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The Exeter Times, 1888-12-20, Page 1
{ -a-Ce To Tx -in - Goldsmith Goldsomith 4' ,Hall ! ^-^- 0Ov ;WATCHES,- CLOCKS,- .TEWELRY, SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES. UNEQUALLED VALUE. werPorsonal attention given to repairing of watehoe, clocks and jewelry: C. REICHENBACH, Opposite the Market, PARKHILL. LEGAL . H. DIOKSOIN, Barrister, Soli - 4 • oitor of Supreme Court,Notarypublic Conveyancer Oommissioner, deo, Money to Loam. Omoein Faneon's Block, Exeter, RH. OOLLIN S, • Barrister, Solicit6r, Conveyancer, Etc., PIXBTER, - ONT. OffioeSamwell'8Bloek Ba11'eold ofioe,), ARMOUR W. FORD, So1jojoj in the Supreme Court of Untarfo, Co nvenen oer, 0ommiseione ri&o,; &o. Special attention given to the collection of ollaimo in the United States; Patents procured!, money to loan at lowest rates. OMoe : Opera, .House Block, St, Marys, • Ont. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,, Conveyancers &c, &o. ta'Money to Loan at Lowest Bates of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER* a. 3 V.LLIOT. 3. ) LLIOT. DENTAL. i1 L. BILLINGS, • a�N2'TST OFFICE: over OMMILISIlaank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. u KINSMAN ,D.I'+I NTIST.L.D Al• .S ,Sulnwell's BIock, ltlain•st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth witleoutpadn, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and -all other dental work the best possible; Goes co' VIM= on last Thursday in each month. MEDICAL - CL"U'1`Z,D. M., • Officeathisr aeidence Exeter W. BROWNING M. D. M. (3 e a adnate VictoriaUniversity.0Mce eerece,Doxte ionLaboratoxv, Exeter i �`N MAN, coroner o 0ouii for the ty of H upon: Office, opposite Mr.. darlings store, Exeter; R. J. A. ROLLIINl5, M.. O. P. S D. O. Office, Main S,,,ASseter,Ont:lZesiden oehousereoentiy occupied by P. Mc]?billies, Esq, !AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GA "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE 4IPS FALL WHERE THEY MAI^, a, T.FA URSDAY MORNING DEC. 24th 1888. -----,.--�_ P nbleher sandP'roprletor VOL. XVI. NO; 9. EXETER, ONTARIO Pee 16 grand Love Stories, a package STA'1'E11211f1V T cob' tr' of goods worth two dollars to man- ,.✓ RECEIPTS AND fort ono, r !arse 100proadtendure handsome THE TO EXPENDITURE holo re, and you on the to a handsome WNSFIP' OF USBORNE.- will sure, �a�npnt p pay postage. uiokiy, and send 8e.siivorto DR - -. A, W. PINNEY, Yarmouth, N S. RECEIPTS. Balance from last auditLL Eyes Tested - 1067 5e Received from other sources 306 53 collector to date 3670 $9 FREE - By-- Tales as yet uncollected $8025 98 .A. S , MT_ RR A, , .praotical Optician $I3 070 76 Graduate Otitic School N.Y. EYos tested ; defective: sight restored by the aid of fine glasses. Large assortment of the finest glasses on hand. A call solicited. R 4 fir, 419 'vZQ]seMON77-ST. London. NEW FIRIVI. Dav'ici,son, Bros,, Builders d Contractors Shop ono door east of Parsons' Bleak - smith Shop. Manufacturers of Sashes, Doors and Blinds. Buildings contracted for. Plane, estimates and specifications furnished if 're- quired, From their past experience in the building line they guarantee satisfaotion. All work done with promptness and dispatch. Season- ed lumber always on hand. WM, DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON. -You do not bny your- �all a.ncl, Winter Rubbers, Felt Boots, &c., UNTIL 'YOU RAVE SEEN THE MAM- -MOTH STOOK OF- A. Weseloh leh The Boot and Shoe Man • , Opposite"-, "-, Reyno6cl s - ,Motel 'Hensall. ' id AU TIONEERS. T_TENRY EILBER,.Licensed Ano- • tioneerfor Hay, Stephen, anitMcGilli ,rayTownships: Sales oonducted at moderate rates. Offee-Atpost-otSce,Crediton, Ont. • To1=IN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. Au sales promntly, attended,and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. tee VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary Ooilege. OFsxon : One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i per cont, $25,000 Private .6'unds. Best Loaning Oompaniesrepresented. L. Et, DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. Tall WATERLOO MTJPTJAL Tian INSURAN0E00. Established in 1863 , HEAD OFFICE - - .WATERLOO, ONT. This comp,anv has : been. over. Eighteen rears insuaceasful operation in Western On- tario,andsontinues to insure againstloss or damage by d'ire,3uildingiehiorchandise,lltan-: emoted es,and all othe rdescriptiousofIinsur- able property. :intending insurers have the optionof insuring on the Promium Note or Gash System , During the past tou years this Company has issued G7,000 Policies. covering property o thee eon ntof ; 0,872,038 ; and staid in100e- es alone$/00,732,00 r� AssetS, tsee6,iOO.00,consisting of Cash n°ttauk, GovormmontDeposit,ancl the unease eased !'reaniumNotes onhen dand inforce. J, W.WeLUENM D. Presidei.t, 0, et. TAYL0a,. Secretary. J. f3. Hvas5s,Inspector• CHAS. NLLL Agontfor T;xeterand vic`,nity, The Great English Preseripti©xi. ;., Asuccessfulmedicine used over 30 years in thousands of cases,. M. Cures Siermat orrhea Nertio s. _l Weakness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. sFORn] indiscretion, or over-exertion. berme packages duaranteed to Cure when do others Fail, Ask your Druggist for The ttroaiiEnglish Proscription, take no sitbstitute. One package ti'. Six $0, by mail. Write for Pamphlet, Address Eureka Chemical Co.. !Detroit, Hieb. CENTRAL BarberShop, FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Fair cutting hi the letest styles of of the art. Evcryattentien paid to cutting ladies and Children's Hair. Si 7`ITo731♦1s Y'XADE TO onDatt TELE T BO GHT! THE BEST GOODS 1 and bargains for all who require good goods cheap. M motto is :-Small profits c p. y S all p is and. quick returns. Only plane for. hand -made Boots & Shoes Felt Boots,' Rubbers and Felt Socks. A. WE SELOH, THE CHEAP STORE FARMERS.! I-ensall Roller Mills. Tem Undersigned would respectfully in- form the community that he has leased the above mills, and has refitted same with the latest and most improved machinery ; and will positively GUARANTEE SATISFAOT'N TO ALL. A Large Stock of Flour and Feed Always on Hand. G°misting & Choppin g Promptly Attended To. A. Trial 'B oli u itecL A. E B g R 9 11-22-6an. HENSALL. STONEMAN'S- elr Store Jew HENSALL ONT. You are invited t0 come And See Y Our Elegant HolidayStock g -CONSISTING OF -- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Novelties, Fancy Goods, &c, y i f yr' !d � .0 itiN , ASSORTMENT MOST COMPLETE. Repairing Depca,i" tr't WO snake a specialty of watch and jewel- ry repairing. Jewelry , mended and re• polished' so aa to look like new. All work guaeauteod. Our Motto : Neat, prompt and reliable. Eofnombor the stand, tipposito McDonell S augb's Hardware Siete. e 1 ' flENSALL, 01`tT. ASSETS By mortgages and interest to date. thereon $5211 QO .VOR EXPEN:DTTURE CE South west ward445 14 North " " 384 61 East " 417 08 South " General expenditure 447 85; Boundary "e219 45 Charity „ 260000 Paid to school trustees 260 08 1092 9e LIABILITIE $3652 26 S Outstanding railway debenture cutup@ $11500 OQ Amount due school trustees 2818 91 THOMAS COATES, T1aEesuxEu: $14318 91 REava. 'ROUND THE COUNTRY. By Our Own correspondents. 8a Y. 0ouxoli, MEETING. -At a meeting cf"the council held Saturday, Deo, 15th, the clerk was instruoted.to procure 100 copies of the detailed statement of the receipts, and expenditure of the municipal corpora- tion of Hay for 1888 and have the same ready for the inspection of the ratepavors, according to statute. Moved. by Mr. 'Hey- r rock, Sec by Mr. A, 'Mohlwen, that . 13 Proudfoot'P. S. S. be inieruoted to carve rt BB/E10.-A. few evenings ago as M 'r an _, lx Clentraha, were ho,neward hound, and of hearing Devin, -opposite Mr.. McComb's dwelling --Mr. Farmer's horse becoming fractious and unmanageable, ran through the board feece, leaving buggy and occu- pants behind. Happily no one was in- jured. -0n Friday, last the third daughter of Mr. Thos. Coates of Usborne, passed away into the spirit land, On the 'follow- frig Sunday her remains were interred' in he East F ar Ino r of Die Gr li lv ttv d the erderoad between lots 29 and 30 'also and 21 Lake Road east con. between ani seconded by the same, that the clerk notify Mr. James Howard, Exeter,'to. remove and bury his horse that died. On con 5, and also to remove the obstructions in the Sable river under the bridge in same con, according to agreement. -Moved "' by Mr, G. McEwen seo'd by MrHees th a By -lawns a from leading, passed, orralow ng horsestostand on the sidewalks in the villages of the township and also prohibiting foot ball playing and throwing snow -balls' on the public highway. Moved by Mr. Hayrack, seed by Mr. A. MoEwen, that the offer of er cemetery. -On Friday, Deo. 14th, Mrs. Walker of Centralia, relict of the late Andrew 'Walker, exchanged time for eternity. She received a paralytio stroke which ended in death. Herr remains were deposited in the Fairfield burial place.. 1:iensall. BaIEFS.-Miss McGarve, of Clintoa�.'has neon visiting at..Mrs. Sutherlands:for a few 'lays. -Quite a large number of students from the different schools have gone tq.. Clinton to write on the entrance examine;'. tion. -Rev. Mr. Cozens, Methodistminis- ter, gave an excellent address in Carmel Church last Sunday evening, -A series of Ieltures .are to be given in the Methodist mine& daring the winter. ; The first, "Rambles around the world," is to be given Friday evening by Rev J S Cook. -Mr. Doig, teacher No. 11, Tuekersmith, held a public school examination on Frrd 'y A large number were present, angel' were ighly pleased with the way in4whioh the unite answered the questions 'von them. be an ex- r- was e$e:`• an ed Nke resent besides gllMi Y,.,. oC S. Foster to clear and make a winter road from Lot 8 to 14 inclusive on ooncession't7r 1 for timber standing thereon,' aid work. to be under supevision ofp the reeve. Moved by Mr. Hess sea by Mr. G. cEwen that nominations for" nembere of he municipal council for 1889 be held in the town hall, on Monday 31e1 December, h t 12 o'clock . noon, and *mould a poll be P emended, the follo.iving' persons be ap. ointed deputy returning officers for held-: g the" munieienel eleetione. For aur ,lin oro 1sD i_ ef �„n � +v,�15Dn�11t He (.lir. Doig) proved°hameelf celientteaober Tho °tlraehers p Alex. eirreLaren ; hem 3,'S. Poste ; scien� , e R. R. Johnston No.- 5, John Sehile'Xi oo Zurich. Lenon .844eti-_Mcssre, Johnston .Hardy, our`enterprieing and obliging bat ere. are, byihefr •affability, huildin ; u large trade. i Last week they sold 50 qua tars of beefgor in other words, 13 caress of beef, besides large quantities of oth meats. This is a good record, and,' should judge, hard to beat. Mtelemirl:r,--The Hay township mine Met here on Saturday+ last. and many: vrar in attondatiio. Rumors were ,afloae. as an election asourring, but we imaging; the are 111 -found. On,' jndging'frotn"ilp, con duet of the oard, the trueness of mem bets to the,, eatepayers,'and theirsuooeesfu endeavor to' curtail, expenses,; during th year, ''tie .ere constrained to think 'tha there is iiutle• or leo reason for about an elsetion, The members ' ah 'f` tie Couriell are well distributed throughout th township, ao that no locality suffers serious ly from netleot in any senile. There are two--deputy-rears, Geo, 'McEwen, and councillor Alex. McEwen -at the (rant ; councillor P; Hese, at Zurich ; 0ouuoilior Heyrook, ar the west, and the reeve $ /lappet, 1 Elea, P P , oe • nit' all.., located. y A b et " . ter dietributiencould not, be wished for. And as to the Oouuoil serving the township faithfully !Aid well, there is every proof that' they d;d po. Each Ward got due at- tention ; and'wliile reads were greatly im- proved, wee..•Many new oulvert s and amen bridges construoted-a far greater percent. age of improvement throughout the town- ship, then, in other years-th a fate of 'tax- ation has been, greatly lowered. In 1887 the rate was 21 refits in the dollar, With a small snrplasou hand at the close of the year. Ili 1889,'10 view of the expenses be - ng: ooneidorably lowered, the rate :struck was one .mill in the dollar, and beside. this ow 11 1 at pf taxation being adequate to meet t1res, there I•roreises to'kneeled, surplus in tb''treasury, at the end of the seal year, ;possibly larger than that of 887.' .thud what brought about this grati-. yang state of affairs ? Surely, the shrewd- ver they sawoasent could°be6 aveddihat ent was'saved, and without doing injustice o any improvement to be made or work to be constructed, Yet some are wont. to tarn hero otrt in the hope of getting 'better re- resentativos, ' This- is wrong, . While the resent reembers•have transacted the buai- ass;of`the township as well, if not better, an the most obdurate person could have emoted. an election will entail an unneo- esary,;edit of.$60 to $755; It 'is possible at the 01d•tjine custom of the electors o is township of allowing the councillors II wo years' !envie of offree`will be reoog fz C at the approaohin��g nomrnatio na bur gIV4;YOISei*IV;34414111(4rtp0t4a,:'-r-47;4":" SeAi''�..�` -k'' ,,Farr; + 'et `,rildSepm, 9 oh a r- 08 er w0 i1 e t0 y 1 0 t 0 e Creel ltl)n- BRIErs.--efiss Em la Walker, of Ridge - town, is the guest of Rev. Mr. •Fife.-gxe W m.Lewis . is suffering '' rIn from a 8'severe cold, and is unable toveryoperforaa his' pro- fessional duties. --On Tuesday lit Judge Doyle held division court in the town hall when several oases were disposed of, and some postponed ; among them being the case of Mots:vs. Holtzman iwluoh will be interesting to hear. -Oa Tuesday,' nth inst., Mr. John Kerr met with a very serious accident, which"miglit have proven fatal. He was leaving: Mr. John Taylor's farm when his horse, took' .fright and started to run away. Not being able to manage the animal, he run it.: into Mr. Sand Treemner's yard across the road, but all efforts to stop is were of no avail and the animal rushed into a fence, tearing the harness and' deMolieIiing the buggy. 11Ir. Kerr was : precipitated into the mud, but was not insured. --;Among the Xuras. novelties this year exhibited' by our mer- chants, we notice a beautiful doll which can speak, and quite:' distinctly says' "ma and pa." -On Thursday evg. of this week,' the English Methodist Sunday eohool purpose holding their Xmas entertainment which will be held in the town hall.. A good programme le proyided. Admission only 15ets, and a largeturn out is expected.. -A large number from here: attended the entertainment at Shrpka on Monday evg. last. The choir of the English chdr•ch also attended and furnished music, whioh was received; with great applause. We congratulate the, Shipka people for having erected so snug alittie church. --0n Tues- day, two very pleasing events took'place ear hero. One wile the marria e of PMisi harlotte Chambers, daughter of Edmund han,bers,,to'Mr. ,David Mawhinney, both e,1 township, tai• 'St ,ellen The other �,�. 'narrl B ..���p;; 1�+'ttreti't•s'aue 1 a fi 1 n th ex to th t The N oisons E3ank (CZAABTEBED 1,'y PARLIAMENT , 1655) Paid up Oapltal Rost'und , 1 `t t 9'4117ead'Oil#ne, lIontreal, 1,ar0,04 F. 11!OLFEitE1,'.LN THOMAS. Esq.. GPBEaei. Mee. ons 20 branch ot1ices in the Dominion. Agv uelee in the Dominion, Tr, S, A, and Europe. Exeter Branch,, Open every lawful day. from 10 A. m. to 3 p. >a SATURDAYS. 10 -,ne. to 1 p. m, 3 PerOent, per annum near'edfor m no Deposit ,Receipts arid ee gs Lank. o yon R. H. ,1=IER, M✓itlaager, ,Bruck leId. Bun:vs.--The air a Mout, bore is full of joyous X -mss rumour ^,-Mr. ' J;a,Q.; Grant, the popular teacher of No. 30. S' pley, in- tends bolding a adhoo- entertainment on Friday evg. next. A good musical and literary program is exi..'rted-,-The S ,School of Union church intend :holding their Xmas tree entortainknent on (;hrietnaes eve. A geed time max be ;expected as an excellent program Is ;,eavided..-,p,, painful accident happened to leencan, son of !vers, Peter McTavish, on this' Mill Road, last . Thursday.; He was teugeged feeding a straw cutter, when his hand was drawn and so injured as to necessitate .the in,tation of two fingerg._ Some of our on g ladies and gentlemen what to Seaforth on Friday evg. last, to attend ,the,. Firemen's ball, and came home ip the we oma' hours of the morning. No. 6, John Broderick ; No. 7, 0. Troyer, and that a by-law be passed in accordance herewith • Accounts were passed amount - in to the sums of 503.5 when the g 0 council adjourned to -meet on Saturday, Jan. 5th, at 10 a m. Usborne Council. Tho council met on the 15th Deo. All the members present. The minutes of the me fn previous et were read and confirmed. g Moved by J. Shier, sec by T. Cameron, that the nomination for reeve and coun- cillors to Serve for 18B9 in this munibipal- ity, be held at the town hall, Elimville, on Monday. the 31st day of Deo. inst., at the hours of 10 o'clock a. m• for reeve, and 12 o'clock, noon, for councillors respeotievly : That G. W. Holman- preside at such nom- ination, and in. case polls be demanded, they be held as follows, viz :-S W Ward at the town hall, Elimvlile. G. W. ;Holman returning officer; N W Ward, on lot 6, N T R, Geo. Lowe D. R. 0. ; N E Ward, at Gardiner's hall, Farquhar, Alex. Duncan D. R. 0. ,• S E Ward. on lot 2, con 10, Wm. Walker, D. R. O. ,; that said polls be opened at 9 o'clock a.' en. and closed at 5 o'clock p. to. on Monday, the 7th day of January 1889, and that a by-law be drafted confirming the eame.-Carried. Moved by W. Kydd, seconded by J. Halls that the account of.'Rowsell & Hutchinson for blanks amounting to 55.70 being 83.85 for 1885 and $1,86 for 1888 accounts, be peed. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by P. Cameron that the clerk procure J 50 oopie's of the tninoutes of the proceedings of this council foe the present year, for disiribu- tion.-c7arried. $loved by J. Tfalla, second ed by W. Kydd, that by-law No. 6, 1888, appointing deputy -returning officers and, polling places as now read, be paesed.- arried. Moved owed by T. Oameron seconded by J. Shier that'the treasurer prepare a statement according to 51 vio. chap. 28, see 13 s'ub.sec 3, and have same pub- lished in Exeter Tee/Ea.-Carried. Moved by W. Kydd, eeoonded by J. Shier that the report of the Board of Health and Medical Health officer as now presented be accepted. Moved by J. Halle, sec by T. Cameron, and resolved that orders be, granted as follows, viz :-T Shute, 521; Hibbert council. $6 D Woods, 58 ; E Hewitt, •' 524 ; W Woods, $44.25 ; Wilbert Keddy, $4 ; R Hunter jun., $8 ;` W Woods, > 5 0 ; 11.3U' Mi i.re 3• 1 or v0-I•I Fou $T P O'Brien, $10 ; NT ,Samwell, $13 ; 1± Hewitt, 563 ; J Penhale, $'29.65 ; T Jones 58:50 J Polon, $6 ; G Ferguson $7,08 D 13foks, $3,20 ; J Cann, 528.72 ; Abray & Edwards, $50.14 ; G Hertel), 838 ; Kra, Andrew, $18.55 ; W Tem./elide, $3 ; J. Lankiu $9,50 ; W. Brook jr., $14 ; R Del- bridge, $10.70 ;' A Turnbull $10 : E Hew- itt, $2.50 ; S Clarke, $2 ; J Hewitt $6 W Stewart, $9,15 ; 7 Stewart, $7 ; J Gardiner, $1 ;'R Herdman, $80,50; T Tufts, $13.85 ; T Hatton $6.40 ;' W Mon- teak, on. torth,'$17,32 ; J Moir, $85.88 ; J Irvine, $28.65 ; R Fletcher, $8.70 ; W Wiseman, $2 60 ; G. Godbolt, 515.05 ; 3 Doupe, 525; J Ballantyne, $6 : Rowaell & Hutobinson $5.70. The following resolution oe Condo - lento moved by J halls, 'sect. by W liydd, was their adopted, Whereas it has pleased God in His in6oito wiseloin and weepy, to remove from tide world, Blanche, the little daughter of the treasurer, Mt, T. Coates. Rarelved that this eouueil hereby expresses he sympathy with Mr. and Mrs Coates and family in this their Had afflic- tion, On ,notion of T. Camoronr seconded by t. Shier, theeottncil adjourned' to meet again on the 8lst fust„ after the manna - tion to elosod, G. W. HMLtu t, CJMork. '-'e"-' reeve ; too bad, 1'i ..b of having Zurich being incorporated as •'a village. Thies discussion is useless. First, we have not a population large enough ; second, the villagers do not want it, simply because our present government costs ns far less than would be the case were -Zurich erected to an incorporated village.- Several of the young men who left for Dakota have re- tnrned home. They say that they like winter weather, but that Dakota winters are atmostbeyond endurance. -We have. got a photo studio in our midst. Mr. Geig- er, the pruprietor and operator, is a prac- tical artist and produces work second to none in the country. A call will assure you that such is the case, BRIEFS.-- Remember that to•morl'ow, (Friday) is examination day in our puhlio eohool, and in the evening the long -talked of library concert will be held in the town hall. No pains have been spared to make. this the most successful concert ever held in the town in connection with the school examination. Admission 10 and 15 ots.- The Misses Dunn and Morrison give np their charge of the several departments . of the school at Christmas. These two young ladies have performedtheir duty as teach- ers with great credit to themselves as well so the scholars, and we are sorry to learn of their departure, Mies Morrison has been engaged to teach in the school on the Babylon Line, about 3 miles south of the Zurich road„ and no doubt we will have the pleasure'ef seeing her, smiling face in town once in a while: Miss Dunn will succeed' Miss O'Mara at the French settle- ment. Mies O'Mara will be missed in the Settlement, as she has made many friends and was very much esteemed by the schol- ars as well as all who knew her. Your correspondent wishes all the teachers in this neighborhood, (but especially nuns xs readers, a Merry Christmas and a Happy, New Year. -Mr. 1+. Beker is home to spend the holidays with his parents. -Our mer: chants are -busy this week with their Christmas goods. -Mr. 5 Latta attended the examination exorcises at his old school No 3,. Stephen, on Wednesday, Mr. L. expressed himself as being highly pleased at being among his old scholars again, and with the progress many of them have made since his departure. -I1 your Dashwood correspondent gives our girls away againcee will have to attend to hem. -Mr. Paine, of the Commoraial, will have a erand'ahooting match e a Liberal prizes on New. Yea 1 uz s r D will be awarded, and a special prize bo given by the landlord. --chore will also be a shooting match et the Drysdale hotel, Bostenberry l3ros•, prop., December 26th. Dance and supper in the evening. -Mr Buckburough, V. S., ie the guest of Mr, a, Doan. Fu kton. Boxers . -Atmeeting the semi-annual of Court Woodham, No. 255, I. 0. F., held on Monday, 17th inst. The following breth: ren were elected office bearers for the en- suing half year ; CD HC R, John Mc- Curdy ; P 0 R., W M Leigh ; C R,. /John Somerville ; 'V 0 R., W H Marshall ; R 5, D W Dunnage ; F 5, G Mills ; Treas. S Donee ; 5 W, A Brethour ; J W., A A Dotme ; Chap., 5 Carr, 5 B, M Callender; -TB, W Brown ; Phys. Dr. Irving' -Our enterprising storekeeper, D W Dulmage, is holding an extensive sale of dry -goods, boots and shoes. -Mr. Geo. Mills has mov- ed into the residence lately . purchased by him from leIre. J. B. Sparling Mrs. E. Davis has been dangerously ill for some timepast.-Rev. J. Benner, of Kirkton, will (D V) conduct the services at Sun- shine M. 0. at 2.30 and 6 p. m, Sunday. - Mr. P. O'Brien has greatly improved his residence by the erection of a picket fenoe around it. -Mr. W, Atkinson has purchas- ed a houee and lot from Mrs. Spading. -- The letters on the Dairying Industry which have, appeared in the last few issues of :the Thous, have been perused with interest by the farmers in thee vicinity, many acknow- ledging to have, gained much useful' in- formation ,thereby. A oontingent from Kirkton expect to attend the openung ser- vices of the Trivitt Memorial Chuloli on Sunday next. Stephen Council. The Council met on Saturday, Deo, 15th All the members present. Minutes of last meeting read and signed, Applications of various parties to have statute labor charges refunded, in oases where work was done but not under the instructions of the ath.reaster. solved that palle- t" proper Re a nth i P n 1 masters' returns be accepted so long as they (cufine themselves to their instruct. ions. Resolved that chairman of Board of Health be empowered to issueorders on the Treasurer to the amount of $50, if ne- oeesary. Nomination meeting win be held in town hall, and if an election is called for thdplaoes for receiving votea will be as fol. lows ;-Div. 1, ,school houee No. 1, S Davis D R 0 ; div, 2, echool , house No. 5; C Brown, D le 0 ; div 3, town ball, 0 Prouty R 0 div. No. 4, Holt's kitchen, J Garcon 1) R 0 ; div. No. 5, :Eloitzman'e kitchen, P McKenzie, D R 0 ; div, No 6, school house No. 10, R lY IoKlfnohev, D R 0 ; div. 7, school house No 8, Wm Fatten, D le 0. The following orders were granted :--H McSollan• culvert 14th am., $2 ; Collector, uneolleotable dog talc, $5 • Caretaker, $10 ; J Eilber, spikes, $2 84 ; le Baker, lumber, $25 61; V Rats, a leoting jurors, $4 ; 0 Snell, gravel, $L50 , It le interest, $525.00 1.'Sehroodsr, 8 L refunded, $7.00;W. Deena Loudon road, 81.00 ; J Schwartz, rep culverts 500 ; V liatz, lumber, $100.24; S Hogarth, qarth engineering, 5¢27.25 ; J. Sher rin S labor ref, $1,00 ; R Coad, balance engineer, 5156,80 ; printing, $5 ; 0 Prouty re G B out, $59.20 ( 0 Prouty epochs' ser. vices, $20.40 ; registering, postage, &t., 840,00 ; 0 Prouty, bel salary, $25.00 ; each member of council, 565.00; county bridges 55 ; J Lewis, treasurer, 5100,00 ; W Lew. ie, sanitary ,inspector, $12.00 ; C !gouty, Noy S Board, 35.00. A clear bead is indiontive 'of good health and regular Habits, When the body io languid, and the mind works sluggishly, Ayor,t Cathartic Pills will assist in the recovery of physical buoyancy and mental v*ger. C11 tory fat Pitchetas` Castor •For" St. Marys. Burgrs,-ilio Knex church bazar was t lastbursa - ur ns chant opened T a 0 r s are making preparatioes for a Christmas display --The collegiate inttitato and the public eehools closed on Tuesday, and the town for the. next two weeks will int hoar the nine o'olock bell, -Mist Mosurip's cone cat in aid of the poor of the town was hold on Tuesday, Deo. 18th ; the promoters of this Society deserve groat praise. -Will Dusty has returned from the Sault, 'whore he spent thesnmmer. Seofuloue humors, erysipelas, canker and catarrh, can be cured by taking Ayor's a . Sarsapnr ill. 1 have used this medicine edici ne fit my family, for scrofula, end how, if it is taken persistontly, it will eradicate this terrible diseaeo,'- W. V. Perrier, lvl', J) Grecarille, Tenn, tippet. a e was. a pareona r h�en Mr, , n o r ,fails! $t thq couples"grave our psaat wishes' ed., s.. future. Elimvil.le.. SAD ACCIDENT. -An accident of a very serious character, 'happened in this neighborhood last Friday morning, by which one of our most promising young men, Thomas Johns, lost his left arm; and almost miraculously es- caped being mangled to death. One of our oldest and most respected citizens Mr. Richard Johns, and his sons, own a horse -power threshing machine, with which they have been accustomed to do their own threshing, and occasionally accommodating a neighbor, when asked to do so. While engaged in threshing for Mr. C. Coates, the youngest son. 'was attempting to oil a part of the cylinder machinery, and its doing so the wrist band of his sleeve was caught between the cylinder pinion and one of the drive wheels of the gearing, drag- ging the wrist through between them, crushing it almost, to atoms, but leaving the hand perfectly scatheless. In the meantime the elbow was drawn between the bovsl wheels of the gearing, and the whole arm up to within two inches. of the shoulder was in a moment a crushed and shapeless, mac of bone, flesh and clotted blood, mingled with shreds of minced clothing. The ma- chine, being at the usual speed that 12 horses keep it, the shock was so great and so sudden that it slivered in pieces four 6x3 inch hard maple braces which held the horse , power an its place, and their strong metal sockets were com- pletely destroyed As soon as the rest of the workmen realized what had hap- pened desperate attempts were made to rescue hini from the now motionless wheels in which he was jammed and held as in a vice ; but it was found, on account of the position in which the helpless victim was lying, having his breast fairly on the top of the gearing, thac it was useless to try to break the machinery for fear of causing more in- jury to him. The gearing had to be taken apart iooe by'piece, and bolt after bolt had tobom t in Cie removed, 1 being g. nearly half -an -hour before the poor fel• low was liberated, 'Yet during all that time so heroically did he bear up that not a ery of pain escaped his lips, but on the contrary he encouraged those around !situ who wore working with t might and main, to none afraid, and that he was all right, and even assisted theist with his tight hand in removing some of the nuts and bolts that fastened his prison bars, The spin was soon am- putated and the patient is doing as well as can be expeoted. The injured and the entire fatally have the sympathy of the coinmuniby. CONSUMPTION SURELY CIJIIED, To arm Enir'oit: Please informat y readers our: re der that I have a positive remedy for the above netted die ease. 33y "its timely use thousande of hopeless cases have beau permanently mired. mired. I shall be glad to send two bottles Of my remod5 me to ane of yourreaders 'who have consumption rf they will send. me their i'lxpreee elid P. 0, ac1dreee, Itsspoctfully, Dtt, T. A, SLOCII,', rl creme,. Ont. 37 !bilge street....