The Exeter Times, 1888-12-27, Page 1-431-o ,1-X33.-- Golds r ith .'. Hall! WATCHES,— ()LOOKS,— JEWELRY, -- SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES, UNEQUALLED VALUE. rearPorsonalattentiougiven to repairing of watches, olooke and jewelry: C. REICHENBACH,'` Opposite the Market, PARKHILL. LEGAL. H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli - 4. otter ofSupremo Court,NotaryPublio Oonveyaneer. CouimisSioner.&e. Money to Loan. Office in Pausou's Block, Exeter, R 13, COLLIN S, Barrister, Solicitor,c,Conveyancer, ;Etc., I+a ETElZ; ONT. Othee%arnwell'SBloc1 Hall's old. office.) ARIV,IOUR W. FORD, IlSolioitorinthe Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveyancer, Comutnissioneri&c'., dio. Special attention given to the collection of cilainis in the United States: Patents procured, moony to loan ab lowest rates.. 0 Sipe: 0pei a ,,House Block, St, Marys, Ont. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. Ifs 111oney to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. B. V. ELLIOT. T. ELLIOT. .DENTAL. Jl L. BILLINGS, • a.I;NSTST, OFElf) I : over O'.ri"EIIL'SIBaaaalc Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. E 1NSMAN,DENTIST,L.D.S Samwell's Block, Main-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold , filings and all other dental t o work the hest possible. Goes r(y to Zt tion on last Thursday in each month. MEDICAL L-UTZ,D. M., • OfBceat hisresidenceExeter T W. B1 OWNING M. D., M. C tte• P.S,GraduateViotoriaUniversity.Obits ty residence,Doli-:r,ionLaboratoxv.Exe ter R. HYNDMAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. Carling's store, Exeter. �P.. J. A. ROLLING-; M. 0. P. S 0. 0face, Main S,,.R,Zflter,ont.Reeiden J� siiotaerecently ocoupieds11' P.112oPhrllips, iasq. '° �. A f3 eTIONifLRs. ITENRY EILBER, tioneer for Hay, rray:Townships: Sales rates, Oilrco—At Post-office,Orediton,Ont. r.t, Licensed Auo- Stephen, and McGilli- conductedittntoderate TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All soles promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. _ VETERINARY. Tennent VETERINARY ,,,4, Graduates of mho Ontario Orrrcn : One door South &, Tennent, SURGEONS, Veterinary College. of Town Hall, — MONEY TO LOAN. ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6+ per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, ~ INS 1RANCE. THE WATERLOO . MUTUAL I FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. LEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This company has been over Eighteen •earsinsuecessful operation in Western On-. ario,andsontinues to insure against:0es or amage by mire,13uildings,blercliaudise,Man- factories,and all athorttescriptionsoflinsur- ble property. Intending insurers have the pti.on of insuring on tbo Premium Note or Iasi' System, 1 During the past ten years this Company asissued 57,040 Policies. coverin g property the;ttuou ntof'540,872,088 ; and paid inloss- s a lone 5704,752,00 AssetS, 8176,100.00, consisting o f Cash dank, Government l7euosit,and the una8s- ssedl?remiumNotesonhandand in force. J, r,WALDx,N0I D. Presidett. 0.tbl. TASLoer, e ocretary, J. Ii. Had-rois,Inapeotor. ()HAS. NELL Agontfor r eteraudvicinity, Me Great EnigiisIt Prescription.i ee successful Medicine used over e T years in thousands of cases Ines ,Spermatorrhea Nervous Weakness Emissions, �mpotency , and all diseases caused by abuse. u�^ emelt] indiscretion, or over-exertion, r,,,..] ix packages Guaranteed to Cure wolienallotheea sib Ask your Druggist for The Great;Enaileh re,erinttnn, tike no substitute, One package 1 Six :$5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address llurelsa Climatical co. Detroit, blithe V CENTRAL 3arber Shop, FANSON's BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop aving and Hair dotting in the latest styles po the art, gu }!Ieoryattent en paid to cutting idles and Children's Hair. & W'IT'CHES MADE TO ORDER I SNI) HURON c Z MIDDL "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEEE THEY MAX.". VOL. XVI. NO, 9- EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DEC'. 27th 1,888, tree 10 grand Love Stories, a paoli:age of goods worth two dollars to man- ufact urn, and a large 100p picture book, that. will surely put you on the road to a handsome fortune. Write quickly, and send ere silver to help nay pestsgo. A. 1v, I{INNEY, Yarmouth, N S. µH r>% Eyes Tested FREIT. --sy.__ A. S. Practical Optician, Graduate Optic School N.T. Eyes tested; defective sight restored by the aid of fine glass -s. Large assortment of the finest glasses on hand. .A call solicited. A. S. MTTR A Q, X19 RTCI3MONxi-SS, London, • Davidson ros., Builders c Contractors Shop one door east of Parsons' Black- smith Shop. A4anufaoturers of Sashes, Doors and Blinds. Buildings contracted for. Plans, estimates and specifications furnished if re- quired, From their ast experience nlinethey guarant a satisfaction.thAlllwork done with promptness and dispatch. Season- ed lumber always on hand. WM. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON, —You do not buy your 'a11 and 'Winter ,.Rubbers, Felt Boots, &o., UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE MAX- -MOTH STOCK OF— e eseloh The Boot and Shoe Man, Opposite - Reynold's - Hotel, Hensall. THE BEST BOUGHT I TELE BEST GOODS and bargains for all who require good goods cheap. My motto is :—Small profits and quick returns. Only plaae for hand -made Boots & Shoes Felt Boots, Rubbers and Felt Socks. A. WESELOH, THE CHEAP STORE FARMERS! Hensall Roller Mills. THE Undersigned would respectfully in- form the community that he has leased the above mills, and has refitted same with the latest and most improved machinery ; and will positively GUARANTEE SATISFAOT'N TO ALL. Large Stook of Flour and Feed Always on Hand. �rristing & Choppin g Promptly Attended To. . Trial Sori-:a.t®d. A. E BANYARD, i-22--6-ln. HENSALL. STONEMAN'S fewelry Sure HENSALL, ONT. You are inyited to come and see ur Elegant Holiday Stock —00:ISISTIN° oF— 'atches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- ware, Novelties, Fancy Goods, &o„ efts far Old ct .,aurtrg, ASSORTMENT MOST COMPLETE. epa,iring bepaT tm't We make a specialty of watch and jewel- repairing, ,jewelry Mended and lei - jelled so es to look like new, All work arauteod Cur motto : Neat, prompt and reliable. ft°member the stand, opposite McDonelf War gh's Hardware Store, 4', 0, Stonoman, HENS/ILL, ONT, ,rQHpT WSiTee & SON PubltsherstrndP1 opleetor THE TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH TIun BEA.iJTIFUI EDIFICE FORMALLY OPEN Ell ON SUNDAY LAST.—I:ABOE OOYOT. MA- TIONS,—DEFTLY IMPRESSIVE senetQN`NS .13Y THE 3ISEO:P OF 5IVR0N.-L7Bczt:lr4: COLLECTIONS, Sunday dawned auspiciously. Tho sun shone with all splendour, the air was filled with the elements of purity, the roads being good the 80eces8 of the opening of the , Trivitt Memorial church was assured. Shortly after. opening the church was well filled, but ere the services began every available seat was occupied, Visitors were present from all parts of this and adjoining counties. The beautiful service of matins was con- ducted by the rector, Rev. S. le, Robinsdu after which His Lordship, the Rt. P.e'. Dr. Baldwin, Bishop of Huron, proachel a very ablo and impressive sertnon from text in the 2ncl epistle of St. Paul toTine othy, 2ncl chapter, 19th verse :—"Naves; theless, the foundation of God standeth. sure, leaving this seal, the Lord knowetlr them that are His, And let every one that natneth the name of Christ depart from. iniquity," of which the following is the purport f— "There is a melancholy interest attach- ed to the second Epistle of Timothy, aris- ing from the fact, that it was the last epis- tle penned by the Apostle. It seems that at that time there was a fierce perseontion raging against the infant church, The Roman Emperor, Nero, had been ,accused of setting fire to the City of Rome, and, finding indignation rising up against him, in order to direct popular hatred from him- self, accused the innocent Christians of having done the deed. And this, it seems, was only too readily am:opted, The hatred and contempt with which they were every- where regarded was a signal for one of the most fierce and bloody of persecutions. In every city they were persecuted and looked upon with contempt. It was evident that from this most particular and striking in. - stance, Christianity was not going to es- cape. St. Paul was the wort conspicuous man iu the church Lettish: time, Tradition tells us he wan released from his captivity.' It was recorded in the Acts of the Apos- t1ee that after his release be travelled Hest -1 ward as far as Spain, strengthening the churches, and back again as far as Greene ;, and was et this time in Albania, and was! arrested for time second time; and sent pria- uer to Rome, Persecution was so fie hat people were even afraid of each oth tuning traitor. Paul says, "thou know hat all they which are in Asia be turn way from me ; no man stood with m nd then he asked that it may not be I o their charge. There is, however, o xception which he records. The Evan list, St. Luke—the man who wrote t hree gospels—was by St. Paul, and th vangelist was with him when he laid ead on the block. He now writes to h eloved Timothy, and enjoins h o make haste to come and see him. ppears that this renueet was never reali d by. St, Paul He died and suffered ma rydom before Timothy arrived. I dr our attention to the closing scenes in h fe. He at there in the gloomy prison ems—for there is very little light there; o sat waiting for the hour when the Lo hould call him Home. In this epistle imothy which he writes in his dying m ents, he tells Timothy there are tria nd affiietiens to come upon the churn else prophets and "heretics shall aprin p, teaching doctrines which are oalculat overthrow the faith. As for iustauc e' case Of two meu, such as Phygellus an ermogenes. The foundation of Go andeth sure. It is true that men wi soh false doctrines, and hemeaies will pr '1. There is something that man Dann ach, which will remain changeless ; an at it the foundation of God—it stanaet r ever and ever, He first refers to th finite security of his people, Second, "th rd knoweth those who are His "L eryone that nameth His name depa om iniquity." It a pleasing thing t ow that there is something that Stan cure, The old man nf'to-day sees no th g that he saw in his childhood ; his umpions he played with in youth are gone otos come and go. Empires of the o1 rld are to -day things of the past. It i the utmost importance that we shoul ow where the foundation of God is to b coverer., ' I answer, in the Holy Scrip es, I bear testimony to God's holy an Toeless Bouk,` and in that Book rests -s ny facts that tee cannot do more tha efly retrospect the truth. Tho bible is e oldest book in the world. Secular oks are to be found iu the libraries of rope and America. When read they are 'dish; they aro the early dawn 01 in" lett. Sometimes` obscure and simple; 1 only react for curiosity. `Let us re tuber this t that the Bible has :been tweed by infidelity. The enemies of truth have assaulted on. every side In Paine tolls us that in - his day he ived at this conclusion : teat the bible obsolete, The bible society published illion copies per annum. Let us under- nd that there are two words in the o,—the written word and the living d, and they are most closely and' in- atoly united. What , befalls the one 118 the other, Josue found the pathway of bis feet when a man on h, Wherever Chriethas been the warn been also. In the olden days there perseontion Rs in the new . They d to eradicate the bible from the face he earth. The ahumeh of England in articles maintains that in this hook, ter doctrines are to be fouucl, no that thing that cannot be proven out of this may be known by the people, hers teach your obildren out of this ,Some seek to give their children lar teaching. But fathers and mothers to teach your children the word of try and give them a knowledge - of ruths, end in tilt morning read its no to theand make them venerate Book and see that bit teachings are ring, 11 the young ratan would cleanse tuey, let hjnr giye herd to hod's word, at says ; "Whosoever drinketh of tider shall never thirst, but have stereo. And Gaol word shall nbve>f 410.dttliit Cry for Pitcher's Casimir 0 a e e t E h b a e Y li R h m a 0F to H th st te yet te th fo lA Lo ev fr kn se in pa St leo of kn clic tar pr' ma bri th bo .Cu obi tel an me amt the It is the livipg word, that teaohes.the way. Then I would' draw your attention to God himself. It is this In His eternal pur- pose to save' all who believe in the:. Lord Jesus Christ. This is the foundation that standeth sure. He that buildeth on it aha)1 not fall, for it is built 00 a rock; When Christ was on earth hs said: "I do the will of Hiro who soot me;evoryone that see the Son and believeth on Me hath ever- lasting life, and I'll raise him up at the last day," Some mete trust to their morality, but dear friends, it ie built upon the sand, and when the winds 'come it will fall. The foundation of God is love, infinite love. God has given unto . us eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ, Would you not be sayecl when Jesus Christ comes? Then give Iiia. your heart . and accept Him and pass home unto salvation. Paul then exhorts Timothy to confess the faith. People say of a mean who has been walking in religious ways he. has bean brought' to God. Dear friends when people question thus, they forget that salvation is not human. It is through the saorafioe of our Saviour and the aoaoptanee 0f Him. You remember what the prophet says ; "He was wounded for our trans- gressions, bruised for our iniquities ; the cltastisenlent of our peace was upo>a. iii and by hie Stripes we are healed." When elle poor sinner borne down with guilt comes repentent to the feet of Jesus, he is received and healed by' those stripes. Friends and fellow Christians this is the foundation, God says it can never chants. Dear father and mother teach your obit then that Jesus died for them. Not human efforts, not tlto works of our hands, hutsimply'the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ that saves us. Another foundation truth is the Lord will strengthen his people to the end of the world ; but people do not always realize it. There are some poor creatures living in the caves of Ken- tucky who never see the sun. Now, I say there; are many;; people who never see the Son of righteousness (The speaker here: gave several illustra: tons how faith in God accomplishes many purposes,) Dear fellow pilgrims, do your duty to' trust in the Blessed Be: deemer. His countenance' will' not depart from Him and His covenant will not de: part from you. He will save all if they trust in Hint. Each man and woman in this vast church is, bought with a price, The Lord knoweth those who are His, it is a blessed thing He does know. We see a man in our midst whom we call a hypocrite ; we say I believe he is a hy: roe trite -I don't believe he has religion. er' But deep' clown in the heart there may be est the grace of God—I cannot tell. I say ed that such an one will give his heart to God. o ; he, Lord kn0weth who are sprinkled with aid the blood, as He did when the' destroying us abaci mew the first born of the Egyptians, g- saving those whom were sprinkled with he the blood. If you are a child of God at there is no creed that can hide you from his Him. The Lord Jesus publishes from the is cross His declaration of freedom that im every slave to sm may become free. It Walking through life we see many slaves- z- slaves of sin, drunkenness, &c, If Christ r -sets you free you are free indeed. Christ aw lifts up the standard and says :—"Let is everyone who nameth My name ; that of cometh unto Me and casts himself down, let him get pardon from I17e. I would rd earnestly plead and trust that to everyone to in this blessed church, there will be preach o- ed the living person of Christ, which is Is built upon the living stone ; that your h. minister will pray for you, and God will g give you a willing heart, and lead you to ed receive Christ eternally, and build upon a e, foundation that will not fall." d At the' conclusion of the sermon the d Bishop alluded to the donor of the beauti- 11 int edifies, commended in the highest e- terms his liberality in erecting such of a spacious and handsome building to the d glory of Gorl; and would bo pleased to see h others exhibit such liberal spirit. In the afternoon -confirmation service was held, when 23 candidates were con - et firmed. The 'Bishop's address was quite interesting, veryimpresive and from be- o . ginning to end was characterizes. with the ds utmost candour and sweetness and doubt- less sent conviction to the minds and hearts of those addressed.' e a 0 u To arr was am ata bibl wor the beta this cart has was tris of i her alto any emelt Mot book scan seek God its t lasso the Amin' hie Oliri wate 1ile,!' (hi The attendance at the evening service was prebably the largest over in any church ir, Exeter, the number being esti- mated aeover° 1,200, besides hundreds could. notgain admittance the'entries even being overcrowded. As in elle morning the prelueing services wera conducted by the encinthent when the Rieht Rev. Dr. Baldwin even preached from the 7th. verse of elle 1st chapter of the book of Re- velation of St John : "Behold He cometh with cloeris ; and every eye shall see Him and they also which pierced Him ; end all kiedreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen. " At this advent season it is well to bring the subject before our careful con: sideration ; teed first T, will remark that the hope of tbe church is the joyous, bless: ecl coming of enr dear and exalted Saviour. Some individual christians looked forware to death as the goal and terrainns of life. It is desctibed so the last nee. The hope that beetle in the heat t of° the child of Goa is the joyoue and blessed comiug of Chriat Our Saviour, The Thesselcmione turned from Idols to serve the Living tied True God. This was Apostolic teaching, end now that 1800 years have paesed way, our recleteption erawetli nigh, Maus' Set jeturn on earth by Rebinical tradition weft to be a week —tine it 7000,yeare, each day a thouttancl years. The Seripture points out that the 'Millennial perma--the thousand years that ate to cetne—ie le be the day of rest, when war shall be heard no Ware, and eteorris shall be tinned into plow:shares and spears 1018 pruthigthoolts. This la Oa blessed time when there will be peace on notice that if you w uld ever learn Scrip: ture, it- ie to compat Seripture with Scrip: tare—the Gm Testa lent with the New. Notice the Old 'Irani/tient prophesies : tirstly, "the second coining' of , Obriek:" \4 Christ cams once en Re it ta come again, come milekly Is MA', oe hew the Old' Testa: Irani Scriptures ere'li end in their fulfill: fag, tech one has h h battled out to tlio emmeiaemeresemmetemen ohoenn ; blessed. be the Lord God of. S The meaning of,Shem is name, and whose name was to be above every n came of Sheet).Secondly, the Mos cometh of Abraham. God choose- Abra and made him the father of teose who lieve; and so it was teat in the time Abraham, the. Lord Jesus Christ came. was the tribe of Judah that the Lord t He might have taken Reuben, his born, "He was to be of the house Daviel,! and. Mary was of the house lineage of David; . "Ht e `shall be bort Bethlehem," which was the least name Jndtee, In Bethlehem Jesus Christ born and laid in the manger- He was be taken into Egypt," and there He until the death of Herod. He was "to despised and rejected of men," and was not despised and rejected, and spat np "The Lord was to ride into Jerusalem lowly triumph, seated upon au ass," He rode into Jerusalem seated upon a 11 al molt the foal of au. ass, in meek and 1 ly triumpb, He was "to be betrayed 30 pieces of silver," and 30 pieces of sil weretweighed ont to Judas. The Lord '' to be pierced in His hands and feet," a they nailed His hands and feet to the er He was "to be with the rich in His deat and He was bllr'i5t1 in Ole tomb _of veil of Aramtheg. All thee 'prophesies w literally' fulfilled. He asoeuclucl up Heaven by a whirlwind. Those who s Him go up to Heaven, shall see Him co in like manner. He shall come in po and great glory. I shall see Him, the de on earth shall see Him; and those that trayed Him, and every eye shall see Hi Those who are His shall be taken up i glory ; and the condemned will try to hi behind rocks and caves. There will wailing and gnashing of teeth. Some s this earth will be waiting to receive Hit but people oan't be waiting to receive H if they are wailing. "The kiudrocts of t earth shall wail because of Me," This what our Lord taught. His first da would be like unto the clays of Sodom not people waiting for Him but mareti and giving in marriage until fire tom Next I draw your attention to this unpinunpinSome wonder why the Lord lingers. It because of Hie Gracious will, His infini love and great mercy. And so He liege He lingers for you, dear friends, grasp His infinite love. I luta of a poor Welch girl speak of t Lord Jesus Christ, She thought He mu have been Welch, because when she we to Him with broken heart He always a swered her in Welsh and understood h Welch, loved her in Welch, strengthen her in Welch. The Lord Jesus speaks the heart and says "Return ! return return! Behold the lamb of God th taketh away the sins of the world. some He shall come in the thunder Heaven and the omnipotency of His wra Another reason why the Lori lingers because the gospel must flo preached all nations. He speaks to each one he tonight and asks you to come. Many a they will accept him in the future, b remember if you hear the gospel once G will account you responsible for it. Fee one that believetlton Me hath eternal li says Christ, Christ will . not come unt he makes every enemy his footstoo Christ expects it, and what Christexpec will be realized; How different from th expectation of man. Popery tried crush Protestantism in England f the A mads was to overthrow England and tal herin chains and fetters ; but the fleet w destroyed and their men gilled ; they fai ed in everything. Napoleon expecte that he would crush out England Anstri and Russia, and put every one who resis ed under his feet. When he trod his floo at St. Helena, a crushed and humble mai he realized his expectations. We se men going through the country like 11 gersoll, see infidelity arising, hear th foulest basest blasphemies against th name of God, men calling upo God—if there be any, to strike him dea as if God were not able.. Friends th day is coming. When it arrives He. wi come in clouds and every eye shalt se Him. Are you ready for that coming Have you laid hold' of the hope that i set before you? The church of Christ wtl be ready, the sacred deed will rise up an meet him. "What I say unto you, 1 sa- unto you all. Watch! "The son of mar cometh as a thief in thenight." He wa wounded for your transgressions, we. bruised fon your iniquities f the chastise. ment of our' peace upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. Yes, deal friends there is life at this moment for thee 1 Be ready and when the Lorc, conies in Blonds you will not be afraid , Fie will defend you. The joy of the Lord is recompense. The;musical 'services on all occasions were appropriate and. beautifully rendered by full choir;C directed by Mr. R. 11. Collins. The handsome new organ was presided at by Mr. Edward Wadsworth, of Montreal, who played in a manner pleasing to all. The collections amounted to upwards of $350 which will be applied to the furnishing fund. hem. He ame slab ham be-. of It ook. first of and in iu NRS "to was be He on 2 in and ter: ow: for ver was nd mss. ilpn ere to aw ma wer ad be: m. uto de be ay ; ]m be is Ys AL; e. g. 18 to re to rd he 8- nt er ed to at To of 111 is to 1'e ay ut odre f it 1, ts as - 11 to The church is conveniently situated in On e of the vet•y best locatione in town,— on the corner of Giclley and Main streets - :end there having been a new street open- ed to the north, the edifice command4 attreetive and imposing appearance. This church is one of the finest of early English architectare in Canada, While not large, theitg only 116 feet from east end of chancel to nave, end 74 feet across the transeepts ; in height 36 feet to apex end 18 feet at the wall wieh a sitting cap- acity. of about 800) the linos are grandly strikutte end the proportions beautifully white beick, with buttress caps, canted lebel moulds. winclow,sille, copings, etc., Ottio sandstome The arch of the main door in the western side of the tower is f solid stone, vesting upon pillars of Now 13runswick granite, The capitate, gargoy les, and a belt of arbeaque eavving on the west trout weee all executed by W. S. Iiiekte who came from the perliament buildings at Ottawa for the parpose. On the north tasteen tide of the toevee is a tartett stair leading to the bell chamber, 'elook story and top of the tower are reac,h. ea: The main binding is also of whtte brick on Solid stone foundation of some rtt feet bearing. While the walls are Shelia that ivtia ettetei Isons .;:'i an aid tie ' 81t000.0 eatVhnd 1,990,00 ie the Deuttnlett, 'U.S.A. and Euteitte open every lawful (ley, fret:111e etem,iee 3 it. m 3 Per Oen teper annum alleivielformoney err XVIariager calctilated to be very darable being also of' uncommon thieltness.. Tee walla areme- lieeed at various nations by trimininge of e IOWA, stone, and from, any quarter either' ' Mg has an imposing eppeertnice. The', nave extends eastward Some 65 feee, when transeepts of 74'feet front side to side re- lieye the longitude of the building.' Be- yond is a large choir chancel in which ,has' been ereeted a handsome pipe organ. Two furnaces have beast placed in the crypt, which, witli paseages, coal cellars and nu - ground vestry, is floored with herd beret brick. The brown slate roof is relieved at sky of chancel, transcepts and neve by a fretwork of red tile. The open timbered roof resting upon ponderous principals, supported by clusters of corbets, springing from sides and cerniCeS, ie stained a dark oak color. The northern entrance is threugh a beautiful external porch of cut stone and wood open work with inner ' closed porch, and Ohio sandstone floor. Each of the five, gabels is surmounted by an Ione cross of stone, corresponding in material with the coping. The windo Mg, all of which, even in the tower, porch and mypt, are of stained glass. A.11 flgures are faun designs eseclen c/ollep family at a cost of $10,000. The chancel window is very beautiful. The subject of the window is '‘Christ glorified " It con- tains eight figures, most expressively grouped. The large centre.panei is filled with the figure of our Saviour as "King of Kings and Lord of Lords," The left hand holds the orb of Dominion and the right is held im the.attitude of benedic- tion, the clrapeey falls in graceful folds. and the harmony of the light and the sheik with the rich coloring strikes the eye at once with a pleasing effect. His- tory and psalm and revelation are all sug- gested in the gurcottning and back eround, the green pastures, the trees in the midst of the garden, and the river of life are all there. A trio of angels holding a crown, while two others hear scrolle with the words "Glory Hallelujah" "Lord God Al mighty, proclaims the majesty of heaven - while the passion dowers border and the cross tells of the suffering on earth. On the right side of this main panel stands the figure of David, who sang of the fut- ure Messiah, with harp in hand .and all the surroundings of Israel's king. On the left is a figure of St. John with upturned face listening to the t•evelation of that fut- ure for the redeemed. The artist has ettught the eager look which poets have pictured in connection with the boundless blessiug of that apocalypse. While there are similiar figures in the windows . Trinity College Chapel, Toronto, the sub- ject and groupings of this window are peculiar to this church alone. eVemeeren-eeee formed that Mr Trivitt suggested,,,,,beth, the passion flowers around the lower part of the central pauel were painted from a sample sent from his conservatory. The four circle windows in the trauscepts contain the emblems of the four evangel- ists. The west window is very fine, being from the sill to the apex about 13 feet in height, It is composed of three small panels surmounted by a grand St Cather - hies wheel design, which is remarkably ,mich in its coloring, and has in its centre an emblematic pelican feeding its young. The two outer panels of the window are clivideci into compartments by richly, color ad floral geometrical artcl jewelled lianas, whilst the tops are beautifully finished imitation shell work. The centre panel displays a representation of the Armonia bearings of the ancient Trivet family. The shield is depicted urgent, the chev- ron sable between three trevets sable, the crest is an eagle znontant; pmmle and the scroll at the foot carries -the motto : "Salyns in igne." History informs us that there were many distinguished mem- bers of this family during the reigns of the early Plantagenet Kings of England. The building is now finished and hat: cost over $30,000. The citizens may justly feel prond of the beautiful church which the piety of a worthy townsman erect3 in their midst. The whole church - is 11, pure specimen of early English arch- itecture, solid in construction, and beauti in every detail and the contractors,. may justly feel proud of their work, St. Marys. BniErs.-14'Ir. Daniel IVIcLarty carr- iage manufacturer has been seriously ill for the past week.—Many St. Marys boys who seek. their fortunes in other towns and cities ha,ve returned home to spend their Christmas holidays. —St. Nick's day was spent in a very quiet meatier by the saints; the reason being overplus of mucl and the juicy cone dition of the atmosphere. ---The poor of town through the efforts of Miss Moe- cript ' and John Cosgrove ate their Xmas dinner at Oosgrove's Hotel. -- Miss Egan, sister of jellies Egan, bag- gage tnaster, Exeter, was last week laid to rese.—Mr. J. J. Crabbe and wife oe the Queen city are spending Christmas among their many friends in, town,— W. F. Robinson who is at present stud- ying law in Toronto has returned hoirie to spend Xmart —johri Atkinson knowP Juvenile Instructor for the County of Essex it spending the festive season among childhood's scenes —It nob customary with me to belieVe the wrong of anything. but being oub last Monday evening I 'was forced from , the nature of the streets and sidewalks to believe that 81, Marys did the wrong thing when it elected as ,Arayor a, , shoemaker instead of a dentist, A toilet luxury in every respeot, Ayers Ilair Vigor never fails to Yee t youthful freshness and coler to iktet.,' last) biltaiat‘tha ed and grey a tlandruir and prevents the hair ,)fibtn, Physicians 'prescribe Ayer's Sa.reapar; Ill& in eases of scrofula Ana, ),`n. eVeir form of chronic clistiasel because els medicine is safer to take, and is nliro highly concentrated, than. any ober ded upon. as au deuceve blood purlriOrt jA