The Exeter Times, 1888-6-28, Page 8••••••••".
141.11N 1141 STLIOTGET FOB
PAN'e, ot Toronto • also tor the ElItEleIX
VIER SUR4Q1 COMPAllAirot London,
1-england, the 1107AL OANAD1.4:14, ot Mon-
treal, wed the ISErri$171 EalPIRE 1.4110E AS•
st.m.00E ooareAere:', of hondon. England,
established 1817. a.steim over S5,000,030 ;
claims and, howls es paie. over $10,00o.000.
40GAL Nglir1Ve shall •behappv tore,
.1 sin e a t, all times* frout, awl/ par f aaa
County, Item of local news, such 46 ae-
eidsattaer any interati4 incident
ever, front any of our suhseribers or read-
ers generallyfor the put,pose of public
totev Zionoo,
THT_TRSDAY, JUNE 28th 1888,
Tile Undersigned won't' announce to
the public- that he has now on hand one of
the best assorted stocks of harness, boots
and slices, &c. in town, and would eall
special attention to his Scotch Collars,
Children's Carriages, & Express Waggons,
as they are the best in the market, and at
prigea to suit the times. Boot & shoe're•
pairingpromptly attended, to. Call and
be convinced. C. EAORETT, Exeter.
Mr, George Knight, station agent at
Ethel, is visiting friends in town. —Mn
W. H. Kerr, of the Brussels Post, gave
us a call last week while in attendance
at the county S, S. convention,— Mr. B.
Shipley and bride have returned. We
wish theta eontinued happiness. —Mr.
Robb. Pickard will leave for Zurich in
a few days to assume the management
of a atore for Mr. Happel. Mr. Pick-
ard is a good, business man and we wish
him success.—The family of the Rev.
Dr, Pascoe will not leave town for a
week or so on account of sickness hav-
me entered the household of the clergy
whom the doctor will succeed.—The
holiday season has already "set in" and
many have gone on their annual nada
eating tour. Editors are not built that
way and consequently have to be satis-
fied with breezes of vituperation as •a
aleans of resuscitation.—Mr. James
Ramsey, of Guelph, printer, is spending
a few days with his parents here.-1Vliss
Kate Harris, of Toronto, spent several
days of last week with Miss Amid Demp-
seyeaf Usborne.—Mr P. Curtin, of Adare,
'allied at Quebec' Monday with nine fine
Clydesdale stallions, purchased in Scot-
land .---Mrs, Etherington, •of Brown City,
Mich., spent a few days of last week with
friends in town.—Mrs. G. A. Birk, of
Mansalonia, Mich., who has been visiting
her parents, Mr. an arirg, here,
for six weeks, lef
t is sai tha t is has been t te to
est June that has over been. recorded.
The Rev. S. F. Robinson, rector of
Exeter, is spending a few weeks with
:fudge Davis'of Sarnia.
Friday last 'Was the longest day of
the year. The days have not yet corn.
menced to get noticably shorter.
The north erid people are desirous of
having a 'six-foot sidewalk laid past
their premises, and have petitioned the
council to -that end.
W. S. Sweet, V. S is the owner of
the finest grey hound puppy in Canada.
It is an imported, canine, and is 'worth
considerable money.
The world's fairest d.rughter, 1VIiss
Canada, will he 21 years eld on Sunday
next. She will aeon be old enough to
do as she pleases.
The Weather has been somewhat cool -
et this week and decidedly more pleas-
ant than that of last week when the
thermometer registered 1000 in shade,
Mr. 0. H. Sprague has almost eom.
pieted his inspection `of tile hotels and
other plaaes to which licences haVe been
granted, and Will this week Make a
report, when licensba for the remainder
'Of the lieenso year will be granted.
The strawberra market is jnst now
being ilooded. The berries aiss some-
what plentiful in this neighborhood,
We are told that Mr. la. Christie hes
added a very fine gelding to his livery
stook. It was aired by Meniorandem
The eclipse of the moon will occur
July 22nd instead of June 22nd, as has
gone the rounds of the press.
NEIN- Hatchins, grin buyer and pro-
duce Merchant shipped a car load of
butter from here last week.
The country roadsare at present in
bad condition, the farmers havingjust
completed their statute labor. Driving
is rendered yeryaunpleasant.
It is quite prebable that the majority
of Orangemen of this neighborhood will
celebrate the "glorious twelfth" at
Mr. C. Dorward, who had his collar
bone broken, caused by a fall from his
buggy- duriiig a runaway recently, is
doing nicely.
The 1VIethodist ministers here preached
their farewell sermons Sunday last,
and will, leave for their new fields of
labor during the week.
The "Juniors" of the north end kick-
ed against the "4th line boys" on Friday
evening last, the result being 2 to 0 in
favor of the "Juniors."
The fall fair of the Stephen &
Us -
borne .Agricultural Society will be held
in Exeter on first Monday and Tuesday
in October.
The individual styling himself "Prof.
Solemenius Siloam Soloder" the alleged
canaibal, is denounced as a fraud. •If
such be the case, people had better be
aware of him.
Next Sunday the Rev. H. D. Steel,
of Pt. Edward, author of "Evidence of
Christianity" 8,nd "The Early British
Church," will conduct the services in
Christ church.
A football match between the Exeter
and Centralia clubs was played here on
Wednesday evening of last week, result-
ing in a victory for the Exeter club by
a score of 3 to 1.
While a little son. of Mr. Win. Pen -
hale, of Exeter, was amusing himself on
top of a wood pile the wood toppled
over, many pieces falling upon the boy
and injuring him.
The contractor for the new` iron
bridge to be built across the Sauble,
here, was in town the other day. It is
expected the work of construction will
be gone on with at once.
Mr. Cornish, of Usborne, last week
got word of a stolen horse having been
capharecl at Brantford. Ile went down
but the horse is not his, and he has not
as yut found his animal. It is a bay
mare with. star on forehead.
The Lucan correspondent is under
the impression that our baseballists are
reluctant in the matter of accepting a
challenge from the b. b. of that village.
Araaatereasa,zaais at Stratford undergoing
a process of iii airtipiaraterr 'tee
taking an active parb in the tanning of
the "Irish Nine',at a game of ball.
• The Blyth Standard claims for that
village the honor of having the prettiest
young ladies of any village in Western
Ontario. The Standard may be correct;
but, as all mortals do not look through
the same spectacles, we prefer a person-
al observation. Send a pass Brother
Watson, please.
Monday next will be the day cele-
brated for Dominion Day. There will
be no manner of celebration in Exeter,
the citizens here having given way to
outside places., In Hensell there will
be horse -racing; at Centralia a straw-
berry festival in connection with the
Methodist church ; at Elimville the
Methodist church anniversaryand straw-
berry festival ; and at Kirkton, the
Methodist church anniversary and
strawberry festival. If the above sever-
al attractions are liberally patronized,
few people will be left to swell ether
The Exeter football club complain
very bitterly of the way the recen t game
of football between them and the Clin-
ton club, at Clinton, was conducted.
They olefin the utmost partiality was
shown the Clinton club as when an
objection was raised by the Exeter club
it -would invariably be over -ruled; while
as invariably objections made by the
Clinton team would be hastily granted.
They claim also that the ground was
too small,the ball continually going over
the fence. This was considered a re-
turn match and the Exeter club defeat-
ed; but, however, if the Clinton team
will play on regulation grounds, choose
a level-headed referee, aed allow a
degree of fair play to be accorded the
Exeter boys, they say they are willing
to again measure latices with Clinton
club. . ,
IQUOR LICENSES. —The Treasurer of
ntario has issued a circular to inspec-
ors of licenses in the counties where
he Scott A ct was recently repealed,
eying the provincial Government has
oncluded that in the public interests
id in order to prevent the establish
lent of houses for the illicit sale of
quors, licenses should issue with as
ttle delay as possible, notwithstanding
at it is impossible for the present year
comply with all the formalities requir-
d. The atatue determines the number
liceases which may bo granted in
ties, towns and incorporated villages
eon the basis of population, unless a
y -law of the municipality. The fees
eharges upon licenses will be the
me as for the whole year, both as
Tates to the, Government duty and
xcess imposed by a municipality.
peer, M. D., Surgeon, etc., M. C. P.
. G., S. and L, T. 0. D Ilead Office
t. Thelma% The Great East India
hysician ancl Surgeon, for the treat -
mit of all chronic diseases and diseases
eetiliar to woman for which he is so
-ell qualified, will be at the Central
otel, on Thursday, July 5th, from 8
'clock a. in, -until o o'clock p. im, ono
ay only. Persons suffering from dis-
ases that hate baffled the skill of the
ocal physieian shotild riot omit this fav-
rable opportunity of ceiling unen the
octor. He has been edacated inatearly
11 the best colleges in Ertrope, has been
rt the army of the United States and
he Britith tinny, and Ines oirotunnaviga4'
ect the globe. By all anemia give him a
call. Corisultation he. Remember the
date, July 5th, Patients should dell
early so aa to give plenty of time.
Tne Village Council
The Council met by order of the Reeve,
at the Town Exeter, June 20th,
All the &umbels present.
The ntiantes of the previous meeting
were read and °tsarina,
By-law No. 11, to authorize the Reeve
to sign a deed for opening a street at the
Trivitt Memorial Church, was duly read
and passed on motion of T. H. McCullum,
seconded by W. G. Bissett,
Moved by T. B. Carling, seconded by
la H. McCallum, that Mr, Whitlock be
allowed to proeure eleven hemlock planks
12 feet long and 10 inches wide for a path
to his premises, at the expense of this cor-
poration. --Carried.
Moved by T. H. McCallum'seconded
by W. G. Rissett, that orders be granted
for the following sums :--I. Carling $9.46
for a suit of clothes for John Clarke, and
Samwell &Pieltard Ncentsfor a pitcherand
goblets. - -Carried.
A petition signed by 46 ratepayers, at
the north end of the villige, praying the
Council to make the proposed new side
walk six feet wide, was read.
Moved by W. G. Bissett, seconded by
T. 13. Carling, that if 16 foot lumber can
be secured that the proposed new sidewalk
be built 5 feet 4 Mehra wide Provided the
petitioners pay fifteen dollars towards the
same. --Carried.
Mr. Bissett agreed to look after the
lumber to -morrow (Thursday) 2Ist inst.
• Mr. McCallum was authorized to expend
$3.00 M fixing sidowalks,on Churoh street,
on motion of J. Pickard, seconded by T.
B. Carling.
troved by W. G. Bissett, seconded by.
T. 13. Carling, that Messrs. McCallum,
Carling and the mover be a committee to
look after the sidewalk from the railway
to Mr. 3. McCallum's gate on the Lake
road.—Carried. •
The Reeve, Dep. Reeve,* and Jas.
Pickard were appointed a committee to
look after the labor in connection with
gravelling, &c., on motion of-T:B.
secondeeby L. It McCallum.
Moved by T. 33. Carling, seconded by
T. H. MoCalltun, that the Reeve and
Treasurer be authorized to borrow$1500,00
on the credit of this corporation, for cur-
rent expenditure.—Carried.
Moved by T. B. Carling, seconded by
T. H. McCallum, that this Council ad-
journ until Friday 29th inst., and that fire
protection have precedence at that meet -
mg. --Carried.
A sharp, active, intelligent boy wanted
to learn the printing.
• Mr. Gen. Case, of Seaforth, • died last
Thursday. Mr. Case was a prominent
man in Huron County.
Mr. A. McDonell now navigates on
mete hes. He is in a bad humor and some
say it is the gout; but we think the cause
of lameness is a sprain unknowingly got,
Mr. David Walker, of the mill road
Tuckersmith, has been appointed one of
the license commissioners for Huron coun-
ty in the stead of Mr. Geiger of Hay
The Huron battalion Nee 83,, 9m -4;g to
theirloldiemy-tepiNrence and-pfecision are
the centre of attraction at Stratford, and
it is said well deserved the flattering de-
monstra.tion showered on them.
A couple of woinen got measuring
tongues i the other day and because
one perchanced to have a longer one than
her antagonist the grieved lady decided to
leave the matter to one of our J. P's who
will to -day settle the dispute.
One of Bissetts' livery horses, the other
day, while picking his teeth with one of
his hind feet, got the foot fast in his
mouth. • It took four men with crowbars
to open the animas -mouth and extract
the foot. For a time the horse was in a
sad predicament.
Several anglers drove to the lake one
evening last week and made a good
catch of perch. After fishing at the
dock at Pb. Blake until 9.30 p. iu. they
drove over to Mr. Brenner's hotel where
an excellent tea was prepared by the
amiable hostess, and which was heartily
appreciated by the ravenous party. Mr.
Hognander was somewhat "put out" at
the hostler calabaging his cider.
• A couple of southern citizens have re-
cently been troubled with their neighbors'
cats. The grievance of one being their
destruction of his garden; of the ether
their Wiling and eating his tchickens.
The keen instinctiveness of the cats baffled
the efforts of the maraucleis in taking
their lives. One pistol was made to
seive for both premises and while one
had possession of the weapon the cats
would visit the other, and vice versa.
This was continued for some time until
one of the pestered gentlemen sat up all
night and succeeded in slaying four cats
and perforating a close board fence in
fine style.
BRIEFS. —We have an alleged baseball
team in town. It would please us greatly
to hear of the team winning a match
before the snow flies.—Carter don't own
the earth, but be has a deed of the .fiats.
He only wants $150.00 per year rental for
space *large enough to accommodate a
ball team. This is the kind of gall that
makes the good die young. --Our night
watchman "Pah" Brown is getting his
work in on the summer tramps just now.
When they hear Bill is on duty the woods
is good 'enough for them. --Our local
nirarocls are on the war path, but at pres-
ent there seems to be more sportsmen than
garne.—J. 33. O'Brien. will start a frog
farm this • season in this neighborhood
with the object of supplying the Canadian
markets, He is taking steps to have the
duty on frogs inoreased.—A large number
of citizens visited Stratford on Suncley.
The military camp was the attraction.
33nters.—A grand musical and literary
entertainment was held in Coxworth's
hall on Friday evening last for the pur-
pose of admiring money to purchase choir
books. Notwithstanding the extreme
heat, nearly all the respectable, of the
viflage were present The programme
was one of the ' best ever listeneil to in
Ilensall, and those who took, part render-
ed their selections in a most excellent
manner. We aro sorry to say, though,
that a number of females stood outside
listening during ii:early the whole of the
concert which, I . must say, no person
who possesses the lea*st particle" of good
breeding would do, and to each I would
say it is time they were beginning to
dultivato a little taste arid goal eense.,
It etch do riot Iceow that Iktake much
pleasure in informing them that such
eond4 is mean, vulgar, low-spirited and
• showe that the 1)or5on0 whi Would do
Snell is at ignorant, oat an idiot.
i: -,C7:4, - 11--- Conziletla. paaat9iohn°P
SILL 1 GERI Removed by
aaaa-k,72-' Tarrant's
koC,• -"' .' 4 aeiczee A perient.
N eRit
s. —
,,,,,,•-• .....,_ -• "g _bytiTa rra a 4 co., N.Y.,
and In. ggists evinywhere.
'W.A*,\TTEDI Five intelligent me-
' ollanieg, ilfteen clerks
thirty farmers, fifteen teaehers, male or female,
and a number of prettehers or Christian work-
ers. From aso to $eim per month, for brieht,
eapithi e persons. Only those open for P usittOtiS
and aro bona lido anuticauts will be answereu.
Write fully. T ‘e LINSOOTT llunterroan
« 1 « « . .
TO •ADVERTISEES.—Lowest Bates for
advertising in 1000 good newspapers
sent free. Address GEO. p. ROWELL
V/ Spruce St, N. Y.
For Sale. farms -100 Mires eaoh---Lon.
don Road, within ono mire of Exeter.
. Soliei tors, 4.(re., Exeter.
1 o Let.
sTATiox non', TO LET,• Z1537 Terms.
Apply to the undersigned.
.Itine14.— I. OA.RLING.
Farm for Sale.
Ninety acres, being lot 6, eon. 4, iu the town-
ship of Stephen, six miles from Exeter. 811
acres cleared ; balance in bush. Soil is first-
olass. Good brick house. two barns, orchard,
two wells and springs. Well farmed and every-
thinglandy. Will be sold ohea,elv . Apply on
the premises.
.Tune 14, eltEDITON, P. 0,
a 1 .'m1111
Call on G. A. H. for Groceriea
" Dashwood flour.
" Petty Hams a.nd
Smoking tobacco a
five cent piece with every 3 plugs.
..-;-': 7,,•'•
).,,,..err• • ...-,',
Is Canada's Favorite Bread -maker.
3.0 years in the market without a corn-
plaintof any kind. The only yeast which
has stood the test of time and never made
sour, unwholesome bread.
Ail Grocers sell it. ,
S.W. GILLETT. liTs. Tomato, Oat. 4 mop, nt.
., THE
Tho direct route between the -west and .11
points ou the lower St. Lawrence and Baia
de Chaleur, Province of Quebec, also for
S'ew Brunswiek, Nova Scotia. Prince Edward
;Aid Cape Breton islands, Newfoundland and
St. Pierre.
All the popular 'summer sea bathing and
I shing resorts are along this line.
New and elegant Buffet Sleeping andDay ,
Dare run on through Express trains. be- '
,ween Montreal, Halifax and St. John. 1
Danadian European Mall and
Passenger Route.
Passengers fortGreat Fritain or the 0 onti-
Lent by leaving Montreal on Thursday, will ,
oin outward .niail steltnaer at Bimouski '
he same evening. ;
The7e,ttention of shippers is directed to
he superior facilities .offered by this route
or transport, of flour and general merchan-
tire intended for thellastern Provinces and
Tewfoundland, also for shipments of grain
,nd produce intended tor the European
Tickets maybe obtained and all informa-
ion about the route, freight and passenger
ates on application to
WesternPreight &Passenger Agent
93 Bossin House Blo ek, York St. Toronto
Chief Superintendent.
tailwav office. moneton, N B, March 95, '88
:entral Hotel Exeter, 1
On Thursday, July 5,
From 8 a.m. to S p.m., one day only.
Thos. Speer 11,D
M, C. P. S. G. S. & L. T, C.D. •
The Great East India Specialist.
Treatment of all Chronic Diseases.
30. ----Years PractIee---30
Head office, -ST. THOMAS.
' The Doctor has been educated in nearly
all of the leading niedioal Colleges and hos-
pitals inEutopet has served as Surgeon in
the British. Array in the East ludic0 ; Sur-
geon in the American Army during the late
war from 1861 to the close of the satne, has
treated all nationalities and circumnaviga-
ted the Globe, His thorough education,
large and 'varied practice and ekperience
entitle hirn,to' rank as a specialist seaondto
none on this continent—for the treatment
of those dangerous and difficurt cliseaseil
that have (Milled the skill of a lOcal. (physic-
ian: • , ,
The following diseases with many others
auceessfully freateil:—A sauna, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, disease of tho I/yspopsia,
DiseaseS of She Dye or Ear, Heart Diseasa,
Epilepsy; Paralysis, Nervous Debility, Goitre
l'ever and:Ague, Malarial Affeo Mon
Mitilernt S ciEuticm, Syphilis, Strictures, Bap.
tore, Shin Diseases, PileS, etc.
Electricity:used when igonited.
The following teatiminuals it.In„t diplomas
may be soon at my office, with meaty others
from nearly all the medical achoolti in Elirr-
; 'Trinity* Colloge, rark-st. School of
Medicine. and, nevi College of Surgeons,
Dublin; Itoyal•C011ege 01 Surgeons, Bell est,
Irelan; Royal College of Surgeons, Loudon,
England; Hopei college of Smgeons,„ Edin-
burgh and Glasgow, Scotland; Licentiate in
Midwifery, and etidorsecL•by the highest
Medical authorities in the united 5 tatea and
Canada, The above With islanYlottOra troni
different partd of the globe. ire a Medical
ptionert.rwithotit , ex ainixiatlens doubt or
quibb1e-0*er 1:ei*Ary see and in °Very land
from the rising tOthe setting of the sun.
ConSultation free. .14emerabor the
Exeter Lumber Tar
The Underslemed wishes to inform the public in general that he keeps
---constantly in.stock— •
Bell Stuff, Flooring, Siding, dressed—inch, inch-ancl-a-quarter, inch -and -a
half and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldiegs and all Finishing Material,
Lath, &c, '
SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.---Competitiou challenged. •The best and the
largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. •
An dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrinkage
assured. A call will beak out the above.
Jas' W illis
R., L. HERRICK, & Co., Nurseryine ,
nunatams, N. Y.
How to
Go and see D012130 & Co's New Spring
Goods. See their Printe, their Cottons,
their Ginghams, their Drees -Goods, their
Shirtings, their Pantings, their SuitIngs,
their Tweeds,
Their Lace s
Their Millinery.
Bought for Spot Cash from the best house
and managed by a Practical Milliner,
of Twelve Years' experience.
---- ---
And you will be convinced that you can
save from
10 to 20 PER CENT.
By buying goods from utg. Highest prices
prices paid ter Butter and Eggs.
House and Lots for Sale Cheap.
J. DO CBE & Co,
Spring '88
Sowell Pickari
Are no* showing full • lines of Dress
oods, Silks, Satins, Marveleaux, and in
lithe most fashionable colors.
Also a fine assortment of Black -Silks,
neluding the special make. Durable,war-
anted not ts cord.
dlso a fine assortment
Laces, Bnvbroidery
Bead Triyaning
Gloves, hos-
iery, 4^c.
ur stock is complete in everydepartment
and will be sold at hard -time prices.
Dress -Making!
Ma, Bissett and Miss Welsh beg to in-
forni the public that they are opening out
business, anal eau be found on the earner
of William and Gidley streets.
Dress -making done in all the Lateet—
Lessons on Fancy Work given.—Stamping
. a speeialty. Orders promptly attend-
ed to. .A. call solicited.
A G -Teat Tumble
In Prices!
Cheap Store, Crediton
Du -Goods, Boots & Shoes, Felt and Straw
Eats (about 400 to ftelect from.)
New Goods arriving every
week, and prices to suit
Hard Times.
The highest price for
any quantity of
Butter 8c Eggs
Cheap Store Crediton
And examine Senior's Show Window
where you will see some firstclass phca
tos, equal to any City Work. '
And you can rely upon getting value
for your money everytime.
Cabinet Photographs
$1.50 FOR CARDS.
He also has a fine line of photo Frames
and Mats, at Right Prices.
flarCall — and — See9i1'
Opposite H. Spackman's Tinshop.
Visitors to Exeter
-Would do well to call and inspect—
One of the Newest, Cheapest 84 Best Stocks in town.
Black and Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Satins,
Colored Plashes. Melton Clothe, Jersey Cloaks, Black Dress Materials
and Mourning Goods, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in all Color,
and prices,
Ala° a fine range of Staples. Fine lines of gloves in Kid, Cloth and
Gents' Furnishings. -Fine Display in Hats, Ties, Braces, Whge and
Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers.
Botch and Canadian Tweed, Overooatings, Pantings & Suitings.
Lownsir PRICES,
BOOTS AND SHOES. -A very large consigment just received, of the
-very best styles and quality, in Ladies', Gents' and Children'a.
A full line of Giasswsare and Crook-
ery-vvare always on hand.
Our Crocery nopartmont is Complete.
Butter, Eggs and all kinds of Produce taken in exellange, and filo
vory highest price paid.
' CARPNO.' M.afrtist,