The Exeter Times, 1888-12-20, Page 7AVM GA1ill3,
....- ,
NIMB alct KE.;:103IATDBY.
1 "What instinite la then ?" le the invari-
13 41,0 he
ainn el tile teareit.
"Tit Mercer Reformatory, for vromers,"
the reply nitre% provided the qeerstioe be
ened of A well iefone
red citizen.
Peseing Owen& the trot ese to the
'referecatety proper, n was eho we first the
rivilin40 °mentor, e bright, airy depar tm.ent,
containing some deem cells, •
These polls ere really tioy bed (*embers,
each lighted by a eeparete window. They
, etnitain the needful toilet appliituces, a
box; bracket ehebree and sinall iron bed -
Sinn' The hunates wear a uniform, costume of
blue denhara, a materiel much the same as
that nsed for shirtinnand overalle On San.
day eaoh woman is given a long white apron
mad linett collar. They are allowed the
privilege of dressing their hair, which is not
cub upon entering the institution, in any neat
meths& „
"The inmates are not allewea to wear
any of their own olothine daring their stay
in the inatitation," the Attandamt.,
"It is put away for them until their terra
"Do they generally come in well sup-
plied ?" asked. ,
"Occasionally they are very well dress-
ed," was the reply; "bat often they are in
a terrible state of destitution. It depends a
good &Dineen the offence for whieh ehey
are arrested." Kan O'Rell .America.
Belsraoing our steps, we next "Irisited the
knitting mem. In this department all the When that eccentric and imaginative
knitting required by the inatitation is done, r Frenchman who is known to the reading
in addition to contract work, which is oo. I public as &Ian 0 Rell gave to the world his
°anomaly given. ' amusing skit upon English men and women
merits " said the attendant, " we have those
Westin who, by reason of bodily weakness!,
are uofittea for mire anitions fyarvice."
" Have you any diffiaulby in controlling
Those tinier nom vire V' I enquired, glancing
at the groups! who were knitting and in-
dulg'ing quiet conversataon. one in the United States questioned his
;Tot rnneh,o she answered.. "They work ,no„noiiy-. But, alas, since hie return to
largelyby impulse, and have no more donde.
Europe, he has been leoturing in London on
nese ef purpose than little cbildren. It no „the 'flatten Staten and its its non discovered
difficult oleo to retain their attention for thet he is a very unsafe guide to follow, and
en Length of time. We have eduoational thins hie exaggerations are so entrenagent as
' ' •
fiteeile "'
The !Ridding eon, tete of blenkete, Elects
pillows and white 'quilts; and looks as Int
viting ea any weitiy nedy could deeire.
Altogether these diminutive rooms, 730 fresh
in their, elneuliness, mast become potent
&atom nperifying the hearts and lives of
tfeei.r maupents. „
"These mils are emended to those inmetes
whose good conduot )uenues the 1eatowa1
epeoial privilege, remarked My guide,
"and they ere 13006430sion math coveted by
ehe inmeres."
Farther on. we eittered'the anwinn robm,
where the clothing' isnmedenna repaired. I
eXamlned, the pilots Of nniletantlaing that
JAY en readiness for uee, and found' all tile
ar ticles needful for a women's .wardrobe
•,',oteatly made of heevy faotory oetton.
How meny reeneetable worklun Orli are. Pr nei ni a -110nInis and TheirWele.
tottifeeoeinthTaourotehlot aWrohoouintitel comeeliien, to lievr: Rao, anni a lady siner income wow..
Meted? asks a feuilleton writer intim Fran,lo,
Oat of 142 inmates comnutnd 77 'Wtha
eenteneed for six monthe, 24 fer tweleof"ler 6616411' and gma eicP1*114
mouths, and the xeminder between ono owe their only road to fortune in to heve ithme of
their jewellery stolen from them. Belnlike
Of these 40 were ender 20 years of ego, inkene4en, bnrinenY" strcniS "i", nueb""
two yearn
like teohnique, impreasive expression, die -
50 'mimeo:120 and 30, 38 beeweeu 30 and 50,
and the remeinder over 50 years.tineOese et nvenenattieel livelY notion
rebe °linolen or over onwthird of the and an attractive vises ramie might to ao,
Oilre fame to lady ertieee, Bat only those
OW number, were ,guilty of personal t
morality in varioue 'phones, s5 Were commit. will Ban this who have hved hi hormtflko
ten for vagrancy?, 25 for emeey end le eottrement, for in orcler to become famous
druakenness. lady onager utast; at least hen ave berobbea
n' There is very little siokaess among the etfew tiraE"' Jut now n new en"nbdate b"
inmetes of the institution," saidthe attest& Preeent'eti Inwseif as niterlified for the pert of
the prima donne assoluta. Oise Sigrid
ants nnewering my enquiry. "The hospittal Arnoldson, the e.ttraretive yeutig kiweciiiih
le olesea at present, and, the general health
io very good. • We bad only one .4.,,..ty, i„iy, girl, who the
hitherto been like all other
Yeawr'n3en we condder the livies Of "ths".0 0: '0'1' -';',' 8hhil'terri 'inn:1.11pr e ii513 larudeadsdr i:olif stYtehnredi Etes l'onPnirioh‘veleutuht'etiembeelaicallug and°at
medprevious to inoareerabion, end the ex-
enne,, appertaining thereto, eine e. "wed delight -at last, at lest, the, too, has beep
bears testimony to the. caneful anperviaion rebbed- The object was, of °ours°, a nese
exenolsed in this denartment. with Immediate, earrings, etin, given to her by
The chapel in a lenge nandsome apart ErnPree". es 4neenal and Piiume. The im,
• ' i • Presserfo wee nearly in despair when it' an -
mann timeliest inthe bonding. .Re igloos „c
pear.= o. a roW of pearls had been over -
ked by the thieves; the clouds onleeven-
.-"ehed front hie face when it wee found: that
'the pearls, tiro, were gone. A' thief, re.
Maiming ",undiesoovered, belongs as much to
the otittit Of a plienotnelltnfamous isinger 'as
dons her indispenialle nenge;Pea She eau'
servl000 tor )po0.11 _Protv..!tol. .
Catholics are , cen no, , a a
*1'01 thOit 1,1)4 706.14, and on iniontannineru-.
ing nunday sehool ia 'held, !When the in -
meths are brought in personal contact with
Christian ladies, who labor etarneetly te
influence them for geed. I have reedy seen
la more impritsive sight than these women -
'girlie , zit when amenffilea tor one -of'
theses 0. -
SWayed enekley insnalsei a hnnint'
6. tender worn will -bring a aoftened look on,
many farces, and a quiok tear even in meny
eyes, while good reatiltitions' ern' mane, too
often tons broken by the evil 'infiaenoe of
assobiateedibreindlinied.. '
That reforniatien, biloroitih and cionipliite,
is , possible has been 'proved in Many in-
eitances ; but it has beentlesnite 'the agape's -
tion, and due rather the personal 'efforts of
etaff or kindly hearted plillasethropists ;
for es one klady recently remarked : 'No
one knows what the women in the Mercer
have to endure trona their oompanieinewhen-
ever they =cleaver "to fight their way up-
ward into a purer, higher life."
not etio 'Without . a -elnewitignoom.
Diavolo. 'The husk' of a peefect shape
doea noineignifte, 'the lank of a thief Wont&
be role. Adeline:Patti ha a of,
robbed by,
night and by day, in'Eutope Ameriera
en entire 'and ,at eine „ in • heitelse 'nnd„ On Yale
wayetrains. And Carlota Inetteind Chinn-
ine NenaMenind,'-nbtit ;whn mention naWiee
An incredible 'amount of _ diamonds'
end jewela have . diaapneared in this
way without ever boning up again,
Britthe lady ,ertistee are.jgenerone, com-
passionate' forgiving ;.they do ilOt pion:nitre
the thienes ; they do not go to the polio:;
they do not offer rewards. Perhaps they
know that the detain their threat nan easily
nensoinetleand that the rippling shakes can
soon be champed beta rows cd-peatle. They
fire easy-going, fllla '00OnlOrKet their' loss.
But the woinler is 'that the august donors
should atiltoontimie to present the 'Angora
with diamonds... -"Pave Engin: have learned
by experience that. Mien,' precious stone they
give to themle doomed to be:stolen.- A royal
present to. a lady artistewhioh does not get
stolen lids .misbed its' object; and 'cakes have
indeannatiried w.h'ernpresents' weteestiden
whiehswene neevere given: The thievee
longing -to the lather _category are most fa-
voured lay the imp reasario. According to si
pellet ostireete whit& a statistibiankas made
concernin.g thefts of jewels. from ._laAy
'aitistem jewels of the vette of £10,000,0w
bave ben itolen- 'singers dninag ' the
lase decide, and however greitly the abili-
ties et the polioe of countnee may differ in
Other r,espeots, they are dike all the world
over innetear troubling the thieves who vic- domain Bat there remeins
one 'eenisseletiort to the friends of 'the fair
dingoes,. mid, that etn tliiitlioWeeinfientiently
theyarwriffibed of their jew.eli they are 'still
.orriamented vrith the same amount of jewel-
lery evert directly after the theft has Meer.
ed.e-tPall Mall "Gazette!
Leve ia a Oottane.
"Chally," add Asa r. Jena, "I notice
that youe entries vie:natty seem to be babbl-
ing over with, happiness. am SlIti to see
it, but do tell me whet has caused
it?" 01'will," seid Sleerley, ne enoireled
her Weat end imprinted la kiss on her iwrin
Inge lips. "You. know foe a While I- wee
melantholy, blue as indigon.-hanno appetite,
WA0 anddyspeptie, buts the tise'of two
°tails 'of DA Pierce's Gelden medioal Die-
oevary has brought me oat min 1 am i'bright
lie 4 button.' I feel like a new men now,
nano, name the dey son; there is more of
thie at the drug store."
nnWhen Tentiess'ee was first sislib off from
C 4ralioe In 1783 W/3 in hae jail 0 he
State of Frenklin.
Wine, WOM and. Si,"
but the greeted of these in "yr men.'
niWine ta A meeker," an i Song is good
to .‘„,,itt, the -Envege," woeiOn respond
ta every &ohne Power aad,eantiroaet et the
hninau mind when in good llenith• B1111
when afflicted ,Pilth diseaseeyon find
tnem nentelielng, roatmetaish, ',format . and
hard plewie. Far neinde 0[111431%.111 tat"
palrocikranpannuiranahdetotihrreargatitlaa,priallseem, enuistravpoe3psuueileirt
In knovell ''"fomsle weakness" end °tiler
disk:sasses,: needier to ,tlie sear, Dr. Pie ree's
Fa.Vorite Presoription is the greats
famod remedy. ,
, Prof, Kinf will go to Barone in a balloon,
themtaney and let hira go.
Dou't lead This for $500.
• For many goers llirciegh. nearly every
neWsperper in the 'land, the proprietors' of
The SigeneCetarrh...Remedy, who are thor-
onghlyresponailale, financially, as an' one
can many as:sub:am by proper enqttiry, have
offetecl, geonfaithe a standiag reward of
(f500 or a case of nasal catarrh, no Matter
linwned, or of how long standing, which
they cennot oure.
Ostrioli feanier boas from one o' two
yards in length, are utilized ats that garni:
'tures. •
Consumption Barely Cured.
entitled "John Bull and his Island," our
"Ia the knitting and sewing depart- I American ointb .
sins ;Dune has owe exuremmy
onerta- in and a landeti hie keen faculty
for andysis and his discrimination as a
critic. Vinton aubsequently he visited Am-
erice and, with the traditionarpolibeness of
hinnation, saicl all aorta of angary 'things
abont Amerbians and their institutions, no
dusts ise' ther knitting roon, through the
winter me tbs, for an hour and a half each
day, when. these who wish to do so may learn
to rend en write."
As 0am:onion is certainly an aid to refoiena-
tion, it weidd surely be a desinnble thing
to continue these classes all the year around.
The laundry is financially the moat -pro -
a ti department in the Mercer ;, its net
e last year amondted to over $2,000.
, ere ro,..two distinot laundries, one being
—need for the Mercer and Canted Prie1011 wash. -
beg; the second being eeeerved for family and
contrect wm ,g.
As we entered the ironing room the chat-
ter of the .busy workets ceased, and theye he has nut men in. other countries who s Fore
and' also he is glad to say, who sang hymns,
but America alone produces men who do
both with equal facility.
to take away all value from his criticaem.
He declared that no man wib any min,
respeothm anythnng to 'do with politica in
the United:States, and that if a senator ac-
cidentally gains admittance' to a 'select enter
taininentthe diatom of 'the . Master of the
house is to order thanthe r silver as well as
the hate and coats in the hall be carefully
watched. Inixefeiring to,the national pre-
dileotion for profanity he tells °fan American
pokeiparty on agnalish stheaner of 'which
mak member lai inn each card with onew
and distinet oath.- The same poker party a
short time after Mode sang hymns and psalms
for two home. Max O'Bell deelares that
if suffidient ands' own be rinsed. Da raise
bent over their tonics in silence.
"Do you allow convereation in working
hours?" I enquired chthe matron.
"In this department, yes," she answered.
"The girls are eonstantly moving, and their
remarks must necessarily be made in a tone
loud enough for me to hear. Therefore, we
know it to he bathing:a. It is not the load
To the
By its
have b
glad to
to any
don if
P. Cie
Editor :-
se inform your readers thart I have a
a remedy for the aboeenerneddiaease.
timely use thoneands of hopeless cases
wan permanently cured. I shall be
send two bottles of my remedy Nam
of your readers who have qonsump-
they will send me their Es -press and
address. ' Resp'y, T: A.. SLOCUM,
est Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont.
&reit and ell curtains must: have fro -
shakings, or moths will be Imre to
in their foldk
Execution by Eleotrioity.
The New 'York State law which provitles'
that after January let next all exeou ion
talking that troubles US, but that which is 'for murder shall be performed by the agency
carried on in low Pine and which may be '' of eleetrioity is like to bring about a diffi.
good or evil but'Inostlikely the latter. I cultY which Was not contemplated when 'tlie .
Then we desoended to the refractory -ward., ieginiotiox, won panned. , -It , was nokenlor.
"What forms of punishment de you grented that the new :node °of death wthild
- adopt?" I enquired. i be'painless' and that there Would Nem
'‘ Deprivation ot privileges. solitary con- ghastlnpreparations to add to the agettytof
finement 'in light cells, dark cells, end in i the criminal. illie Legislature forgot to
extreme omen the -dungeon. NO. was:lever ' speoify in what mannerthe death-neeling
resort to corporal pun'ishittent in tiny form."i snook should be' applied, and it beneme
I inspected the dark cells and -dungeon, necessary to refer the matter to a commit -
and found theta to be clean, dry and dimly tee of eleotromedioal experts to suggest a
iit, furnished with a straw pellet and cover- Mode of operation. The recommendation
ion made by thielsommIttee involves-' a 'inintbee
"The dungeon, with bread and water , of Mysterious preliminaries' whfch will, in
diet,will generally reduoe the most refre.ratory 1 znieey oases, inflict agpny worse than death
to ebedienoe," said the attendant, "but we itself. The criminal is to be strapped down
have rarely to resort to these expedients. tenon a. table er to a °heir, then a metal
Months may go by without one punishment, helmentisto'neplaced on hie 'hesen; inaimetal
and thia ward is often vacanb for a long pointe arena be put in contact with various
pants of his body, Whileneartie viater is to
Upon further enquiry1 fonnd that the I ne applied to his hair and head. So pro -
women are locked in their cells at half -past I treated -and nemplioated a mcithOd of prepar-
seven each evening. From thee hour until 1 nig 'the, orinanal has aroused ranch discuss -
five or six in the morning they are free from 1 awn, and exciting strong oppositiou to the
any supervision beyond that exercised by ' thange'irt thelaw. Unless items morii simple'
an overworked watottwoman Who makes her nineatte of electric applicationeiti be divieed,
longterm:de through the externive building, itis donbtftl whether the new law will be
• carried out.
Row Beach b3at Rattan.
The special tablneossount of the Hanlan
Beaoh race -on Tuesday says :--
Beech, won as he plasma. The ram -wan
not for the ehempionship, but for a stake of
8000 4 iside. Beach retired from champion
some menthe ego, and Kemp, who recently
defeateetHaraan, is still 'champion. n,
To -day's race was Is:maned tit glee Han-
lan, a chases te win back some money he'
led since he lies been here, bub he is more
out of pockeb than ever. A grand start
was etfeoted, the men striking water siniul-
teneetudy, both geing away at forty strokes
to the minute and the pair rowed at a ter-
rific. rate. . For the first ,200 yards tliey kept
with each other, but at -the ighartor-mile
the paCe moderated, .Bracti striking thirty.t
seven and ile,ole.rt thirty-eight. Up Bien-
landn point, which is a mile from thsa start
they keine:dime aorapany, bub thence 13eath
began to improve hie position and, despite
the Canadian's desperate efforts to hold
him, not only secured the lead, but showed
the way by a length passing Putney point,
a mile and a half from commencement. On
drawing clear, soon after leaving Gladesville,
Beads sculled' dead aheadntreeting his op-
ponent to a. fair dine ot neakWesh, Hanlan
tiring rankly. He maintamedehili ,iielven-
tage without much tliffinalty, ultimendy
winning very easily by about three' lengthe
in int 15. *lb is repcitted that Haden will
not go back to America bat will go into
business in Australia.
Brilliant 1
Diamond Dyes excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness.
None other are just as good. Bt'
ware 'of imitations, because they
are made of cheap and inferior
'materials and give poor, weak
rocky colors. To be sure of
success, use only the DIAMOND
aim for coloring Dresses, Stock-
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers,
Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant
them to'eolor more goods, pack-
age for patkage, than any other
dyes ever made, arid to give more
brilliant and durable colors. Ask
for the Diamond and take no other.
A ,Dress Dyed FOR
A Coat Colored 10
Garments Renewed J ce HT s.
A Child can use them!
At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free.
von Poop i5I'mln.0114
Ap0 tol) 444 Oo
tP.Y0AU41 E,),CP3,144. MC
CANA-IM- tOilleInNO CO. -Bearer Lima 03
ineamshiPe, sailing weekly between Montreal
and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to'Llverp001.
BO end see, Return tickets, $80, $90 and. fing
wording to steamer and a000mmodatiort, Iater.
mediate, $80 ; Round rip tiokets, 950. steerage, loaf
Round trip faakets,440, For further partioulare and
seoure hirthe, apply to B. Es einfienn, Genera.
Manager. 1 OuotornHouse Elqtulre, Montreal, Or trill&
Local Aionits In the dinnrent TOMB and Oltleq.
LADIES' Drees aadMantle Cutting jar
new and improved.
Be amazon
tiota000 tatt4 to teach litatra the
ten an of gutting all garments worts fry
ladies and ohildren. Poor. suirrs, mot
Queeu St, W•• Vernt,te‘ ,,igent.4 Wanted.
IY W. D. 1111ITLER, Mendel AO.,
MOAN on Farms. Lowest P,ates.
Ilto delay. Correepondence solicited.
Batabliiked 1860. 72 King -et. E., Toronto.
•S v ti nin th
L 011E9 00I1 MIMS lir If eS0
king nigb.ts tests the beat mil oil, wicks get
charred, chit:aneys smoked and•light grows
aim. To avoid this ask dealers for and be
tures they give you the genuine 'CARBON
" eigb.t-footed horse' was billed as an
attraction at the Ouster oeunty, Dakota,
• Carib More.
'Watson's oottgli drops are the beat inehe
neoild for the throat nactcheen for the voice
uneqnallea. See that- tneletters B. &T. W.
are damped on .eseole drop.
The Bell Telephone monopolynaust defend
itself ' the ,United Sbate,s Circuit Courts of
Bodo a.
4A Cant lei teesseekennesiel;
The opiumlabit, deposal/luta, the morphin
nervous prostration caused by tile nee of 1
welehfinees meataidepreasion,vof Xining °ID
etc., premature old age, los i of vitality oat
over exertion of the brain, and loss of natural
from any (muse whatever. Men -young, old or raid.
dleoged-who are broken down from any of the
above canoes, or any cause not writ:oiled above, send
your addrese and 10 cents in stamina for Lobon's
Treatise, in book form, of Diseases of men. Books
sent sealed and secure frotn ob.ervation: Addles/111.
T. LucoN, IrWelington street East, Toronto, Ont.
Demme procured, Patent 41tOornoYe, add exPer •
rEsPd 1807. Donald C Rldout Co., Toronto
and who °meet snake more than a rie an
harried visit two or three times during the
These thirty-three inmetes each with
their veiled experienoe in. deadly evil, with
the restraints of the work room ieneoved,
and 'the freedom ,of night and darkame
snout them, have unlimited opportunity to
' exchenne cienndeneeti of the 'worst deecrip-
tion without cheek or rebuke. le this a
desirable thing ? .
But this ts but a emelt defect compared
with the faot that there is absolutely no
classification of the inmates. They mingle
freely in recreation hottre, work together,
eat together in one large, gloomy dining
room d sloe pin adjoinin' g cells. .
VOr. egraney, larceny, and meault, drunknnesee red prostitution of a greater or less
degree, these wetness are senteneed to mingle
together fur a period -of menthe oryeare.
Many are first ofienders guilty only of
minor Mil, tentemind m4hAri, by sonme
Iffati Far Abline the 1(oon.
Doe fine nioranlight , night a Kilmanneicli
faineer setting horneevard from `Bobbin,
where he. had at teni, thug „ 'min dnink, • too
deap, ..reaelied•the town near hie &Mae..
Attempting tnoroes it by .the iteppin.nnatinien
entre effect ethith in stafety required daylight
ar;alainadier head then John's nen: on: that
night -he Minted one Atone, and came -deem
splash into the burn. Unable to maim him-
felf beyond his handstand kneea, he looked
down into the dear water, iri Which the
moon was refleeted, while the water stream-
ed from his hair. At last he began to shout
to his wife, "Margot! Margin r The good
woman heating his illy, rad out, exclaiming,
--," Oh, fohnn me, John! Is that you?
Whew are ye,' "Whaur 'am I ?"
he rejoined ; "1 dinna nen, but 1 see Inn
far eiboon the mune." It Was the same man
&Whet:tit is toed, that on a nioonlignt night
on hie way home overcome by drink, he
had fallen or lain down benefit by the road-
side; 'and had fallen asleep With his feet .iri
rein:sing steezen. Awaking enter a' while,
with „the iniforeinien that he had ' teethed
'hornet mia ivats inlaid, he shouted-" Margot,
bring anither pair o' Manitoba to pit an mia
feet, ana bleW out that otawnel."
contitel jtidee on the reeneat of an
father who deeirea the reformation ofhis
errielnoltilit Many othere.,•slaii,,arit;iiiird,
mita who Ilene:lived a illo'idlho
vilest:sits tliet'wonlariboodtian compase.'
Nuinherii of ,the inmates :are, 'young, gide
yet in their early nate,' othen are elderly
Women who hwee smolt all their lives' in and
nut of prison.
Whet geed infitieneeti:Oan the earrieet-
hearted staff exert that will not be more than
counteracted by the evil restating from in -
dingier -sienna aeriedetian ? .
In looking ever the Went animal repott.d.
the ,Mereer Beforinetory lor a record of the
nuitabem ian. iZenemreittnentiri-e record Oda
dinnitat'llielnin feVr particulate attranted
lot attention Witioh,roay
ly ought to be -of interest to the Manned
The total expenditure foe the year ending
in Sept.ember, D387, Was $29,783'.4l, or olden
Therefore, the institution 'aorta otet $6,000 -4*
yearly, the evetage daily coin per ininete 10 beta to nate then trio average tentust,
ing 5709 oetste, 04,05 per ereelt,e Invii,etooking to longer than tritoot ptireee,
Caught Rim Flirting.
They had just come out ono ainie intiseum
--a tell leek women with linife-blede lips
arid an Olive ' green. complexion ; the little
old Man/With her Wati round-faced, blue-eyed
aneek of manner. Hardly had they
reacned. the pavement when the essence of
vinninar Wised out : •
r seen ye, Abilern Kittson."
`4 Seen me when Nancy V'
"Oh, I'd ask what ! I 'tell ye I seen ye pp oftewre ,cetriNg svitoot,Gentlemen
with my own eyes 1"
CANOES .end for In. Catalogue.
. WM. ENDLEfill. IPeterbore, Ont.
, , Tumors CL-d.V.D; no j
book free. Das. NiqrlarAEL.,.
11063 Niagirs. Buffalo, N.Y.
. .
ER ''".ullJERS: 843110FilLA,
:OAK° ..,,.. cured' Permanently without
. , 1 the , knife. Apply to DR. W. L.
SMITE, 124 Queen Street E, Toronto.
To Save Time -Send for illnatiated catalogue
01 Our PATBsT Pintas 01,011.110 LINN, It Will be
reo.dy very goon. '
. Tamar Bloc, Toronto, Ont
Stained Glass
76 King $t. W.. Toronto.
Brown Engines
L Parkins & Co. - Torontu.
Don't wait until you are burnt out or robbed.
Buy a Safe now and sleep easy, and he sure and geX
prices, eto., of the new Near Champion Safe.
577 Craig St,, P. 0, Box 946, MONTREAL; P. 4r...
Almost as Paiatable as SWIM.
So disguised that the mast delicate stomach
can take it. Remarkable as 4 PDEAR
PRODUCER. Persona GAIN rap-
idly while .takirtg .411
SCOTT'S-Mat:M.810R is acknowledged by Phy-
sioiana to be the EINEBT and BEST preparation
ita &Oa **nee beltetof
Waf.t!ng_ _Dlneasen see nen. -
16561"1114 Thomas, •Ont
Seventeen graduates and certificated teachers in the
Pao ally. Nearly 200 students last year. Graduating
courses in Literature, Mode; Fin- Art., Commercial
Schnee and Efoontion. Low rates, good bo". -d and
thorough work. MoLaug'blin coating 420,000
now open. Elegant Dormitories for 60 more. t dents.
Addre s Platc0CPAIA AUSTIN, B.D.
which every farmer wants now, costs only
76 ole, andIf thetile no local age et, mai be obtained
(free by express or mail), on sending price to 0, W.
ALLEN & CO. World Building Toronto.
BgitiN W581ii alltolors 8e per oz.
xo oz.; Saxony Wool, all colors, 100 per skein;
Ice Wcol, beet quality, 10o per ball; Embroidery
Silk, every shade 10c dozen skeins ; Arrasene, an
colors, 30o dozen skeins; Filoselle, best quality, 4fia
and 850 dozetiskelns : Macrame Cord, 13 00lorzr`100
ball; Felt, extra quality, 2 yards wide, SU* per
'yard ; Woolen Java OaT(Vila, all Colors, 46a yard;
AlwaysOn hand beweet roateriale for fancy work,tat
lowest prices. Letter orders have prompt and care-
ful attention. Goods can be sent to any part f
Canada by post. Write termite list. A trial Solicit..
Toed.roalltoRN. IlpreaseDAtant,t1:10Inm:potisitrberw,,arpe, 2.9r Yonge Street,
Falling Out, 'Pry Dv. DorenweintS
Are You Haiti. Is Your Hair Gray
8 A "fTsiin VASIKOS --Season 1888 - New
Orders filled for anY desired quantity; Write for
prices. JAS. PARK Os SON,
. 41 to 47,Layrrenoe farad St.:Toronto.
desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge
" Seen 'you .fitirrititi' witle that tattoed reliable systems taught wherehy. perf cot fitting gar-
" Sine me Whet V of garment cutting should visit us. Scientific and
ments aro produced. termini with full infer:tenon
i'Ornan. Oh, I did I" applieetion, CORRIC.A1Y, Prop ,lee Yonge
,Naney !" Toronto.
Oh, I seen 'you give her them peanuts.
I teen ye 1"
Why Nam*, n---"
"And I seen ye fiarrit'ini with the fat
womau. I eeen ye give her the apple, Ab.
"Why, Nance, 1 merely--"
'I had nmy eye on ye. I neen ye offer
that albind gal a bite of veer bolony saasin-
nen Al). Nittion ; an' 1 seen,ye try to make
up tinthelybeeraed woman-- '
Gond tim!ta ot—"
"Shat up, An, Inittstan or go home 1
A fiurritin with Bich I Oh'. I seen you you
mizzeble big flirrut you 1"--tDatsbib you,
. Why?
Why Refer a single 'motneut, When yeitt
ball get immealatta relief teem Internet or ex.
teriial pain by the wse otinonson's isterviiiiie
the' gnat pein ,'eurei i Netvilite- has .,neVei
beetiltrio*ntp 1414 ' 'Try a l.41 Oa iiillOilt0.
trilitIO: ;You Wiltand'it jilet MI 4000/4041IV
Odi .' N.011r0Igieto . toothache, cramp!, 'hetid-
ache, and di emeiler eorsipleitite aseappeen
t!,B it by !engin whenNerviline Mused. Large
26 ts sate Test bottles 10 Cents, at
goists and eoutitry :leen:lee'
tinon 434.000. The iiet.leVentie $:3,596,tig, 'art; ,, , , ,
inotAlt &Idea to Iniotv.
Ir,aseiblo', Old 'Gentleinannn" inonfeuncl
you sir 1 Than My earn you stopped on."
Affable 8tratiger--a &IMMO' II100 fair. am
aeeply grievea at the testat of my aWkWard.:
41c1; I ling' you wilted:Opt my sitsoareet
apolegleei But., sauce you Wave introduced
the stebleat; Will you 'dime' Inc to `iety'ihat
have here a simple end ineepernien little
made, which is positively warrented to
cure Ivry cue of corns, bindons, or it*,
ittemossannoleture vintofire itching and Stinging ;
nidet at night ; Ythrso by soratelfing. If allowed to
dotttititie titradre knit, which ofton blend and Weer:
ate, bender* very Ore. fivr.arded Orirrantirk stove
the inning Mid 'Ideadim6 heals ulceration, and in
Mesie,Oodeti ret00001I the atm/jure. It fa enuelly..ein.
detilmis In dr skit: tilearien. SWAYIell
0014, Proptietors, Pelledernina. Sterna% nintenen
Oat be ebteiteid 01 droggiete. Meat by WWI for 50
dente, •
;Met send your name ancl iddra*. arkil inc. fOr
ltitgili: Aiik-4atAgiAtlalarTkltac
Astoeishesveryone Addres,witenNov.,
co., ettistk;(goinnismosimii
It is the fittest
in the
Price 81 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Try it. It
rail make your hiir grow 'hick arid stroll. For sale
3, all druggists every whe, or send direct to the
anufaoturer entfildng the anew:Int.
Publia Library liuildings,TorOtito,; Students from
Melt California, :Niihau, Illinois, and
quite a number Of other States and Provineee, non
ut attendanoe. Write for Descriptive Clretdoes.
Prealdmit. ,See'* & Manager- ,
iu Carada to send far-
- our
snow, CATArooraS
ot sheetemen andel:vans
than any other house ler-
the trade. mattenoterr-
en of Baud Inetiumen10 •
mad Dealers in kinds'
of Musical arerthanifsee
..... .,ery oasumay to Liverpool,ealifq
at JandondabY to land mails and passengers'
-Sot1nd and Ireland ; also from Raltimore,viet EbIl
fax and Bt. John's, te Liverpool 'fortnightly
during summer months. The steamers of the fan,
gow twee sail during winter to and froul EMIR=
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia :and during an
mer between Glaegow and Montreal weakly; 915,
gow and Boston weekly, and Olaagow and Phflade,
phie fortnightly,.
Fhr freight, passage or other information, apply
A. soleutnaoher4 Oa, Baltimore ; S. Canard & Cc
Saliba ; Shea & 0o., St. John's, Nfict., Wm. Thom,
son & Co.. St. John, N. B.; Allen & 00., Maw.
Love fe Alden, New Fork; H. Bornlier, Tormatr
Alien% Rae & to., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, PhltaAii
phia ; R. A. Allen Portland, Boston, Montreal.
Hair Tonic
neilitIPtire fiToll 2" AND GOLDEN GEMS
oflintigken Thopghb. bY'ai; W. nen gird 7.
Dc it Talmage, 0.19.'71t5litif,ifiil 11lUtratlOfl4, dOlOr•
ed and plain; handefainelybeifind ; large quarto Sook ;
Plaln ty,pc and Pet etioh a book that take e the eye .at
a glaTiCO taima 80 *ants ditto liberal. EimMAU
BOGUS, ublI,lacr, Toronto.
.Young Men •
'SUPTPRING•froin.the effects of 'eddy evll habits, the
result Igneraniiii and folly, who find thernselvet
week, siervonsene eihantrted; alsO_Mtradat.Artia) and
Oun Shut, who ate'. broken, down ROW the °Keen; of
abuse or over -work, and in advanced life teal the
oonsequenoot of yotithfuLleircese, send for ti.nd /Cad
Luber% a nreenseen the Meares of Men. The
'took will be gent,detlled orksi addreee en reecipt of
WO:30. StM11100, Addidjvi '
88 InSI. ntogton tn. t. iono. O
103 and 105 tongs Street„Toronto, Ont., Oen,
Guaranteed Pure.
Ira are ehildreamho chez-et:Wein in the chorus'
When Breadrealcer's Yeast is the subject before us....
Monona tried all the rest,
So she knows it's the best, ".• [14groetrw
• Carese der bread is L1ze whitest, her buns are alio
And we eat all the pancakes she a'are set bOreas.
Ellis & Keighley, Toronto
Road.„0ffice Toronto St., Togo,
$ meow*
Total AI18418
thi.i,gii-g4dtA0410,1,d ,,soodiodd at dilitvinonyil'
together' With OebtotimitttidoalittOt 11, hi& redently,?
:66410liedifOtOPPIYillit Iendewneris *int cheep melee,
iOnable the Pirectiire te robot With prentiPthefie and at
'the' lesratit'Mattlat Sate of Mt -Crest tl reqiiiiiiniang
for loane Upon setialliatory real 'eState teouritY,
AppIiOablOn futy, Ui; Madete either of the POW .
Ahntaisers, or
EBERT MASON Martieg Piiroettir, tiroixto,
, . , .
QN f!ft
Oure AD Diseases of the Stornacht Beweia,
§ie,tsoiei*ness. Peek -iota DerriJoiaiervii b4tOttteXikIDSS
food -Liver. Kidney, Urinal Datatis, Netva
0000 Roward paid tor A 01160 they %MI Oa