The Exeter Times, 1888-8-23, Page 4IliA1612 L LAIO &GENiUfl
a If; \ riASS .00111.•
of Toronte'; tie.) P,iUI1X
I1ELiqs-vf!•ANQ,F,. t:,;,01)„rx•,...1.1-,;,..,:.,ut
treal,art OAS
t 141,
t1ic1 ;S.lie ;
1,103,111SOti rAcia, ovoi $10,010.0.10.
:s7.1 .:1 -.-Ire a hat C clip to re..
0.!ave at all ti,1 from dity"pal'I 47to
Pounty 0.tents iveat vielt ,cs ate,'
.04lents,ar any 1.).14er'e9tii,u1 lnoldent what-.
ver,,from any of.' oar stl:seril?O's or react-
' era generaUfo the purpose: al patio
. r
',Cermet(' ineeball clul) heads the
Litt nr:(1:1 tii,133n1 1k. ;114
Atkiese (if Tor; etteL has itohed
thirteen straight vietoi
T1O1 lAuteriek U 1 picnic will tat
held in 1.) ereve 110. -Kt. WedneS.
T1 ‘t beseleAll obit) defeated
the elith Met weelc, by a soot()
to 4.
. Mr 1wj ale
L116 lintel in Berlin, reeently purchas-
ed by Mr. A. \Valpor.
1:•,eafort.11 bre (eel,' );tiee ivc)ti the Iusa
teel lace at the lutertuitiomul eourne.
wont 'held i rata last week,
Aix, A. 'Williams:, \s -ho is the guest 4.
01 has las,un sink
tin C,NviteT Vime . , ,, , ,,
,-- - - - to be lrouird,
TURSDAY, 1tit4IIS1' ,2'acl 1$88, ,, Jolmson wlo, WAs Alla to Goderich
from Crediton Et) r 1Willaillni, a couple of
LOCAL HAPPENitias, formers, letS e ik Mt hoe. correet name.
---. It is Malcolm (4 illo,;,, ,,na 1,4: bails from
TJiN "findersired would announce to
- • '
the public that ie lia.s now on hand one of The ''Attivetieti An eliould be p0 -
the best assorted stooks of harnees. boots Itil: i t et t from Co r ry i t te; ' thQir torch along
and ehoes, &v. in town, mid evould all the street. S•,vetal homes became
speeial attention to his Scotelt Collate, frigheened at the lie h t on Saturday
-Children's Carriages, tS,', Express Waggons, evening.
AS they are the best in the market, mid at A luau wee in 1,A0.\ li 'LlSi., week 'putting
peiees to suit the tunes. 13oot & shoe re- the finishing tonche,4 11) the telephone
pairing promptly attended to. Call and polee. He spiked ''(-,I poles along
be eonvioced. C. EACISarr, EXster. MA.ill StrOet ;Ina In..illr,,t them a green.Quoiting. ielt cease
A. Davie and A. Sheere finished theie :\Yrangen101414'1`.'''''' l'"'m eciPlde'ted
clued match for $2 a side, last Thursday whereby a 11/0;2.1.1ille "1- lirC1g1111111118 Of
melt Davie won two games and. the Caledimian gem Or: .0. ill be presented in
match by the followieg score : the driving park. SI. tittrys, ma Friday
--)ST CAMT.:-. ' ..-2NO CIAM11---.. 8Qpttlin.bOr 7th.
Davie 21. Devi° 21 Wein. three persene were nearly
"'beer° 10'" Sh"re 8 at Sarnia on Vriftt.v. They were
A match was played CIVIC holiday be- :n Port„,,ix
Aoron trul leel to seeure row
tween A. Sheere and J. T. Westcott for boa. . tt
to got ataee h. (011)15lile tkiem to
$6 a side. Sheer() 0111401114by a suore of 80 ca
()tacit the train,
Mr. Marentette, eeeistant inspector
-Garden Party, of weights and meneuves for Western
The garden petty, in aid of the Man -sI Ontario, has been apt oierled inspector
Methedist church, held on W. H. Verity's ie, the scale factories of Hamilton. His
lawn Wednesday night, passed efr very salary has been increasfA $200.
pleasantly. Owing to therein the attem The McGebeny FeMily will be here
ance was not as large as was expected.
A tent had been erected. on the ground in ()et. fith, when. they sv;31 give a concert
which ie cream, lemonade and • other for Capt. Kemp's 10-41mit. The Ale -
drinks:, were served. A parlor concert Othen3, family are highly spoken of and
was given, the following being the pro- we hope tie-, t;ti; e. will have a full
gramme :-- Duett, Mr. and Miss Eacrett; h0.1Se•.)• , ,
duett, Misses Verity and. Pickard; instill. beveral Emmen le e . 'while in Saruitt
mental duett, Misses Ea.orett and Verity; on civic holiday, went to see McKenzie
Ali -lett, Messrs. (4undy and Senior. The who is in for c,umr .: f. iting, bat were
Exeter brass band enlivened the preceed- were enable on .Veetn Lk i 4 the lateness ,of
idgs by playing several choice ans (hiring the hour. ' Thu jaili• `•losed to visitors
the evening.
at four o'cloek, p.
The Industrial Exhibition. 'The clistr'c' meer;lev of the..Extter
The Toronto Exhibition, which is be- district of the Z;ffetherliet church, met
eoming more and more, one of the year for in the Jubilee Metliet;;st church, Park -
agriculturalists, and catuitry dWellers hill, last week. 111019 WAIJ, a good ab-
be held from Sept, '10th to 2nd, next. tenclance -Of 'reP.r.e,eeeatieeS , from the
The new Govern,onGeneral, Lott). Stanley, various elrcuite cf the :listrict,
will open the exhibition on the 1 lth. The A EelleVille magistrate bas
railwaya are offeripg greater inducements reled that a servamt. ,.11;13t, replace arti-
in reduced rates than in previous years. ,
es prOiieu by •' • etie have the
Entries are more numerous than ever bcie- •
fore, and the managevalue deducted from her wages. The
management are proviiliele
great array and variety cf special feathres ruling is 9ne 'which nil'. peobebly not be
regardless of expense. Each day and ev- without mtereet 4A ee. in this p;ut of
ening there will be presented several lie* Ontario.
, and entertaining novelties with a view of lin? His litttuAli Ln• 'Niagara .Falls'
combining in the great fair the an -lush -1g” and Griinsby PAO.. o,A the 25th, the
and entertaining feature as well as the in- Monster Exeursion 'trvillleave Ex-
etructive, Detailed programmes of each eterat. 8.5(1 tn. '1 lois good for' 3
day's perforMances can beprociti•ecl IT ad- S.>•.09. is the bes
of,year. v • -y1), .dy wants to
Den'Ciiiiss it. . •
diming Mr. E. J. Hill, Secretary Toron- unIy
• j T.INlitcheli'1 of 'A , Fri Eye ftii.
Mrs. John 1.)ignan is visiting her parents merly. of the Blyth tievce'sve" Winlili:tin;
in Fausville.--The Misses Sperling, who Vidette, Palmerston Vindicator, Dray-
heee beep visiting friends.he Exeter, re-
turned to St. liarys on Sunday -Miss' tmt Vide.tte, ill tli reel Oiled with., libel
McNally, of lienover is visiting her unless 3 s'ttisf"t".!" "PultlY is niade,
sister, Mre. D. Spicer. --Miss Ida and' for an article published about a inagis•
Rosa Evans werethe guests of Alies :gable trate of Erin named '..fyler.
Hersey last week. -Mr. J. Elliot went to The farmer's A.dv, week: says potatoes
Torofito on business last week. --Miss sheuld not be ;idled, that repeated ex -
Maggie Spicei left last Thursday to visit perimentslave shown that potatoes not
relatives at St. Clair. -Mr. Chas. Knight, hilled, yield from 10 to rk per cent, and
of St. Thomas, visited his parents last in some cases even 140 per cent in ad•
week. -Mrs. -Samuel Gidley, who has vance of those hilted. Verniers and
been visiting n Sarnia, returned. home on gardeners should 'peke it. note of this.
Friday. -J. W. Essery, ofCentralia, ;Tent The youeee men, Wm. Moore, who
Hbit & Cameron, Goderich, was in town was employed in M,. E. Fish's barber
Sunday in town -Mr. Holt, of Cameron;
attending Division Court on Monday.-- shop last summer; and who has been
Mr. James Lennon spent Suuday in Sea- working down Easb for some time, was
fotth.-Mr. and Mrs. Sutcliffe, of Cern- taken sick a few weelcAt :igo, and return-
lechie, were the guests of Mr. aid Mrs. ed to Blyth beet v'eek, where he
Wilson, at the parsonage, last Sunday.-- died, and wa,s buried 4;11 Tue.edaY
Mr, J. A. Munro, who has been visiting Five teams eonto.geti. the haseball
IVIr. andiMrs. W. 'o]land, left for his tournament ttt 1(e0e:431e on Thursday
horneln Williamstown yesterday. ---:Miss with the following 1,0.15 : Listowel 19
Cudatere, of Kippen, is visiting friends in Blyth 'I; liruasel,t 9, .Palmerson 4;
town.-Mrs.y. f-Iandford, of Hartford, Wroxeter 8, Listowd 7; Brussels 9,
Conn., is the guest of Mrs. Wilson. -Mrs. wroxoror 1. Breee; wen firer prize,
J. A. Reyes is visiting relatives and
friends in Serlin.-Miss Amy Heaturtn, of 050, the \Viva-4..01er ' I ',i'dnis getting $30,
Gentian, is visiting at Mr. Jas. Pickard: and Listowel VO.
3. Tile Masonic -eXOnr11 ni to Sarnia on
A large mini—l'—bei.of loada of flax pe,and Friday was in every r••;pect succ6ssfu1.
. lip Main etreet Monday. The excursion train ernsieted of about
The Parkhill cricketers defeated the ten oars, all of whia , ,re. crowded. A
Forest club last week by eirtht wickets. larger nu?uber '+"0111''' have gene had
Thenumber of members i.n the Steph- t,110 morning been litte. A pleasant
226. . . school picnickers h.., d eilioyable time
The excursion to Nuneara Falls anti in Port flu ri ); I.
en and Usborne; agricultural society is day was spent in Sarni:,, and the Sunday
Grimsby camp takes place on Sature An Ithaca newel:0e1'', Moeut y prtnted
this 'ad" : "'Be:Abell end. Saptistn-A
ame of will la, played at Crlytwa,
The brick work nil'. Fitton's new
'building near the market is nearly 00i11- Lake Pheic next Sjturir laafternoon
pleted. tWeen the, 'Y. TH. C. nine, of Ithaca,
Hello, Central 1 will be all the go in and • the Myndorse C'igierte nine'
Seneca, Falls. St 11),,, •setclusion of the
Exeter nn 150011 88 the telephone wires
are PO up. pine will occur thc 1 )twllgJo HIG. lake
The wooden'bridoe et the river will ()i th° ecrnyt'":"' l" e°1(irea
he torn down Ittid a new iron one leuilt
in its place., ' • The barn eeed, oureele Ill hies beloneine
The Wingliam juinor 'lacrosse ''club BleCormic/k ea, were
challenges any unior lacrosse (dub to struck lightning ,1,141 bui,ed to the
play a friendly match. ' ground last Thurectey night, The
The G. T. R. offle,ials are building a 8018005 er"I'' °°i 15(1 501) busliels
new stone bridge over the culvert, two of /4.1'en't, 50(i °U 01118 arid' a
Miles south of Centralia. ' large quantltY' of 11,,' 'rho' fire • Was
We will geed, the Tzmus to any ad- noticed 111 tiny, to q;, t Ile 0 WIlel'S 10
cents. Subsctibe itt the stable.
The St, Marys' town cduncil 4(re
thinking about lmving' their -streets
named and the II OUSOF1 numbered.
The newly appointed Governot-(4en-
mat will open, the industrial Exhibition
10 be held ot Toronto next 010011).1iVic holiday passed off Very*
Most of the eibizeits left town cm the
Alasonie exeursion Others pieniced ab
the iake,and sevcial quoit nut dies w et e
played by the local ejuoiters.
Nlanitoba and The W,, Angiett 28th
fare $'28 A ngust 2)-th to .27th, ticketit
for Kingston, $(1,9.1; Moo treat l0',) 05: Qin -
bets t11.95 t•eterit. Apply to Cent,
tieo, Kemp, town agent.
illyth people want the, officials of the
, T. lo ellange the time table so
that the trnin from n
the orth elm eon,
noel, tVii h. the trein on the Buifhlo
ion. It Clinton, lehieh lueves 30 minutes
before tile tnno from Blyth arrive:4,
dress from now, till ,Tan. 1889 for 35 8aVe °Wit' 11-01:1'1,S '411'! Artlo which '54,1(5 '
A, 11018011 11,0,):1, se118 of eve,
tether under Pm neellein height', some-,
Wilt- thick set, ele, •d•e \eel long black
11(511', 43aliisg 1015' 1 esemgelist, and
hailing from el'iohie It!, is passing
throtigh the TI rt of Ontario,
Beware of him what he
pretends to b 'ofoloAtion . as to
hi 6 character, comuo, i;cate with the
Itcw. W, 1L,vliwWallaceburg. 1)15410 'U
The tn
High Schookl ,nud, InstituteS
will ho hold. On 74 'n 1.9, 2,0 awl 21,
next. A cirouho• the' 11155 of
hr tht., bjsets has ...11181:
been issnotl .i.ernont. The
tinru-taiile of 15 .4:4
1011041 l'i,t 'l 1)05110)0 51(11
Writirtg, 16 , .;1 1'1 thin etic, draw-
ing, co:nor:460n . Thini
day., graintnni . and history.
'IllQ.`.Pfele:e. sixteen ye irs eld to
Ar Len, let, 11,1. tr',
re -painted and otherwise. iinpl'OVOCI,'
.; T110 G. T ofheiele heve etppoietterl.
Opti Geo. Kemp town agent fer . the
sole of tiekete,,
NI:el/eau cletiele
Several car loads of eattle from' Exeter
elitteon to :Montreal last week.
Several of otir cotreSpundeetS•eeet 11
their Aroekly. ziests a little tOo late last
Week, but are published this Iveek.
ne rural, sehoOls opened du MOnday
'With a very fair atteinlanee.' tOy11
501.1001f3 Open. thn lt1,0) K('N•C114- 14 .A 04'
. Several of our 1004 ept,ete-- weet. freg
catching last Week tied euceeeded in,
gettiug ttbit . hundred of the
beauties. ,
The Parkhill and. rupee basebn1.1
clubs. were to have pleyed mateli• ab.
Lucent. ou Wednesday, bet the. mateli
was declared ta. •
Bidd nip correspondence and the
contin uatioii of Liman' '.blirbectie, re•
. ceived too late for this ieene, litt Will
ippein.‘ next Week. - •
The honey crop this year not be
as large as last year, on aecomit of the
few eltiVer :bloSsoins froM Which the
bees ex traet most of their honey .
..1Vreaste, Rose & Lesiett, grain -buyers,
have distolved partnership. IVIt. Lev ett
has ptirehheed the interest of Me. Ross
and Will. continue in the,old storehouse'.
A nuniber of the. young felks of Exe-
ter Spent h very pleasant clay at Bay-
field. on civic holiday.. They speak
highly of Hayfield.: he a pleasure resorb.
Mr. Japes Oke shipped from the
Exeter . station last Thursday two eer
leads of line Cattle. for Montreal. He
shipped A 6411Qad to Montreal on Sat-
inday. . • •
At the nominatiten Of candidates to
contest South Lanark for the:Dominion
House, Met week, John. G. Haggett;
Postinaster-Generel; 'was 1e -;erected. by
The Litke':1Tiew Catholic. *tie
be held in l\fie Taylor's, grove, 2111 miles
north of Part Blake; lake shore,: Wed-
nesdaA, Sept.•1211e 'Yaltiable priZes
willbe giVen,
The Heiteall rabe,s on • the fine new
driving park 'grounds will be held on
MOuday, Se,nt,', 3rd) 188S, When a large
number of ,valuable prizes Will be given
fur the different rates.
1\I* 5usm IYIODOn011; who is at
preeent visiting,her uncle, 1.)3-. McDon-
ell, in Chicago, 11161; with a serious
aCeident the other day.' When driving
along the street .the horse which they
were driving toek.fright and ran away,
throwing WO eMcDOnell out of the
carriage .and.dieloCating her; wrist.
Sault Ste. Marie Canal
Notice to Contractors.
Siaram Txxmais addressed to the undersign-
ed and endonled "Tenders for the Sault Ste.
Marie Canal,” will be received at this office
,untit the arrival' of the eastern and western
mails on TQgsDAy. tlte 2ird day of October,
next. for th e formation and eonstrnetion of a
Canal on the Canadian side of the river through
the island of St Mary.
The works will be let in two SCOtiOnS. one' of
which will embrace the formation of the canal
through the island, the construction of leeks,
lhe other, the • deepening and Iv]dez
ofthe ebann el -way at both ends of the.eainitibil; GO -Sr
ave .Fhe
constru.ction of piers, Akc,
A map oftlie locality,. together with plans
ih.lbsolL&telif Pura,
,.11.1,,,,,,olsroor Lever variOg iseevei ofpur-
eke. strength and wholes omA.IA 8. ,3.4rnre eeon-
om lona th au the ordinary kin 6; 1043„ 551)110
13,3 doldin competition with the multitudes of
1011' ,test, short weight, alum phospbato
Poweora. S010 only in eAr s., --1101A AK-
IZTO.POWDEli, CO..100 \Vail 417501 1i. 31
$.125 IN PRIZES. -The :Menagers hav
pleasere in announcing -that the tall n
ing of ;the HensallDrivipg Park and
Course will be nekton. Monday, Sep
her 3rd, 1888, when the following v
liberal prizes will be awarded for compe-
titien :-2.45 Trot --Open to trotters and
pacers. --Purse $]20.- let $75 2s1 $30 ;
8rd $15. 3 101 14015 te ot --Opee totrottors
pecers.-1rirse11115.--lst $75 ; 2nd
$80; 3rd $10. 'Running Race.--elalf-mile
1411, best two itethree.e-Purse $15.-e-Ist
$10 e2,m1 $5. Freelor all. --Open to trot -
tete mud Pacers. -Purse $175.--lst tip();
2nd $50; 3rd $25.
Ru LES AND RZG OAT:IONS. -,17,,Eistrance
-10 per cent. off purse to accompany en.
tty. 2 -Entries close on Saturday, Sep-
tember 1st, at 7 o'clook p. in. 3-A11 the
races, eXcept otherwise specified, mile
heats, best three in five to harness. .1s,hit-
i071/1,1E,AlleS to govern.
tameinphe field entitled to first emoney
only. 5 --Four to enter and three to start
or 310 race. All horses to be eligible up to
July •lst, 1888. • 6 --Entries to I1 address-
ed to the seeretary.-7--Horses toile mill,
el- at one o'clock sharp. 8 -The Come'
eiittee reeeree the right to postpone all,
or any of the races in the event of unfay-
orable weather.' 9 -NO intoxicating lig.
tiers will be allowed on the ground.,
A Metes })and will be in attendance.
Baseball match at 10 a. in. A Concert will
lie held in the evening
Admission 25ets. Carriages, 25c. extra.
Reduced Railway Fares.
W. 13. McLEAN, Secy.
and specifieatians of the works, can he seen at .1 mak
°tober.nextewhere printed forms of tender can V -IF St'
file° on and after Tuesdaythe 9111 . day of 0e -
also bo obtained: A like class of information
relative to the works earl be seen at the office
of the Local officer in the town of Sault Ste,
M11:110, Ont.
Intending eon tractors aro requested te boa r
in mind that tenders will not, be considered
unless made ,strietly in accordance with ths.
printed forms and be' aabonapanied by a letter
stating that the person or persons tendering
have carefully examinedthe locality and the
nature of the material found in, the trial pits.
In the,ease of firms, there must be attached
the actual signatures of the full mine, the
nature of the occupation aed residence efeach
metnber of the ; and further. it nAr.rx
VOIT RNORIPT for th. 81115 of 520.000 must az-
company the tender for the 08,051 and locks ;
and a BANK lArOSIT 33130433'T for the sum of
V7.500 mutt accompany. the tender for the
deepening and widening of the channel -
way at both ends. piers; Ate,
lie respective D13POSIT RneBTI"I'S—diettutg
wilt not be accepted --must be endorsed over
to the Minister of Railways and Canals, and
will be forfeited if the party tendering declines
entering into Contract for tho works, at the
rat es and on terms stated in I he offer submitt-
• The deposit receint 41)08 sent in will, be te
turned to the respeetive parties whose tenders
are not aceented. •
111134 Denn.rinunt doSS not, however. bind lc- •
self to Accept (lie lowest 01 51))' tender.
BY Order.
' Seeretare.
Department of 'Railways and Canals,
Of fawn, 8th August, 1888.
In returning thwilis to P11.1: numerous
c,ustomers for past favorslit affords us
great pit-asurc 01 stating that we have got
nicely settled hi our nc‘v fold conunodions
premises, and «re prepare(l, (if quality
unit eeluetion of stock, and honest dealing
will do it) to itlliPIY the %via of -61 'A
people of this di- triet, in the fiumitere
111111 undartalsing line, 'Atli 1,00(15 '
The finuAt stock in L emu cotiety to cheese
front. ,For proof poeitive i• to the
extent of our stook and he
luw prices at ,diroli we
WE VilE AN (7A112Y
uo clan trap nonsense, but
produce fircs,, which can be verified in a
praetieal Way
011r 506k (/1 Imilet taking goods is very
complete, mele•neitig timeral inenistiegs
front the 1)1141J5s5 to him 1.es5 grades, and
n;-, piece fel Woe' tuiy town.
An inspeetion of our goods is rospeetfully
(lStionesso,' to C.. A.VG S. (idloy)
ononoa4r4ow,s 131.0o1L
34111 88,
One, Door South
of Post Office
A racw AD co-frinurav,
--STOCK OF ------
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
aking Room
Fan Purchases
, .
mmolatiori, Sale
ole 1 .1.ed. visltes o inf6rn3 the publ11 gen0111 that 10 hoopi
mci of BULDi N
>1 t,E;4,8);l11 11,I1IKtit(1,3134 EV);
Bell .Stuff, Flooring, 8i11e4, inclietudeleparter,
end two Web, 815511 .1)04(1-e, 111111(134, 11fouldinge eml nil loiiiisitieg '11'faterie1
Lath, &c, ' ,
8 KING LE1-1 A SP,E0 I . \ , Competiti4 n. ohallolgi41, The best and ties
largest stook, ttliel n„t 'tweet pekes. 8110 tgles
All dressed lute bee- tleiroughly 34l4511)34341 (541. 1)11) for lie°. No teltritilcage
assured. A call will henlil tlic a hove.
"cN lifain-st.
TI -1E OL1) ESTABLle ti le I ), cee tp • t ;
'(15 10 Ileycra.rct for the Conviction
OF, OF1`1.0.1; tr.-1,N)-.0.4-4,10R, OIL of oTRER:
Eureka Cylinder, MoOoll Bros.. & Co.,
& Wool 'Oils. I For eal5 by all headline dealers. Toronto.
tzt.oe.,, Sole Agents, Exeter.
31-1 E3,1 S. S CDI
At l'oronto.y Every Darrel CI o I li.01L 2111 S Oil Was used on all machinery dui ing the
Exhibition. It bas been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three yea's
tet ---See that you get Poo lose. 1(1e only made by'
SMUL tocrn.s d.,-; CO, TOIR.OBTTO
-vcilt s A BY JAR. PICKAIID.
Great Tur-riiPe Agents:II/anted Immecii(itely
Cn ooGUS. STE Any
rice• R, L. IlE11131CK, .4.Ci Co.,. ,•• Nurserymen,
-r-AT THE --
Cheap Store, Crediton
Dry -Goods, Boots & Shoe's, Yen. atel Straw
feats, (abort t 4.011 to selece Iron .)
New Goods arriving ,avery
week, and prices td snit
Hard Times.
The highest price .i'or
any • quantity. of
Butter & Eggs. -
Cheap. Store Crediton
am la receipt of a 01101ee land well.
selected,stock of
Fresh Groceries
I would also inforni otonerous
friends and customers that 1 will be on
the road next week with my peddling
House & Lot
FOR SALE -Opposite To [jail
T DthatilIC
enteetrON, ie. 50
Call on G. A. H. for Groceries
Spice. -
Dashwood flour
" Petty Hams and
Smoking tobacco a
five cent piece with every 3 plugs.
A St
And. exanihne Senior's Show Window
where you will see some firStelass pho-
133, equal to any City Work.
And you can rely upon getting value
for your mattey everytime.
Cabinet Photographs $3 a
:p., -}o FOR CARDS.
He also ha S a fine line of Photo Frames
and Mats, at RightPrices.
iterCall -- and - See'r0;
Opposite H. Spackman's Tinshop,
, - -
(JA .17‘, ,1N (:3(
Sul:Inner Silks, Dress Onods,.. 1Viu,slios, Prints, .Ginglianis
Laces, Ribbc.,,,ni, Ilisiery, Gloves, ,Underwear,
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