The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-02-01, Page 8festures from
The World of Women
HURON UNIT of the Canadian Cancer Society met last -Thursday evening it1 Goderich:
From the left are Robert Swartman, Goderich branch president; Miss Sheila McKinnon,
co-ordinator of services for patients in Ontario and special speaker at the meeting; Don
Brandt, Ontario Division; Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton of Wingham and Gordon Richardson,
president of the Huron Unit. (Signal -Star Photo)
Cincerhears • unit service.
for the Ontario Division of the Transportation takes up a
Cancer Society. She described large part of the budget each
The Huron Unit of the Cancer
Society - met in _Goderich last
Thursday evening for the,regular
January session. Unit President
Gordon Richardson conducted a
brief business period when. re-
ports from all the branches in
Huron were heard.
Special speaker for the evening
was Sheila McKinnon, 'co-or-
dinator for Services to Patients
V and G
Ergbity, years of experience
mortgage 'bans to''fit the
urse and the circum'
that'stt� ++ou get •:
when you invite. V' and G
to help you buy or build'
your home. Or Summer
cottage. Or buy, your
innproved farm, Friendly,: . ,
reliable' know how your•
can depend on -. yours -
today at Victori4,and Grey:
her department as "the heartof year because transportation for
the organization" and said it Was patients with cancer is such a
"doing all sorts of things" to aid vital, on-going thing. The prob-
those patients with cancer. lem of securing volunteer
The Services to Patients De- drivers—people of a very special
partment started out first of • all nature who will appreciate the
making dressings for cancer suf- circumstances surrounding their
ferers. Now, itspends 15 per cent work—are needed in almost.
ofall the money taken in and .every unit and branch in the
boasts .10,000 Volunteers. province, the speaker claimed.
Dressings are still a large part 'Home nursing is provided for
of. the work. They are provided periods of time andin some
free of charge to all who need and cases, housekeeping services are
request them. Miss McKinnon did also supplied through the Cancer
report, however, that the need for society.
dressings is decreasing -another . A new service is being initiated
sign that the fight against cancer for mastectomy patients. This in-
is,paaying off in earlier detection volves women who o have had
and more cures. surgery for cancer of the breast
Colostomy supplies are ° also visiting with patients who are
provided without charge toabout to have .or just recently
patients in need and Miss Mc- have had such surgery. It is be -
Kinnon said the need here is lieved that such "bolstering of
growing ' probably because the courage" will do much to al -
Cancer Society's educational leviate the problems of distress
program js ,bringing more and which often accompany a mas-
more 'people to know the seven tectomy.
vcisij nsro&tpos bleaps e•rnsuvd ,to-1110 MiS ah.Mone � ilatesle-thea ,o -s. ' +•
live in
foliowing ceremony
Rev. G. W. �h..eificiated
when marriage' vows we ex-
changed by Jean Gal-
laher and George Edward; �,
both of Kitchener,' in the Gerrie
United Church on Saturday,
January 20, at 0 p.m. Yellow
mums and candelabra famed
the setting and Mrs. 'Sac -
sided at the organ. Mrs. Betty
Graber of Brussels sang "o
Promise Me" and "The Wei
The bride is the daughter 0f lam.
and Mrs. W. H. Gallaherr.of RR 1,
Wroxeter.' Parents of the groom
as Mrs and Mrs. Fred Hous of
Brockville and Peterborough._
Given in marriage by r
father, the bride wore a floor' -
length gown of white satin with
lace -trimmed empire waistline
and attached train. She wore a
shoulder length veil and carried
a white Bible with red row.
Maid of honor was Miss Mari-
lyn Bell of RR 1, Corrie, and
bridesmaids were MissBarbara
Skinn ' of Wingham and the
groom's sister,: Miss Cathy 4oas
also of Y Wingham. They wore
chart ease ; gowns,.styled
similarly to the bride's „ ',
with matching hoods. 'They
carried bouqu is of white daisies
with yellow centres.
The junior bridesmaid, Susan
Gallaher, slater of the bride,. of
RR 1, Wroxeter, was dressed'the
same as the senior attendants.
Robert Gray of ' Wingham -was
groomsman and guests . were
ushered by senior 'ushers David
Ohm of Wingham` and Mac Ross
of Toronto and junior usher,
Billie Gallaher, brother of ` the
bride. The groom's nephew,
Moth.rst 4oxili�iy ..
discusses plaNs . .
for �t
Jamie p i :O MwoOd, was
A reception followed . at the
Wingh+ ' � Hall
guests from - Toronto, Parry
Sound,' Day, Hamilton,
Woodstock, Kitchener, Wingl ,
Brockville,Peterborough, Ford*
with, ie, Wroxeter uaid the
surrounding area, � received
by mothers e of the bridal couple.
The bride's mother wore .a
peach colored floor -length gown
trimmed u th ' white lace. Her
accessories were white and she.
wore a , , ge of white: mums.
The groo : 's mother chose a
Noorength .gowfl royal
with blackncce and acor-
lam- Mums, .
Mr. and Mrs. i will reser.
tin~ Kitchener wherethe: groom is
employed by iitrome Ltd.
The bride, a graduate of F. .
Madill `-Secondary`. School, em-
ployed at Bell. l Iinada.
Honored.guests at the wedding
were a grandpa nt�i of the bride,
Mr. and Mrs. -V., A. Wallace of
Clifford and Mrs. Pian Galla-
her of Wroxeter; also a great -
great aunt and uncle of the bride,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Williamson
of Fordwich.
l�vin Streicli ipeaker
atCouple's u meeffng
St. Andrew's Couples' Club met Robertson at tl piano. Short
last Tuesday evening with 23 scripture passages were read in
members and two visitors Pres; ' keeping with the theme of broth-
ent, erly love: Mr. Donaldson and
Presidents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Betty Feagan sang a duet,
Donaldson, were also conveners "Breathe on Me, Breath of God"
of the meeting and used for their and Mrs. Feagan also sang a solo,
theme, "Helping Others". The . "Jesus, My Song of Songs",
meeting opened by singing the Mrs. Donaldson introduced
hymn, "onward Christian Marvin Streich Of Winghatn•, who
Soldiers" find minutes of the. pre-_ was the guest speaker for the
vious meeting were read by the meeting. Mr. Stretch has been. a
secretary,'Mrs. Clare Neirgarth. field worker with. the Ministry. of
The business was conducted and Community and Social ' Servcies
it was. decided to hold future in Huron and Perth Counties for.
meetings the fourth Wednesday the past ten years. His work con -
of each . month instead of Tues- cerns welfare problems and as -
day. sistance from the province. A
Mrs. Donaldson read two question and answer period fol -
poems, "The House by the Side of ' lowed his informative talk.
the Road" and "Hitherto the "Rev. R. H. Armstrong closed
Lord Ifa ,$elped Us". Mr. Don- the meeting with,* benediction.
aldson led'; , in r a sing -song ' of Lunch was served and all enjoyed
favorite hyo -with, Mrs. Don
luopirale ifit:zariv4rwasboct"*"
1u eI tem
Spenttweekend� . �.
Mrs, george Fischer and family.
Mrs. Jenny Nicholaoa ' of Wing -
ham 'spent the. 'weekend with Mrs.
McCord,of} ale
Mrs, Jack Scott, Debbiei and
L� of Newton visited
M ','and Mrs, Gordon, Hall.
David and' D� Campbell
spent ` the weekend with their.
grandparents Mr. and Mrs,.
.Charles t. •
Denis 'r� Knox Col-
lege, Toronto wasin charge of the
service Sunday lin Bluevale Pres
byterian Church, He wawassist
by Harry McWilliams, also a Our
dent at Knox College.
thrust. it's H soy to 1
iilh'i :l ittoo. s
rslier s serlt•�,
chew Y sr
Fam a in
Wyour life ahs V -tine -s
eek. With resh., f
g antilo � tirirlmm ed wi
a V 2entine heart
w`ts, tx, ` +fes: to
gen too. JUSt Cali or
visit ,dour nearby, FTD •
Florist. And be a hero.
FTD decorator container
Available only
through "T] Florists
� ��aiJ�]f�DHg5 - • m�',t���tmlk ��'�9�'J �i,pfir having! � �� T es
-hMMepi�ifacrtliredgbb�thenOancer ,,T;#omesaTay*ef.sunshine;for the �rto ingliam = nor Hockey,.metr e
Society for needy patients. Cancer Society fora period of one recentlyintho arenaRighg. ,.
Lodges for patients with cancer year>s sponsored by services of mothers attondei,S
are found in London, Thunder patients. This year's winner in The minutesof the last. meetm$ - `'•'
_ Bay, Princess Margaret Hospital the area is Patricia Peters, St. were adopted and the . treasurer
in Toronto, Ottawa and just Thomas, who did very well in the gave her report . and reported on
recently, a small lodge was provincial contest last week in results of the "Sweet Sweep" of
located in Hamilton. These are Toronto. chocolate sales, which were very
built by the Cancer moiety • and "Help the big fight," concluded favorable.
turned back to the community Miss. McKinnon. "We're going to Mrs. Cornwall told the mem-
where : cancer volunteers take beat it." hers . of the 'Meeting which the
,over. , Don Brandt of the Ontario Divi= Auxiliary members attended as
The Service to Patients cos- sion was on hand to speak briefly guests of .the Wingham Minor
mittee has a visiting program as about his work with the Cancer Hockey -Association. It was at this•
well as an activity program for Society. He said there was every meeting that it was decided to
patients with cancer who need likelihood •,that Thameswood hold a parent and son b nquet,
some rehabilitation after treat -Lodge in London would. be en- the date as yet uncerta The
ment. These services are proving larged this year. Wingham girls' hockey team is to
very popular and worthwhile, Brandt said that while he was be included, providing they help
Miss Mckinnon said. sorry that there .was a need for with the tournament.
more space at Thameswood, he The .members discussed food
was thankful that topnotch facili- and help for ,the coming tourna-
ties were now available to treat ment and decided to add two
those patients with cancer in the kinds of soup to the booth menu.
area. Mrs. Cornwall, with sugges-
It was learned at the meeting tions from members, designed a
that the national object for the crest for the Auxiliary and she
Canadian Cancer Society this has ordered same. Any mother
year is eight and one-half million wanting a crest should -leave her
dollars. In Ontario, the goal is name at the booth or call 357-1048.
$4,000,000 and in South Western There will be a small charge for
area, the area with which Huron the crest.
The next meeting will be held
February 21 in the arena and the
group hopes to see still more
mothers attend and support these
worthwhile projects.
Paul's Church
. and Choir Leader
Sunday, February 4
Epiphany 5
11.00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon
Thursday, Feb. 1 at 1.45 p.m.—The Ladies of A.C.W. will
Meet at the Rectory
i....,..,,MINI.,,. .��. 4 ..n....�• 4 4M4MIN -.� 4 .Ni.�..a 4
Mrs: Charity MacDonald
Former Missionary to Trinidad and now Director of Nur-
' sing at the Alexandra Marine & Mineral Hospital,
... PLUS -...r...
Special Music ,. , ,1