The Exeter Times, 1888-8-9, Page 7AdViee en the Qare of Infants During
The poor, who dwell in hot, /stifling, mato.
doous houses, which freeh air and cool
breezes aeern to avoid, are the onea whom
disease and death search out thee summer
days. And it is the helpl me little babies
in these plane who have moat reason to
dread the coming ef the hot aeason. They
pay the death penalty for their bad sure
roundinge, and suffer for the sins and in.
disoretions of their parents. Right here a
word of advice can besiven which, if heeded,
may sates many of these childi en from the
torturous et sickneas said the sadness of death.
True, so l\rg as it is necessary for some
people to Lye hi houses where pure air is
almost Unknown the rate of infant
mortalities will be abnormally high, yet a
little knowledge and a little care on the part
of those who have charge of children will
greatly reduce it, What follows may claim
the attention of rich as well as poor, fOr ,
riches do not alvvays bring wisdom, and t
children of parents are frequent
the victims of the oareleesnees and t
ignorance of znothers.
Three important things in copnectf
with the care of children should always
remembered— clemliness, pure air and pro-
per feeding. 1Vtuch injury is done children
by overfeeding them. In the first month or
so of a child's life frequent feeding is neces.
nary. Its sternach is incapable of hard
work, and that organ must gradually be.
dome accustomed to the dutiee nature in-
tended it to perform. For this reason small
quantities of food are taken at a time and
the feeding must incur sherb intervals.
At first let the intervals be two or three
hours long. At raiz months the child should
be fed not oftener than five times a day.
A child will often seem hungry when a
little water will satisfy it. Give pure water
or barley water. lao not accustom, your
child to feeding during the night. This
may easily be avoidedsby beginning rightly.
If the child awakes and cries give only
water. It will soon go to sleep again and
• if it is not given food it will certainly learn
not to expect it. This plan is better for
• the chiffi, and it saves the mother and
every one else abont the holm a deal of
As to thakind of food best suited to young
children, it may be accepted as an axiom
that unless the mother's milk positively dis-
agree with her babe it is better than any arti-
ficial preparation. The rule is that that child
will thrive best and have the best chence of
life which is nourished at its mother's! breast.
Even it the milk at find scents to disagree
with theenkild, it will usually be found that
this is dire to renaovable causes. By atten-
tion, to oe, disregard of hygienic rules the milk
may be made. healthful or Injurious. The
mother with an infant at breast should al-
ways remember that fact and regulate her
diet accordingly. She should avoid sour
foods and drinks, and alcoholic stimulants,
for these,have a 'direct effeot upon her milk.
Higliriessoned foodzi should not be eaten.
Pepp* has a tendency to dry up the milk
supply. A little ripe, but not over -ripe fruit,
will do no harm, but care must be taken that
it is not green or decomposed. The objects
to be obtained froth the mother's feeding are
to build up her own strength and to produee
a plentiful supply of wholesbnie milk for the
. Eggs are usually excellent. Milk is
good and BO is cocoa and broma. Tender
meat, if in a perfect state and well cooked,
makes excellent food, but ib should be taken
with other foods indicated above, so as not
to put too ninon work upon the digestive or-
gans. It may be remembered that prefer-
ences in food mutt always be consulted,for
the appearance, odor and taste of food s of
nutritive value. The mother should avoid,
as far as possible, worry and excitement, and
it is highly important that she does not sup.
ject herself to overheating. All these things
directly affect the quantity and quality of the
milk supply.
auoureciAt, FooD FOR BABIES.
-as ....-----------
organs. Tbis will ward off Budden °hale
I and frequently be the Means of preventing
I illness. The band 0hould be made to fit
llot ' evenly and antigly, and should be worn by
all'oluldren under four years of age at all
One of the most iniportent tiaffitary agents
le the air, Effluvia and organic vapors of
various kinds become developed M every
oceupied dwelling from daily cooking, and
organic substances seturete all textile Mb.
rios and become o fruitful eource of disease
Ventilation hi eallential to eradicate these
noxious vapors, and every room should be
thoroughly aired eaoh day by a current of
fresh sir euffilient to renovate its atmos-
phere and to remove all imperitiee.
With the arab appearance of teeth is a
child some food other than milk becomes
necessary, Give it a crust of bread to exer-
cise upon, and let, it occasionally suck a
pieoe of rare beef. Towards the close of
the first year the teeth should be corning
regularly. A failure in this regard will
, usnally mean that something is wrong. The
lie •food may not be as nutritious as necessary,
II' I or there may be some defect of digestion,
he The oblides digestion frequently shoWe signs
•of weakness after an attaok of cholera m-
en fantum, and aometimers when there has been
be no positive sickness. The child does not
gain in weight ahd strength as it should,
the color is pale and the bones show signs
of imperfect development. This la seen in
their tendency to bend in the well-known
"bow-legs." Under these circumstances
the head, too will assume a decidedly square
appearance. Well, these sympboms are well
marked. They point to the affection known
as rickets, which is alwaya due to bad
nutrition resulting from improper aur-
rounclings. The diet must be made
richer in bone.forming material. The child
must aiso have plenty of exercise and
pure air and sunlight. Some medicine is
usually needed, and when the condition de.
scribed manifests itself, the parents should
consult a physician before the malady has
gone so far as to produce malformations.
The acute diseases which afflict children
in summer are, as a rule, short in their course.
When on account of the quality or in
auffident quantity of the mother's rank
some other food must be provided for e the
child it is very iniportant that no mistake
be made in selecting the substitute. Goat's
milk comes nearest to the infant food of na-
ture, but to many people that is out of the
question. Besides, even if obtainable'it is
sometimes difficult to get children to drink
it on account of its strong odor. After this
cow's milk. This s difficult to obtain
in cities in a pure state, and the quality, of
course, is not uniform. To people living in
the city, and especially people in hurable
circurnstances,it isnot easy to get one cow's
milk. It is therefore customary with
• physicians to recommend condensed milk, be -
callus it is more uniform, less liable to de-
composition and parer.. Where cow's milk
is used it should be freshly boiledl every
time the bottle is filled. The boiling des-
• troys any disease germs lurking in the fluid
and renders it less liable to irritate the de.
Beate stomach of the babe. Weaken it
with whier, and add a little • lime water.
This aids digestion and prevents the acid
stomach to which young children are so li-
able. 1VIany artifial foods for infants are
advertised nowadays, but probably none of
them are equal to milk properly prepare&
• Avoid nursing bottles with long rubber
•e. tubes. Milk will colleot in them and turn
sour in spite of the utmost efforts at
• cleanlinese. They cannot be thoroughly
°leaflet Such bottlee have produced many
cases of intestinal derangement. The simpler
the bottle the better. A plain bottle with
a rubber nipple ia all that is necessary.
Have two bottles, and while one is in use
• keep the other in a strong solution of
bicarbonate of soda after it has been
throughly scoured out. Do not use a nipple
too long, It soon becomee saturated with
• --the niilk and should be thrown away.
These precautions should not be disregarded.
Diseadatgerms are facts, and uncleanliness
• aide their rapid development. Care in
• these matters makes the difference between
a healthy and a eickly child.
• There is a differeisce of °Pinion among
physicians as to the advisability of giving
children alcoholic liquids. Some advise
giving a very small triaritay, not more
than a teaspoonful of whiskey in teVenty
four hours, on the hottest days. All agree
• that it is easy to tolse too much. Dr. Wan.
.A. Hammond, and many others with him,
think even the smallest &Mount of alcohol
injurious to children during the period when
their brains are growing. You will err on
the safe side if suoh things be avoided.
teleran CLOTHING
In this connection 6, hint may be given on
the clothing of infante. They should be
neither overclreeeed nor underdressed. The
clothing ehetild not be so heavy as to cause
disconifort nor so ligh t as to permit their
a:dolling cold,. Di our Changeable climate,
"".4ii4iete cool nighte often emceed warm days
and sudden changes are liable tto occur in a
few hours, it is diffieillt to havo the clothing
alwaya right. 'Latter ti Will be iniush
fied by using a flannel band around the
abdominal region, et:Tering the digestive
What is a slight sickness today may turn
out a fatal one to -morrow. For this reason
no disturbance of a child's digestion should
be neglected. A physician should be con-
sulted as soon as possible.
Oak's Wife.
Where did he get her?
Who was her brother ?
Had she a sister?
Had she a mother ?
Was she pre•Adarnic—
Born before h;story—
With her identity
Shrouded in mystery?
Maid of Photaticie. ?
Egypt, Arabia,
Africa, India,
Or sun -kissed Suable,?
Who was her father?
Was he a Viking?
Cruising about
• Just to his liking;
Out of the Whenoeness,
Over the water,
Into the Where,
Bringing his daughter ?
Native of Norway,
Denmark or Sweden?
Lured by the charms
Of the Garden of Eden?
Blonde or brunette?
Rounded or dander ?
Fiery or frigid?
Haughty or tender ?
Why are her gracee
Unknown to fame ?
Where did Cain meet her ?
What was her name ?
•Whisper it softly—
Say. oan it be
The lady we seek
Was R. Haggard's "She ?"
Tell me, ye sages,
Students of life,
Answer my query—
Who was Cain's wife ?
• —[Chicago News.
A Curious Incident.
• Some interesting information with re-
ference to a very curious incident which
mound during the Franco-German war 1
has just come to hand. In 1870 three
French visitors established themselves at a
hotel in a well known German to, where
they remained several months. 113eing in
want of funds and unable to pay their bill,
they were compelled to leave a package
which they had brought from Prance in the
hands of the landlord In satisfaction of his
claim. This upon examination was found
to contain& sumptimuely-designed state chair
The name of Napoleon was embroidered
upon the silk covering of the back and seat,
and, on the occupant pressing* his hands
upon the finely carved gilt arms, a musical
air wasplayed by an instrument concealed
within the upholstery. The care of this
remarkable piece of furniture seemed the ,
only oconpetIon of the strangers, who are
supposed to have been awaiting this advance
of the Prenoh army, and, in the event of
its proving victorious, would doubtless have
conveyed the chair to Berlin, where,
it is presumed, it was to have been used
as a throne shy • the Emperor Napoleon.
The chair remains in possession of the
widow of the Frenchmen's host. —London
Times. .
A Banker's Paradise.
Manohooria appears to be the paradise of
bankers. Our Consul in Newohwang says that
it is well-known wealthy mandarinsand mer-
chants, not caring for their wealth to be
known, make deposits with bankers without
taking receipts, and that it is a ourioua fact
that rather than risk the loss of capital so
deposited by its becoming known to the
paternal Government, to whom probably such
°IOW rightly belongs, no interest is derived
from such deposits, except of course for the
banker's own investments. At the death of
a depositor his heir may not know that 100,-
000 tads, more or leas,mre deposited in some
bank or other. From such cameo as theee,
says this authority, native bankers become
very rich. • •/
Nerviline. What is it ?
Netviline 18 combinetion of the most s
poweeful pain relieving substances known. ' e
Nerviline is not a nostrum, but a prepare. I
tion which has reoeived from members of ;
the medical profeasion, clergymen the pros, !t•
and others meet enthusiastio endorsation. r
If suffering froin pain of any,kind, extereal
or local, give Nerviline a trial. Nerviline
cures toothache, cramps, neuralgia, and,
almost iestantly. Trial bottles 10 cents,
large bottles 26 cents, at druggiate and
dealers everyevhere,
The Women of India,
• The women in towns and villages above
the coolie Rifles rarely aho iv their taoee and
the •better claseee never. Some travellers
speak of their peeping at QUO from their veils
°drool behind their lattioed windows. Fro's'
what I have seen and °an learn from people
who have long lived here snail coquetries are
only indulged in by the Brenta' girls (deeming
girls) of a low order, or by a atilt worse elaes.
The eduoation of a woman ie such that she
honestly thinks herself degraded should she
permit her face to be men by a Man ; rarely,
Is it done, even to a father-in-law or brother-
in-law, espeoially if the brotherein-law be
older than her husband. A. well-to-do Hill
doo, with eisclbrlethers, all youngerthan him-
self, told me he had seldom ever seen the
Moe of a single one of his, and
when he had done so it Was under peculiar
eircuthstanoes religiouelypermissible. This
thing is not simply asocial custom, but it is
mixed up with them religious requirements.
Religion has a very powerful hold even on
the men. who are generally more or lees edu-
cated, for now common schools are,through.
out the ceuntry. But the women are wholly
uneducated except in religious Mee and
duties. With them their religion is all des.
potic. and powerful, leading them in the
peat to the burning piles of their dead hus-
Ministers and Money. ,
One of the most celebrated divines in New
York city is a millionaire, and the great sum
of money of which he is possessed was whol-
ly earned by himself. In Toronto the names
of clergymen are very frequently met figur-
ing as principals in real estate transfers,
In these years of money worship do we
not continually see ministers of the Gospel
rushing along in the mad chase of the almigh-
ty dollar side by side with those who sit at
their fees as disciples 1 Amid the duties of
their holy calling they find time to edit pap-
ers, given lectures, write novels, speculate in
stooks and real estate; run farms, and in
various ways engage in moneyanaking pur-
Is not the master becoming weak when he
follows his pupil's ideal? How oan a teacher
of religion, of morality, a searcher for the
truth, maintain his high purposes when the
accumulation of a fortune is his chief aim?
How can he instruct his disciples not to lay
u freesia .1 •
• A Wonderful Offer.
ll'or many years the manufaeturere of Dye
Sage's Catarrh Remedy have offered, •en
good faith, 8500 reward for a calle of Xasal
Catarrh which they cannot euro, The Bem.
edy is sold by dreggiete at only 50 cents. It
has fairly attained a world-wide reputation.
If you have dull, heavy headache, ohstruc•
0011 Of the nasal passages, discharges falling
from the head into the throat, sometimes
prefixes', watery, and acrid, at others, thiok,
tenacious, mucous, pup Went, bloody and
:putrid; f the eyes are weak, watetY and in-
flamed; if there lie ringingin the ears, deafnesa
hacking or coughing. to clear the throat, ex-
pectoration of.offeastYe matter, together with'
scabs from ulcers, the voice being -chattged
and has a paint' twang; the breath offewave ;
smell and taste impaired; emulation of diz.
ziness, with mental depression, a hacking
cough and general debility, you are suffer-
ing from nasal catarrh. The more compli.
cated your disease, the greater the number
and diversity Of symptoms. Thousands of
cases annually, without manifesting half of
the above symptoms, result in consumption,
and end in the grave. •No disease 10 so com-
mon, rnore deceptive and dangerous less
understood, or more unsuccessfully treated
by physicians.
e A boy may groan, and from sickness moan,
from the church or the school to stay; but
there no pain so deep him from moue oan
keep, because he sine built that way.
• A Cure for Drunkenness.
The opium habit, depsonsania, the morphine baba
nervous prostration caused by the use of tobathso,
wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the
brain, eta, premature old age, loss of vitality caused
by over-exertion of the brain, and loss of natural
strength, trom any cause whatever. Men—young,
old or middle aged—who are broken down from any
of the above causes, or any cause notmentioned above
send your address and10 cents in stamps for Lubonei
Treatise, in book form, of .Diseases of Man, Books
sent sealed end secure frota observation. Address M.
V. Lenox, 47 Wellington street: East Toronto, out.
"Mother is always telling Inc not to bolt
my food," said a smallboy, and now she hoes
gone and bolted up the cupboard that ha
got all the victuals."
• Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get ant of or
der, causing Bilionenese. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion
and their attendant evile, take at once a dose of Dr.
Careoni Stomach Bitters. Beet family medicine
All Druggists, 60 cents.
• "Well, Pat, Jim didn't quite kill you
with that briokbat, did ho?" "No ; but I
wish he had." " Whe:t for ?" " So I could
have seen him hung, the villain."
CINOALEBB HAM RIOnfiVittt restores grey and faled
hair to its natural color and prevents falling out.
The dearest object to a man should be
his wife, but it is not unfrequently her
AGENTS WANTED for the Improved Model
Washer and Bleacher. Price $$. Address
CI. W. DENNIS, 0 Arcade, Toronto, Ont.
Levert 10 ess qui e rue, as Mr. Covington
imself investigated the report given him by
he men, and found it correct by seeing the
'easels with his own eyes. The weasel,
is known, is a small animal, about six inches
long, and by no means common in this
section, but it seems there is a colony of
them on Mr. Covington's farm, and more,
perhaps, than are contained in all the rest
of the country.
It was Fast Color.
"I'm afraid that calico will fade," she ob-
served as she looked at it in a doubtful way.
"Oh, no, ma'am."
• "Ever tried it ?"
" Teem. A woman who had a dreas of
this pattern fell into the river and her body
was not fiahed out for a week. The oolor
hadn't started in the least, I assure you."
"Never morning wore to evening but some
heart. did break," says Tennyson; and the
part that ill health often plays in heart -
wreck is too great for computation. Uter-
ine disorders especially becloud the spirits
and sap the springs of vitality and nervous
force. For these distressing diseases funct-
ional irregularities, unnatural discharges,
constant pains, week back, lassitude, dull.
nese, sickening sensations, RI temper, and
all weaknesses and derangements peculiar to
females. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
is a perfect specific. Sold by druggists.
"Well, Dickson, I see you have anothtr
girl baby at your home." "Yea." "I
though t the next one vras to be a boy." "Wel],
it was, but it,wasn't."
• When dread &theme, with iroa band,
Hangs jt daik mentle over thee,
Escape ite all -enslaving band,
With Golden Medical Discovery,
Dr, R. V. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery cures coughs, colds, and consumption
if taken in time Of dru ists
Mother—" .Are you sure, my dear, that
the ladies' cabin is on this side of the boat?"
Daughter—" Why, of course, mamma. Don't
you see it is crowded with men ?"
Ocean Steamship Passengers,
Via New York, should take the Erie Rail-
way, as it is not only the shortest and best
line'but lands people close to the piers of
the leading steamship companies. In buy-
ing tickets, ask for the Erie.
Pasteur has just recommended that all
dogs not held by a string on the streets of
Paris be killed by the police.
• Alma, Ladies' College,
Has a fully equipped CoIntnercial Depart-
ment in which a complete Graduating Course
is given with Diplomas and Certificateto
successful students. Book-keeping Pfiono-
graphy, Type -Writing, &c. thoroughly
taught. Rates from 840 to 850 per term
inoluding board and tuition. For 66 pp.
Calendar address, Principal Austin, B. D,
Spurgeon wee once asked whether a mem-
ber of a braes band could be a true Christian.
His answer was " les, I think he might,
but not his next door neighbor,"
ess .Thof Ointmott.--A rapid cure for hard
aiffi contacted hoofa, and also the best remedy
known for eerie -Mlles, soree and all kinds of
kin dieeases on man or beast. Sold by deal.
rs everywhere, If unable to prooure it at
home, anyone sending 80c. be stamps to the
manufacturers (Samuel Rogers & Co., To.
onto) will receive a sample 1 lbbox per
eturn mail.
• Whether Genetal Boulanger live or die,
and the likelihmeds all at present are that
he will live, his reputation is gone. No man
can afford to be ridiculous, especially hi
A contemporary speaks slightingly of tha
ballet girle ; it says "they put on airs."
Don't clisceerage them, for Ueaven's sake;
Iet them put on something,
nut conun Cunt cures in one IninIfte.
When a eat gives an entortaihment from
the tap Of the wall it isn't the eat we object
to, it's the weld.
People Who ere Bulled to bad breath, foul coat°
tongue, or any disorder of the Stonsaoh, eau at ono
th Old And hired rei:ett. ArPt°,:;,4trSrtitZlet,Bitte"
;Steam Washer. Address GEO. 15.
PERRIS, 87 Church St, Toronto,
WOR paid. • Valuable outfit and partiomare
FOR AUL. $30 a weekandexpensee
_ oVmEiRn__Wn for _4_1115e.
hold Specialties. Address TARBOX Broe,Toronto, Ont.
ONEYTO LOAN on Perms. Lowest Rates.
iNg!) delay.Br re Ficin, dleinnoae osioalleltgett
RetabZiahed 1860. 72 E„ Toronto.
Public Library Buildings,Toronto. Students from
British Columbia, California, Kansas, Illinois, and
quite a number of other States and Provinees, now
in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars.
• Preeident. Sec'y & Manager.
fittTIOR011iTO Cutting Sehool—Scientific and re.
liable systems taught whereby stylish, perfect -
g garments ere produced. Cutters having trou-
ble should secure my systems and ensure future sue,
cess. Eetire satisfaction guaranteed. Shirt system
taught separate. A rare chance for young men to
aequIre a lucrative profession. S. CORRIGAN, Prop,
122 Yonge St. Terms on application.
or —
FOSTER. Profusely Illuetrated
Sales Marvellous — Nearly
400,000. Send $1.50 for a copy,
and go to work. • Agents wanted, Address,
• A. G. WATSON, Manager,
Toronto Willard Tract De canary, Toronto.
Steamships, Killing weekly between Montreal
and Liverpool. Saloon ticket, Montreal to Liverpnnl,
$40, $50 and $60. Return tickets, 550. $00 and $110
according to steamer and accommodation Inter-
mediate, $30 ; Round trip tickets, $80. Steerage, 820:
Round trip tickets, $40. For further particulars and
to secure births, apply to II. E, MURRAY, Genera
Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the
Local Agents in the different Towne and Cities.
F. E. DIXON & 00., Makers,
70 King Street East, Toronto.
!Mend for Price Lists and Discounts.
Is being greatly enlarged and improved at a coet of
several thousand dollars. Students in attendance
GAN, NEW YORK. VERMONT, in addition to
ONTARIO and QUEBEC. trUnsurpaesed advan.
tam at moderate rates. WELL RE.OPEN
TDERSD 1Y, SEPT. oth, 1888. Send for circle.
lars. Address,
REV. W. P. DYER, M.A., Principal.
Stained Glass
/6 King St. W.) Toronto.
Toronto Conservatory of Music
Hon, G. W. Allen, President
50 TEACHERS: 1!ZIPttrolgtfultIgic,
Including piano, vocal art, omen, violin, sIghnt-SInging, haralOar,
etc.,' also elocution. certificates mutt Dtpiome.s.
'raison, 55 mad upwards per term Both class and private
Instruction. Pupils May 811100 11 any date and are only charge!
Vlialtts :BWrAggryr°gUji°,?1,1,311it,
tektites, Concerts, reeda,eietC, Calendargivingfieliafonnatioe
wailed on application.
There being private schools beadnznatnes somewhatsindlar,
It is particularly requested that 811 correspondence for the'
Conservatory bo addressed
Cor, Wage Street and 'Wilton Ave. TORONTO.
Ladies College
• orforrogioryYsthpotnotmilk,giolnfotutss4ivint igEinfee ;Peforfret esuibenvtrutde
it ie of the greatest value. Si is
ISO Meals for an infant for 81.00.
A Cabinet photo. of Mat. Deur% Tnresnre—three
beautiful ohildren—sent to the mother of any baby
born within a year, Also a valuable pamphlet on the
Care of Infante and
sold by Druggists. Doe., sOc., 81.00.
0011 In etantly threnned without passing thrtad
through t he eye. egente VOill money Belli' g them.
Sample packet by wattle°. dozen paekets 5100.
Whit We DI lean th rin g Co..Toronto,Ont.
Bicycles !
DYED toe
Second - Hand „Bicycles
Safeties and Tricycles.
Send for List and Catalogue.
Agents wanted in every town.
• Send for Designs and Prices.
J. 84. J. TAYLOR, -PA'NtED-
Toronto Salk Works. SAFES
REAVERul[11e was
saic.0A notoo, 540, $50, $40. Return 880, 220
5110. Intermed ate, SSO. Rewrap, $20. Apply to
H. E. MURRAY, General Manager,
1 Cuetom House Square, Montreal.
Manufacturers of the Highest Oradea
420 to 428 King St, West, TORONTO
Manager. See.- rreas.
Will Re -Open SEPT., 3rd, 1888
Desiring t obtain a Busineee Education, or become
profielent n shorthand and Typewriting, should at
tend the
• Arcade, Yonge Street; Toronto.
For Circular,, etc., Address 0. O'DSA.. Secretary
lee ARTIES wiehing to purchaserimproved manitoba
Farms from 80 acres upwards, with immediate
possession, call or write to 6.1. HAITLSON,
Arthur's Block, Main street, Winnipeg. Information
furnished free of charge, and settlers assisted in
making selection. Motor To Loser at current rates
of interest.
Allan Line Royal Nail SteameMps
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday
and. Halifax everySaturday to Liverpool, and in sum-
mer from Quebec every Saturday to LiverpooLcalling
at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for
Scotland and Ireland ; also from Baltimore, via Hall
fax and St. John's, 01. F., to Liverpool fortnightly
during summer months. The steamers of the Glas-
gow anee sail during winter to and from Halifax
PortlanaeBoston and Philadelphia; and during sum.
mer between Gle.gow and Montreal weekly; Gies-
gow and Boston weekly and Glasgow and Ballade"-
phia fortnightly.
For freight,. passage or other Information apply to
A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore ; S. Cunard GI Co.,
Halifax; Shea 8; Go., St. John's, Nild„ Wm, Thomp
son & Go., St. John, N. B.; Allen & Co., Obleago
Lnve & Alden, New York; H. Bendier, Toronto;
Aliens, Rae & Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie,
phia ; H. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, 6Sontree1.
The Cheapest House in Canada for Guns,
Rifles, Cartridges, Fishing Tackle, Base
Ball Goods and Sportsmen's Sup.
plies of every kind.
cs-smst. 3133E4311- COPIEUEllit
On ler eipt cf $12.50 we will express to any address;
' GUN, with fine lainivated steel barrels, oiled stock. A
good gun fur country uee. And foe VI 00 will ehipto
any eddress, a 22 cal.RIPLE that will shoot accurate.
ly for 100 feet.
Nervous Debility.
DR. GRADS Specific has been used for the pae
fifteen years with great sucoess, In the treatment of
Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex -
ceases, over-worked brain, lose of vitality, ringing in
th ears, palpitation, eta For sae by all druggists.
Price $1 per box, or 6 boxes for $5, or will be sent by
mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application
TER GRAN 1411 Cl N CO.. Toronto,
283 Yongc Street,
The Cheapest place in
Canada for
New sieeoHadAata
.hi nd.
d G
Agents for
eRetniPmairienDtge ao et pBecalnadltyI.111
Send for Catalogue
We will serid bymail an ap-
propriate gift to each maiden,
wife, mother oe cook—one to
t" family—who will try the '
Cut the red circle from the
label and send it in a letter
stating honest opinion after
fair trial. Either a 5, 10 or 25
cent size -v111 secure the gift.
Any grocer or storekeeper
-knows where to get it if askee
for by yon.—Ad:dress—
,-0C11IIR0111LL & 00., TORONTO
Which Prove so Fatal to Children at this season of the year, have to be fought
largely by suppling Highly Nutritious Food that the weakest stomach can
retain, and that witl sustain the strength against the drain upon the system. This
is exactly what
claims to be and to do. The most delicate infant or invalid can take it
and thoroughly digest it, and its wonderful strength giving properties have
been in the experience of thousands, It is easily prepared, palatable, highly
nutritious, readily digested and is the best food for young and old during the hot
Barnum Wire & Iron Works, Windslr, Ont
Made from 3-16 Steel Rods,
with Heavy Iron Frame and.
We are offering the Fence at ex-
ceptionally low prices.'
Iron Fence Cresting,
Stable Fittings,
and all kinds of Iron and Brass
Work. •
CANADI.c. Capital and Funds now over $3,4100,00E4'
First of Ladiees Oolieges. Has graduated over 230 NEAL+ OFFICE. - 15 TORONTo ST., TOR010?Till,
Ilonie Company, Established October 18/1.
in full eouree. Full faculties in Literature, ashgea.
ges, Seienee,Musio and Art. Largest College Bu lUing
in Doininioa Opena Sept. 5, 1888. Address Principal
Rev. A. ItUitistS, 1),D. IAD.
Young Men
SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the
result th ignoranee and folly, wile find themselves
weak, nervous and exhausted ; also Idie0ue.A.88n and
oet eine who ere brolien down from the effeete of
alum .or Over -work, and in advanesd tie led the
eonsujuencee of yeuthild excess, send fOr and read
rif, V. Luboth: Treatise eh the Dimmed of Men. The
book will be suit sealed to any addresti �n receipt of
two 3o, stamps, Address
51, V, VOintnq, Wtilinoon et, n., Torontoout
To we Date, October 81, 1887, there has been returned
To the heirs 01 Polley holders (death,clainie) 5048,240 OD
To the holders of matured Endowment, holioks........... ... , ...... . ... . .... ... 20,402 03
To Policy-holclemon surrender of Tolioiee........., '.,..... . . . 88,666 00
To Polio -holders for Cash profits (including those allocated 432,544 05
To holders of Annuity Donde. . ... .. . 16,867 84
Loaned to Polloy-toldere the'Seeurity oc'tbelr'liollOfes . . ... . .. .. ... 82,264 88
$1,306,)74 47
Policies in Force over 104000. Amount Over".$154b00,04'
PIZESIDENT--11ax, Silt W. P, ROWLAND, C.13., 11.C.M.G.
VICE.PERSIDEINITS---WirnAtt tuacqw, Eso,. EtywAuti flooritta, Es0.
iolteles I. K. DIAcholiatio, Managing birectoro
N chit)) feltable after 2 limit Ana Indeftatible after S.3reine,