The Exeter Times, 1888-4-26, Page 5• DISTRICT DOIN35. occurrences or the Past week wheelies', out the Neigneorhood in a Comnee Perm, -.Scarlatina is prevalent in Parkhill. Paikh11 wants telephone conneetion with the outside world. And so does Exeter. The Own of Mitchell is moringin the matter of electric light fer light- ing purposes. The Listowel assessor reports an in- crease over last year of trona $15,000 to $20,000 in the total assessment. -Everest's Cough Syrup is the best in the country,—Duncan Pursell, For. est Ont. Mr. J. J. Wright, of the Point Farm, near Goderiols has returned from his trip to California. He reports things booming there. Are yon not going to use a blood puriflerikhis Spring? It so, remember that Dr. lyarson'e Stomach Bitters is one of the best known. Large bottles 50 cents. Goderich Council supplies trees to citizens wishing to plant the same in front of their premises. This action is commondahle and Exeter, Council should follow suit. Spring! Spring! Spring! Boils! Boils! Boils! The best Blood Purifier and Tonic is • Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. The People's Remedy. Large bottles 50 cts. Some sneak thieves entered the pre- InlaeB of Mr. Geo. Davidson, 1st con,; Biddulph, the other evening, and re- lieved him of three valuable turkeys. Mr. Philip A. Harding, McGillivray, has disposed of his valuable farm to •1Vm. Robert Seitch, of 18 eon. East Williams, for the sum of $6,525 jos. tonehouse and Fred. Cook, out, split and piled 31 cords of stove. wood in four days, on the farm of Mr: John liatherby, East Wawanosh. Mr. James Cronyn, of Stephen, sold a four year old horse last week to Mr. Martin Breen, for the handsome sum Of 8375. , Everest's Extract of Wild Black- berry never fails to cure for diarrohea, dysentry, &c, --the statements of scores who have tried it. 25 eta. a bottle, for sale by all druggists. The Oatraeal Millers' Association met in Stratford on Wednesday. Very little was done of interest to the pub lic except that a reduction of 50c per • barrel on standard oatmeal was agreed upon. It is proposed to send petitions from all towns and villages of Essex County, to the Ontario Legislature, prayte.g,for the passing of a law mak. ing it, illegal to keep open places of business in the Province, after 7 p. M. from 1st January next. Mr. Alex McDonald, of the IS- th con East Williams, died very suddenly. on 'Saturday last, at the age 77 years. He had,.been out doing somechores and re, Mined. to the house complaining of feiing cold. Ele had gone to a couch to lie down, and twenty.minutes after. wards he was a corpse. We are sorry to hear that Mr. A. Beattie of St. Marys is dangerously 111 with an affection of the stomach. No Man in the county of Perth has 'a ss, wider circle of friends than Mr. Beat- ' tie, and he is esteemed by everybody for his high intelligence, his upright, modest character, and his genial, friendly disposition. While two of the hands in Mr. Jas. Dow's carriage shop, Mitchell, were striking on a piece ot iron on Satur- day la, their hammers struck and • one of them, M. Thos Sellery, receiv- ed a severe blow in the face, and had a very narrow escape feoin having one of his eyes knocked out. We under. stand it was afterward taken out by a • doctor in Toronto. George Rowe, arrested for conspir- ing to defeat the ends ofjusticein con- nection with a recent rape case at Parkhill, was released on bail Fri- day morning, his own recognizances for $250 being taken for his appear., ance at the coming assizes. Hannah • Rowe, the alleged victim of the case, who was spirited away to the States, returned with her mother last week, and is now stopping at a hoarding house in London. Her mother has gone back to the Us S., it is said. A Guelph paper says:—.,A. novelty passed the G.T.E. station here the other day in the shape of an im- mense horse, declared to he the largest in the world. •The animal weighed 3,424 pounds and stood 19 hands high All the members of the • huge carcass were equelly proportion- • ed to the size, most especially the eyes, which ,were of gigantic dimen- • sions. The animal was from Liverpool England, and was destined for Illinois His present owner values him at $4,50U. The following is taken from the printed returns of the Clerk of the Peace, and show the number of con- victions, amount of fines imposed, and •the amounts paid in the East, West and 'North }tidings of Middlesex :— The number of convictions in West Middleser during the year ending March 13, 1888, were 90; in the East Riding, 108; in the North Riding, 77. Amount of fines imposed in the West Riding; $6100, in the East, $6050; in the) North $4150. Alnount of fines paid in West Middlesex, $4050; in 23::$1 Middlesex. $4150; in •North Middletiex, $2650. The License Commissioners for the South Ricling of Perth met in St. Marys on WednesdaY and disposed of the applications laid before them for tavern and shop licenses, amongst, • winch he following :—St Marys, hotel CS. A. Graham, Daniel Dewar, J. W. Ca theart T, G. Coleman, Kennedy es Moir, Mary A. Cosgrove, W. Graham, • Geo. Tayloel granted, and a license • granied also to the Oxford House con. ditionally ; shop -A, Beattie ds Co and John Walsh granted, 131anighard, hotel W. d. 'McIntyre, Mrs, Martha Henry and Joseph Stevens, granted. Fuller, ton, hotel, Geo. Hoch, Mrs, Mary BroWn, F. Carlin, granted. I-Iibbert, hot61, 0. Prendergast, W. A. Neven, Patrick Farr, and Mrs. Sarah A. Peg°, granted ; shop, Kidd & 0o., granted, M. Williams, granted conditionally, -and D. O'Leary, refused, Mrs, Noel Green :meg Mr. Henry JaMes at the ()minty Perth assizes for $700( to reeetip be for damages BUS- tRiDed by the falling of the wall of the Jame' building, in Mitchell, last fall, it Is not likely that the plaintiff will be awarded anything, et it is said she Was Warned of the denger and refused to obeY. Paikhill mourns the death of Neil lUOICtillion, One of the early pioneers of East Wilkens% where he eettled in 1848, Hie death resulted from the breaking of an a,bisess which had forms ed in his breast. He leaves behind laina, besidea a sorrowing wife, three Sons and three daughters, Mr. Dan McKinnon, who is at present in B Columbia, and Mrs. Grove, of Uttore- ter, the rest of the family being at hone. The interment occurred at Nairn. The Hamilton Speotator says:—, eEvery line of space in a newspaper is worth money. There are very many people, even intelligent people, who don't eeem to undarstand this. When they ask for the insertion of an article or a paragraph which is not interes- ting in itself but intended to be in the interest of some institution, charitable or otherwise, they often do sip with an air of assurance that indicates that, in their opinion, they are conferring a favor rather than asking one." At the last meeting of the Huron Medical Association, there were two oases present for examination, one of the knee joint of a, young girl, which had been under treatment for some time, and was getting better; the other a boy of twelve years, whose history is a peculiar one. When about one year old he ate some green paper and was immediately attacked with violent vomiting and purging, and from that time he has had more or less hemorrhage from the bowels with soreness over the abdomen. He gets better periodically, and when his bowels are worse again. Several very interesting cases were reported, and altogether the meeting was a very interesting and instructive one. The next meeting will be held in Seaforth, on the 2nd Tuesday in July, YOU ARE SAFE. in buying Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder. It is the purest made. Allgrocers sell it. • Walter, the 9-year.old son of George Gar - foot, of Carleton Place, Sourh Lanark, was drowned. in the millpond there a few days DEPARTNENT ON RA1VIVATS AND OANALE. • OTTAwS., May 7, 1887. Messrs. Fuller(' se Oo., Brockville. Ont. : Gents,—I am very glad to give you to day the testimony that "Nasal Balm" has com- pletely cured my catarrh from which I have suffered for nearly three years. s• Yours very truly, L. D. DION • Dept, Railways and Canals, Two French doctors and. one English one have been added to the medical staff • attending Emperor Frederick. The exhausted and dropsy feelings coms mon to spring time indicate an impure and sluegish condition of the blood. which may be remedied. by the nse of Ayer's Sarsaper. ilia. It is the most powerful, aud, at the sante time, most economical blood purifier known. The Ohio Republican State Convention has endorsed John Sherman's cahdidacy for the Presidency. REMOVE THE CAUSE To remedy au evil the cause must be removed. It is by opening tee clogged avenues of the system and thus removing the impure and poisonous and worn out matter which is the cause of disease that B.1313. is so ueiformly successful in over- coming all diseases of the stomach, liver, kidney Ind blood. Four hundred, ejectment decrees have been issued by the Galway, Ireland. Quar- ter Sessions. THE FOUR CARDINAL POINTS The four cardinal points of health are the stomach, the liver, the kidneys and blood, any failure of their action brings disease anti derangement to the whole system. Regulate their condition with Burdock Blood Bitters to secure perfect health. It is reported in London that Mr. Cham- berlin bac decided to permauently seyer his relations with the Liberal party, and that he will shortly accept a place iuthe Cabinet. HIS FRIENDS CAN TESTIFY. Mr. G. El. Vought, of Peterboro, Ont., says that his friends can testify to his heiug cured of indigestion, constipation and tor- pid liver by using two and a hall bottles of B.B.B. • "It seems to act like magic, and I heartily recommend it" are the closing words of his letter. Labor strikes are spreading in Germany. The Labor Central Committee has request- ed workmen to stay away from the districts affected by strike. As a hair dressing and renovator, Ayer's Hair Vigor is universally commended. It eradicates dandruff, cures eruptions of the scalp, invigorates and beautifies. the heir, and prevents its fading or turtling gray. moll PRAISE 4re. John Neelaucls, ;writing from the Methodist Personage, Adelaide, Ont. says. "I have used Elagyarfi's Pectoral lialsian for years in our family. For heavy dolds, sore throats, and distressing coughs no other medicine so soon relieves." Five of the persons who were injured by the explosion in the St. Helen colliery at Workington, Eng., on Thursday night nave died. . WITHOUT A DOUBT There is no doubt that Hagyard's Yellow Oil is the best remedy for sprains, bruises, lore throat. °Olds, rbaninatiSM, Croup aud ell aches, pains, lameness and soreness. It is teed externally and internally, end should filWay71 be kept in the house. The total inuriber of deathresulting feoni the explosion in the St.Helen eolliery, Workington, is 30. Queen Victoaia will lunch with the Em- peror or Austria on Monday. Lord Lanedowne will give his last ball at Ritiefte flail on April 25. Chronic Coughs and Colds And all Diseases of the Threat and Lange cati be cured by the use of Seott's Emulsion as it contains the healing virtues of Clod Liver Oil rind Hypophosphitos in their fullest forin, sae what W, S. Muer, M. D. L, fl O. P. etc., Truro, N. S,, save. "After three yeers' experience I consider Scott's Emuleices ()beef the very best in the market. Very excellent in Throat affeetions." Put up in 60e and $1. size, Dresswitlaking!I Mrs, 13ieeett and Miss Welsh beg to in- form the publie that they are opening out businees, and eari be found on the ()tinier of William and Gidley streets. •.••••••••••••••••,. Drese-making done in all the Ttatest Styles. • Leesons on Fancy Work evil:I.—Stamping a specialty; Orders promptly attend- ed to. A oall soboited, SMETHING IEW The Proprietor of the D01711171011 Laboratory! Begs to enuounce to his niunerous friends and patrons that he has just put in full —line of— Staple ce. Fancy Stationery, Accounts Books and ell kind e of School Requisites, Later and Nate Paper, Fools Cap Paper, Account Paper, Colored Tissues Gilt Papers, Drawing Pap- er, Pens and Pencils, And also a full line of all the newest and most popular WORKS --- — FICTION9 All of which will be sold at the Lowes re- n rates. •J. W. BROWNING, Prop LOOK OUT FOR I am in receipt of a choice and well selected stock of ' Fresh - Groceries would also inform ray numerous friends and customers that I will be on the road next week with my peddling waggon. House & Lot FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—Opposite Town Hall. T, IDEAM.ZNO THE KEY TO HEALTH. 'Unlocks allele clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry- ing off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and. foul limners of the secretions; at the same time Correcting .Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, Headaches,Dizziness, Heartburn Constipation, Dryness of the SkA, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaundice Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrof.ale„ Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and. Gen- eral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaints yield. to the happy influence of BURDOCX BLOOD BITTERS. atamensi CO.. Prourfetors, Toronto - Dr. CHASE Rae a world-wide reputation as a physician and author. .1is Mtn arake Dandelion Liver Cure is a triumph of medical skill, curing all diseases of the Hindey atiti Livor, SIMPTOIIIS OF Distressing Kidney Cotaaplaint paitis thehe. and Ito the biLeh • a dull nelan or weight in the bladcler or base of the abdomen ; scald- ing urine often obStrueted; fcecpsenl desire to urinate, especially at night, among aged Persons hot, dry Rho, pale corepTexleu red awl white deposits, drop dizziness, HOlir stomach, constipation, piles, liver sisal swellincs, &c. ' SYNEUTOBIS OP L -er Comphitat aN, shoulder blades, Pain Wider the • 'jaundice, sallow comlexion, wear$ , tired feelins, no life or enert,vy, head ache, dystiop indigostiOn, spots, pimples &c. HOW • CURED : mendralteaed Dandolion ito enaLure'sliyer Cores. and wine combined with kidney rem- edies %sin Dr,Ohasfis Liver Cure will most positively ante alt ki troueles. it acts like a eh a.1417 , stimulating the oneneed neer, strengthening the kidneys an t nvIger. Ming the whet° body.. Sold by all dealers at (modeller. with receipt cook, which alone is worth. the money, Ten 714,0.8 Pins nee the only isadds-ts Itutneydaver, Pins made ; they s s -e act gently yet effeetually,. Mey Pe taken during any employ - Pinsmeet. They cure kidney -liver ()tibias, headache, biho a en P COOtiVeneee itie, ()Minnie doge.. Sold by all deelore, Price es cents. P. EOM A IN SON & 00 Bradford Ont., 114t2t ;$411$ (Or Ifs ULKEY A.N1D - Mr, .A R McManus, foreman of the Gate Sulkey Harrow Manufacturing Co., has returned and commenced operations his vicinity. Read the following selection of the many testimonials received from persons in this vicinity who have purchued t implement. All pronounce it a grand success, and say they would not be without one. Gale Sulkey Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont. Dean Sms.—I bought one of your combined harrows arid have' worked it on sod and wheat stubble. I think it is the best implement I ever used and just what every f er mer needs. ' Yours Respectfully, Joseph Sholdice, Brinsley, Gale Harrow Co., Windsm, Ont, Giaers. —I wish to state ehatthe com- bined harrow bought from your agent has pleased me in every respect. I have seen it work in all places where recommended,' and think it is jest what we need to pre - Gale Harrow Co, Windsor, Ont. without ploughing, and I can say that DEAR Sens.—I bought one of your the machine does all your agent elaime, Harrows and Seeders and have worked it for it, and can cheerfully recommend. it ia all places where it was recommeuded.to to my farmer friends as the best. work and can truthfully say that it Years truly, does the work better aud with less labor Jas Halls, Usborne. thau any implement ever introrlececl to Gale Harrow Co„ Windsor, Ont. tins neighborhood. There are a dozen or Dean Stns.—The Sulkey Harrow ana more, of my neighbors who beve them and Seeder bought from your agent is Past they all think they are just the thing. what we want. I have used it to harrow Yours Truly, cultivate, and seed and can truthfully say Jos Foster, lilxeter Ont. that it does the work better, easier and # with. less labor than any instrument 1 Galellarrow Co., Windsor, Ont. ever saw. I will also say that I have aGENTLIIEN. --:-This is to certify that , good drill, but think that broadcasting as tl e b' el II •• P done by the Gale is the way to sow gram pare the ground for crops and for killing your agent has given eetire satisfaction, ; to get the best results. I have worked 10 ,Canada thistles. It has no equal. Wish- and . consider it the best implement of the ac -es ofwheat stubble with the cultivator ing you success I I etnain 'yours truly, 'kindIever introduced in this neighborhood 'C ampbe without ploughing and it did the work to • Simon I prepared my potato ground for wheat perfection. Wm Rowtcliffe, Stephen. awerewanma.pasol, QAW GUMMING.—The Under- , 1....) signed would inform the nubile that het is prepared to gum saws on the shortest notice, i and in 0 first-class manner, guaranteeing not to damage the plate. Saws gummed ate low price, at the factory, e mile south of Exeter. 2-m T. HEAMAN. --CURES— Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, dee., dze., if you are, a ,t call at —rent— The cheapest spot in tovn for Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheutnatism. Skin Diseases --and all - Impurities of the Blood from what- ever cause arising Female weakness &General debility Purely Vegetable Highly Concentrated, Pleasant anil effectual to use. --A.SK FOR— Doctor Hodder's Compound. Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. HO DD ER'S Conk Lung Care Sold Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and. 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and Manfrs, the Union Metlioin.e Company, Toronto Canada. rar:,.ors, impnazAL mums WOODELAIVI. The undersigned would respectfully infer 5 he community that they haveleasedthe above mills for a term of years; and will be pleased to have a call from all. The mill has recently been improved, by the addition of new mach- inery. Ibis the intention of tl.o subscribers to add 0 set of rolls as soon as possible; and all combined, the Woodham Grist 1V1111. Will be second to none in the West. Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchauged for oats. SATISFACTIN 61.1ARABITEED. giarA TRIAL SOLICITED. J. & L. MeNEVIN, S ELL Merchant Tailor, Elas removed to premises one door coral of Browning's drugstore, whare there will be found a BISSETT BROS. We aro now offering the balsam° of our stock of Axes, Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost for • 30 D.A.-Y-8 01\TI.1-5E- We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :— A Handseme Brass Library Lam]; Large Glass Stand Ltunp, new design A Good Tubular Lantern A Good Axe and Handle An A 1 Manure Verk And. everything at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash, • A full stock of the following lines always en hand...—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An calent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn .Fencing, Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supple* at Inc lowest possible price. A full stoce of tinware of all kinds always in stock. Eavetroughing and roofing a epee- ialty. Agents for the 13 se It Itletalic Shingle Roofing. , Ask for prices. Agents for the. celebrated Raymouel Sewing Macbine. $2 5a $ I. 00 $0 50 00• *0 80 BISSETT BROS., Exeter>. c, N.L"•-';'• e..°` c3 S' ,1-" (eS• seF' .:\S`,0 0 qo, I 40 cp co ,.(5.4e, ,,,,0 e, `6 ..*I'''s' • " \GeN ,. oi .0. '.•:' ,,,b- ,i.s. ,,S, `e&N. ce, ° '-''''C)\ °. n& (S,\ NC' e' , e, \ 0.00 s c, ecee 0,cd s.,etfb. kassb ef,e53 0.0.•.cce 05, 4.1'- ,00 ,s‘ N -c ne' 4,$ , sesb'e" fi c:,\. cp. .1, 4z. 40, ,zp c1,55, 8O 4') rs15- ' es' es' se*`• , .6S). 0 e' • .ci0 cP* .11 • Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, sf,.. late 818, Oxford Street, London. sr Purchasers should. look to the Labelson. the Boxes and Pots If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. MageinconlarrerwerneamerseracliiiriPrMulnaatecoa SPRING I88. SPRIN Carpets. -,...oxy-rwaswawraewrses,esto PT-rtairts., MiNalsemancrimatiortai.. Well LoseutedI A. ID 1 M 8 .. OF SPRING- Nov that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in - TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &C. Ispeetion to our BIG stook of Carpets, Curtains, and tilos°, 'Fahey- Window Blinds, &c. Scotch, Tinglishi, Irish, French an dl When buying' -Nall Paper dothth n't forget at the O1 Canadian G-oods. ablished. Oiaries the Biggest Stock an Latest Am- erican Patterns. made up on the SEORTEST NOTICE Lots of loanoy Ceiling p. apars with CONSISTENTLY 11OW PRICEES i I Carriers to match, A. CALL WILL CONVINCE. w Biloads \Vail -Pape' ,...tronetne, A.. JRITIILL, Graduate pt Clevelatut ciNMES PICKARD Cuttinr; Settee' Fixet( v