The Exeter Times, 1887-12-29, Page 144 -
FOR $1.75
We will send the TIMES and any
City Weekly from now until
T11 DIOliSON, Barrister, Soli-
• otter of Supreme Court, Notary Public
Conveyancer Clemmissioner, die. Money to
Office in Partson's Block, Exeter,
N R. H. aoLLINs,
.Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
OffitieSamwell'sBloek Ball sold office.)
solicitor in the Supreme Court of Ontario,
Conveyancer, Comm' ssioneri &e., O. Special
attention given to the collection of claims 112
the United States. Patents procured, money
tolloan at lowest rates, Oahu,; Opera Reuse
Block, 8t, Marys, Out.
Barristers Solicitors, Notaries Public
Conveyancers &c, &c.
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of
B. Y. SILLIOT. J. nmaor.
OFFICE: over 0,..111^EILIS Bank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
Av. E. CARTWRIGET, 11. D. S.
SG1-31101•T 3DM1NT'XIST.
Graduate of the iloyal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Hay
ngfarnishedline Dental Rooms
on MAlls-6T., not door to Treble's Harness
shop, EXeter, where I am prepared to perform
all branehes ot the Dental profession with ease
it skill. "CTMG-331Tal,..332,331 7T.A_POR,
usedin extracting teeth. (Merges, Moderate;
Terms, Cttsh.
Samwell's Bleck, Nain-st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Filings and all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
co ZIIMOH on last Thursday in
4 each. mont
LU'i'Z, I). M.'
v • Ofticeat hieresidenee lilzeter.
3 W. BROWNING M. D.,' M.
• P. S ,Graduate.VictoriaXiniversity.Oilles
tndiresidenee;DoinznionLitborator v.Ilae ter
R. HYNDMAN, coroner for the
pounty of Huron. Office, opposite Mr.,
ng's store, Exeter.
. 01fice, Main St.Eseter,Ont.Residen
sereoently occupied by P. McPhillips,
T.TENRY EILBER, Licensed Alio-
tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli.
7r al:TOW0ehipS. SA les con ducted atmoderate
rates. Oeice-At Post-office.Crediton, Ont.
TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the
U Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All SeleS promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office. 'm
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College.
Oriaca : One neer South of Town Hall.
per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
Established in 1863.
This emny.ativ has boon over Eighteen
years in yucoassfui operation in Western On-
tario,andeontinues to insure againstioss or
damage by Vire,Bitildings,Mercliandise,IVIan-
ifactoriesAnd all other cioscriptionsoffinsur-
to property. Intending insurers have the
ion of insuring on the Premium Note or
On. Sygtoni.
Bfaking the past ten years this Company
lies issued. 57,096 Policies. covering property
to the amount o$40,872,0$8 ; an paid in loss -
88 alone $709,752,00
AssetS, $176,100.00, consisting of Cash
itank,,GovornmentDeposit, and the tin ass -
ssod Premium Notes on ham cl an cl in force,' 3,
W WA.LtS141,rkt D Presiclet 5. 0. Teenon,
Secretary. J.I. efeenes,Inspecter. CHAS:
SNELL Agoncfor Exeter ancl
r er
A. Hastings, Prop.
havingaucl Hair <Jutting in the latest styles
the art.
Every attention paid to cutti»g
Ladies and Children's Hair.
Brioix aud. Tile.
We Wish to call the s p eei el attention of the
farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr.
Geo. Mentz, of L,ot 11, oon, 5, Stephen, Crediton
P, 0., lets on hand a very large ementity of
At the Following Puces
inch $ 5,50 perk M.
8 1f • 7.80
4 ,,
18,00 "
a 4" ...
„ 11 28 00
7 "
.. .,. 65.00 e '
s 40.00 "
If necessary, limit ed. remelt will be givens!
Oredtton, Sept, n,lr. GE0 MOATZ.
Centralia,. To the Editor of tho Exeter l'inzes
Sir: -For 801118 years past it seems to havet
evenme last vete a grain' 8(200(88. The bele looked upon it as a labor of love) to deo-
pass off pleasantly, are to be conBatErS.--The entertainment on 1"ridaY been the otiStorn, an
c1 (3 thought t8 mem
committee who did •their utnmet to make it orate St. Paul's church here with evergreene,
gratulated in commemoration of the birth and ° veriest -
even St. Jacob himself 0001(1 not complain Mg love of our Bleseecl Sayiour ; but this
-Mr. Jas. MoPeake who has for some time
been operating in Michigayear its members, presemably, hey° beoome
narrived ho
, nes on too indolent or infliffeient, may be the ad -
Wednesday, to spend his XMAS With his hermits and rector thought such decoration
kept buy buil
parents, Jim looke well. -Geo. Essore is might have a tendency to Romenism_ At
building cutters. Any person auy rate there Was no decoration, and the
wishing to secure a bargain will find et to little church looks cold and naked, adorned.
their advantage to give Ithe call.-Tigr, as she is with her Miles only embleneatie
Olias, Lingard can be seen wending his eva
from door to door with a copy of the Detroit
Sun which he sells for only 5o per hoed. -
That horse that lea Dashwood without eere-
Lalo rightful owner, Mr. Chas, Essery.
tip 4
at. MEWS'S
metro waa recovered and brought back to ite
(we hope) of her purity. Well done, brother
nothieg like reform, Yours truly,
Awn -Emote%
Hensel', Dec, 275/I, 1887.
And Everybody Laugh
-----WHO SEES OUR --
Beautiful Honest Goods in End-
less Varieties.
Three Houses and Lots for sale in Kirkton.
-1N THE --
rOditOn Chap Sioro
J. MITCHELL has received a splendid
lot of XMAS goods, and is determined to
make prices to suit hard times especially in
.AND DRAWERS, and other goods. Note
sonie-of thehpihoes :
5 lbs. good tea - -
- $1.00
15 lbs. good sugar • - 01,00
13 lbs, raisins, (new fruit) - $1.00I I,
6 bars soap - ' - 25 etS n
Good dress goods - - 10 cts. per yd
Factory cotton 1 yd. wide - 7 ate.
Splendid tweed for suits - 75 ots. " "
The friends of Mr. H. A. Jameson, former=
ly one of the teaclaers in the high school in
St. Marys, now of Kansas City, efo,,Will
regret to hear of the eecent death,by diphth-
eria, df bis three youngest children. They
all died within a few days of each other.
Mr. -7- Af- Clark has declined the very flat-
tering offer recently made to him of the Pro-
fessorehip of physical science) in Lafayette
University, Philadelphia. and has decided to
continue the praotice of the law as a partner
in the well known firin of Watson, Thotne.
Smolt() & elasten, of dorontp. The distill -
g " e onors,escholarships and gold medals
which he received at Toronto University for
. .
p o mance,. in mathematics and physical
science, would seeen to have,pointed to the
professor's chair a congenial field in which azi
exercise his talents, but he has chosen other.
wise; and law promises to confer upon him
equal honor to that which he refusee at the
bands of soience. In his studeret career he
carried off several law scholarships and the
Law Society's gold medal, and during his
first year at the bar he won distinction both
in the Ontario Court of Appeal and in the
Supreme Court of Canada, The St. Mary's
Collegiate Institute is very proud of its for-
mer pupil and the citizens generally of the
The boys have been enjoying the luxury of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weir, of Nissouri,
spent X-neas with relatives here.
Mr. David Kirk and wife, of Norwich, are
spending their holidays with relatives here.
Mr. Cyrus N. Callender, publics school
teacher, arrived home for helidays 012 Fri-
day last.
Rev. Mr. Ireland, he newly:appointediEtage
lisle church ministerepreaithed in St. Paula
Church here on Sunday morning last.
We notice Mr. John Roger Medical St
ent, on our streets egain. John will soon
avehlie handle of M. D. attached to his
Mr, Charles Bel/aniy. of Glenallen, former.
of the 4512 Line, Blanshard, preached in
O Methodist Church on Sunday evening
at. His old time friends were pleased to
ear him.
Rev. Mr. Charlton, on Sunday morning
last, delivered an exceedingly interesting
THE CHEAPEST. discourse to the children of the Metb.odist S.
IS. In the afternoon and evening he preach-
ed on the Elinaville circuit, his work here
Don't fail to call and get your goods for benig taken by Rev.elelr. Penhall, of that cir-
X-mas at J. MITCHELL'S Cheap Store. cult.
FIRST-OLASS COAL OIL CHEAP. Mrs. Peter Sperling, an aged -------
3rd line, Blanshard, while gbing about her
household d.uties on Saturday last had the
misfortune to fall down some steps leading
to the wood -shed, sustaining severe injuries
about the head and one of her arms. She is
l now under the care of Dr. Irving.
Another old and respected resident of this
community, in the person of Mr. John Hazle-
wood, sr., passed from earth early Wednes-
day morning of last week in his eighty-third
year. Big aged partner, and four sons and
four daughters survive him. On Friday af-
ternoon his remeins were laid in the Kirkton
FlitiDArs the 9th INT, se 0. ,....otea,,SlazvoIrsiollbarehnogn,lmproved by a
Not very often do we refer to such grave
subjects as the following, but the grave iu
THE FINEel' AND BEST STOCK OF which Mr. flazIewoocI was Interred last week
eprpeears to he wo.rthy of espe.cial note, it being
2C -MAS ortoriERIES dom seen in graves, eliciting from the ender -
b ked up and finished off 111 a manner sel.
taker, Mr. Harrison, of St, Maus, the re-
mark that it was i he best he had yet seen,
It is neeclless to say that the person who did
Ever Brought to Exeter. the work was our respeceed villager, Mr. jas.
Call and Get t3ome.
The Bow.,1 Mail,, Passenger mad ereight
Itou to between Canaan. ana Great Plante rued
direct route between the West and ,all points
on the Lower St, Lawrence and 13axe des Cho -
lour, a LBO
New Br1
unswick Nova Scotia
P. E. Island Capo Breton,
, Tufts.
The crowning event of the yeav in connec-
tion with the Methodist S. S., and one to
which the youngsters for , some time past
lookoclgerward to with gleaming anticipations
•and visions of a haepy time, was tho Grand
jubilee' Entertainment and Lents Sleigh,
held ou Friday night last ; and a grand affair
it certainly was in every respect, 'it being
pronoinmed by many the best of the kind
ever held in the village. The old hall was
literally packed, and for onne in its time as.
sumed ii respectable appearance; being hand-
somely cicoorated with flowers and ever. greens. At one end of the hall WAS an el-
evated platform, upon which were stationed,
the children, teachers and ' officers of the
sehool. .A. full program wae presented, tee
printed 0110 being closely acthered to, and so
it was made up eeelnaivel f .li
On June 55h last, Mrs.. Mary Sto
Detroit with two children to return
home at Parkhill. The steamer on
she took passage to Port Huron was d
by a fog and did not reaon there unti
night, Mrs. BMOC WAS unacquainted
the city and in looeing about for a pl
shelter herself and ohildren for the nig
across Horatio N. Jex, the primrieto
cigar store, restaurant and saloon. who
her rooms over his store. In the abse
any other accommodation she acoepte
offer and went to the rooms. She p
children to bed, and there being 110 lo
e door she placed a chair against it as a
barricade. Daring the night 'Tex forced his
way into the room and made improper ere.
Keats to NTS. Stook and intimidated her as
the point' of a revolver. She resisted him
and finally obliged him to leave the roora
under tiareats of mishit; an alarm. She
remained 02 the room until morning without
fnrther annoyance and then left with her
children for her home in Parkhill. The
above facts were sworn to on the trial Thurs-
day of a snit brought against Jex by Mrs.
Stock in the 'United States Circuit Court in
Detroit. The jury rendered a verdict for
Mrs. Stook of $700.
Publishers arid Proprietors
EX.1.211NATIO.N.-S. S. No. 4, Bronsoe Line
was the ecene of an event which will long b
remembered by both teacher and ticholitre
We refer to the public eictimieatonou Thurs
deer the 22nd inst. No 'eel than one hum
dred visitots were present besides a numbei
of scholars fi om other schools. Several of
the visiting Teachers spoke greet praise of
the manner in which the teacher, (Miss
Murry) had trained up the youthful. mind
under her care. The suiting teachers
assisted in the einanination lessoee, which
wine gone through with groat credit to the
teacher and scholars At 000!) th
were introduced, and permed around by the
seholars. The afternoon pregramtne eon -
tested of readings, recitatieee, vooal and
insttumental Whi012 No rendered in
splendid style. 'The tichool-house was
splendidly decorated witb, evergreens, the
wells being covered witho. Lumber Of mettoee,
Before the proceedings wei e elesect it preen-
ok lett tation and address was made and read by
to her Miss R Muther, of which the fallowing is a
which copy of address :--Dnen Teem/men...we
dallied desire to express our eon ow at your depart-
' ure from atnong us and to present this gift
with to yon as a memorial of the many pleasant
ace to days we have spent together. We know that
ht, ran it is owing to your kindness and perseverance
r of a that We have progressed so well during the
offered past two years, and we cute assure you that
lece of you carry away with you the respect, love
dJex's and esteem of us all. We wish you all
ut her happinees in your future life, mad trust that
ek on when you ate away you wilt continue to
think kindly of the scholars of S. S, No. 4,
Flay. Signed on behalf of the Scholars,
Miss Rebecca Mureer, The pzesent con-
sisted of a beautiful china tea set, Trustees
of the school are :-Wm. 'Copp, M. Geiger,
G. Nicholson. Teachers present were R.
Ross, San. Erwin, T. Grant, F. Oressweller,
Misses Rusk, Schaefer, and Brown, also
Rev. hlauch and Ortwein, who made very
appropriate addiesses. The teacher shook
hands and kissed each of ter soholare good-
bye as they passed out the door, which
showed the affection and interest she had for
them all. We take this opportunity aa well
as the scholars and parents in wishing Miss
Murry all happiness in her future life,
wherever her lot may fall.
BRZErS.--Illies Schaefer left for home on
Friday last to spend Xmas holidays with her
friends. -Miss Shannon who has had charge
of the millinery department for D. Steinbaeh
this fall left for her home in Walkerton -We
are sorry to learn that Mr. P. Bender is ill.
Mr. B's family has just recovered from the
effects of typhoid fever and we hope bis illness
is nothing serious. --A good lively time may
be expected over the municipal election next
week. Everybody come aud vote'
• .
A happy New Year to you all.
Last Monday was nomination day here.
Lots of snow. down here and splendid
Miss McKeown, of Wingharn is at present
visiting her friends in this place.
Mr. George R. Carter of this place is at
present very ill from the effects of an ulcer-
ated toot].
Mr. P. 'Currie, of Adelaide has been en-
gaged as principal of Clandeboye school for
Clandeboye is the scene of great excitement
just now, the merchants hurrying around at -
ending to numerous customers.
The sports of this place intend holding a
shooting mach 011 New Year's da It '11
consist of breaking glass balls, killing pige
and practice with rifles.
The rural rusticaus of this la h I
dance on the evening of the ohurch enter-
tainment, it was not a suecess, however, only
enough being cleared to pay the expenses cf
the hall.
The musical and literary entertainment
held in the Methodist (Murals of this place
was a grand success oveithree hundred be
ing present, the programme was a most ex-
cellent one and every one went away highly
The rabbits are getting plentiful arou
h • '
Ontario Farm.ers.
Professor Brown of the Ontario Agricultur-
al College, has oollected a series of statisticbased s
n e official reports of the past five
0128 years, for the purpose of showing the average
condition of our farmers. The results at
012 e arrived are startling. If correct,
the Ontario farmers are a class to be enyied.
That his figures will bear the strictest scru.
tiny there is no reason to doubt, and they go
far to bear out the the popular impression
tbat our farmers are not only the most inde-
pendent but by tar the most prosperous por-
tion of the community. Promising
that -
there are 22,000,000 acres occupied land in
She province, of which one-half is cultivated,
and that the average farnaer holds about 190
nd sores, e proceeds to an analysis of the var-
ious c ops and summarizes their mean val-
ues as follows;-
0. •
e t eory advanced by some
the aged pioneers is that they have dug
underground tunnel from Australia to he
so we may expect to see them here in gr
numbers soon.
' Miss 13Iackwel1, teacher in S. S. No. 4 he
a public examination in her school propel
tory to closing it for the Chriatmas holida
and was well attended by the parents of t
Pupils and everything passed off in splencl
gthe bountiful repast provid
The farmers around here are icaugurati
a eystematio warfare against the sparro
Many are the devices used for its extermi
ation including poisoning, tearing downtb.e
nests, shooting and traping them. One ma
has killed over three hundred this month.
Or editOn.
NRSONAL . -31r. Same Mitchell, of West
Point, Neb., formerly of Orediton. is paying
us a yisit.--air, Fred Krause, of Rodney, is
She gnest of 3. Either.
Miss A. Clarke, of London, and Mr. and
Mrs. Metcalf, of Detroit, are spending their
Xmas holidays visiting their mother, Mrs.
N. Clarke.
X-itrAs.-Ohristreas was spent by our vie
lagers in the weal mariner. A great nanny
of the folks took the benefit of the good
sleighing. Parties were numerous, and
everyone appeerecl to enjoy the first sleigh -
ride of the seaten.
Mr, Obits. Entice!, son of Fr. Billion win)
has been away from home over 6 pones, and
trowho nothing had been heard for over
8 years, surprised his parents on Christmas
eive by returning to his parental home. Ho
had been working on the railroad in Mon -
eltreererereentee.--The enamel X-11.111.8 on,
tertaininent of the German S. S. was held in
erele„oen_Stithectity evening last, and
ae flame a grief' eetiooees. The little
ren did admirably, and tlie, grown-up
0151 no mese. elds Sunday Soltopl is
proaperous and hoeste el Whig the -eters
I any denomination in the u'ounty or
Noureemea,---The 110111i0Si1011 for runi-
Oilleas for the Townehip of Stephen
elii in the Town Hall ou Monday last.
?sieve, Mr, V. Rate, anti 1st Deputy.
, were eleeted 15,7 Soda-
). Mo,sfirS. Eithee, Thencle aed
ha did not fare SO Well, and Int7e op•
11, 1110 00/21illea Who aye standi»g
°Lion are as ftlIews : For 211(1De9uty•
Chas, Either, Win. Baltee; 001)11.D. French, P. Coughlin. and Mt.
t Tee election promises to be 110o11,he candidates aro determined to win, i
e rotation ie, who is going to p,ot loft.
ars, 1t is c
and great praise is dee them for the manner 1
in which they earili performed their part, rem
- ) oit,
fleeting as 15 111(1 leech credit to the skill ancl' folee
pittionce of theee who had theaf training. 'eery
A pleasing sensation was created shortly goat
after the opening of the prevent by tl
roan -trice ot Santa Ohms, with his span et -
ached to a sleigh iaaen 1(1(12 nll lummox of
eitutiful prosente, and illuminated with inn
berets wax tapeve, The Suoretsty's report
She 6011001 fov the pm; t twelve months
its very satisfactory ane Imvelced applanse.
lie number on the roll is 100, divided into
dreary 2, intermediate 5, and bible classes
, ell of ovhioh ru 0 undei tlio management of
officers end 9 tg8011(1'S. everago at-
iidalice,cluring the year wee 92, Devine,
e year 85 scholare joined the school A 11 (1
and Jalrtaiea. t
New and olegant Pullinart Buffet Stooping b
1110 Day Core vim on thro eget Express teitins, 1
P£1.8F41lgt)XS for Great Britain 011he Conti.. 0
a ant by leaving Toronto at 8.80 a. ni. Thera. tv
day will ±0111 outward mail 'steamer at Half- I
Pax tr, In. Sattircla,y.
SUperiorlilleva ter Warell Olt 9fl Stld Dook me- 2 P
corturiodithou at Halifax forshipin On beim:min
end general merchendiso, 5
'Wean! 01 experience have proved the INTER- 1to
ooLoNrAt in connection with etenenseip ,-,,
Hues to and from London. Idyorpool and L•0
Glasgow to Halifax, to be the quickest troight
reete between on do ri e en fl Gr one 13 *1, ' .. ;
AS to Passeng3,2
Pates cam be hn ad oapplication to
Information er and Freight i 01,
BOB EMT B. MJ0 CM, 1 to
Western Freight ger t &PassenAgont t°
Possin House Sleek ,Yorit $t. 'Permit° '55
D. P0TTINGEtt it
10 (211g085 et(eridance e1011)1 151111(321)1 Ives
9. A. rnissionery collection is taken (1])me month, and a tomporalIce and anti.
built] eoeiety has been, formed. Tho on •
rtaininen t Was a new departure for OA
hoot and horn the 806668 ,,,11(,12 attended
' Oh lot sheerietenden i
itis Safe tO predict tliat it will nOt lie the
t which will be gieen,
10115 11
1110 1
for de
as ell t
and th
3128. reeve,,
44 aores of grain $671
21 acres of hay 000
2 acres of roots 77
22 tunes of pasture, daily value 286
li acres oachard and garden .60
4i- acres other crops 62
Straw 142
The gross value of $15.70 per cultivated acre
does not appear quite satisfactory to Profes-
sor. Brown, He believes that, with better
methods and more carefal study of the most,
marketable produots, profits might be mater-
ially increased. But he is not afraid to strike
a balance, presenting the financial position
thee: -
1 farm laborer, year
1 farm " half year
Blacksmith and saddler
Insurance and incidentals
Keep of four horses
Assuming the average value ef a farm to be
$8,740, including building and live stook, the
conclosion is arrvied at that the farmer, eat
of his yearly sales is placed m the following
financial position, the figures being in round
numbers: -
Interest on capital at 6 per cont $500
Cash payments as above noted 500
Household allowances .
Permanent improyements, or banked... .500
As compared with gross receipts, ...$2,800
These estimates do not profess to account
for minor and incidental accounts. Balatie.
ed against each other, they do not effect the
main result, wbich is tbat the average farta-
er acknowledges by the statistics lie has for.
nished to the Ontario Boman of Industries,
that he is doing a steadily profitable business
Other interests may bo detrimentally at.
fectod by a inaltitude of oases. Th artizan
may bo thrown out of work. Deptession of
trade may affect to a serious extent the b1'
121065 of the tradesman, tbe merchant or the
inamtfacturer. Of necessity the welfare of
these must depend to a meater or loss ac-
greo on local conditions, But tim marlots
05 5118 farmer are not confined to his neigh.
borhoed or to this continent. He has al-
ways the market of Groat Beitahi to fall back
upon. Hie position is therefore stich 8') may
be envied, "I have no hesitation in 2231111 -
Ing,'' says Professor 13101512. "That our On -
tali° farmers are not only doing well and
making 11i011e3r, whether placed in bank, in
mprovements or in mortgage, but they are
actually wealthy. Whenany fanner can pay
ix percent, on what he gave for tho land
00 (1 working appliances, givo his fanaily $500
o help keep heriso,nd then have one-fourth
of the whole left to lay pest or speculate with I Wag ca
in (attire crops, he is second to no profession uut Pt
have ever IC [WWII N stlli.
old couticil elected by acelaten Lion ; t
T. OE. Kay, councelove, S. W. Wave,
Ile ; N. W. Ward, Me. Kycicl ; S. E.
Jonathon Shier ; hi E. Ward, Thos.
The MO-0ns Bank
onAmpum,t) Bx TA BLIAXENT, 1055)
Paid tie Capital „.. S'..i13.000.000
Tteift Pend. „. .. ,.. 075,000
Offoro the ;Public 4 PEIt CENT, INTEREST
PER ANNUM for money om
Savings Bank. DeVna't
(Lately Bo -Opened.)
For further particulars apply e,t 'the pank
Main Street, fIxeter.
10 a0.1m°111r00111°).°mU.R$Sitt-urdays, 10 a, in. to lera
A. A. C. 1)ENOVAN,
Exeter.not. 25, '87, Ilea a
Monday eves nomination day and ae a
consequenee the country was astir, especially
in those localitiee where the electors desire a
change in the personnel of their local logis-
latuees. In theeseveral townships hereabouts,
save 'Osborne township, there will be opposi-
tion in ssme cases, if not for the reeve hip,
there will be for tho office of councillor. In
Exeter, it we are to judge from the number
who were ruminated, the feeling to heve the
old council ousted was intense; but we in -
aline to the belief that, as yearly character-
izes these meetings, many of the candidates
mentioned below were nominated merely to
create amusement amongst a few who de-
light in the so-called fun. At 12 o'clock, the
worthy olerk of the village, with his grip in
hand ascended the platform, and efter a very
short preamble called fornominations, which
were received as follows :-For reeve, Dr,
10111us, aud L, Hardy; deputy.resv6, Cio
Bissett, and John Raleton; counoillore, Thou:
McCallum, Jas, Piokard, E. Christie, Santee
Willie, T, B. Carling, A. G. Dyer, D. Johns,
R. Davis and J. P. Clarke& The clerk was
elected chairman, after which the meeting
adjourned to meet at 7:30 o'clock, in order
that the nominees might have an opportum
ity of expressing themselves to the rate-
payers in body. Before the appointed hour
the hall was packed. The chairman took
his seat and called tbe present comicil to take
sets upon the platform. Lawyer Dickson
suggested that the members of the old coun-
cil give an account of theirstewardship, after
whiell have the other nominees address the
electors. Dr. Rollins, Reeve, was first to
speak, After thanking the people for their
suffrages in the past, spoke at some length
upon financial and other matters. He first
gave a lucid explaaation of the new Torn
Hall. He said that a By-law had carried
granting $8,000 for the purchase of a ground
and the erection of a building. Plans and
specifications for the building were mocured
and tenders received for it a erection, the low-
est of svhich was in excess of the amount
granted for the purpose. Ile showed to the
satisfaction of all how the erection of the
large building was throe ?Ill sp, by some oethe
contractors withdrawing tueir tenders.
Learning that there was oonsidereble dissat-
isfaction existing amongst the ratepayers,
owing to the increased expense the Ocnincil
were proposing to incur, it was decided to
have plans drawn for a amaller and less ex-
pensive building. Hence the reason for the
smaller building standing where it is to -day.
He dealt extensively with the finances, shew-
big a surplus of $3,003, less P1,400 for some
minor expenses of 1887. He said that while
last year our rate was 15 mils on the dollar,
this year it was but 14 mills on the dol-
lar. He said that next year it was the in-
tention of the Cour:toil to mad' a new voria---
sidewalk from the market to the north end
of the village, while on all baokIstreets, where
it had not already been done, gravel walks
would be substituted for board; as it was
deemed the better method of sidowalking.
Speaking of the improvements of the past
year he mentioned among others the 'subtle
ark, and the town hall, and said that the
fire limits and cow By -lays might be thus
classified. He spoke of the proposal to in-
corporate the village as a town during Wee
incoming year and. that it the bill which is
going through She legislature, providing for
division of the County into High School dis-
trict% he would advocate having a high
school established here, but not otherwise.
Other candidates spoke very briefly, with
the exception of T. B. Oarling, who made a
very able and well -directed speech.
V. Rate, reeve, by aoolaination ; II. Either,
lst.depnty-reeve,by acclamation; 2n0. deputy -
reeve C. Either, and Wm. Baker; councillors,
P. Coughlin, John Sherritt and D. French.
Reeve, S. Rennie and H. Hoppel; deputy -
reeve, 3. 0. Kelpfieisch and Geo. McEwan ; ,
councillors, Messrs D. Sarerns, J. VoeIcker,
A. MoEtven, Fred. Hess, He Heyrock, M.
13/ANSEURD,-COLMOil elf:rooted by acclama-
tioBni.rourewn-Reeve, 0. C. Hodgins ; Deputy
Reeve, Sauauel Hoclgins and. 0, 3. Dewar.
Councillors were elected by acolamation.
Miecireere-Mayor, Thos. MoOlay, David
Durham and Jas. Doughteey ; Reeve, H. J.
Hurlbut and S. Skinner.
STANTMY.--Beeve, John Terrence and A.
M, Campbell ; Deputy- Reeve, Issac Erratt
and Wiliam Clark ; lames Aikenhead and
Robert McIlveen, councillors.
Emir Nessounx--Reeve, 0. Horseman ani
J. Towle. Councillors, --Ward No. 1, W. Oli-
ver and 3. Henderson, Ward No. 2, D. R.
Calder by acclamation. Werd No. 3, I. :Mc-
Leod and I. G. Robinson. Ward No. 4, 3.
Welfair, by acolamation,
GO0ERT021 Toe-nisi:me-Reeve, Joh u Cox
ancl Gabriel Elliot, Deputy. Reeve, Joseph
Whitely, Jas. Larkwn,ite and John Beacom;
Thos. Churchill, I. H. Elliott,
11. 14aliot, Ge.). McKee, John McLellan and
S. Sturdy,
H. Wilson grocer of St. Marys, has as.
signed. He failed once in 1884, when
he got a settlement at 60e. in the del.
tar which he paid.
Robt. Brown has sold his form on the
Huron roa I, tioderich township, 70 ac.
to Thos. ,Jenkins. for Wier $3,900,
Brovvn has bought of 5. Couch 50 acres
on the seeoild eoncession of' 11(0 (252,
formerly belonging to the es-
tate at $3,400. Lot 10, Oth concession
of Clrey, was put 141 by auction
and bat. by A. illoillurchie, of °Linton,
for $1,d-00.
Monday morning a,-61,1 scp ,
of Mr. Win 111c,NIaster, carpenter, or
8 trathrby was found hanging :Lo, (0 iu an
unused building on Sherbrooleo SN'et-
75 that the led did not come
home at the usual hour he Wein., ot
ti,ted to get into the building
through the cellar, which is floored by
heavy planking, not nailed dovvri. The
lad it would appear, stood on a careen._
ter's trestle, anti applying his head, .r
od the adjoining edges of two p ben lee so
that, he got his head theongh, When he
must have sli °pert from the trestle and
ttght On each stele of the neck by
alike, fie was found dead and