The Exeter Times, 1888-12-27, Page 7USEliOLD ItENU I'0,a A OB[RT14TMAS DINNER, Meek Turtle Soup, Boiled Stamen. Potatoe Snow. ROttat Turkey. Cranberry Sallee. Boiled Canlifleur. M ashed Potatoes browned. Roast Partridge pr Qaail 'faith Fried Bread Crumb. Mayonnaise of Celery. Cheese Straus. Mince Pie. Vanilla Ice Cream. Angel Ceke. Ch000late Caramel's. Nougat, Orango B whets. Coffee. Moci TalLn Sour.—Take a calf's head, wash it carip tilly and boil it for twen- ty minutes, 'dream and put it in cold water. Then place it in.a sauceptn with three quarts of water, one carrot, an onion, four oloves, a few braisches of persley, a little salt and one tablespoonful of vinegar; boil gently for an hour and a half. Strain the liquor, and when cold cub the meat off the head in small polaris. Then add a little ()venue pepper, two tehlespoonfuls of butter mixed with three of flour, two hard boiled eggs chopped up, the yolkand whites separately, the peel of a lemon cut in email pieces, boil gently twenty minutes, and, just before eery - nig add one glass of Sherry wine. BOILED SALMON. —Clem., about feur pounds of fish, wasti wail, put lute a fish kettle with four ounces of salt and enough water to cover the fish. Simmer gently, and when beginning to boil remove it to the back of the fire to simmer for half an hour. Then serve with saline. POTATO SNOW.—egol eight potatoes, out them in pteces, wash them, and put them in a saucepan, with one quart of water and a pinchof. salt. Wheo they are thoroughly boiled, drain there and put the saucepan at the side of the fire for ten minutes. Then add to them two ounces of butter, and an- other pinch of salt. Pres through a fine sieve, letting the potatoe pile itself up na- turally and do not displace by mashing down. • LN•fl, OAST TURICEY.—The turkey should be young and plump and carefully cleaned. Then fill the body and craw with bread stuf- fing_compoeed of one pint of crumbs, a quart- ehf a pound of butter, pepper, salt, two tablespoonfuls of rubbed thyme, and one small onion chopped fine. Or with equal quantities of boleti chestnuts and ham, chop- ped fine, and seasoned with butter, pepper and salt, or with a bread stuffing mixed with lightly fried and finely chopped sausages. It is best roasted on a, spit before the fire and frequently basted allowing fifteen minutes for each pound of le fowl. The gravy must be made from the drippings carefully skim- med from Pp, the liver being finely chopped and added tal the gravy. CRANBERRY SAUCE —Take one quart of cranberries, pick and wash them carefully, put upoie the fire with half a teacupful of water, stave until thoroughly broken, then add one pound of sugar, Soil up and put an moulds ; when cold, turn out. BOILED CAtLIFLOWER —Take one or more coubflonfers as are needed, wash them, trim off thesleaves, and put them in two quarts of boiling water on the fire,' adding half an ounce of se,lt, half an ounce of butter and e juice of one lemoa. B ell rapidly until ite tender, drain carefully, and serve in with rewhite sauce. White SAuore.— Put in a saucepan on the fire an ounce of butter, which melt, and add to it one`'11111114! oonful of flour, a little salt, white anaper, and one glass of milk, mix all well together; stir until boiling, then add another ounce of but- ter, strain and serve. MASHED POTATOES BROWNED, —Boil pota. toes until mealy, rub off the skins, remove the specks, put them into a bowl, and take two forks in one hand with the points of the prongs turned outward break the potatoes with them. While breaktng add butter and • milk allowing one ounce of batter and a gill of milk to every doe in potatoes, salt and white pepper if liked to taste. Form into a mound, and set in the oven until brown; glaze with butter and serve. ROAST PARTRIDGE °RAI:TAIL, WITH FRIED BREAD CRUMES,—Clendo the birds and IMES a wooden skewer through the thighs, tie on top of each a thin slice of pork, and roast them forty minutes. Pat a claret glees of red wine in the pea and baste from time to time. Have some bread crumbs pre• pared, which fry a light -brown in butter, put upon a dish and lay the birds upon them. IVIATENNAISE OF CELERT.—WAsh the celery removing all the green stalks, dry thorough- ly end out in about one -inch pieces, then proceed to making the mayonnaise by taking the yolks of two raw ergs, one teaspoonful of salt, one pint of the best oil, halt a tea- spoonful of mustard, vinegar or lemon juice to taste. Break the eggs carefully, adding the oil drop by drop, remember to stir steadily "one way" all the time then salt pepper and/muatarcl, and last of all the vinegar very slowly. The stirring should go on without intermission or change of direction, and the "mayonnaise" when finished, should be of the consistency and • thickness of the richest cream. CHEESE STRAWS. —Telt° half a pound -of flour and make a hollow in the centre, in which pub four ounces of butter, two ounces of Parmesan cheese, one egg, one gill of milk, which you may add little by little. Mix all well toaebher, roll the paste out about an eighth of an inch thick, out it in strips a quarter of an inch ,wine and six inches long, and bake in a moderate oven until colored a light brown. Divide them in bundles of ten pieces each, around which tie very narrow ribbons of differant colors. Serve very hot. ChtistMae Cakea. A greet deal of cake -making goes on at this seas, n, mid a few hints and recipes will not be tmacceptable. The first recipe le for a cake that hats been in confectioners' shops the last season or two, and that X can confi- dently recommend. CHERRY Calm—Half a pound of butter, beaten tie a cream ; one and a half pounds of White sugar, nine yolks of eggs, half a pound of ground rice) half a pound of flour, quarthr of a pound of sweet almonds, blanched and pounded; half a pound of crystalized cher- • nee, the whither of five eggs beaten to a froth, Mix the ingredients in the order as they ere given. When the cake is baked, ice the top thinly and sprinkle) chopped pietac hio nut • over it. • PitrtrM CARE.—Two pounds of ilottr) one pound of butter, half pound ctf eurrants, half pound of raising, stoned and ehopped ; half a potind of sultanas, three-quarters et a penind of brown sugar, half pound, ef peel, half tempi:MOW of banking powder, three eggs, and oold event, or milk to mix. To be In a moderate onen two hears and a half, PonSn CAIng,—Half a pound of butter, beateh to a erearia ; half a pound cif sager, five eggs, half a pound f currants or sultan- as, three ounces of °and ied peel, three, quart- ers of a pound of flmr, lie rind and juice pi leMon, quartet of a n meg, grated. Bake this cake two hours a a quarter in tin well lixed with paper, 'Beth these are good recipes for rich oakeis RIfig Cakaa—Any n saber of eggs, heateu with an equal weight (4 auger, half their weight in butter, juet melted aver the fire, half their weight in flour, and half in rice flour stirred in at the IRA moment; a tea. spoonful of eseence of vanilla ts flbvor. Hall a glass of sherry or Madeira, wine may be added. &Moor. TREAT "CaltB —To each poural Of flour add hall a pound of fruit (currants, rais- ins, and aultanen mixed) ale ounces ef butter, quarter pound of brown sugar, two ounces of candied peel, half a saltspoonful of spice, one and a half teaspoonfula of baking powder; oold milk to mix ; no eggs. Make it into large cakes, as they cut up more econonaientily than small °nee, and bake them about two hours. They shall be two days old before they are eaten. Allow one-third of a pound tf cake for eaoh person. This ie an ample allowance for children and adults if bread and butter and jarn is also provided. For solid oake, put half a teas- poonful of oarraway steels instead of the fruit, and rather more sugar than the quarter of a pound. SCOTCH SHORTBRBAD.—TO One pound of flour add querter of a pound ground rice, two ounces of white sugar, half pound of fresh butter, Take the butter in your hands, knead the other ingreaients gradually in. It will not do to take all the flour at once. In cold weather it may be necessary to work in front ot the fire. Mould it into fiat oakes, ornament with peel and comfits and bake in a moderate oven. Lsave it to cool in the baking tin, because it is so brittle. Chopped almonds—two ounces to one pound of flour—aro thought by many people to be a great improvement. SPOINEE CAKE.—Five eggs, Iralf a pound of fine sugar, six ounces of sifted flour, a teaspoonful of lemon juice, and the rind of half a lemon grated. Essence of vanilla may be used to flavor if preferred. Grease the tins with butter thickly, and strew sugar over before puttiag in the cakes. To Ice A CANE —To each pound of sifted sugar add one ounce of corn flour and the whites of three eggs. Whisk the eggs as stiff as possible, and add the sugar grad- ually, whisking still, with eseence of lemon or vanilla, or half a teaspoonful of lemon juice to flavor. Spread it over the cake while ib is atill warm with a board paper knife or spatula, and set it in a cool oven to harden. It will probably be neceesary to put on two or three layers, especially if the sides are iced. An easier way is to ice the top, and to fold a frill ot cut paper round the sides. Color part of the icing with cochineal, or, if that is objected to, a pretty pink color can be gob with a few drops of syrup or raspberry vinegar. Sugar ornaments can be bought at any confection- ers, and add very much to the appearance of the cake and the delight it occasions. Some peop'e mistrust these oreaments, even now that auger is so cheap, and prefer to use candied preserved fruits of various col- ors. Petering A Wheeling despatch says the natural gas wells near that city are riving out. If this be so it is more than likely that the same thing will happen in Pittsburg and other places, and that those towns in Pen- nsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana which have been enjoying the benefits of extremely cheap fuel for manufacturing and domestic purpose will have to go back to coal. Should this happen it would be a stunning blow to many sections which havo been built up as manufacturing 'Joints simply because of the abundance of the new fuel. Those peo- ple, too, who have been warming their houses and doing their cooking at the outlay of only a few cents a week will groan at have ing to return to the costlier and dirtier use of coal. A special advantage which Pitts- burg has enjoyed for some time will be taken from it, and manufacturers will have to contend on equal terms with their rivals once more. There has never been any car- tainity that the aupply of natural gas would be perpetual. The geologists have no pos- itive knowledge as to how it comes to be, and have refrained from all prophecies as to its continuance. This Wheeling announce- ment probably will put a stop to all further piping of natural gas to points remote from well. A Bet That Was Paid. A Michigan Democrat is the only loser of a bet this fall who is in a good humour over it. He made a wager with a Republi- can neighbour on the general result. The loser was to be kicked unreeiatingly across the street in public with brass band and bon- fire accompaniment and all the usual uproar - tons nonsense. When the returns were all in the winner came around and laughed and shouted, and then went and ordered a new pair of stogy boots that weighed four pounds apiece. The Democrat tried to beg off and said he was only in fun. But the Republican insisted, and the Democrat finally gave in. The time arrived. The band and the bonfire and the crowd were all there. The Dsmo- crat was there, and the kicker was there. The Democrat took a position on the curb, and as the big drum sounded ferociously the gleeful Republican took a running start and fetched him a mighty kick. The Democrat bounced about three feet out into the street, while the kicker lay down and took his foot in both hands and howled, and was finally carried off on a shutter. The Democrat had insoled the seat o. his trousers with a forty pound coalehole cover. A "Murchison" At the auction sale of the personal effects of Lord Sackville yesterday a funny incident occurred. A writing -desk Was put up, a handsome piece of carved wood, but the bid. ding on it was Very slow. The auctioneer did his best to raise the figure to a respect- able sum. Pretty soon he whispered to his asaistant, who disappeared. In a moment the rumour, started in Some mysterious way, ran through the crowd that it veaa upon this desk that Lord Sackville penned his famous letter to Murchison. At once a large price ware offered for the desk, and bid after bid follerwed in quick succession, until the article finally sold at an exorbitant Agure. Died too Soon. Inattretnce Superintendent—Well, did you succeed in peesuading Mr. Samson to insure hie life ? Agent (sadly)—, Xo talked to him for slat haulm, but beforeI got in all my argu, men s ho died. Pattunn's Corn Extraotor. Is the best retnedy for come extant. rbacte quiokly, makes 110 sore spots and effects a radieal entre. A hundred linitations prove its valtte, Take neither substitutes offered as good nor the elose imitations of the gennine too often offered, Tho Book Which Belpo4 "Have you any speeial •work that you would glass among the books that have helped you ?" was asked a Milwallkee Yes, I have, an' no mistake,' - replied "What le it ?" continued the interroga- "The family almanac," replied the Mil, wakeean. And then he earnestly added: "f got track of a pettene medicine in it that cured me of kidney complatnt,—, —Chicago Globe, • The Bitter With the Sweet. Fannie—Sr, you are married, Hattie, and have wealth and all its poetiailitiee ? Hattie—Yes, my husband is very rich. Fannie--Aed you enjey it all very much ? il attie—Very much zodeed. Fannie—And your tumbaud ? Hattie—On, welt, you knave in this world, dear, we have to take the bitter with the oweset, "Sir,' said Mr. Saw, the foremost edithe of Nottiegham, to Mr. Glads,one the other da) , "1 have attende I all year great de. monstratione and listened to all your epeeohes for the last fifteen years." "Then," replied Mr. Gledstone, "you cleeerve my sincerest pity." A Care for Drunkenness.; The opium habit, deposmania, the morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by the use of •Tobacuo, wakefulness mental depreardon,aoftening of the brain, etc., premature old age., los, of vitality caused by over exertion of toe Ulan', and loss of natural strengta from any cause whatever. Men— young, old or mid. die-aged—who are broken down from any of the above causes, or any cause not nyntioned above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon's Treatise, la bookforra, of Diseases of man. Books sent sealed and secure from obaervation. Addrese M. V. Louie, 47 We lington street East, Toronto, Out. The Empress of Japan shows that she is progreseive in her ideas by establishing a college for women. Coff No More. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W. are stamped on each drop. For births, marriages and telegrams an English paper substitutes hatches, matehes and dispatches. A. P. 429 agsr Tumors CURED; iancoliAEL! 1111U1464n No. 63 Niagara St., Buffalo. N.Y. mo Save Time—Send for illustrated catameue of our PATS.,T PINL1ISS CLOTLIES LINE. It will be ready very soon • TARIM BROS , TorOatO, Ont E" TO delay.iW. .L'I OtrFrielerpmosn. 1UT05,4o4e M •it?sosti :1.$:el,: Established 1360. 72 King.st. E., Toronto.. HE ROUTER INSPECTION and Ineur mune Company of Canada, Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents. TORONTO. G. 0. Ross Chief Engineer. A. FRASER Seo'y-Teeas) SI:USAGE SnefasEnnglis828S—Season Finest American Hog Casings. Orders filled for any desired quantity. Write for prices. JAS. PARK. st ON, 41 to 47 Lawrence Marxist St Toronto. MEMMEMIEMEMIMIC2=== Tou MAY HAVE ONE I Just send your name and address, and 10e. for pamtaird and receivo by Mail a HANDSOME 04I1O HANDIEll CHEIF,ancl The Ma gioNeedl e! A stonish (1veryonel Addrees,Whiton Novelty Co., Toronto, Ont. emrshrhaiwaranistwessas 4fl ANADA SHIPPING CO.—Beaver Line of Steamships, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, 650 and $00. Return tickets, $80. $90 and $110 according* to steamer and accommodation. Inter. mediate, 00 • Round rip tickets, W. Steerage, 520 ; Round trip tickets, $10, For further particulars and to secure births, aRply to H. E, MURRAY, Genera. Manager, 1 Custom ouse Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the different Towns and Cities. UELIMI BUSINESS COLLEGE, Gueliph, Nur Ont.—Fifth Scholastic Year—It graduates .re now employed as Book-keepers, Business Ilanagere, Stenographers, etc., by many of the largest business house! in Canada and the United States. Young men and women desiring a thorough businees education will consult their own welfare by attending the Gnelph Business College, For terms and particulate, address M. McCQEMICE, Principal. TO LOAN NEY CREDIT FORMER FRANC . CANADIEN. CAPITAL, $5,000,000. IIGAD OPTICR, MONTREAL. °MOE ONTARIO DIVISION, WELLINGTON Si., TORONTO. This Ocenpany is pre- pared to make advances on the security of GOOD FARS( PROPERTY at lowest current rate of in. tereat. and on favorable terms. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. For informationapply to the Local Agents of the Compway, or to W 1E, LONG manager. Toronto. Ont. andyoung woman. Good Book- Thin Back, Lance -Tooth, Cross -Cut Saiv BUSINESS E the success of every young man ducation is very essential at Book- keepers are conetantly in demand by Business inen. There Ian° knowledge more useful than Shorthand and. g' Typewriting. Anew aven- ue for female employment that pays. Constantly growing demand for shorthanders. WRITE fpoarrttra.2"OT alt branches taughb aod rates of tuition. Address—CANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Public Library Building, Toronto. Tilos. ameciouen, President. 0. H. Sumo, See'y 8t Manager, "1114 049fin-Oab9kutinno Oueket „ The liose•eovered Bueltett" is very ',likely the one that has ManveYed poisoner„to your avstem from some old well, whose i'vatera have become contaminated from soarers, vaults, or percolation front th9 Soil. To feradioats these poke:see tient' the system and save yourself a spoil of malarial, typhoid or bilious fever, and to keep the kidneye, and lungs in a healthy and vigorous condition, use Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Diseovery, the greatest blood -puri - her of the age. A German offieer cannot marry an Ameri- can women without Bismaroltai comma. Ns lengthy arivertiqement is neoeseary to bolster up Dr. S tgeas Catarrh Remedy. A most exemisite combination coetume reOently note,/ wa,a composed of bois de rose satin, black velvet, and light blue moire. I know 'tie a ein to But In bent on toe atom, ra throw myself int ) The deep, briny ooean,'' is the mental excilernation of many a suf- ferer from headache, indigestion, conatipa• tion, torpidliver, etc The WO Da Pierce's Pleaelec P ellets, however, would transform these unforthuateR, and cause them to sing— Bit my spirit MIMI wander Trirouebg.toy versa bowers And f, i,k with the inermitds, Is Mardi, by the pswera Mrs L-3,71 P. Morton is it lover of ohryean- theinums. Consumption Surely Cured. To the E litor Please inform s our readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanenely cured. I shall be glad to send ttvo bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consump- tion if they will send me their Express and P. 0. addreos. R .sp'v, T. A SLOOTI 164 West; Adelaide St., Toronto, Out. Women never weep more violently than when they weep from spite, sat El a wise mall, who had ;perhaps spited one EOM e day. n En mes 'IRDN AND MEL BOILERS ANY SIZE, TORONTO ENGINE WORK3, PRINCESS AND FRONT STS. J.,Perkins & Go, - Toronto, 019.1t1AllA PERMANENT lioall&SavingsOompally isconrottATED 1855. Head Office Toronto St., Toronto, Sulbsertb.d. capital, $ 4.550,001 Paid Up Capital 2,850,0041 Total Assets The enlarged capital and resources of this Company, together with the increased facilities 1,, hes recently acquired for supplying land owners with cheap money, enable the Directors to meet w.th promptness and at the lowest current rate of interest all reqairements for loans upon satisfactory real estate security. Application may be made to either of the Corn. pany's looal Appraisers, or to J. HERB ORT MASON Manag'e Director. Toronto rarresisaYtettfres.'egOark ACTS AT THE SAME TIME ON THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, andthe KIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Sick? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous tumors :we therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally, PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND WILL CURE 13/LIOUSNESS, OONSTIPATION, EIDNEY COM- PLAINTS, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEARNESS,RHEUMA. TISISI, NEURALGIA, AND ALL rEnvous DISORDERS, By quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kic3.neys, and rester- ing their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Bilious Pains and Aches! Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened overDisorderedKidneyel Why endure nervous or siok headaohee • Why have sleepless nights1 Use PAINE'S CELERY Cos/roman and rejoice in health. It is an entirely vegeta- ble remedy, harmless in all cases. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1.00. Six for ksoo. WELLS, RICHARD.SON &CO.,Proptletora, LIONTEBA.L, P. ct, ••: 11"4. •••• •••• ,"• •H.wiLLIArse, CO. glIc:it ROOFERS Fr 09, 0,Bh Fwni,hed on satisfaOturY gounmbY Boo4flondgryesoelat,tArt, 51i 005' Dkipl:fnelrnAinnirgn:011Z We went a 000u &Pt in your leuallty to piek up 210.1 o'stAti ers generally, ,Lbrr.T.tants„ Butclieri, • 004 de SI, Vaal, Tort/ate t'arpet Paper, Building Paper, BoofirrePitele• • CAL.F. SKEINS 004 Ter, Lake 0.8. 7, dP, G-71, HYDE Peaxavermona u. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO Manufacturers of the Higheet Grades SILVER-PLATED WARES. .ru MARX. FAOTORIES AND SALESROOM : 420 to 426 King St. West, TORONTO 10.0. GOOBER amhz, J. 0, COPP, Manager, •Sec.- freas. TRADE --.1•1.14:64101.AIRIPAtOrr,;`,-401.41. • oh IP LIO For oir Toronto, Ont IseatherBeltin.g BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F. E. DIXOPI MAKERS,70KING ST. E, TORONTr Send for Price Lists aad DIseranr& Farm Loans CREDIT FONCIER FRANC-CANROIEN. CAPEITEAADL,oFFIcs, MONTREAL. - - 5$,000,000. • OFFICE ONTARIO DIVISION: W RUING ros STREET, TORONTO. This Company lends on good farm property at low- est current rate of interest and on favorable terms, For.infcrmation apply to local Pg.mts, or to W. E LONG, Manager, 7 oronto. —STANPAAD CHOPPING MILLS. _ _ USESStSTFREEMEIRURR MILLSiONES FINESTCOINUEO 1111110 Woin:b 00 RENEWING POWERS IN IR0 MILLs 5.TISNE5WILL "LAST A • Lirs/INE When I say Cune I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and theta have them re- turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL, CURE. I have made the disease of. FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS A life long study. I WARRANT my reinedy to CURE the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a FREE BOTTLE of my INFALLIBLE BEHEDY. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address H. G. ROOT, M.O., 164 West Adelaide St. TORONTO, ONT. EIDEMEISEES"MIMMIIIMIM "T e weer" Tan LEA D ING CAN A- D IAN COLLEGE FOR YOUNG VVOMEN. 1St. Thomas - Ord Seventeen graduates and oertificated teachers hire Faculty.Nearly 200 students last year. Graduating i courses n Literature, Music, Fin,. Art., Commercial Science and Elocution. Low rates, good board and thorough work. McLaughlin Hall, costing 820,000 now open. Elegant Dorm itories for 00 more sto dents. Addre-s PRINCIPAL AUSTIN, B.D. sours E ULSIO CURES Wonderful Fl CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS Wasting Diseases sh Producer. ScOtt's EinulSion is not a secret remedy. Containing the stimulating Iiypophos- phites and Pure Norwegian Uod Liver Oil, tho potency of 'both being largely in- ereased. It is Used by Physicians all ,ovet the World. , PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold 1..y an Druggists, L'Oo. and $1,00. y(311,120 Men SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the result ignorance and folly, wile And thernsolven weak,nervotto and exhausted ; talso Iluomif-Aciam and ()I'D MEN, who are broken dowri frein the effeettl Of aline° or oVer.work, arid in idiom -toed life feel the oonsequeneeri of youthhil exoeso, send tor and read IS, 'Ye Ltalusin'e Treatkal On the Diseases of /tem The book Will be Sent sealed to any eddreSe oil receipt Of wo ao. slams, Address. e MV,Lilittiala Wellington route...Oct, fiedisteneo h-cdoc .E.W.CLBRANTFORD. CANADA ST. PAUL 1VIINNE.ApoLis —AND-- AN1111-013 RAI L_W AV. Commencing on Saturday. Nov. 10th, there will be a daily first.elass through t -in sersios between St. rani ad Butte, Moot aim, comprised of Draw- „ log 'nom, bleeping 0.r, y Ormehee, Dining. Car atm ..2`• e Colool .1 Sleeper. Equipmeat new, modern end equaL • the bet Leaving 9 Paul every morning, and running direct y througe Butte. Tole tardy Jinn with. out orange arid s oulv line vio Et. RaforrisEt Benton, Great Falls .rui Helena. For partiOulirs apply F. I. V. iTN EY; J. M, HUOIIINS Gen Pals & Tir't Agb. Travel.g Pass Ag'fa. ST. Pon. 4 Palmer Boma Jlbook, Torons Mar BT :ewe wellies' Dress and Mantle Outtmg by new and improved TAILORS' SQUARE. Satisfaction guaranteud to teach ladies the full art of cutting all gsrments worn by ladies and children. PROF. SuiTa, 6404 CueenSt, W., Toro.do. Agents Wanted. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. InAUSLAND & SON, 76 King gt. W., Toronto, Allan Line Royal Ian SteamshipF Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday and Halifax everl Saturday to Liverpool, and in WM. nier from Quebec) every Saturday toliverpooLcallins at Londonderry to land mails and passengers tor Scotland and Ireland ; also frorn.Baltimoro, via Hall fax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Gins, gow Ban during winter to and from Halifax Portland, Boston and Philaeelphio, ;and during 900 mer between Gla-gow and Montreal weekly" CIa gow and Boston weekly, and Glaegow and Philade phia fortnightly. For freight, passage or other infOrnaatiOn apply A. Schumacher A Co., Baltimore; 5. Cunard a Cc Halifax ; Shea ft Co., St. John's, Nfid„ Wm. Thom son & Co., St. John, N. B.; Alien aa Co., (Mawr Love fa Alden, New York; H. Sortilier, Torontr Minns, Rae 5 Co., Quebec; Wm. Broo de, Philade phia ; H. A. Allen Portland, Boston, ittrtreal. e co.& children who cheerfitpy join in the chorus. hen Breadrnakees Yeast ts the subject btforews* Mam nta tried all the t est`, So she knows it's the best, [likhtes4 ..entse her bread rs the whitest, her buns are le t .t net re: eat all the lianeakes she dare set beforeust B UT THE BREADINAKER'S YEAST. PRICE 5 CENTS. oloivIsToNs r,..DBEEF T'HERAT STRENGTH GIVER '/PERFECT FOOD .fOR THE SICK 'Pi WARM ING pUTRITIOUSOEVERAGE H. POWERFUL INVIGORATOR ,••=' Every ousekeeper should include in her E. OLID AY PURCHASES a supply of Johnston' FIuiiee (TS USES ARE MANY. It mares a WARMING „PAL ATABLE" rioter BEVERAGE. It akes rich gravy for meat. It is indle- seneible in time of siaknes s. BEEP TEA made from Johnston's Fluid Beef is relished by Children and Adults and has a wonderful etrengteening and invigorating effect. It is popularly known as T E GREAT STRETNGTH GIVE The Maple Leaf Racer and Lance C809E-Olt saws aro now sold in all parte of the world. The quality of these BMWS is unequeed. Their excellence is wholly due to their superior temper, the process of which, is kept a profound secret by Shurly& Dietrich, the maeufacturers of these saws. One of the best evidences of their superior quality 14 thst other SaW manufactur era put on the market as c/ose an imitation of thesis saws as they are able to proluos, and repre. sent it to be as good as the Maple Leaf saw. They run their saw upon ons name until the public become familiar with Its inferior quality, then they change the name, in order to humbug the ptiblio another season, all of which la the very host evident:a of the superior quality of the elapie Leaf saw, as is hi not the custom to counterfat a poor article. These coUnterfeits are Sold for a much loWer:price than the Maple Leaf mew can be bought. for: the detder, of course, endeavors to sell them at nearly the same priers, thereby realizing a larger profit. Arid some et th‘ more unprincipled dealers, in order to see the counterfeit &ay., will tell untruths of various kindo regarding the quality of both the genuine and the counterfeit. Good goods are always cheap; poor goods are dear at any price. A saw, like a iodic, will not cut fast unless it will hold a keen cutting edge. Pliee $1,00 per foot, elenufactured only by SEURLY 86 DIETELOH, SAW MANUFACTURERS, **1 BEST FOR FAMILY USE, CANON AFETY .A Sri: DEALERS FOR IT. livhoesstie ii)epots ONTARIO—Tenon.), 80 rronestreet Elsa , a OTTAWA, 23.3 -park F treat, BELLEVILLE., 1, W. TeollaanS & CO. QUESEO—Morinunn, E. Cover agh. AIARITIAIE PROVINCES—ST. , Jones, r Jae, Bullock A Sent, MANITOBA and N. W'.--Bitahnorr, W.Xohneto08tp0 , Sam'l Rogers &Co,; Toronto; Canaai:: : Capital and Funds now over $3,004P.000., HEAD OFFICE, - 15 TORO/Ira) ST., TORON A. Rome Company, Established October 1871. To this Date, 06tober 81, 1887, there has been returned : To the helav of Polley holders (death-olaima).. ,,,, .. .. 40,24 To the holders of matured Endowment Polloiee .... . ............ . . .. .. . 26,4 To Policy -holders on surrender of ------------------------------------------------98,Policieo... . To Peliesehoiclers for Oash profits (including those allocated and .............. 482 To holders of Annuity Bonds, .. . . ........... .. .. . 18, Loaned to Polley -holders on the .......... ..... .. 82 PRESIDENT—Hog. Stu W. P. Howr,Artn, 0!B,, K.C.M.G. 51406 Policies in Force over 10.000. Amount oVer:$15,0 VICE,2RESIDENTS—WxttrAst Examwr, ESQ.; EnwAlto llooran, E J. IL MACDONALD, Managing Dir Petioles Nentorfeltable atter 2 Veen and Indefeatible aftet 2 same. ELY ON HOP BITTERSM A WONDERFUL NERVE TONIC. A Medicine, not a Drink. Cure All DISsitiges of the btornach, get , MOOdi Liver, kidneys, Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Female CoMplaints, toRUNKIENE4 it may Save Your Life. 010-10000 eward pald tor a ease they wili net cure*