The Exeter Times, 1888-5-17, Page 1LOrldQrt, Iitir011,& Br1-109. °eine;cowrie.-- Louden, deport .,. .., 8,10 A. sr. 4. 25P .1d Lucttn. Crossing ,.. .. 9.00 0,20 Claudeboye 9.10 5,25 (leutralia „, 9,23 6.37 9.0 4.48 • 9,46 6.99 Rippen - . 9,51 0.07 Brucelleld. 0,59 9,15 Clinton ,.. 10,18 6.90 ' 1-40ndesbOrel 10,37 0.55 Oox $07r7i. raSSellger Ble ,.. 7.91 8139 • Londosbdro' 740 3,54 Clinton .„ „. 8,00 4.10 Brucete1d8,19 4.84, Itippen ... 8.27 442 . - 8,93 448 Exeter ... 8.4,7 542 Centralia ., „, 8,57 5.121 Cland °boy° . 9.10 0,25 Luean Crossing ... 9,20 5.29 Peetiouger. LEGAL. Al. DICKSON, Berrister, Soli,- -e-eee °Am' of Supreme Court,Notary Public Conveyancer Commissioner, Sze Money to Loan. Eanson's Block, 'Exeter, COLLINS, Barrister Solicitor, Conveyancer.Etc. EXETER, - ONT. , OfaceSamwell'sBlock flall told ofE0e.) ARMOUR W. FORD, Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Ontario, . Conveyancer, Commissioneri 6(c., &c, Special uttoutiou given to the collection of claims in the 'United States'. Patents procured, money tieloan ae lowest rates. Odic° ; Opera Rouse Blook, St, Marys, Ont. "filILLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, • Conveyancers &o, &c. 1•"11.Io11ey to Loan at Lowest Rates of • interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. B. V. nr,raoe. 3. MLLIOT, DENTA.L. 1 L. BILLING'S, aDmielerisT, OFFICIE: over OIXEIld'S Bartle Nitrous Oxide de.s for Painless Extraction. -17V- E, CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S. ST.TirtO-MOST 3D233is•rriST. Graduate of the Royal College ot Dental Surgeons of Ontario. .Eav • mg furnished fine Dental ROOMS 6)3 MAIN -ST., next door to Treble's Harness • shop, Exeter , where' am prepared to perform • all brancb.es of the Dental profession -with ease lc skill. 77-3E301-MT.A.131.311 "C"...A.POR usedin extracting teeth. Charges, Moderate; 'Perms, Cash. 7 ltts NOMA KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.8 Samiecll's Block, Main -St, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, hyrgiving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and all, other dental work the best ppssible. Goes to Zmitatt oiliest Thursday in each month: , • LUTZ, D. M., • Offieeathiereeidenee Exeter. J W. BROWNING M. D, U S ,GraduateVictoriaUniversity.OfEce tugliresidence,D ov..j. pi° nLehoratox v. Exe ter J)R. RYNDMAN, coroner for the County of Ruron. Office, opposite Mr. . Carling's store,Exeter. R. J. A. ROLLINS, M. O. P. "S J-, 0. Office, Main St.Exeter,Ont. Residen se houser ecently occupied by P. McPhillips, • Esq. 11 ;..%e".•p, A CALL SOL CITED :AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE TFIEY MAY." VOL... 4V. NO, 31.- EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17, . . 1888. Market Square General Store The undersigned vvouldlieform the pub- 1ethat 1313 11138 just received his SPRING STOCK A full line of Dry -Goods, Hats tie Caps, and Crockely, Boots and Shaft Those wishing anything in my lire will find it to their advantage to call and in spect my goods and prices. Highest prices paid for But- ter and Eggs and all kinds of produce. j. P. floss. Poultry for. Sale, Choice birds for sale, Light !Drama, Black Leghorns. White Leghorns. A few Black Leg- horn and White Leghorn eggs, 81.90 and $2.00 Per eitting. •G, A. RUDMAN, Exeter. For Sale. Three first-class farms -100 acres each -Lon. don Robel, within one mile of Exeter. Apply to ELLIOT &ELLIOT. Solicitors, &c., Exeter. VARM FOR SALE.—The un- dersigned offers 0o4 sale bis farro, being lot 11 0023. 6, toWnship of 'Osborne, two miles and n. half from ,Lxeter,e00 acres, about Elfl acres clear ed and in first class state of cultivation, the remainder bush, in which there is some 'very valuable oak and bleak ash mil timber; the farm is also well fenced and drained; there are upou the premises, first class brick dwelling house, with first class cellars, two good barns; two never failing springs and one' first mess orchard. Forpartioulars apply -on the premises, to THOMAS SIMI% Exeter P, 0, one TO RENT. The House. andLand adjoining( thereto, at Elimville, in the Township of Ushorne, letelY occupied by Mr. GeorgeSleamon, deceased, Apply to ELLIOT Sr ELLIOT, .• Solicitors, ece.,Exetete SEED POTATOES The undersignal has a large ouantity'of „Manitoba Potatoes for seed. I guarantee that there has been no salt or lime used in shipping and will not be so long as they are kept for seed. Parties wanting any can be supplied at IIISSETPS BROS.' STORE. THOS. PRIER. Exeter, April 5,1888. FOR SERVICE. Shorthorn bull, "Prince Albert," winner of first _prize four years in succession at Western fair London and egetally snecessful as a stock getter. Also an imported Berkshire Boar, Real Briton," (488) winner of first prize at Toronto. Ontario Provincial and Quebec Pro- vincial Exhibitions in1886. Terms --Bull $10 Boar $4, a limited number of grades at $3 and 82 respectively. Choice 33erks for sale. II. & W. D. SMITH, on the Lake Road, adJoining Exeter, Hay P.0. • 2 mos. MACK AC* The IZost D SUM ME nigher:el R TOUR • Palace" Steamers. Low Rates. Vour Trips per 'Melt Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC .ancl Evory 'Week Day Marmon DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wed° for our "Picturesque Mackinac," lillustrated. Contains Pull Partioularc. ITailed Pros. Detroit ei Cleveland Steam Nav. 008 .p. D. UN iTCO.MB, PASs. DETHO IT. M INTERCIZZONIAL IL OF CANADA. The Royal Mail, l?stssenger and e'eeight outo 'between (eau Heim & Great Beitain teed irect route betweee the west and 011 902080 e. the:Lower StLawrence and Bale des Cho - cur, also IBWBriingwick &ova Scotia ,r, e P, E, Island Cape Breton, And Newfoundland. New and elegaet Buffet Sleeping and Day ars run eti through Express tvain Paesengere f oriGr a at Britain or f e Conti - exit. by leaving Toronto at 8.30 a, tn, train bursdaY will :56111 outward mail steamer lietie fax 11, Saturclity, S'operioe elevaeor warehouse and poet:. ea- eni o eat: on ere Ritiifax foe the 511ipmont of rail) and ge naval morchaudi se 'r ears of eXperient e inivonvorseithetxtrom. to -envier, in cow:I:even with eteamsbip tiee to /lire frotrt London, :Liverpool end Iaseow tote:elle:lee to be th &quickest freight :AO betWoon Ceded q, and GreatBritaill. Information as to Passenge3':1.13 El:eight Les can be had on application to ROBERT J3. eenoDIE Weeterelexeigilt &Passenger Agent 08 leossin Rouse 1319e1c, York et. receento or to RING, e7 Speeliteete Ottawa D. POTTeleGElt, • • T. D. Stanley, Mayor of St, Marys, W48 in town on Wednesday Now that the weather has got warm, Norris takethe baby out regularly. James Sproat, one of our bakers, oports a brand new hat, 'What is the matter \vigil Mr, Dagg getting one too ? Cal. Jackson and George Pogue Atte- going to the ban01 tournament in. Brampten on the 24th. , Mr. flerbort visited tcwn on Friday. -and took home a blushing bride and a new milk The TIMIS will be sent to any address from now until Jan. 1889, for 00 ots., with order. ;We give all the news of the distHot within a radeue of 20 miles. Bob MeLeod has it flue three year olcl colt ; he is getting it into shape to trot at the .Buffalo June races. Peru Macklin is his assietant driver. William Rufus Stanley has a fine new walking stick, a gift from piis friend, Mr. Moses :Turner, who reeeived it from the lateegames Carroll. Mr. Alex. Empey has a pair of bull -dogs and a Rune crow. All he now lacks is a paper collar and a cane to be a full fledged sport. What is the matter with the watering cart? Why don't the council wake up and make things cool by having the streets epriniclod once in a while anyway. We ace pleased to see tnat °or old and esteemed friend, Mr. Hawkshaw is able to be out once :more, after his late, severe Marks Hedy who keeps an intelligence office here is about to open a. pawn shop in connection. He also purposes starting branches in Parkhill_ and Foreet. "Cann such things be and overcome us like a summer's cloud, without our sleet:dal wonder ?" We refer to a worthy Christian who is in the boycotting line in this village Can you perceive? James Bolan of this village, otherwise known 8.8 "Hearn" is daily praotising;e0n thdrirer and is contemplating ohellensemd O'Connor of Toronto, for a five mile race for $500 a Ade. . Mr. Smith, our well-kno3vn, local classi- cal scholar, is busily engaged translating' "Baron Aftinchasen" into Arabic oda in- tends forwarding a copy of the work to Arabi Pasha as soon as it is completed. Scotch Willie, proprietor of old curiosity shop, has made an offer to Mr. Donovan for his Franklin watch. Mr. D. refuses to sell it at any price and' Willie is wild to get it. R. S. Hodgins, the "king, of the west" is having his palace nicely decorated with a new zinc roof. Mr. Collins is doing the work in an artistic: style. It will look elegant when finished. . "Cain, the enterprising dispenser of Scott Act, intends•enlarging his palace hotel and converting it into a summer resort, having discoveird p mineral spring on the premi- ses. • Our roller rink is weary. Wny shined such a grand edifice be 'left so long idle is the querye of all? Perhaps 18 18 because the proprietor has ;lost his speculative mood. Answer Ilderton The prodigal Jimmy Tapp :raeandered home from British Columbia, footsore and weary with :lie more clothes than would' Comfortably wad a musket. He is now tatting up his -quarters with his feeble old dad who did not hill the fatted calf for the simple reason he did not have one to kill. It blew into town one day last week with the cold north wind and although it was habitecl in sunamer garments, it could not change the temperature. It is taking photographs up in the north eOtintry nOW somewhere. James McMahon purposes going to Vic- toria 13.0., shortly, where he intends going into the paper collar mannfacturing. He purpeses employing Chinese workmen and thinks he will do the collar trade of the west. Be also intends manufacturing Lynch pins on a large scale. Mee Brewer has invented a new hair' vigor which he has been, using himself ler some time with the result that he has a boantifill head of long curly hair. About a month ago he gave a bottle to Lis friend, Mr. 81ewartson and that gentleman's hair is now nearly a foot long. Mr. Brewer says it will tihnost cense hair to grow on a broomstick, Mr, John Casey, 'bus driver, took a trip to Strathroy with a lady a few evenings ago, It is rumored around that John's intention was matrimony. We aro not ia a position 10 state positively if such is the case or not ; but John says midnight driving is delightful when the roads are good, and he only has to use one hand to daive Ou'r old friend, James Neil, was in town' Friday. Ames is now in the hen business on his farm in McGillivray. He has pure chnsed an incubator end intends raising spring chicken for the I3uffalo markets. At preeent he heel 32 fine chickens, but ex- pects in a couple of months to have over 8000. James ie an enterprieing youuer Mr. ludd, who hat been in the potash business here for some years, 18 illAtit giving up that line and Intends devoting his time to the mannfacture of soft soap, He purpeses canning it like corn or tonne - tow; and shipping it to the eastern markets and as he took the diploma 01 1(119 colleen- nial exhibition for the best soft soap ex- hibited, no doubt his ventuve will prove a suceess. He exboote to keep from 1G to 20 mon employed, A Very pleasing eyent took place at • Clandeboye on Friday evening last, being a pi eeentatioe to Mr. Thos, Fun be, the nombere of tho (thumb choir, The follow - Mg is tiso address. To Mr, Those Hall, Sine -We ths members of the choir take great pleasure on this happy occasion of peesenting you with tbes slight tenant es feeble memento. We tiaorooghly recognize that your great ability ae 0 singer, arid your Hod and ton:teem.: dome:mot he connection with cherch affairs has made eou beloved ley all with whom you coma in contact. Our earnese prayer is that yen may lobg be spared to lead the choir, and Ole leeppy, Signed ,the member:: of thee elmir. Mr. Hall Was then; preeented with a beautiful new cetaway ehecitieg •jacket. Ho made a totiehiug reply and the meeting I Railway` Office, Moncten, N 13, March 20, 'efe, then adjoerned. outing WRITE &$ONS Publishere and Propri °tore. The three Quigley brothers visited, Lucan on Mondey last, having been summoned liore 0/1 acoomit "of the dangerous 11111053 of their mother. Tom is now living in Detroit, Mike in Brixton and John in efilinton. Their old friends were all gled tie see the boy!: as they are all old timers in the village. ,V,Tm. Reid and John Hodgins of this • village, are now in tbe °minty of Welling ton selling patent tighte for the' Ruesell fence. From letters received from the boys they .ppear to be having a good time, la is whispered around that they paid a flying visit.to Clifford last Sunday eve, ;lack led the blind aud Billy folio wed with a bludgeon in his hand. ' Mr. Maguircerwo believe, has.seaured the services of a, Mr. Donee; and intends start- ing evaegelioal 'Meetings in Clandeboye. 11Ir. Maguire has lately become a convert, end intende making amends. Mr, Mao ,has in his possession a copy of • Dr. Wil- son's theoretical researches, whiela, with the able aSSiellnee of Mr. D. (who , ie sec. end only to Mr. Sankey, of Moody and Sankey fame, we are looking for startling and thrilling events shortly. . Our much beloved Mr, &taller has in- vented a new lexieanof which he has the copyright. for Granton end Ilderton. Re purposes restoring all the obselete words in the Eeglish language and objects on prin- ciple to phonetic spelling. We understand it is Mr, S's intention to lecture in all the principal towns and cities of the dominion. his lecture is entitled A. B. C., or how to spell single words, We wish him success .on his tour. We undsretand that our head constable, 714.1r. John Bawden, hat; resigned his cone- •rnission and that Mr. Chas. Haskett is an • applicant for thceoffice. We would heart • ily recommend Mr. Haskett as we consider he is a num eminently fitted for the' posit- ion he having served on the Irish constab- ulary for 4ayears -also on the Mounted Pohce N, W. T. for 7 years. Mr. Hesitate served as a major of engineers in the Soudan war under GeneraleWolseley. He is a youth of sweet disposition and thor- oughly fostered in the scripture. William John Barden tells a funny story to this effect. Last winter he was down on the Bauble skating, and there lost a little.gold trowel which he wore on his ,watch ehain as a charm. • A few days ago jeo was down near the same place. fishing, .4 caught a number of fish, one of which being opened proved to have swallowed e charm. This is a very fishy story and f any ,one but the gentle William John 'had told ii no one would believe ; but as 'he is widely noted for hie veracity, of course we have to swallow it. • Robert Guest,. of this place, a gentleman .whose word has 'never been denbted, tells ift remarkable story about his shooting +cleverer' ' Robert, whois a fine rifle shete was out with a frieud a few days ego, and seeing a.large black squirrel on the top of a high tree with his tail up over his back remarked to his friend, that he could eut the, tail off that squirrel and not. injure it. Re fired, the tail dropped and the ball continued on its way to the next farm where it hit a cow and calf, killing both instently. _Robert vouches for the truth of this, of course other people can have their own opinion. , I sparring match Look place in tlie rink on Monday evg. last, between two of our welinknown local sports. The rink was paeleed to suffocation., At eight o'clock the curtain rose and Cheerley S. as master of ceremonies introduced Jimmy Hall who went through a fancy exhibition of club swinging; next followed a bout between two aeeirants from 13iddulph which was very tame. A song was then sung by Mater Consings, entitled, ,The Bold Lumberman' Tho event of the evening was the grand set-to between. Yorkey, the light weight, and limy, the heavy weight cher:mien. Christopher H. was appointed referee. Yorkey first appeared on the platform in gray knickerbookers, blue shirle and pru- nella gaiters with a piece of lemon peel in his mouth, lIe was in the very pink of condition and was greeted with n roar of applause. But 'when They appeared the roars were deafening. His oostunee was that of a Spanish cavalier, aesiiiite collar and "a pair of burnished spurs ; be also wore a beautiful smile. The agreement was that Ikey was to knock Yorkey out in four three-minute rounds, Marquis of Qtmensbury rules to govern, eight ‘ounce gloves A. criticel observer could at Once sea that They had ffo sofi snap, although ha bad th.e advantage of some 40 eonnde weight, still the knowing 'ones aid not think he Was in very good condition, as his flesh appeared soft and slabby. The ref- eree examined the gloves to eee that no stones or other missiles were bidden in them and the time -keeper, Tames A, then • called tine. Round lst-Theee was no hand shaking as the battle was ...for blood. Both men sparred eautimiely for an opening Yorkey etruck short for They's faco. and received ' a right-haucler in the ,nionth. First blood WAS claimed and alloWed for f•Incl-Yorkey now fought on the dsfensive, but Ikerfoleed the fighting and clrove Yorkey all over the stage and at last forood Min over the ropes and acci- dentally towelled him with hie 'spur, A foul was claimed by Yorkey's, secondbat not allowed by the referee, but Ikey aele cautioned. 3r0 round-Ikey demo up emilaug, but withont hie spare. Ikey'e gook ran away up, 300 to 1 was offered freely on him with no takers. Yorkey now apPeared to leeve got hie eccond wind and sparred beautifully for Ikey'e bread basket end labeled a terri 6o right bander en Ilcoy's Taft, ear. .11cey appeared dazed and fell ibto his second's ftrinS, lint was up in 011 instant-- time was than celled. 4811 awl last round-Ikev OvideiltlY tililltesnuo! and as YorIsey had two po r beef etealt tied over his mider lip, the chancee were all in They's favor, .13oth :»e11 advanced to the middle of the stage, tvernencloite lune,o at Yorkey which lifted him clan over tl•io ropes, but the little Ono was gtime and wee 1113 in an indent, 11(ey, again struck him in the necsk and lenoeleecl him down. At Olio stage ofs the proceedinge, Matey Ned ad. vended and eelled n tbe mind -pals to deelet. The e:eferee, amidst hoots one hieses, deelared the match 0 draw. The ate nicamy was divided between the nee: nowelelins the chanipiern shin. • VXLLAG3 Commir.-Begular meeting May 7th, Members presens, • J R Armitage, I' A O'Neil and John Murdr Reeve in the chair. Mieutes °fleet mewing read and confirmed. • Moved by ' A O'Neil, see by John Merely that the following accounts be passed and reeve sign orders for •same. C Sprietule, bread for tramps, $1,35; II Bean, 1 cord of wood. $2,00; 3 Stewiirdson rep sidewalk, e1.50; (1 A Stanley registra- tion of births, marriages and deaths for last half 1887, $2,20; G A Stanley, station- er)r, 60o; Cr A. Stanley, 6 months' setTary as clerk, $22.50; John ;13awden, 1 yrs selary, as constable, s10.00; J NV Orme, bal of printing act. for 1887, $5.00: Carriech Moved by John IVIurdy, sec by Reeernii- trige, that hs. Stowardaon be appointed gravel inspector for 1888. --Carried. Moved by R Armitage see by James Murdy/ that the court of revision for village of Lucan for 1888, be held in the counoil chambers, opening May 2$81.1 at ten o'clock a. m.-Carrieci. • Moved by F. A. O'Neil, sec by J .Mtirdy, that clerk be instructed to draft a by-law Ip repeal by-law No 123 02 81110 village. -- Carried. • Moved by R. Armitage, seconded by F. A. O'Neil, that the :clerk be instructed to advertise for sealed tenders for 100 cords, more or less, rgood gravel, from Kent's pit also from Welch's pit. The resignation of John Bawd en from the office of village constable was received and accepted. Oa motion the council adjourned. G1110. A. Sean nue, Clerk. Sirleton. Methodist church going up rapidly. Mr. Joseph Wren 13111 town a,t preseu • visiting friends. - The sacrament of the Rely Enchari willebe administered (D. V.) on Sund next in St. Paul's Anglica-n church. .e Mrs. Robt. ,Robiuson presented her hu band with a son on Friday last. Kirkton population is increasing. Kirkton mill ruins haye been 001rVert into a veritable Garden of Eden cornpar with what they were. Honest Jim and J' Lankin are engineers, • The funeral of the late Mrs. Willies Beattie took place on Wrednesdey last at was attended by a large number of Mend Much sympathy is expressed toward Beattie in his sad bereavnaeut left as he with a family of young children. The ceased was respected by all who knew, be being a thorough and, consistent Christi to the last. With reference to the Midden Methodi ohurchgYoung's question: "Who fixed th oorner stone?" can now be answered, au -your correspondent will try and briefly scribe the proceedings :-The 081004012took place on Thursday last, and the da being fine a large number were preseta On the platform were the Revs.. Fletche Caswell, Fear Moir and Charlton, Mr. Switzer and others. After a few proemi remarks by Hr. Charlton, Mr. Moi t lecl i prayer, after which the lessons were tea by the Revs. Fear and Fletcher. The Re Caswell being called Imola remarked tha the members of the church were in th right course: He also eulogized upon th Meth. church as honored by God, and o the -many blessings which have been show ered upon it both moral and sMritual, say ing that it was the religion of - Christ tha had helped tho people in this section. t win 21200068 in life, and such success as is now marked. in the ceremony about to b performed. The sneaker referred to th church as the grandest institution on earth actiug as a moral levee to the advancemen of education, society and prosperity, and the elevation of our nature. With each. he said; we must be connected if eve wislete form a nharacter of sufficient otrongth to stand up against the world. with. He hop ed that the fountain of lite would Row freely through these walls, and that orthordox and evangelical doctrines weeild be pro claimed from within, and said that it wa our duty to foster a genial patriotism in tbe 90.118090.1180 of Christ, regarding the 011121015 as a Qrand military school where cadets \yeah be teairied and conveited to go out and fight, against the world, Mr. David Eirl was then introduced by the pastor as the recipient of the trowel with which to lay --and the honor pertaining to the laying of -the corner stone. In the mune Of the congregation and people, Mr. 0. Switzer presented the trowel to Mr. Kirk, referring to the good old times spent in the old church, which was now in, ruins amund them, and hoping for a clontiunation of them iu the one now in course of erection. The ceremopy of laying the 'stone was then performed by Mr. Kirk, and under it was deposited # a box in which were deposited the following : Nae e of The Pastor, Rev. 3'. Ohavltou; Board oi Truetees ; Building Commiete; Messrs, A. A. Donee, John Cal- ender, W. H. Marshall and S. Doupe Contractors Beaman & EVADS, Wm Dinnon and G. L. Money. Several coins of differ- ent denonlinations bearing date 1887 ; New Testament, and a copy of each of the fol. lowing papers ; ()Mistime Guardian, Home auel School, Oratige Sentinel and Protes• tett Advocate, Empire, :Mail and Globe, /1X.Pallit TIttlUig, St. Marys Journal, besides a low miscollanoons articles, Mr. Kirk made a few very appeopriate remarks, wish, ing there every stlecOse, and Making • a Oto - 21311011 of $50 more toentrds ereetion, Rev. 0. Fleteher next delivered a speeeh which might be ecgardecl as a mixture of 71(311(371(311(3410100.lci. He expreseed pleasnro at being present, and mild it Was not his Intention to let these Alethodiete have it all thole own way. . In his °Millen a women might have been selected to perform the oereinoty no,,v over, seeing that the women look after the workings of the aburell to a great extunt ; but the laying of it foundation stone wee very Mli ie itf3 elee, nt that the founde- floe for true Blethodiem was to be found in oatmeal porridge ana the ehorter entechism. With reference to the union of leeeebyteritme and :Methodists lie hardly knew 501510111111513 Vt,11ioh lie bolmigod, and he might pee- sibly St, minister of this 131111101)n few years, • The only differeuee very noticenble was the fact that MetlioilistS were greeter 1)555 965 than Preebyteriene, cenclusion he expreseed a hope for- the sueeese and welfare of then eause now in lieu& and the general welds of the ellerch • 'Rev. Moir t, at ay 0- 's ed ed. 101 s. r. is e- r, 112 The Molsons "Bank ( 'Lk taratlil 1? BY P410-d47),,11%11T,185q) noa1,19 Capital • S2,090;090 nest Pend 875,009 Offer8 the.Publie 4 PER ClENT, INTEREST Nit ANNUM for 1501157 931 DE P 0 SIT RE CEIP T AND 3iPER OENT.INTERLlST PRA A.NNUM For Money in Savings 33ankDep'rn't (Lately Re -Opened. For further partieulars apply at The Bank )ain §treet, Exeter. oFla0111 II01.7118 -- )e) o In, 70 8p in. S080160075,10 te, in. to 1 p.m ' A C DENOVAN Fleet er Oot, 25, "87. • Mernagese tumicr.ara.caseamcricacsiant saideit gladdened his heatt to be ainoeget themenci 1)0 1001)00 forward to a glorious reviital and many to be added to the Lord. His advice -was to ttnitt ancl worlr in a spirit of'uuity,elevotion and prayer, and:the pow- er of Christ would still continue lb be main ifesttia in every way. 113,7. Fear said that God had been with them in the past and would be in the rutriee, and he hoped that with the building Of the house they would build up a life and ohittacter devoted to God, end that the dedication of this church might be crowned witha glorioue harvest ef souls in the service of God. . After the pro- nouncing of the blessing' tha eonipeny ad- jouened to the table and partook of to slump - Worts rePast provided by the ladies. Pro- ceeds of the afternoon Amounted to $124, which will be, used for building pnrposes. Woodham. , Bineve-lelr. James Mills started on his oreene route last Friday morning, -We had another fall of snow on Monday morn. ing.-Mr..3. V. Abray is very ill with - suiatica.-Rev. E. Fear, of Bimetal, gave our village another visit last weelie-A, number of young colts is dying in ,this vicinity this spring. --About half a mile eolith 01 the village there is an obstruction on the road. We thiuk" it is time OU 1 Usborne or Blanshard council was -looking after it and have it remeved.-Most of the seeding is conapleted and the farmers ars busy sowing their niaugolds and ceriots and planting potatoes. -Mr. Plenry:Wyan is enaking a great improvement of his dwelling. -The 2481) of May, Queen's birth- day, will be celebrated in the usual way by holding their Sunday school anniver- sary services. Next Sunday morning and , evening by Rev. Geo- Watson, of Walker- ton. Tea will be served in Mr. Sawyer's grove, on Thursday. There will be plenty of speaking and other amusements proyi- ded., Come one, come all. ciTanton. .13233er5. --Mr. W. Wase is seriously ill with congestion of the laugs. The village physioians are in atteadance.-A patent baker has been introduced much to the satisfaction of those who have more molars ',het unans.-Oar T. P., alias Village news, bas retuened and his graceful form decor- ates once more the gossip chambers of the lluyielers, theee being too many Crabb down east,' -.A base ball club will be organ- ized ehortly, there being plenty of willing, and useful players.--Buicicles and runaways are no more the order of day, accidenta etre a thing of the past, peace and contentment the village over providing the refuse de- posited not far frool the drug 'stoees was removed. What Is our Niettlth inspector doing?-1Vir, Wies.knliddlefien, who was in the clutches of oldexheumatism foieeeeveraI enonthe, and suffered the exerneiating pains of an aboess, is able to be around again. Billy is a. boy admired and respected by all who know him, being a first -ohms marks- man With the riflesand very fond of the speedy eqWne.-Awreick widowers • are entertaining mighty precious thoughts about union, i.e. union with the widows of Granton. Fred your chance is good and if you will only name the one you have your eyo firmly fixed upon, I could. render some valuable assistance. --Mr. S.Coxon,(Chet)doee not participate in the once cherished antici- pations, that loyalty was nothing when • Conservatives were the ',ruling power, Uncle Sam had the finances of lAanerion, by the throat and he unable to buy bread and wine withont 111015e3 and without price. - The seeond son of Mr, 4.. Wreford, who has been suffering for a Jong time expired on Wednesday morning. The body was inteaced in the Presbyterian burying ground The family have the sympathy of a wide chola of friends in their sad 'berette el:neut. --The Spencer House, better known as the Ontario House is being refitted and re- filled by mine host, for the acaortamoda. tion and convoeience of those who like his ways. Having had much experience in travelling, he is well adapted to cater to the wants of the travelling public. The hoes° is oonducted on purely temperance principles. --Mr. G. Carter, grain iner. chant, while digging a post hole one day last week found a skeleton which Dr. Steele assurec1, him was not that ef a human being. One of our blaoksmiths fram his knowledge of the creations did not hesitate to say that it was a gorilla, and that the Indialis would have a full knowledge of its -history; hence, an inquest was mit coneid- ered necessary, seneation ',being sufficient. -Reluctance to assist in the acconeplieh- naent of good that greed:for office may not relinquish its hold is eharacteristio of the wavering fidelity embraced by a gentleman notOve miles` from Granton, until a climax bas been rettebed, velusi the entire 11)nells:1e language reeeives such 9. jerk ;by the tail, that the cold wave 'e.:eis dispelled • which he elates to be all letonght about by the dis- cussion of the Luc rui High Selman • Phil- osophore do uot let charity end. at hoine.- Mr. Wm. Baynes haEs purchased a white chepol buggy frone Win, Moyee of St. Mere's, and can safely beast o the best outfit in town. --Mrs. Crabb and children, of' Toronto arrived oil No. 6, Saturday. They purpose makiug Granton their home dining tho eatniner.-One of our Awmick friends ie considerably excited over a fonts law, we would judge from the Song he sung to one of the trustees Saturday evening, heying a higher key toed fluter teuo thee ceniame. Itre atinorroaed authoritivoler that Mr. Mercier has abandened hie coetempleted abolition of the Quebec Legislative, Conn- APVICIP A10T5tE118.-Are you 415 2111)011 at night and broken of your rest by 0 sick child suffering and crying wit11 pain, of Cio ttiniz Teeth? If so send at mice and get a bottle f"N 111. WinslOw's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Toetlillg, Its value 38 inalienable, le wilerelieve the poor ilttio ;sufferer in; illoclitttely -emend epon it, mothers ( CesrO 10 00 iniSSeke about tee tenures Dysentery Raid 1)1arrliom, regulates' the StomaCh and Rowele, cures Wind Celle, softens .the Gums, reduces tuflammation, and ,gives tone ad n energy tryt he whole eye tem. s. Wins] e eee S mbeieg Syetie" for -children teething ie pleasant to elle taste and le the peeeeriptfen of ono et the oldoeb and best female phyeiciate teed inersoe in- the 'United States, atid is Idu tale by all drugglets 8117011.050118 the ,world. Price twohlyetive welt a bottle. 130 mire aud 0811!o6"97.115, Wieter.osv'e ReeTurtio 5-258i3), "4110 ±13110 111 other lolnd,' AUCTIONEERS. Tel -ERE -3X E ILBE, It , Licensed Ana- .ke-a- tioneer for Hay, Stephen, anti MeGilli- eraitTownships: Sales con ducted at moderate rates. 01.11ce-At Post-ofliee,Crediton, Ont. - TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the e.), Vownshins of Stephen, Hay and LiSbOrne and the Village of Exeter. All Soles prOMDtly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this °Mee. • ___....... 'VETERINARY. TENNENT "& TENNENT, VETERINARY - SURGEONS, _-, ----e Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. Oregon : 0118 (100): S01.1811 of Town Hall. .—.--.., MONEY TO LOAN. Airomn TO 4LOANAT 6 AD 6 L:l°J:en:200OPrivate Funds. Best[nim:anit:1.epreBante. L.R. DICKSON, Barrister. Exeter, INSURANCE . likLE WATERLOO aKID TUAL 1 ELBE INSURANCIE CO. • Established. in 1663. lEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This comeany has been over Dighteen ears in selec0eel:3i operation in Woritern On- arioetuctiontinuee to insuee againstlosts or amage by Vire ,Builclings,Merchandise,man- fectori es,and all °the rdeseription sOfillISTIr- ble property. Tn6encliu8. insurers have the ption of insuring Csn the Premium leote or lash Syetem. During the past ton years this Company aeissued 57,000 Policies. covering Property D theamount of 840,87:3,038 ; end read inloss- - a eno$700,752,00 .,•1 thiets, $176,100.00, consisting of Gael, t d auk, GovcirnmentDopolit,and the unass- 5 SaRreiniuro No fieson hanclancl in force. ,T, 1 rg.W,A.tionx IiI D. ProsideLt. 0. M. TAynbu, 6.1.(Ana.y, 3.33. Rueirnsitnepector. cfErAfi, 4 63J01it Agentfor Exeter and vicinity. • CENTRAL Barber Sho c u FANSON'S BLOCK. A HastingsProp , . aeving end Hair cutting in the lateet stedee 11 'the art. ' 6 ri Every attention paid to cutting r; ' • adlas.ana Children.f s Ham WITORES MADE TO ORDER _ A CALL SOL CITED :AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE TFIEY MAY." VOL... 4V. NO, 31.- EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17, . . 1888. Market Square General Store The undersigned vvouldlieform the pub- 1ethat 1313 11138 just received his SPRING STOCK A full line of Dry -Goods, Hats tie Caps, and Crockely, Boots and Shaft Those wishing anything in my lire will find it to their advantage to call and in spect my goods and prices. Highest prices paid for But- ter and Eggs and all kinds of produce. j. P. floss. Poultry for. Sale, Choice birds for sale, Light !Drama, Black Leghorns. White Leghorns. A few Black Leg- horn and White Leghorn eggs, 81.90 and $2.00 Per eitting. •G, A. RUDMAN, Exeter. For Sale. Three first-class farms -100 acres each -Lon. don Robel, within one mile of Exeter. Apply to ELLIOT &ELLIOT. Solicitors, &c., Exeter. VARM FOR SALE.—The un- dersigned offers 0o4 sale bis farro, being lot 11 0023. 6, toWnship of 'Osborne, two miles and n. half from ,Lxeter,e00 acres, about Elfl acres clear ed and in first class state of cultivation, the remainder bush, in which there is some 'very valuable oak and bleak ash mil timber; the farm is also well fenced and drained; there are upou the premises, first class brick dwelling house, with first class cellars, two good barns; two never failing springs and one' first mess orchard. Forpartioulars apply -on the premises, to THOMAS SIMI% Exeter P, 0, one TO RENT. The House. andLand adjoining( thereto, at Elimville, in the Township of Ushorne, letelY occupied by Mr. GeorgeSleamon, deceased, Apply to ELLIOT Sr ELLIOT, .• Solicitors, ece.,Exetete SEED POTATOES The undersignal has a large ouantity'of „Manitoba Potatoes for seed. I guarantee that there has been no salt or lime used in shipping and will not be so long as they are kept for seed. Parties wanting any can be supplied at IIISSETPS BROS.' STORE. THOS. PRIER. Exeter, April 5,1888. FOR SERVICE. Shorthorn bull, "Prince Albert," winner of first _prize four years in succession at Western fair London and egetally snecessful as a stock getter. Also an imported Berkshire Boar, Real Briton," (488) winner of first prize at Toronto. Ontario Provincial and Quebec Pro- vincial Exhibitions in1886. Terms --Bull $10 Boar $4, a limited number of grades at $3 and 82 respectively. Choice 33erks for sale. II. & W. D. SMITH, on the Lake Road, adJoining Exeter, Hay P.0. • 2 mos. MACK AC* The IZost D SUM ME nigher:el R TOUR • Palace" Steamers. Low Rates. Vour Trips per 'Melt Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC .ancl Evory 'Week Day Marmon DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wed° for our "Picturesque Mackinac," lillustrated. Contains Pull Partioularc. ITailed Pros. Detroit ei Cleveland Steam Nav. 008 .p. D. UN iTCO.MB, PASs. DETHO IT. M INTERCIZZONIAL IL OF CANADA. The Royal Mail, l?stssenger and e'eeight outo 'between (eau Heim & Great Beitain teed irect route betweee the west and 011 902080 e. the:Lower StLawrence and Bale des Cho - cur, also IBWBriingwick &ova Scotia ,r, e P, E, Island Cape Breton, And Newfoundland. New and elegaet Buffet Sleeping and Day ars run eti through Express tvain Paesengere f oriGr a at Britain or f e Conti - exit. by leaving Toronto at 8.30 a, tn, train bursdaY will :56111 outward mail steamer lietie fax 11, Saturclity, S'operioe elevaeor warehouse and poet:. ea- eni o eat: on ere Ritiifax foe the 511ipmont of rail) and ge naval morchaudi se 'r ears of eXperient e inivonvorseithetxtrom. to -envier, in cow:I:even with eteamsbip tiee to /lire frotrt London, :Liverpool end Iaseow tote:elle:lee to be th &quickest freight :AO betWoon Ceded q, and GreatBritaill. Information as to Passenge3':1.13 El:eight Les can be had on application to ROBERT J3. eenoDIE Weeterelexeigilt &Passenger Agent 08 leossin Rouse 1319e1c, York et. receento or to RING, e7 Speeliteete Ottawa D. POTTeleGElt, • • T. D. Stanley, Mayor of St, Marys, W48 in town on Wednesday Now that the weather has got warm, Norris takethe baby out regularly. James Sproat, one of our bakers, oports a brand new hat, 'What is the matter \vigil Mr, Dagg getting one too ? Cal. Jackson and George Pogue Atte- going to the ban01 tournament in. Brampten on the 24th. , Mr. flerbort visited tcwn on Friday. -and took home a blushing bride and a new milk The TIMIS will be sent to any address from now until Jan. 1889, for 00 ots., with order. ;We give all the news of the distHot within a radeue of 20 miles. Bob MeLeod has it flue three year olcl colt ; he is getting it into shape to trot at the .Buffalo June races. Peru Macklin is his assietant driver. William Rufus Stanley has a fine new walking stick, a gift from piis friend, Mr. Moses :Turner, who reeeived it from the lateegames Carroll. Mr. Alex. Empey has a pair of bull -dogs and a Rune crow. All he now lacks is a paper collar and a cane to be a full fledged sport. What is the matter with the watering cart? Why don't the council wake up and make things cool by having the streets epriniclod once in a while anyway. We ace pleased to see tnat °or old and esteemed friend, Mr. Hawkshaw is able to be out once :more, after his late, severe Marks Hedy who keeps an intelligence office here is about to open a. pawn shop in connection. He also purposes starting branches in Parkhill_ and Foreet. "Cann such things be and overcome us like a summer's cloud, without our sleet:dal wonder ?" We refer to a worthy Christian who is in the boycotting line in this village Can you perceive? James Bolan of this village, otherwise known 8.8 "Hearn" is daily praotising;e0n thdrirer and is contemplating ohellensemd O'Connor of Toronto, for a five mile race for $500 a Ade. . Mr. Smith, our well-kno3vn, local classi- cal scholar, is busily engaged translating' "Baron Aftinchasen" into Arabic oda in- tends forwarding a copy of the work to Arabi Pasha as soon as it is completed. Scotch Willie, proprietor of old curiosity shop, has made an offer to Mr. Donovan for his Franklin watch. Mr. D. refuses to sell it at any price and' Willie is wild to get it. R. S. Hodgins, the "king, of the west" is having his palace nicely decorated with a new zinc roof. Mr. Collins is doing the work in an artistic: style. It will look elegant when finished. . "Cainethe enterprising dispenser of Scote Act, intends•enlarging his palace hotel and converting it into a summer resort, having discoveird p mineral spring on the premi- ses. • Our roller rink is weary. Wny shined such a grand edifice be 'left so long idle is the querye of all? Perhaps 18 18 because the proprietor has ;lost his speculative mood. Answer Ilderton The prodigal Jimmy Tapp :raeandered home from British Columbia, footsore and weary with :lie more clothes than would' Comfortably wad a musket. He is now tatting up his -quarters with his feeble old dad who did not hill the fatted calf for the simple reason he did not have one to kill. It blew into town one day last week with the cold north wind and although it was habitecl in sunamer garments, it could not change the temperature. It is taking photographs up in the north eOtintry nOW somewhere. James McMahon purposes going to Vic- toria 13.0., shortly, where he intends going into the paper collar mannfacturing. He purpeses employing Chinese workmen and thinks he will do the collar trade of the west. Be also intends manufacturing Lynch pins on a large scale. Mee Brewer has invented a new hair' vigor which he has been, using himself ler some time with the result that he has a boantifill head of long curly hair. About a month ago he gave a bottle to Lis friend, Mr. 81ewartson and that gentleman's hair is now nearly a foot long. Mr. Brewer says it will tihnost cense hair to grow on a broomstick, Mr, John Casey, 'bus driver, took a trip to Strathroy with a lady a few evenings ago, It is rumored around that John's intention was matrimony. We aro not ia a position 10 state positively if such is the case or not ; but John says midnight driving is delightful when the roads are good, and he only has to use one hand to daive Ou'r old friend, James Neil, was in town' Friday. Ames is now in the hen business on his farm in McGillivray. He has pure chnsed an incubator end intends raising spring chicken for the I3uffalo markets. At preeent he heel 32 fine chickens, but ex- pects in a couple of months to have over 8000. James ie an enterprieing youuer Mr. ludd, who hat been in the potash business here for some years, 18 illAtit giving up that line and Intends devoting his time to the mannfacture of soft soap, He purpeses canning it like corn or tonne - tow; and shipping it to the eastern markets and as he took the diploma 01 1(119 colleen- nial exhibition for the best soft soap ex- hibited, no doubt his ventuve will prove a suceess. He exboote to keep from 1G to 20 mon employed, A Very pleasing eyent took place at • Clandeboye on Friday evening last, being a pi eeentatioe to Mr. Thos, Fun be, the nombere of tho (thumb choir, The follow - Mg is tiso address. To Mr, Those Hall, Sine -We ths members of the choir take great pleasure on this happy occasion of peesenting you with tbes slight tenant es feeble memento. We tiaorooghly recognize that your great ability ae 0 singer, arid your Hod and ton:teem.: dome:mot he connection with cherch affairs has made eou beloved ley all with whom you coma in contact. Our earnese prayer is that yen may lobg be spared to lead the choir, and Ole leeppy, Signed ,the member:: of thee elmir. Mr. Hall Was then; preeented with a beautiful new cetaway ehecitieg •jacket. Ho made a totiehiug reply and the meeting I Railway` Office, Moncten, N 13, March 20, 'efe, then adjoerned. outing WRITE &$ONS Publishere and Propri °tore. The three Quigley brothers visited, Lucan on Mondey last, having been summoned liore 0/1 acoomit "of the dangerous 11111053 of their mother. Tom is now living in Detroit, Mike in Brixton and John in efilinton. Their old friends were all gled tie see the boy!: as they are all old timers in the village. ,V,Tm. Reid and John Hodgins of this • village, are now in tbe °minty of Welling ton selling patent tighte for the' Ruesell fence. From letters received from the boys they .ppear to be having a good time, la is whispered around that they paid a flying visit.to Clifford last Sunday eve, ;lack led the blind aud Billy folio wed with a bludgeon in his hand. ' Mr. Maguircerwo believe, has.seaured the services of a, Mr. Donee; and intends start- ing evaegelioal 'Meetings in Clandeboye. 11Ir. Maguire has lately become a convert, end intende making amends. Mr, Mao ,has in his possession a copy of • Dr. Wil- son's theoretical researches, whiela, with the able aSSiellnee of Mr. D. (who , ie sec. end only to Mr. Sankey, of Moody and Sankey fame, we are looking for startling and thrilling events shortly. . Our much beloved Mr, &taller has in- vented a new lexieanof which he has the copyright. for Granton end Ilderton. Re purposes restoring all the obselete words in the Eeglish language and objects on prin- ciple to phonetic spelling. We understand it is Mr, S's intention to lecture in all the principal towns and cities of the dominion. his lecture is entitled A. B. C., or how to spell single words, We wish him success .on his tour. We undsretand that our head constable, 714.1r. John Bawden, hat; resigned his cone- •rnission and that Mr. Chas. Haskett is an • applicant for thceoffice. We would heart • ily recommend Mr. Haskett as we consider he is a num eminently fitted for the' posit- ion he having served on the Irish constab- ulary for 4ayears -also on the Mounted Pohce N, W. T. for 7 years. Mr. Hesitate served as a major of engineers in the Soudan war under GeneraleWolseley. He is a youth of sweet disposition and thor- oughly fostered in the scripture. William John Barden tells a funny story to this effect. Last winter he was down on the Bauble skating, and there lost a little.gold trowel which he wore on his ,watch ehain as a charm. • A few days ago jeo was down near the same place. fishing, .4 caught a number of fish, one of which being opened proved to have swallowed e charm. This is a very fishy story and f any ,one but the gentle William John 'had told ii no one would believe ; but as 'he is widely noted for hie veracity, of course we have to swallow it. • Robert Guest,. of this place, a gentleman .whose word has 'never been denbted, tells ift remarkable story about his shooting +cleverer' ' Robert, whois a fine rifle shete was out with a frieud a few days ego, and seeing a.large black squirrel on the top of a high tree with his tail up over his back remarked to his friend, that he could eut the, tail off that squirrel and not. injure it. Re fired, the tail dropped and the ball continued on its way to the next farm where it hit a cow and calf, killing both instently. _Robert vouches for the truth of this, of course other people can have their own opinion. , I sparring match Look place in tlie rink on Monday evg. last, between two of our welinknown local sports. The rink was paeleed to suffocation., At eight o'clock the curtain rose and Cheerley S. as master of ceremonies introduced Jimmy Hall who went through a fancy exhibition of club swinging; next followed a bout between two aeeirants from 13iddulph which was very tame. A song was then sung by Mater Consings, entitled, ,The Bold Lumberman' Tho event of the evening was the grand set-to between. Yorkey, the light weight, and limy, the heavy weight cher:mien. Christopher H. was appointed referee. Yorkey first appeared on the platform in gray knickerbookers, blue shirle and pru- nella gaiters with a piece of lemon peel in his mouth, lIe was in the very pink of condition and was greeted with n roar of applause. But 'when They appeared the roars were deafening. His oostunee was that of a Spanish cavalier, aesiiiite collar and "a pair of burnished spurs ; be also wore a beautiful smile. The agreement was that Ikey was to knock Yorkey out in four three-minute rounds, Marquis of Qtmensbury rules to govern, eight ‘ounce gloves A. criticel observer could at Once sea that They had ffo sofi snap, although ha bad th.e advantage of some 40 eonnde weight, still the knowing 'ones aid not think he Was in very good condition, as his flesh appeared soft and slabby. The ref- eree examined the gloves to eee that no stones or other missiles were bidden in them and the time -keeper, Tames A, then • called tine. Round lst-Theee was no hand shaking as the battle was ...for blood. Both men sparred eautimiely for an opening Yorkey etruck short for They's faco. and received ' a right-haucler in the ,nionth. First blood WAS claimed and alloWed for f•Incl-Yorkey now fought on the dsfensive, but Ikerfoleed the fighting and clrove Yorkey all over the stage and at last forood Min over the ropes and acci- dentally towelled him with hie 'spur, A foul was claimed by Yorkey's, secondbat not allowed by the referee, but Ikey aele cautioned. 3r0 round-Ikey demo up emilaug, but withont hie spare. Ikey'e gook ran away up, 300 to 1 was offered freely on him with no takers. Yorkey now apPeared to leeve got hie eccond wind and sparred beautifully for Ikey'e bread basket end labeled a terri 6o right bander en Ilcoy's Taft, ear. .11cey appeared dazed and fell ibto his second's ftrinS, lint was up in 011 instant-- time was than celled. 4811 awl last round-Ikev OvideiltlY tililltesnuo! and as YorIsey had two po r beef etealt tied over his mider lip, the chancee were all in They's favor, .13oth :»e11 advanced to the middle of the stage, tvernencloite lune,o at Yorkey which lifted him clan over tl•io ropes, but the little Ono was gtime and wee 1113 in an indent, 11(ey, again struck him in the necsk and lenoeleecl him down. At Olio stage ofs the proceedinge, Matey Ned ad. vended and eelled n tbe mind -pals to deelet. The e:eferee, amidst hoots one hieses, deelared the match 0 draw. The ate nicamy was divided between the nee: nowelelins the chanipiern shin. • VXLLAG3 Commir.-Begular meeting May 7th, Members presens, • J R Armitage, I' A O'Neil and John Murdr Reeve in the chair. Mieutes °fleet mewing read and confirmed. • Moved by ' A O'Neil, see by John Merely that the following accounts be passed and reeve sign orders for •same. C Sprietule, bread for tramps, $1,35; II Bean, 1 cord of wood. $2,00; 3 Stewiirdson rep sidewalk, e1.50; (1 A Stanley registra- tion of births, marriages and deaths for last half 1887, $2,20; G A Stanley, station- er)r, 60o; Cr A. Stanley, 6 months' setTary as clerk, $22.50; John ;13awden, 1 yrs selary, as constable, s10.00; J NV Orme, bal of printing act. for 1887, $5.00: Carriech Moved by John IVIurdy, sec by Reeernii- trige, that hs. Stowardaon be appointed gravel inspector for 1888. --Carried. Moved by R Armitage see by James Murdy/ that the court of revision for village of Lucan for 1888, be held in the counoil chambers, opening May 2$81.1 at ten o'clock a. m.-Carrieci. • Moved by F. A. O'Neil, sec by J .Mtirdy, that clerk be instructed to draft a by-law Ip repeal by-law No 123 02 81110 village. -- Carried. • Moved by R. Armitage, seconded by F. A. O'Neil, that the :clerk be instructed to advertise for sealed tenders for 100 cords, more or less, rgood gravel, from Kent's pit also from Welch's pit. The resignation of John Bawd en from the office of village constable was received and accepted. Oa motion the council adjourned. G1110. A. Sean nue, Clerk. Sirleton. Methodist church going up rapidly. Mr. Joseph Wren 13111 town a,t preseu • visiting friends. - The sacrament of the Rely Enchari willebe administered (D. V.) on Sund next in St. Paul's Anglica-n church. .e Mrs. Robt. ,Robiuson presented her hu band with a son on Friday last. Kirkton population is increasing. Kirkton mill ruins haye been 001rVert into a veritable Garden of Eden cornpar with what they were. Honest Jim and J' Lankin are engineers, • The funeral of the late Mrs. Willies Beattie took place on Wrednesdey last at was attended by a large number of Mend Much sympathy is expressed toward Beattie in his sad bereavnaeut left as he with a family of young children. The ceased was respected by all who knew, be being a thorough and, consistent Christi to the last. With reference to the Midden Methodi ohurchgYoung's question: "Who fixed th oorner stone?" can now be answered, au -your correspondent will try and briefly scribe the proceedings :-The 081004012took place on Thursday last, and the da being fine a large number were preseta On the platform were the Revs.. Fletche Caswell, Fear Moir and Charlton, Mr. Switzer and others. After a few proemi remarks by Hr. Charlton, Mr. Moi t lecl i prayer, after which the lessons were tea by the Revs. Fear and Fletcher. The Re Caswell being called Imola remarked tha the members of the church were in th right course: He also eulogized upon th Meth. church as honored by God, and o the -many blessings which have been show ered upon it both moral and sMritual, say ing that it was the religion of - Christ tha had helped tho people in this section. t win 21200068 in life, and such success as is now marked. in the ceremony about to b performed. The sneaker referred to th church as the grandest institution on earth actiug as a moral levee to the advancemen of education, society and prosperity, and the elevation of our nature. With each. he said; we must be connected if eve wislete form a nharacter of sufficient otrongth to stand up against the world. with. He hop ed that the fountain of lite would Row freely through these walls, and that orthordox and evangelical doctrines weeild be pro claimed from within, and said that it wa our duty to foster a genial patriotism in tbe 90.118090.1180 of Christ, regarding the 011121015 as a Qrand military school where cadets \yeah be teairied and conveited to go out and fight, against the world, Mr. David Eirl was then introduced by the pastor as the recipient of the trowel with which to lay --and the honor pertaining to the laying of -the corner stone. In the mune Of the congregation and people, Mr. 0. Switzer presented the trowel to Mr. Kirk, referring to the good old times spent in the old church, which was now in, ruins amund them, and hoping for a clontiunation of them iu the one now in course of erection. The ceremopy of laying the 'stone was then performed by Mr. Kirk, and under it was deposited # a box in which were deposited the following : Nae e of The Pastor, Rev. 3'. Ohavltou; Board oi Truetees ; Building Commiete; Messrs, A. A. Donee, John Cal- ender, W. H. Marshall and S. Doupe Contractors Beaman & EVADS, Wm Dinnon and G. L. Money. Several coins of differ- ent denonlinations bearing date 1887 ; New Testament, and a copy of each of the fol. lowing papers ; ()Mistime Guardian, Home auel School, Oratige Sentinel and Protes• tett Advocate, Empire, :Mail and Globe, /1X.Pallit TIttlUig, St. Marys Journal, besides a low miscollanoons articles, Mr. Kirk made a few very appeopriate remarks, wish, ing there every stlecOse, and Making • a Oto - 21311011 of $50 more toentrds ereetion, Rev. 0. Fleteher next delivered a speeeh which might be ecgardecl as a mixture of 71(311(371(311(3410100.lci. He expreseed pleasnro at being present, and mild it Was not his Intention to let these Alethodiete have it all thole own way. . In his °Millen a women might have been selected to perform the oereinoty no,,v over, seeing that the women look after the workings of the aburell to a great extunt ; but the laying of it foundation stone wee very Mli ie itf3 elee, nt that the founde- floe for true Blethodiem was to be found in oatmeal porridge ana the ehorter entechism. With reference to the union of leeeebyteritme and :Methodists lie hardly knew 501510111111513 Vt,11ioh lie bolmigod, and he might pee- sibly St, minister of this 131111101)n few years, • The only differeuee very noticenble was the fact that MetlioilistS were greeter 1)555 965 than Preebyteriene, cenclusion he expreseed a hope for- the sueeese and welfare of then eause now in lieu& and the general welds of the ellerch • 'Rev. Moir t, at ay 0- 's ed ed. 101 s. r. is e- r, 112 The Molsons "Bank ( 'Lk taratlil 1? BY P410-d47),,11%11T,185q) noa1,19 Capital • S2,090;090 nest Pend 875,009 Offer8 the.Publie 4 PER ClENT, INTEREST Nit ANNUM for 1501157 931 DE P 0 SIT RE CEIP T AND 3iPER OENT.INTERLlST PRA A.NNUM For Money in Savings 33ankDep'rn't (Lately Re -Opened. For further partieulars apply at The Bank )ain §treet, Exeter. oFla0111 II01.7118 -- )e) o In, 70 8p in. S080160075,10 te, in. to 1 p.m ' A C DENOVAN Fleet er Oot, 25, "87. • Mernagese tumicr.ara.caseamcricacsiant saideit gladdened his heatt to be ainoeget themenci 1)0 1001)00 forward to a glorious reviital and many to be added to the Lord. His advice -was to ttnitt ancl worlr in a spirit of'uuity,elevotion and prayer, and:the pow- er of Christ would still continue lb be main ifesttia in every way. 113,7. Fear said that God had been with them in the past and would be in the rutriee, and he hoped that with the building Of the house they would build up a life and ohittacter devoted to God, end that the dedication of this church might be crowned witha glorioue harvest ef souls in the service of God. . After the pro- nouncing of the blessing' tha eonipeny ad- jouened to the table and partook of to slump - Worts rePast provided by the ladies. Pro- ceeds of the afternoon Amounted to $124, which will be, used for building pnrposes. Woodham. , Bineve-lelr. James Mills started on his oreene route last Friday morning, -We had another fall of snow on Monday morn. ing.-Mr..3. V. Abray is very ill with - suiatica.-Rev. E. Fear, of Bimetal, gave our village another visit last weelie-A, number of young colts is dying in ,this vicinity this spring. --About half a mile eolith 01 the village there is an obstruction on the road. We thiuk" it is time OU 1 Usborne or Blanshard council was -looking after it and have it remeved.-Most of the seeding is conapleted and the farmers ars busy sowing their niaugolds and ceriots and planting potatoes. -Mr. Plenry:Wyan is enaking a great improvement of his dwelling. -The 2481) of May, Queen's birth- day, will be celebrated in the usual way by holding their Sunday school anniver- sary services. Next Sunday morning and , evening by Rev. Geo- Watson, of Walker- ton. Tea will be served in Mr. Sawyer's grove, on Thursday. There will be plenty of speaking and other amusements proyi- ded., Come one, come all. ciTanton. .13233er5. --Mr. W. Wase is seriously ill with congestion of the laugs. The village physioians are in atteadance.-A patent baker has been introduced much to the satisfaction of those who have more molars ',het unans.-Oar T. P., alias Village news, bas retuened and his graceful form decor- ates once more the gossip chambers of the lluyielers, theee being too many Crabb down east,' -.A base ball club will be organ- ized ehortly, there being plenty of willing, and useful players.--Buicicles and runaways are no more the order of day, accidenta etre a thing of the past, peace and contentment the village over providing the refuse de- posited not far frool the drug 'stoees was removed. What Is our Niettlth inspector doing?-1Vir, Wies.knliddlefien, who was in the clutches of oldexheumatism foieeeeveraI enonthe, and suffered the exerneiating pains of an aboess, is able to be around again. Billy is a. boy admired and respected by all who know him, being a first -ohms marks- man With the riflesand very fond of the speedy eqWne.-Awreick widowers • are entertaining mighty precious thoughts about union, i.e. union with the widows of Granton. Fred your chance is good and if you will only name the one you have your eyo firmly fixed upon, I could. render some valuable assistance. --Mr. S.Coxon,(Chet)doee not participate in the once cherished antici- pations, that loyalty was nothing when • Conservatives were the ',ruling power, Uncle Sam had the finances of lAanerion, by the throat and he unable to buy bread and wine withont 111015e3 and without price. - The seeond son of Mr, 4.. Wreford, who has been suffering for a Jong time expired on Wednesday morning. The body was inteaced in the Presbyterian burying ground The family have the sympathy of a wide chola of friends in their sad 'berette el:neut. --The Spencer House, better known as the Ontario House is being refitted and re- filled by mine host, for the acaortamoda. tion and convoeience of those who like his ways. Having had much experience in travelling, he is well adapted to cater to the wants of the travelling public. The hoes° is oonducted on purely temperance principles. --Mr. G. Carter, grain iner. chant, while digging a post hole one day last week found a skeleton which Dr. Steele assurec1, him was not that ef a human being. One of our blaoksmiths fram his knowledge of the creations did not hesitate to say that it was a gorilla, and that the Indialis would have a full knowledge of its -history; hence, an inquest was mit coneid- ered necessary, seneation ',being sufficient. -Reluctance to assist in the acconeplieh- naent of good that greed:for office may not relinquish its hold is eharacteristio of the wavering fidelity embraced by a gentleman notOve miles` from Granton, until a climax bas been rettebed, velusi the entire 11)nells:1e language reeeives such 9. jerk ;by the tail, that the cold wave 'e.:eis dispelled • which he elates to be all letonght about by the dis- cussion of the Luc rui High Selman • Phil- osophore do uot let charity end. at hoine.- Mr. Wm. Baynes haEs purchased a white chepol buggy frone Win, Moyee of St. Mere's, and can safely beast o the best outfit in town. --Mrs. Crabb and children, of' Toronto arrived oil No. 6, Saturday. They purpose makiug Granton their home dining tho eatniner.-One of our Awmick friends ie considerably excited over a fonts law, we would judge from the Song he sung to one of the trustees Saturday evening, heying a higher key toed fluter teuo thee ceniame. Itre atinorroaed authoritivoler that Mr. Mercier has abandened hie coetempleted abolition of the Quebec Legislative, Conn- APVICIP A10T5tE118.-Are you 415 2111)011 at night and broken of your rest by 0 sick child suffering and crying wit11 pain, of Cio ttiniz Teeth? If so send at mice and get a bottle f"N 111. WinslOw's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Toetlillg, Its value 38 inalienable, le wilerelieve the poor ilttio ;sufferer in; illoclitttely -emend epon it, mothers ( CesrO 10 00 iniSSeke about tee tenures Dysentery Raid 1)1arrliom, regulates' the StomaCh and Rowele, cures Wind Celle, softens .the Gums, reduces tuflammation, and ,gives tone ad n energy tryt he whole eye tem. s. Wins] e eee S mbeieg Syetie" for -children teething ie pleasant to elle taste and le the peeeeriptfen of ono et the oldoeb and best female phyeiciate teed inersoe in- the 'United States, atid is Idu tale by all drugglets 8117011.050118 the ,world. Price twohlyetive welt a bottle. 130 mire aud 0811!o6"97.115, Wieter.osv'e ReeTurtio 5-258i3), "4110 ±13110 111 other lolnd,'