The Exeter Times, 1888-6-21, Page 4Tie(40t10.. THURSDAY, Julia aue 21, 1888, EDITORIAL NOTES, HON. C. IL TuRrza, Minister of Mariue and Fisheries, was elected, by acclamation in Pictou, Monday. TIKE Emperor ot Brazil has entirely recovered from his illness, and now all the obituary notices held in readiness for his death will be put away for awhile. WITH wheat cheaper in Liver- pool than it is here, it is not clear as to how the dealers will make the grain profits they had in view a few •weeks 'ago, Liz latest p,alatable decoction s the nilk•shade. 33uy a dime's worth of lemon syrup from a drug - . gist put it in some milk add some the first flush of manhood, and 1 partsmouth, 240 miles dis' tant, stopping without care Or. responsibility, Un- at Swindon, Datil, Beietol, Exeter and dergo- wonderful changes when be stive'rrauln"),,t.1,Tsr ie.4uiivar 7tttaetri°1Y4,1 ,Ct3 IP°q finds himself at the head Ca a great of the scene , I t 111) lttle view nation, whieli he must guide to little surpVise that ,"re were no ea/attuned prosperity or to ruin Plaoes passed th •o I USY(rtnile0ollfehtmei Coniplications ma ' ' t"h41).t y arise which 1 a" Wore simply called, t mens while other places with not more than a may make it neceGer ssary for G, . theusand inhabitants were called cities. Many tO again rise up in arms; but Clinrolt and State being united aunts it is not at all likely that Germany for the fact that a Cathedral ' constitutes it a pity. We von:unread pa ltletee under the new emperor will be any we to a eornpanion in the conch, that more anxious for war glory and any rail fences since land. bloodshed than she has been at ing hilt EVgrreitl under the England, ' ' When we found ourselves ty of explaining to him any time since the Franco•Prus. whet every little boy and girl in Canada sian war, know, as soon as they ltnow anything. Notes of a Trip to South Africa. fteaelling Killgswear' the terminus et the — — _____ R. R., at midnight weawere met by a DEAR Trams—In our last letter we sturdy old fisherman with a little row boat 1 into which, with fear and trembling, we think we left your readers on board the stepped, along with some dozen and a half "City of Chicago" on the night of Tues. day, 27th of March, lying at rest in the other passeegersaimong whom expressions wonderful Liverpool docks. We thought of disapproval of the company's treatment on leaving New Xrork we had bade good- were freely ventured, and after consider - bye to "The Beautiful" as the seasons able pushing and shoving we got under supply appeared to have beeu exhausted way and ware shortly afterwards landed in mud on the Dartmouth side of the ou, that place and so were not a little gur. prised on awaking next morning to find harbor. Comfortable quarters for the remainder the deck covered with snow and quite a storm prevailmg. About 8 a. in. we went rushed or shaved ice, get an egg ashore and after satisfying the officials c heater and set it going, in a ..min- Stilhaot that we hadn'tltin'tRas anythingtcokeewithabfoaLe hat w r Lune Ste, ute you will have as 'fine a milk- about fourmiles from the Inman Line shade as can be made. docks, on the route passing ships of eyery description masts being visible in every for London sia the Midland R. R. a die- struction of the Red River Valley tame of 240 mil ' direction. From 11 a. ii. we took train THE coNTRAcToRs for the con- es hauling up at Wearing - Railroad will begin laying tl Derby, Trent, LeCcester itTdeBedto?dr,Ptihee' place of im ris rails on -Monday next, after Which onment of the author of "The Pilggires- • P5.trogress," stesaning into the wonderful is, expected the work will pro - ton Stool rt ,Parteras stature at about 4 p. m. ceed at the rate of a mile and a AIong theroute we passed through about half a day. But when it is built a se rounigeeh solid reek. We could n-- f twine's in most eo 7: $') eu t °atilt- ' the rates will be the sa.me as the th mire the beanty of the nt countrY the ane w other lines, and pools will deprive hmeantinle having difieigeaelie- shippers of the benefits whichvening the beautiftigsenleeshest should flo w from competition. and pastureland, ploughed fields and for- MANT experiments in burning IlIbtre aed there flocks of sheep with D9rhyshire with its hills and Zfleysrreotgehd are loeir.g made by manufacturers =lit': of brick along ths liudson River. tent2 in. their natural viigr 1 rite;ree,eitnhae skill of the haemalisna!dinms.an eosucsi 0 winsutnaidiepeass pasture ]ands. will. be a saving of 40 per cent. being done caineif Scarcely could we realize the fact that effected. The main difficulty is wewerenow in London, the metropolis of in the “drying off" process. One the d Our tette being limited to a reSlat of using oil instead- of wood single day the ests with hedge fences everywhere, euclos- brick with oil in place of wood .picturelisq$uraYwhaT by. rie tisleeien. eside.th Very It the new method proves to be p g work had scaecely began among the farmers, practical it is estimated that there though in nu . . question with us was—how can we make the met of it ? Having will be the preservation of thous - some business to attend to we elbowed our ands of acres oi forests in the way along` a number of streets descended countries affected. to an underground railway and in very --se--1 few minutes emerged again to find our - Tian Dein/pion Government haye 1 selves in the vicinity of St. Paul's Cathed- ral at least five miles from the nearest placed a loan of twenty millions point in the city circumference. Soon the London money market at however we found our way back to St. Pancras and after spending an hour or three per cent. It is thought it more around the stations of the Midland will sell at 93. or 94. The pro. and Worth Western Railways, gazing up-. off on the mass of moving humanity arriving ceeds will be used in paying • and depaethig continuously, -w&retred. to floating debt incurred in buading our lodgings for the night to enjoy the luxury of a steady bed from which the public works, railway subsidies; occupant wouldn't be unexpectedly and capital expenditure, as well as thrown. to have in hand a reserve to meet Feellnirefreehed by a good night's rest any withdrawals of money from we found ourselves, on a lovely morning, on the street again, and after having a theov0ernment savings bank. 9 "shine" mounted to the top of a white cola and for two pence were lended.at IN THE neighborhood of twelve Charing Cross. From there we proceeded years ago, Sir Richard Cartwright, t,:hTor::t1( 1 a r S ciu a r ,e1 and i f r 0 m tea poPfaoriiiicecelearins. l eastnte the to) when Finance Minister, borrowed son movementon gesn-aergc months previous. Th. next osefltnleiefr,iots that occurred at that place money in Londonagreeing to Tiray our.per cent interest on the bon ds; object Lofw attraction -was the parha, ment buildings and for some minutes we stood ie receiyed for them something in wonder, gazing at their beauty and. less than 90 cents on the dollar. dizzy height of the tower night were eventually secured—our old pilot drawing upqn his head the landlord's blessing, who declared that once was quite sufficient to ring the door bell- -and on going abroad next morning fond that we were in the most picturesque place yet visited. Haying no time to take in the tosen, which wouldn't have taken long at the most, being quite small though very ancient, a splendid view was obtained from the deck of the allawardeu Castle" to which we were borne by the tender,aod which lay at rest in the harbor, secured by two Inlays. Businese was Suspended that day, it being Good Friday, and on that account the sailing of the vessel was delayed, for a while awaiting the arrival of the London mail. . However shortly after I p. ms the ropes were loosed and the noble steamer that was to bear us to our destination aommenced its long voy- age moving slowly out of the beautiful little 'labor amid the customary cheering and waving of hankerchiefs. In the har- bor all was calm and sunshine ample pro- tection being afforded by the hig hills by which it is surrounded. Soon all this; was changed for the channel was very boister- ous, a high cold wind prevailing, and as consequence the tables, which at noon were filled to overflowing, at tea, time were almost entirely deserted, Exceed- ingly Conservative, is one part of the human oiganisma which regents M an unmistakable manner the change from land to sea. Here for the present we must remaiii and in our next letter an account of the remainder of the trip may, be expected. G. A "STACRY, 15th May 1888. Cape Colony. • s, one at either The nresent Finance Minister, Mr. end' A P°11"man Partied Foster 1 each entrance and Wks. pointed out by on , las recently negotiated a 1 loa • e of them the blown window that some ti n in London agreein t o was g o pay own Oa by dynemite. juntle ag a poose of pold:eur we were interest, and 11':tg along ,only three per cent. • en m sin - marched through a gateway into the bueildin , he has rTecheiisved over 95 cents on dollar. favorable reception From '5,17e2 TE • rer bridge which cross. es the Thesmelri and the eagerness displayed by to Alm Parliament houses we receiveeedeeasmtagnfificient view. p ists in., England, to sectire Turnhig to our right t he urther end of wCanadian securities at 3 per cent. the be r alongii.ai ge we walked a considerableiitolitsh- the Albert Einba.nknie ever is the shows that the the'eTI es., l of little boats, to Our erpaid, plainly right ancl thefuniu numerous buildings of the icapitalists have every confidence St. Thomas Hospitleall. 11 the ability of this country to nning on the opposite' si)cleencfltelfte. Retadr- imeeti all liabilities, notwithstand- i e_gs_wr-eeereceropeed the bridge anVeprobcaild- ong tie: blue ruin alleged by the d ter Abbey.dittthe place ef places,Westmieneis. m short time the ppOsition, • that had - overtaken on its wonderful elltkeziiTcr fnr tered in country, owing to our heavy ;get. ctcliald apirit of dilettantel-liseniell v thinking 4 ratellepr te debt ft is true enough that the But the money for which that Canada has increased. day—of ttli0e pray—'thinking — 1; ; is, eltatamee an-d.....weario.es in (ay./Lay, poetry, hc.ilsreest there.' Ser - debt vice being in progress wis . was .incurred has been so listened with pleasuresetaottel(11 °In:selves we ttse eeemexintIceint debt la ely expended—the expenditure singing,Q'and, though bas so added to '.the wealth and towatch must confaenssc wed dthiniorceeof the former, we piay,. en this occasion rataridce of the country—has so for otriosity rather' ai, incPrne e the money -earning and 161130 thither, The seat we o p s I eveoutipdhad led to a lifessizediestatYnaes in taX- asy' ability of the people, IleilagirtnisitY ervice over we f stea. the.credit of the Dominion is thatPmg ceedecl to look around 8 around and b ' d ly than tribute of sixpence we werey,F,ihPaymg the pro - proving, and now stands hi gh eli• that of any other . pieturesque geide through the gloomy cum 9wn by a country it atnhe world, Great Brit. c ape s ce a, or mysteries of the sa II sepulchral ain and 1 the 'United States alone 11 1 . Among tho tombs of the poets in the Abbey as well as in the Nave d Worth 'Transept visitors are free t all excepted. nander Curred on Thursday last In ele8 wore -the "I RtDER1Cle s deatha 3 Imes. Amo t 0 .* It Will famous Scone stone on which the Scottish oc. . t . t .... rig he many ob• • t II t' ' EalPER .1.e the twocoronat" jeats of x s t ion chairs one oR Pi s to hold the made by Edward. the be admitted byallythat he Condu binge, for centuries were 1 P e crowned T le , ca. r is supposed to have b • 1 been Made by ted himself in a manner worth f c'th6 • a king. Ile - •Y ' orde ' ca 1,--ases-4 CONSUMPTION 'SURELY CDRED. To TEE EDITOR: Pleage inform your readers that I have a - positive remedy for the above named dis- cage. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my retuedt FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will sebd nie their Express and P. 0, address. Respeetfully, Dn. T. A. SLOG011, Toronto, Ont. 87 Yori-go st? eet. and Maly. Gold it of William was well beloved of cm -MIA purchase them yet fortheir e, an he deserved ' their peal ance and intrineie value. A f his peopl d 1 affection d y s of an emperor who had endeared himself to the mass- es of the people even more than Lis illustrious father. From Can. ny arm_ an admiration. G moarns the los erman adian hearts the death of the Em- peror of Germany" brings out un- usual sympathy because of the fact that his heroic -wife—now his be- d vd the t reaye ow—is e es daugh- ter of the British queen. The death of the etnperor will probably make little any ebaege in the European situatiou, t, his been said that- the young emperor is a vvarrior, and anxious to distinguish himself in the field, as his father and grandfather had done. But the opinions of the young man in Limos To rifloTREns.—Are you disturbed at night ancl broken otyour rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cuttino Teeth? It so send at once and get a bottle of"Iklim.Winslow's Soothing Syrim". for Chil- dren Teething- Its value is incalculable. It willrelieve the pour little sufferer int mediately vend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures DyseuterY and Diarrhoea., regulates the Stomach. and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gains, reduces Inflammation, mud gives tone and energy to the whole system.- 'Air s.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" fOr thildren teething, is pleasantto the taste and is the prescription of • tine of the- oldest and, best female pbysicians ,and nurses in .tho, United States, and is for sale by all druggiste throughout the werld, Price twenty-five cents a, bottle. Bo sure , and ask for'Mas. Vinisr,ow's fil,foratffro s-trcm "and take no other kind. • e -M -E -N -N1 Oar Specific No, 23 permanently restores ,EXIIAtisTnD VITALITY, LOST MANHOOD and GENERAL DEBILITY when other treat- ment fails . Send 6 certs in stamps for our Treatise an d Directio vs for home euro. To- notTa 1lMoraxs Co„ Syndine Ave ,Po - onto, tint, MACKINAC. The Meet Delightful SUMMER TOUR Palau) Steamoro. Low Itatee. 'Sour Trips Dor Week Beton= DETROIT AND MACKINAC Astd Every Week Day Between. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Pleluresque Mackinac," Illustrated. Contains /full Tartioulare. Mailed Tree. Detroit & Cleveland Steam NOV• 004 0. 0 • W erco aze. PAUL Ant., orreorr. mica. Absolutely Pure,. This powderm ever varies &marvel of par- ity,strongth and wholesomeness, liore econ- omical than the ordinary kinds and cannot bo soid pompe tibion with the =Latitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in CIUNI.—ROYAL BAK- POWD011, Ce.,106 Wall street N. ..2• To Let. STATION HOTRL TO LET,, Easy Terms. Apply to the undereigned. June14.— 1. CARLING. PRACTICAL Watch-leaker & Jeweller )'or the Finest Stook and Cheapest Gocids to be found in Ontario call on C, RE CHBNBACH Wateia -Mak 3 11 Jr Guttman, Fine Assort verwere, Re all k iieds setisfaeter Parichill. A mont of Sit - Pairing of promptly, & ilydone.go work seet to . e et ies, but all exo _ cute& in his own establishment, under his Tersonal super- vision. A trial solietted. G. RELICRENRAOH. Everest's Cough Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Allan - Line • ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool and Quebec Service, calling at Der - Days of Sauing.—Parislan, /stay 24. Poly- nesian. Friday, june 1. Sardinian Thursday, June 7. Circassian Friday, Tune 15 Sarnia- tion,Thursde.y, June 21. Parisian Thursday, June 25. Polynesian Friday July 6. Sardinian Thursday July 12. Circassian Friday June 20. Sarmatian Thursday',Jitly 26. Parisian Thin's- dab Aug 2. Polynesian Friday Augi 10. Sar- dinian Thursday, Aug 16. Circassian Friday, Aug 24. Sarmatian, Thursday,,Aug 30. RATES. Cabin 850, 865,875, according to po- sition, Return 8100, 8125,8150. Intermediate Liverpool, Londonderry or Glasgow 830 ; re- turn $60. Steerage at .lowest rates, Steerage passengers hooked to and front Glasgow. Bel- fast Queenston or Loudon at Liverpool rate S. Buy tickets to go home, bring out friends or relatives by the Allan Line. For further Particulars imply to JOHN SPACKMAN, The only authorized agent in Exeter. THE LARGEST SCALE WORKS IN CANADA. OVER 100 STYLES OF HAY SCALES, GRAIN SCALES, FARM SCALES.. TEA SCALES, IMPROVED SHOW CASES MONEY DRAWERS Meat Choppers -V- CARPET Our stoult or the aeason is now complete, our immense impottationa hayies' all arrived We are now able to show one of The Graudest Stock of Carpets AND BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADDRESS in roars Write for terms C. WILSON 8{, SON!, -100 ESPLANADE STREET EAST TORONTO, 0 NT, Kention this paper every time you write. Try it and be convinced of Ha wonderful ees wife woeld not accord thein a place "ratlye inCT(311188' I'll" 25 elg. in the back kitchen. Having only a couple of hours to spend in this place where weeks eould profitably be spent, a passing glance wag all that we could take and regtetfully though thankful to have had the priVilege of spendieg ever to short a time within the abbey's sacred precincts, we took our departure andthe feli, refnaining mintage we had were spent in the National Art Gallery, a place, too, svhere days could be tvell spent. We didn't call at 13uekingbarn Pahme Her Gracione Majesty being absent oil the Continent but we found our way back to St. Patiercie, and securing a cab had our- melases and luggage teanefeered to Padding- ton station some four miles distant. Here the bustle and excitement was even greet. er the,u et the other stations, to adecitiate idea of which can be formed without a pereonsil visit The same can be said of For DigeaseS of the tiver.Eicluoys 0,, ono London in generalpurifyiee of tee :weed, Pried 81. Six . bottles, 64For Mile by all drug - From Paddiegton, at 5 p. We took gists, afanufeetered owe be train via the Great ‘Veeterri le, R. for o.t. tv ohotilt tt, voro§t, (rntao mark.) Try Everest's. LIVER faBOLIITOIL DR.Wathingto 'throat & Lung Surgeon, TO BE FOUND IN CANADA. Carpets of all grades from the !meet priced Hemp to the richest patterns ould wish to vee. a man . 13ut a more important fact is that our stook of carpets stand to -day unequalled 06 regards value. Having been bought personally by our Mr. Beattie for CASIT in, the - °Best Markets m the World, and marked at the elooest ptinee eoesible, we af- firm, without fear of contradiction, thee we min and give you the best ealite /or your money that you can possibly get in Canada. Don't forget:the ae) New Mammoth Carpet HOuse Of Toroete, will be at the Cent al 1 -lo - tel, Exeter, " MON., eTTME 25th Catarrh,Bronchitis, astha. Consumption. eta, Permanently end effectually cured. A few Promment Testimonials of Permanent Cares: gis. John McKay,. Kiegston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumntion. John Melte Ivy., lein Oaten, Ont., catarrh. MreJXOnt.,B roncho Mr. E. Scott, Kingaton, Ont„ Catarrh , bead and throat. RcaijW, It. Storey's Original Testimonial. • Catarrh Throat Cured. 'Listen to IV H Storey, Fscta of the ; firm of W II Storey & Son, Acton, (Sieve alanufaetur- creak's° PreSident ManufactUrerS' Association of feW Canada. Pc xeeee, 215 Yonge-sts , Toronto, D EA it Sin.— I assure you X feel grateful for the radical eure yea have effected in my throat trouble; and th migh I dislike having my name appear in commotion With the testimonial bus- iness, yet, having regard for thee() who, are similarly affectedas well al having a desire to reeognize theresults ofyour treetreeheinicike n, departure in this ease. Prior to nay ammeint- Dace with ycii, X had suffered for tufo years from repeated attacks of eatarrii al sere throat each succeeding attack keit g more prOlonged and violent than the former. At these timos I hnd viedent fits of golighing, end would dis- charge large esulatities of miscues', Feeling alarmed, I sought GI ebest medical skill argil - :Ole, ineluditg )5:L1mM-toted Speeialist, and took almost everything known to medicine without, experienchig alma -tick of reliof. Last sprit*. I went to Europa. Tho change+ did me goed, but en My retitrn the old trouble:was re towed. Seeing You advertised to L tlitta place, X though t 1 woUld consult youtal thou Oa lcoefesssvith not much hope of receiving anY betefit. Ilewever, I was favorably impressed with Font candor. and resolved to give your treatment a trial. The result, I am happy to inform you, is a eeitll)loto Mireand one so marked in ita chart eter its to surprise both ray self and my,friends,, Froni the first your n16(- 161110 seethed Adapted to my date and gave re- lief, In two trios. I war, entirely welLatid have se eontinued through the retest Unfairortible ff Miami of yesr, Feu are at liberty to tusk° What Use you please of this letter, rind if shall be Pleased to answer any eneuirmeeelative to twe este. Watt Yell, sToRtt Attons Jan. 10t14# 1887, kirCONSULTArtI035 of the West. Thos. Beattie & Co's, 176& 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st, LONDON, ONT. ...••••••••••11.1010.0. $1.0 Reward for the Ocatiotion OF DEALERS WHO OFFER POII 1 ',INFERIOR OIL OF °TIM AND SELL Co MANUFA.OTURE FOR L DINE :MAGI -UNE- OIL Eureka Cylinder Bolt- McColl Bros. & Co., _CutW ting & Woo] Oils. For sale byall leading dealers. I , Toronto. IIISSXTT BIR.OZ., Sole Agents, Exeter. One Door South of Post °face --HE HAS-- .& NEW AND COMPLETE ----STOCK Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing proinpflyattended to. G -EO, MANSON, JOHN BRAWN, 1311-)Eit,TAKEll CABINET-MAD:ER, Walnut &Rosewood Caskets ALSO Corms or EVDAY DESCRIPTIOli. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. GIVE ME A CALL c. Her sey 's The Place TO Buy Cheap GOODS. DRAMA SCENE I. Enter Mrs. Enquiritiveness. Well Mrs: Sensibility,,as I have just finished washing iny tea dishes I thought I would walk in and-asle , you where you bought that tea 1 borrowed from you this morning. Mrs. Sensibility. — Why, look here,- go to 1<ir1ton and enquire where Dub:nage keeps and if you 'bily his 5o ct. YOUNG HYSON TEA, you will smile more than you have to.maht, for then you can pay me bock with as good a,s you borrowed. (To I3 CONTINUED, PUREST, STOiCT5 EST* CONTAINS NO A., ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, oeany injurious materials. sell E. W. GILt Err , • Twtglisrt'eZTErs. Meer tithe CE1,11311ATE3R07AIL21lASTe UHL CENTRAL u Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye—stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exeter. C LUTZ 500 TTTEIS Batter Wanted 47. liflatheson, EXETER Norma, Our Stook is Well Assorteek THE SEASON'S, TBADA, LOW PRICES STILL blAINT,AlkNED: GROCERIES 1 16 lbs.; eugar $1.00; 13 the. svhite sugar, $1 We can't be iinclexsold in Teas from 20 to 75e. par lb, Boots & Shoes All Styles It Low Prices is. nitely fiesorted steels of HARDWARE. PORES, SCYTHES and GLASS all siees (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil dOe per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE -LOWEST A nice Teti Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75 A Ood suit of ready-made clothing fo $0 Ordered Suits got up in Good Style. Our Dre,18 Good are mailed down It) MO Lowest Notch. 'COTTON, 20 YARDS FOR ONE 1DOLLAII -- A House and. Loi, deo 5 MOM for SOP/ Applyto JOHN MAITIE SON, Hey P 0