The Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-07-17, Page 9Ce"i y, Your need three types of anterest,beariing savings. A. chequing savings account at 4%, ►, savings account at 61/2%— no /z%Q—no cheques but you can withdraw at any time. Guaranteed Investment Certificates at gt/a%. By Rfchniopd , ttcey ° Hurom CQt my Board of Edut cation, at its meeti, g in Cl%- ton Monday. evening, approved three appointments, as follows: Teachers on probationary contracts: Mrs. Jacqueline Smith, housewifey Howick Central Public School, half- time; Mrs. Nancy Maclntyre, housewife, North Ashfield, half- time. Custodian: Mrs. Mona Wil- son, R. it, 1, Walton, for S. S. 9, McKillop Township. Three resignations were accepted with regret: M r s . Maxine Miller. from the teach- ing staff of Exeter Public Schools and TRUST .COMPANY $INCE 1089 LISTOWEL, ONTARIO ELECTRICAL Contractors *Industrial *Com- mercial Home & Farm Wiring NO .SUPPORT GIVEN "CHURCH' AND SCHOOL WEEK" BY BOARD Failing a recommendation either way, Huron CountyBoard of Education Monday evening 'decided to take no action on a letter from Lome R. Shantz, chairman, Church and School Week, Kitchener. Mr. Shantz proposed that Church and School Week be held September 14-21, 1969, with the slogan: "Every child in Sunday School, church or synagogue. " Members of Huron'Board agreed with the members of the .. administrative staff that the re- quest ,be not granted. Mrs. Mar -_ a Middegaal, from offlee staff of CO* Huron Secondary School/ CHn- ton; Miss Cora Ganitetr, assist- ant cook. from cafeteria staff of' F., E. Madill S.econdary School, Winghent, D. J. Cochrane, director of education, made a report with , regard to Mr. and ,Mrs, J. W. Allason, formerly of Lucknow, now serving as -teachers with the Canadian Armed Forces in Ger- many. At a ,previous Meeting.. of the board, they had request- ed an extension of leave« He said that Mr.. Allason had - contacted him by telephone shortly after the last bo a rd meeting, and had expressed an unwillingness to return to Huron County following expiration of the eaten. n, if granted► .t bad pi to go to Au.Jra F a few Oats. ., The board approved action that rr Allason be advised that er the untltancetl, .ice leave of a• en d• will not be extended beyond this year, .but. that they would be consider for employment as teachers by. Huron County Board of duce* tion if they did return to this county. However, their salary • and deductions, etc. , have ceased since their leave has cit Pfred«• After some discussion, the . board decided against taking out a sustaining membership fu the Ontario Educational Re :^ search Council at a cost of $500. MOTOR REWIND *REWIND *REPAIR *SALES-, Service to All Makes OVER 150 NEW MOTORS IN STOCK 1/6 h.p. - 5 h.p. Single Phase up to 50 h.p. 3 Phase HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES *Largest complete lin. of Appliances Teacherssalary contracts still under negotiation By Richmond Atkey Secondary school teachers' contracts are still under nego- tiation, it was revealed at Mon- day evening's meeting of Huron County Board of Education, and it still was not clear whether or not they would be completed for announcement at the next meet- ing of the board on August 18. The board plans a series of committee meetings to discuss bofh,salarles a }d.bnnefits..for,, teachers and also non -teaching employees. Perth County Board of Edu- cation approved the new sched- ule for 1969-70 at,a meeting June 24, ecompassing approxi- mately 20 previous contracts between the teachers and the former school boards. *Sales & Service BURKE. ELECTRIC Wingham 357-2450 Service and Quality GUARANTEED. Our. Service. Dept. is open 6 days a week for your convenience. • ttttt11/1p1i1M Administrative offices are now in full use at Clinton The new administrative of- fices of Huron County Board of Education in the former nurses' residence in Clinton are now occupied and are in full use, it was reported to Monday even- ing's board meeting held in CHSS board room, Clinton. Telephone number is 482-3496. Seven of the rooms in the building are in use as offices; three as storage rooms. "I think it's a good set-up, D. J. Cochrane, director of ed- ucation.,, commented to the board. He cordially invited • members of the board to drop in fora visit and/or tour at any time. Main move to the new offices. was made on July 1 with the • transfer of documents, records and office equipment and sup- plies. L. R. Maloney, mana- ger of purchasing .and supplies, moved his office furniture July 4; B. C. Straughan, July 7. In addition to the furniture acquired from the offices of the two former business adminis- trators, named above, a secre- tarial desk, executive desk, - filing cabinets, side chairs; and a table were acquired, from ,the F. E. Madill. Secondary S chool, Wingham, South Huron District High School, Exeter, and the office of the secretary -treasur- er, Hay Township School Area. Office staff presently ployed include:. Mrs. Edythe Bell, secretary to the -superin- tendent of schools; Miss Karen Coutts, 'secretary to the business administrator; and Miss Anne Hardy, clerk -typist for'the pur- chasing department. Still to report for duty are: Miss Margaret Gordon, secre- tary to the director of educa- tion (August 1); Glenn Lamb, senior accounting clerk (July I. 21); Mrs. Jean MacGregor, pay- roll supervisor (July 14); H. Mero has decided to contin- ue with her present employer. Positions of junior account- ing clerk and payroll clerk - typist have not been filled. It was decided Mondayevening to advertise in Clinton News -Re-. THE CLUBSM(N BARBER AND MEN'S HAIR- STYLING SHOP NOW OPEN 330 JOSEPHINE STREET BELOW LAUNDROMAT WILFRED MCINTEE REAL ESTATE LTD. MAIN STREET - WiNGHAM FARMS '— BUSINESSES - HOMES FOR SALE . FARM 100 -acre grass farm . with barn and a small house, lo- cated in the Wingham area. Only $13,000 with immediate possession. HOUSE Insul brick duplex, located close to m in street in Wing- ham with apartments up and down, co sisting of living ..room, kitchen and two bedrooms each. L ated on a lot 66' x 132', this duplex is in excellent repa _with good of furnace, hardwood floors, sun porch, full basement. Price $13,000' with good terms. ` ACREAGE 16 acres, located on Highway 86, suited for pasture or building. Price only . $3,000.00. FARM 160 -acres with home, 2 barns, 2 spring creeks, a spring pond. Located on Highway 86, just .,east of Lucknow.. Aluminum sided 7 -room home has 3 bedrooms with 3 -pc. bath. Well fenced land includes 140 acres workable, 20 in bush and is an ideal beef set-up. Price $45,000 with terms. WANTED WE HAVE CLIENTS LOOKING FOR K NG OF SELLING,ES IN WING - NOW IS THE HAM. IF YOU'RE THIN TIME BEFORE SCHOOL RE -OPENS IN THE FALLI MILTIIIE 11111111 1t1YICE PHOTO. LISTING SERVICE Contact: Phone: Office 357.1344 ��� F. BRENT Res. 357-1418 1111ttt111111.11ttttltttSI cord, the position of caretaker for the administrative offices. "It is our opinion that the accommodation in this build ing will be quite suitable once the settling in has. been con - pleted and the full staff had re- ported for duty, " Mr. Coch- rane stated at the conclusion of his report.' Holiday schedule of senior administrative staff is as fol- lows: D. J. Cochrane, director of education, July 25 to August 11; J. W. Coulter, superintend. ent of schools, July 4 to July 28; R. B.. Dunlop, business ad- ministrator, July 2 5 to August 11; L. R. Maloney, purchasing. July 11 to July 28; B. C. Straughan, not planned at pres- ent;.R. McVean, not planned at present. • COTS damaged Cars owned by Grace Thomp- son of London and John ties of Winghanr were damag on • Tuesday afternoon. The Thomp- son car had been parked in a driveway on Diagonal Road and during the owner's absence roll- ed.back,ard and struck .the lo- cal vehicle. Damage to the London car was estimated by Wingham police at $150 and to the McInnes car at. $100. UNDER WATER TEST— Instructor Jim. Graham holds a pole as he stands at poolside and clinging to the other end is Doug McIntyre, a member of the Shark swimming class. After the youngsters have been taught the basics of swimming they are required to jump into the deeper water and grasp the pole to pull themselves out. It takes ' courage but it builds confidence.—A-T Photo. Donnybrook News .Misses Mary, Sharron and •-Linda Jefferson left last Satur- day on a motor trip through the western provinces. Mr., Clarence Chamney of Belgrave and Mrs. John Mc- Cormack and Chrissie of Cali- fornia visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thomgi son and family. Mrs, J. C. Robinson of Wing - ham and Mrs. Joseph Doerr of London visited Tuesday. with ML 'and Mrs.. Charles Jefferson. On Sunday Mr. Clarence Doerr And his sister, Mrs. Gordon fI iolmes of Milverton, visited the same home. COUNTY BOARD TO BILL MUNICIPALITIES TWICE IN 1970 By Richmond Atkey • In order that the various mu- nicipalities in the county may be, given fair wafting, Huron County Board of Education, at: its meeting in Clinton Monday evening, decided on motion of D. J. Murphy, Goderich, and John ?lenderson, McKillop: HURON SOIL AND CROP PROGRAM The Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association is sponsoring a crop twilight program at John Hazlitt's farm, 1-1/4 miles east of Benmiller next Thursday evening._ Doug McNeil, R. R. 6, Goderich, soil and crop director for Col- borne Township will 4,11 on a number of agronomists to ex - plain the various cereal and field crop demonstrations. --Mrs. Reuben Appleby of Patrick Street is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. "That the board bill the mu- nicipalities for the 1969 educa- tion tax in the same way as in 1'968; and that all municipali- ties be advised at the time of billing that they will be billed twice in'1970. " Vice-chairman R. M. El- liott, who presided in the ab- sence of J. B. Levis, who was ill, said it would produce uni- formity in collecting taxes. LOVELY VIEWI — Though demolition of this former factory building has supposed- ly been in progress for many months, this will be the view from the windows of the new senior citizens' apartments on Alfred Street unless the clearing job is speeded up promptly. -•-y-4 dva nce-Times Photo. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robin- son and family attended the Robinson reunion at Ipperwash on Saturday. Miss Beverley McPherson of Lucknow visited over the week- end with Miss Susan Thompson. Miss Irene Jefferson of God- erich visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jeffer- son. Miss Debbie and Master Brian Jefferson, who have been holi- daying with their grandpatents, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Jo -sling of Londesboro, returned home Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Che sell .. and Brian of Stratford' visit Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leddy. M. and Mrs. Cliff Hender- son and family of Brucefield visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart.Chamney and fam- ily. --Mrs. Ed Powell, _ who was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, was able to retum home on Saturday. --Mr. and Mrs. Garry Lee- son and family of Ottawa spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golley of Morris Township. Mr. Leeson retuned to Ottawa on Monday but the others will spend a few weeks here. --Mr. and Mrs. Don Reed of Essex spent Saturday and Sun- day with Mr.. and Mrs. Verne Redman. oapprii By RichmQd4tkCy , Hilton County Solna of Edu- cation took an fd attant step Monday evening when, on mo- tion of Gordon Moir, Goran%, and .MIr. J. W. Wallace, God- erich, it passed the following motion after considerable dis- cussion: "That the firm of 11. E. Hart- ley Consultants Limited, Scar. borough, be, hired W make an appraisal of the boi's insur- ance requirement*; and to pre- pare specifications for the tend- ering of such insurance cover- age, at a fee of $2,000. " Back in January 1969, .the Hartley firm of managing con- sultants made a proposal to all the Boards of Education in On- terio--among them the Huron County Board of Education -- that it proceed iiiithitistalling this service in Hugon County. No action was taken at the time, as the board was just getting organized, and the matter was shelved for the time being. Roy B. Dunlop, business ad- ministrator of the beard, on whose recommendation the above. resolution was adopted, pointed out that the Hartley firm is a specialist in insurance as consultants, but not as a broker or agent. eIt sets up the guide lines for bidding by in- surance firms. "It introduces competition irm @ d's insuran� BOARD ARRANGES FOR OFFICIAL OPENING -.AT ROBERTSON MEMORIAL By Richmond Atkey Preliminary arrangements for the formal opening of Rob- ertson Memorial Public School, Goderich, were made by Huron County Board of Education Mon- day evening.. No date has been set. Mrs. Wallace brought .up the matter of erecting fences to separate the school's playground from a row of residences. D. J. Cochrane, director of education, was instructed t� look into the matter and bring in a recom- mendation. The board received a letter from Donald Edward, secretary, Goderich Racewa i, r e d u g, rite "free even n use, o'�ea P - Y ground at Victor Lauriston Pub- lic School; Goderich, as an overflow parking lot for harness racing patrons at the Fair Grounds. Permission was grant- ed on motion of D. J. Murphy, .Goderich, and James Taylor, Hensall, on condition that any damage, however, caused, would be the responsibilityof ne Raceway. Mr. Edward commented in his letter: " We will return it to you in even better condition than at present. " Further en- lightment was not given. This year Canadian hospitals will need more blood then ever tosave lives! Don't let them down! Give the gift of life... a donation of your blood at CKNX next Wednesday. FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE BRICK ' BUNGALOW Just what you have been looking for, is an attractive brick bungalow situated close to main street and post - office. Being constructed only seven years ago of the best quality materials, is in excellent well cared for condition, and retains the shining new appearance throughout. Bright Hanover kitchen and dinette, living room with broadloom and big picture window, 3 bedrooms and 4 pc. bath. The basement is completely finished containing a very neat and fully equipped income apartment, plus rec room, laundry room and store room.. Also an attached garage of brick construction and paved drive. Your purchasing dollar may never buy more than is available now in this beautiful home: 3 -BEDROOM • BRICK HOME Only $11,500, full price for an attractive 11/2 -storey brick horrid. Family site kitchen has modern cupboards 'with double sink, tile floor and ceiling. Spacious dining room and living room and a small bedroom. Upstairs are two bedrooms and 4 pc. bath. Part basement has late , model oil furnace. The .home has been completely reno- vated and decorated throughout and a new insulated sun porch was added last year. Located only 1 block from ,main street this home offers tremendous value for your purchasing dollar. 50 -ACRE GRASS FARM Located south of Wingham is an ideal investment at the low full price of only $6,000; good terms are being of- fered. There are 35 acres of choice tillable land, seeded to pasture, plus the river flats. An adequate water supply is assured from the Maitland River which crosses the property. KEITH FITZSIMMONS REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER AN`IALISA FITZIMMONS, Rep. 176 Diagonal Road, Wingham, Phone 357-1117 into the plac.47of*WOO.1. be declared. There °are S1elementary - schools and five sect ry $cls Wider Huron county, Board of Bducnion, and all 0,0 buildings rpt be investigated thoroughly in the $2.000 ap- potful, according to Mr. 'Duty ,w Young +a► conduct' r at St Andrew's The Sunday morning service at St, Andrew's was undr• the auspices of the Young People's Society. President Ronald Mc- Kague conducted the service, commencing with the call," Lp worship. . The. Scripture lesson Baa read by Douglas Mowbray and Psalm 98 was read in unison un- der the direction of Kenneth. Aitchison. Special music was provided in the form of duets by Misses Joan Currie and Barbara Feagan. Prior to dismissal to the jun for congregation service 'the . children were led in prayer by John Leitch. Prayer of confes- sion and supplication was offer- ed by Miss Janet McGee. The offering was received by the ushers, Bob McGee, Mur" ray Leggatt, John Leitth and Douglas Leitch. The message of the day was delivered by Norman Cord* of London, a former member of the Young People's Society.' The message related to the varying modem concepti of life as opposed to the Christian way of life. Music for the service was provided on the organ and piano by Mrs. Donald Eadie. PROPERTY For Sale $5,000 for ' your own Poste in the country. This IS a school house. converted into a home. A -good 11/2 -storey white brick . with a base- ment It is equipped with aluminum storms and • screens, oil furnace, hot water tank and septic tank. ' There are 3 bedrooms, liv- ing room and kitchen. BE THE VILLAGE GROCER A solid brick building Meas- uring 23x70 located in a prosperous . village in the Wingham area,. This store Carries an excellent variety of clean stock. The second storey contains 3 bedrooms, livingroom, dining room, kitchen, and bath: This apartment Is all newly dec- orated and has tiled floors throughout. The full asking price of $18,300, includes business equipment, a large building, -cosy apartment and approximately $3,000 worth of stock. 100 ACRES — ASK - I NG PRICE. $25,500 77 acres of workable clay loam, all tiled and seeded in, contract seed- oats, 23 acres of bush. Barn measur- ing 110 feet by approximate- ly 35 feet, water in barn, new steel roof, mostly box stalls in the barn. Silo 14x 40. Large 2 -storey white brick home having a wood furnace and fill basement. 'This is an excellent cash crop farm. DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. Realtors, Witngharn "Ru' al Ontario Specialists" •* "FOIL THE BEST RESULTS PHOTO -LIST YOUR PRO- PERTY -WITH DON HOLST" Dan Marsdin, Manager Wingham Off. 357-3840 • Res. 357-1014 Jake Jutzi, Rep. Phone 357=1570, Wingham Gary R, Stevenson Wingham Phone 357-3840; Res. Phone 357-1048 Barry McDonagh, Rep. Phone 528-3423, Lucknow