The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-05-03, Page 13• ' INDIVIDUAL. AWARDS Were presented t9 Dn Cameron, high single t,Rose Grove, high triple,: JIM Miller, high aver:: 'age; Janet Scott,Iighsingle; JIM Moore and Dorothy Ova. 'km, most Improved.bowlers; Joyce Gaunt, high aver PAUL OARR *04, frioa. BEN FOREST ARCHISEK' are from the right. Gordon Baxter, Agnes Cameron, Grace Walden, Lee GrOve, porothy‘Crcskill and ,,Lqu. Readtran., (Staff Photo). • DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HO 8 AT r.ONCESSION RD 4 . PHONE 524 998; CROSSKILL'S CADILLACS were the runners-up. for, tea- . son's honorsin the C.brnmercial League and slipWing their • • • • • • 0 0 0 lb 0 a iboa a tia • or- : LISTOWEL drivemin • • • a S wiitraGi SHOWING FRI. 4, SAT. 5, SUN. 6th •, FISTS PULL OF 'LEM! / HEARTS PULL OF HATRED!/ • • • 0 • • a • • • 4,4° a• • • . 4 / 4 ',.•.*„:.§ • 0 ' m. . ta .0th' k'l • • • Alle/VOUr • 0 • „Ire NNTINGLI, 0: op 40 • • 11 a * a • a a • • • • • 00 • • 0 • • 0 0 • • I 0 i� IMMO 1041111041 ALL COLOR SHOW!! rs. D. Foxton new • A. new executive for the Mothers' Auxiliary to Wing Minor Hockey was elected on - day night at a general meeting held at Lee's Tavern and Reitau- WED 2 MAY to 'WES 8 MAY 'Charles Iranian has the role si his caroarMBOSTON GLOBE # • STARTS WEDNS$OAY OtElltAtfil43 WARE' HONE 5244611 i.ewards are Vera Schneider, Frank Burke, Isobel Read- . marl; Roe Crosskill, Joyce Gaunt and Reg (Megan. ; . • rant with 58 mothers present. Mrs. Doug Foxton was elected president With Rosemary Struth- ers vice president. Eefje Mac- Lean is the new secretary and Mrs. Ken Saxton the treasurer. Mrs. Saxton presented this slate of officers on behalf of the nominating committee. Mrs. Eric Schistad, Mrs. Fraser Strong, Mrs. Willie VanderWoude, Mrs. Jim Moore and' Mrs. William Rintoul were the volunteers for the calling of the schedule of staffing the arena booth. The retiring president, Mrs. Tom Cornwall, conducted the meeting and thanked the mothers for assistance given at the booth, also for the excellent attendance at the meeting. Mrs. Cornwall told the group that the hotplate in use during the past Season had been Waned to the group but was now required by the owner. The auxiliary agreed to purchase a hotplate at a suggested cost of $30. Mrs. Doug Potton presented . EUCHRE WINNERS BELGRAVE At the weekly euchre party hitt Wednesday evening, eight tables were in play., Prizes for high scores went to Mrs. Edgar Wightmin and C. R. COultet34 low prizes were won by Mrs. Hugh Rn and Lawrence Taylor. • Novelty prizes went, to Mrs. Jesse Wheeler -and Aaron Wehelri, ey mothers prexy the treasurer's report which was considered very favorable and Mrs. Barry Passmore expressed appreciation to the retiring executive for their efforts and leadirship during the past year. Discussion was held regarding the Parent and Son hockey banquet planned for Thursday, May 81 at the F. E. Madill Sec - on& ry School and Mrs. Cornwall dined successfully for volunteers to work in the kitchen and others to serve the meal. The group was advised by lite Minor Hockey Association that goalkeepers' equipment would not be required, but a set of sweaters for the All-Star Novice team would be needed. No action on this was taken Monday night but will be considered later. It was announced that Mrs. Joe Dolgos had been hired to operate the booth at the arena during the roller skating season. At the closeofthe meeting the new executive met briefly. 11 M()Nj)AY. C-KNX RADIO... Cards $1.011,sad is sale et the falaid1011,: egmEtyss Sc • $1.00 FINNIGAN'S GROCETERIA HARRIS STATIONERY HAYES FAMILY CLOTHING HILL'S SHOES KEIL INSURANCE AGENCY JENNY WREN SHOP MILLER'S LADIES' WEAR • McDONALD'S.BRIDAL BOUTIQUE McGEE AUTO ELECTRIC STEDMAN'S STORE TRIANGLE DISCOUNT VANCE DRUG STORES WALTER'S Be Sure and See ALL-STAR WRESTLING • The Stars You See On T.V. at Wingham Arena THURS., MAY 10 MOO P NI. 4)