The Exeter Times, 1888-11-1, Page 6]Now, I" des* eimentsleigiai AND -RiGHT$ 'EnfitnleVED.1 -4114 37sr U. E. BRADDON, Authm, Of 'LDr .0/ANY'S SECRET, ' WYLLARD S 'WEIRD," ETC)" ETO. CHAPTER XLVIi--" I Wan Shen/ Br MY BROWNE."' It wee the morning atter the inquest, and Valentine heel begun hie vow occupation as nian of all work so soon as there was light in the dull grey sky to allow him LO set about hie labours. The sisters were astir at dawn, working diligently, lighting fires, sweeping the stairs, and cleaning the lower rooms. Valentine relieved them of those rougher tasks which they had performed hitherto. He washed out the back yard, washed and hearthstoned dope and windowsills, and cleaned all the lower windows, Inex- perience made him clumsy, but energy and streiagth of will carried him through the work much better than could have been expected. "1 had no idea window -cleaning was such tnterestmg work," he said to Madge'as she gave him his breakfast of tea and bread in the parlour, where she and the two sisters had breakfasted previously. Their morning fare was only dry bread. Butter was a luxury reserved for the evening. There was a wholesome meal of meat and vegetables at two o'clock. Tea was taken between five and six, after the inmates had been served; and them was a supper of bread and cheese at ten o'clock. The sisters who eat up with the sick were allowed tea and bread and butter in the course of the night, but neither wine nor beer was drunk by any of the sisterhood, and stimulants were only given to patients when ordered by the doctor. Valentine took Ms tea, and bread with as contented a spirit as if he had been in the centre of Africa, and no better fare had been possible. "I'm afraid you will soon grow tired of windovr•cleaning and of dry bread," said Madge, contemplating him with her grave slow snide, full of thoughb. "You do not know me. If I am strong for evil, I may alao be strong for good. I mean to serve you—as Celiban served Pros- pero, yet not like Caliban. He served for fear; 1 am your slave for love. I shall be ready to clean the outsides ot the upper vrindowa as soon as I can begin without disturbing the patients. I am promieed the loan of a ladder from your milkman round the corner." "That milkman is a treasure. He keeps one particular cow for our consumptive patients, and, though I believe he adulter- ates all the rest of his milk, our supply is al- ways pure; and he charges us a halfpenny quare less than other people pay. You cannot think how good people are to us." "111 go out and look after my ladder," said Velentize ; and he walked off in a busi- ness like manner, wearing his fustian and corduroy as if he had never worn e,uything else. A few paces from the house be met a boy with newspapers, bought a "Daily Tele- graph," and put it into his pocket. "For my dinner -hour's amusement," he said to himself. "1 believe the working man always reserves the news for his dinner - His step, whioh herd been so heavy and sluggish of late, in the monotonous leisure of his country home, was light and yet resolute to -day, as he went in quest of the ladder. Ile came back carrying it on his shoulder. Hie experiences as a sportsman had braced his inuecies, and he carried the ladder as easily as if it bad been a gun or an oar. He telt lighter in his mind, nearer happiness than he had felt since that fatal nignt. In the first place, it was an infinite relief to be away fromthe scene:of his crime, and in the eocond place, there was a world of comfort in being associated with the one woman whose influence could at once soothe and strengthen—the one woman who knew Ma ghastly secret, yet had not turned from him with loathing. He could never forget that kiss upon his forehead which had tteeured him ot a wo• man's pitying love. Ile had taken no base adeantage ot that sign of tenderness; he had not premed her hand with the vehe- mence of a passion that will take no deniel. He had been humble with her, as became him in the abasement of his guilt. And he was happier now, toiling for her, than he could have hoped to be. He laboured at his taiik of window cleaning all the morning, one of the sisters working, with him on the inner side of the windows; and the general result Was an increase of brightness which seemed like the forerunner of spring. He BOW something of the inmates of the Forlorn Hope in the course of his morning's work. In the front room of the firet flcor—once a drawing-roorn, with French windows and an iron balcony—he saw several women of various ages, from eighteen to forty, some engaged in plain sewing, others in fancy needlework, and one at an ironing board. These were the convalescents and those who had been received because of their destitu- tion rather than on account of ill -health. In other rooms he saw the sick in white curtained iron beds. Everywhere there wore signs of careful management, cleanli- ness, inventive power, the ability to do much with little means. This humble institutieu, maintained by a few women, was more interesting than the grandest building which collective charity ever raised. By half -past one, the windows were all cleaned, and Valentine went to the little room which had been allotted to him, the room where he had spent a sleeplese night on a hard and narrow pallet, whioh the Iron Duke might have approved. Ifere he washed off the traces of his toil, brushed his fustian jacket, and prepared himself for dinner, hoping to eat that meal tete a tete with Madge. Ile had heard her say that the two sisters dined in the first flaor room with the women, and that she waited upon them, 'elle must take her own dinner some- where, trgued. Why not with him ? His hopes were etrenghthened on going into the parlour, whete he saw the table laid for two Madge was upsteies, where the dinter was wan forward. It was she who carved and dietributed the food, While the other two sisters at with their charges, and maintained tho cheerful tone of a family meal. There was nothing pretential in the atmosphere of every day life at the Forlorn Hope, yet morrow for sin was deeply It there, and many a penitent's tears had been poured into the sisters' isps, and many a citified sob had mixed with the pryers of the cotamuniten Valentine seated hirmeli by the window, and unfolded leis "Telegraph." Ile began with a sweeping survey of the pages, to sea what Wm best west.th reading. A STRANON (alert Ti•T "Considerable exoitement lies been: °teat - 04 at the tovria of Chadford, ItIoetit Devon, lo by the finding- of a body in the Abbey elver hear that town, ander eirouniatances which 14 appear to indicate foul play. The body has been identified as that of the wife of Mr. Belfield, of Belfield Abbeye Medford, whose disappearance from her home WM One of the social scandals of 'esti autumn," Here followed a full report of the Coroner's in- quest, and the arrest ofSir Adrian Belfield on suspicion of being concerned in the mur- der of his sister-in-law. "The startling character of the revel- ations, the social position of the parties an. and the respect which is felt for them in the neighborhood, oombine to ren- der this one of the most extraordinary oases that has come before the public for many years, and the result of the adjourned in- quest will be awaited with keen anxiety." Slowly and deliberately iValentine Bel- field read and pondered over the report of the inquest. To him who was' in the secret, the circumstanoes of his guilt seemed to start out into the broad light of day from the evidence of those witnesses, The un- finished letter—broken off in the middle of a sentence—the missing rug found tied abcut the victim's body. Hie own secret visit to his mother's house. His brother'vigil. All pointed at the fact of murder. Yet how, in the face of such evidenc° against him, had they dared to arreat, his brother? Under suspicion of being concern- ed in the murder? Yes he had been with the murderer in that dreadiul hour after the deed was done. Teey two had been to- gether, and the law might call Adriam au accessory to his brother's mime. He was atill eating by the window, poring over the report, when Made came in, carry inga tray with the .fraginents of the up- stairs meal. "Come, brother. John,' she said, cheerily' as she seta dish on tho table "ry people were in very good appetitee but there is plenty left for you and me. I am sure you must be ready for dinner." "Not quite," he answered, gravely, "and I'm afraid I shall spoil your dinner if I tell you what has taken away my appetite." She went over to him, and laid her hand upon his shoulder, looking down at the news- paper. Her quick eye caught the familiar I names directly, and she read the report of the inquest across Ms shoulder. "You see I was right,' she said.; "there was nob an hour to be lost, and you have wasted days. You will go at once now—at —once --or as soon as its dark. It may be safer not to leave this house till dusk—your working -man's suit willeerve a geed purpose now. I will go out and get you an outfit before dusk, and pack everything ready for you. Then you must start for Liverpool by the train that leaves Eueton at seven thisl evening, and you can get off to -morrow I morning by any ship that may be leaving. There must be steamers leaving every day. Take the first that will carry you far away from .England. iYou will go, won t you . He was holding her arm in his strong grasp, looking at her fixedly, yet hardl seeming to listen to her eager words. "You will eo ?" she urged. "Not without you. I have said it before Madge, and .1 say it again. 1 have n desirettoprolong my life unless I can spen .hyou." "You have seen what my workishere, and you ask me to give it im in order to—" "To share a murderer's hiding place; to play hide and seek with the law; to drive away the horrors of remorse; to cure bad dreams; and to save a sinner from madneas. That is what I ask you todo, Madge.: Any one can carry on your work here. No one but you can save me." "What if I were to say yes l" asked Madge'after moments of deepest thought, returning that fixed look est his :with a gaze that was still more earnest, for it seemed to peer into his vary soul. He Clasped his arum round her ea .13he bent over him, and their lips meb, half in eorrow, half inloy,ijoy on his side that elm was won, would own love's eubjeotion, she,who had seeraod to him 'too strong for love; eorrow on her aide that he must stand as a criminal before his fellow men, and hazerd his life to do Ms duty." " When she'll start for Chadford, 'Wedge," he asked presently. " The soontir the better. The police may he on the watch for you. I should liketyou to be able to return there as a free agent." " You are right. It would be hateful to go hack uuder convoy. There is an after - neon train, a beast of a train that stops at nearly every station, the train by which travelled that night," with a shudder. " will go by that." "1 will go with you." " Madge, ' he cned, overjoyed. • " I may as well keep you company on the journey, while we are still free to be to- gether. Will you go in those clothes? ' "No. They would look like a disguise. I left a suit at the slop -sellers. If anyone would fetch it ?" "1 will go for it," she answered, "and I will arraage for lea vingthis house for a few days." (TO B'E CONTINI7ED,) The Oil Glands. Nearly two and a half rnillions of sweab glands pour out upen the surface of the body a watery fluid, which aids in keeping the skin soft, and, ley its evaporation, in regulat- ing the bodily temperature. Beside these sweat glands, the skin con- tains the so called sebaceous glands, that exude an opaque and oily matter. The ducts convey it either directly to the surface, or into the upper portion of the hair follicles— the cavities from whirh the hair proceeds. The oil is designed to help keep the skin supple, and especially to promote the softness of the hair. These glands are absent from the under part of the feet and hands, and are moat abundant in the scalp, face, canal of the ear, and about the noise and mouth, Those in the ear secrete the ear -wax. An excess lathe secretion renders the face shiny; a deficiency renders the skin and hair dry and harsh. The glands are sometimes ubetructed, when the oil becomes thick, or when there is a neglect of cles,nliams. This gives rise to peruke, or pimples, which, on being pressed out through the narrow mouth of the oil duet, resemble worms, or grubs. They are frequently called worms, naturally enough, since the hardened dirt on the outer end looks like a head; but they are only thickened oil, though occasionally a minute living worm chooses one of them for his abode. Occasionally the more fluid elements of the oil are absorbed, leaving only the solid, and these harden Into cutaneous calculi. Or the obstructed secretions—yellow, half liquid and half solid, like putty or mortar—may form small tumors on the eyebrow; face, neck and head. They should be cut out when small, or •destroyed with caustic. Stall, their only harm is in the deformity they cause, The various forms of ache, or pimple, are due to inflamm Miens of these glands. They occur mainly at the period of phberty, and Y in the years immediately following, and are regarded as due to the constitutional changes then in process. There is at that period a languid and torpid condition of the 0, ekin, a tendency to the accumulation of sebaceous matter, and a congeation et the coats of the follicles. The treatment consists in removing any exciting cause that may exist, improving the nutritive power of the skin and the general system, and stimulating the parts affected. There should also be cloae atten- tion to diet and habita of life. " Yon lift mefrom hell to heaven at the mere thought. Oh, Madge, be generous, reward an ungenerous lover. I lost you once by the meanness of my love. I love you now as you deserve to be loved. Forget all I have ever been, remember only what I am —your slave, your penitent adorer. Let us be married before the registrar to -morrow morning. We can start for Liverpool afterwards." "And when we are gone, Valentine, when you have got clear away, what is to become of your brother I Have you thoughts of that question ? ' No, he had not thought of that but he answered almoist carelessly. "He will be safe—there cam he no evi- dence against him." "The evidence against him is almost as strong as against yon. There is no one but you who can prove his innocence." "And you would have ole give myself up, in order to clear him," "If there is no other way of clearing him 'You hold my life very lightly." "1 hold life as less than honour. You have brought your brother into peril—you have brought shame and degradation upon him. It would be a cowardly act to Leave him in the lurch now." "Yet a few minutes ago you urged me to leave the country." "I forgot all but your own safety." "I have told you that I do not set a high price upon that, Well, you are right, I will stand by my brother. I will go book to Chedford to morrow, even if Cheelford be a short cut to the gallows." "Ib will not prove that," she answered, pale as death, but her face kindling with the light of enthusiasm. "Confess the truth as you contested. to me. Let all the world know how you aerial in one fatal moment of passion, and how you tried to hide your sin. There are few who will, not pity you, to I pity yon." She bent over him as he at leaning for- ward, with Ms eyes brooding upon the ground, deep in thought,. She laid her hand upon her head, and, thrilled by that gentle touch, he 'coked up and their eyes met. "Say that you love tne, Madge, and I will do anything." "Yes, 1 love you—yes, I always loved you. It was love for you that drove me out into the work' in nty deepair, to find some- thing to fill my empty heart, aching f or love of you. It was leve of you that nought relief in soothing the misery of sinners. I have always loved you, but do this one brave thing, and I can respect and honour you. Will you marry mei Madge, if 'leek Ketch darn not get me 7" " . . 1 'VA., "That Is a promise worth vvaiting for. Will you wait for ms, Madge, if they keep me at ,Dertrriouth dill:lay hair is white f° "twill wait till the end of my days. tome what may, there shall be no other Ve in my life" Pledge yourself to that with a kiss, edge,' The Long Sermon and the Dog A correspondent of an Eaglish paper sum—During a recent jeurney in Canada I niet with a striking instance of reason in a dog. I was staying at the Mohawk Indian Institution, Brantford, ()ataxia. The Rev. R. Ashton, Superintendent of the school, is also incumbent of the neighboring Mohawk Church, (the oldest Protestant church in LATEST FROM EUROPE. The WhitechaPel Murderer still at Large. —Boulanger still the Lion.—King Milan at 'Vienna. The Whitechapel murders still keep Len. don busy. Sootland Yard is hard at wark, Nesvspaper men are vvriting and molting their brains each day for some new formula iy which to express the fact that nothing has happened. London'aimillions of inhabit ante, worked up as they have never been be- fore, keep on patiently buying millions and millions of special editions with nothing in them; and mixed up with the refit, and per. feebly safe, is the interesting human mole- cule who has excited the horror and interest of all his fellows by destroying half a dozen of them in a peculiarly inhuman fashion. The wildest ideas about him exist and are encouraged. He is painted as an aristocrat rolling in luxury, from which he ocomionally emerges surfeited to dip his hands in blood for the sake of the pleasant excitement, or, as a disease -eaten wretch, creeping from slum to slum -killing and mutilating hags he meets with, in obedienoe to the impulse of blind in sanity. Whatever he may be, man, woman; or gorilla, or however he may live, he is certainly a cunning butcher, for scores of peace and detectives know nothing more about him than that he is strong, silent, skilful, and quick: that he has a very sharp knife, and that his appearance is calculated to inspire certein confidence in the lowest class of women. These facts were mede plain on Sunday morning three weeks ago, when the bodies of the two women last killed were found cut to pieces withia a few blocks of each other. S. Petersburg papers, particularly in the Chauvinistic section, are raving over the cordied reception given to King Milan on the occasion of his visit to Vienna early in the week. These papers thiak that the Servian King's immorality should sues to make him unwelcome, but the Wily Austrian, who is not over strong in moral way himself, is well aware of the feet that Servia is a most useful buffer between Austria and the Rus- sian bear, and so has clasped King Milan and all his divorce and other scandals affec- tionately to his bosom. Boulanger still continues to ke p French- men proud and happy or miserably worried, according as they are for or against him. The Deputies, all following in his path, are bringing in plans for revision. The peasants, soldiers, and republicans of allelassesaupport him more than ever, and wiseacres who some time past peinted him as dead and buried are wondering what had beconie of their political sagacity at the time. Robert Mitchell, one of the most clever French political writers, gave ia last week's Figaro an excellent description of the causes of his popularity. All those interested in dthe future of France will do well t watch Boul- anger aud disregard pretty much every- thing else. The General may fall into insigniflco.nce, but it will take a tremendous display of stupidity on his part, or of clever- ness on that of Clemenceau and his other enemies, to turn the tide of popular favor which now flews so strongly for him, Emperor Frederick and. His Doctors. The interest in the case of Emperor Fred erick is by no meaus subsiding in Germany, but, on tho other hand, culminating. The work of Dr. j. Kteist, of Berlin, which de• fends Sir Morel" Mackenzie in a moderato and scholarly way, has produced a great impregilion. Though published under the name of Dr, Kleist, this pamphlet is said to emanate from one of the most distinguished profesaers in the university, who was not himself concerned in the treatment of the Emperor. The popular work of Curt von Schmettwik is said to have had a sale of one hundred thouea,nd copies. I hear that Sir Morell finished his literary labors a week go but that some delay will take place in he issue of the work owing to arrangemente ming been made for ita simultancoue ap- earance in England. Germany, France and merica. The little book will testify in an ininent degree to the noble qualities of the lustrious patient, and will prove, in the paean of the writer, that the life of the •nperor was considerably curtailed by he unfortunete interference of the ermau surgeons. Sir Morel', in his work f the "Hygiene of the Vocal Organs," hem hewn himself fully competent to treat a mentific subject in a popular manner, and either his literary nor his prefeesional re- uthtion is likely to suffer through the pub. catien of his account of the fatal illnese of rederick the Noble. a Canada.) Mr. Ashton is very fond of ani - mats and has many pets. Oae of these, a h black-and-tan terrier, always acoompituiee p the 90 Indian children to church on Sondf A morning. Ho goes to the altar rails 1 -me lies down facing the congregation. f lit they rise to sing he rises, and when ‘10 ' sit down he lies down. 0 ae day , 'E before my visa, a stranger clergyman 'Was It preaching, and the sermon was longer than 1G usual. The dog grew tired and reabless, and at last a thought occurred to him upon s which he at once acted. He had obaerved that one of the elder Indian boys was emus. In tomed to hand round the plata for aline, p after which the service at once concluded. 11 He evidently thought that if he could per• F suade this by to take up the cellection the sermon must naturally end. He ran down to the back seat occupied by the boy, seated himself in the aisle, aud gaiwel steadfastly in the boy's face. Finding that no notice was taken, he set up and "begged" parsiet- ently for some, time to Mr. Ashton's great amusement. Finally, as ithis also failed, thel dos put his nose antler the lad's knee and I tried with all his strength to force him out of his place, continuing this at intervals till thel sermon was concluded. Did not this provel a distinct ower of conseoutive remonine Making a Kaleidoscope. The Philadelphia Times gives simple directions for making this toy, which always entertains the young people by the besati. ful and endless transformations which it , produces: At the glazier's shop get three stripe of glees, say ten inchez long and one and a half to two inches wide all exactly ths game size, and tie them together, triangularly, with string. Cut a piece of partly transparent writing - paper so that it will fit over one end of this prism, leaving narrow edges to lap over. Paste this on with mucilage er flour paste, and then cut a piece just like it for the other end, except that it must be cut of paper that it entire y opaque. In the centre of this opaque end cut a round hole a little larger than g silver dime. This hole is for the eye. Now cover the sides of the apparatus with the same paper you used for the eye -piece, and the kaleido- scope is finished. Put a few /Aimee of colored glees or beetle in, and turn the thin paper end to the light. Then with your eye to the hole cut in the opaque paper end, keep the prim slowly turning, and you well have all the beautiful effects shown by the expensive kaloidornope bought in the store. Hothert—" Really, Mho Edith, I am very sorry 1 kissed you, x (Ilan think what I wad doing. It is a sort of terripoirery in- sanity in our family." Miss Edith (pity- ingly)—"V you ever feel any more turas at- taeks coming on you had better come right hme whore your infirmity is ktown,:and we Will take mare ofI/ you. fiKing Humbert and his Cigar. Here is a good story of the king of Italy, extracted from the "American Register" of Pans. It is commended to the thousands of Americans, rich and poor, who are killing themselves by excessive smoking. The King of Italy is known for his tem- perance in all things, except smoking. He is an exceedingly email eater, end, as to drink, his guests may have it in plenty, bub his own favorite "tipple" is water. His one great weakneas was a good cigar. In this respect he had abused himself until his nerves had begun to suffer; he had atthma- tic turns, could sleep but little, anti then had to be propped up by plenty of pillows. Some weeks ago, hie physician told him what was the matter, and King Humbert aid: "From this day forth 1 will not smoke another cigar, or anything in the shape of tobacco:" The moult has been a most noticeable improvemeht in his health. King Humbert is a man of iron will, and no one doubts that he will keep his pledge to After The Vacation. Coles: Back from the country? Boles : Yes. Colo Feel recruited? Bolos: Haven't been back long enough to fool the benefits yet, 11057 Pat Got At is Fare. A military officer once engaged a oar in Cork, and at the end of the trip paid the driver sixpence, Sixpence Was the exact amount due . but more gracious customers were in the habit of paying a (defiling for the same die -thine. "Bad luck to the Zalue I" muttered Pat ruefully, looking at the coin in hie palm. The Zulu war was in progress, or had jos; ended, and the officer turned round stingily. "What 18 that you say?" "Bed luck bo the Zulus, sorr I" "Why do you say it?" "Faith, yeti honor e because they've killed all the shilling olliv.ers, and left none bub the altpetice once." The Longfellow statue at Portland, Me,, has been set up with appropriate cera - monies. Budden Hospitality:. WIT .AND WISDOM. • A couple of rti ts f tamps epped a a area^ house in West Tennessee. "You can come in and drink all the water you want," said the farmer "but yea neenter ask for any- thing to eat, for you won't got it." The tramps looked at a table that had just been set for (llama. and Welted. 4$ you neepher DILA," field the fernier, "fur you don't get a hitof filet grub. W'Y, we've got 'possum, don't you see; sweet potatoes, b lied ham, early mustard greens and three kinds of bread. 1 wouldn't twit you fellers, but the lent tramp that coine along here Mole the only good set of harness on the laoe " "Den's put yourself to any uneasiness on our amount," replied one of the Maws, " for we idn'b hungry." Not hungry I" the former exclaimed. " No ; alt we want is a place to sit down in the shade." " We'll , this is the first time I ever heerd of trenaps not being hungry." "It's porter rare with ua, I eau tell you. I'm sorter firrerith, myself. Den't exaotly understand it, for I never was this way be- fore. Oh, I 'Imre had slight bilious attacks, bub I never had such pains in the baok of my neck before. Just before leaving Jaek- aonvlllo A sudden scuffling in the room (awed the tramp to break off hi! narration. The skirts of -the farmsee wife flapped against the gate, and an old man lost his hat as he leaped into the road. The" two tramps moved their chairs up to the table, "The hospitalitry of *hie neighborhood," one of them remarked, "has found a place in romance and verse." "Yes," the other one replied, "and the peculiar charm about it is les exMeme kuddennees." An Artificial Coal Mine. Among the novelties of the Paris Exhibi- tion of next year there will be, according to a letter in the "Colliery Guardian," a "subterranean exhibit, of which the most conspicuous feature will be a descent into a weal mine. Dating the descent the visitor is to be made the subject of an illusion. The sides of the artificial shaft will be formed of canvas painted to show the stratification in a typical deep pih The aage begins to des- cend with a considerable velooity, but is brought gradually to reat vrithin a few yards of the pit bank. As the motion of the cage is retarded, the canvas sides of the shaft are drawn up with increasing velocity, the aceeleratton being proportional to the re- tardaden ef ihe imp. The effect upon the ispeeMtor standing upon the dock of the cage is one of continued descent at the same speed at which he started, and the illusion is kept up deer the cage comes to rest by a move- ment of trepidation communicated to the latter. The illusion ie said to be perfecb. When a great depth has apparently been reached the canvas is brought to rest gradu- ally, the trepidation of the cage being made to cease at the same instant. The vitae; who believes himself to be deep in the bowels of the earth, then steps out of the cage and enters the workings, where he may see the various operations of ooal.getting." The Life Unseen. BY L. A. ISIORAISON; This truth 'I glean Mid the world's mod strife: Th 51115 unseen— Is eternal life. The life below,— With im toils and tears, Its pomp and 1.how And hs swift -fled years— Is fraught with pain In its ev'ry breath, Its chiefest gain Is the day of death; Its Ioy is known But to those who mourn,— Its less alone Brings its best return. The life above Es divine and broad,— A life of love With ita source in God; There, fullest scope Tolhe soul is given : A life of hope Fulfilled, is laeaven. Teeachery. 13111.11LBY WYNNN. I saw thee in tho glory of the day, When tho blue noon lay fleeping on thy breast, And on the shore the little waves at play Murmured of peaca and rest. A red Emil hung upon thy Went deep Motionless, withita wi te-spread burnishld wings, As to some bloescm, in the sun asleep, S 'MO painted Insect clings. How gentle, how monotonously sweet, 1hy voice made music of the list'ning That from Its lustrous depths seemed to repeat The song that lingered there I I saw thee in the blackness of the night— The madness of the tempest in thy heart— Guessed by the wandering loam-streake, ghastly white, That tore thy lips apart. I heard thee howling with delirious rage, Beating thy breast, then ceasing vvith a moan, Like some trapped monster in a narrow °age That lives and dies alone. I saw thee crush and fling upon the shore The death -doomed ship, with mad ferocious glee Thou lulledest in a eofnmbrace before, 0 cI ruel treach'rous sea I Why He Thought He'd Wait. Dentist: Mr. Doppenheimer, you won' foal zr pull the tooth. The gas will melte you sensible. You won't know what's going on. Doppenheimer Ish dot so? Well, I clinks 1 comes to-morrer. Dentist : But why not let me pull it to. day ? Dappenheimer Well, I don' joost hnovv how much monish der wash in my pocked - book. No Time to Viraste. Clima : Gloves, did you say, Mils? Some- thing with ids btittons ? Country Girl : Without butte,* I ain't got time to tool away half an hour every time I put hien en. The Immortal Cobbler. The cobbler does not die, of course, When all Ms years &re past) Because it's quite impossible For him to breathe his last. New Relatives, Ftom the seaside and the niountaine, Back tp town they throng once mere ; Tnete young men who've gained a 4leister' That they rimier had before. •••••••• Idle* Greet hi an enteemely fashionable oolor, and in Its1 lontionti skittles of emerald, lapis legit% and beryl is fashionably combined with blues, oliirdS, brOWba, and dull radii. /1111,4:11, The Donkey Was There. Where is the white horse, pretty maid For I aim your hair le a whied:term ebade?i The mei len to whom these words. Were said: IMies a pie. girl whose hair was red. I 'Twee said in e crowded thoroughfare— - Nearly every kiud of a horse Was therm. The long line of horses the maid reviewed, Then to her annoyer, a real, hard dude, " There isn't a white horse wtthin a mile, But the donkey is 'round," isaid ahe, with m The dude grew red and wished lice was. dead. " What is your hurry, kinder." she said et Interviewer—" What do s, propose to do in °me you are elected to 'the plagie Candidate -mi Well, what I'd like to know is, what on earth I'll du if I am not:" "The American people alt more than thin inhebitants of any other country in, the world," said a prominent phyeician. "May., be they do, doctor," replied his friend, "but I'll bet they stand more treats than my. other nation." Boarder (to laindladY)—" 1 ani afraid, Mra. Hendricks, that I shall have to leave you at the end of the week." Landlady— " You can't leave'Ma Darnley, until you, have paid your back board." Boarder-- " Very well, trien, I will etay on." The disoovery has lately been made that Ib is the hackmen at Niagara Fella who are wearing away instead of the fells. This is a different matter attogether, and the public will draw a long breath of relief, Can't some way be invented to ine,ke them wear - faster? Late advices frow Meibourne show that the Chinese have scored a point in the con. teat instituted as to the legality of their ex - elusion. Oue Chun Teorg Toy brought an , action against the Government to recover damages for being refused pernaission to land, and the supreme: Court has decided in his. fevoui, although the verdict wait not lineal - mous, the Cnief Jnetice dissenting. Ottawa boasts sixty lawyers. But when the Chancery and Comity Courts sat the other day there were only two cases for them to wreetle with. If, as Macklin says, "the law smiles in your face while it picks you pocket, and the glorious uneertainty of it is of mair use to the professors than the justice of it," the people of Ottawa are to be con- gratulated upon their freedom from But, all the mine, if the people will not fight to the death tke lawyers cannot live. The danghr of trifling with lawyers is illustrated in the cam of the Quebec client who protested against his lawyerh bill and went to court to itecure its reditegien. The result of: the appeal was an indrgan in the bill by $200, thus bringing it up to $400. Still unconvinced, the client wout to the Supreme Cour; ae.d there the bill, instead of being rectum d or even' approved, was in- cremed—this time by $3C0. The coots are now $700 instead cf $200, and in addition the cern of appealing against the costs hav to be met. Our Canadian cheesemakers wil.fthave to look to their laurels, a new and formidable competitor in the Earopean markets having made its eppearance. It is reported by the - trade papers that a coasignment of cheesee made in New Zealend has been received in England and was found to be of rentartitelelye good quality, aud 11 18 predicted that irthe New Zealandcra can produce similar enemies in large quantities there will be a ready sale for them. Canadian cheese is generally ac- knowledged to bo superior to the AmeriCan article, but its quality will have to be well maintained if future competition is to be defied. A very emious suggestion is mado by a writer in the "Nineteenth Ceutury" in an 1 article , entitled " Hoirsieulture." He be- lieves a good deal cotild be done by directing public attention to the laws that underlie improvement of stock. He also urges that before a marriage permit:is allowed, parties should be compelled to submit to A medical exeroination, to show that they are not lebouting under hereditary diseens. Be- yond this he would have the absolute pro-, hibition of habitual criminaisfrom marriage. As most of tho ills to which flesh is heir are due to the evil hefluence of heredtty, the plan suggested would no doubt have a good effect. Dr. Mackenzie " atruck it AO " eo to speak when hewas called to attend the late Emperor of Germany. Not only did he do excellently 'troll in the way ot professional fees, but this book he is bringing one, and which will be on the market very soon, seems likely to put a good few additional poundin his pocket even thotigh they should not amount to a fortune, The book is a history of the Emperor's ease from Makenzle's poiut of view, He will defend himself from the animadversions of the German doctors, and try to turn the tables on them. It is awaited with great interest. German boek-sellers bay° already ordered something like 75,000 copies. Not Hard to Pleas. Sir Brantford Griffith, Governor of the, Gold Comb, says a London correspondent, has been interviewing the African kinge who rule the negroes in his provinces, and reports on what he saw, "I ant pleased to telt you that kings out there are not as grasping' or as hard to please as they are in Europe. At Fram Prim the king, who is a very old gen- tlemen, only wanted to have the tax on rum reduced te sixpence a gallon, and the right restored to him of exhuming the dead. The Xing of Big Awoonah went wild with delight at a present of 10 shillings and two bottles of champagne. The king who received the Governor hi greatest estate was the King of Oilumassie. Thib,, king appeared relatively happy, but begged for e, pair of handcuffs to enforce his powers, anda lamp bOeheVbie him to atay up late. No Yellow Fever for Him. Citizen (to Uncle Rastus)--You're more or less familiar with the yellow fever, aren't yet, 'Uncle Boehm? Uncle Beattie (confidently)—Yes, ash, knows all about de yaller feverI'ISO seen thousarers ob cases. Citizen—Well, there's a sick stranger up at the hotel and his case Lecke like yellow fever. We want you to torn° tip and give us your idea of if, Uncle Rastun (turnieg ghastly pale)— Wha-a-t 1 1 uped to know all about yaller fever y but I wouldn't know now if it wm yeller or gimeri or White* kaso you nee, Pah, roe been ectIVr blind fo' moire foiteen yaha And Uncle. Bastus hurried away. ram“......... What Daff enormous induetry.the zr,enti. facture ofitittlee is can be only indifferent- lywf,' elers ,00d by quoting iitatietlos, which show the, i the daily oetput ie ever 46,900 gross for for t,11 countriee. Of this huge quarititi,t forintitii and Belgliunt preclude over 80,000 gross, mod she tinited Itiugdoxn but a few over 0,1.00 goof to Cr 111.- rol wc gt foi Pei 501 shi otto the the . his • the; • soul his don gum that and rah the -ern.' bulli am& rt1 -noun • 'But a jok :islet I maim and 'V ,grace Very Dhoti have 4.1 Ste,tei , berbe no fel aneith ,and sc ,good ,Cleane ab got penult Wee in Saab t ,fake Hi gree Yfidheit'l • tion at