The Exeter Times, 1888-2-23, Page 1LOPS , eloia•el London,Oepeet od— LU094 Oreesing *tut 0 eye Centralia ,.. Exeter .., Hensall Nippon a a. • hrI011 110Ddefib01.0: „ 09IMi SOUT/T. BlObli olsondesbor'o' Clinton .,. 13rnoe1te1d Kippou Iiees all „. Exeter ... 0 sustralia Clandeboye • Iowan Oaossing gurou BrAce, Patieenger, , a. 8.10 A. st. 4. PS); ,as 0.00 8,00 s.„ 040 0,28 0,411 0.07 ...9.30 0,48 •• 0,46 8,00 0.51 e,07 ... 0,50 0,18 •. 10.18 045 10.37 0.80 msoeuger ,.. 7.91 333 740 3,50 8,00 4,101 ID 8.1e 4,34 ,.„ 8.27 4.42 ,.. 8.33 4.48 847 0.02 .„ 847 0.12 ,.. 0.10 040 • 9,20 649 erannek 11 LECOI: .ve DicKSOf.,,e4iirister, Soh- • oitei of Supreme. pourt,Notary Public ClouveYences Commtssfoner, &o. Ailoney to OtUco Loan. ip,IsanseaS Block, Exeter, 11. COLLIINS, Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer, Eto. 31XETER, - ONT. OfticeSanswell'sBlock flan sold office.) ABMOTJR W, FORD,. Solleitor ji tii'e Supreme Court a Oui ario, Conveyancer, Comm seioneri &c., dte. Speoial attelltiOD, WW1 to the collodion of claims in tit° United States: Patents procured, money to Riau at lowest rates. Odic° : Opera lElouse Block, St. Marys, Ont. FLLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. itivouey to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN- STREET, EXETER. 31. V. ELLIOT. 3. ELLIOT, DENTAL. 1-1L. BILLINGS, rimisvwxsT, OFFICE: over 49,Jr13.IL'S Bank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. W. E. CARTWRIGHT, kit: 8, 817 -MG -MON 3:33a11•TTIST. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Hay lIaing fnrnished fine Dental Rooms MAIN -ST„ next door to Treble's Harness shop,Exeter, where I am prepared to perform all branches of the Dental profession with. ease t skill. -v-mo-Em_el_33x.= used in extracting teeth. Charges, Moderate; Terms, Cash, 111, TX HISS fAN,DENTIST.L.D.S _Li. • SamwelPs Block, Itlaiu-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth svithout pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold ytlings and- all other dental work the best possible. Goes so Zumon on last Thursday in each month. MEDICAL 0LUTZ, D: M., . Officeat hisreeidence Exeter. W. BROWNING- M. D., M. 0 • T.S ,GraduateVictoriaUniversity.Offics tadlresidence,Doincinionlasboratory • Exe ter EYNDMAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. . Carling's etore,E,xeter. TAR. J. A. ROLLINS, M.O. P. S 0 0 Klee, Main St.Exoter,Ont.Resiclen es houserecently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. —J AUCTIONEERS. TTENEY EILBER, Licensed Auc- tioneerforflay,StlOPI'Bfl, and MeGilli- rray:Townships. Se.lesoonductod atmoderate cases. Office—At Post-office,Orediton, Ont. TOHN GILL, A.uotioneer for the CY Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfactioa guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. TENNENT & TENNENT, VETERINARY - SURGEONS, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. OFF= : One Ooor South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. MOND0EatT08 L5 000 0ApNr vAotTe 1,6unAdNs D33.6,! Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, Ward ...11.111•••••10,... INSUBA.NCE rriliE WATERLOO sIVIUTUAL _L FIRE INSURAN 0 E 0 Establishe- d in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO,ONT. This comt.anv has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western On- tario ,anclsontinues to insure againstloss or damage bv Vire ,BuildSngs,Merchaudtso Man- iifactrios,a1idal1 oth e descripti on °Ilium: - able property. Intending insurers havo the option of ineuring on the Premium Note or Cash S, stem . D111i349 the past ten years this Company has is uecl 87000 Policies, covering property to th 'Imprint of 840,872,038 ; and paid in loss- - es al es, , Asa tS; 8i,1276,100.00, consisting 00 Cash 11 Ambit, GovernmentDeposit, 0,118 tile 11.110,80- 08800 l'rerninin Notes on hand an d in force. J, WAI10331,1"NE D. Presidei t. 0. NI, TAYLOR', Secretary. J. Is . Truett s, Insp eater. CHAS, NELL Agentfor Exeterisudvieiujsy, OENTRAL a.r1)er Shop, FANSON'S BLOCK, A. Hastings, Pi -op, Shaving end Hair culAing in the latest styles of the art, Every attention paid to tuttieg Ladies and Children's SWITCHES MADE TO ORDER A CALL SOLICITED AND 4, HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS PALL 'WHERE nun - VOL. XV. NO 9. EXETER ONTARIO, TFIURSDAT MORNING FEBRUARY 28, 1888, • d'OHN WHITE & SONS Pliblislters and Proprietore SALT! SALT! SALTL ROUND THE COUNTRY. 1( To\The Exeter Salt Works Company -11- offer salt at the Exeter Salt Well at $2.25 per ton. Say Our Oven Correspondents, T. B. CARLING, SecY. Dashwood. " OUR CLEARING SALE This Month! WILL ECLIPSE ANYTHING YOU EVER SAW BEFORE. ALL Winter Goods Will be Cleared Out at Cost.. REMNANTS at less them cost. You can save Five Dollars ($5) qn every Twenty Donets worth of Goods that you buy from us. BARGAINS ! FOR EVERYBODY. 3. .001JPE & CO. Three Houses and Lots for Sale. • HELLO! 'MR. D. WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO P Oh, 1 am going back to the Croiiton Cheap Sioro WHICH STORE? Why, 11/iTcEELL's, Of oOurSe DOES HE SELL CHEAPLY? Why yes ; he has his store jam full of the best and cheapest goods in the village. Why Mr. D. you live so near Exetei ? I know Clot sir; but back at Mitchell's I can get good goods at right prices. He has the cheapest and best stock of Boots and Shoes you ever saw. It astonished me when I saw the large and Splended stock that he carries. He has everything usually kept in a first-class generai store. Everything new ancl fresh and marked at rock bottom prices. Take my advice and give him 11;call, as he pays the highest price for butter and eggs, at J. MITCHELL'S CHEAP STORE, Crediton, Ont. 12.1E1 E OF CANADA, The Royal Mail, Passenger and sereight Route between Canada and Great Biitain and direct route between the West and all points ou the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale des Chas leur,also New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P. E. Island Cape Breton Newfoundland, Bermuda, and Jamaica. New and elegant Pullman Buffet Oleo -ping ' nd Day Cars rim on through Express tea i128. Passengers for Great Britain or (he Coutt. nent by leaving Toronto at 8.30 a. in. Thurs- day will join outward mail steamer at Hali- :ax 0,, na. Saturday. Superior 'Elevator Warehouse and Dock ac- e° annoda.tion at Halifax for et ip ment el grain and ge neral marchand se. Years of experience bItYP proved the INTER- COM) NIAL in connection with steamship lines 'to and. from London. Liverpool and Clay:tow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight route between Cada0a IL ecl Great Britain. Information as to Passenger and Frei4ht rates cum be had on ap Plica Lion to ROB D. MOD E, WeYte: Frei Vassar, g er Aeent p, ,•. bt • TO 1' 0 to 1). P 0 T • (EU CALL & TRY T. DEARI G, —He is hound to— GIVE BARGAINS in TF,AS " in HOSIERY " Cr,OTH LNG " in TWEE I iS1 " iu ti fi 1RTS1 " 1n UN D ER W EAR " in CARD I 'WS " in RUBBERS " in DRESS GOODS " in LADIES' PLUSH Bargains in Groceries, Boots and ShGes, HE WILL SELL HIS ENTIRE STOCK -AT LESS THAN ACTUAL COST He is henna to roduee his Mack and will give hal:tad US never before heard of in Exeter. Goods well assorted tena everything fresh. No elielf.avot 0 goods in stook. BARG.a.INS FOR YOU! FOR YOUR NEIGHBORS! , BARGAINS FOR ALL! Renumber and call early and being the cash along With you, for which you will receive mom than 1011 value. AUCTION SALE —Of Surplus Winter Stock- -,ON— SATITEDIVY, FEBY 18, WEDN PiSDAY, 22nd ad ng Days. AW GUMMING.—The Under- signed would inform tho public tb,at lie isnprepiftred togtim SAWS 011; the Shert0Bt 31100, a d in fits -class mennoi, guaranteeing no to damage the plate, Saws gummed at a, low price, at the factory, 1 mile south of Exeter. 2-m T. HEAMAN. 1-1B°RE HOUSE'—Tie 1.1 nder— ignedtakos the liberty to inflorm the tra- velling Public that he opened his house for the accommodation of all travellers, OD October 1st. Those who favor him with their 'nitro - nage will receive the best attentiOu. TherU 88 good stabling in oonneetion. JOHN CALLANDER, Kirkton Xotioe to Contractors 11 SEALED TENDF,RS will be reoeive 1 by the undersigned up to March Stli, at 12 o clock, for the erection of a cedar bridge over the Bauble River, Con, 4, T'p of Bicldulph. Plans and specifications eau be seen by applying to F Davis. (Councillor) Liman P 0, W. 1), ST AIS LEY, Clerk, 3—t Grantom For Sale. -- I hereby offer for sale 100 acres of land, locats ed in the best part of Stephen township. lately occupied by Thomas Sims. The land is well im- proved and is a desirable farm in every respect, It is composed of Lot Number Eighteen in the Tenth 0000058 100 of the Township of Stephen: Parties desiring to purchase will be furnished with all particulars on application to WM, LEWIS, or to Orediton. LEWIS H. DICKSON, Barrister, L'xeter. Notice to Creditors In the matter of John W Blatchford, of the Township of Usborne in the.Coun , - • ty of Huron, Laborer, an Insolvent. Notioo is hereby given that the above-named Insolvent has executed an assignment to nie, all his estate and effects, for the benefit of credit ors. Allipersons indebted to the Insolventreust, paytheir debts to me, and all persons having in their possession, any of the property or a,Seets'of the Insolvent, must deliver the same tome with- out delay. Creditors must file their claims with me, on or before the first day, of March, ne xt, after which. time I shall proceed to distribute the estate. having regard ()lily to the claims of which I shall then have hall notice. i A meeting of Creditors will be held at my of - ice, n Exeter,on the 22zi0 inst., for the appoint ing of Inspectors, and giving directions as to the disposal of estate. Dated at Exeter, 1601t February,1888. LEWIS II, DIOKSONt Trustee and Assignee. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Johialbyan of the township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Fernier and Drover. The above-named John Ryan has food° an assignment of his estate to me John G. Quarry, in pursuance of an Act respecting Assignments, for the benefit. of Creditors, es Victoria, Chapter 26, Ontario, and amending Acts ; and his Credit- ors are hereby notified to meet at my store, at Offa post -office, in the said Township of Stephen on Tuesday, the 280h day of February, 1888, at the hour of Iwo o'clock in the afternoon, to ap- point inspectors, and give•directions with refer- ence to the disposal of the estate.. And notice is hereby given that after the sixth day of March next, the said Assignee will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said debtor among the parties ;entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice as re- quired by the said A et shall 'have ban given to him, and that he will not be liable for any part of the said assets to any:person or persons of whose debt or claim he shall not then have had notice. JOHN G QUARRY, Assignee MEREDITH, MOREHEAD ,45 SUDD, London Solicitors for Assignee. Dated at Offal,14th February,1888. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Thomas Ryan, of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, Farmer and Drover. The above-named Thomas Ryan has made an assignment of his estate to me, John G Quarry, in pursuance of an Act respecting Assignments, for the benefit of Creditors, 48 Victoria, Chapter 26, Ontario, and amending Acts ; and his credit- ors aro hereby notified to meet at my store. at Offa Postollice, in tho said Township of Stephen, on Tuesday, the 28th day et February,1888, Ea the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, to appoint inspectors, and give directions with reference to the disposal of the estate, And notice is hereby given that after the sixth day of IVIarch next, the said Assignee will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said debtor among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims Of which notice as re- qeired by the said Act shall have been given to him, and that ho will not bd.liabio for any part of the said assets to any person or persons of which debt or clahn he shall not then have had notice. JOHN G QUARRY, Assignee, MEREDITH, MOREHEAD .9 317013, London, Solicitors for Assignee. Dated at Offii,14th February,1888. KULRLRIAE Mr. 3. Tbm, MS., paid our school evieit last Friday. Mr. F. Wurtz, our worthy shoe merchant is the happy father of a bright bouncing slaughter. Last Sunday and londay it rained very heavy here, considering the time of year. Monday night the wino changed and it has grown cold again, The choroh wee crowded Sunday night to hear Rev. Ortwein preach. Tho congrega. tions are getting larger and the inerobers of the church will have to build an addition to the church or build a new ono, Your operespondent was misinfsrined in regard to, the dissolving partnership of Messrs. K,011errnans. They are still in partnership and will be so till further no- tice. And examine Senior's Show Window, where you will seo some firstolass photos, equal to any City Work. THERE ! DID I NOT TELL YOU SO Ahd you can rely upon getting 'value for your money everythne. Cabinet Photograph 3 a cloz $1,50 FOR CARDS. He also has a fine line of Photo 'Frames and Mats, at Right Prices- ricra-RE FRAME MOULDING IN Alle • STflS. arca. — and — Seeml T, DEAR:11\1.G, •jOSEPII SENIOR, Exeter, Dec. 8,, ,EANSON'S BLOOlt. Opposite It, Spaolcman's Nissouri. A. melancholy accident ocourred on the farm of Jos. MoVey, near Ployer Mills, West. Nissouri, on Monday afternoon. It appears Mr. McVey's sons, assisted by a neighbor's son, ?Ir. Wm. Jones, were running it grind- stone -by 'horse power, wheu uufortunately the stone brake just as it had reached a high rate'of speed—broke into four pieces, one of which. struck Mr. Jocies on the left breast with sluila terrible force as to crush in the rib's againet the lungs, lacerating the letter in a frightful Manner. Since then the young man has hovered between life aud death, with but faint:chances of reoovery. An idea of the force of the blow may be gathered from the feet that one part of the sono was driven thtough the side of the barn and far into an adjoining field, while another passed through the roof, tearing off tough elm sheeting on its way. 'Much sympathy is expressed for the family hy a large oirole of acquaintances. Hay. , -Itriatpousinsay.—Tbe reeves of Hay and =Strinlese :townships have this year taken a 'clttfierture in tho matter of obtaining gravel fpr the boundary line, Heretofore the work of drawing the gravel hag beeu done insthe summer at a cost of $1 per yard, while this year by an arrangement entered into by he above reeves the gravel has al- ready been drawn by sleigh at a cost of 50c per yard,_and piled in heaps, sufficiently tar from the:road to :ensure safety, to be spread when trlte proper time uomes, when, it is estimated, the work can be got done at 10c 1,0iyard; There have been 40Q yards drawn NyjSidkat 500 per yard costs a200, whilennder thi! old..eyetar,* of hauling the greeel in the • summer the cost to the township would 'be $400. And adding to the above $200, the cost of spreading, $40, there still remains a balance of a160—a direct saving to the townships concerned. If the reducing of the expenditnre of the township continues throughout the year to such a degree as has characterized the months just past what are the ratepayers to expect at the end of the year large surplus and re- duction in the rate of taxation next year. Kirkton. • BRIEFEL—Mrs. Stratton and family intend moving to Toronto shortly.—A newgrlst mill for Kirkton is talked about among some of the boys.—A, villagers' meeting was held in the shop of Brown ea Roauhouae on Tuesday night to take steps towards building and re- pairing sidewalks.—Mr. J. W. Stacey has been absent the past couple of weeks visiting friende in and around Strathroy.—Miss Gil- pin of Toronto, and Mrs. Joseph Doupe of St Thomas, were recently visiting friends here. At the last meeting of the quarterly board of the Methodist church, Mr. Samuel Tufts was granted license as a local preach- er by it unanimous vote of the board.—Rev. Mr. Manley, bible society agent, preached in the Methodist church on Sunday morning last.—Owing to a slight affliction Bey. Mr. Charlton was unable to preach on Sunday last and his woik was taken by Mr. S. Tufts. —While assisting in hanging up it beef on Monday last Mr. Thonsae Irvine of the 4th line Blaushard, accidentally got struck on the head with a pole. rendering him insen- sible, in which condition he was at last re- ports Monday night. P • • • Aft Crediton. Mr, Frank Gutteticlge of Seaforth (contract, or) paid a ilyiug visit to tbis neighborhood ast week. The annual Bible Society meetiog of thie district was held in the Thames Reed Presby- terian church on Sunday evening when an able address was delivered by the agent of the society on "Israel in Egypt." • Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Werry with two of their children are visiting their relatives at the old homestead here. Mr. Werry went to Manitoba during the boom and hae been carrying on extensive and successful farming operations itt the vicinity of Crystal City. They came' to Ontario some two and a -half months ago and intend to return to their adopted Prevince again in the Spring. Their hale and hearty appearance is sufficient evidence that Manitoba- TEA Nfeeento.—A very successful tea meeting was held in the Methodist church, the proceeds to be applied to the parsonage debt. The people responded heartily and made a good turn out. After tea was over there wore speeches by visiting ministers, during which a list was started to the further relieving of the debt and we are glad to learn teat lenough was raised to discharge all encumbrance. Among the visiting ministers we were pleased to meet Mr. Veale, who was attended by hie wife and little girl. BABES INT THE WOODS.—This novel and in- teresting comedy was reudered in the town hall, on Friday evg, lost to the satisfaction of quite a large audience (mostly children) and proved very biteresting to them. The 'Jack M the Box' is in ibis case a reality and a living one and is itself worth the admission, Taking tho show from the standpoint it is calculated to be, it is very good, and OA- dren will enjoy themselves iinmensely. Ono little fellow here went home and told his mamma he SAW a live nigger. Buiers.—On account of the poet roads traffie has ceased to a great extent and the town is not coito as lively as usual,—There aro a lot of sore heade in town just now, a number of our besiness men being left to a large exteet by the assignment of some fanners near here. We can tag understand why a ''cath system" could not be brought about, in width case a business mitn knows ‘vhat he has. It seems ha person doee not know who to trust, as some of our apper- may best, men are going tinder. Freenenten.—Twe weddings in town TUOSCIBY, One at, the vomideime of Mr, F. Gebeeter, where Mee Annie Dryer was jeined in bonds of eletrimony to Mr. John Krein of Dakotti, The tether at the residence of Mr, Aug. ltisb, where the noptial knet watt tied. between Mies Lydia Heist and Mr, Wee. Morleek, We wish there all a bright arid happy future. --The pnblic school entertaiU- ment is to take plade Friday night and a good time is expected. We see the Crediton brase and titribg betide are billed 08 be in attendance. e olsans n ( AUTEUED BY PA LIVIA 8.0) Paid op gepital • 82060,000 Boat Pima 070,000 0 ff crst thel,10 4.Pliatopyr„ INTET,F,ST P Bit ANNUM Sox moneY D3PQ8IP RECEIPTS .'tl'Wltl PEA OE. 1. I4INGT410011y HtnOT 1°,10B ANNUM • Savings Bank 1)eio'na'• t z41:40,f stutrretehte,rspilx:erttteeil;u111::a1)::4171a. t bank OFPICH HOURS it. In, s Op.en. Saturdaya, le ts, in. to 1p.m A, A, O. 1.)ENOVAN,11 neetee, o et, 28, '87. Mandgef tzrand. Trunk Disaster, disestrous accident, with fatal reetilte, mitered mar Hainilton on 'Thursday last on the 'Toronto branch of the Grand Trunk ,ItailwitY about two miles from tha city, and a very short distance from the junction cut, A. special freight, whieh left Hamilton for Toronto, by some misunderstanding or 05110- 108901080 left the junction on the main line on the time of it regular passenger train which ie due here at 105, and whieb was about on .4 time. The two engines mot near a curve, on each be of which is a high embankment, ' 'whieh,prevented the drivers of the approaoh- itig trains seeing each other until within a 'short distance of each mho r. Driver Robin- • on and his fireman, of the freight, jumped 'before the collision. and were 1401 bit, DrI'Ver; Thomas Hutchison and Fireman Itobt. agrees with them. Their many friends are Archibald, of the express, did not have this glad to eee them fault() learn of their prosperity, At the invitation ot the 'Usborne Scott Act Association. Rev. T. T. George, of tuna,. preached very able Temperance sermons 013 Sunday last, la the morning in the Preeby-* keen church, in the afternoon at Sunshine, and in the evening at Bethesada. On Monday evening it Temperance meeting was held in the Elimville church when the speaker of the evening, Rev. T.T. George delivered a very able and highly appreeiated address. He appealed to the electors to support the Scott Aot and Prohibition not beeause it was a high- ly moral law but because its object is to pro teat the lives and liberties of the citizens. The object of tho Scott Act is not to "make men sober by Act of Parliament" as its oppos- ers erroneously argue, but to prevent one inau from engaging in a business or traffic which deals death and destruction on his fellow - citizens. Mr. George fully sustained the high opinion held of him and his address could not fail to carry conviction to every unprejudiced hearer. The number present and interest manifested angels well for the success of Scott Act. Zurich. opportunity, and the result was both mingled , with the wreck. Archibald received injuries which resulted in almost instant &nth. Hie mangled remains were a pitiful sight to be - °hold, the fingers of one hand and one of his , ears being entirely burned off, and hie face Awing so badly burned as to be almost unre- ,cognizable. Hutchison was more fortunate, being thrown down au embankment and into shme grain in one of the Night cars. He Wae badly iojared about the bead; but his injueieg will not piove falai Baggageman ,Thomas Peden, of the express, whose ear was thrown down the embankment, was almost instantly killed. Robert Peacook, brakesman of freight train, receivedsuch serious iujuries eh. to result in his death shortly after his asrival at the City Hospital. At the time of stlissisceideot the passenger train, whieh was goMPosed of the baggage car and six (machos, iiiae running with cousiderable speed, and the two engiema reared into the air with their cowcatchers pointing straight up. The air breaks.on.the passenger train acre applied, but toot ate to be of assistance, The two ezeguies kept,on the bank, but three of the freight cars went over it, and were smashed Lo 'pieces, The engines and tenders of both strains are BO badly smashed as to be almost .orty etervereat. None of the passengers town I hardly know how to commence ray: u,iseless, and the destruction of prop - DRAB TIMEB.--At the preoent tiine every.'1 anethe clamp were seriously injured. Several thing seems to be so quiet in and around ' pf_theantdeer:e thrown over the seats and re- yourOed. „calved eevere bruises and scratches, but none their weekly items with, "biz booming." letter this week. I notice that ormymereanl correspondents have of late '3E 12 of them amount to much. discussion in the Legislature feel quite envious of the towns they represent.-,;pesud recentup the general question of frauds Although we all find some kind of wore toe i,p:“;:tiood. on. eirnler.s. It is observed keep our hanpdassotawteoefh iodulrenbeteasi,uyesest atthe. biz. For the same time we ha.ve a ltttle room for more atliat the fraud is usually accomplished by have been undergoing a thorough saleaning up preparing for the spring trade which promises to be good. The vendors of fish ' Pave us a call two or three times a week, but the finny tribe are! reported to be scarce, not, a trout having been, brought to town t1.4. seaeon ee yet; „having?, ,perch and it fees mullets were offered this week at 20o Per' doz. Social parties are at a standstill at present. I can safely say that the young people of this neighborhood have enjoyed one another's company this winter more than any previous year in parties, socials dec. The roads are very slippery at present owing to Ole frosty weather after Saturday and Sun- day's raid. Pedestrians have the appear- ance of being .top heayy.' The Rev. E. A. Fear of Hensall, (Methodist) is still holding Tuesday avg. seryice in the Babtist church here. Two commercial diummers met in one of the stores on Tuesday evg and had a set-to with the 'thumpers.' Jack had sotne- what the advantage of Bob as he was a little Ole taller. Bob stood up the first round, like a professional and lasted about an hour. Tim referee called time and refreshments, which consisted of beet tea and McCormick bisouits, were . partaken of. The second round lasted about 40 seconds shorter than Ole first. Bob let out with a right hander and made a feint with the left, but Jack got a left baud 'bumper' in between, which laid poor Bob'but full length. A change of re- freshments was called which consisted of McCormick biscuits, lumberger cheese and beef tea. The referee called time for the third round, but Bob was badly disabled and. on examination it was found that he was out of breath and very dry. Jack was awarded the laurels, and as Bob thinks he can atilt do Jack up another contest has been arranged for the next meeting, 4 oz gloves to be used. We can boast of a toboggan slide in town; the yonne people are having a splendicl time on it evesungs. Every sleigh in town is in use, There have been a good many bumps and bruises hut no bones broken yet. The recent frost has put the slide in good con- dition. Mr. S. Overholtz of the Sauble line who has been doing evangelical work in Michigan is home for a few weeks vacation. Revival meetings cuoamence in the evangeli- cal church next week, Rev. Rauch pastor. The TIMES will be sent to the end of the year for 75e in advance. le-asee-a, The Fishery Treaty. - Washington, Feb. 21.—The United States Senate made public the fishery treaty to -clay together the President's message ot t Ottawa Feb. 21,—Sir Charles Tupper auehorizes the following as the official points df the fishery treaty, which was read at the °Mallet meeting yesterday. The subjeot of bait was discussed and finally approved of, aud an agreement made by which a tonnage license will be granted upon terms to be formulated by the Canadian Governmet The queetion of free fisheries was strongly debated, the result being that while conces sions were made on both sides the Canadian contention of specifie rights to their fishery grouuds was virtually conceded. A mann° tending to leciprocal fishing advantage is defined in the treaty. the pro- visions, howeveir, becoming null and void unless the United States Government claims rights under snoh within two y,ears of the corning into foree of the treaty. . The three.toile limit under the treaty of 1818 is Maintained, and an International Commission ie to define it. Certaiit bays tuul inlets ere to retnein exclusively under Clanadian utrol, Ans -e- ican fishermen aro prohibited frota utilizing these except tindet extreme eircumetatices speciaed in the tieetey. The Commiesion to be appointed will comprise one Commissioner appoloted by the British Governneent, one by the Unitea States, and those to ehooee a third. The headland dispute 18 likely to be emu. prOthised by &Most generous aefinitren, and • promissory note signed by the farmer nd that when the note is sued upon' it is ever in the hands of the fraudful agent t of another party, known. to the law ',;e0 "a, bona fide holder for it value veitli-L. fit'notic,,C,..!? Cases have occurred where , 1,10,:"Iildt'haa leen. stectieesftel, altheie , his lack of notice of the fraud "iiiiiirtafee, been due to a, very rigorous abstention from inquiry. The suggestion is there- fore made that what is wanted is a new - statutory defithtion of what constitutes bon'a fides and notice. Munro Bros. Bros. have purchased the Le. vett property on Main -at, Parkhill, re- cently destroyed by fire, and will re- build in tbe spring. Mr. Hutchins will also rebuild as soon as the weather vvill permit. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Rogers, of park - hill rnet with a serious accident while out driving last Thursday afternoon, and their escape from death was almost miraculous. They had just entered their low cutter on Mill St., El/la were turning around on the street when a runaway team attached to a heavy sleigh dashed upon them, and in an instant the sleigh had struck their cutter, overturning it and their occu- pants, and passed directly over them. Fortunately the cutter was a strong one and bore the weight of the sleigh so Mr. and Mrs Rogers escaped being crushed beneath it. Each of them received a severe cut about their eyes. The Mitchell Advocate says.—The failure of. John and Henry Watson of Hibbert, is noc only bad, but many suspicious circumstances surround it. It don't seem possible that etiol, an amount ot money could have been raised on notes, unless by tee most barefaced misrepresentation. Months ago, too they must have known that they would be obliged to assign, yet they went on borrowing from the widow and the poor man, as well as the rich, almost up to the very last moment And where -has the money gone? Steps should at once be taken to probe the matter to the bottom. .Last week we were called upon to re- cord the death of one of Tuckersmith's oldest settlers in the pereon of Mr. Wro McGeogh, and this week We find it our sad duty to record the death of another pioneer settler in the personolktr. jno. Broadfoot, of the Mill Road. Deceased passed away on Monday I31h inst., at the ripe age of 92 years. He leaves a family of five -2 sons end 3 daughters. Mr. J3roadfoot had enjoyed good health the whole of his life, never having been confined to bed a whole day until within a few weeks of his death. He was a member of the PreshYterien chuech and in politics a Liberal. His remains were interred in Harpurhey eemetery on the 151,11 inst. A libel suit vvas tried belbro Police Magistrate O'Leare, at Stratford on M.on- day, between Mr. Davis, of the Mitchell Adeoeate, and Ur. Race, of the Recor- der. These two papers have been frena time immemorial at wariyvith each other and a couple of weeks ago The Advo. cete published a very strong artiele cone conk)," the opposition sbsSet, It was responded to in 'The Reoorder or the roliowiog week in a very scathing are til*, iti which Mr, Days Was character- ised 080 t lief, liar, scoundrel and. Al- most everything else that was vile. An action for libel waslitumediately beotiglat by Mr. DeVis, Mr. Race was iiisoharg. ed txnliI the aSsizes, bell being taken for his re appearance, Mr, idington Q hit/It otuf adileenisparerifitio°,11 f!'r°halis eacllanol tyitl°1 cij)enridtildtete'LldodUlgeo,13 apanpe(1.1reecill 708;` oleo be Nettie a by the Sutvey CoMmiseien, lhe defendant.