The Exeter Times, 1888-2-16, Page 4IcIrt1;111'5.
Tkit,IRSDAY, FEB.•i6Tu1 188a'
• Recently issued Government Sta-
tistics make the debt of Canada at
the CIQS0 the last fiscal year
$273,1.64,000. Of this amount
nearly two•thirds is hold abroad,
$171,675,700 being payable in
London. Since coufedera.tion,
1867, there has been added to the
debt of Canada $i51,585,000, and in
that period there has been spent on
capital account $169,524..000, or
017,939,000 more than the increase
in the debt, the excess corresponding
with the surplus revenues for these
years. In this z mount of capital
expenditure is included an allow-
ance of debts to the Provinces of
$3c),743,)00 ; • constrirztion of the
Canadian Pacific Railway, $6i,-
760,000 ; Intercolouial Railway,
832,049,0o ; and for the various
public works, $37,2.4.3,000. These
four items make up more than the
whole increase of the debt since the
uhion, and out of the surplus rev-
enues the expense of the purchase,
survey and orga.wzation ot the
North-west has been defrayed. Since
the Dominion came into existence,
a little over twenty years ago, the
interest on the National debt has
been reduced from 4.5 per cent. to
3.18 per cent, a decrease which
represents a saving of over $3,500,-
000 a year. These figures, which
are taken from the public accounts,
certainly.speak well. for the finan-
ces of the Dominion, and one would
be loath to believe the Commercial
Union agitators in tkeir annexation
essay that Canada is fast descending
to a state of bankruptcy, Truly,
the debt may seem enormous, yet
it should be remembened that the
country is vast in extent, of incalcul-
able value, and that every dollar of
this increase of indebtedness since
confederation was spent upon nec•
cessary public works, and in opening
up the vast domain in the North-
west for settlement.
IT is reported that in view of in-
creasing attempts to defraud the
customs; the Dominion Government
intends publishing a black list of
over rot American exporters who
.have been detected in supplying
false invoices to their Canadian
custo mers for customs purposes.
The list contains the names of some
of the largest exporting houses in
New York, Boston, Chicago and
other United States cities, which,
when published, will create some
excitement in business circles on the
other side of the line.
BETWEEN the months of October
and January inclusive, it is a com-
mon occurrence in London for 50,.
coo barrels of American and Cana-
dian apples to be sold in a single
week. Indeed, 4.8,00o,000 are now
paid annually for suppli(s of foreign
fruits imported into England, for.
which .Cf,000,000 was paid in 1848
At present the United States and
Canada export about 15o,000,000
pounds of apples per annum, which
are sold in the London markets and
streets at prices -varying tetween 16
and 50 shillings per barrel of three
The N. P. was promised as a cure for
all commercial ills. See how well it has
done its work during the last six months :
The London Bank, failed:
The. Central :Bank, failed,
The Federal Bank, into liquidation.
The Guelph Bank, private, failed,
and the heaviest failures in commercial
circles besides, that have been known for
years. The "machine" wants to be re-
adjusted. What a howl the Conservative
papers wbuld have raised had such a list
r,f failures occurred under a Liberal ad-
ministration.—[Clinton New Era.
NO doubt our cotem realizes a
deal of comfort from the above; but
is he aware 1 ot that failures in Corn -
me, eial circles arc more nurnei.
ous,'proportionately, in the T.Thited
States than in: Canada? Of :coursethe
N P, gets tne daub; iu the face of the
fact that depression eXiStS the world
over. However we shall allow our
cotem this but of Consolation.,
'Me London Advertiser acivar ces
his timely suggestion.
It is surely an oversight in legislation
for the prevention of fraud at elections
that impersonation has not hitherto been
made a criminal offence. In what re-
spect is it a less henious crime than for-
gery or perjury? The Young Mon's
Liberal Club of Toronto have done well
in talling,Mr. Mowat's attention to alit;
wave omission in existing aets, and no
doubt the law will be amended SO as to
provide a proper Penalty for this tlishon-
est prectice, Manhood suffrage, ori the
or e-rneii-one-vote principl e, will do m tia
to narrow the field for this kind of opera-
tion, but, unless deterred by fear of
consequenee, many will still be found to
counterfeit the absent, or the dead.
kfewo, Qte
rzo E:4(tor Ile t'xpter,,II0t*
„ D.PAR $xit„7-4 J$ea
Tile Daminien Perliateent will be asked
0 authorize , the building ofn. winter rap,
way bri ise aerese the river at Wliidser tO
. , , , ,
Detroit, , .
Preapecte to tip?, German Crown Prinee'S
recovery are .not encouraging. .
, xt
London, Rpb. 1.3. —The race betweeltWab
lace eas, ;the American earetuali, ' • awl
Gecns Bvbriar, the fin$lieh ehainpiOn, , for
the oharopionehip .of England. arid KAM a
side-, was rowed., Roes had the Surrey aide
of the river and led throughont. .At Ham.
inersinith, twomiles from the start, . he , was
10 lengths .ahead He then eased 'ilp,and
won by 6 lengths. The time wee tWesity-
three Minutes and sixteen seconds.
Petiiiions from voters ia the electoral
districts of Bruce and Huron, for r.epes,1 of
the Canada Temperance Act, now in.force
in these constithencieS, have been-reeeived
by . the Government . lion. R.
Scott, Q. C., on behalf of the temperance
party, appearedbefore the Deputy Minister
of Justice and argued his ohjeetiotis to the
p e Wiens and evideneeaccompanyingthern,
After Mr, J.A. Genunill, council,
titioners, had replied, the DeputylVfinistee
took the matter into consideration. '
'`Iie Provincial ' Treasurer places tife-,
estimated current expenditure ', for tlie'
, year at $2,988,724,02. We eiitimate. ,for
current expenditure properiS$2,574;664,-'
67, on capital account, $880,111,80,. aind:
for other purposes$27,964,35. Thei,teMs
under the head of current expenditure' ft1/4
as follows—Civil government, $196396,;
legislation, ', $122,050 ; administration' of,
justice, A'364046 ; education, $530,962:,f
public , institutions niaintenanoe, • .0.0"3,•-:
024,60 • immigration, $7,700 ; airichl '
•ture, $135,631 ; hospitals and charitids,
$113,277,24 ; maintenance and repairs'Of•
Government and departmental buildiqa,
$62,976,43 ; public buildings repairs.,:
2T,96,60; public works • repairs, $19,-
600; charges on. Crown Lands, $101;,900;
statute consolidation, $21,500 • relabel-
laneous expenditure, $68,100 ; un.for-
seen and unprovidecl $50000.
items under capital account are public
buildings, $253,615,70 ;' public works,.
$30,896, and colonisation roads, $3.01,-
000. Then there is an appropriationof
$27,954.25 on refund account.
, Mr. Justice Falconbridge delivered jud.g-:
meut at Osgoode Hell Monday, in the West
Middlesex -Dominion election case, unseat.
ing the respondent, Dr. Roonie, Couserva-
tive member -elect, for coirupt acts coin-
tnitted by an agent of his, one Wilkins.
The peculiarity of the case was that
:Wilkins was in a certain sense briber and
bribee or rather payer and payee. He was
a medber of the firm of Wilkins & Gusten,
livery stable keepers, and the corrupt
practice found against him is the hiring of
'riga' for election purposes from his own
firm! .The fact was that he paid his own
pastier one-half of the hire of the 'rigs' and
of course gave his own hall gratis. This
the learned judge holds was a • corrupt
practice within the meaning of the Act.
After reviewing , the evidence, Judge Fat-
eonbridge gave his reason for the above
decision. He pointed out that under
section 88 of R. S. C. C. 8, "The Dominion
Elections Act," the hiring of a rig of any
kind by, any candidate, or by any person on
his behalf, to convey persons to or hem the
polls, etc e was made a corrupt practice,
and that Wilkins came under that head.
He dirl not agree with the contention of
respondent that the fact of Wilkina being a
ifieremdbearitoefret(liiethfierilei ch the rig was
efarr effeweitl.i
. fe. •
Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine
TIIE great interest attaching to tho music
dramas of Richard Wagner, just now, make
espenially timely the article of Louis Elson
on "Richard Wagner, his Life and Influence',
March. Mr. Elson writes, not as a Wagner
partisan nor detractor, but it takes a calm
and judicial view of the theories of the great
composer. Wagner's works are more than
operas, they are great epic poems in music,
and must not be judged as operas. They
deal with grand and heroic, tb.ough mythic
characters, and teach valuable lessons ccn-
corning the 'Teutonic and Scandinavian
mythology which Chrisianity has displaced.
Another very interestingarticle isDr..Felton's
sketch of the "Emin Pasha Relief Expedit-
ion," which has resulted so successfully.
Both of these articles are very fully illus-
trated. Emily Pierce's loving paper on
"Helen Hunt Jackson" will be thoroughly
appreciated by all who admit ed that gifted
woman. Dr. Taltnage's sermon on "The
Proud Invalid" is one of his most character-
istic efforts. The serial story, 'In Exchange
for a Sold," is concluded, and the other
story, "His Banner Over Me," is evidently
nearing its end. Both of these stories are
exceedingly good in their different ways.
There are many shorter and valuable artieles
and some -very fine illustrations, which
we have not space to mention,
WEDNESDAY, FEB'Y 22.--Farrn Stock &
Irnplemements, the property of Robert
Barr, Lot 16, Con. 10, Hibbert. Sale
at One o'clock.
JAS. OKE, Atm.
TEUESDA.Y, TVIARON 8711,—Farro Stock &
Implements, the property of Jacob
Deist, Lot 16, Con. 6, township of
Stephen, Sale at One o'clock.
TIsborne, on the Mb inst., the
Wife al Thomas McCurdy of a 800.
MoCunnY 'Osborne on the 14111 inst., the
wife of Aral). MoOurdy of a daughter.
SIMPS011--BLY.10T--By Rey. 3, S. Locheecl,
at the residence of the bride's father; Mr,
And. Elliot, Mr. Robt. A. Simpson to
'Mies Ellen L, E. Elliot, on Feb, ist.
SANnEsSON —Mt tat,il— A t the residence of
the bride's father, on 81St II by 11407. 3,
S. Lochcad, assh-ted by the Rev. J. A.
Tergitson. Alt. Wm, Sanderson, of Cavan
Township, County Teierboro, to Mies
Margaret Melltle, of Arcaillivray.
Ongsru.i.7-1?,noto.—In Egmonaville, on the
inst,, al the residsrme ot the bride's
father, Mr. Job ri ChesneY, 10 Mi SS .1088i0
11. youngest daughter of Mr. Robt. Blahs,
all of 'Iruckeremttb•
SWEVNBY..-110DINSON,—At the oburch of Eng.
land parsonage. Windsor, Mc. John S weeney
etnplo;yee at Jenneee MeOUrdy's Glass
ifffnporiutn, to Miss Mary 14, Robinson
formerly Of EXeter, Only daughter of Mr,
Alc8. Robinson late of fIer Majesty's Royal
• Artillery, Plymouth, England, papera
pleaee dopy,
2,6th Ot.,,. SOM-0. , iiiBlitfluIl.:igferI,,,
t9h.owantlitersi,pignod ',611046pNrcir,T_L
eleue:th4t Mr. Aggarthia . 40(041404: 4),4
thes,grOund .of hie aCting4:41#0,Wpiltutiiipg ,
officer at,the rleeill-Mhhiewalifiketkift,Altut:
'TWhk init,inelhde„ Mil, .1.3rOWnt ge444,.41460.
D. R'p„ ,I4.1 App,pinting.,7;:thescl,,pikieiviie.
SliWtsill4." # is, 11,101)%r ' tho,- COO& ACV PO
Unthinlcingly, ; lint at. sbq stiAe:Aitte,1).: yor.
eve*, the writ* orthiele; sticnAilP ' 40.
'ef D. 0, Q, upep not).iisqualjfy,,:frenl. .
with.' the idea, that, the,holdille; Ak: 1
ahclitor. , i• ant a.,wrtre thatthe,-WOrd0
Seatinn fitt.6iiiiy* 1.114000,,ift, 4101.tir4'e. Tii4.
.VOitivo,ign, cif D. It. ' 0..,..b4;.the . 'spit's"4 of
the'a'tliat an:" ati diter eliCuld-not; 'atidit,
his own mien -huts: D.: R. „0.; ,iyiztact no i&
required te audit liis.oWir actablifit," hence
they Nyould' net violate' the Spirit Lit .tlitk, trot
refetred.te.. ,Aets arenuet :alvfa.6 Wordea in.
such a, Way . as to convey..the , ineaiiing,Jp-
tends& One place iii Harrieon'S, nialnial it
Saya :—Auditors ninst' havethe auditing
done ,71.iy,filat, jannarY; another" plaokibe:
work ninst be done• month. If OM
their: appointinent, , The la* requiresAeir.
appointrnent to be ,made en the, third
darin "Janniirk, whieli is correct. The'
Words of 'the act are I •-bitt no one wlin'eekt:
.queli:tinie Or 'during' the preeeding.iertdi Pe
was' a inembei.„ 6r ,.is or as cleClr, or ilregki
;trier of the cdoncil.'-• "At this:- point ' ...
rieon, (the, hest Municipal -authority)
to, pet°, (a) which reedS'..thinf ':,-s Tint offieek
are incempatible." . The diaqua1ificati9n,4*-,
tendS.AC .the I. holdingef the ineoinp4tible.
fffee' '..411ring°:thi:priseedhig ' Yeat,"
'tit:fiQUeeirl"r, Heortis 7 4„ancl,"II:966,....*#,
the 'r.ejjcls any int,ereit' in istriY, etriPlcIMetrk
•',Vilje ,iiiesent , en preceding -; year.'then. 44('
•(e) wo3,114' have:- felloWed stheae • WO KIS. hirtjt:
-doee not, hence this etriblezineht, rat,p4er
urges,..att ce.disqualificatiou'le'net an'incept-
liatible • Office and only an .incompatible
46913ilis.cilialigeS. 'Again, Harrison, .- ill, ,
SPeaking of incompatible, offices witn,regard
to • aalditorS, refere to,note p see 74.A Thi4 has
.more,,parylcular reference to eMincilloriv 'ba
11 It was not intended as a further exiiiana..,
tion to ,paliffeatVin's of. auditor why why-doi8.;...
,Harrisoo refer to itimthiseuse .? A portion
of note (P)"states thua.:---..",Therals no.:-,cliaz
gualifiGa.tion when thepersou ie.. aequitted'
in eginty from thacontraCt," Th D.
were appointed to aa'f§r a 'milieu:lax ,eleer
tier], their, teem of occ 'exPirea at nocia„of
the darIcillowidg the, eleCtiiiii.„ :-.. and' On'itlie-
,16"th of jatMary they 'we're all paid bg, ,66 -Ti
sequently freed frona. their ' offfeial capacity.
And at the,time of the'r appointment. RS
auditors they held no cifEce or employment
,(except auditois) for this year or tho iarev.
lode year: - Ratepayer. has a right %ire his
opinion. L oply give the above facts that
people may judge- fen'.themselves'. -If• the.
matter were left -to a court Of law 1 thinkit
-would be very dieubtfid which way-glid,
Judge Would decide.
Munn•, ef4 Co.,
INT KW -17-0-11,K..
After forty years' experienee tile peepers.:
tion of more than One -Hundred, Thousand an--
pLications for patents ilithe United States. ail*
Foreign countries. The publishers of the seierii.,
tifie American continue to aet,as, solicitors -for
patents, eaveati, trade -marks, eoeiriehta, tite,W•
for the United. States; awirto obtam liatents
Canada., France, E ngl d, -Germany an ct all °thee,
countries. Their experience is unequalled and,
their facilities are unsurpassed., .
Drawings an specifications prepared and
fyled in- the Patent Mee on short notioe.
Terms very reasonable. No charge for examin-
ation of models or drawings. Advice by mail
Patents obtained through Munn SE Co. ace
noticed in the, Scientific American, which
has the largest oireulation and is, tho most in-
fluential newtipaper of its kind published in the
world. The advantages of such a. notice every
patentee understands.
This large and splendidlyillustratecl newspap-.
er ispublished WEEKLY at $8 00 a year. anlig
admitted to be the -bat paner.devoted to science
mechanics' inventions, engineering works and
other departnients of industrial" progress, pub-
lished in any country. It 'contains the names of
all patentees and -titles of 'everY invention pat-
entecleaeli week. Try,it four months for one
dollar. Sold by all newsdealera.
If you have an invention to patent Nrrite to
Munn & Co., publishers of Scientific American.
361 Broadway,New York;
Handbook about patents mailed free. •
The Principle
Head Office, 215 Yongs-st.. Toronto.
X. Washington,,
Eminent Throat and Lung Surgeon,
Will visit the Central Hotel Exe-
ter, February 21, 1888,
M,S, Dean, Dridgenorth , Ont., catarrh, head
and throat.
Mrs, Joseph Eyre, Kiniballs, Ont., removing
growth from nose,
Mr. Stephenson (boiler foUndry) Petrolia, Ont -
Mrs. M. Corn ish , Wallenberg, Ont., asthma,
and consumption,
Mrs. MeLaundress, tona,, catarrh of tho
Mrs. T. Lansing and son, Kingston catarrh &
catarrhal deafness
Mr8. Ralph Chamber, Aylmer, Ont,, catarrh,
th roat.
Mr, mes Emberson, Napan cc, Ont., bron.
ch,Titoilsin A, Dittle,Dundalk, Ont., catarrh.
Jeno 111, Kersey, Dadgeroes, 13 0, catarrh, had
A 1). Orlin's son, Wallaceburg, Ont., catarrh
head and tbront.
Behort mouses, Wareham, Ont., catarrh, head
an cl throat.
Mrs, E, Scott, Sterling Ont,, ea arth, head
Edith Piero°, Strathroy, Ont., enlarged ton -
W. Lindsay, Petrolea. Ont., catarrh.
Mrs, John Tait, Vyner, )nt., catarrh, head &
Mr. tt, Noble, jeweller and watchtiaker, Be'
tro I ia, catarrh, throat.
n, P M, StrathroY, Ont., broneho con-
sumption, .
W II Storey. of Storey le Son, Promlucht
glove manufacturers of Keten Ont. cured by
Dr. Washington of catarrh of ' tho throat,, bad
form., and pronounced ineumble by eminent
sneentilirts in Canada and England, Write him
foe patticidars.
Feby 5,188S.
•0110I0EST PTR
--G 0
you Wilitfi.nd'earpeta''''of all rnakefl'att
at the leweOt 402' ''P,110:3es;..
'Hemp Carpets, "IniowcarpetS, "'Qafp
Carp ets; alnioral ;Carpets', ,Brilas"d1;"
'Aitglowilton,Carpetg, (borders to '`Io...-r
:On'tfail.'4"4' visit the _11/Ihmmoth CarpekHOUS."
Absolutely F;)ute
• Tilts pewder never yariee, marveitet vue-
ity, strength end wholerienaqueas. *fore cootie-
qu'icat tlanthemidnittry kindb, srad,
poi eptinietition Wit lr",t1jo innliiithadif of
titst, short weiglitialtim orPhosiphitte•poWiders.;
$tild only in OfWa.---110,YALB.A.RI1qG'POWpElt
,00.,100 l'illta,/latredt -N. Y , .
?t "'re: rejug"*4'' (11'. 'th479'4;rte*.... c?" PC) .8 4 f , '9* " 1.:14a1 Caro''e0kn Aft (1191 n ta.BjPi
bead aohe', Oft': reearing•
attacks . ‘Atifuis:?' s!‘,1..tgerke' libttles
Urnu4 ha ti"aoide'dto •
o abollsh 1I exp9;t,
Sintering froM; -the'efteCts•of
early e viLhsbt, the resultot rgootanee or
follY, Who find tneelvos'weakervouS,.aild"
exhausted; easousnnntAeinnanc.1. OLD Milli,
whq-are broken down konr,the effects of abnce
orbver-work, and in advitinced lite. feel thEr
conselgnmites of yclathful,excese, Send fin, 'and
aniarpM. V.. Lubbn's:Treir,tfO, on' Dispitees
Xen. The boolcsiill,be. sent sealed to 'any - ad-
cikess on receipt of twO 3e. ,statilps.. Addiess
M. V. LUBON, 47 'Wellington .8 t: Tor3iito,-
71ae.13th. 18E37: •- • 1 .
• i-signefitalrestbe ligettY to inform the bra-
thatto.Apened.hit house' for the
iicepmniodiCtion ofaal , &cavaliers. on ootober•
Tat, 'titheee,Whel favoralinf with "their,,patro'-
gagen teceivethinhest attention. There is
.tecdfitabling,in,cminiection;,. .
, • -.JOHN CALLANDER.E.likton
. .
W$ED ,to,. can-vas-
4dv,orgetrig patronage: small
1,41.6tio,onorg don d with titht andirifelligence!
inti,Y..nebdifeti4einnialdtitithrei inebnie„, Agenps
'earn speeeal.,..htd,redi.-dollops det.borninissi end
in ate`easeck`andtrieunktr",nersdnal cesponsibili,
ty.LiEnciffire norest „newspaper.othco-
actfea,rM'cliitt ch t ow n and bepl
",inehe.,3 miriniktiiiiirlielThant::ectirveyingl
tiSerp.thelufa.V.41-kti'P.A.1Ack,they rgquire 2')
hetler-tocrialie,,tlibicz„invisanadt..ts. witelwand,
,prefite,bly..'MetCrif4goodeddrees,'1.- women,
infoinlied inittpcimtthal;no4y.obtaiii ,aoi.r.-
thoiitY.-,to,,arillei,tFadyelytieiridpatroneAe•forr us).•
A.1501.Y. Ito"! RoitEim, ds„ CO.!,
Newel's:Per eittiertiertfg,Enrean110 ,Tpr,nesi
• Neiv willhe Bentbyretntmmail., . • • • , • ,,-' • '
ar 4
Tffe Einderitig,ilid offers fpr sail) Si6ul1i half of
LOt 9, Coo ..3, MeGillivray,-Aon tal'Aing 50 acres,
0 cleared, valance, hu.rdivelod., bush.
There,is a -good frame,, •good. barn and
stabling, good -bearing, orchard; a plentiful
*supply.nt gond wateexii,the farm, conyealent
to .sohoolxo a churches. Also pillage property
domprising8Lots,on iizaneth ,etr s et ri n the Vil
ila"ge. of Esetei, with geed "feaccoo..-house and- -
cenargoodetable; good Wetrw,ith pump, also Walnut & Rosewood Caskets
a duantity of eb.ofee fruit troori on, the prdnii-
SOL FOr.flirttierpozticulara apIllytn
Eva p ,
116 &:,fri&I, DUN $-ST.,
7trarVOIC SALE. ,f;r.. RI. ,SET:
neiw, iiienalseli.Teet"141,cle Mem strqt
Oite Door'sot::gEr
POsi- Offi'Oe'
, • :Where he be foland.'„With ..„
. COIVILi'.1121ET le24
*Sewed. work, a speeiaht
'Rqairing prowtry_st4end0 to.
, s
. '.6'0517.§ft,144:-..Dr9P1A4
the' Ceil.tialtrug.Stor.d4 e
omillete Stook of Roes & Trimmings
My Stock of Furniture is un-
De W. DU1Tag
Will sell the balanee 'stock
AI a !Aral Iscoant
In order to clear out our entire stock thisAII Accounts overdue are
month we have made another big reduction
in prices. Our goods are all new, and we aro1 to be collected this month.
offering tbe balance of our Tweeds, Dress -
Goode, Shir tin gs, dottonades, Flannels,
Hats, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, Glassware,
Groceries, dze. Al prices never before offered
in -Exeter. We will give you All Wool Can-
adian Tweed at 40 e. per yd., worth 60 ets.
Dress Goods, 10 cts. 1 Toe Flanno1,121 cts
Carpet, 14, 1 Shirting, 10 eta
Win soy , 5cts, Print, 9 cts
Factory cotton 8i c. Sheeting, 11 els
Choice Teo, 49 as., wof th 59 ets,
illaoloo Tea, 85 obs., worth 50 tits.
Choice Tea, 20 WOrth 29 els.
Seal), 29 bars to 91,60.
CanFish, )0 eke., tor can.
8 Bottles rickl os, Se OS.
Chowlog Tobacco, 40cts,nor lb.
Stone Ohio To Sett, 92,09. _
do Cups tt litttucere.t) or doz., 75 OtS
(*ortb $1,00
do To thites, 55 o ., worth 75,
oo Dilutor • 7l)e, worth 431,00,
Lamp Glasses, 9 ots.
4 Bottles lessences, 25 ole,
'Scrubbing Brushes, 7,5 tits.
‘entrytnitiq proportion
See tear Ladies Itid Boots. for
$1.15. Ati edrly call is So-
iG7t Currelicy,
tie Brea taut plates,, 50c, werth 80.
THE OLD lfoLE.013i FARM, IN.'
tains 100 aeres more erlesa,beingthewestbalif.
of Lots No. 21 and 22, Zurich gravelroa.d.jt
frame buildings'on promises, Jaid all osinven
fences.; large orchard- of 1ruit bearing trees:.
The lanclis of good (Maher bein,g, clay loanitf
Good water. Two /Mu ti.a1i inileatrona.Hem.;
sell market. The property treelnimallincurn'.....:
broncos. 'Reasons for selling tp
procure more )and. Willaeliwitli or*Without
crone, For further partieularir. apply, to..this
office or to ' • •
Wag,: wxr.,sox, -
ipBn'sall;,1). 0
TRE Townstiii; Erity, for 'isle.' It eon-,
. .
Beady for use in nny quantify. For
making Soap, aofterting 'Water; DIsin.r
fecting,and a hundred 4,ther uses; X
east.equale 20 pounds Sal Soda,
Sold by all Grocers and Druggists,
415 ethos 115
Oar Stock is Well Assortat.
r OR BiLlaZ.
500 Village Lots
For sale at Reasonable Prices.
Situation good; fronting good
wide streets; also a number of
Parties desiring Land or
Houses would do well to con -
suit the undersigned,
Terms to suit purchaser,
16 lbs. sugar $l.00; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1
We can't be undersold in. Teas from 20
to 75c, per lb.
Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prioes
A. nicely assorted dock of
FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS' all sixes
(Cheap.) Bost lVfaehine Oil poo per Gal.
A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75.
A good Snit of ready-made clothing for .$6.
Or& ,t1. salts got up in Good Style
OUr L» essGood OPO maiked down to
• Ike Lowest Notch.
C0TT0N-90 YARDS VOI: 01433 DOtaiAll
!illative and Lot, also a .Nartn for Sale
Apply to