The Exeter Times, 1888-2-23, Page 811
INS tlitANCD. 311revitiee,
iireLIO1't 4GEN11.1 VOR
4-4 TISK W1i-4,88-111SANCI COX -
VA -NY. at Toronto raise ter the eekreB Nix peetr,
ENSOlestalBef (HAIL'A NY,Ot OUdo 11, lIngSand,
thellOISAL CANADIAN -of Montreal„ nen the
Gudon, Blusland eatablielsed 1817.
Aesets over 15,000,000; claims and boos
paid, over 810,000,000,
TAO Meollaniee' ,lbetktate sopoa Tuesday
and Saturday Afternoon,
Wild dueks were seen flying northward
on Friday heat. Spring is nigh et hand.
A pretty good Sign of spring,. Waggons
wore breught int() requieition onlYlonday.
Revival services are continuel in the
IMain-st, Methodist church.
Read Bissett Bres. Ana S. C. Hersey'e
LOCAL NEWS.—We Man be happy to re-
Jelve at ail times, front awy part of the
Count y, items of iocal news, awl& as ac
cicients,or any interestiny incident what.
ever,from any of our subscribers or read.
erS generalist for theurpU$e of public-
'Celle ("fete?, Clines.
THURSD,\,Y, FEB, 2.8rd, 1888.
-11kyel' The untl.nsigaed would announce to the
riestm, public that he has Row OH hand one of the
helti best assorted. ,stocks of Harness, Boots St
Halted Shoes ever brought into Exeter, and would.
'lie Ink call especial ettention to his Scoteli Collars,
spring Felt Boats & Oyer shoes as they are best in
J. 0, the Martet, and at lowest prices. Also a
Brook4 lieumbar of Children's Sleighs at a sacrifice.
TMedleiiCsll and be convinced. CHAS. EACRETT.
lor the
Pills. A
Ayer' ISarly Lambe.
Mr. Richard 'Kerslake of lot 23 con 11,
• Stephen township, is the owner of a ewe
DC- j. C "which dropped two lambs on the 15th inst.
si —Mr. Thos, Coates'three ewes which
-dronped Iambs on the 4th inst.—Mr. Thad.
'Tones also has a ewe that lambed on the 9th
oast. These are considered early.
...Badly in Need of Charity.
Wallace Graham, publisher of an excuse
'for a newspaper in Windsor, judging from
the manner in which he begs, must be sadly
in need of charity, and we wonder why the
authorities of that town do not place his
name upon the charity list or consign him
to the ahrionry. He is so 'hard up' in fact
that he writes the clerk of the township of
Hay, a distance of 140 miles soliciting the
• township printing. What ean prompt this
action? Is it on account of there being no
Dominion voters' lists to prmt; or is it
owing to the playing out?
We commend him as a worthy subject for
the poor house.
The Duck Affair.
It will be remembered that some weeks
ago, Messrs. Becker and Dick of Blake were
charged with stealing ducks from Mrs.
Sherrict of that place. It appears that a
Mr. Windsor wss also supposed to be im-
• plicated, but who avoided arrest by ab-
• senting himself. Chief Constable Gill held
a warrant awl kept a sharp look out for his
mats On Saturday last he heard of his
going north on the morning train and at
once went to Henson, arrested him at
Hodgins' hotel, and tried him before Mag-
istrates 13echanan and Smillie, who corn-
'rsaStteil hitu for trial. He was released, bail
being given' to appear with Messrs. Becker
ancl Dick atthe spring assizes at Goderich.
Au Exeter,Boy's Success,
We clip the following from the Gypsum
(Kansas) Valley Echo, and it is with pleas-
ure we give the item space in our colums.
Mr. Willis to whom the item refers is a
native of Exeter, and prior to his leaving
here, nearly a year ago, was in the employ
of Messrs. Bissett Bros. He was much
esteemed here, ond we join all in wishing
him every succes::- 'Chris Willis, who has
been in the employ of A. P. Duoer as a
tinner, has purchascld the tools of Mr.
Smith and will ;continue the tin shop at the
-old:place of business. Mr. Willis is an
enterprising young Canadian Lately coming
to our town, but has gained the confidence
and friendship of our citizens awl we are
gladto class him among our business men.'
A Comparison.
The following is a correct showing
sef the salaries paid public officers in the
•-•!'szious municipalities hereabouts :
ss, bn
:4 0 .F2 47
‘e„SI ss,
Ls o
OE- s4 ss eel
8 $ 6
St. Marys •
100 40 60 55 100 0
275 45 70 70 340 0
200 100 100 50 400 0 0
140 65 90 50 -- 0 0
150 60 90 50 350 0 0
125 100 50 76 275 0 0
250 00 80 400 0 0
350 256 175 200 450 100 100
In Exeter, the clerk is paid $120 ; treasurer
$30; assessor, $50 ; Jas. Creech, who gets
.1325, acts as collector, constable, bell ring-
er, &c., ste., itc„ stc. This municipality
will compare favorably with any of the
sibove with regard to low salaries.
Becovering a Balance due.
An American horse buyer named Crawford
who was in town last week buying young
entire horses was put to a little inconven-
ience at the instance of Messrs. Colquhoun
and Dow of this place. About a year ago
these gentlemen sent a horse across the
borders in care of a Mr. Willis. Mr. Willis
travelled the horse for some time'and
sluring the season !sold it to this Mr. Craw-
ford for a certain sum. He paid the amount
save about one Imudred dollars, and it is I
said declined to pay this balance, things- i
not transpiring as he had expected. Noth-
ing further was done in the mattes until the r
other day, when upon hearing that Mr.
Crawford had purchased a horse here and
had it stabled at one of the hotels,, ' Messrs. xi
Colquhoun de Dow at once caused an attach- $
inent warrant to be issued. Chief Constable
Gill proceeded to take the horSe in . chaige n
.1vheri he found that the door was locked; he g
requested that it be unlocked, but it was
aot granted. Whereupon he took an axe, t
,I.oreed an entrande and took possession of s
the ordinal, After considerable talk the b
affair was settled by arbitration, the cr- a
• bitreters awarding $75 to Messrs. Cohen- p
hOlin Dow, with each man his own. (mats
to pay.
chAnge of advdtiseroont.
The spring:like Weatberof Sunday caught
a cold Monday nightt and the thermometer
met down a few degrees,
Mr, Crawford, of the U. S., shipped SQV•
oral fine yoang entire horses from the sta.:
tion on Monday last.
There are a great many cases of measles
in town, but are of a mild tyPe, no deaths
having, resulted.
Mr. }I. Levett, of this place, purchased an
$800 piano the other day, fee the Mieees
Le vett.
Mr. Thee. Tyndall intends leaving town
and will offer his household effects by atm -
tion on Satarda,y next. See bills,
Messrs. Geo, Eacrett and Jos Davis here-
by challenge any two in town to race a 3
legged race on the Roller Rink, on the evg.
of the Ciunival, Tuesday evening next.
The death is announced of Mrs Thomas
Cornish, of this place, Which took place on
Monday, 20th inst., at the age of 61 years
and 4 mouths. She had been ill for some
Mr. P. Curtin sold to an American horse -
buyer the other day a young entire colt for
a good sum. Mr. Curtin keeps nothing but
good horses and can always realize good
It is rumored that Mr. Hutchins, of Park-
hill, is negotiating for the purchase of Bis-
set Bits. grain store house here. tbe
event of his purchasing it he will put a man
on the market here.
The assessors are now on their rounds.
Let every person see that is properly
assessed. Facilitate the work of the assess.
or by giving him necessary details With
Word has been received of the death at
Kent Bridge, on the llth ,Feb., of Rev. A.
M. Facey, at the advanced age of 96 years.
Deceased was well known in this locality,
having at one time been pastor of the Elim-
ville and Slepheu Baptist churches.
Mr. H. Willert, of Dashwood, was fined
$50 and costa, the other day for a yiolation
of the Canada Temperance Act. This is
either the third or fourth time that M r. W.
has been fined, while there are others in Hay
who have not as yet been arraigned.
A sttanger in town the other day while in
conversation with a citizen seriously remark
ecl: "There must be innumerable boarding
places in Exeter, judging from the number
of houses upon which areplaced meet/ cards.'
The stranger had evidently mista:ken the
?nedsles placards for those of meals.
Messrs. John and Thos. Ryan of Stephen
township and John Blatchford of Usborne
township, (farmers) have assigned. It is
said that there are more to follow. When
our farmer friends begin to go down it looks
as though depression were worse than for
some time supposed.
The morning stars will be: Venus until
July 11, Mars until April 11, Jupiter until
May 22 and from December 6 to close of
year. Saturn from August 1. The evening
stars will be Saturn from January 23 to
August 1, Venus from July 11, Mars from
April 11, Jupiter from May 22 to December
The musical and literary entertainment
and oyster social given by the young ladies
ef the James-st Methodist church last evg.,
was a saccess. The programme rendered
by local talent was good, while the oysters
ployed a proininent part. The affair was
managed in a manner worthy of mention
and the ladies deserve credit.
The first of a series of carnivals under the
auspices of the Exeter Brass Band will take
place in the roller rink on Tuesday evening.
Good prizes will be awarded, and a pleasant
time is assured to all. As the members of
the band have in view the purchasing of new
clothing,it behooves all who canto be:present
and lend a helping hand.
Mi. Thomas Camm, son of the late John
Camm of Usborne. who has been working in
the lumber woods in Michigan, for some time
was brought home last week by his friends,
seriously injured, a tree having fallen upon
him. He is now under medical treatment
and hopes are entertained of his recovery.
The young man is highly respected by all
throughout Usborne Township and much
sympathy is expressed.
.A bill amending the game laws will be
presented to the Legislature at this session.
It is not proposed to make any very exten-
sive alterations of the game law, but the
object is simply to limit the petiod for the
shooting of deer to one month from the lst
of November to the 1st December, and to
limit to two weeks the period within which
deer may be hunted with dogs.
Mr Thos. Dunsford and family, who have
for many years resided on the 3rd con. of
Hay, left for their new home in Michigan a
few days ago. Just prior to their leaving, a
number of the friendly neighbors assembled
at the house, and presented them with a
handsome album and address, merely as a
recognition of the esteem in which they W
were held. e join their numerous friends
in wishing Mr. Dunsford and family un-
bounded success in their new home -
A lady who resides in North Exeter, and
who, for some years has had a desire to be-
come an equestrian made up her mind the
other day that she would achieve her pure'
pose. She went to the "barn saddled ,
-ovine, aeld mounting it, let the beast loose
n the yaid. It circled the lot about a
dozen times at lightning speed, the lady
etaining her seat with the grace and pre.
eision of one more experienced. Having
been so successful in her fil7St attempt she
ow continues the practice daily with
atisfactory results.
Mr. P. Bawden, wholiad rented the Cor-
er store, opposite the Central Hetel, to en.
age in the drug business here has abandon.
ned the thought of commencing, and re.
urned to his situation in Sarnia. We
vould like to ageen have Peter as a citizen,
at, nevertheless, we think he has come to
right conclusion, in thus giving up the
roject, as there is not sufficient business in ,
Exetee for a third drug store, ,We believe n
he intends to take trip th the Old Country 0
next streemee.
R. Sellars, of , Blyth, killed a 0 months'', n
old porker the othet day, which weighed t
220 lbs. Mr. Sellars claims this beats ,the a
one 111110(1 in Exeter, the weight of whichIs
as entioned a few weeks ago, as the d
EXeter hog was near twice as I\Ir. 4
ellars is very much astray. ID our isale
1 Feh'y , 2nd :there appeared an item at
°bows i --"Mr. John Evans killed a hog 8
°lithe old the othet day which weighed
25 lbs.” While there is no comparison
hatever in the Weight of the two hogs :he
he hilted by Mr. Sellars ig not at alt re-
mrkable. Such parker e can be picked up
t any ton, It was one month older and
deed but little mom than half of what
Ir. trans' 'weighed
Mr. Thomas Hamlin intends migrating
to a locality in which game is more namer-
ons. He offers the store for sale.
The adjourned Seott Act Court was held
in the town hall on Friday last by P. M.
Williams, Mr. Moffat's case was not dis-
missed at a previous court but • eame s
again for bearing at last sitting. Mr, 0
Moffat claimed lie had leased the premises f
ta big son, and there were witnesses present m
who twore to the same, The magistrate at 4
first W6.6 in fevor of dismissing the charge wbat after a little consideration enlarged the 0
ease for one week, to get, if possible, the n
'testimony of the son with referenee to the k
leeso. It ie current that besides 1V1r, Mot w
Ws case there will he several others Ventle
ate .
Mr, Chae, Manning ef 'Cleveland, who
has been visiting his parents here for some
time, returned to that city on Friday' last.
—Mr. P. Bawden left for 6arnia Monday to
resume clerkship in Joimeen's drug store,
—Ur, Lennox, of Louden, who has recently
been engaged as cutter for the clothing de
partment of the old established arrived, in
town last week.—Mr. Sherin of the Home
Knowledge Association has oempleted his
labors here, and left for new fields Monday..
--The Rev. :I, A. Thomas, insulnhent 0
Blyth con:Noted service Chrise chereh
Sunday last, morning and evening. ' The Rev
12,Obinson .0endneted missionary set-
Viaes Goderich township.—.'Miss Me-
Intyre, Gederich, Who has been visiting
Mende tow' for the past couple of menthe
and who, in commoe with a ,greet nuniber
of oar eitizene, hasenjoyed ``ineesly" time,
left foe home on Tueedity,--eMiee eGillispiei
of Lmerkip, is at Present the guest of Miss
Smith, of this place.—Mr. John Balkwill,
who has been at the Sault for some time,
1108 returned,..hothe. He 'states that Mr.'
John .Ironsides, formerly of the Grand Bend,
is lying at his home with an attack of
fever—The Young Men's Proteetive Asso-
ciation is pregressing nicely, and another.
meeting will be held in a few days,--eeliss
Minnie Muir, who has been vis'ting friends
in Exeter for the past few weeks, returned
to Clinton Tuesday.
A. J. Rolline of MAnitoba, is in town
buying horses of 1,200 to 1,300 pounds.
The Bishop of Huron preached in Christ
Church, here, on Tuesday evening, to ,a
large congregation.
The Exeter station, besides having been
raised, the interior is being remodelled and
fixed up generally.
Petitions for the repeal of the Scott Act
in Huron and Norfolk have been sent back
to the petitioners for completion in proper
Thos. Cudmore, of the 5th con of Usborne
has a colt 8 months old which weighs over
1100 pounds. He has also a steer, 2 year
old which weighs between 1700 and BOO
Dr. Washington of Toronto, whose adw.
appears in another coluinn, as per a,nnounce-
meet was in town Taesday. The doctor
had a great many callers during the day.
He will re -visit Exeter on Tuesday, March
A mare belonging tc Mr. James Hodgson
of Usborne, was found dead in the stall last
Saturday morning. Her appearance show-
ed every indication that she had suffered
intense agony. As she was young and val-
uable it will be a heayy loss. ,
The case of Hardy vs. Pickard came up
before Judge Rose, at Toronto, Monday.
R. A. Dickson, for the plaintiff, moved fee
an order for costs of the action, the jridg-
ment being in favor of the plaintiff, but con-
taining no direction as to costs, Decision
Charles Lingard, of Centralia, who has
been locked up twice before as an insane
man was again taken -up to the county jail
Thursday last, his recommitment having
been feund necessary. He is said to be all
right when at work, but when idle for a
length of time he becomes dangerous.
Meesrs. Jno. Gilson, of London, and J110.
Essery, of Exeter, shipped from this p:ace
on Wednesday a cad' load of registered Cly-
desdale mares, to Ladoga, Ind. 'The ani-
mals are as fine a lot as have ever left this
station • in fact, they are the pick of the
Clydesdales in this district, and are web
worthy of the highest commendation,
A dangerons fraud in the shape of a
raised $5 Imperial bank which is so well
executed that the puldic shouldbe cautioned
against it, is in circulation. Raised notes
ere more deceptive, office men say, than
counterfeits, because the paper feels all
righe. The work on this bill was cleverly
executed, but the fraud could be at onee
detected by a person who was forewarned.
Imperial bank fires have a picture of a man
ploughing, while the tens have the Queen
on the throne with the British lion beside
her. The two 5's in the corner are cut oat
and 10's pasted in so neatly that one has to
look close to detect it even when it is
pointed out to him. The small 'fives' around
the edges are scraped off, and the large V's
are also erased. The public CM detect
impostures by seeing that the Imperial 10's
have the British lion instead of the man
for March. There are questions of impor-
tance before the American public on which
Congress must soon act or appeal to the
s vereign peoide to adopt amendments to
the constitution which will meet the wants,
or enable the National Legislature to do so.
One of these is the immigration question,
and there is a timely areicle on the subject
March. An illustrated sketch of the late
Lady Brassey mid. her life • on the yacht
"Sunbeam" will be appreciated by all who
enjoyed her charming books. "Three Typi-
cal Americans"—David Crockett, Ben Bar -
din and Thomas Corwin—give Mr. McCann
a theme which he treats admirably. "A
Finished City," what the people of Annapo-
lis call the Maryland Capital, and its quaint
old homes and ways and by -ways are clever-
ly depicted. There is, too, a bright sketch
of Hindoo women, by a lady who lived
among them, and writes of what she knows
by personal experience. We find a bit of
an adventure in the sketch, "In the tracks
of the American Lion." "Dolls and doll
makers" is a curious:treatise that will inter-
est the young and amuse the elders. The
article on a Lump of Sugar treats the sub-
ject in a popularly scientific manner that
cannot fail to interest. The stories, adven
tures and minor sketches attract read-
ers, old and young. In every point of view
this is the most enjoyable number of the
most successful of our American magazines.
TORONTO, Feb. 20.,—The Central Bank
bills that have lately been redeemed by
the Bank of Commerce are now being
counted. At 3. o'clock Saturday the count-
ing was eoinmenced, and at o'clock
$150,000 in notes had been canceled.
Those engaged in the count are Liquidator
Howland, the Master-in4)rdinary, Mr.
Thomas Hedging, Q. C., together with
several clerks. There is Still over $400,-
000 to count and destroy. In the course
of Saturday's work the counters ra,n across
Cox's $9,000 in lifty-dollax bills, and they
aye been destroyed, 4 is the intention
1 the liquidators to pay 25 per cent to the
epositors at once. The illegal issue of
otos amounted to $70,000. According
o Mr. Howland, the winding up will take
bout one year, although the bank will
ave to continue tintil all liabilities are
no. There are between 8,000 and 9,000
euositorg, and when they receive their
25*per cent. on deposits (which amounts
to about $400,000) it will probably have a
tendenty to lower the money market
Last Week it abli Of Mr. EL Steinbach,
of Zari011, met with what might have
been a Very Orions aeciderit. re,'
eivell a severekick on. the face frOtri
One of 1h6 berme in the yard. At last
aecotints the little iliflOW Was tionig
Me Art of Advortisine
hor 4,10 we will ‘ineert 4 lines (8 words) in ono
million opines of Daily, Snuatte, or 'Weekly
elowspavers, The work will all be den° in Ten
Deys. Send order and cheek to
. 10 Spruce $t New York
176 page oat airgue sent by Mail for 30 eentsL
For Sale
A lasso one story fraine stare balding with
cellar underneeth °eget b or with of an tiore of
land, satiated in the business part of Exeter.
There is also a dwelling at rsar of property
facing Williani-st. Terms to snit pui chaser,
'or further particulars apply to
2 mos. 'RHOS. HAMLIN, Exeter.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of ALEXANDER Mc
DONALD, of the Township of Tucker -
smith, in the County of Huron. Insol-
A meeting of the creditors of the above named
Insolvent will be hold at my °Mow in the village
ot Exeter. in the County of Huron, on Saturday
next, the Toth February, 1888, at two o'clock in
tho afternoon, to hear the report of the Inspec-
And notice is hereby given that after the first
day of April next, 18813, the assignee will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the said Insolvent
among the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to the claims of which notice as re-
quired by statute shall have been given to him
and that he will not be liable for any part of the
said assests to anyperson or persons of whose
debt or olaim he shall not then have had notice.
Solicitor for Archibald Bishop,
Village of Emceter.
Abstract for the year 1887
To balance on hand from 1850, 1909 528
Mali 12 Amara Taxes col 20 25
Oot 29 Anal coil per .7 Dime oh
to Dee31 Municipal pur 1887 7071 10
License fund 7 CO
Bents andtolls 2 00
Legts grant (Prov treas 233 00
municipality fund 59 66
Ines fees &c, 13 00
00 treaS 1100 reeident tax 86 80
Int on overdue taxes col 3 25
Miscellaue Ott 41 50
Street watering rate freitege 162 00
9609 OR
By am't paid streets bridges & park 1294 Os
Municipal tax paid Co
Printieg Postage station'y
Salaries and commissions
School a'c
Taxes Refunded
Non resident taxes
Board of nealth
Insurance on town hall
Election expenses
Water supply & Ciro protect.
Int on railway debentures
Int on town hall debenture
Street watering $171.75 less
Bal. overdriwn carried to
this account 9 75 162 00
539 12
591 62
236 72
86 32
545 59
2103 09
10 65
2 08
5 00
11 22
25 50
42 50
250 00
600 00
50 00
Total Receipts from ell sources
Total expenditure
0905 41
9609 088
8905 41
Leaving bal ou hand carried to 1888 2703 678
Statement of Assets and Liabil-
13a1 on hand as per above $ 2753 678
Sallow property and parks 7600 CO
Town hail 6700 00
Arrears taxes 18 20
Fire engine Lee Lee Misiellaneous 750 00
$17471 87/.
Railway debentures 10000 00
Proportion t'p Stephen debt 1617 00
Proportion t'p TJsborne,debt 225 00
Town hall debentures, 6500 00
558312 00
We, the undersigned, auditois for the village
of Exeter for the yew: nes do hereby certify
that we have examined the books and accounts
of the Treasurer of the Village of Exeter for
1887 and do find the same correct in accordance
with.vouchers produced,
W. D, WEXKES, Auditors.
W. G. RANTO 1,1", J
Dated this 12th day of Mob. 1888.
taSea Wonders exist in thousands of
forms, but are surpassed by the mar-
vels of invention, Those who are in need of
Drofitable work that can be done while living at
home should at once send their address to Hall-
ett and 0o.. Portland, Maine, and receive free
full information how either sex, of ell ages, ean
earn from 15 to 555 per day and upwards where -
ever they live. You are started free. Car ltal
not requir ed. Some have made over 150 in a
single day at this work. All succeed"
INTENTlox'evelutioniz d
world c.uring the last the
century. Not least among the wonders of in-
ventive progress is a method and system of work
that can be performed 0,1 over the country
without separating the workers from their
honies. Pay liberal; any one can do the work;
either sex young or old; no special ability re-
quired. Capital not need; you aro started free.
Cut this out and return to us and we will send
you free, something of great value and impor-
tance to you, that will start yen in business,
which will bring you in more money right away
than anything elso in the world. Grand outfit
free, Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine.
Farm (1 Village Frop6rty
The Undersignad offers for sale South half of
Lot 9, Oen, 3, McGillivray, con baiuing 50 acres,
45 cleared, the balance hardwood bush.
There is a good frame house, good barn and
stabling, good bearing orchard, a plentiful
supply of good water on the farm, convenient
tr' school and churches. Also yillage property
comprising3Dots,on Elizabeth Street ,intheVil
lase of Exeter, with good frame house and -
cellar. good stable, good well with pump, also
a quantity of choice fruit trees on the proini-
SOS. For further particulars apply to
-e-Ixeter North.
The Proprietor Of the
Dominion Laboratory
Begs to announce to his numerous friends
ight VA Blindness
Oelebrattd OnIWt$peciades
79 13Ax S'runrr, TononTo, CANADA,
—Arm -
R. HiCKS, Watclimakor,LoavglpIttl.:; jau.
Has the Ager ey for the sale of the above in
EXMTER. No &potholes in the Market equal
them in the ETA PtinslAUVING QUALITIGs they
possess, or the Geinea: Been ancl CioNFoliT they
confer on tile wearer,
Their use will in actuality so strengthen the
Eye that it does not become necessary to
change them for many years. They are (Were -
fore the OREAPBEIT,
They Are•the Best in the World,
They Never Tire the Eye,
And Last Mauy Years Without Change.
The Sight tested by our New Test Onrd,saine
as usedby the leading Oculists throughout the
or any injurious materials.
E. IC GILLETT, Toaompo, ONT.
bisn'fr of the CIILEIBRAMD1i0FAL T2IAS'il 048E1
A. J SNELL Sandi hOkartli
Merchant Tailor
Has removed to premises one door
north of Bro wiling's drug store, whare
there will be foutia it
Well ezzirt d Meek
Scotch, English,
Irish, French and
Canadian Goods.
Made up on the
.11.. 3. ELL,
Graduate of Cleveland
Cutting School.
Having this season purchased most of our
stock direct from manufacturers in England
and Germany ; to do so we had to give our
yerclers very early in the eeason, and as the
prospects looked well, we bought largely.
And we find that hard times are oausing
great depression in trade, we have, therefore.
decided to meet the times by marking all
goods at such Hard Pan Prices as to ensure
a speedy clearance. Therefore, we would in-
vite all intending purchasers to call and in-
spect our stock, and note prices of all new
Ladies' Dolmans Jackets and Ulsters, also
Maids' and disses' Ulsters, all sizes,
Black and Gold silk and satin dress -
goods, in all the nowest colors and
styles, plain and fancy Plushes,
Hosiery, Gloves, &sc.
Ready-made Clothing,
Hats &Caps. All will be sold at
Lowest Possible Prices.
re 11. You ma Looking
The cheapest spot in town for
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &c., &c., &c., if you are, just call a
We are now offering the balance of our stook of Axes, •
Crosscut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost for
30 I1A8 ONT...CY"
We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :—
A Handsome Brass Library Lamp,
A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design -
A Good Tubular Lantern
A Good Axe and Handle
An A 1 Manure e't.trk
And everything at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash.
$2 60
$1 00
$0 50
$1 00.
A full stock of the following lines always on hancle.—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An.
calent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing,
Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supply
it at the lowest possible price.
— — —
A full attics of tinware of all kinds always in stock. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec-
ialty. Agents for the B & B Metalic Shingle Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents for the
celebrated Raymond Sewing Machine.
Visitors to Exeter
—Would do well to call and inspect-7—
One of the Newest, Cheapest & Best Stocks in town.
Black aud Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Satins,
Colored Plushes. Melton Clothe, Jersey Cloaks, Bleak Drees Materials
and Mourning Goods, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in all Colors
and prices,
Also a fine range of Staples. Fine lines of gloves in Kid, Cloth and
EC 0 ES X E 1r I
Gents' Furnishings.—Fine Display in Hats, Ties, Braces, White and
Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers.
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Overcoatings, Paintings (45 &hinge.
and parens that lie has just put in a full BOOTS AND SHOES. --:A very large consigraent just received, of thc
Staple &Fancy 8—tateneorfy,-- Accounts Books very best styles and quality, in I.Jaclies', Gents' and Children's.
and all kinds of School Bequisites, Later CALL AND INSPECT, IT WILL NOT COST ANYTHING.
and Ncte Pitper l'oc)1F1 CItti) Paper
Account Paper, Colored Tissues
Gilt Papers, Drawing Pep.
er, Pens and Peneils,
And also a full lino of all the newest and
most popular
All of which will be sold at the Loworl re-
inulleratiVe rates.
4. We1JOWNt1SG, Prop,
A full line. of. Glassware and Crook-
ery-ware •always on hand,
our Or ooetyi. Dspaitrxisatt is Clete,
Butter, Eggs and all kinds Of Predate taken in 'siohange, awl the
very highest priee nid. '
L CARLING, Main.t. Exeterm