The Exeter Times, 1888-5-3, Page 4futvr Zion. TlITJRSDAY, 1AY San, 188S. THE EXPOSITOR STILT", VAINLY WRIGGLES, Tlin Huron Expositorgually failing to clear its skirts of grave inconsistency auent the temper- ence cause during the last two years, signalizes its failure by again attacking the TIMES. It says the TIMES was inconsietent in opposing Kr. Mills' recent motion in the House, calling on the Do- minion Government to enforce the Act. If we erred in this opposi- tion, we erred in good company, for the Dominion Alliance, then in session in Ottawa, also opposed Mr. Mills' motion, and censured him for iutroducting it. Is the Expositor a better authority on temperance than the Dominion Alliance? Surely not. Its con- duct at least, is not indicative of such. In the matter also of ihe recent repeal vote, we were consistent. Although formerly supporting the .Act, we had grave doubts about its doing good durir.g the past three years, mainly from the parti- zanship and errors of its enforce- ment. We decided that the people after three years' experience knew tfie value of the Act and and needed no dictation. It is indeed passing strange that the Expositor should so strenuous ly -urge the re adoption of the Act up to palling day, and then upon finding its unpopularity suddenly revolt and decry the Act, as it does in its last issue. The Act is now inoperative, discriminatory, in- efficient and will be repealed in all counties, and *is practically dead.' So says the Expositor. Why did not our-cotem discover the above facts before the defeat as well as after, and not advocate such an infamous Act, ns it now declares the Scott Act to be? Tke Expositor also finds that the enforcement of prohibitory. Acts is unpopular; and as Mr. Mowat has the enforcement of the Scott Act, it wants to relieve him as bestit can, and now goes in for repeal. No only so, but it now wants a total prohibition law— • enforced by the Dominion Gov- ernment— placed on the statute book. And the great temperance Expositor— placing temperance after party always—wants to transfer the supposed unpopular ity from Mr. Mowat's shouldeis to those of Sir John A. Macdonald ! Thus our friend exposes himself. The Scott Act having been proyed unpopular, our friend drops it like a hot coal for fear of prejudicing Mr. Mowat and his cabinet. If not for this reason, will our cotem give us the true one. It is the • same Act it vaunted to the skies, periodically, for three years when it was thought popular. To day, according to onr friend there are none so mean as to do it honor. Notwithsta.neting, Mr. l'amieson, a Conservative M. P., and a staunch temperance man, is carry- ing his amendments to the Act through the House. The two questions asked by our cotem are already answered. •We never assumed to compete with the Expositor i Ll inconsistency. We stated and proved that the Expositor and its proprietor were ior a temperance candidate until the moment the rival candidates were in the field, when, finding the temperance candidate on the wrong side, it cooly turned round and tried to justify its action by bitterly opposing him. As a re . - minder we rnight refer our con frere to an incident that occurred ribout the time of his apostasy. Does he not remember of a great many Subscribers in Stanley, pro yoked and disgusted by the irregu. lar course pursued by the Exposi- tor, discontinuing their support to the paper? Others as well as the TImES noted and still remember the Expositor's inconsistency on the temperance question. Ia the other matter the TrmEs stood with the Dominion Alliance, and yet our friend accuses us of anti tern• perance proclivities for being found in such company. As usual our cotern had to oppose the Do- minion • Alliance for political reasons. The Expositor, after its recent candor thoroughly giving itself away and fully exposing its vile polhical motives, can surely never " lay claim to be a temperance organ again. We bid our triend adieu on its departure from the temper. auce ranks. R.ecorder (Reform) which by the way, is noted for its sudden revolts on ,temperance matters, gays, doncernit,g the de. feat of the Scott Act, that "it bits only proved a .polilico.temperance moustrosity,“ This is what we have of late conteruled, and none but the most bigoted aclvocitte .of the Act 'cou1,1 avoid entertaining suchconvictions, Pr is understood that the 1,./o. minion Government bas decided to discontinue the polioy of bonusing railways, for the present. THE DEPOSITS ill the Government Savings Bank during Marh a- mounted •t•o $253,80, a ncl the withdrawals to $383,008. The balance standing to the credit, of depositors on March 21 was $2o4,- 74°,632. NEARLY 1,700 immigzants pass- ed through Montreal last week. The Vancouver, Ontario and Lake Huron are on the way, having about r,000 emigrants an .board. The following figures show the number of immigrants that will have arrived in and passed through the city from January 1st to April 301h, and for the same dates last year. The number on the way out, as mentioned above, are in chided, as they are certain to b here by the 3oth, viz: For 1888 8,949; for 1887, 5,074. Showing an increase for this year of 3,875 persuns. OYER i,000,000 of the inhabit- ants of the United Kingdom are paupers, and in London one in every five of the population dies a pauper. Pauperism and crime annually cost John Bull $82,000,- 000. The total number of paupers in the principal continental count. ries is 2,331,000 while their popu- lation is 187,000,000, against 1,017 000 ;paupers in the United King- dom, with a population of 35,000,- 000. Showing 30.6 paupers to the thousand in free trade England, and only 12,5 paupers to the thousand in protective continental countries. So argues a strong Protectionist organ. THE BILL introduced Thursday to amend the Indian Act contains mare stringent provisions than those now in force against the furnishing of liquor to Indians. It sets forth that anyone who, by him self, his clerk, servant or agent, directly or indirectly, on any pre- tense or any device, supplies an Indian with any intoxicant, or keeps a tavern or house hi which liquor is sold on any reserve or is found in possession of liquor in the house or wigwam of any Indian, shall, on evidence of one credibla witness, other filen the informer, be to imprisonment for a term of from one to six months with hard labor or to a fine of from $5o to $3oo, or both. A moiety of the penalty is to go to the informer and the remainder shall be devoted to the Indian funds. Another clause exempts land held in trust. for the Indians from ta.xa.tion. A farmer named McRoberts was terribly injured in a runaway near Granton the other day, and a man named Fletcher. owing to domestic trouble, sought to kill himself with strychnine, but the doctor saved him. Mr. Wm. Hudson, of the 5th con- cession of Hibbert, had a plowing bea on Tuesday of last week. • At an, early hour in the morning some 18 teams started and keptat it steadily through the day and at night when they stopped they had completed 19 acres. On Tuesday evening while the Winghana fire company were out for practice, two boys, sons of Neil Mc- Gregor and William IVIcelymont, were accidently knocked down by the hose cart, and received serous irjur- ies. Young McGregor had his collar bone and several ribs broken, and is in a very dangerous condition. Mrs. Patching, of McGillivrry, moth- er of the Messrs. Patching, died the other day at the advanced age of 77 years. She was an old and highly res- pected resident of the township f'or many years. itis but a few months since she followed the remains of her husband to the grave. George MoEwen, manager of the Hensall salt well and deputy -reeve of the township of Hay, has entered into partnership with Wm Hood, who for the past year or BO hes been carrying on the Hensel( oatmeal mill with Mr. Wm. Robertson, for the purpose of carrying on Ilie manufacture and Rile of oatmeal. The new firm will be known under the name of McEwen Hood, The farmers in and around St, Marys are a,hout to -'combine" in order to get even with the oatmeal millers and egg dealers combination. The main clause in the new organize,. tion will be in the shape of a pledge on the part of the members to discard porridge from their tables and eubstt- tute hen fruit therefore, In other words, the members of flys society Will bind themselves not to sell eggs for a mere pittance and buy oatmeal at an exhorbitant death is announced at Parkhill a few days ago of Mr. VVilliain J., son of Dr, W. B. Quarry, of Parkhill, at the age of 22 years. Deceased occu- pied a prominent position in a Grand Rapids, Mich., telegraph Office until a year ago when he cont raeted 5 heavy cold which settled on his hinge. fie then lett work, but finding hitusalf growing Worse he started fOr 1,,os Angeles. Cal., last fall. He was, how- ever, unahte to continue the long journey, and falling very ill in Mexico he rettu.ned home. Additional Locals.. On Saturday last the thermometer reg- istered 65' in the shade. Mr. A. Cottel is buildine• a new rake and cradle factory. Mr. W. Lovett has sold several of Haw. key 'e eelebrated road carts this spring, Mr. R. Lang having purchased one yes. terday. Toe hotels in Huron coenty wilt not be granted licenses for at least a month. An Insnector, who has first to inspect the different hotels, has not as yet been ap, pointed. According to the official count the majority in favor of the repeal of the Scott Act in Huron County is 1310, The total number of votes polled was 18,133, while at the time wheu the Act came in force only 9,590 votes were recorded. The revolution has been great, as had those who did not vote gone to the polls— and they would have yoted against the Act—the majority for repeal mould have been immense, e New combination ticket tariff went into effect on May 1. These tickets will be found a great improvement over those now in use to tlae businees men, as they now allow three members of a firm, in- cluding book-keeper, to travel on the same ticket, where formerly but one per- son could use tickets. This change in, tariff entails a material reduction in 'he former rates. The holder of such ticket will, by making a certain percentage of thrireeduce the regular fare almost a • The reports from the several parts of this district, with regard to wheat crops are becoming more encouraging. When the snow went off the plant was in first class (Talton, as in common prudence, it had "wintered well." The even and regular covering of snow had protected the plant, but the subsegrnent cold and bleak (weather in connection with the alternate thawing and freezing acted ad- versely, and a great number of fields have been looking sickly and parched. The last few days of warm spring weather and showers of rain have stimulated vegetation and the wheat is pinking up, and if nothing untoward occurs the probability is that there will be an abundant yield. The funeral sermon of the late Richard Atkinson was preached by the Rev. S. F. Robinson, rector of Exeter, on Sunday eyg. last. The Rev. gentleman chose for his text the words of the llth verse of 00th Psalm : "So teach us to number our clays, that we may apply our hearts unto wis- dom." The discourse was very impress ive. end during which many valuable and timely suggestions were imparted, fully illustrating that the time to prepare for the inevitable is at the earliest moment. Referring especially to the deceased he said that he was one of the first hearers of the late Demi Boomer, who died a couple of months age. The congregation was very large and all must have gone from the church fully convinced as to the absolute fullness of the remarks and illustrations in support of the theories ad- vanced; and must have realized how im- portant it is to be _endowed with the divinity of our Saviour not only as a safeguard at time of death, but as a source of genuine comfort while sojourn- ing on earth. Several youths of:Exeter celebrated the funeral of the Scott Act in Huron, by malting a monstrous bonfire on Main-st., about 11 o'clock Tuesday night. It was built with boxes which made a bright con- flagration ; but the boys not being satis- fied with this, stole from some of our merchants several bbIs. of tar and coal. oil, which served as food for the Eery ele- ment. When the;coal oil barrels burst the oil spread eyer the road to the side- walks, and it was with much labor that the walks were kept from catching. The conduct of the youths who took part was most disgraceful, and none but lunatics would be suspected of such vile aeport- ment. It would indeed be a just repri- mand were the boys made to pay for their' destruction of property: while tbe abuse burled at Mr. Pickard is censurable. We ere pleased to learn that the hotel -keepers did not instigate, much less approve of the proceedings of the evening. Several of the boys implicated have been arrested. • B. B. Club Be -organized. At an enthusiastic meetipg of ball -toss- ers, held at the, Central on 'Monday evg„ the Exeter Baseball Club was re -organiz- ed for the eoining sunimer, officered as follows r ---T. 13. Gesturers, PaBeernesie ; A. J..Snell, vice-pres.; Dr. H. I,. Billings sec-treas ; D. Tait, Geo. Eacrett, Dr. Bil- lings and A. J. Snell, Com. The club is open to challenges from any local club. Personal. Er. E. Elliot, of Toronto, formerly of this place, was in town yesterday, having been called to the bedside of his brother, at Fairfield, who is dangerously ill. -Dr. H. L. Billings has returned from Torouto. —Wes Hawkshaw has retarned from his visit to friends in Detroit.- -Miss F., Bow- den, of Goderich, formerly cr Exeter, who has been visiting here for a few weeks, re - tarns to Goderich to -morrow (Friday) and will be accompanied by Miss Polly Bow- den, of this place. Lailway Subsidies. Brantford delegates visited. Ottawa last Friday for the pritpose of seening a sub- sidy for the Southern Pacific Road. They seemed to be impressel with the belief that the Government has definitely decid- ed to shut down upon all future grants, but if anything is done in this particular instanco the impression prevails that the grant will be applied to the section be- tween Hamilton and Woodstock, The western extension of this road, if built, Would he via St, Marys, Exeter, etc., to some point on Lake Huron, Bayfield being among the ports spoken of. The Grand Trunk Railway Company • have made a set tlement with the wid- ow of the late Johnston SVilson, former resident of St. Marys, who was killed at tba Burwell street crossing in London, on Feb. 6th last. They pay hoe $2,250. Rev. A. Y. Hartley, Bluevale, after a sojourn of two months ansoeg the flower gardens of Alabama, Tennessee Georgia and Florida, returned one day last week in the midst of a snowstorm, but only too glad to see such a pure thing again. Mr. Ilartley's health is greatly improved, and his Many friends trust that he Will, ere long, be fully restored to Ins usual self. r_roue and Lot for Sale.—The • The property of Alex, Robinson, on Witliam-st opPosite ;Vie: 0, Girlfey's. There is a splendid well of water, a good brick t. cm:tabling four rooms, summer kitchen, wood Fired irnd other officeS, end Will be sold cheep.. Payment can bainficle to suit the pur- chaser. The hose Can be viewed froth J te 12, a. re „and from 1 to 4 e. in, 2-t A LEX, 'ROBINSON.' r - ROYAL IOWA; crew Poi Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A. marvel of pur- ity,strongth and wholesoraeiress. more econ- omical than the ordinary kiwis Ind cannot be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, shun or phosphate powders, Sold only in cans.—BoYkr, BAK- IN0J.OWDL1i CQ..100 Wall street N. 0312=11122Z1171111101MUNISSIXIMP FREEMAN'S WORM POWDEREte Are pleasant to tako. Contain their own Purgative. Is a s:o.fe, sure. and effectual folOwer of wortus in children Or iii•1•1101WIMIMMIZIN, .311.•1 Everest's Liver Regulator has prov- ed the best medicine I ever tried for impure blood and liver complaint,. John Jones, Hillsboro,. Ont. Everest's Cough Syrup is the most remarkable medicine I ever used for Coughs and Colds, two or three doses invariably effecting a cure.—Wm. Gillis Forest, Ont. Messrs. Terry McDermott, James Carpenter and James and M. McCoili- gan returned home to Dublin last week from the Michigan 'woods, where they have been working all winter. ' A t the last meeting of the Brussels council, a.grant of $100 per annum was made to the village band on condition that they give a weekly open air con- cert. "PECTORIA" for colds, “PECTORIA” for coughs. "PECTORIA" for the Lunge. "PECTORIA" for Bronchial tubes, "PECTORIA" the best, the safest, the cheapest. '..PEOTORIA" the great 25 cent Cough Remedy. ADVICE TO MOTECEItS.--41TO you disturbed at night and broken of your rest hy'a .mek child suffering and crying witil pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle ofarilrs.winslow's Soothing Syrup!' for Chil- dren Teethiog. Its value is incalculable. It wilItelieve the poor Ilttle sufferer im mediately Lieneud upon 11, mothers ; there 18 00 Mistalte about it. a cures Dysentery and Diarrlmes.„ regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens tne Gums,' reduces Inflammation, ,and gives tone and energy to the whole system.- 'kers. Winslow's Sootuing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of tbe oldest and best female physicians and nunes in the *United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout . the world. Price twenty-flve cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for"nliss. Wxxsr,ow's , gernreersio. s'emere "'Ind take no other kind. DR. Washington Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, MAY the 15th ! Catarrh,Bronchitis, Asthma, Consuinption, etc, porma,nently and effectually cured. A few Prominent Testimonials of P,erpaanent Cures: Mrs. John MeXitY, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John MeKelvy, Kingeton, Ont., catarrh. Mrs. A. !lopping, Kingston, Ont., Broncho COO WU) p ti on. .111r.E. Scott, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh, head • and throat Read W. 11. Storey's Original Testimonial, Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W II Storey,Esc, of the firm of 1Y ir Storey Ss Son, Acton, tirlove Manufactur- ers, also President 'Manufacturers' Association of Canada. Do. IVABIliNGProx, 215 Yongo-it.. Toronto, Best Sin. —1 assure you t feel.grateful for the radical cure you have effected in my throat trouble, and thoueh I dislike having my name ap pear m eOnnection with the testimonial bus- iness, yet, having regard for those who are similarly affectedas well es having a desire to recognize thereeults of your trentment 1 mike a departure th this case. Prior to my acquaint - erne° with yeu, I had suffered for two years from repeated attacks of catarrhal sore throat each succeeding attack bein g more prolenged and violent than the former. At these ti nice I had violent fits of coughing, and would dis- eharge large eurratitiem of mucous, Feeling alarmed, I sought the best medical skill itvail- able, including a, mueb,noted nn N8peeaist,and tookalmosteiePthiglilovntotrh.ire vihoutexperien°gapttci6ofrcif!past spring I went to Buropetedibe a .TohleertortnugeiNtlytlls T. ee good. but on my return h limited, Seeing yoii advertised to Tisit this place, I thought I would consult you, although con fees with not Mudh hope of receiving any benefit. llowever, I as favorably I mpreSsed wall your candot. and resolved to give your treatment a trial. The result,/ am }nippy to inform youiS a complete mire, and ono So marked in its character as to euroriee both my self and my friends, Prom the tirstyour rued- iein o seemed adapted to My case And gave re- lief. In two in oe, I was en f irely wel I , an d have eo continued through the most unfavorable season of year. You aro at liberty to make what use you please of this letter, n n d 1 shell be pleneed to answer anY enguirlos relatlVe to thy case. Yours very tru IY. "l.V. It. STOREY Acton, Jan,1911i , 1817, sCONSULTATION FREI?elalr. v Our stcark for the smarm is llow complete, our iintnetm importations baying all arrived We aro now able to show one of The Grandest Stock of Carpets TO BE FOUND IN CANADA. Carpets of all grades from the lowest priced Hemp to the richest patterns a man could wish to see. But a more important fact is that our stock of carpets stand to -day ulteCinalled as "garde value. Having been bought personally by our Mr. Beattie for CASH in the Best Markets in the World, and marked at the closest prines possible, we af- firm, without fear of contradiction, that we can and will give you the best value for your money that ion can possibly get in Canaria. Don't forgeqthe New. Mammoth Carpet Ho 4E'e of the West. Thos, eatti 176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st. INO .416.22. FARMERS & MIILLMEN • ---USE ONLY-- McCOLL'S CELEBRATED Lardine 111 chine011 The et'l Established. MeCOLL BROS-..& CO, 021 -FOR SALE BY I3ISSETT BROS-01 SOLE MANT3118, TORONTO 00(otio Sena One Door South of Post Office —HE HAS --- A NEW AND COMPLE/ILE '---STOCK OF --- s oots Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MA..NSON, JOHN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER CABINET-MAKBR, Walnut &Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OV EvERY DESORIpTrOli, A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS F.URNISEED 6. CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. 1. --GIVE ME A CALL or The lace Buy Cheap GOODS. SPRING 1888. New Millinery DULMAGES, Kirkton X441,1D3.118 : If you require a BONNET OR HAT in the Latost Style go to Dulmage's Store, Kirk ten. Gents' Suits A Specialty. A No. 1 fit guaranteed. Look in at OUR Stock before purchasing W DITLMACM, Pli,9REST, STRONCESTp BEST, • CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious materials. „ E. W. GILLETT, 1°11gia°017i.n. ilan'freftlisCELEBlialIABOYALYSIAVemtES., OEN TRAL Drug St r e A full stock of all kinds o Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Wivan's - Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drtig Store Exeter, C UTZ 500 111%)138 B utter -Wanted 47. ' athes n, EXETER N Our Stock is Well Assortec, FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW- PRICES STILL MAINTAINED GROCERIES ! ! 16 lbs.:sugar $1.00;13 lbs, white sugag' $e We can't be undersold in Teas from 20 to 75e. per lb. Boots & Shoes All Styles aft Low Prins, nieely assorted Stock of ET It W R "E. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS oll sizee (Chertip,) Bost Machine Oil 60e per Gale COAL OIL AS LOW A$ THE LOWEST - A nice Tee Solt of 41 Pieces, $2.7e" A ood snit of teady-made clothing Po e6 Ordered snits got up in Good Stele, Our Difess Good ai'e marked down to, the Lowest Notch. COTTON, 20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAF A House, and Lot, also a xerre for Sale Apply to JO ITN MATAESON. 1-lity1). 0,. im isa •le , 1 ..., .1.. ... . ?t, v. g' 1. FREEMAN'S WORM POWDEREte Are pleasant to tako. Contain their own Purgative. Is a s:o.fe, sure. and effectual folOwer of wortus in children Or iii•1•1101WIMIMMIZIN, .311.•1 Everest's Liver Regulator has prov- ed the best medicine I ever tried for impure blood and liver complaint,. John Jones, Hillsboro,. Ont. Everest's Cough Syrup is the most remarkable medicine I ever used for Coughs and Colds, two or three doses invariably effecting a cure.—Wm. Gillis Forest, Ont. Messrs. Terry McDermott, James Carpenter and James and M. McCoili- gan returned home to Dublin last week from the Michigan 'woods, where they have been working all winter. ' A t the last meeting of the Brussels council, a.grant of $100 per annum was made to the village band on condition that they give a weekly open air con- cert. "PECTORIA" for colds, “PECTORIA” for coughs. "PECTORIA" for the Lunge. "PECTORIA" for Bronchial tubes, "PECTORIA" the best, the safest, the cheapest. '..PEOTORIA" the great 25 cent Cough Remedy. ADVICE TO MOTECEItS.--41TO you disturbed at night and broken of your rest hy'a .mek child suffering and crying witil pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle ofarilrs.winslow's Soothing Syrup!' for Chil- dren Teethiog. Its value is incalculable. It wilItelieve the poor Ilttle sufferer im mediately Lieneud upon 11, mothers ; there 18 00 Mistalte about it. a cures Dysentery and Diarrlmes.„ regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens tne Gums,' reduces Inflammation, ,and gives tone and energy to the whole system.- 'kers. Winslow's Sootuing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of tbe oldest and best female physicians and nunes in the *United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout . the world. Price twenty-flve cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for"nliss. Wxxsr,ow's , gernreersio. s'emere "'Ind take no other kind. DR. Washington Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, MAY the 15th ! Catarrh,Bronchitis, Asthma, Consuinption, etc, porma,nently and effectually cured. A few Prominent Testimonials of P,erpaanent Cures: Mrs. John MeXitY, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John MeKelvy, Kingeton, Ont., catarrh. Mrs. A. !lopping, Kingston, Ont., Broncho COO WU) p ti on. .111r.E. Scott, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh, head • and throat Read W. 11. Storey's Original Testimonial, Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W II Storey,Esc, of the firm of 1Y ir Storey Ss Son, Acton, tirlove Manufactur- ers, also President 'Manufacturers' Association of Canada. Do. IVABIliNGProx, 215 Yongo-it.. Toronto, Best Sin. —1 assure you t feel.grateful for the radical cure you have effected in my throat trouble, and thoueh I dislike having my name ap pear m eOnnection with the testimonial bus- iness, yet, having regard for those who are similarly affectedas well es having a desire to recognize thereeults of your trentment 1 mike a departure th this case. Prior to my acquaint - erne° with yeu, I had suffered for two years from repeated attacks of catarrhal sore throat each succeeding attack bein g more prolenged and violent than the former. At these ti nice I had violent fits of coughing, and would dis- eharge large eurratitiem of mucous, Feeling alarmed, I sought the best medical skill itvail- able, including a, mueb,noted nn N8peeaist,and tookalmosteiePthiglilovntotrh.ire vihoutexperien°gapttci6ofrcif!past spring I went to Buropetedibe a .TohleertortnugeiNtlytlls T. ee good. but on my return h limited, Seeing yoii advertised to Tisit this place, I thought I would consult you, although con fees with not Mudh hope of receiving any benefit. llowever, I as favorably I mpreSsed wall your candot. and resolved to give your treatment a trial. The result,/ am }nippy to inform youiS a complete mire, and ono So marked in its character as to euroriee both my self and my friends, Prom the tirstyour rued- iein o seemed adapted to My case And gave re- lief. In two in oe, I was en f irely wel I , an d have eo continued through the most unfavorable season of year. You aro at liberty to make what use you please of this letter, n n d 1 shell be pleneed to answer anY enguirlos relatlVe to thy case. Yours very tru IY. "l.V. It. STOREY Acton, Jan,1911i , 1817, sCONSULTATION FREI?elalr. v Our stcark for the smarm is llow complete, our iintnetm importations baying all arrived We aro now able to show one of The Grandest Stock of Carpets TO BE FOUND IN CANADA. Carpets of all grades from the lowest priced Hemp to the richest patterns a man could wish to see. But a more important fact is that our stock of carpets stand to -day ulteCinalled as "garde value. Having been bought personally by our Mr. Beattie for CASH in the Best Markets in the World, and marked at the closest prines possible, we af- firm, without fear of contradiction, that we can and will give you the best value for your money that ion can possibly get in Canaria. Don't forgeqthe New. Mammoth Carpet Ho 4E'e of the West. Thos, eatti 176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st. INO .416.22. FARMERS & MIILLMEN • ---USE ONLY-- McCOLL'S CELEBRATED Lardine 111 chine011 The et'l Established. MeCOLL BROS-..& CO, 021 -FOR SALE BY I3ISSETT BROS-01 SOLE MANT3118, TORONTO 00(otio Sena One Door South of Post Office —HE HAS --- A NEW AND COMPLE/ILE '---STOCK OF --- s oots Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MA..NSON, JOHN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER CABINET-MAKBR, Walnut &Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OV EvERY DESORIpTrOli, A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS F.URNISEED 6. CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. 1. --GIVE ME A CALL or The lace Buy Cheap GOODS. SPRING 1888. New Millinery DULMAGES, Kirkton X441,1D3.118 : If you require a BONNET OR HAT in the Latost Style go to Dulmage's Store, Kirk ten. Gents' Suits A Specialty. A No. 1 fit guaranteed. Look in at OUR Stock before purchasing W DITLMACM, Pli,9REST, STRONCESTp BEST, • CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious materials. „ E. W. GILLETT, 1°11gia°017i.n. ilan'freftlisCELEBlialIABOYALYSIAVemtES., OEN TRAL Drug St r e A full stock of all kinds o Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Wivan's - Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drtig Store Exeter, C UTZ 500 111%)138 B utter -Wanted 47. ' athes n, EXETER N Our Stock is Well Assortec, FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW- PRICES STILL MAINTAINED GROCERIES ! ! 16 lbs.:sugar $1.00;13 lbs, white sugag' $e We can't be undersold in Teas from 20 to 75e. per lb. Boots & Shoes All Styles aft Low Prins, nieely assorted Stock of ET It W R "E. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS oll sizee (Chertip,) Bost Machine Oil 60e per Gale COAL OIL AS LOW A$ THE LOWEST - A nice Tee Solt of 41 Pieces, $2.7e" A ood snit of teady-made clothing Po e6 Ordered snits got up in Good Stele, Our Difess Good ai'e marked down to, the Lowest Notch. COTTON, 20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAF A House, and Lot, also a xerre for Sale Apply to JO ITN MATAESON. 1-lity1). 0,.