The Exeter Times, 1888-12-27, Page 8•
RANT. of Totonte ; 3.130 for the PHcj
rim; (N$13.1lrAN014). COUBA NY, or .1.4onelon,"
flg.h4,31,1,0.19 uorAI, 0ANADJAN.„ of
atO the OBITISH 1011,11411,1r9; As
,SORANOE 00.`Nit'ANY, of 1,0ndon.,'
established 1$47. 4!..ssets ovcr tt,':;5,000.000;
claims and bunuses gid, over $10',000.000,
.1the )1est Yet.
To Mg Puiew.-Now as cheapness is j
the order of the day, the tuniersiaaned iS
going to dispose of his large Stoek, of
Harness, Boots and Shoes, at retnarkahl
low pricee for the next 30 days,' as 1W 1
purposes retiring horn business, Fe will
also sell or rent the premises he now ,
occupies. ), EMMETT.
Oysters. •i
.9,uoxitIeGhtistmaa n If cayou,
household in. Mint, Mich'
, whom a
eet age, looked forward withpleasent
aetieipation to the coming of the joyotie
and eventfal Cliriettnas day, Whert,iJt
were to eseemble iut •festivity, was in ,4
very short ;time- destined to he one of
sbrrow and wailing. About 4 mOrith ago
VS, Hand and MI a. Wright, tWe highly
reapected women of Exeter North, left
foi'• Flint. Mich,, te visit Mre, Hamra
ehildren, smieral of whom reside in that
city, and to shaee the Christmas ,dinner,
They arrived safely and for a time en-
Oyed their visit ; until Mrslia,nd was
taken ill of derangement of the heWele,
ana on Monday her soul departed this
ife, She was aged 58 years, and had
ived the greater part of her days in
F,xeter, anct with all who knew her she
vas a favorite ; poslessing as she did, a
varm hetet, a motherly respect for all,
1,11(1 KU affable dispositiou, wae, couducive
o the Utmost. veneration on the part of
verybody. Her renntine were bronght to
eter on Christmas morning, and after
eing taken to the Mainit Methodist
'lurch', of whieb she, was a member, were
emov-ed to the Rodgetville cemetery; for
interment. .
Fresh oysters at Geo, Sanders', by Cie- t
quart, or served up bx the plate, cookec1 e
or raw. Just look at our stock of non-
fectionery, and eperting goods. All fresh, 0
new tend first class,
`valuable Pig nmeci,
On .Mouday lest -While Wm. White' bi-
Stephen township, waa.unloteling izVale-
able thoroughbred sow from alang
the annual net with an accident by whieh
it was killed. The box was emoved
first and when the.amiutal was abont
be lifted off, if jumped ;von oue of the
stakes at the beck, the stake enterinaer its 3
hody o subh an exteut that it -wee found
necessary te at once killthe pig. It was °
valued at 840.- • . •
chribt1114S DreatS. •
' The local butscheiz,-Measrs. Pe: Davis,
Wood Bros. and Snell & 'Co;, exhibited
. ezceenent displays of Christmas meats ;
daring the holidays. It is hard to deter,
mine whieh display was the better, each
being displayed to the best- adventage and a
ecientifically dressed. The 'porker roast,
fed by 'Mr. John ETawkshaw, attraeted N
Mita attention. It was, the fattest pig a
The ice, on the liver. '` brake lip" 011
TnesdaY anti 'a gleat flood • of Water en -
tied, '
l'ressed hay is still being shipped from
Exeter in lerge quantities. This •• renders
he priee of hey very high to local no/l-
Out issue id somewhat late tbie week,
wing in pelt to the:interventiou of
Christmas mart an -unusual eush a job,
Hating, Our readers will overlook the
°lay this time.
Bev. 0, H. Teeter, missionary to the
North West' Torritorities, will give a
eeture ou missionary matters in the Main -
t lActli. church, on Wedneaday Jany 9th
989. The rev. gentleman relieved the
at Rev. G. N. A. F. T. Dieleson, when ill
t this charge soine three yeare ago.
Monday Was kvegy busy day in town,
o sleighing, but good wheeling. Oraio
nd produce came in in large quantWes,
farmers took home.large 'purchases oD
goods prom -Wed frorn the varioits aner-
Mr. M. Parkinson, of Exeter, who lies
recently been eugliged in the Strathroy
Collegiate institute, has -resigned arid, \Yin
take a -position on the-staffbf the Ter-onte
ublic school
MteR, D,avis,, displayed among his ex-
cellent assortment of Christmas meats'a
pig three month old which weighed 70
lbs when dressed. was the finest ever
shown in this section , It was fed by Mr.
,Tobn Hawkshaw.
,Wm Bryee, of Toronto, a noted
Canadian-, pu bushel'. issues each week
valuable works of fiction Two 'of his
latest gli.bneations : "Galloping Davi at
the Deanery" and "The Gunineker of
Moscow"; both of which are interesting
books,Se For sale by newsdealers.
Stories of the coming- local municipal
election fight are seemingly so corriplicat.
d end subtle that it would be -difficult to
-en propbesy. , as to probable candidates
r the various:offices. Meirda,y next will
ttre all, In some of thope-103,i,liaere-
boilt election /natters are'npa4t a I dull.
any knives are being sharped.
During Thursday, Friday an& gaiiiNay
,o of our printers, "set up" and "..!.enn
ff" four treasurer's detailed. statemeilf,
ch coetaining an average of nine thou -
and "ems." This is good wcnk, /and is
ly one ;of the practical demonitttlens
how qffickly woekdo
.is.tarned out in ord,
ape, from the Taxes officeek-,
Mr James Down . sold tyiait hens of the
rahma Variety the other. 'clay, which,
hen dressed weighed upwards of 'twenty
lauds. Mr. J. Pickard -*on-
e of hens of another varietc,i4-kich M, a
used. condition weighed.,ir.,e4-114,ert
uncle.. Both of these gentreMafklre,
lebrated poultry fanciers, and know'
w to fatten stock of this kind. e
Mr.' Wm. Drew, yesterday inorning, re-
ived a telegram from ados Angeles, Cal.,
forming him of the `death of his son
Alfred, which occuIVi
rred on oinlaY, in
that city. Deceased left Exeter some
three years ago for the sunny south, for
the purpose of seeking improved -health,
• and for a time the change a,greed with
bin): But -becoming settled to'theillimate
,the ailment,-constunption-returned,• his
condition grew worse, until as above
stated, he died. Next week his remains
will be brought to 'Eiieter and interred .in
the burying ground , with),those . of the
family who have gone before.
Personal. •
•Mr. A, McQueen of Keewatin, former-
ly operator ,at the station here, is visiting
old, associates in town. -Mr. A. A. C.
Denovan, late manager of the Moisons
bauk, town,' now manager of a branch • at
Toronto, was in. ettendance at, the opening
of the Trivitt „Memorial aura -h. -Mr..; R.
Elliott and wife, mf Toronto, are visiting
•'parents in town. -Mr. . A. 1A'bitefot d of
-Manitoba, is home spending the,' Christ-
mas holidays =Mr. Fred. Carr is the
guest of Mr. &teal. Gidlear.-Mr. H. C.
• Brewer, at one time manager of ,,the
Molsona bank, Exeter, was in town over
Sunday anclItook his old time accustomed,
place in tbetehOir of the church of Eng,
• land (nciw Trivitt 'Memorial.) -Many
fainfliar faces of former Exeterites were
• seen upon Exeter streets during the week
sufficient number almost to fill a whole
• PP,Re. • e
Death of 1izr. James Sanders. • fo
On Thursday last the comm.unity was se
somewhat surprided ti Tearn of,the death a
of James Sande, well-kflmen farmer Al
of the second •concesSion of the'towaship
of Stephen. Mr. Sanders was one of
the robust of men and appeared sufficient-
• ly strong to successively battle avith the ea
most powerfully obstinate disease; but ,e
such was not the case. A few weeks ago aa
be wae taken down with typhoid. fever, of
and :wide, from the turning pointaidrnost sh
atheiiime of death his recovery was
el, yet his fate was sealed and the 1.1
of death came anon him: • He was
s just in the prime
'future before
the Orange dr
-der. he was- ro
'wing wife ee
er with he
eare or ageetn 10
ife, and hada brunts
up. He w -as a member o
/ody with the rites of which o
mried. There survives him a
, -ed several small children togeti
annerous'other relatives,all „or.,
ve the sympathy of the conunnin
riellool Trustee Election.
The election for schodl trustees t 00 t
place on Wednesday. The attenda 00
-..eas very small, people seemingly atta 11-
in,e no importance to an election of t his
tied_ M.r. Verity, whose term expi ed.•
with the old year, was renominated, • ut
deolmed to again accept the office, each tre-
upon Mr. Hoskin was elected by accla na-
' 'Mon. The secretary read the annual re-
. port which showed the amount of re eipts
(hiring the year to be $4,279 ; ea pendi-
ture $3,427, leaving a balance of $852.
This is a con-siderable sum of mo ey /or
a saber,' beard to handle withonteven
• shewing to the public for what purposes
-tiee-senn of $3,427 has been exp nded.
We NtrilL4,1t 'pleased to publish. 0h4 'pro-
ceodingt of-ao,ch meeting 461 the Board
daring 'no yeaf-aiE a, report is hand a. in ;
or if we are made aware of the (tat's of
• meetings ,we will ourialves report the
• proeeedings. •
Mode1 School Examinations. „I„
The following candidates secured '4ird
class certificates. Maximumn other of
arks 900, pass mark, 540, ' emendates
were -required to take 4% in ch. subject
.,,,und 60 per cent on, the aggr gate marks:-
• Hattie Anderson, 746 : Laura Baker'707;
Jane. Rutherford, 547; Jessie Collins,
680 ; Celia Calder, 602 ; Lottie Johnston)
623 ; Bessie Kelly,, 642 ; Rebecca, Lowry,
105 ..; Addie alci5wen., 605.; . Henry 3
Hudson, 076; Thomas knechtal, . 699 ;
Jaa, B. Morrison, 632; Dennis 3`.' Malone,
701- ; Thomas Mackay, 615 ; Sohn Noble,
fief ; Hugh A, Ross, (140; Wm. B. Smith
-805; Mary Gregory, 676; Rebina H. V,
.Kaine, 630 '• Jennie W. Morrison, 637 ;
Anry McNair 609 ; Gertrude Plummer,
- -655; Floronce Richardson, 534'; Eliza-
' halt Robinson, 609 ; Bella, haith674 ;
• .klella Watson - 653 ; Jennie Weir, 770 ;
George H. blaekwell, 645 ; James A.
-Drown, 51; Frederick Fetter, 669 1
VTal E. Graham, 639 ; Sartmcl M. Hauch
0118 ; John McTavish, 615 ; Wm. Murray
rison Spettin, 674 ;Arthur D,
''. Sh ortre cl, 597,
M e„ Jtto I-lodgson jr., formerly .of
jsheene, kut POW Of P311113T8011, spent
1stuiasi14 home.
/Arlie Aid, of the llein-at. Meth,
e.;11, give fruit social at 5entertain-
in the leCiure room of the church,
3 eveniegdf New Years Day.' Doore
7 o'clockt
e escape arebeitig provided for the
o in town, as ere required .by0 kite
merit of Paa•liameet, for the safety
3sts hi the even--; of fire:
rviee was heti' hi several Of the
ches Christmas day, Christnitis this
proved a quiet OM, did weather
g uninvorabfe or outdoor amuse, -
or those who live at a distance end
wb, are no doubt entioteate kriew,we
rnibt state that the Weather here at the
110 of *riting is very tunnel' like% With
so .now, 1V1e,ny farmere who got behind
wit )1 their plowing in the fell are per.
fet'aing the work novii'd
Mr. Michael Dwyer, who escaped
from the fire at Blyth, and who, at was
expected would not recover, is conval-
“Everest's Extraat of Wild Black-
berry never tails to, cure diarrhoea,
dysentery, &c.1' --.the statements of
scores who have tried it. 25c per bat
for sale hy all druggists.
had tried many doctors and was
given up by thernas far gone into con-
sbmption, but was permanently cured
by using Everest's Cough SyfuP..--3aa
Simpson', A berarder,
Fhresiting operations in the North
'west show encouraging restilts. A
settler detested .three miles north of
Regina had crop of 400 ecru of
wheat this season. He got $1.05'per
bushel withoUt leaveng his farm.
correspondent says that the settlers
throughout the Qui Appelle Valley are
in good spirits. He recently „saw 302
bushels of hard Fife threshed from
five acres, The Wheat. Was raieed hear
ratepwa, et the edge of the Qu'App_el-
le Valley. Wheat in the various
NOrthwest districts averaged frota 30
to 40 bushels per acre.
ThiTiratzummiln-The X-Inag tree on.'
tertainment given by t,he Sabbath School
scholars of Union Chereh on X„ Inas eyc
was a graud suceeas, • The Chihiren did
their part well, both in reeitingand singing.
The meeting war; the pastor,
Itev. 3. E. Simpson, with his usual ability,
and,the ineeieal patt was under the man.
agentiont 01 d. 13. Sarnieson, Estle bb
WI:10M was presentedby the Sabbath
School,- through the chairman, a handserne
easy chair ; and to Mrs. Jamiesonar
beautiful pair Of Vases, The ties was load -
ea eh& bandeoine old eostly presents,
much to the de1ig13t of the parents, children
and pastor, all of whom were remembered,
*Mr. Jas, Grant, the pepplat teacher or
5.8. No. 10, sumioy, AN. had a very sus
ordeal entertainment in the school lionse
last Friday eVening, Mr. Stevenson, pre.
senior of Egroned vi le Presbyt eri art church
gave a reading of excellent Meth, and his
daughter a ,elioide 0010,
VAAMINATMX,----A very 8ucoe,11 06061
eXaroination Wag held in 5, No, 2, Tnek.
eteMith I On Monday hut. some
Children try for Pitcher's' Casterlv
, thirteen, teaollere were preSt 'Mad •a lar,*e
-nUnthee of patents and irieo s, es a so the
Belts, S. Aoheson, Killpen, and J. H. Sieve
son, 13rueefield, IliaSoliolars 'eliewed
marked prefleieveY under the at e teeehing
oftDenuld Delles, a teaebee that will make
his mark in the profession, , Tee enter-
tain went patt, whiolt consisted of readings,
recitetions,-.34e.; WU excellent,
The council met pm anent to adjourn,
inentin ,the gourt-romn, Clandeboye, on
Saterday, 15th inst, The reeve and en
the merubere present, Minutes of last
meeting read, approved and aigifed by the
Moved by ki" F seconded by 'A
Beataon, thet hy.lew Isle 6 of.1888, appMut-
Mg palling beoths aucl depety-eeturning
officers ,as now read a third time be passed
and the reeve end clerk sigu the seine and
attach the corporate seal thereto -Carried
The following is the polling pieces ancl
, Polling sub -division no 1, at -the rbei-
donee 'ofof P MeIlhargey, lot 7, S '1.1
• John DoreeyD R 0 .
Division 2, at P Bratan's ball, Moores-,
villa, 11 McNamee D 110 '
• a Div 3, at the residenee of J S Atkinson,
lot 16, eon 5,35 Atkinson D It 0,
Div 4, at the residenee ot Mrs Wbaleu,
lot 25, eon 9, Wm Toebey D R 0.
Div 5, at Temperipace hall, Grantor', W
D Stanley 11 0_ - • ,
The follovving accOunts were ordered to
be,paid ;---Jaines &ell, repairing aPProae
to bridge div 1, 01 patThoinpson repairing
foot bridge Ducar town line, 51.50 ; ' 11
MaRobelts, 15 oorda of graVel Liven town -
nue (south) S90 ; II McRoberts 14,
(weld gravel Lucan town line (nortb)',‘:;29 ;
W Orme hal for:priiiting, 1888, 23,00 ;
J White a Saon advertrsing, eI ; 3 Dixon,
stripping gravel pit city 2, $5 ; Bonn,
gravel aoomint $2,35 ; M Hoclgins 280 four
'inrih tile, 53.35; John Bodging plank and
culvert div 2, 03 ; Wm Toobey, bridge
div 4,.$5 ; Beim eomplethig ditatil nodal
engineer's award, Cons 8 k9, $25; jonen
gravel sect, $3.80 Dorsey 2
tile culverts, areyel and filling, Gravel,
Iload,114 ; W H Ryan overseeing, and,
spreading gravel, 65.50 ; A ,Beatsoll Pay
list moving gravel furnished by the G T R
at Grantor', $20 • John Chalmers -rep eel.
B moiety, $2 ;1 jolua Chalmers drawing
and covering tile, $2 50 ; A Beatson jr,
oak plank for S B Moiety, 01.52 ; A Beat -
son sr, overseeing work 8B and gravel
pit drain,,S1.50 ; W W Revington dog tax
refunded,1$1 ; Eloclgins, cleaning out
diteh'diy 4, el : Mr Blake 500 "tile for
Webb's ditch S -B $2.38 ; W ;McGee 1 daY
inspecting Davis' bridge, $1.50 ; McGee
4 days overseeing and spreading gravel,
$6 ; plank _and rep culvert S 11,
$1 W D Stanley, part of salary, as Clerk
for 1888, $50 ; Trees Blanshard due
from ;bowie line, $4.16.
The Clierk was Anstruotecl to have the
Reeve's and Treasurer's statemeet printed'
and published as direoted •by clause 'Af'
sob section. 3 .Of section 13; chap 28, 51
The council adjourned to meet in the
Temperance hal', Granton, on Saturday,
the 24th inst., at 10 a. m.
Slarrson.-On the 19th inst the wife of Mr.
,Ma -Simpson, McGillivray, formerly Mies
F. Eacretbl. of a daughter,
icr', was sick, we ase her casearia,
„..-teleiere/;e.oe'eas'a Child, -she &led for it.;hstoria,
Virh. - 11' h 1 to on s e?came s c ung atit
'Vnaenshoii;.-aCildren, she gavot:one Castoria,
mcwereszattits_eresevelazirrienza tom.scesteriscraelsoisema
1S1R'AY;L. Strayed into the-
'"iireinises of the underslined on or
abent the middle of 1ovember,1.1388,, 1 year -
r, and l' yearling heifer. The owner
inarafArre, the same by proving property and
paying expenses . . • IrALEN TINE RATZ,
. • -Lot 10,,Con 4, atiaaills.
Sloplien, Dee. 20th.,18a8. .
• To Acivertisers,
A list of 1000 newspapers divided into State
and Sections will besent on application-,
To those who want their advertising to pay,
we can offer no better medium for thorough
and effeetive work than the various sections
of our Select Local List. .
Newspaper Advertising Bureau
• 10 Spreoe streetNew York.
A Meeting of the Electors 00 hold in
tlie Town Hall, Zurich; on Monday, Decem-
ber tilst. at the hour 00 12 o'elbek, noon, for
the purpose of nominating a. rerrie, deputy'.
reeve and three councillors tb servelis mem-
bers of the municipal coutcil of +1,5y,•f or '
the year 1880',';and.ehould •a poll be demand-
ed the same -Will beropeted at the different'
polling sub -divisions ,ori Monday, iranuary
700,•beginning at 0e'clo ek, a, m., and.olosing
at 5 o'clock p. m, Allpatines interested. Will
take dos notice hereof and govern there.
solves accordingly. "
tray. Dec, 20, 'as, «lleturning ()Meer
A meeting of the cle6ters will be held hi
the eown Hall, Elimville, on liir,nday, Dec-
ember 81st, at the hours 01 10 o'clock a., m„,
fat the nomination of Beeve,and at 12 o'clock
noon:Yet Oounci1lot,for the yearMO,. a.nd
should a poll be dem'will tho same ll be
opened itt the differeakt Doilingenb-d' visions
on Monday, Natio.* 7th, beginning at
o'clock a, no., and closing -at 5 o'clock p. m..
All parties interested wall take dins notiee
hereof and govern themselves accordingly.
• 0E0. lAr".1101411-AN,
usboino.Dee2o, '88 Betorning Officer
A meeting of the °looters will be hold in
,the S'aivn lilial,Bfateter,ot Mandan Decem-
ber Shit, tit the hour 0170 deck p. M., :for
the piirpo so of nominating a reeve, (101)110-
•k0ovo and 11 counCillors to serve sO members
of Um Munieipal council of Exeter, for the
'year 1889, aml ohopia 4 poll be demanded
the zanies will he opened at the differettnoi.
ling su b.di visions ori Monday. ,Inntary, 7011,
beginning at 90 cIoek,an d closint0 o'clock
n 111. ah parties interested will take dlio
natiee hereof and govern themselves atoord.
MICH AEI.1 1"1'
Zxoter, Dec, 20th, 18E38. Itetttrning °Meer,
:N0.1)(1,INATION. •
A Meeting Of the eloctorevaill be held an
the Town Hal1 Crediton, on monday, De-
cember filet at the ben): of 12 o'clock, noon,
for the puinelie Of itoininating a POOVe, two
deputy -reeves and two councillors, to, serve
as members of the aftthieipal Council of
Stephen for the year 1280, and should, 4 poll
bo chiniatclod the name will be opened at tho
diffoxoutpollieg suleelivisions on Monday*
januar5, ath. been:1;10)g at,9 o elotalc tr, n1,0
and closing at 5 o'Cloelc,p et, Al.pattioein.
torested will take due notee hereof ltd gov.
son themeel yes keeoaning Y
"0, rxtt,trry,
8tephon, Dec. 20th , 88 Leturning Officer
This er never variei A dtar,vel of put-
lty, strength and wholesomeness, More ecou-
oanidallbuth the ordinary ltbads and cannot
bo sold in oolzlpobi010n with the multitudes of
low test, short weight, altun or phosphate
PowderS. Sold only in ean9„--R0YAL RAE.-
IN PO CO .100 Pirallstre et -1,1
, ,
PP suer of Karriage incenses, ,Agent for"
Cannes: Life Assurance anal' other Loan Com -
mulles, Agent fer :Huron and Midd,leseit Fire
Insarance Company. Ocaumissionerlor Perth
To Let.
STATION ROTEL TO 4'.11T, EasY Tents.'
Apply to the uhclersigned. ,
-June 14.- . I. CARLINI/.
Foi- Sale,
,„ Three first -el ass ferms-100 acres each -Lon.
don Road, within one mile of Exeter, ,
•• Solicitors, &c., Exeter.
Dress -1Y aking.
ivirs. Dickey. of Credito, begs to Inform the
Public that she has reeved her business, and
will' now bb found ono (leer west of Mitchell's
Store. Dtessanaleing &mein the very latest
styles: Outtingand Fitting by the new tailor
system. KEs..Druggy, trediten tee t
Wishes to inform -the ladies of Exeter and
vicinity that she intends continuing theDress
and Mantle Making up -stairs, Banton's Old
stand. • Mantles and Dolmans cut by the 210W
tailor system.
Avramions WAxezn. APPLY AT ONCE.
IS ES.'of theDrulersigned, Lot 9, Com' 10,
Stephen 00 01 about 1st of Deceraber, a year-
' ling heifer, red. The owner eau have the
same by proving Preperty 'and paying ..expen-
ses. WM.-GOWER, larediton P. 0.,
• QALESMEN WaIlted.-Good
Ia.-, salaries or commiseio-n amid to the ilea
• men to sell our choiee and hardy varieties of
nursery stock- Now as the time of the year to
engage. None but honest and 'upright men
need apply, do not delay if you decide to join
us, as delays are dangerous. Apply with re-
ferences, MAY 13BOTEIBItS,
• IsTuiseeerhymeseteni,...
Counties Of Huron, Perth, 0.X05/ 1:11C1
• liracti to star and set up wels-trs'Patent Venn-
lator-tholost made. Good percentage al-
lowed. TOWN. township or County rights for
.sale. AllerdersIeft with Bissett Bros, vill
receive prompt attention. Address
W. WELSH, Exeter, Ont.
Des. 6E11,1988.
The Kippen
Tun above mills take the ]ea a in gristing
and chopping. Give us a trial, and you will'
be convinced that this is the right place to
get your gristing done. Everyene gets hie'
flour manufactured from their own wheat.
ChonPfng only five cents a bag. Flour 9,ncl
•feed kept constantly on hand.
, Young memyou can't invest money better
than by getting a thorough business education
and you can't find a course elsewhere in On-
tario equal to that of -the Forest City Business
College, London, Ont., which- has a special
course for those who intend to remain on the
farm. Catalogues free. Westervelt &York
Boars-For Service
Tab Undersigned Will keep on Lot 8 Con. 8,
Uaberne, near Winchelsee, Two Berkshire
Boars, bred by Geo. Greee,Fansville. One 13
months old, brother to •his sweepstake boar.
Hellas taken 4 first prizes. and 1 second, 9,s
aged boar, The other os -7 monthold, and
brother to his firstprize sow, and sired by his
first prize aged boar. • He bus taken 5 first
prizes for pig under one year. Both have a
reg. pedigree. TERMS -Si, to ba paid at time
of Service, with privilege of returning if nee-
essttrY. 22-11-2m R. DELBRIDGE,
Have just received direct from England
a fine assortment of Ladies' Walking iIack-
etS, Dolmans, and Meters, also &Vine As-
sortment of Sealettes, Ithitation Lamb and
Ulster Cloths. • FELL tam OF DRESS
Market iSquarf3
eneral i Store
The uudersig.ned would infolm the
lie that he has 31080 received his
A fnll line of Dry-doods, Hats .56 Caps, and
Crockery Boots and aollti
TIMED wishing anytbing in my linewill
find it to their advantage to call and ' in
spec t my goods and prices.
Highest prices paid for But-
, ,
• ter and Eggs and all.
kinds of produce.
• oss.
as Season
vOry Departm
uroil Pump
Thesahseriber would resecetfullv sanounes
o tho,nublic that ho has uow on hand a lerge
Steck of the earious kinds weedee pumps;
and that be has added hioilities,ler which be '
`..09 a suPP1Y ordeeee weak on the very shortest
Well-algeing for fifty contS a 'foot fer 30
• feet, 25 cents for eYerY extra ten foot.
A call solicited. 't
Exeter, jub/.1888. !futon Street.
tverest's Cough .Syru
Try it aud be oonViaced Of its'wondorfni
ctrative properties, •Prico 25 OW'
. (Trade Maris,)
Try ,Eyerest'k LIVE? 9E0UL.11`OH,,
For Diseases otthe River, Ifidaeys ‘te., and
purifying of theRlood. Trice $1. iSix
. bottles, 65., For eale by all drug-
, , gists. Manufactured only by
EyElmsT Vorect
MEI NET! M01117! - --d-- ,,,
'Direct route between the Wt.'• anctall • the
, The royal mail, passenger and freight rotate
between Canada and,Great Britain. ,
de Chaleyr„ also New ,Drunswielf; ..'iNo-vil,
points on the Lower St,- Lawrliasee a d Baie
•Scotia,Prmoe Eldward Island, , Cape ,1 're ton
anscleNweo7nfaiouerliedguleaul dt.bu,1
oars run 011isiarough. express,traius, \
et sleePihg‘ aind dar
P385engers for Great Britain or the ‘'conti-• ,
Through- Xmas and New
Cheap • Store, -Crealiton
As lie -is determined' to clear out all
his stock of
Ai less than actual. Cost
Sale to 'commence 2001 Feb., and
continue until all it cleared out, as
an going out of the above lines.
N. 13. All accounts inust be settled
ist January. ' •
:111 111D1
For Finely Finished Photos of all sizes,
from smallalbum size to 11x14
from life, try
B =.1\TIO
He has also an elegant display of Photo-
graph Frames. Sizes : Sal°,
11x14 and 14x17,
10 wi I be to the advantage of tlaose
having pictures to frame to examine his
stock of Picture Moulding.
Get prices before purchasing elsewhere.
nent byIesaine Toronto au. train. -au`'
atilStzsla44ili oinoutnird mac). Steamer ,
aiaxura y.. ,
liperior elevator, warehone and doct
cornmodo.tien it Halifax far shipment of '
grain and,geheral merchandise. • / '
Year of experience have proved the I000r-
colonial,. colonial, in bonneotion with steamship 3 nes
to and from London, Liverpool, 'and G as-
gow to Halifax, to be the •otiokest freight
routehetween Canada and Great Britain
information as. to paSsenger and freight
rates ean be lad oh applioation to
Western beight de -Passenger Agent
98Rossin Have Block ,Tork ill.r.To'gfkl,`'•
Chief Superintertaolit.
Railway office, Monctoec z73 -4t. -Nov. fio. '81)
A, Combination
Usefulness ! •
" Beauty, and
Selecting a Christmas
Carries the largest stock of Furniture in
Huron County, and has just added to
his assortment a great many .
pieces admirably adapted for '
Christmas Presents,
An Inspection of goods will' ef-
fect a purchase.
Undertaking in all its
(Successor to 0, & 5. Gidley)
Lvallery Opposite Post -Office, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK.
Summer Silks, Dress Goods, gurgling. Prints, Ginghains
Laces, Ribbns, Hisiery, Gloves, Underwear,
Corsets, Pasasols, Mi11iney, Tiinamings, etc
At Greatly
[froini Bargain: in Ditory Dopariala
rt.+T'Laaiss, do not thief; this opportunity to bny choup goodo, a$ sulisoribor 'ado
oto of the finest stooks' in the town te 0110680 tkow, A dull wni repay you.