The Wingham Advance-Times, 1968-08-01, Page 8Advilnce4Tiroes, Thatrsdey, August 111 1968 SVAINS"..111 MIR Cilosksimpsli IL' CP CP 5 FOR SALE PERSONAL .LARGE DINING tent for sale, like new. Phone 357-1247 after • 5 o'clock. lb 4" MtLDMAY THRESHER for sale, in excellent condition. Phone 3928501. ib .HALF -GALLON SEALERS and quarts for sale, 75e dozen. 354. ib MASSEY - HARRIS binder `for sale; Dion threshing machine, 22x32, Phone 357-1569, lb 7 -PC. dining room suite f ale; $25; also wring- er wash r, $1Q. Ph. 526-3723, Mrs. Oliver Glenn. lb MILK FILTERS for sale plain, rapid flo, 6'f4" — 85c � box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631: rrb INTERNATIONAL grain bind- er for. sale, 7 -ft. cut, with trucks,in good condition, Ph. 357-3349. lb FRESH EXTRACTED Clover Honey for sale. Higgins' Apiary, Wroxeter, phone 81. 25-1b SAVE ON PAINT — 10% off regular prices on Kent Glo Enamel, Super Kem Tone and Martin-Senour. Your headquar- ters for Kem lines. Alexan- der's Hardware. rrb EAVESTROUGHING a n d metal flashing, material and labor. For free estimate call Morrison Bros., at Murdie's Hardware, Lucknow, phone 52&2906. _ Ap2Orrb 13 = RUN COCKSBUTT disc fertilizer drill for sale; 28- plate�L double Cockshutt, disc; McCormick -Deering binder, ?- ft. cut; New Idea hay loader; George White thresher, 24" width cylinder. • Phone Dun- gannon 529-7547. lb TRUCKS FOR SALE WINOWIWWWWWWWWWW 1968 FORD Econoliue heavy duty 1 -ton super van for sale, 8 ply tires, spare . set winter studded tires, painted Ford off calor white, $1950. Contact Cliff Brewer, 357-1639. .1b LIyESTOCK FOR SALE 24 PIGS for sale, weaned two weeks. Ph. Wroxeter 581W12. b et HAY FOR SALE 40 ACRES ' MIXED standing hay for sale. Phone 3574189, Mrs. •Elizabeth Dalton. ib FOR RENT PREMISES now occupied by Shirley's Hair. Stylist for rent. Available . August 18. Apply J. H. Crawford, 357-3630. 25 -lb FOR ENT—In . Lucknow, bed sittinoom, furnished, TV in- cluded; 5 rooms 'upstairs apart - men!, heated; immediate pos- session. Phone 528-3723, Oliver Glenn. ib SALES HELP WANTED Male Rawleigh businessnow open inart Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent op- portunity. Full time. Write Rawleigh Dept. -11- 453- 189, 4005 Richelieu eu St., St. Henry, Montreal. MALE HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS for the posi- tion of storekeeper at West- ern Foundry Company will be received until August 12. Are plicants will contact Harvey Fisher, phone 357-2780, or Murray Rae, 357-2266. lb FE4LE HELP WANTED WAITRESSES WANTED Part -tinge and full time; kitch- en help; bookkeeper - typist, part time; baby sitter for four children, three school age. Ap- ply Queens Hotel, in person. lb "AVON IS CALLING" In your neighborhood through TV. Be the Avon Representa- tive and turn spare- time into money. Phone .364.1130, or write Miss P. Hurley, 650 11th Street, Hanover, Ont. 1&S5b EMPLOYMENT WANTED RESPONSIBLE woman would like to babysit children in her own honie or clean homes. Ph. 357-2087. ib WANTED WANTED ---- Thinking of sell. Ing? We would like to buy a gracious brick home with three or four bedrooms in Wingham. Ph. 357.2201. ib WANTED TO BUY --- Two tables, round dining room with pedestal base and 304n. small. Write Mrs. J. M. Steele, Cottage 121, Inverhuron Beach, Ont. 1p STRAYED STRAYED to farm of Otte Jouwsrna, near B tine, west of Wingham, y ung Hereford bull. Owner fired to prove ownership and pay costa. 1.22p CHARTERED BUS by Mary Hastings Club to London on August 17th. Anyone wishing to go for the day, phone 357- 2805, ip NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE° TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF OLIVER ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the 15th day of July, 1968; are hereby required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or ,before the 31st day of .August, 1968. After that date the Adminis- tratrix will proceed to distri- bute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 30th day of July, 1968. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MIL- L, Wingham, Ontario, , Solicitors for the Administra. trix. _ 1-22.28b • NOTICE YO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLMOTT DWIGHT CLARK. ALLPERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Retired Clergyman, who died on the 31st of May, 1968 are required to file proof of same with the Undersigned on or before the 41st day of August, 1968. After that date the Execu- trix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had n tice. DATED at Winghama this 30th day of July; 1968. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham; Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix.. 1-22-29b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF DR. JOHN EMAN COULTES. ALL 'E'.ONS having claims a t •theestate . of the abo ` mentioned, late of the Ci of Philadelphia in. the State of Pennsylvania, United States of America, Dentist, who died on or about the 1.6th. day of December; 1967, are re- quired to - file proof ° of same with the undersigned Yon or be- fore the 31st day of August,. 1968. After thii da :the -Adm nis- trator wiIF proceed to distri- bute the estate having regard Only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 30th day of • July, 1968. • CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administra- tor. 1-22-29b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN` THE MATTER . OF THE ESTATE OF ROSE AMELIA COVENTRY, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee., Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Es- tate of the late Rose Amelia Coventry are required to send particulars of theirclaims, duly verified, to J. T. GOOD - ALL, Solicitorfor the Execu- tors of the said EBtate,- on or before. the 3rd day of August, A.D. 1968, and that after such date the Executors will pro- ceed 'to distribtite the assets of the said Estate, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at .Wingham, •: On- tario this 12th day of July, A.D. 1968. Annie Elsley and Jason Ellis, Executors of . the Estate, By their solicitor, J: T. GOODALL, Box 730, Wingham, Ontario: 18.25-1b PHONE 357-2320 FOR WANT AD SERVICE ENSURE A SECURE FUTURE'. for you and yours . . . THE • CREDIT UNION Earl Jenkins, Treasurer 357 3750 ClJy4rrb "CAR INSURANCE DUE? 1'11 get you the best car insurance walls* from the world's largest car insurance company. Let's talk," W. D. "Bill" MAY Dial 357-3280 State Farm Mutual utomobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Office: Scarborough, Ontario. 721/ Cl27rrb NOTICE TO CEDITTRS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE HALL. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of . the Town of Wingbam, in the County of 'Huron Retired Glove Maker who died on the. 18th day of July, 1968, are hereby required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 31st day of August, 1968. - After that date the Execu- trix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 30th day of July, 1968. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 1-22.29b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES MICHIE. ALL - PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Belgrave, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 15th day of July, 1968, - are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 31st day. of Aug- ust, 1968. After that date the Execu- tors will proceed,. to distribute. the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 30th daY of July, 1968. CRAWFORD, .SHEPHERD & ' MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 1-22-29b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CHAR- LOTTE ELLEN MOWBRAY. ALL PERSONS h a v 'i n g claims .against the * estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of . Wingham, in the County of Huron, Housewife, who died on the 8th day of June, 1968, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 31st day of August, 1968: After that date the Execu- tor will proceed to - distribute the, estate .having regardonly to the claims of which he shall then have had 'notice. DATED at Wingham this 30th day of July, 1968. • CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, - Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 1-22-29b CARDS OF THANKS ' The family of the late Miss Emma Bradley wish to thank Mrs. William Lapp and the neighbors • of ' John Bradley for their kindness during their re- cent bereavement.. t lb •William Stubbs wishes to thank the neighbors and friends for all the • kindness shown him during 'the illness and passing of his sister; also the• D. A. Rann funeral home, Rev. Mr. Roberts, the pallbear- ers, flower' bearers and the group that served lunch. ip I would like to thank all my friends w o remembered me while I" •s in Sick Child- ren's Hospit • 1.—David�lieffer. 1p I would like to sincdrely thank former associates of the Western Foundry for the love- ly gifts and party given me re- cently. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Art Hubbard for the social event following. Sincere- ly.—Harry Town. lb • I would like to say a sin- cere thank you to all my friends and neighbors who sent me ca and treats and flowers wile . a pat'nt in Wingham a 'strictospital and a specia thanks to the people who found me and to the nurses on second floor.— Gershom Johnston. lb BUSINESS"OPPORTUNITY SELL or trade Highway 21 grocery store, garage and gas pump with very large living quarters, basement, stoker furnace. Would trade for large country home with small acre- age on highway as part pay- ment. Can be purchased with or without stock. Phone 692- 3378 or write Mrs. V. Patrick, R. R. 1 Thamesville, Ont. 18-25-1-22p FINE UPHOLSTERING 357 1011 AUTOMOTIVE SEATS Seats for. Cars and Trucks renovated, One Day Service Call us at 357-ten/eleven for a "no obligation" appointment. �E M 357-1011 UPHOLSTERING If it's worth re -upholstering it's worth the finest. i irrb 4, ammo egoariaaeaeeoao.eeaooeolciae......aoaaq.gg000.,p/,.olp0000.o..oeeo...oeea.e00•011.q00111000o0g1011.1111gg0000q010q11pplanso0.0 i i Corning Events a, i11111/1,glalpllplp./,p,q,,e...1,.. coo.eeoeaee..eaaoocioeeaoeoacieoee.eo.ee.eo0oea11go0ag1o1.041.e...eu.e...oeaaoaeao411100a1p/11010111.10$ CLOSING NOTICE Pattison's Radio and Elec- tric shop will be closed Aug. 5th to 12th, inclusive. lb OPEN AI GOSPEL DRIVE-INERVICE One mile north of Wingham on Highway No. 4 at 8 o'clock every Sunday evening, Special speakernd music. Cars will, pick u 1 l . se wishing a ride in front • the Berean Gomel Chapel at p.m. 6t9A29b THE LADIES' AUXILIARY TO THECANADIAN LEGION MY having a bake sale and delicatessen- table Saturday, August `3, at 3 p.m., Oddf l- lows Hall. RECEPTION For Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Thomas (Jean Ainos) • Friday night, Aug. 2, in Bluevale Hall. Wilbee's ;orchestra. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring luneh. lb L•-1 BIRTHS - FORSTER — In ,Wingham and District Hospital, on Thurs- day, July 25, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. John Forster, Lucknow, a : son. . GARNISS — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Thurs- day, July 25, 1968, to Mr, and Mrs. Murray Garniss, R. R. 1 Wroxeter, a son._. BAILEY — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday July 28, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Renus Bailey, Wing - ham, a son. ". IN ' MEMpRIAM DAWSON—In loving memory of a dear son and brother, who passed away July 31, 1967. • We little knew, when we woke that morn ` The sorrow the day would bring; For the call .was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. - Ever remembered . and ,sadly missed by mother, dad • and family. 1p GLENN—Iu loving memory of � a dear daughter and sister, Mary Lynn Glenn, who pass- ed away three, years ago, August 6, 1965, in her fifth year. A happy home we once enjoy- ed How sweet the memory still, But death has left •a loneliness The world can never fill. —Always remembered and sadly missed by her mom and dad, Lenore and . Oliver" Glenn,, and sister Janine. lb MISCELLANEOUS WILL DO CUSTOM COMBIN- ING AND- SWATHING Elmer Schultz. ,-857.499.I,b; EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING Call Lloyd Heibein, 357.3393, for free estimate: llrrt PATTISON RADIO AND ELECTRIC We will have an experienced television and radio technician on • duty Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. ' Ph. 357-2262. THE DECOR SHOPPE Floor Covering Sales = Instal- lation'- Harding Carpets - Draperies Murray Gerrie 357-2002, Wingham EAVESTROUGHING - ROOF- ING and GENERAL REPAIRS •WM. BRUNDLE R. R. 1, Bluevale Phone 18W3, Wroxeter • Ag29p SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All. work guaranteed. Write: LOUIS BLAKE R. R. 2, Brussels, Ontario Ph. 442W6, Brussels. 11-S12p JACK 'SHAW w Custom Bulldozing Loading and Hauling Service Clearing of fence bottoms and stone piles Phone 3572074, Wingham CUSTOM INSTALLATION of Floor Covering and Tile ROBERT E. SEARSON Painter and Decorator Phone 3573044' - Wingham L. G. BRYCE Auctioneer We handle saps, large or small, anytime or anyplace. Phone 357-2339, \Vi LLOYD W. WALKER Custom Backhoe and loading and hauling service All types of excavating, bury- ing stones, ditching Septic tanks and weeping beds Phone 357-1359 R. R. 1, Wingham, Ont, • FOR YOUR, Insurance Needs in Automo- bile; Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co -Op Agent — LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 'Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd. for Memorials of Distinction 'Lowest prices in the . area 38 Avondale Avenue Stretford Phone 271.6736 Collect ° REAL, ESTATE FOR SALE ONE BUILDING LOT for sale, next to .the United Church pro- perty. Mrs. Chas. Lawrence, Gorrie. 2 -BEDROOM BUNGALOW for sale, priced to sell. Has CMHC mortgage. Ray Walker, phone 357-1293. 1b 2 -BEDROOM frame house for sale, in Village of Belgrave. Electric heat. John It. Van Camp, 357-2237. ib 3 -BEDROOM BUNGALOW for sale, on Carling Terrace, cor- ner lot, oil heat, TV aerial. NHA mortgage carries for $57 month, interest, principal and taxes. Ph. 3574700. 18rrb WILLIAMr S. REED General Insurance acid Real Estate Broker Phone 357-2174 • - Wingham Attractive 3 - bedroom cot- tage, 'large living room, mod- ern kitchen, panelled recre- ation room with electric heat- ing. Full price $11,500 with terms. Immediate possession. Ideally . located close to schools and shopping, 3 bed room 11/2 -storey -home, kitchen with built-in cupboards, large living and dining room, finish- ed floors throughout; hot water. heating. • Full price $13,- -900 .with terms. Outstanding value, 7 room family home, fully modern, large living room with fire- place, attached garage, sun - porch, ideally located. Earlv possession. lb AUCTION. SALES, TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE of 'furniture, dishes, ' antiques and other items for 1 ' LLOYD ELLIOTT Williams Street, Gorrie FRIDAY EVENING, AUG. 9 coniniencing at- 6:30 sharp. See bill for itemized list. Terms—Cash. Nothing . reserv- ed as house is sold. Held in Gorrie' Arena. Lloyd Elliott, owner. Mrs. M..Ersman, clerk. Tom Morrell, auctioneer. COMIG AUCTION MSALE An auction of Furniture; Fur- nishings and Household Ef- fects being held for • MRS. J. A. FOX at • ' ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES 20 Water Street, Wingham SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 1:00 p.m. Period living room suite; bedroom- suites; • automatic washer; lamps; companion chairs; large collection of books, novels, short stories, biography, etc., - in bookstore condition; dining room suite; refrigerators; stove; china and glassware; kitchen appliances; tables; plus a number of most interesting desirables. Administered for the proprie- tress by ESTATE MARKETING Services. Auct.: JACK ALEXANDER. 357-1011 r"Administration and Facilities %a,f or Better.., Auctions" COMING AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 An auction of furniture and effects is being held for MR. & MRS. C. D. ROBINSON at .ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES 20 Water Street, Wingham Living room suite; rockers; victrola; Victorian table; 2 wash sets; . washing machine; platform rocker; 2 step tables and coffee table; cradle; zith- er; antique Salem rocker; parlour couch and 2 matching chairs; antique cherry cup- board; old telephone; several lamps including early -oil lamps; auto radio colnplete; 2 wash sets; trailer hitch; set of chairs; buffet; plus a number of antique and interesting items of glass and china. In addition there will be some items sold from other proprietorships in the Wing - ham area. Administered, for the proprie- tors by ESTATE MARKETING SERVICE. Auet.: JACK ALEXANDER. 3571011 "Administration and Facilities for Better Auctions" Morris lan er dies in hcspltal Wilbert Raymond Procter, a 'Mife'long resident of Morris Township, died after a lengthy illness in the 'Wingham and Dis- trict .Hospital on Thursday, July 25. He was in his 82nd year. A son of the late Mr. and Mt;sq, George Procter, he was born on. Lot 2, Concession 5, Morris. lie fanned in the town- ship and was a member of Bel* grave United ;Church, • . Mr. Progter is survived by his wife, -Abe former Dorothy Stapleton; two sons Donald George at home and Murray Ernanuei of Dawson City, Yukon and a sister, Mrs, Cordon (Flor- ence) Higgins of Brusse. •Per. John Roberts c ducted funeral service at the S J. Walker funeral home in Wing - ham on Saturday afternoon. In- terrne.nt was in Brandon Ceme- tery.. Pallbearers were Clare and Glen VanCarnp, Willard Arm- strong; Edgar. Wightman, James Walsh and Joe Dunbar. T h e . flower bearers were Bill V a n - Camp, Garner Nicholson, Ste- wart Cloakey, Clarence Yuill and Jack Higgins, DEATHS' PEARSON—In West ;Willow Nursing Home, Hamilton, on Wednesday, July 24, Ruth Patton, wife of the late Wil- liam Pearson of Georgetown, Ontario, in her 86th year. Sister of David Patton of Rich- . mond Hill, also survived by cousins, Louise Patton of Rich- mond Hill and . Mrs. William Belfour of Wingham. Mrs. Pearson was a native of Blue - vale, . Ontario. Funeral service was held at R. A. Currie & Son funeral home on Friday, July 26. Rev. G. L, Fish of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church officiated. Interment in Wing - ham Cemetery. TRACE, Mrs. George H., 82, of 772 Queens Ave., London, Monday at Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Widow, former- ly Mabel Edna McNeil. Cousin of the. McKibben family. Ser- vice was Wednesday, 2 p.m., Needham . Memorial Chapel, London. Mount Pleasant Cem- etery Sister lien in O,hawa h Following a sbott sickness the death ocou reed, July 2‘!1,, t the. wawa general Hospital, of Mrs, William Vinson•cif 94 Cadillac Ave,, 8. , Oshawa. A lifelong resident of the district, the deceased was In her 70th year„ The former Alma' Bunker was a daughter of the late William Bunker and Sarah Furey.. Born in Oshawa she attended Albert Street Public School and th e • Oshawa High School. Priorto her marriage to Mr. Vinson, in Oshawa in 1919, the deceased worked in the General Motors office on Mary Street, She was an adherent of Ebene- zer United Church. Predeceased byher husband, May 25, 1952, Mrs. Vinsore is survived by a daughter,'birs. Ray ,(Eleanor) McKnight and a' son, Robert, both of Oshawa. Also _.' surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Albert (Florence) Hosernann of Los Angeles, California, Mrs, Archie (Maud) Blight of Oshawa and Mrs. J. J. ( Vera) Kerr of Win, lau1; two brothers, of Oiswa and Russell of Coto wall and five gralldebUdren. Mrs. Vinson was predeceased by a sister Miss Clara ',l!tinller, Nov, 271984 and a brother. Luther Bunker.. The funeral service was held st 2 p.m, July 27,: at t'he. Mc- Intosh* Anderson funeral borne. . Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. WHITECHI!RcH Whitechurch and Eltnwrood softball teams played at Elm- wood Monday evening with a score of 8-5 for Elmwood.. .Miss Sharon Rintoul of Lon; - don spent the' week'et}d with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. BillRint Ault, Kenneth Morrison was admit- ted to Winghani and District Hospital on Wednesday for a ton. •sileotomy. We wish him aspeedy recovery. Truth and unvarnished franit,- ness are not always the same thing. • SELL RURAL REAL ESTATE If you are looking for an exciting career that will start you earning BIG MONEY represent Mcinn Martel CANADA'S `LARGEST REALTOR . *We will train you at our expense *We pay for your advertising *you 'work from your own location *You sell in your own community" For a personal interview Call or write Mr. Tom Montgomery, Mann & Martel, Rural Sales Department, . 1499 Yonge Street, Toronto 7, Phone (416) 925-2211. "Lt's see,how should 1 go about selling a. litter of pups?" "Well, a person could write a letter to everybody in the phonebook, or post notices on fence posts." ,.i • . "But wait a minute! The easiest, .fastest, cheapest way to find a buyer is with a low-cost classified ad. phone right now and earn a hffle extra cash." Ingham Advance -Times PHONE '351-210 .