The Exeter Times, 1888-12-20, Page 8INSURANCIes • AN$TELrIQTUT FOB THE WESTERN ASSDRAN0E cmt. PATTY, Of Toronto ; also for the PROI/NIK yntgi (NSTIRANCE COMPANY, s:.1 London, England, Elie ROYAL CANADIAN, of Mon- treal, and the BRITISH EMPIRE LIEE AS, tSTIRANOE COMPANY, of Loudon, England. vatabiished 10,7, Aosta over $5,000,4024 olairna 4n4 bonuses paid, over $10,000.000, •LOCAL HAPPENINGS. tjze Best 'Yet, To teem Pearto,-Now as cheapness is the order of the dity, the undersigned is going to dispose of his large Stock of }laxness, Boots and Shees. et- remarkably low prices for the next 30 clays'as he purposes retiring from business Ere will also sell or rent the premises he pow ,aceupes Crs, EAPRETT. The Assessment Of canines, Yearly there is a great deal of trouble and coinplaerit anent the collecting of dog tax, hut which cannot be ebviated under the ieresent system of assessment. Other modee of having a tax placed upon dogs will have to be employed before the vex- atious clog -tax gnestion can be (welcome. Dogs are assessed with other property in the epring„ and the tax collected with •other taxes i the fall. •In the lapse of tirne many people do away with their dogs, either shooting or selling them, and when the collector makes his ctemaed for the amount of taxation, he is refused it on the pretense that the dog was killed some- time ago, There are numerous cases of this kind, and the eollector justly asks that something be done whereby the nuis- ance might be abated. The only way in which we see that an improveinent in the system can be effected, is to issue corpor- ation tags at $1. and $2. each anti compel the owner's of dogs to have them worn about the animals necles; and that after a certain date all dogs not wearing the tag, be disposed of as the authorities may direct. This would faellitate the collec- tor's work to a great extent, and be the means of saving considerable valuable gine, soott Act statistics. • The following statistics will convey an idea of the manner in which the Scott Act has been enforced within the county of Middlesex from Jan. 31, 1887, to Dec. 11 of the present year, by P. M. Noble and his assistants :-Cases heard and disposed of, 421 ; fines imposed. $20,100. Of this amount, represented 238 cases, 014,245 was collected mid paid into the county treasury- The balance of the total amount imposed is accounted for as fol- lows :-Absconded, 11 cases, represenzing 055 ; suspended during good behaviour and for other reasons,14 cases, representing $1,050 ; committed, to jail in default, 37, 'representing $'2,350; appealed, one, rep resenting $50 ; one defendant died, $100; in course of process and collection, 17 oases, to the amount of $1,450 ; convic- tions for fifty -dollar fines, 236, represent- ing 811,800; for $100, 83 convictions, amounting, to $8,300. Total number of -convictions, 31.9 ; dismissed, 92; suspended sentence, 6 ; committed without option, 4; making the total number of cases heard 421. During the seine period P. M Nobe has heard and disposed of 225 criminal eases, with 114 convictions ; •committed for trial, 28; dismissed, 83. Making the total amount of fines, fees, etc paid in Us the County Treasurers, $14,639.70, exclusive of $136 to town and township treasurers. rearm). . IsfreW, TJ.Tiawkshav has been ing a few days with friends in 'De Mr. Ballantyne has returned to E. spend another winta. His glowing face will daily be seen upon our streets. -The funeral of a five year old daughter of Mr. Thos. Coates of Usborne, passed through town Sunday, and despite the wet weath. er, there were over 60 vehicles in the cortege. -A. B. McManus, manager of -the porthern detachment of the Gale Co't agents is in town, in the interests of the -company.--Mrs. R. McCord and daughter ]eft on Monday for an extended visit to -friends in Pembroke, Ottawa, and other places. -The Rev. Messrs. Wilson and Clement (Methodist) exchanged pulpits, em: Sunday morning last. Acceptable and impressive sermons were preached. -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ross of Winnipeg are in town visiting their many friends; they leave this week for Nova Scotia, to visit Mr. Ross' friends. --Mr. P. Hy ndman of •Scotland is the guest of his brother, Dr Elyndman of Exeter.- Those persons who have been on the sick list for a titne, are recovering nicely.- Judge Doyle held division court here on Monday. There -was no business. -The Messrs. Acheson took posession of the Central hotel, Tues. day. -Miss Jeckell, of Sarnia, is at present the guest of Mrs. Sana'l Gidley. -The Bishop of Huron will officiate at the open- ing of the Trivitt Memorial church next Sunday. -Mr. Jame Dempsey of Us - borne, has been re-engaged co teach No. 4 • school, Usborne, for the corning year. -Mr john Atkinson. of Cincinnati, is • home visiting his parents. -Mr. Robt. Monteith, Who has been in Manitoba for the past six years, returned. to 'Osborne last week, to spend the winter, -Mr. Rosenberger and family have left for Toronto to reside. -Mr. John Ra,nton and • family left, recently, for Winnipeg, in • which city he will reirle, Itelliege Connell, Nimagri—Tor,mram , Council met pursuant to adjournment, $aturday evg.'Dec, 15th, All the mem. beret present. Minuto of previous meet- ing read Ema confirmed. On motion of JAB Pickard, see. by hos. IVIcCaltura, the following eccounts were oedered to be Ptpapid.rdfaesr. W.mailrk14e lie,0010:110! $3,0 41i3, and u nMeli tneason ola 70c ; Thos. Cave, blackenaithing, 03.35; Jas. Creech, mels for tramps, 75e'Mrs Clack $4, charity ; Fire Co., No. 2, $95. Services ; M. Eacrete, bal salary $59, se- lecting jurors., $4., postage, $4.20; Geo Eaarett, seryiees trees, postage, &o,, 838; Mr. Eaerett, esecy board of health, $53 ; Geo MSS, Zurich, pityment on town clock $75 ; C Lutz, services medical health • officer' $5 ; township of Stephen, interest $87 05 ; Ui sborne, nterest and part principal, $110 ; Stanlake Bros., lumber $28 60 ; A. Allan stone for crossing$25 ; W, H. Parsons, blackamithing, repairing, &c, 81,55'; 4. Bissett, drawing dirt for filling town hall yard, 83.00; john Gould ashes, 90c. Mr. Harton's account for gravel was fyled, it not having beep certiaed to ; W Sutton, $30, keep of S. Ford, an indigent, for three months till Jany 1889. • W. J. Bissett made applice- tion to have his dog tex refunded, as also did Mfr, R. Davis. Neither was saocess- ful, the time for each a. demand being et court of revision. A report of the Board of Health, showing the number of deaths from the various causes, and, the business done by the Board, was read, and on notion of Tames Pickard sec. byThos, B. Carling, was fyled. Mrs. Littlejohn com- plained of being in straightened circumstacs and asked the couneil that her tearee be remitted. Action was deferred until next meeting. Moved by Thos. B. Carling, sec. by W G. Bissett, that the date of receiving the taxes be extended till Deo. 31st ; but that the 5 per cent. interest is still chargeable in all cases. The treasurer's financial statement was received, and en motion of Thos. B. Car- ling, sec by Thos. McCallum, a committee wss appointed to receive tenders for the printing of same. The council adjourned to meet Dec. 28t1x at 7:30 &elect. —0— The Departed. eIee the neighborhood of Exeter dine the past few weeks'an unusually lar number of deaths have occurred. C) Wednesday last one of the old pioneers the person of Mr. John Hatton, pass away at the age of 85 years and 9 month Mr. Herten came to this country whe Western Canada was a wilderness, an settled in Usborne township, where 1 toiled hard entil recent years, aceurni lating suffirient of this world's goods retire on, when he took up his abode Exeter, and here spent the residue of h days. 'Re was born in Devonshire, En Mr. Ha,rton hed not ailed seriously, hudied of infirmity. The funeral on Frida was largely attended, and evinced ti universal 'esteem in which the decease was held. Mr. Heaton leaves: several a family, amongst whom Messrs, Tho and Geo. Herten, prosperous farmers o Us borne, to battle with the world. The people of this section will hear wit surprise ene genuine regret of the deat of Mr. Robert C. Thompson, of Parlthil ately of Fullerton but formerly of Elim ville, to which latter place he moyed fro Mooresville. A few weeks age M Thompson was taken ill with a slight a tack of malaria, and apprehending noth ng serious, exposed himself to open ai oo soon, bringing about typheid fever min the effects of which he died. on Fri. ay last. He' had attained the age of 54 cart, and, his futere ptospects were right: He but recently located in Park- in, having last spring purchased property here and erected a large hotel and other uildings thereon. In fact, his all was nvested. Deceased was born in the north f Ireland, and came to this country while uite young, first dwelling in the township f Biddulph. Some thirty years ago he pprenticed himself to the waggon-makin nder Mr. Geo. Kinlock, of Mooresville few years subsequent l he forsook his rade, and enlisting with the 100th regi- ent. hied away to Gibraltar. and again to 'arnica, to do service for his Queen and ountry. He returned to Mooresville and sumed his avocation, continuing waggon eking for some years, when' he married, ter e;vhich he engaged in hotel -keeping, Bowing this line of business at several aces'until removed from this immortal al Be was a member of the Masonic, orestic, Orange, and Oddfellows societies, d was buried in et. James' cemetery, ucan with honors of the above Orders. yeters. ng go in ed s. to in is g. ie of 5. f. 1, 01 r, t- 1 I d spend, :e oit.- eter to ih 11 a A re af fo pi SO an 0 'The examination of tandido,to for en- trance to the High School is now he progress here, There are quite a number writing. ' An open meeting of the R. T. of T. wo held on Monday evg. in the basement of the Main-st Church, and partook solely as literary entertaininent, The program presented was a long one, and varied, and highly interesting. The recitations of eed.f. McCallum, Mrs Wilson and Misses Reid and Down elicited considerable ape plause, while the selections on the violin -by Mr. Meyers and Misa Donagh were of high order. The Eacrett orchestra, was good as were aIso the vocal eelectioes by several gentlemen, The attendance was very loge and the silver colleotion taken eip amounted to a considerable sum. :Auction Sale Bankrupt Stock, The Bankrupt Stock which belonged to the eetate of Messre Wagner and Ross of the eity of Hamilton'has been mirchaSed by j, W. Bream:reit. The Stop* coneiete eef Tweeds, Cloths a,rict overcOatings, &c. This is a magnifieent Stock , end the whele has been moved to Exeter together with a ritock of groceries, 01i-ilia:ware, eilver plated ware, Jeweler, end a geber- al assortment of Fancy Goods fOr Christ: mite presents. All to be sold by public etiction. at "Broderick Score Exeter. Atte: tion Sale to commence on Friday 21st inst at o'clock p. m and Saturday at 2 and 7 p m and also on the following Mom day it 2 and/. There will alto be offered ota Satindey a beautifel Melodeon, Be sure end attend these gales n reserve. Remember the store is three con doors north of the poet office, cart Exeter, 20th Oecembee 1888, k ing thilEiren Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaWit • Fresh oysters at Geo. Sanders' by the quart, or served up by the plate, cooked or raw Just look at our stook • of con- fectionery, and sporting goods. All fresh, new and first-class. Brevities. A new story is called "I'he Editor's Verse." Theres nothing in it. See those lovely black silk and satin mervee, and all kinds of black dress goods at the, big bankrupt store. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery at R. Hicks', in endless variety ; suitable for Xmas trade. Give him a call. It is said that cheese will be manufac- tured at the Centralia factory for 2cts per Ib next season, by T. A. Pearsall. The weights and ineasures' Inspector's are in town visiting the various business • places in which such utensils are used. Ed. Roberts has the finest, largest and most handsome, yet cheapest, assortment of glass, china and crockery one might wish to gaze upon, , The man who got mad and stopped his paper to spite the editor is the same fellow who tried to light his kitchen fire with cayenne pepper to save matcheS. Buy your sealette anrt mantle cloths at the big bankrupt store. 30 per cent. lower than.any' house in town. All cloth eut free of chaeee. Ready-made clothing, overcoats for meb and boys, Persian Lamb caps, wool blankets, and knitted shawls and fascina- tors, all 50 per dent. off at the big bank- rupt store. •.., Mr. James Oke has 'moved unto the farm of Mr. Robert Leathern, Stephen, a short dietance south of Exeter, end for the presept will engage in farming and contiritte in the cattle deoving businetik, The bell has beet % taken from the old ehureh and plimed in the tower of the Trivitt Memorial Church. Braving stoli& bearing the bell produces a louder and inueh clearer tone, s although, in the old belfry, its tone was even exceptionally clear and sweet. Another large bankrupt stock of boots and shoes, overshoes and rubbees just opened at the bigbankrupt store. Some very fii line lines n belies' 'walkeng and ekating• boote at unheard ofet priese, teaks' overshoefor 75e. 3. Grigg'a anmial Christmas sale cote: tneneee on Friday, at 1 re m.s and will Untie en $itturdity and Mondey, You eneed a pleasant half hour there look: over his holiday stock. Take a friend h you and you will enjoy It the more. ( Reeve Rollins Will agein offer hinuielf 'foe retelection. The hand serenaded the new lanlords of the Central hotel on Tuesday evg. Lodges Of the Sell's of England will be instituted at liensall and Clinton this week. It is possible that Mr. W. Hogarth of Exeter will get the positien of Vint Matt. ter of the 'Windsor High School. W. G, Biesett is: •reported to be an pirant for the office of ReeVe for the vil lege of Exeter. Ailk to see thoee beautiful helneetitched china siek handkerchiefs. Just the thing for Xmas presents. At the big bankrupt otore. Remember silk hkfs, front 25e' up. The parties who chopped and disfigured lamp posts, broke windows in many build - Inge and destroyed property generally on Tuesday erg., no doubt thought they were doing something sharp. In a very short time l'theExeter Post Offie t will be empowered by the govern- ment to receive parcels for transmission to the old country. This will be a great convenience to the community, Mr: C. Wolper of Berlin, formerly of Exeter, will, next suminey„, erect a block in that town, which is esturiated to cost $50,000. It will be a hotel and opera house combined. Mr. Wolper is proprie- tor of the Commercial hotel in Berlin, and is doing a larger trade than the house ever did before. Mr. W. is a fine young man, accommodating ea one can poissibly While making a patent fence one day last week Mr, Louis Walper met with an accident, which might have resulted fatally. He was holding the stakes, while another party was on a waggon, with a maul, driving them ; and having the maul erected into the air the 'horses moved on, allowing the maul to come down upon Mr. Walper's head. Re' was knocked insensible but nothing serious resulted. The Salvation Army people had a big time, in Exeter on Sunday and Monday. They call ib a war; it was a bloodless one however. Soldiers were present from far and near to take part in the special ser- vices of Sunday and the banquet of Mon- day evg. The parades on the various occasions were good and the -music furn- ished by the boy trumpeters, attracted attention and was well spoken of. At the banquet Monday evg., the attendance was not as good as it might have been, yet sufficient money was realized to liquidate the barracks debt. For days last week, the residents of several parts of the tOWn were somewhat excited over the market question and were besieged with petitions from all quarters. The first was to have the mar- ket moved from its present site to the town hall, the other to have it remain where it is; both of which were to have been presented to the council at its meet- ing on Saturday night. But no doubt, the instigators, of the movement discover- ing that their schinne was not popular and their petition not as largely signed as that of their opponents, dare not present their prayer to the Council, consequently the contrary petition was withheld. Action is deferred for a time; we suppose. The Christmas holidays in the public schools will begin on Friday, Dec. 21st, and the schools will reopen on Monday, Jan. 7. The promotion examinations will begin on Friday next and will close on`the following Tuesday. WlienBisby was sick., \PO gaVO her aaat'azie Whi3n she was a Child, she cried for Castot' , When she became Mies, she clang to Castoria, ' When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria, ]STRAY. - Strayed into the 4 premises of the undersigned on or about the middle of November, 1888, 1 year- ling steer, and 1 yearling heifer. The owner may have the same by proving property and paying expenses. VALENTINE RATZ, • Lot 10, Con 4, at mills. Stephen, Dee. 2Cth. 18Sfi. To Advertisers, A list of 1000 newspapers divided into States and Sections will be sent on application - FREE. To those who want their advertising to pay, we can offer no better medium for thorough and effective work than the various sections of our Select Local List. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO. Newspaper Advertising?Bureau 10 Spruce street New York. NOMINATION A meeting of the Electors will be held in the Town Sall, Zurich, on Monday, De00111- ber 31st, at the hour of 32 o'clock, noon, for the purpose of nominating a reeve, deputy.' reeve and three councillors to terve as mem- bers of the municipal council of 1-1 ay, 1or the year 1fi89,.and slionld a poll be demand- ed the same will be opened at the different polllvg sub-divisionon Holiday, ;tannery 7th, beginning at 9 o'clock, a, ni. and closing at 5 o'clock p rm. All par ties interesteil will take due notice hereof and govern them- selves accordingly. SAMUEL FOSTER, Ho3ri Dee. 90, '88.• Returning 411710er NOMINATION, A meeting of the eieetors will be bold in the 1ownlIal1 E1imville. on Monday, Dec- ember 3180.a t the honr5 01 10 o'clock a. or the norm nation of Reeve' and at 12 o'clock noon for eouncillors, for theyear 1889,and should it poll be de cc anded 'the same will be opened et the differeet polling sub.cryisions on etonday, January 7th, beginning at 0 o'0lodka.15, and closing -at 5 o'clock p. 10. All partiea interested wail take due* notioe hereof and govern themsel yess aacerdingly, GEO. W, HOLMAN, trsboine Dec 22i '88 • Eetrsning Odle or NOMINATION ineeting of the electors be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, Decem- ber 31st, at the hour of 70 (sleek p. m„ :for the purpo se of nominating ti reeve, entity - reeve andceuncilloes to serve as members of the Municipal out:Loll ,of Exeter, for the year 180, and should it poll be demandec1 the saute will be opened at the different pel- ting sub-divisione dn Monday, eanuery, 7th, beginning at 9 o clock.an cl closing ate o'clock p m. Ali parties intereeted will ttilit3 d110 noticti hereof andgovern themselves accord- ingly. MICEIAEL BICIRD Exeter, Dee, 20th, 1888. Returning Officer. NOMINATION .A meeting of theelectors will be held in the Town Hall, Crediten, on Monday, leo- comber 31et at the home 08 12 o'clock, noon, for the putt:00e of nonainating a reeve, two dciality-rooves and two councillors, to, eerve, an naetribere el the Municipal Council of 'Stepheafor the year 1860 and shonid' it poll be demanded the mane 'will 115 opened at the 'different polling, tab -divisions on Monday; Jailuatv 7th, begirining at 9 otelocils a, in., and eleeing at 4 tecloblt, p, ni Al: pareies teeested Will take due notice hoteef and gov- ern theinsolvo5 iiecorainely Stephen, ei le, 00t11 , '80, Iteturning °Moor 1• ^I Absofutelv Pure. This powder never varies A marvel of pur- ity, strength and wholesomen,c,ss. More econ- omical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sol d in competition with th e multitudes of low test, short 'weight, aluni or phophs,te Powders. Sold only in conk -ROYAL BAK- ING -POWDER CO .106 Wall street N Y 11•101•1•Mal TORN MeOURDY, Kirkton, Is- suer of Marriage Licenses, Agent for Canada Life Assurance and other Loan Corn- panies, Agent for Huron and Middlesex Fire Insurance Company. Commissioner for Perth To Let. • STATION HOTEL TO LET, Easy Terms. Apply to the undersigned. June 14.- L CARLING. For Sale. Three first-class farms -100 acres eaob-Lon. don Road, withia one mile of Exeter. • Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT. Solicitote, &e., Exeter. Dress -Making, Mrs. Dickey, of Crediton, begs to inform the public that she has moved her business, and will now be found one door west of Mitchell's Store. Dress -making done in the very latest styles: Cuttingand Fitting by the new tailor system. MRS. DICKEY. Crediion, Bliss Sweet Wishes to inform the ladies of Exeter and vicinity that she intends continuing the Dress and Mantle Making up -stairs. Ranton's Old Stand. Mantles and Dolmans cut by the new tailor system. • APPEENTMES WANTED. APPLY AT ONCE. Q T RAYE D INTO THE PREM. ISES of the Undersigned, Lot 9, Con. 10, Stephen on or about ist of December, a year- ling heifer, red. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying exPen- see. WM. GOWER, Orediton P. 0. SA LE S MEN Wanted. -Good salaries or commission paid to the right men to sell our choice and hardy varieties of nursery stook. Now is the time of the year to „engage. None but honest and upright men need apply, do not delay if you decide to join us, as delays are dangerous. A pply with re- ferences, MAY BR OTHERS, • Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. xiGENTS, WARTED IN THE Counties ef Huron, Perth, Grey and Bruce to sell and set up Welsh's Patent Venti- lator -the best made. Good percentage al- lowed. Town, township or County rights for sale. All orders left with Bissett Bros, will receive prompt attention. Address • W. WELSH, Exeter,Ont. Dec. 6th, 1888. The Kippen Tan above mills take the lead in gristing and chopping. Give us a trial, and you will be convinced that this is the right place to get your gristing done. Everyone gets his fiour manufactured from their own wheat. Chopping only five cents it bag, Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. D. B, MeLEAT, larrmr. Young mamyou catt't invest money better than by getting a thorough business education and you can't find a course elsewhere in On- tario equal to that of the Forest City Business College, London, Ont., which has a special coarse forthose who intend to renaain on the farm. Catalogues free. Westervelt & York Boars For Service Tan Undersigned will keep on Lot 8 Con. 8, Usborne, near Winchelsea, Two Berkshire Beare, bred by Geo. Green, Pansville. One 13 . months old, brother to his sweepstake boar, He has taken 4 first prizes. and 1 second, as aged boar, The other is 7 months old, and brother to his first prize sow, and sired by his &A prize aged boar. He has taken 5 first prizes for pig under one year. Both have a reg. pedigree. TERMS -SI, to be paid at tune of service, with privilege of returning if nec- essary. 22-11-2m R. DELBRIDGE, rALL :4: 1888. nill P, Pickard Have just received direct from England it fitie assortment of Ladies' Walking Jack- ets, Dolmans, and Insters, also a Fine As- sortment of Sealottes, Imitation Larnb and Ulster Cloths, PULL L/NE8 OFTIRESS GOODS. IN HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND STAPLE DRY4OODS, • Our Stook is Complete Market Sure General Store The undersienecl woreld inform the pub- lic that he has just received his WINTER imo STOCK • -INCLUDING- A full line of Dry -Goods, Hats & Caps, and Crockery, Boots and Shoo, Those wishing anything in my line will find Otto their advantage to pall and in sped ray goods and prices. Hthest prices paid for But- ter and. Eggs and all kinds of produce. are Pi Ross. .-inas Season 1 pia&Barglin: Briery Depart_ ALL THIS YEAR COMPETITION NOWHERE CAN COMPETE WITH OUR PRICES CALL AND BE CONVINCED DOUPE & CO., Kirkton. ClearingSale, Cheap Store Crediton For the next 60 days at cost, consisting of Dry -Goods, Boots & Shoes, Felt and Straw Eats (about 400 to select from.) + = x = X =,-1- Having secured shop license to sell all kinds uf WINES and LIQUORS, I have decided to clean onsome of the above lines at or beloW.r, st for cash and ready pay, to intik) eroom for it large stock, of GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. Don't forget as it is 330 hunsbug. All accounts due 1st October, 1888. J. Z/ZITOECELL • Cheap Store Crediton —EXETER— PIM MDR For Finely Finished Photon of all sizes, frojn small album size to 11x14 • from life, try SM1\,TIC:)1R, He has also a,n elegant display of Photo- graph Frames. Sizes : Sx10, 11x14 and 14x17. AT ALL PRICES! It wi I be to the advantage of those having pictures to frame to examine his stock of Picture Moulding. Get prices before purchasing .elsewhere. JOS. SENIOR, Gallery Opposite Post -Office. !Iron rup clr The subscriber would respectfully announce to the public that he has now en hand it large stook of the various kinds of wooden puntns and that he has added facilities, by which he on supply ordered work °lithe very shortest notice, ins resale ARE WELL AND PAVORABLY KNOWN AND REQUIRE! NO LAUDING ------- Well-digging for fifty cents a, foot for 30 feet, 25 cents for every extra ten feet. • A call solicited. GEO. CITDMORE, Exeter, July.1888. Huron Street. Everest's Cough);yrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful curative properties. Pries 25 sets- (Trade „Mark,) Try Everest's LIVER REGUL41011, For Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys &o,, and purifying of the 13lood„ Price $1. SIX bottles, $5. For sale by all drug- gists. Manufactured only by G. EVIIIIE ST Chemist. For est THE INTERCOLONIAL OF CANADA, The royal mail, passenger and freight route between Canada and Great Britain. Direct route between the West and all the points on the Lower St. revivrenceeond Baia de Cholera, also New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton aniideNyeue Idouoindeglaanntd buffet sleeping and day oars, run on througtx express trains. p issengers for Great Britain or the conti- nent by leaving Toronto by m. train on Thursday will ;oil). °award mail steamer at Halifax Saturday. superior elevator, warehouse and dock,ao- comrnodation at Halifax for shipment of grain andgeneral rcerchandise. Years of experience have proved the tater- , colonial, in connection, with steamship -lines' to and from London, Liverpool and Glas- gow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight route between Canitdit and Gre t Britain. Information as to passenger and freight rates on be had on application to ROB ERT B.MOODIE , Western Freight &Passenger Agent 98Ro5sinHou5eB1ock,York tit. Toon D. P OTTSNGElt, Chief Superintendent. Railway °Bice, Moncton. N. B., Nov. 20, '88. A Combination Usefulness ! Beauty, and Durability -IS AN ESSENTIAL IN -- Selecting a Christmas Present. GIDLEY Carries the largest stock of Furniture in Huron County, and leas just added -to his assortment a great many pieces admirably adapted for Christmas Presents. An Inspection of Goods will ef- fect a purchase. Undertaking in all its Branches. S. GIDLEY, successor to C. & S. Gidley) ODDFELLONV'S BL0C:1X. GREAT SUMMER SALE ISAAC CARLJNG't IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT HIS SLIMMER STOCK WILL SELL: Simmer Silks, Dress Goods, Muslins. _Prints, Ginghams Laces, Ribbons, 1-lisiery, Gloves, Underwear, Corsets, Pasasols, Vlininery, Trimmings, etc At Greatly Reduced Prices, Grad Bargain: Bvory Doparimoni *Meditate de not miss ibis opportunity to bay cheap good, OS the sttintoriber hag ono of the &mat ptooks in the town to el, ooso how A eall Will repay yon, els