The Exeter Times, 1889-1-3, Page 8IN SU BANCE0 XI1N ST 41.1LIOT, AGENT F011 THEI WESTEEN ASSURANCE COX-. PANT, oS Toronto ; also for the PIEKENIK FIRE INS-IIMANCE COMPANY,. et London, Eogland,the 'ROYAL CANADIAN, ot Mon- treal, aril the liatITIBEf ElsrPIRE LIVE AB SURANCE OP1s1PA1Y, of tendon, England. esteblished 1847. &mote over ' S46,000,000; elaims and bonuses paid, over B10,000,000. GOO 4Z WS. -We shall behappy to re. 4sive at a1Z times, frOta any part of the Cottatty, items of ioetsZ news such as ae, , , cidents,or any interesting incident what- ever, from any of our subscribers or read, crs generallyfor the purpose of public (aim. Nvtgv THURSDAY. J ANUARY 31d, 1888 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Oysters. Fresh oysters at Geo. Sanders' by the quart, or served up by the plate, cooked or raw. Just look at our etook of con- fectionery, aad sporting goods. All fresh new and first -class. he Best Yet. • To THE PDULIC.-Now as cheapness is the order of the day, the undersigned is • going to dispose of his large Stock of , Harness, Boots and Shoes. at remarkably low prices for the next 30 days, as he purposes retiring from business, Fle will also sell or rent the -premises he now occupies. CHAS. EacRETr. Stephen Man Missing. One morning about two weeks ago, Mr. Arch. Campbell, of Stephen township, near Shiplut left home, ostensibly, for the purpose of doing business in Exeter. He did not arrive at Exeter, and not , return- ing boine, his friends, several days after- ward set out in search of him. They followed him as far as Dashwood at which place all trace was lost, and until the present time nothing has been heard ot him. It is supposed by some that he walked to Hensall, where he took the train for parts distant. No valid reason can be assigned for his leaving so uncere- moniously; be was not encumbered by debt to any serious extent, and has not -shewn signs of derangement in mind. Two suits of elothes, two caps and sixty dollars constitute his paraphernaiim He is about 45 years of age and "low -set," . somewhat stout. Village Council. The council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at the Town Hall, Exeter, 28th Dec. 1838. All present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl confirm- ed. Moved by T. B. Carling seconded by T. H. McCallum that orders be granted for the follosving sums viz: -Jas. Dignan $3 03 blackstnithing, Jas. Creech 75cts meals for tramps, Jas. Beer $4, selecting jurors, Mrs. Clack $2. charity, Geo, Fish- er 42.55 lumber, Wm Tievithick 75ets work at To wr Hall, EdwinBissett $5.50 liv- ery hire .87 .88, Bissest Bros. $7.20 spikes, do $20. supplies for Town Hall, 1'. Barton $3.00 balance for gravel, W. J. Clarke 70ets error in asst., and Isaac Carling $2.10 do. Carried. Moved by J. Pick- ard seconded by T. B. Carling that the Exeter Brass Band be granted $60. Car - tied. Moved by W. G. Bissett seconded. by J. Pickard that the following taxes be remitted, the persons being in indigent circumstances, viz:- Mrs. Cann 52.10, Wm Webster 83.50 and. Mrs. Littlejohns $8.40. Carried. Moved by W. G. Biss- ett seconded by T. H. _McCallum that the collector be allowed until the 15th Jan. 1889 to complete collection of taxes. Car- ried. Moved by W. G. Bissett seconded by T. H. McCallum that the council ad- journ. Tbrevittes. Another spell of winter weather, New Year's slay paseed off PA quietly as did OltrietInae• Mr, J. Heywood has purchased the Luxton property en Main-st, north of the Trivitt Memorial chureh. Mr, Wop Morrison has rented a house in Owen Sound and will move ffis family there in the spring. This is 1889 and the printers aro glad. Glad because 1888 required three 8'smnore of this figure than are usnally in a font. The Riddulph district L. 0. L. will meet at Luean on Tuesday 8th met. A full attendance is requested. This is the season for the making of new resolves. How well have you kept -those made at the beginning of 1888? Factory cotton 3c,white cotton 5o,print aic, all wool grey flannel, 16c; good cotton shirting for 8e; at the Big Bankrupt Store. Old '88 is laid at rest. And still many people will forget to place 1889 on their correspondence for some weeks. The funeral of the late Alfred Drew will take place from his father's reaidence Sunday afternoon next at 2 o'clock. All overcoats reduced to half price at tht3 Big Benkrapt store; Now is your chance for a genuine bargain. A green Christmas may make a fat churchyard, though it is open to doubt, but there is no question that it keeps down the bills for fuel. Mr. Thor. Johns of Usborne, the young man who his had arm taken off by the gearing of a separator a couple of weeks ago, is progressing favorably. While returning home from church on Sunday last, Mrs. John Popplestone slip. ped on the icy sidewalk, and falling, sprained an ankle seriously. Saturday was a blisy day in town. The grain buyers were kept continuously on the move and the merchants report a good day's business having been done. Mr. Glendenning of Watford, who was reported missing some weeks ago, is still astiay. He is supposed to have died by the way, in the vicinity of Parkhill. Genuine Persian Lamb caps for 52 50; Mens Shirts and Drawers for 25e; Ladies all wool Black Cashmere Hose for 30c at Big Bankrupt Store. The body of Alfred Drew is expected to arrive in Exeter on Friday next. It will be accompanied by Mrs. Thorne, sister of the deceased. - The Christmas of 1879 experienced weather such as we had last week. The business done by merchants on Christmas eve, 1888, was vastly larger than in 1879. Several of the local sports took advan- tage of the slight fall of Snow, and on Monday went rabbit hunting. They baggecl se veral. Mr. E. Hogarth has secured the position of assistant teacher in the Petrolia High school. Mr. Hogarth is well advanced and the pupils will find him pains -taking. He fell in love with his wife because she bought a black satin marvelieux dress for 82?mts per yd at the big Bankrupt Store, it was a real beauty, Several youths spent Sunday afternoon skating on the river. They did so think- ing there was no harm in it. If the police catches them at such work, they will realize differently. The Messrs Weekes Bros., presented the Trivitt Memorial church with a hand- some marble font, in memory of their de- parted relatives The workmanship on the font is creditable, indeed. While skating on the river Friday af- ternoon, Garnet Hyndman ran into an air hole in the ice near the shore, He man- aged to crawl out after getting a severe ducking. Mr. P. Bawden has greatly improved the appearance of the exterior of his dwelling by the erection of a handsome verandah and the addition of a pediment window. A movement is at present on foot among several of: the monied men of town with a view to the establishment of a pork packing establishment in Exeter during the noming summer. Considerable money has already been subscribed. The public schools open this morning in the rural districts and in town on Mon • day. Let all the boys and girls, who possibly can, start with the new year and attend school as regularly as posssble during the current term. The town and church bells rang the olcl year out and the new year in. The band discoursed sweet music during the mid- night hour. No special watch -service was held though many witnessed the change from the old to the new, New Years, January 1st, was a pleas- ant day, meteorelogicoAly speaking, but hari their been sleighing the event of the beginning of another twelve-month would have been well celebiated, As it was the roads were slushy and people were loath to move about more than necessary. The fruit social, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the IVIain-st. Meth. church, on the evg. of New Years day was largely attended. and a good time is reported to have been spent by all. The receipts amounted to $17 On Tuesday afternoon, Bert White, the three-year-oldson of Mr. Will J. White,of the Sun met with a serious accident. While coming down stabs, with a sleigh iri his arms, he fell and broke his right arnt in two places and dislocated it. The little fellow is doing very well under the circumstances. Brandon (Man) Sow. The Scientific American referred to in another column, is the very best publica- tion in this country for those interested 111 science, engineering, mechabics, inven- tions, ete A copy of the Scientific American may be seen at the office of this paper, where subscriptions will he receiv- ed. We respectfully thank the many who have renewed their subscription to the TiMits for the year; and hope that ere many weeks pass all will have bad their labels changed to read. Jan. 1st., 1890. Yen can ill afford to do without the Thins; it costs you only two cents a week. ro the numerous new subscribers we also tender our thanks foe their surport and while we appreciate yotir assistance in the increasingof our enormously large list, we will endeavor before many weeks, to make the Trmas more pleasing by. the accommOdation of a still greater Tian- tity of purely interesting news, Ayer's Almanac for 1889, published by Dr, t.T. 0, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., ecnnes to us in the shape of a neat presen- tation book oi five houdred pages, being made bp of numerous editions catenated for the latitude of many lands, A score or more of nationalities are addressed in their own languagee in this volame and could they all be heard elamoring to - gather for Ayer's Sarsaparlia, • Ayer's Pills, what a Babel would break forth Ayer's almanac, in its familiar yellonr eever, has been known as the most ac- eorate and reliable of its kind and if any Blotting on the river was geed 'Not otie is ignorant of the superior merits of 'Years day,, and We should Mg° from the Aset's rriedielnes, and sneers in donee - number, that all who ever SAW pair querice, it is not the feta of this onto* of Arita avaitea themselOes Of the very prising fIrtil, who scatter their leaVes . /exorable opporturiitY and iinitilged in the millions for the healing of nations, Arik IiinittlifeleXercise. No °mettle/its aril as yelp. druggiet for Ayer'S almanac/. ",'"' reisonal. Miss Alice Treble, of Windsor is the guest of Mrs. John Trick. -Mr, and Mrs. Folland are spending a week visiting in .Kincardine and London. -Mr. and Mrs. _Anderson of St, Marys, Mr and Mrs Brown, aud daughters, of Aylmer, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Spicer last week. -Mr. James M. B,arnsay of Guelph, is spending a few days with parents in town. -Rev. Mr. Thompson of Centralia, preached two splendid sermons, in the Efain-st Methodist church on Sunday. The rev, gentleman is a nice. yet forcible speaker, which, with sound ideas. renders his discourses interesting Rev. Mr. Wilson took Mr. Thompson's work on the Centralia cireuit.-Miss McConnell, mill- iner, of Parkhill, is spending her vacation the guest of Miss Holland, --Mrs. Dodge of St. Johns, Mich., is at present the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bow- man of Usborne.-Mr. N. F. Harrison, who is attending the Detroit College of Medicine, spent Christmas week at his " home in Exeter. -Mr. Benj Grigg, who is attending college at Cobourg, is home on visit. -Mr. Joseph Bawden left on Saturday for Alvinstoe, to take a position on the Tisms.--Mr, Gregory Tom retarn- ecl home on Saturday from an extended trip through several of the European countries. He givesa glowing account of his travels and says he enjoyed the trip immensely. -Mr. ,J. J. White, son of the proprietor of Tull Trues has severed his connection with the reportorial staff of the Detroit Tribune and commences a college course. -Mr. John Bavvden is home from Toronto, --Mrs. T, M. White of Windsor spent the Xtria,e holidays with friends in Exeter. --81r. R. Eaerett of Tilsonhurg was in town during the fore part of the week. We learn that it is Mr,, Eacrett's intention to return to Exeter and reside here permanently. -Mrs R. Seiclon of Ingersoll is visiting her many friends in town. --Mies Bettie May Hawk - she (v is visiting friendt iu Detroit. ---Mr. Hobert Brownlee of London is hothevisit- irtg his mother • Large oongregations attended both ..services in the Trivitt Memorial °buret' F.4.uilc1ay last. Boots and shoes, over shoes and rubbers Thr half the regular prices, at the Dig Dam Itrupt Store) " A meeting of the Young Liberal Canso-- ative Association will be held in Pan- son'e Hall, on Mondayeventrig next. At the annual wieeting of the trustees of S. 3.IN.To. 5, tsborne Mr. Itobert McCord was elected trustee in the room and stead of Mr, Martin resigned, Yesterde, Mr. Jas. Willis' horse rem away,oatised bx the load, of lumber eliding forward and apoti the animal's back, 1VIr Willis who was walking beside the load Was knocked down hy part of the load fa): ling on him. Ile was seriously injured about the arms rind hody, 71,7,1 The Nominations, On Monday last the ratepayers of the Muneipal corporatione of the Province met to nominate for eleetiou persons to 911 the Legislative offiees of the different Muncipalitiee. In Exeter and in the neigh poring townships very little excite- rnent characterized the preeeedings this yeai, the tax -payer no doubt realizing that his taiiee are safficiently high with. out increasing them by incurring addi- tional expense cousequent upon the creation of an unnecessary election. In Exeter the council took advantage of a new enactment of the Legislature and opened nomination, instead of at one o'cloek in the afternoon, at 7,30 p. m. in the town hall. Mr. M. Etierett, village clerk presided as returning officer. The hall was well crowded with electors. Mr. James Oke nominated Mr. T 13. Carling as a fit and proper person for reeve for 1889, which was seconded by R Terry, Jas. Down nominated Pr. Rollins for reeve, which was seconded by E. Christie W. Hawkshaw nominated Jae. Pickard for deputy reeve, seconded by Thos. Prier. D. Mill nominated W. G. Bissett, for deputy reeve, seconded by R. Dayis. W. Harding nominated Jas. Oke for deputy reeve eecouded by John Hawk- shaw. D. Mill nominated T. B. Carling for councillor, seconded by R. Davis. E. L. 13illings nominated E, Christie for councillor, seconded by Jas. Down. 8, C, Hersey nominated Jas Willis for couis. cillor, seconded bY' Jas, Tom. A. Hilts nominated Jas. Pickard for counsillor, seconded by Jas. Gould. Dan Davis nom • inated Thos. McCallum for councillor, set. by M. MoDenell. Jas. Oke nominated W. Harding for councillor, seconded by Jno, Taylor. The hour for receiving nom - illations having closed persons declined contesting the different offices,viz:-T. 13. Carling for reeve; Jas. Oke and Jas. Pick- ard, deputy reeve; W. Harding, E. Christie, and Jas. Willis for councillors, thus leaving the old council:-Dr,Rviilins reeve; W. G. Bissett, deputy reeve; Jas. Pickard, T. 13. Carling and. Thos. McCal- lum, elected by acclamation. Short ad- dresses were made by the members of the council, giving a resume at the business done by the Board during the year as also prodsicing a statement of the financial standing of the town, all of which we pre- sume was satisfactory to:the ratepayers, if silence can be taken as a criterion. Read Jas. Parkinson's change of a,dv. Mr. Wm. Dudenhoffer, of London has purchased property in town and will build a fruit evaporating establishment, in the spring. We welcome Mr. D. to town as a citizen and business man; and farm- ers will appreciate his presence next fall during the fruit season. - Mr: Jas. Howard. has completed his toboggan slide, and if we are favored with any snow this winter, the lovers of coast- ing may expect to spend some pleasant evenings with Mr, Ho ward. The slide is a good one and not as dasigerons or fearful as some we have seen. BORN. Ona -In Ammeter on the 271h ult:, the wife of Mr Joseph Orr, of a son. MARRIED Orena-Fosezr,-At the residence of the bride's brother„front road Stanley by Rev W Hodgins, Mr. Harry Diehl to Miss Maggie Foster. Jortsts-Lswsow-ln Tuoltersmith on the 26th inst, by the Rev J Edge, at the resi- dence of the Swicles mother Robt. Lawson of Hullett, to Miss h. johns, daughtercf Mrs Johns, Foss-Csarwan-At residence of tbe bride's father, Hensall, on the 19th ult., by the Rev. J T Henderson, Mr. D. W. Foss, to Miss Mary Carlisle, both of Hensel liZoN-ANDBasoN.-At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 26th ultsby Rev. A. D. McDonald, Mr. John R Lyon, of Seaforth, to Miss Janet Anderson, of the same plree. Srsts-Rormrsts.-On the 25th ult., by the Rev • W.H.Fife, at the Methodist parson- age, Croditon, Mr Wm. Sims of Stephen to Miss Rachel Rollins of the same place. DIED. DNDW.-In Los Angeles, Cal. on the 25rd ult, Alfred DreVi,rtaed 23 Tears, 9 months, Funeral Sunday at 2 o'clock p. m, ENVE ES Pnces Reasonable at Tunes IVieroliants can get their Bit]. Heads, Letter Heads, &e ame printed at TIRES MOD for very little more than they generally pay for the paper, and it helps to advertise their busi- ness. See samples and. get prices. Good work is aone at TI M ES outurestw.sasemseweseasa ;„aussesemsx,se...-..e.,== sst TFIE BEST IS CHEAPEST. /. Farmer's Advocate ;,7,4 Flom idaeatine 2)(0 livery farmer should read the trading and only adepondent publication devoted to his businesi. Vhousauds say there is norto equal to it, and no lollar ex; ceded Iron; the farm returns so much ,00d. It treats on all branches connected with ho farm, and Iff highly prized by the ladies and n; thildroit ha Saved many 0 farmer from the DSS 0 UR farm ; it has saved the farmers ind- ices of dollars by checking the intred notion and pread of contagious stook diseases: it has hi - eased the receipts from our cereals by•MHBODS dollars. Lommended by City and. County Iouncils and Agricultural Societies. Agents wanted. Sample conies free. essee- , Price $1, per annum. Address 1itK4 t FAriaina's ADVOCATE ODPRIE, „," , London, Cat.mmirtila.maimi ."10 Largest Circulation in Western Ontario, Absolutelv Pure. This powder never varies A marvel ofpur- ity, strength awl wholesomeness. More 000n- m:ohm]. thanthe ordinary hinds Ind cannot be sold in competition. with the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In canfi-RoYAI., BAK- ING20 WEER CC .106 Wall street N FREE PRESS LONDON, - ONT. The "Free Press" is the only newspaper in the West receiving the Associetect Press Des- patehes. It contains all the news by °able, telegTriph, telephone and 11mM up -0 the time of going to press. It gives in each issue origi- nal and valumble illustrations of men and things and is the only newatiaper in Canada employing it own artists. TOHN 1V1eOURDY, Kirkton, re suer of Marriage .Liconses, Agent for Canada Life Assurance and other Loan Com- panies, Agent for Huron end Middlesex Fire Insuraeoe Company. Commissioner for Perth To Let STATION HOTEL TO LET. Easy Terms. Apply to the undersigned. June14.- I. CARLING. The Weekly ".Pree l'tess" $1.00 pee year. Postage Free, Established Nearlp Hall a Contisrv, "rid THREE CiRACTES," AND "113Y THE LAKESIDE.' TWO ITANDSOMP; P1-l0TOS. Also a beautificillustrated Christmas Num- ber domprising 38 mutes, given evreY Eros, se every subseriber for 1889. 88,000 in Preminvis, comprisieg now end useful articles, given away free to agent. The inost liberal induesments taser offisred inCast,- edit to Agents. Send for agents outfit mint Seises THE FREE PKESS” is the only morning and evening taper oublished,in Western On- tario It ie forwarded on all early morning trains, reaelins all Diodes + ,betyraen ,Torpoto klhEddi:ViichstclinxelVt3g6dgit'8111: di,%Pillgig a`igt t....at cid.obti:, The liVy neAsPatier ...61 the -West, 05.00 per year ros,t.t ga *tee. A•dareggoa For Sale. Three first-class farms -10C acres each -Lon. don Road, within one mile of Exeter. Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT. Solicitors, &e., Exeter. • Dress- aking. Mrs. Dickey, of Crediton, begs to inform the public that she has moved her business, and will now be found one door west ef mitehell's Store. Dress -making done in the very latest styles: C'uttingand Fitting by the new tailor system. AIRS, DICKEY, Crediton iss Sweet Wishes to inform the ladies of Exeter and vicinity that she intends continuing the Dress and Mantle Making up -stairs, Banton's Old Stand. Mantles and Dolmans out by the new tailor system. APPRENTICES WANTED. APPLY AT ONCE. TRAYED INTO THE PREM- ISES of the Undersigned, Lot 9, Con. 10, Stephen on or about 1st of December, a year- ling heifer, red. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expen- ses. WISI. GOWER, Crediton P. 0. ALESMEN Wanted.—Good. kJ salaries or commission paid to the right mon to sell our choice and hardy varieties of nursery stock. Now is the Hine of the year to engage. None but honest and upright men need. apply, do not delay if you decide to join us, as delays are dangerous. Apply with re- °Tereuees, MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y.. 'MESS PBUSS BIbiTING CO., „yet reported. to the prole, cry for Pitchoes CastPria tendon, Ont, AGENTS WANTED, IN THE Comities of Huron , Perth, Grey and Bruce to sell and set up Welsh's Patent Venti- lator -the best made.Good percentage al- lowed. Town, township or County rights for sale. Ali orders left with Bissett Bros. will receive prompt attention. Address W. WELSH, Exeter, Ont. Dec. 6th,1888. The Kippen Mills. THE above mills take the lead in gristing and chopping. Give us a trial, and you will be convinced that this is the right place to get your gristing done. Everyone gets his flour manufactured from their otyn wheat. Chopping only five cents a bag. Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. D. B KeLEAN, Kiernx, General Store The undersigned would inform the pub - lie that he has just received his WINTER STOCK A fall line of Dry -Goods, Rats & Caps, and Crockery, Boots and Shoes. Those wishing anything in nay line will find it to their advantage to call and in sped, my goods and prices. Highest prices paid for But- ter and Eggs and all kinds of produce, J. P. oss. X-mas Season 1 Every Departaft ALL THIS YEAR. COMPETITION NOWHERE CAN COMPETE WITH OUR PRICES CALL AND BE CONVINCED DOUPE & CO., Kirkton. MOB?! ',MITI!! IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY Through X-mas and New Years, BUY YOUR GOODS FROM THE Cheap Store, Creditor), As he is determined. to clear out all his stock of DRY GOODS, BOOT & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC., At less than actual Cost -4-=x=)=+ Sale to commence 1st Jan., and continue until all is cleared out, as am going out of the above lines. TERMS - CASH. N. B. All accounts must be settled 1st January. MITOZELL, —EXETER -- The Forest City Business College has Just closed for vacation with the largest attend- ance ever registered at this season of the year. Young tmen 'swanting a thorough training, should write tor our handsome catalogue. Our advantages are unequalled. College re- opens January 3rd,1889. Address Westervelt & York, London, Ont, —TWO— Boars For Service Tee Undersigned will keep on Lot 8 Con. 8, Vsborne, near Winchelsea, Two Berkshire Boars, bred by Geo. Green, Fansville. One 13 months old, brother to his sweepstake boar, Rolm taken 4 first prizes. and 1 second, as aged boar, The other is 7 months old, and brother to his first prize sow, and sired by his first prize aged boar. Ile has taken 5 first Prizes for pig under one year. Both have a reg. pedigree, TERMS -$1, to be paid at time of service, with privilege of returning if nec- essary. 22-11-2m R. DELBRIDGE, gerismasmalffmmar*odaarsamemessenemmner FALL 1888. Have just received direct from England a fine assortment of Ladies' Walking Jack- ets, Dolmeauwand "Ulster's, also a Fine As- sortment of SealetteS, Itnitation Lamb and Ulster Cloths. PULL LINES OF DBES'S GOODS. IN HOS1ERZ GLOVES, AND STAPLE DIMGOODS, Our Stook is Complete For Finely Finished Photos of all sizes, from small album size to 11x14 from life, try Ml\TIO I. He has also an elegant display of Photo- graph Frames. Sizes : Skil), 11x14 and 14x17. AT ALL PRICES ! . It wi I be to the advantage of those having pictures to frame to examine his stock of Picture Moulding. Get prices before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. SENIOR (Drollery Opposite Post -Office. 1111ran Pump Worit: The subscriber would respectfully announce to ,the public that he has POIY ou hand a large stook of the venous kinds of wooden pump, and thet he has Rdded fileilitigatbY Wluais hu can supply ordered work on the very shortest notice. rim roues alumna. AND rAVDRADLY XNOWN1 AND NER.Man no 040P550 FORM Well -digging for fifty cents a foot for 30 foot, 25 cents for every extra ten feet. A call solicited, 0E0. 0111)M011% Exeter. July. 1888, Huron Street. Everest's Congh Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. TrY it and be convinced cif its wonderful curative properties, Pries 25 ots• (Trade Mark,) Try Everest's LIVER REGULCIOR, For Diseas es of the Liver, Kidueys die., and purifying of the Blood. Price $1. Six • bottles, 88. For sale by all drug- gists. Manufaetured only' by G. M. EVEREST (Themist. Forest THE INTERCOLONIAL R I LW A Y OF CANADA, The royal mail, passenger and freight route between Canada and Great Britain, -and- Direct route between. the West and all' - points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Dat '&, , de Chalenr, also New Brunswick, Note, sootia, Prince P,dward Island, Cepa Breton and Newfoundlari (1. • New and elegant buffet sleeping and day cars run on through express -trains, P rase tigers for Great Britain or the conti- nent by leaving Toronto by 8 p, m. train ou Thursdaywill loin outward mail stetuner at Halifax Saturday. Superior elevator, warehouse and dock ao- aommodation at Halifax for Shipment of grain and general merchandise. I Tears of expernmee have proved. the Inter - colonial, in connection with steamship lines to and from London, Liverpool and Gies- gow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight ""and route between Canada and Oreat Britain. ' Information as to passenger and freight s rate$ can be had on application to f ROBERT B. MOODIE, WesternFreight&Passenger Agent 931lossin House Block,York 1St. Toronto DsPOTTINGER, „ Chief Superintendent. Railway office. Moncton. el. Ji.. Nov. 20, '88. A Combination —0E ---- Usefulness ! Beauty, and Durability ! -IS AN ESSENTIAL IN - Selecting a Christmas Present. • GIDLEY Carries the largest stook of Furniture in • Huron County, and has just addri.dtt his assortment a great plany pieces admirably adapted for Christmas Presents. An Inspection of Goods wifi ef- fect a purchase. ' Undotakin ii all its Branches. S. GIDLEY, Successor to C. & S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. GREAT SUMMER SALE ISAAC CARLIN 111 011DEB TO CLEAR OUT HIS SUMMER STOOK WILL SELL: unoner Silks, Dress Goods, Muslins, Prints, Ginghanos Laces, BibbckIs, Hisiery, Gloves, 'Underwear, Corsets, Pasasols, Mfllinery, Tximmings, eto At Creatly Reduced Prices. 5rali B:rgain in Ivory Doparilmo do,not Miss this oPpertunitito boy cheap' 'geode, es the suboarib ae of out ifildtit stOeltd in the tot,on, to ei.iopit Oona A Cell will repay you.