mrs.
Judge. It was given by Mrs. Huth.
Delegates to the District An-
nual meeting in Walton on May 8
were named. Mrs. Jacques re-
ported that the ladies who can-
vassed for the Cancer Society
fr"om the branch had collected
very close to $300. She outlined
softie of the uses the money is put
to and thanked those who had
The matter of selling the W.I.
Rall was presented. A motion was
made and seconded to sell. After
some discussion a vote resulted
in favor of selling. A committee
consisting of Mrs. D. Ha)lman,
Mrs. E. Ferguson, Mrs. L. Mur-
ray, Mrs. H. Wallace and Mrs. R.
Allan was named to make en-
quiries and present a report at
the next meeting.
Mrs. Ferguson gave an inter-
esting report of the Officer's Con-
ference. Lunch was served by
Mrs. LAVIurray and Mrs, C. Hall-
Mrs. Lawrence Bott of Palmer
sten, who has spent six years in'
the mission field in India, was
guest speaker at the May meet-
ing of the Wroxeter United
Church Women. Mrs. Bott spoke
on India and showed colored
slide's depicting the countryside,
and the people.
Mrs. Lloyd McGee, leader of
the Willing Workers unit, thanked
Mrs. Bott and presented her with
a gift.
Mrs. L. Gallaher, UCW leader,
presided for the business during
which plans were made for the
annual church garden party
being held on Wednesday, May 23
in the community hall. It was also
decided that Wroxeter UCW
would give a donation towards a
refrigerator for the manse. -
Mrs. Miller, leader of the
Friendship•Unit, told of her unit's
intended visit to the Midwestern
'Regional Children's Centre in
June and invited members of the
other units to join them. Each
member attending is requested to
take a gift of clothing for a child
up to age sixteen.
The devotional period was
given by Mrs. Ken Edgar and
assisted by Mrs. Telehus. The
theme of the worship service was
"Stewardship". Mrs. Telehus
read the scripture and led in
prayer. The Harmony unit served
the lunch.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorrie,
Ellen, Janet and Heather and
Robert Armstrong and Miss
Elizabeth Landon were in Ajax at
the weekend to attend the wed-
ding of Steve Gorrie and Miss
Barbara lake.
Thurs., 8.00 p.m. ---Prayer Meeting and Bible Study.
Sunday, 10.00 a.m:---Breaking of• Bread -
1-1.15 a.m.—Sunday School
Adult Bible Class
7.30 p.m.—Evening Gospel Service
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