The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-05-03, Page 19Ioeal He added, that the*provincial governmenti not interested th locating its aueneut ment in a .controverzlal area Racloound iUstory The present controversy began when the :Huron County Council made the', deeiSion to ntear Clown the wall of the Jail 'next to the 11nromPerth Regional : Aases- ment Offfce tentakerOoM for the 'office's eigwsiolt, ". It was tiw:belief',Orthe,towlys concerned eltizelko, that if the wall ,was to he torn down then' the rest of the building would 0011$0110w. "Countreonnell, felt the most- eCenomic means was to go east' and tear, down the .wall;"' Said W41144 Of the Save ' the'Jail iji'Society,the tory •was published ..14'.!4 paper, Ietters. were sent to fhe.editoi. "PgpteIngng ••,,consternation over the 404On of • 'ieenlitY , ?,) Mrs, Wailaeeaddectthatitr was •;•'•:.,-...,',..*.,:, -"..•-"' ", '1- ''''''''\. ,- .,',,,'• .-: ',.:, .:: :. • ':.- , . , . . ' '` :"' ,.:',..- -,' , -:''ASSESSMON'tPROBEMAiber-040.*41!0-1010.001:050.,s0iInerit Oft*.400tiaoiri:),tii00.400:: •- still' 1 hOliii rq00046.. -Town ' cqt) 60 I:, 4kii, ., Iti* ' :' . ,t,: , :: ..: fl.disagreement•tiVer What 1#1.1l0Ocoili*... ,... .„, �t the , ' '''' ' ' '''-' '"' ' - `tphatti,-'6iRon,soawe,,90Ltortostori07,00,1,, . , ... . , , . took the initiative aad before leng was selling Inetni3erni#F45. in the 'Save the Jeff Society'. Mrs. Waillieeed, that MeMberstup$ mot AVIA* t:been pughed; close to ZOO bad been sold and "not all toGoderich people but al1. over the county." Along with telling Member- The local by Huron SOIA_ involved diiiimpt Save the flail Society mac Atte* to the Pror4001101 Ieaderswhocarneo that time. Statistic surveys have, zeesloule5avetIleJa are depositecl. 'the fun from Abe Ronourable Leslie CBE, FRIBA, a 011,1iteCk who said that Ole jail is one of Goderich buildings 440,, 'and that 4t. "the Staggers", is -a fairly rare efindiiien that ,Can affect dairy and beef cattle shortly afterthey are Ara turned onto spring pas* tures. ‘‘Tbis condition, , Which den, velOpS- 1/%7 rapidly after the • initialsymptoms apPear?,00eUrS when livestock are unable to maintainnormal magnesiuM blood ;Owls," SRO 11 C. Lang, Soils am'crops 'n°6 specialist, °terle. Ministry, -of • Agricultureand • Magnesium deficiencies can result when �tt1e are on either • ay or pasture. wet Prin4r!n lush 7tth favors Oe0 condition. have just calved, or are itbout.tO ccaveLshotild be unitOednariieli- Whir: neelrinHtlse2'41' linarlitietiYeS11,0ifelnign°7 14; .ns , . tHANGEOF JOB—The one-time residenee'0 f.theHurori County jail Warden is now the „. headquarters of the Huron .County 'row (Photo b*Ron Shaw, Goderich Signal -Star) . , • • 0 • • At .4 • • • • 1 • • • • • 46. • • • ..... ...... 4/ 4 JAIL DOOR—Through these 'doers many' .prisoners have both entered left the jail, whose future is now in the hands ofAhe.Aptil 6 meeting. of the County Property. Com- mittee andtheSave the Jail Society. (Photo by Ron Shaw, Goderich SiOnal.Star). " • • FOR ,* ye/kits, GUARANTEED WELLS AT THE LOWEST COST. Frei Estimates Anreliers In coma Fast Service. Our Walls !need Provincial Government Standards. Modern Rotary and Percussion Drilling. Strict Arlifirente toEnvironmentel Regulations. DAVIDSON WELL WINGHAM D!tiitiI4, 1.1D, et94 496 SATliFIRO' CUSTOMERS SINCE 1900 THROUGH FOUR GENERATIONS Ni • lid 1 WISII. I 1VERE YOUNG ASA111"— rHe FIR -ST THING 1 WOULD DO,WOULD BE TO Put IN A FARMATIC AUTOMATIC FEED PROCESSING SYSTEM WITH THAT STEEL FARM FEED FACTORY. I've looked at them all and it stacks up as this best available. The savings in feed cOsts would have -paid for if In short order and when I think of all he time and labour 1 would have saved * why 1 could have been looking after more ) livestock and this too Would hove made ene More money. Darned shame I've waited so long I I'd i>*Iter tee thii4lialar and gat one right away. Maybe lust get a mill and Inman It beIow thit old granary; This way I won't have to 'Spend much money but ,111 he Ohl, fa make any onk feed with practically no work. . (510)235.3542 FARM AUTOMATIC FEEDING EQUIPMENT LTD. GORRIE ONTARIO.. ARUM limb AND 00101000 sif tAlitAtIA A REALER' 011001120141 FROM 00010 00A0 A RIO ATI FEED PSOCE SINS SYS EMI , ruce • AUTOMATION IN MILK PRODUCTION "Dairy Automation and its ef- fect on quality milk 'productien" was the over-all theme Of a two-day seminat held in Toronto. The sessions, sponsored by Bab son Bros. Co„ Manufaeturer of Surge milking systems, ,Were attended by, their dealers and stiff of Ontario Ministry of Agri- culture and Food. - The meetings included discus- sions on a variety of topics relat- ing to the;future of the dairy in- dustry. Trends in herd size, labor and production, sanitation and waste management were covered 41 the first day's program, as were 17ar- ious types of milking systems, and the growing use of welded steel pipelines. The WO Milker, a new auto- matic milking machine, was the subject of a special afternoon session. The new milker is totally automatic in, operation, once attached to the cow. Electronic circuits activated by Milk flow start and stop the rn. liking action and remove the machine from each quarter of the cow's. udder as the quarter is milked out. Company specialistsstressed the importance of this feature in pre- venting over -milking off cows, which can cause udder irritation. Tests have shown that individual quarters of the cow's udder can vary in milking time as much as 50 per cent. The second`day of the Dairy In- sight Seminar included discus-. along of the principals Of milking machine operation, mastitis problems, milk cooling , systems and dairy .waste dispoSal. During the second morning's session reports were .giVen Ofl progress in the development of a revolutionary new waste recycle Ing unit for use on dairy farms. Still hi the experimental stage, the unit, ktiovvn as the Titg, shows promise of being able to help solvet major pfoblern of all dairy operations, that of Manure dlsposal It:t D. Irerguion, Indutitrytiratich. CARE LABELLING In a quandry over how to care for that new spring outfit? Look for the care label. Manufacturers are encouraged by the Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs which de- veloped the system, to display the symbols on •a permanently attached label. Care labelling is not compulsory, so look for it—do not assume it will be there! If it is not there, ask why. The sytem 'is based on the traffic light, color system—red means stop - or don't; amber means proceed with caution and green means go ahead. There are five basic symbols to indicate washing, bleashing, drying, iron- ing and dry cleaning. So, a yellow wash tub with a hand inside means that the arti- cle is hand washable in lukewarm water, a green drying square with three short vertical lines means the article should be hung to drip dry. Follow your care label instructions, and much of the shrinking, stretching and running colors will.be eliminated. As well, legislated change is coming into effect with regard to abelling textiles as to fibre eon- ° t nt in standard, easy-tomIder- stand terms. It will also beth the name of the manufacturer. This will eliminate much Of the contu- sion caused by the many trade names now on the market and will make it easier for consumers to care for their fabric articles For example, when the law comes fully into effect, a blanket may carry a • label stating "65 per cent cotton, 35 per cent rarorti‘a". free color Nokia "Care Labelling for Textiles", write to the Consumeri, bolt 09, Ottawa. • —Barb De ViSSeher, • • Home Economist, Resi can be prunII:daett:rmintntt: April. Hybrid teas and flori- Zittect:vObeati7brelbnateank canes within eight itieheii Of the soli sur°- er deadwooci froin ellMbol and shrub oil diet ,Dogs require certain nutrients too„ though there are still a lot of unanswered questions about dog nutrition. A balanced diet should include protein, carbohydrate„ fat and fresh water. If something is:lacking in his diet, instinct will tell a dog how to make it up, so don't be surprised if he digs raw carrots out of your garden! STONE WALLS—The walls that once enclosed the Huron County Jail )exercise yard have brought about strong feelings on thf pait of Goderich and area citizens. (Photo by ROI, Shaw, GoderipiiSignal-Star) 1,061111Wt 404 • 4 "•"- *." •, 4 t. , • • . • • • •• • ti the 130 -year-old jail sits on a site Which originally cost the MtInitipality about $500. The Wilding itself cost $23,0'72 when conStineted in 1841. Ita tOnStruction was part of a deal With the government of the PrOVince of Ontario, which pass- ed legislation setting up an ad - ares comprising HUron‘atid some townships now in *nee and Perth. William Day of Goderieh, With the tender, got the build- eentrut. He erected stone walls two feet thick from the Maitland River quarry and when better stone wasitequired for the copings, Dan Lizars was dis- patched to Port Huron to nego- tiate with the quarry there. A chapel was thoughtfully pro- vided in the central tower, but when it was found there was no money for construction or' rental of a courthouse, the chapel was ' assigned to the judges. The Canada Company, owner of 1,100,000 acres in the , &OM Tract, granted the jail site, and the directors in London approved a loan of 1,300 pounds toward con- struction. The ex chapel on tbetop floor of the jail was soon in disfavor with visiting judges, who complained of the awkward access and jail odors. They moved to hold court in the dining room of the British Exchange Hotel. By late spring of 1841, almost everyone in town and surround- ifig area had visited the new jail at least Once. go much mud was carried in that Charles Slack, newlpappointed jailer, obtained —Photo by Jervis Studio, unun. an order to keep visitors out. Tliis order continued in effect for 130 years, until the county opened the jail to the public in February of this year. The old jail has been pointed to by various hiStorical architeets as the only one of its type left in .North America and possibly the world. The Save the Jail Society • hopes that throu0 tontlinling negotiations with the County of Huron an&the 'Province of Ow tarso the structure can be saved , from any.demolition,