The Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-05-11, Page 16win rip are PhI1004 fin; the third thhxl flnicer of the left hand awe of an old EgYPtian belief `AerVe to the heart. "I We but, my feet are gni tamp of experience. war af'.judgiing the f ul e. Pest' Patrkpk Hen no, ANOUS, $ iII . ki - Oa rel{ 0 m to • -14 THE PLAY-OFF chttmain the Thursday Mixed League were Pat's Panties and Pat Fry- fogle is seated with Murray Gerrie and Len Phillips while other team members Isabel Montgomery. Mary 1- anderson and Norma Brenzil are in the second row. —Staff Photo. TEAM CAPTAIN Elda Nethery of Elda's Eggheads, season's charnpions, is flanked by Barry Fryfogle and Tom Henderson while Emma Deyell, Janice Benninger and Ruth Smith stand behind them. They received their trophies at the Thursday Night Mixed League banquet Saturday night. —Staff Photo. MARSH HAWK A slender, long-tailed, long -winged hawk commonly found in opefi country and the vicinity of marshes. Adult male is grey above, white I?elow with black wing -tips.' Female and imma- tures reddish brown, darker on back and wings. The white rump patch, present. in all plumages, is a good field .mark. Hunts in low level flight, coursing back and forth over favored territory. Prey consists of small rodents, reptiles and birds. Nests on the ground in a clump of low shrubs, willows or reeds at edge of a marsh. Four to six 61 - 71 eggs are laid. • HAT E. RECIPIENTS OF some of the awards. presented Saturday night at the banquet of the Thursday Mixed Bowling League were Bonnie Pletch, mostimproved bowler; Aantji Robinson, play-off high triple; Keith Pletch, play-off men'shigh triple, and Barbara Merkley, ladies' playoff high single. —Staff Photo If you hate rust come and get your car rustproofed at CHRIS GOSLING MOTORS where the goose is always. smiling(FINA STATION NORTH OF TRACKS) Many fathers `approve of their' sons wearing turtlenecks. It helps to preserve the family ties. MEMBERS OF THE Mixed. League executive for 1972-73 are, at left, 'Pat and Norma Brenzil, press reporters; Agnes and Harvey Ballagh, co -presidents; and Marie and Len Phillips, joint secretaries. Bruce Machan, treasurer, was absent when picture was taken at Saturday's banquet. —Staff Photo. - Six housewives living in the ^ the judge rapped for order. same apartment building fell into When quiet had been restored a dispute of such magnitude. that , .,the patient magistrate said quiet - it; reehlted in tl eirubeing Mauled" '`ljr A4/0 -vi -IV • hea r' -the bides into Court. Charges and counter- • first." charges filled the air. Suddenly That closed the case. - Chris G SING C TPOLDS. L1U ^WiNGHAM • 35i-223 GM Mki t OF Exc i lE here's a Iow-cost personal electronic calculator everyone ,can use... We install 4 •new front brake pads, repack outer front bearings and inspect calipers, rotors and roar brakes. Discs machined, calipers rebuilt at extra cost. the Royal.' DIGITAL I 7 75.14/7 75.15 BIRO with retreadable Irgde•i 1QQPNT OVBRAEiglAUL Includes new lining and rebuilding. wheel cylinders on -all 4 wheels; arc. linings, tum • drums. repack front bearings , and inspect complete system, DRUM - TYPE BRAKES NOW A THESE FIRESTONE STORES: • 115 JOSEPHINE STREET 'WINO PHONE 357.3733 Fi resfon* Man CHARGEX tiny,/ / STORES HAVING A "GOOD LAUGH, Perrie Holmes and Pat Fry- fogle, winners of the high triple trophies in the Thursday Mixed Bowling League, have trouble getting to the serious business of having Mrs. Fryfogle-make the presentation to Mr. Holmes. —Staff Photo. Mixed league winds up activities with banquet Top ,team -and the best in- dividual bowlers were recognized at the closing banquet, of. the Thursday Night Mixed League at the Canadian' Legion hall Satur- day night. Elda's Eggheads, led by Elda Nethery, received the season's championship trophy from Earl Young. On the team were Barry Fryfogle, Emma Deyell,' Tom Henderson, Janice Benninger and Ruth Smith. Tom,Robinson presented a tro- phy to Pat's Panties, the playoff champs, accepted by Pat Fry- fogle along with Murray Gerrie, Isabel Montgomery, Mary Hen- derson, Norma Brenzil and Len Phillips. Terry Nethery presented the award for ladies' high average to Gwen MacLaurin who in turn presented a trophy to Harry Fry- fogle, hdlder of the men's high average. Earl Young made the presentation to Pat Fryfogle, ladies' high triple, and followed by presenting a trophy to Perrie Holmes, who captured the men's high triple honor. Mr. Holmes made the pre- sentation to Fran Gerrie, ladies' Cont e Is are simile, easy to use. gaq n . • adds, subtracts, multiplies,/ divides and performs mixed calculation's • 10 -digit capacity • 4 -position decimal control • direct credit balance high single, and Mrs. Gerrie pre- sented Gary Brenzil with a similar trophy for the men's. high single. Bonnie Pletch was judged to be the most improved bowler and received an award from Don Montgomery. Bill Stapleton was named the most faitihful spare and was recognized by Isabel Montgomery. Barbara Merkley made presentations to Elda Nethery and Pat Fryfogle for perfect attendance. Winners of the playoff ladies' high single and high triple were Aantje Robinson and Barb Merk- ley who received trophies from Murray Gerrie. Similar trophies went to Keith Pletch and Bruce Machan with Gail Holmes handling the presentations, 4 • Available now at The Canadian Association for the Mentally Retarded and the National Institute on Mental Re- tardation are stimulating re- search into all aspects of mental retardation, particularly toward prevention and more effective methods of treatment and train- ing. ADVANCE -TIMES JOSEPHINE STPHONE 357-2320 WINGHAM 1