The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-05-03, Page 15T
NU R g
C G–.r nturist 'Peter dei
assist.; s
ant, C rrine'Meulenateen,ls.fl skina1 ver d : U . 1e
of -the involved with the fintsr,ind,Ad ustin
odentures' undergobefore,the are d yto be tiled by the
patient. (Staff.Photo)
a•lit to of
�vvex.s int'tboi t,o ',ta` ► 't . . T ''..04a
AssQcta#iouproceeded to o
,fortbem a'o ,hire private detectives, armed 'sad .F e, when;i with Search warrants, to raid end
king placeYI ,rePrOfent, ;prosecute the denturista--a
4 part ofa �ntin. ofi�
directors wera
'situation w � contit�for
nomena with respect to +t - registered dental teehniei#* ,more than 1s-months.
rista,r:saidPeter Feige, a.ount t,dr,tailed
a b brief o.M During
this time the
nho` St,den rist, � a��� e* `Society �sw in membership
Seated to t nturis�Asaecia- ,opened more denture clinics Intion, '"where eiti , take an the province. Also duringtis
active roleo .assuring the q time 'extensive Meethigs and OP.
eed legat t rn ► $eofsria- e . egg ,peals to both the public and the
'igo7ernYnent were inade.VhrOugh
withthe activities turlsts."r sion,a • tie mem ' `, + gat all, thegovernment kept a
Mr beige ottrlbuted' this' , in «;woad: be kook ; ttiri s, ' fain neutral W `tio on the ,
�,� t,. � Y fret pose zi �.
' ..�•""dentu tso< innng ares % .t ' p" Issue. F � «� _ tom;
d Appoint>nent .Refased
o This neutrality 'ended'with the
' n. appointment of the' Honorable R.
s fe ''T. Potter, M.D. , as Minister of
Health about . One Yernr a . '
tt Vit,
"Immediately lipan, then -
� d.r
nouncement of Dr. • Potter's pro.,
;motion from backbencher. to the
timportant portfolio Of Minister of
Health the Society applied'for
appointment :with :the n , new
fMioister. This intreitie+est forte
respect and a a
for t e:type�,a . fty,of ser►- health Corker pro s%
ices ,provided. by° theal, tic services
x t• dem
He,added ,a ee provinces "Tims oppositio
have wlegislation supporting t ee +almost ;i�ediatel)
osition Of .'de turista.; that inem
Quebec will be pass g an act, s!to Wrist S iety wlto i
provide' fore "the Professtona - . to complete:' ono ic:,
Corporation el Denturologistss' , their dentalr;la -tor
shortly; and that the Health.were . an �' :dent
Minister of Nov . : Sco .has ntro-' cians who , iscov�_
dllced' 1 t ' � � � � ,
,egis Ott o �w hi ch .wiitl , memi
' _- ' '� 1 ' 'rol for l-#�{"-"In ' ' ' appointment wash , '+1Y.,
turist6:" , 41 a sa t
duu technicians �;�aubse9uent efforts.,'to secure u
thoughtheme provinces arra` ,, opened Dental c Tics„and adve , ver' to
pointmentsp e Mast . 11
_ .:. �•- ern a;Y �:. y ,°
}; ,”
,'d i'
the f i
ass n�their e
p . .used,se�cv� ,>,
•r;�`,months suffered W
:�: era:�s alar fate,"
it a
in defiance
i_. .;.ante
Of' .,:,-....:,.
.... .
e-n,_..t&� .•
. Feige
, .t. p
incePss u�stch:legislation:tafi0re� tours emanf•ttie'denturists
, 'seen fit to place fi,e� new dentallxe public,sauenout to uP�'ade"theutselves in thehealth. workerunderthe cQntro1. ang0ito thedentuzoY theycoil
• secure` .,ufavo-
and .,su vision of dentists;" o" 'Minister.
l� d a � perated by denturists attd-' :arable res ase f corn .
tr. _ . '�� po
The Ontario Dental Association
regards the scheme
o denturists tur
workingander �esupervision of
dentists, a plan set out in the gov-
ernmeint Bill •No. 246, to be
feasible, aid Ray Argyle, public
relationsounsel to the. Ontario'
Dental Association. ,
Heeaid that the plan outlined in
the, as yet, unproclaimed bill is
based on the same concept that
now exists of a dental; -health
team which consists of hygenists,
assistants and technicians.
It's all part of the trend to-
wards utilizing ttiiddental health'
concept, in • the dental clinic,
which has been developing for the
past fewyears," said Mr. Argyle.
f "The dental association ' be-
lieves if feasible to integrate
denturists into the dental health
team. However, they do not need
Supervision just as the other
auxiliary personnel do,
"They must have supervision
because the don't have adequate
training: Only the dentist has had
the extensive training and educa-
ioin needed to diagnose and set
p treatment plans."
Mr. Argyle said there are two
portant phases in the prepare -
on and fitting of dentures.
The first is the medical diag-
osis which consits of taking im-
ressions, the examination of the
fient's mouth, and the actual
tting Of the denture into the pa-
ent's mouth. "Only dentists are
rained for this," said Mr.
The second phase is the
echanical work done by the
Mal technicians.
"Denturists are trained only in
Mechanical phase. They have
r'lence only from the work
ch. They make up the plate
the prescription supplied by
dentist and have never seen
Denturists have decided, of
r own volition, that since he's
lified at the work bench he's
lified to do the reit of the
r. Argyle said that under the
p the denturist is to, receive
ring in doing mouth work, in
officeunder the supervision of
I. Argyle disagreed with re -
and statements that the
lstsand the denturists work -
together in the same office
the dentitit' supervising the
denturist would produce a cost
which would make the whole pro-
cess prohibitive.
He said the dentist would not be
doing nothing while the denturist
did his work.
"The dentist would be continu-
ing with his sown work while ethe
denturist did®: his.. Supervision
doesn't mean standing over bim.
It means responsibility, ,1
"it will mean increased pro-
ductivity and efficiency and will
keep costs down."
In a • reportprepared., and
presented by, the Ontario Council
of Health some time ago, it was
stated that "denturists pose a
FINER POINTS --Denturist Peter Feige of the Mount Forest Denture' Clinic it in the pro-
cess of explaining a fine point of denture Adjustment to Lloyd Cole of Arthur. Mr. Cole had
lust received his dentures from Mr. Peige prior t'o the photo being taken and remarked
that he is well pleased with them. M. Cole, who has visited the clinic on, other, otcasl;ons,
says he recommends the clinic to his friends . (Staff photo)
serious threat to the oral health of
the ubhc," said Mr. Argyle.
ire .added, "Because the den-
. turists are working entirely out-
side of government regulation
there is no assurance that they're
really, .qualified to do anything."
However, he added, "Because
most have worked lin dental
laboratories, we assume they're
qualified to do mechanical work,
but if a denturist does open up an
office who's to know what train-
ing he's had because he's not
subject to licensing.
The government has con-
cluded that, in the interest of the`
public's health, this area must be
brought under closer regulation.
The Health Minister of Ontario,
Dr. R. T. Potter said, "Any den-
ttirist who does not apply to be-
,conle a denture therapist is ad-
mitting that he isn't qualified."
Mr. 1itrgyle continued that
there are presently 602 dentists in
Ontario offering low-cost denture
service and "the association is
encouraging more . dentists to
sign up."
He said however, "Even with
just 602 dentists, this is still six
times more dentists offering the
low cost service than are den-,
This low-cost service included
denture plates costing the patient
"This $180 buys the patient a
standard, high quality denture.
This does not provide for abnor-
malities of the patient's mouth
which require more service. It
also doesn't include special ef-
fects where the patient is fussy
about such things as color, shad-
ing and the closeness of the teeth
which takes more service and is
more expensive.
, `There's no means test in the
low.cost service. Everyone can
get it."
Mr. Argyle challenged that a
number of denturists have
opened up what appear to be
quiie lucrative practices dealing
with the public and are now
afraid of losing them through the
Mr. Argyle concluded by
stressing that the dental profes-
siren is emphasizing the preven-
tion of dental disease and an in-
crease in public education.
"If this is done to a greater ex-
tent, then we'll reach a time in
the foreseeable future when den-
tures wi ar not be needed."
This took the formof
,tions with a community Co1 to
provide "a short term uPgra
course -for denter ti `cam!
practice and: a long -tom C
years) conrse-of atildieS lea(
to certification for peOPle without'
previous ,'experience who d
be desirous of becoming btu-
rists,'" ..
nnut' itnq tutee ,
+fin June ,1972 thee' onor�able'
l .ob¢rt,'Welc acting on behalf of
the 'Minis `nister of . Health- 'intro=
duced un the : statue Bill;: 03
whir 'y as "an t toprovide, for;:
the ,Licensing; ,and Practice of
Dental technologists.>L•
MrWelch s"After ult
consideration,aid, the Governcarefmen
has decided that''$ niew health;'
p ctitiotner . .{be awtl as a
dental technologist should be per-
to heal directlrti; the
ublic int ,the taking ng' of tisdpres-
sleds for, tnel making of, and the
fitting +of, °.copletae upper and
leer denture '
e ,
denturists' here° rioseisti, 'cotmpiletely
satisfied, with all aspects of.the
new legislation..�'the�.y Were pre-
to support'theBin and sub-
s re'quufements: The
Ont rio Dentaltssoeiattgq
however, announced 'that they
'were oinplettely �op�posed to the
Gill and would +i ret afn exten=
since art' a of
bahit ck ncbe id' rev s ed
that the Bill 'would not be
changed, and, thus assured, went
about preparing themselves to
meet therequirements of the new
Then, on December 6, 1972,
Health Minister Potter reversed
the Bill so as to incorporatethe
superyision of f an
d control of
The "new Bill (No.246) was
referred to Standing Committee
and rushed through despite the
appearance of hundreds of pri-
vate ' citizens who wished to ,
"In his rush to pass his legisla-
tion before the Christmas recess,
the Minister of Health displayed
an attitude bordering on con-
tempt both for the public and for
the opinions expressed in edito-
fly nearly all the leading
Ontario newspapers," said Mr.
The new Bill was passed only
hours before the legislature
closed for the Christmas • break.
"Quite inexplicably, however,
proclamation of the Bill was
withheld and we have been told
that the new legislation will not
be enforced for several months
yore not'rualifi
w' at they ale: •.doing . and must-
therefore be restricted, but lie
will allow them to continue in
their practice until he is ready to
limit such practice." •
Mr. Feige wonders, "Can it be
that the denturists are being used
by the Minister of Health to
dgeon� somejdentists tout not
all) into doing what they, of their
own initiative, would not do—pros-
o—pro+vide at least one 'form of dental
treatment at a . reasonable cost.
Or can it be that the Minister, at
thisfate date, has some appre-
hensions that his legislation is not
everything it was made out to
Section 15, subsections 'pne and
two of Bill 246 says, "No denture
therapist shall practice denture
therapy on a patient except in the
office of a dental surgeon or
dental clinic and under, the direct
supervision of a denture thera-
pist; and every dental surgeon
who uses the services of a den-
ture therapist shall personally
supervise the work of the denture
therapist on .a patient and shall
inform himself of all aspects of "
the progress of the work."
with''t i+e enture 'Chet' pi
the wo-'
ins` the''d
quite a'nt
folies :dpi
`" fn sh+ort'+li flava ` t
therapists at all?" . F
• questioned, since without s
vision in a dentist's +office he' i-'
not ideiie any of tfiroce.
dares involved with dentures
spite histraining because the act
reads that no denture therapist
may own, operate, or have a pro-
prietary interest in a commercial
dental laboratory.
"Seen in this light, the Bill is a
fraud and a hoax as it purports to
require elaborate training and:
educational requirements which
will be rendered unnecessary
since the denture therapist will •
never be required to make a deci-
sion on his own."
EXPERT PAN E L—A panel of professional people was in attendance at the Citizen C.orn-
mittee for the Repeal of Bill 246 public meeting held at the Mount Forest Town Hall.
Seated were Dr. Angus Blair, a p ctis ng dentist; Joe Ryan, a denturist from Missis-
sauga; and Hillary Rubenstein, a denturist from Toronto. Although the panel little used
during the question and answer period, Dr. Blair held the floor for the support of dentur-
ists. (Staff Photo)