The Exeter Times, 1888-8-23, Page 1Aut.„cit,
,or the 1 lfl tStook owl °heave:it
00(1,4 bo id1., olincl m Ontitrio call on ,
(01,0 n
)rateli •rnak er, 0 oWeller
&I n, ,, 1 arkifill. „A
3finOpticiae .A.1:A.,or1 ,,,v inent of 811-
VerWe 1 0. lio imirip4 of
ail k i n (6 prompOY &
sntlista c t, u'iii, done No
work soul to a, , the cities.
but all ex° '4'0,11'' 0110(1 in 111S
()nil, establishment, tinder his personal super-
Spectacles of all sizes to suit all sights.
A triftl'sel ici Led.
J. PT.01c.St),IN ,J 1.11105 bI 11
. • e11111.141StiP1.0n1.0 Oeurt,NotaryPublie
Convoys noti Cnininissiontr.t1. Atone y
1 ,
()Meeiit 11'tSfl'SidlOsk,Exeter
U. 00 LI .1N S,
Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer, Etc,,
. ONT.
0.21c einlyveirsBle(1lc fluirs old °Moe.)
Solicitor 1•1 the supreme Oati:st of Ont aria,
Conveyancer, 00Mmissioneri &c to Special
attention:given to the collection of glelins
the United States. Patents procured, looney
to loan at loweat rates. Odic° : °pot's, House
Block, St. Marys, Ont.
sr.i:LL1OT ELL.ayt,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers &c, &c.
r_i\lpuey to Loan at Lowest Rates. of
interest.- •
1:L1I0T. ;f.
11.L. 13ILI.JIN 13,
OFFICE : ore, 01.1*EI L' Bata:
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
SaittlY611'S Main-st, Exeter,
' Extrftets Teeth without pulp,
, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Vllinc;s anti all other clental
Wosk thn best possible-. Goes
to zmiten on last Thursday in
each month. .
ktf .44‘
('1 LUTZ, 1). M.,
,• 011iceat hiseesiden ee Exeter
ti P s ,t.ir4t,cluate Victoriatfuiversity.Office
/hair Ss iden ce,TI51j0 L1.bOSfltOl v. Exeter
J)R. cortnter for the
County of Iluit'on. Office, oppoSite Mr.
. Carling's store, Exeter.
r1R. ..A. AOLI.,INre,P.'S
o. °nice, Main Exeter,Out.Residen
oe nousececontly occupied by P. McPhillips,
T_TENEY EILBE,R Licensed Ana-
tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli-
rray;Townships. Salesconcluetcd atmoderate
rates. 0 alco-a t Post-oftlee,Crediton , Ont.
J0 FIN GILL, Auctioneer for • the
Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales. promutly
attend ed, 5101.1.satisfalition guaranteed . Sales
arranged tit this office.
Graduates of thc Ontario Veterinary College.
OFEICE : One 0 Oor South of Town. Hall.
per cent, 5115,000 Private Funds, Best
Loaning Companies represented.
, Barrister, Exeter,
VV A 1' 0 0 2I,U T U AL
Established in1363.
This (dmu). any has been over IMglitoon
years in mecossful operation ill Western On-
tario,ttn cLio titinnos to in 9 11 re thgainst'oss or
damage by Piro, Builclings,Morchandise,nan-
ufactories,and ()the raescriptio soflinsur-
able property Cratindint, insurers have the
option of insurin g On bbs P,VOlitiUsl, Note or
During -the past ton years 11) is Company
1:m01as-tied 57,096 Policies, covering property
.to, bllej,ulonnt o f i;40,072,038 ;and 081(1 in loos-
es alone e7e9.12,00
AssetS, $176,1(10.00, consisting of Cash
11 aank., Government DeooSit,an 1) the illeatirp
1598011 l' rein Notes on bandana tn mate.
W WALT...1+:741\f D. '5 8411101 I., . 51.
Secretary. J. 6. Hrtorms,tustector, CHAS.
NELL Agon r tor S; xetor lid vicinit
lee Great lEareeliettli t eserteett,..eti.
7 A successful Medicine usect over
llo years in thOUSandS oe eases.
Othos Sperm atorrh ja, Nervous
Weakness, EmIssiolig. Impotency
and all diseases caused by ahuse.N. •
,CRErpitul ina01ireti011. Or over-w.,:ertion. [Arrlini
Six packages 1.„4toranteed, to Cwre when al 1 oth 45114
Pail. Ask your Druggist for The Great Emoirdi
rreserisi Me, take no substitute. One packsge
$1. Six. $5, 1Vrite for Pamphlet. ,Adrhaale
.1hlurellt1L Chemical eo,,, Itetrolt,
Barber Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop,
Shaving,and Hair ett;tieg in theleteet styles
of the trt.
EVOry attention paid to cutting
Ladies and 0 s Hair:
-VOL. 'XVI. NO, 1 i, ETER, ONTARIO,T,IIURSDNY MORNING, AUGITS J 2.3, '1888 P abl8liikusfiltliPT)1*it'(tT11
, 7
arke. t eit,i r e "gr,ir-Vgn THE C131,111Tillf. 'Dastrwooci.
. Doing'S.
6renei a 814; ore
The undereigned word4inferm the Pub -
11c. that he has j oat received 1115
rly Our Own_ Correspouderi t.s, •
1,1.Slis0111.4,.--111.isa Barrows and Mlis Pot.-
tOri of Both:dell, Ara thO`p008 51 01 the
Wood.- Sfr. Jaeoh-Z inset. and Mr. Cherie%
pfms, of New Y,i.rk, 14 1.)111 Mr.. Ben.
Either and relittlyes.-Miss Setah Luak is
in Detroit visiting friende.---.Ales. S. Wood
has returned front 1)'eleware, accompanied
hy Miss Lilly \Tattle.
A full line of Dry -Goods, Bats (s; Gaps, and Bantes.--Large quantities of flax is helms
°Joel:cry, Boots and Shaes. hauled to the'mills daily and the teams
passing up and down' Make our village pre -
Those wishing anythims in my hue will sent a lively annearancei-Ou Tuesday of
find it to their advantage to eall 4 101 11.5 last week the wife of Mr. Isisel Smith pro-
spect my goods and prices.
sented hirn with a ten pound baby boy.-
ili:-thest prices paid for But- We notice onr merchants have received
their fall stocks ody goodsPs fromfr.artie
and Eggs and all a distance desiring to have a good selection
idiads of produce. should call early fie their stocks are well
itesorted and Crediton beats them all• for
low prices,
eY. P. lit
SS .
To Let.
s'ienlY to the undersigned.
J tine 1. CARLING.
For Sale.
' Three firs t -ole ss f arm s.-1 00 acres each -Lon.
don Road, within one mile of Exeter.
' Solicitors, &a., Exeter.
For Sale,
.A. good farm for sale' on easy terms
lot 32 (1051 2, township of -Osborne, 10O, Limos,
gam' bulldings and fences, wellundordrained
convenient to churches rind school, .Apply
to Elliot 6: Elliot, barristers, or Job.
Exeter. •
Tt) the Deni. -A, person cured of
Deafness andnvists in the head of 23
years standing, by it -staple remedy. Will send
a'deseription of it rsmc to any one applying to
N100Lse1(,30 St:John-St.:Montreal. •
Li aged. Berkshire sow from the premises
on Monday, 23rd of .July. Any .inf urmation
leading to, her recovery will be suitably re-
warded. ' WM. SANDERS.
• •Lot 16, con 8, S tephen
Well !Digging.
The Undersigned wishes 'to inform the pub-
lic that he is now engaged in well digging.
He will dig, brick up and bo:e 25 feet for
$15• 25. cents reiSe on every additional ten
sot. Atrial solicited.
T1100. SMALE. Elimyille P. 0.
For Sale.
Brick residence and two lots on Gidley-st.
Good house eentaiMng seven rooms,two halls,
kihrhen, pantry, wash room and cellar. Also
a good. stable, and •fruits in the garden. The
property will be sold cheap :is the proprietor
is giving up house -keening. Apply on the
,R.(0)IARD Hit.NDFORD. sr.
Forest City Business College London.
Re -Opens Sent.3rd. Course unequalled for
thoroughness,Attendance steady and con-
stantly increasing. Youn- Men 41.540 Women
who are anxious to get ther'bezt busineSs train -
ing' to be had should write for catalogue.
• -THE-
litron Put,11 Igor
Thesubseriber would reSnectfully announce
to the public that he 111111 ilow On 1140141 a large
stock of the various kinds of wooden pumps :
Snd th,it he ail added facilities, by which he
can supply 05)1(1145,1 work 'On the very 'shortest
notice. •
A 50 14E. 4,0 tAiror 0 NE1451.
NV ell -digging for fifty Oen if, a foe 4-„fOr 00
feet, 25 cents for every extra ten fcct
511.11 sOlieittd
(1130. OtIDMOIIITI'. •
Exeter, Jul)', 1888. Huron Street.
'11' '
The dirent rem to bete/nen the w Os t end .11
points on the lowc. tvreoco and Bah)
Provinee of Quebec, also for
New Brunswick, Nova S'eotia. Prmce rodiward
and Cape Breton Isla nd s , Nowfoundla rind
All the -poptihir 8111-00181 80(4, 11a,thi/41 and
111111511.455(41.4 30 along this line,
'Now and OlOgiAnt 8l0011ln and Day
Gars run on tlireuitli ExpresS 1.rniii8, be-
tween Alontreal, Fl n lil,x and St. Join -
Canadian ,Ettrejtchn lSaiI and
1'888,1:tige1 Itetit
Passenger. for'Gr cut Britain or ' he Conti -
tient by leaving al.ontreat 11 in113115,3 , iyill
joie outward (1511 1)1(11 at 11i n0' ski
the Same event 5.,
The attention 'of sbipeera Is directed to
the sime.rier facilities ciferen by this volito
fol. transport of !lour and general therclito,,
(Uzi) intended for the Eftstern Provinees 8,1111£0110w01/. and 50ti•t1 to heat ht)
Neweettediand, also tor shipments of pi.aitt iq wcyrk 511)51114.
Rata Ilt'Odt10(1 i1It011411811 AfrA• tho ,ROI;Oponft
11111 'RiC1.4.48 lOttc+ hO 0 hi,o4 ot-1 ntt ail tiforrna- _ 01103P_ 0011(111411011WillniPeg 4,11-d
*10,1 about th`o route, height nett paNsser: g r _orth West, for $28 and rettcrn,, by
ttes orr vidiutai011 tO R Autrttet 28th. Apply to
13(>1"-l'f•:11'r D. at,r01)s,E, • '
Western leroight ..kineststruger Astons W. J. CARLING.
1)3 trongo litoalc,Yorlt 66. Tor, tato NOTICE', --P051011' 10(1)14 trespassiiig
i. vov.niNflInt, in the old :Kilpatrick Orclirtrd, will be
O'uief so nevi nton d out.
Ilatl-aav Office, 1.1,411,.)N P,, Ito reli 211,, '58 Pr°Seetit°a4Ce°t°Ing t° 18AV.
O. DOltWAt.n.
Bennett -Mr. and Mrs. Macarthur and
family have gone on a trip up the lakes
far as the Soo. -Messrs Coed and Colwell
have also gone north for pleasure.• -Miss
Belle MeEwen has been snecessful at the
examination, having secured a third class
eertificatee-The Brantford - slaters, are
busy slating several houses here. -A num-
ber of -local sports have their horses on
the track, and some very good work is
beiug vVna. Doane, of Clinton, is
shipping large quantities of bark from here.
--Our base ball boys would like the
"Tinders" front Exeter to call." around
Soon. The Hensall B. B. C. speak, in the
higlie,st terms of the Exeter team and
heartily enjoy a game of ball with them. -
Miss S. Rennie has gotre -n a visit to
Whighatn.--Businese,"notwithstanding the
season of the year, is brisk. -Miss' Maggie
teith, who has been -visiting her brother in
Detroit, has returned.. ---The laborers are
busy digging the cellar for the new Meth-
odist Parsonage.,
lintels. --A meeting of the bu4ness men
of Lucan was held Friday eyening, and it
was carried unanimously that as our ee-
teemed fellow townsinan, the editoi- of the
Liman Enterprise, being very tired' requires
rest, and that he be released from 'labor • to
rest for the space of six months,, and it is
to be hoped that the inhabitauts of the in-
habitants of the village and .surrounding
country forbear should he suPpress the pub-
lication of the Enterprise for the same
titne.-August 17t11 being .Lucan's ClYlO
holiday a number of the townspeople 'eels..
bated the day by taking advantage . of the
excursion to Sarnia. -A model disposit-
toned young man was Sitting with his best
gill on the bench near the post -office a few
evenings ago. The -post-master's crow
perched overhead. The young Man felt
something drop on his Christie hat, He
toolr itbil and saw what it was. His girl
said it would never rub off. Did he swear?
Did be enrse ? Did he use bad language ?
No ; but raised his face to the tiky and
theniced his mother that cows don't
Mr. Davis' Jersey cow had twins last week.
Both are heifers. and are alive • and doing
BRIEF'). -Mr. B. J. Roadhouse has all
the castings for the seats of the new M. C.
on band, and is busily engaged in making
the wood work. --Messrs. Doupe iS; Dnlmage
ottr enterprising storekeepers, are both do-
ing a rushing business. No donut it is ow-
ing to ti.eir respective act -Os. having a reg-
ular appearance in so good au advertising
inedium as the TIMES. Mr..Dulmage when
etninserating the small things in:connection
with himself (Such as prices and .profits,)
'ommitted the mentioning of his pedal ex-
tt•emities which ale (8511)511 151 the extreme.
-Owing to hieroglyphics in the caligraphy
of your correspondent last week, or a typo-
graphical error on the part of the composi-
tor in refeering to Commercial Union as
being below zero, it appeared G. -V. instead
of C. U. Fearing false inference migut be
talteu therefrom we correct the error, and
will remark at the same tittle thal Kirkton,
generally speaking4 is looking forward to as
prosperous a timein the future as we are
having at present. We wili keep a U. in
the arctic regions regions of political war-
fare keeping floats any with all other such
fads invented by seelcers of nbroclety.--Our
village school has re -Opened with a. fair at-
tendance of jnveniles, whom: parents doubt-
less feel relieved after trying to keep the
yoling hopefuls from tying tin dogs on Van's
tails, and 411(10 413)341, Or the last six. week'.
Flookey will be in vogue frotn now till the
Christmas vacation. -The many readers of
the Tri1LES in this vicinity were delighted te
again peruse.the neves of their old, friend,
0. A. Stacey, written 00 his joureey to S.
Afrin, Mr. James 'rafts WaS highly de,
lighted, and probably might- beve been Aeon
early the nest morning after last week's is-
sue with dark lantern and a search %er-
rant in quest of the moon wide]] was emit
to have slipped on the side walk leadittg to
his reeirience. :fames waft unsuccessful in
tbe search, but heti it been otlierwiee some
,startling revelations might have been made.
and owing to larger cotimetition the price
of green (Meese in our stores woullil have
dropped con siderabl y, Wh i le working for
0, L. Money. painter, of thie place, on Mt.
Oertnel It. 0, Chureh, Mr. F. Clornish, of
Kirkton, met with what might have testilt.
ie 51 serioue accident. While engaged
working et the fent of the Church tha (Ad-
der gave way and precipitated the young
man to the ground, his head °Ala (reek
coming in content with the atone door eill.
Theinth considerably shaken no1111eerierts
P1111.S cAr.. -Messrs, Styles and Erwin
have Xeturned and resumed their amnia
tions, wielding the chalk turd Pointer. --
'Messrs. Cook, and Weitzel, having 511 1181104
flax ptilling, are now busily engaged iu
threshing it. Tile yield will likely be
greater then last year.---Mias E, Fried, of
Stratford and Miss 31. Fried,' of this town,
have 50110 110 visit friends in Zurich -Mr.
1), Ruby, who is suffering with cancel, is
slowly sibking.-Mr. and flartleib,
who were visiting friends in Stratford and
vininity have returned home, --.1r, and
Mrs. F. Wurtz and faraily, who have been
visiting friends and relatives in Listowel,
Strattord and. Elmira, have returned home
much improved by the trip.-:efessrs. Pope
and Graybriel have returned from vieiting
friends in Plettsville and neighborhood. -
Mr. A Shettler, who hurt his leg severely
some time ago, is slewly repoyeting -Mr.
Geo. Ruby, who was sick for eotue time,
iesumed work Monday. A
BRIEFS. --Messrs. Belehen and Lender-
feldt are busily engaged in buildua' g John
Weitzel's new house. -3. Soldan's refrtaith-
ment parlors, NVhiell were thrown open for
the first thne Saturday night, were Nxell
patronized .-A very pleasant affair took
place hero last weekin the marriage of Miss
Hortense Simons, daughter of our respect-
ed merchant, Mr. Louis Simons, to Mr.
Wesley Nors worthy, blaelisimith, of Credi-
ton, formerly of this place. The ceremony
took place at the home of the bride's
father about 8 o'clock in the eveuing,
Miss U. Norsworthy being bridesmaid and
Dr. Amos, of Crediton officiating for the
groom. After the nuptial knot had been
tied, or, as Shakespeare puts it, "Ooefirrn-
ed the amity with nuptial knot" the euests
preceeded by the groom and bride sat down
to an excellent repast. M. and E. o0054 -
pied the foot of tee able and as it is said
that whatever couple take this position,
will be the next married. We aro waiting
patiently for a bid. After supper viiriouli
games were played .till late into the night,
when all repaired to their respected homes,
well pleased, only wishing it had 'been'
thOirs instead of H. alai W's
• A COM:TS:n-0N. -Since your,last iesne the
$6000 reward hoe been claimed. It now
lies' between two very distinguished person-
ages of the town, the persons being Smithy
Fritz, and Boltzegier Holtzpoch Drunke-
gan. Both of these parties gave their evi-
dence as follows :-On the night the deed
was committed,Smithr(who has had his
eye on a few» old rusty butchers kniVes
whieh had been left at the barber shop for
some time thought this a good chance to
secure them for the purpose of making:them
into ham shoes to be exhibited et. ihe
world's Fair,to„be bold in Zurich on the
135n and 14114 of Sept. He first intended
to import eome diamond steel from, the
Rooky Alleghenies, but his financial circum-
stances were tee low to pay the neeessary
tariff, and thinking that the matter,of.Com-
menial Union would not be • settled until
he took this alternative of securing the re-
quired motel. Holtzeig olaimed that all be
was after was,an oia family heirloom that
had been in' the family for six generations,
he the shape of a double-jointed lightning
buok saw. Detective Mack, who had the
matter in hand, was on the trail all Sun-
day. Although 110 11 an expert in the de-
teetive business lie saw nothing to excite
suspicion, except three trampish looking
fellows who drove down towards the lake a
a night or two alter. On examination he
found them to be innocent of the charge.
The two wbo made the confession turned
'town pump' evidence which eras written
on au old rusty tin boiler by Burgoineister
Karl Bositnaeher, thus claiming the f¢000
reward, and clearing up a mystery which
had puzzled the whole force m the employ
of Detective Alack.
ERIEES.-Miss Edith Dyer is this week
the guest of her cousin, Miss Edith Stein
bach.--Quite a number from this vipinity
attended the Masonic Excursion on Friday
laet, and report having spent a very enjoy-
able time; we extend our heartfelt eyrat a -
thy to our two friends who got 80 150.1.11]' left.
---Bossenbury Woke •quite tatty with his
new sulky and three-yeartold,----The Meth-
odist services in English. which have been
held in the 13aptiet Church for some time
past, hove Wen discontinued for the mean-
time:--Ohr butchers, Messera Johnson and
Hardy are doing 51 florishing trade just
now. --Mise Messieger, ' of Hanover, and
Mike; Nagner of this place, intend starting
business the dress -making, this week.
They are both energeticyoung ladies, and
we wish them e5e1'3r success in their enter -
re Ise. --Father Kealy; of the Frenelt Settletnentwill hold his annual Picnic in Tay-
lor's Grove this year, 2a (511113:4 norIh of
Port Slake.
Several Itxoterites picniced at the
lake yesterday.
The Clinton Collegiate Institnte will
open next Monday.
Mr. Wm. BalkWill shipped a car load
of fat Sheep east, last Saturday.'
gr. J. L. Money of Kirkton, takes
part in the Sons of England ceneort to-
O'Connor, the rising oarsman, of
Toronto, will race John Te,oner for the
championship of America.
The Season of the year is approaching
when the small boys Will encounter a
shot gun near the grape vine.
Dr. Svveet has purchased a now Do-
minion piano from 1,he Bownianville
piano compitny, the price paid for it
being $750.
A yonng man from Stephen flatited
Fortier; IVO arrested iti Port thiron
on etvic holiday. He Was released in
titne to dateh titre train.
The St. 11fIar3's' baseball club ht
hats to try :Exciter. They Will be slight -
1' effected with "Charlie horse" if they
play the Eketer boys.
The barna of Mr. Welber, two miles
north Of Dashwood, were streck by
lightning last Wednesday night, and
completely destroyed together with this
Season's Crop.
The l\rayor of Mitchell Nvauts 11 'till
light, hut the whole town is in ('1(11 11.511
to him, arid lie will likely let the platter
MaYor of Ntiteliell ha.s• ':1, ':.:_:l
to -morrow 5111' 1.3 holiday.
Lightning strnek the barn of 1 Valle-
er, of Hibbert, last Pride} meriting, coat-
pletely clestroying it,
The Royal hotel stables, of' Kincardine,
were destroyed by tire on Saturday night.
Less about 4500.
I actually believe that Everest's Cough
Syrup 'se veil my life. -James Kirkpatrick
Forest, Ont.'
Messrs. Gilpin, of St. 111,trys, have re-
moved -the debris from the scene of the re -
tent fire, and are 'flaking preparations to
re -build.
Mr IL Odette, of St. Marys, while
working on the new Maxwell buildings,
had one finger nearly severed 113 the co -
lapse of a pulley.
1 1igx1 a bad cold on,my lungs for two
yearreverything I tried failed me till I
got Everest's Cough Syrup and it cured
rfle.---idrs D. .A Fraser, Parkhill P. 0.
The charged of fraud against A. Al.
Fisher,,License Inspector for Noicth Perth,
preferred by Thos. St. John, was ,,,, dismiss-
ed at the Stratford Police Court Friday.
Everest's „Liver Regulator worked won.
derS on me and made Inc feel like a new
Inan.---Leyi H. Slinper, Forest.
On Tuesday afternoon, as Mr. George
Ewing and dias Ewing were driving'
thiough Harpharphey, and when near the
residence '6,0 Mi..'etrewer,.the horse got its
tail over ond htle11n4 getting frightened
commenced tof run.. Mr. L'iviug is a ,good
horseman, and is gene ally eqeal to any
emergency, awl seeing 'twit he eeiiia not
control the anitnal with the one lute- he
drew him off to one side of 'the road, and
it.upset the rig mid threir the Oceupants
Out. The horae,.got its feat caught in the
fence,,and was thus held. until Mr. Ewing
got on to his' feet, 'and WaiellabLid to con-
trol it. Both, himself aria • MiSS Ewing
were pretty btally shaken lip, lint neither
of them Was seriously injured,
,EDITORIAL N01211.8.
On Wednesday, the 15th hist' two elee-
tionsffor tit& Rouse of Commons took
place. • In South Lanark, Hon. johnHag-•
start, Poet -master General; was' elected by
aeclamatiOn', anffin Colchester N. S. Hon
Sir Adam Arehihald was elected by a ma-
jority of 1500 over two oppnhents.
In speaking of North.west prospects the
Globe says "Thanks to Mr. Greenway's
'Courage, persistence and skill theNorthern
Pacifia Railway Co. will help to carry the
• golden grain quickly to - market." It is
not the firSt titne that the Globe and its
,friends,have combined with the _Northeen
Pacific for their mutual advantage to at-
tack the interests of Canada. While the
Grit organ in Toronto is thus rejoicing in
the success of their alliance, the journals
and tnembers of the Party are almost in
revolt against Mr. Greenway for handing
over Manitoba and the North-west to the
tender mercies of a foreign monopoly not-
ed for its grasping conduct. Mr. Green-
wey, however, has to pay his allies the
price for their assistance in his political
ambition. But the people are loudly ex-
pressing their disgust at finding that a
foreign company has thus obtained a mo•
nopoly which will be shaken off with
With this number the TIMES enteis on
its sixteenth year. When the first num-
ber was issued it was asserted by some
that the venture would he a failure ; the
place being too small for a paper to suc-
eeed. 13ut notwithstanding these proph-
esies, aaid all that it has had to conten4
with in the past fifteen years, thanks to
our many friends who have supported the
Trxes through every difficulty it still sur-
vives. n entering upon our 1611) year it
is with pleasure that we look back upon
the past years and see what has been act.
coMplishecl since Aug 2:3, l873. Changes
have taken place, but the Times is in the
tame hands as when it was started. Six.'
teen years ago Exeter had not it briek
store except the building 110W. used by Mr.
Pieltastl 80 a tin shop encl. store house •
but to -day we tan boast of brick blocks'
equal to maey of tile' cities The town
will soon be -connected eith tile outside
world with telephone, which wiiI, ,nodonbt
benefit it., The TrAres has been patroniz:
ed by all elnsneS of people, and we thank
theist for theiroast kindness and hope we
shalt always be able to say tile same.
'FRANK IsteSttie's P0 15 ULan NioNTif
LY, FOR SEPTEMBER. Germany still
In011ens '101' 11(1110111 Einperor Frederick', and
FOP; Can read ,witliont interest the *ell
illustrated 'Sketch which <veils Frank
Leslie's Popaltir Monthly for September,
tracing his ‘vhole eareer. "'rhe Old Inns
aud Taverns of Lon dOti " frequented by
stets and sages, IS a chatty and pleasing
pietorial article, in the eastie number. ,311
MeCann tells Of 'The Kotriantie Side of
John Ilandolph's 1))'] 0)3104 that
eceentt le statesman vividly before tis With
pen and pencil. 'A well diesaed
is the rather deceptive title 1(1 1, charming
sketch of the Wit*tingS. a fa Mily of birds
known in many parts Of the country. Tic
'Queer'Cormere at the Capital? Mr. Crof'.
ut shetwe that our tarot of government,, if
not able to boast of the royal relies of
emitlti•ies) 11410quid:it Mid strange objects
that tire ,,-eldrito noticed, and 'whieli he
pictures, "Religious Medic:tilts in India,"
gives Miss Nerris a theme, ,,vhile "Meth.
ods of 'Magicians" will letetaist yoetig and
"Dtilntli. and its En virona" tells of
one of OtIr 11011 10rful Weston Cities.
'Market Day at,thO earries US to
another p.trt of the etiuntry, stwl is a
bright bit of description. 'rile 1110(135 01
.8oited' brine,s 1,0401160 '11. 11)1111 the, itaell of
serial 'novel, (leave -Be.
tween Them' rlcenoti9 in intol'est, arid the
ehort stories Lv Flildreth,
GB Iterker, Limy Blake atitI °Om s, with.
1)ileininas,' story for 010 young
Ina ltc: lin a oiu,rining array of fietion The
inituber eltentuls 111 meet 11111 (.4-11.'' nine-
tratione, the frontiapiece being eeey
op !ftpit S:1
4 .
ste,e041,000 •
073,00.11. ••••
11 0ISEES1'A1 '11'.fit)11.1,Ac Ts,
• ,, xmcnic.
20 branch 04111115. i 0 the Dominion. Agencies
111 the ,Dotainl on, 17. .9;A. 51111 Berope.
01 en every.. 1Bow74:f16'11'.1dcry ,Efrio'aini;110°'ill,
t;.xb to 3 p, 01.
SA1I'llItI);SYS, 10 atm .to P. 10.
3 l'er Oen t. per (1(11(1511 allowed for money en
Deposit Reecipts and iC''..trvinics, Bankt
• ,M.R.37.4.=CSF9sttilyas..1,03.131aler.?1=31=71.nerigl452,1 ..1••••
Additional LooaLs
O'Conner, 85 111411' of Toronto,
defeated George (15,. Lee of New York,
en Toronto bay Wedneeday ev maim., by
three quarters 01 51 length.
The wife ot *Rev, Mr. MeAdain form-
erly Presbyterian minister of this place,
died suddenly at Dayfield, on. Tuesday.
01.1390 of death as yet Dot known.
Tim congregation of the Trivitt Mem-
orial chinch, purposes, at the close of
the harvest of 1888, a Harvest Home
Festival to be held at the residence
of Mr. Thos. Case, London Road, on
Thursday next, August 30th, 1888.
We return thanks to 13ran11ford
Southern Fair and Industrial ancl Arts
Exhibitim for the invitation to attend
the exhibition to be held in Brantford
Sept. llth, 12th ancl•135h. Thero will
be special attractions for ,the three
The,ninth annual exhibition of the
Southern Counties fair Association, will
be held in the city of St. Thomas on.
Monday, Tuesday; Wednesday and
Thursday, Sept. 11`;'18, 19 and 20, 1888
Liberal premiums will be offered. See
ad elsewhere. '
Rev. Wad-del-watd, a converted jew,
preached in, the James street Methodist
church last Sunday, Last evening the
Rev. gentleman attd his, wife, dressed
in ,their native costume, ',lectured in the
James street church, and will deliver a
lecture in the Main street church to-
night. • „
A grand Caledonian gathering will
take place in the Agricultural grounds,
St. Marys, Friday Sept. "71' $300. in
cash prizes, will be given': The
Ways are giving reduded fares,' the fare
froin'Exe.ter being 85 bents 'good to
return next day. Admission to grounds -
25 cents. •
The M. 0. R. railroad officials have
ordered the conductors and brakesman
to see that all, passengers are provided
with • seats. Hogs usually trairel on
railroads ancl,take up from one to two
seats with valises; etc., 'and do net 'make
an effort to remove them When they
see a passenger looking for a seat, The
T. R. officials should' give the 'same
Two hunters killed A deer, and sold
it by the pound in the woods. They
had no proper means of weighing it,
but 'knowing their own weight -one
130 potinds, the other 190 potmds--
they placed a rail across a fence so that
it balanced with one at each end. They
then exchanged plebes, the lighter man
taking- the deer in his dap,, and the rail
again balanced. What was the weight
of the deer. ••
Mineral Witter Emporium.
restorer. If your system is :out of order
ST. LEON VVATER:-The Great Health
drink St. Leen and be happy.
Emxin VivE.-Magnetic Mineral from
Nature'sLaboratory fin -Ulcerated, Stomach
,and all diseases of the stomach, for Liver
Kidney and Piles. The most wonderful
article ever offered to the Public.
The Great Wolverine Mineral Water
from Michigan for Rhentnatisin, if you are
afflicted Call and see.
Agent, Exeter.
We have this week to eecord the death
of 'Mr. John Collins, en old and respeete.4
citizen of Hay township, which sad event
took place at his residence on the find
con. of Hay, Monda.y last. Mr. Collins
had attained the age of 72 years and 16
dayg. Ile emigrated t� Canada when 29
350 1.118 old and ;followed the pursuits of a
Farmer near Oshawa, where he reinained
twenty-one years. Atter leaving Oshawa
he purchased a farm in Hay, where he
resided till death 4.111150(11nt. hisor4.111150(11.
E051 ing widow anti his fotir sons. James,
Henry, Fred and William are left to •
mourn bisloss.
ONa of the most concise and
,conventent works of reference and
r,(Teneral information issued at Otta-
is the Statistical Abs,:ract and
Record, .Volume 111 for 1887, of
which, has just rea.clied us from
tho Department of Agriculture.
All the i,,ading tables Arhich char-
ar:terized the previous is nos have
be ) retained, revise 1, and, in
sortie cases, enlarged, and on some
r4latter8 info) Ma (100 1S given up to
May 30, 1888,. Art entirely new
dimple): on ruini lg statistics is
timely and most interes1 Mg. In-.
deed it would be inip()ssible to
make a better sele7,tion of data and
‘neral information calculated to
ii -et forth the capacity, rr;)sources
and progress of our Dominion.
00218IY145PTI,OS SO`itieLY tit/11111D.
111.) 11.511101(1
Please ieform yotir readers that I 111! 4,1 a
»0 11110 reinetly for tlit above relinedaid,
ease. By its ,, timely use ilionsands 01
hopeteris ca.ies 'have aeon ienenatently
cered, 1 shall be glad to send two bottles
of tny renied3 rani; te env of: your 'readers
tvho have ctme tlln etifn it they send
tiieir 111.xpt (tee en a v. o, 44111,esg.
11)3)' '01111115, B, 1:t A. 59.0), 1.31,
letonto., Ont., . 37 konge Btree,t.
43, yoting 1514 ill. Ailstt Qrttig, :,Iond&y
1)41.11)04 Antlrew hIchleven, 14 yen's of age,
while up in a 111.41111. lot tree Itieking nuts,
fell, injuring libtisell so Seveeely tlutt 5118
doetor entuot tell to 521 hottre 1.1. 113111e5
lie ean live tet not. Tie fell 45) or et) feet*
; mei evenid have beett 1514101'in.ttantly 14-1,1
taking. nrAl•frouk boy in falline •