The Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-07-17, Page 6--Prof. J. R. and Mrs. Flem- ing and family of Burnaby, B.C. , visited with his aunts, - Mrs C. Newman and Mrs. A. Lockridge last week. --Debbie and Shari Lowes of Waterloo are holidaying with their grandmother, Mrs. C. Tofting and Harry. --Mr. Orval D us to w of Kitchener has purchased the 100 a re farm on Com: 3, Car- rick$ . *� y "���' b Mr. Bruce Vogan of Toronto. The new owner takes possession August 1st. --Mrs, Art Kappler of Mild- may is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Des Brophy, Mr.. Brophy and family. , --Mr.-and Mrs. Dick Scott of London spent the week -end with his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. George R . Scott and with her parents at Conn. . --Mr. and Mrs. Merle Oster- quist of Des. Moines, Iowa, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McGill. They made their acquaintance two years ago while travelling up . the Alaska Highway. --Mr. F. L. Ferguson and his sister, Mrs. Frank Morwick of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Hamilton of Wyoming, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harris and daughter Jean of Brownsville and Mr. and Mrs. John Harris of Whitby visited during the past week with Mrs. D.• S. Mac- Naughton. • --Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gibbons and family of London, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Weber, and family of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cuillerier of Crediton visited over the •week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbons. " • --Visitors at the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mc- Kinnon were Mr. and Mrs. Spence McKinnon and family of Grimsby and Mr. J oh n R. MacTavish of Kitchener. ° --Mrs. Percy Harris spent Page, 6 -- Wingham Advance -Times. Thursday, July 11, 1969 features from the World of Women Home an MALVERN - CONRON Mr. and Mrs. William B. Conron of Wingham, are pleased to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Brenda Mary Anne, to Mr. Douglas Roy Malvern, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Malvern of Windsor. The wedding will take place on Saturday, August 23, at 2:30 o'clock in the Wingham United Church. Miss • Conron is a graduate of Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, and is presently on the teaching staff of Pauline sgte, Brant - of ford. Mr. Malvern, a graduate of the Un verty Wind- sor, teaches at North Park Collegiate in the same city. 171 Look AT se We're still leading . the parade in Savings with Discount Prices on Quality Merchandise:. Follow the band to TRIANGLE DISCOUNT Daily from 9:00 'a.m., to . '9:00 -p.m. Sunday Noon Vii. Slits (4 - THIS WEEK'S FEATURES---- IWI SHOE POLIS11 WHITE LIQUID — Reg. 39c , D0101 HAIR SPRAY. REGULAR or HARD -TO -HOLD. 'Large $2.98 size container 2 PIanter's Mixed Nuts. • LARGE VACUUM-PACKED TIN SPECIAL 99( each �lo� wedding Several ham, and sorority sisters held a party and presentation at the On Saturday, June 28 Grace,Tgiven byhis many }lounger daughter of Mr. and coffee party at the club rooms Royal Mrs. Norman Thompson of in London. friends of W in gh am and sur-. honored at a rounding district, Mr. Jutzi was Wingham, and Jake Jutzi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Jutzi of Millbank were married in Hyatt Avenue United Church, London. Rev. Cecil M. Jardine officiat- ed. Mrs. John Tiffin, sister of the bride, and George Jutzi, brt4her of the groom, were the attendants. Prior to her marriage Mrs. . Jutzi was guest of honor at sev- eral functions. A dinner party and presentation were held at the home of Mrs. James Mc- Gillvary, Paisley; a sherry party was held at the home of Mrs. John Whaley of London; The Orchard Park staff of London presented a gift at their final dinner and the students of her class honored her with a surprise party. A shower and presentation , were held at the home of Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, Donnybrook. Mrs. Murray Wilson and Mrs. Stuart Chamney were the host- esses. HOXZEMA8� HAIR CREAM 49c FOR MEN — Re9. EX -LAX TABLETS NEW 60 TABLET SIZElb9.99c PATENT MED/C/NES COSHET/CS , TOBACCOS A luncheon was held at the home of Mrs. Murray Under- wood, Carling Terrace, Wing- MR. AND MRS. JAKE JUTZI Barbara Henry weds R. White mums and red roses decorated the Salvation Army Citadel for the June 14 wedding of Florence Barbara Dianne, dau ghte_r of Mr, and Mrs. Stu- art Henry of Wingham, and Ron- ald William Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett of Gorrie. Capt. J. D. Copple- officia- • ted. The ,organist was M r s Gordon L. Davidson and Mrs.` Norman Bell. sang The Lord 's . Prayer and Wedding Prayer, Mr. Henry gave his daugh- ter in marria e. She wore a radiant govern` OT gonia ler-"s th. ' on princess lines with a round neckline and elbow -length -sleeves, trimmed with guipure lace. Her cardinal train of yards of floating gossamer silk was trimmed with the same lace and she wore a silk illu- sion veil held by a rose petal tiara. She wore a.pearl drop BrideseIect are feted at meeting necklace and earrings, the gift of the groom, and carried a bouquet of red roses. Her attendants wore identic- algowns of blue capri lace`over. silk organza with empire waist and long matching t r a i n s caught at thea shoulders with bows of the same material. Their headdresses were of blue silk organza. Each .wore a string of pearls,gift of the bride and carried pink and white mums. The maid of honor was, Miss Dawna Bennett, the brides- maid was Miss MaiPiet Semi-^ nett and junior bridesmaid, Miss Kathy Bennett, all of Gorrie. Roland Bennett, brother of the groom, was best man. Ushers were the bride's brother, Bruce Henry of Wingham and Paul Voll of Moorefield. • Thee -tables at the Legion Home, Wingham, were decorated with red 'roses and white candles for the wedding dinner. The bride's table was centred with the wed;- ding ed=ding cake decorated on top by red roses: The groom's, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett and Mr.- and Mrs. Fred Mynd- man, all of Gorrie, attended the wedding. The bride's mother wore a pink brocade dress, pink hat and white accessories. Her cor- sage was white mums. The groom's mother chose a blue and gold coat and dress en - semble with white accessories, and a corsage of pink mums. For the wedding trip to BELGRAVE--The Anglican Women of Trinity, Church re- cently entertained Misses Joyce Procter and Diane Van Camp in honor of their approaching marriages. Several contests were en- joyed and a sing- song was led by the junior girls. Joyce and Diane were called to special chairs and an address . was read by Mrs. Lawrence Vannan. Misses Mary Isabel 'Nethery and Janette Johnston presented_ gifts from the church. Other gifts were brought in by Marj- ory Procter .and Nancy, Van - Camp. The girls replied fittingly and lunch was served. W. Bennett L ViI%IGIIAMH I. MEAT MARKET JAKE JUTZI PROP. $HOULDER OF LAMB ROASTS 49� . LBLB. BURNS WIENERS e POUND BOX BARON ENDS 3 POUNDS .47. NEILSON'S ICE cREAM ALL FLAVOURS %-GALLON 8 SEE OUR WINDOWS for the BEST MEAT BUYS in TOWN • --Mr. Robert E.' Laidlaw of Mulberry, who was arpatient the past week in the hospital here, was able to return home on Saturday. --Mr. Paul Hastings of Hes- peler, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Thomas of Bluevale and Mr's. James Elston of Morris visited on Sunday with Mrs. William Elston, Minnie Street. '--Robert Beacon of Blyth visited last week with his grand' mother, Mrs. Robert Laidlaw. --Mrs. L. Bietz of Preston is visiting this week at the home of her son, Mr.. and Mrs. Herb Bietz, Minnie Street. --Mrs. Alex Rantoul return- ed home one day last week after visiting relatives at Sarnia and Leamington. . T. Fells was able to leave the -hospital on Saturday and is with Mr. and Mrs: W.H. French. --Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Forsyth and family of Tum - berry moved on Monday to their new home in Walkerton where Mr. Forsyth is employed with the Ontario Hydro. --Mr. and Mrs. Edwin El- ston, who went west. by plane with•Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sween- . ey of Brussels, returned home Saturday after visiting -with many friends and relatives • throughout, B. C. and, visited on Sunday with, Mrs. William El- ston, Minnie Street. ,--Mrs. Murray Kuehl and sons are moving this week to the former ,Forsyth home. Northem Ontario the bride trav- elled in a pale yellow coat and • dress ensemble with white ac- cessories. She wore a corsage of blue mums. ivir. and Mrs. Bennett live in Gorrie. --Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Simp- son of Orangeville , spent Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bone. --Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forsyth and son, Rev. Ronald Forsyth Cranford, New Jersey, visi- . 'last gni'ufft''.dle s sitter, "Mrs. Andrew Caseiiiore and Irlma and with other rela- tives. Mrs.. Henderson hostess for trousseau tea Mrs:" George Henderson was •hostess Sunday afternoon and evening for a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter Janis, • whose marriage to Bient David- son takes place on July 19. Friends attended from Hamil- ton and Wingham. Mrs. Tom 'Henderson and Mrs. Ken Simmons poured tea and Arin Vath, Joan Bennett and Jennifer Henderson served lunch. The gifts were shown by Julie Henderson and Kathy O'- Gorman. last week inLondon visiting wttli Mrs.. Hayes on Percy Streeti --Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hogg returned home on Saturday af- ter spending the week with their daughter, Mrs. Ross Orvis, Mr. Orvis and family at Oil Springs. --Mrs. J. Finnigan; Mrs: E. Webster and Mrs. C. Lott play- ed in Seaforth last Wednesdayat the Lawn Bowling Club aud won second prize. --Rev. and Mrs. Peter His - sett have returned to their home in Castro Valley, Calif.. fol- lowing a few days' visit with the former's sister, Mrs. W. E. Fielding and Mr. Fielding. . --Mrs. L E. Morrey, Mrs. Fielding and Mr. Peter Bissett have returned from a three weeks' visit with friends and relatives • in England and Scot- land. 'Whey flew AirCanada . . from Vindsor to London, Eng-, land and returned BOAC to Windsor. --Mrs. Wilson Thornton of Bluevale is taking a six weeks' summelr course hi Seaforth. WI will hck. August picriC • BLUEVALE*-'fie Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Carl Johnston on Tuesday evening, July 8th, with MP. James Johnston presiding. An invitation to attend Belnlore Women's Institute on July 9th was accepted. It was decided. to hold a plc- rs nic at the home of M. Charles Bosman on August 13th instead of the usual bus trip. Two girls were appointed to plan pro- grams. Cheryl Anne and Jackie Rob- ertson sang solos, Mts. Harvey Robertson gave the motto, World affairs are our affairs", suggesting an La- temational outlook. A fashion show with dresses modelled by members and young girls of the community created much interest. There were costumes for all ages in • formal wear, beach and sports wear. Mrs. C. Brewer w as commentator. Mrs, Graham Campbell,; Mrs. Charles -Bosman and Mrs. Charles Campbell served re - • freshments. --photo by Maxwell Attention - LADIES 1 1 4)0BBIE INDUSTRIES LIMITED GALT, ONTARIO (NEWLANDS) Textile Salesroom CORNER QUEEN AND WATER ST.' N. (Below the Bowling Alley) • GALT, ONTARIO simmer SALE 50% OFF ALL. REMNANTS Sale Starts JULY 7th — . 9 at.m. Ends JULY 19th -- 5 p.m. ALSO AT BARGAIN PRICES: ToweWsg, Bedspreads, Yard Terry, Upholstery Paiute, Tans, Orion Rani MANY OTUER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST Regular Store Hours OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday Evenings •7 p.m. 'til 9 p.m. Save Now at .. . WAD OBBIE INDUSTRIES LIMITED GALT Textile Salesroom ONT. CORNER QUEEN and WATER ST. N. DIRECT FROM MILL TO ' YOU STORE - WIDE $UMME� SALE SAVE 10% TO5O% SPECIAL RACKS OF CLEARANCE -- • $2.00 and WOO • SALE ENDS SATURDAY; JULY • 26th WILSON'S TOTS and TEENS LISTOWEL PHONE 291 - 3511