Clinton News-Record, 1979-07-26, Page 19CI.11,1N.gCA
In Michigan
• ...,Auburn resisl sister cYt
f ~ �1
A week ago Friday, a went to the big tent where ' balloons and pins were' miles from Auburn,
dream came true for Tommy Reder and the thrown out to the children Michigan is , a sister city
some Auburn . re"sidents '. Polka Towners PTayedlfor�' .along the parade;route. A 'Jo Goderich, Ontario, and
when 36 persons boarded ' the dance. wonderful applause.. was • Auburn Ontario is only 12
the bits fora trip to their. Sinday noon saw the given .to .the Canadian miles from Goderich
prospective -sister city ,at-' `formation of -a 100 ;unit �eregation as IF.--- went Ontario. `Several more
Auburn, Michigan. parade and the° visiting through the route: Auburn Ontario residents
The occasion was their Queen Kim headed the A 'reception was . held than on the bus also at -
annual Corn f es t• parade of the Queen's for all at the home of tended their weekend
prgudly waving small Mayor and Mrs. Wesley festivities.
Canadian flags. The Samborn before starting A warm welcome is
Auburn Ontario bus was for the trip home. being extended to the
decorated with banners. A strange coirf'cidence sister ,city to again visit
and balloons, and was that Bay City, ten their Ontario sister city,.
• celebrations and the
invitation was issued by
their mayor Wesley
Samborn and his wife
Donna when they visited
here during the 125th
birthday celebrations.
Auburn, Michigan alsoVillage
celebrated their 125th - socia notes
birthday and the Ontario
delegation chose to
return the visit. Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce
The chairman of the -Clark and Mrs, W.J.
Chamber of Commerce Buchanan of Goderich
made motel reservations
for all and shortly' after
arriving met everyone
and gave out cornfest
buttons which allowed
everyone into all
programs and en-
Everyone enjoyed the
midway, the chicken
barbecue and the dance
to Butch Heath and the
' Sundance Kids. Square
dancing was held in the
Western High School and
twelve, , enjoyed the.
wor Cshop and the dan-
cing there on Friday
evening and Saturday. -
• At 11 a:m.' Saturday
' Mayor Wesley Samborn,
thembe •s of City Council
arid''' Gary Straley,
chairman of the Chamber
of Commerce and others
met the Auburn, Ontario
residents and officially
welcomed everyone ' to
their city.
An official plaque and
the key to their` city was
given by Mayor Samborn•
to their 1979 Miss Auburn,
queen of the city's annual
Corn Festival.
She,$.I im. Children's Day" was The card report was Mr. and Mrs. Holtby of
McDowell, queen - of 125thBelmont visited last -
Auburn, . Ontario's- . held at the July meeting given by Mrs. Lillian
of the Auburn Women's Lether-land. The financial weekend with Mr. and
birthday celebrations,�+Institute held �in the statement showed that a Mrs. Ed Davies.
""- "'-'and she .gave it to Mrs. Community Memorial's good . amount of history Misses Anita and April
Eleanor Bradnock who hall. The president, Mrs. books were sold recently. Gross and Master Bryan
will present ' it_ to the Eleanor Bradnock was in Mrs. Haggitt asked for Grosse spent last weekend
Village of Auburn at.its gg
charge and welcomed the. pictures of branch with their grandparents
next meeting. members, friends, and presidents and their
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs. Bradnock thanked children. _ biographies. It was Mcdougall.
them and invited all to After the program the decided to take a bus trip
come again and visit in children joined the Huron and go to the Playhouse
the near future. A tour of County story hour and,the theatre at Grand Bend on Lottery draw
the town hall and fire business meeting was
station was held and then held.
Mayor Samborn and • The rriembers decided -.
Miss , . Marilyn Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jar -
Archambault was a din.
member of the four 4-H The Auburn Hor-
were guests recently of members picked from the ticultural Society is
Miss Laura Phillips and 4H Sheep Club to attend, looking for help to water
Mr. and Mrs. Tom S. the Achievement Day at their flower pots on the
Johnston. Markham recently. , main street. If you have
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Steven, Randy and an hour to spare please
Weston of Toronto visited Greg Jardin of Kitchener offer your services and
on the weekend with her recently spent holidays help the Society to keep
mother, Mrs. Mary with their grandparents Auburn beautiful.
Rollinson and her brother Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jar- Visitors with Mr: and
Mr. Murray Rollinson. din. Mrs. Tom Johnston and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miss Dorothy Mutch of Miss Laura Philli
Haines visited last week Clinton -visited with Mrs. g were
for a few days with their Albert McFarlane,, Miss Fern Symington .of
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs:
son Mr. Ed Haines and recently.•
Mrs. ' Haines at Niagara Mr. Graham Kru " and Gordon Sisley of Niagara
Falls.Glen and Mrs. Lorna Falls, Mrs. Amos
Mr. and , Mrs. Lyman Krug of , Winghamwere Andrews and daughter
Jardin have 'returned to Tecent visitors with Mr: Mrs. Brent Nelson Mrs.
Port Alberni,. B.C. after and Mrs. Tom Jardin. Cora McGill of, Belgrave
spending two weeks with Anyone wishing to go
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin on the W.I. bus trip to -see
and Mrs. Elva' The Owl and the Pussy
Straughan. Cat on August 15 please
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marks contact Mrs. Leonard
of Wingham visited with Archambault.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval, Mrs. Bonnie Armour
McPhee and Mr. and and daughter Julie of
Mrs. Tom Jardin last Waterloo .spent the
Tuesday evening. weekend with her parents
and Miss Tillie Mains 'of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Kerr of New Hamburg
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Lipg of Guelph were
visitors last Sunday with
Mrs. Myrtle Munro'. Quite
a number from here
attended the Orange
celebrations in. Blyth last
Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Kids lake, WI .meeting
Hamilton sp.en't last
weekend with friends in
August 15 to see The Owl
and the Pussycat. Mrs. '
Leonard Archambault, winner
teary atraley came on the to sponsor 4H ,clubs again„, Mrs. Robert -Turner and
bus and gavea conducted „„,gyp r�r M g Mrs. Roy Daer were,' •Winner of the -L -ion's
named to arrange the Club Lottery draw last
bus trip. Anyone wishing week was Anne
to go please contact Mrs. 'McCartney and Sandra
Archambault as soon as Lynn McNutt. A draw is
possible. held ---at the bank every
A program of games Wednesgay. Tickets are
was held for the children "available from any
ice-cream cones, nieinber of the Auburn
cookies and freshie were and District Lions Club.
served to all. Hostesses Your support would be
were Mrs. Leonard appreciated as the ball
Archambault, Mrs. lights are now being used
Frank Raithby and Mrs. every night.
Gordon Powell.
tour of the city and a .•yrs. argaret
shopping spree for 40 Hildebrand and' Mrs.'
minutes before returning Erma Cartwright were
appointed. The Auburn
to the activity on the
W.IL will sponsor Auburn
grounds. 2 with Mrs. Ila Cu,n
Ball games were in ningham and Linda
progress at all times and Cunningham as leaders.
were very entertaining. A The president thanked
magic show w was held in allfor cookies ,and
the big tent and music for helping with the social
the teenagers completed half-hour at Auburn as it
the afternoon's program. was during the 125th
A visit to Mr, and Mrs. , birthday celebrations.
Gary Straley's home and Alsb thanks to Mrs. Tom
a barbecue was a 'Lawlor and her float
highlight and then all committee
Even being a life guard at the wading pool is a full time job most days, as hot
youngsters swarm into the cooling waters of the park. Here Liz Reid of Clinton
watched the antics last Monday. (News -Record photo)
Hear about Africa
Presbyterian WM S meet
The July meeting of the
Auburn Presbyterian
Women's Missionary
Society Was held last
Wednesday evening at
the home of Mrs. Frank
The president Mrs.
Wilfred Sanderson was in
charge and gave the call
toWorship-•.Overheard in
the Orchard. The hymn I
think when I read that
sweet story of old was
read in unison.
The president
welcomed all and Mrs.
Roy Daer was in charge
of the devotional period.
The scripture lesson,
Psalm 18; verses 1-35 was
read alternately. The
meditation was on the
theme - The Gentleness of
God. The roll call was
answered with a Bible
verse containing the word
The minutes°of the
previous meeting were
accepted as read by the
secretary Mrs. Lillian
Correspondence was read
and business discussed.
The study book was taken
by Mrs. Frances Clark
and . she spoke of the
Cathedral Church of St.
Michael and All Angels in
Malawi in the heart of
Central Afric
On all 'models in stock to make room
for th0 1980 Snowmobile's now
Come Check Us Out
�o� autho' xed >fall.gotVl�e dealer `
t:mlZe,�vei➢it i(' t 'trifle soul '` 'of
”' yr l
Tile, 1lritpn area of Ontario H�rd'ro, which takes In al rge area from Centralia
to Anmberley, has a -neww manager, Cord Yoh , h started work' la t"'Week,
p aline , 'h o 1
rcpla�Ciiig Walter p' � �i I oft in /1►pril oto manage the tsscx. a ea. Mr.
Yolm, who once worked 1 thls area, ransferred from Welland where he had a
t for' the last '5% : cors. o '1�too�dstock native, fits avife,'ancl' two
chi •
p ren are planning on movingto th area. (Hews Record photo)
She told about the
missionary work of Rev.
Charles Scott when the
church is packed for
three services each
Sunday. This church was
dedicated on May 10,
1891, but during the years
the brick has begun to
deteriorate and it is
feared that the structure
has been weakened. She
closed with a poem - If a
Child --
The offering was
received by the treasurer
Mrs. Clark and dedicated
with prayer by Mrs.
Sanderson. The hymn - In
Heavenly Love abiding
was read and the meeting
was closed by ,all
repeating the Lord's
Prayer in.:unison., Lunch
was served by Mrs.
R aithby.
eted with
com.muruty shower
Y1,nK atq white
streamers and white
weddingbells decorated
the chairs and platform
in the 'Knox United''
Church Sunday school
room when Miss Tracy
Ward was honored with.a
bridal slower, Tulle Daer
and Ian Andrews were in
charge of the'guest bock-
ootMrs. Shirley Andrews.
wds the mistre-ss of
ceremonies and
welcomed all. Janice
Daer had an elimination
contest andithis was won
by Jackie McInnis.
The birthday nearest
the bride -elect was Mrs.
Donna Powell and Tracy
won the second - prize.
Julie Daer sang a song
composed by her mother;
Mrs. Evelyn Daer on
Tracy's courtship. She
was accompanied by ,her
mother, Mrs. Evelyn
Tracy was escorted to
the platform with her
Sister Mrs. Debbie Thom °
and Terry's mother, Mrs..
Donna Powell. Mrs. -
Shirley Andrews'pinned a
beautiful corsage on . the
bride-to-be and .read e-
specially composed
address for the occasion
composed by Mrs.
Evelyn laer,
• Gifts were carried in by
Julie Daer and Shelley
Powell. Tracy thanked
everyone for their gift
and an attractive hat of
bows made by Vickie
Powell was placed on
Tracy's head. Lunch was
served by Mrs. Evelyn
Daer and Mrs. Shirley
Anglican Women
meet at church
St. Mark's Anglican the poem -Friendship.
Church Women met for The president • Mrs.
their July meeting last Donald Cartwright took
Thursday evening in St. charge of* the business
Mark's Church with Mrs. period. The minutes were
Robert Slater in charge. read _ by the secretary
She kept in the theme of . Mrs. John Daer and
'Auburn's 125th birthday approved. Mrs. Thomas
and Hymn 125 was read in Haggitt, the treasurer
unison followed by the gave the financial
Lord's Prayer and the statement. The roll call
prayer of General was answered by naming\
Thanksgiving.'Psalm 125 a province in Canada you
was read and also • had visited. The offering
Proverbs 31: to' 35 verses and the travelling apron
read. was passed,business, was
This scripture lesson discussed and the
was read from two dif- meeting was closed with
ferent translations. The prayer.
hymn, God of Mercy, God
of Grace was read in
unison. Two readings -
The Old Car Key and The '
Old Rag Rug were read smile
by Mrs. bonald Cartfi...—•
A reading - Teen A psychiatrist received
Commandments was a post card from a
given by Mrs.' Thomas vacationing patient.
'Haggitt. Mrs. Slater gave "Dear Doctor," it said,
„ the tbpic on suggestions � ".Haying a wonderful,
to make people's lives time. Wish you were here
happier and closed with',, to tek me why."
Turning 1()0 is a pretty special occasion for
anyone So, when we officially celebrate
100 years as Clinton's First Bank, we
thought we'd observe the occasion with a
few festivities.
\X rdnesday, August 1 is the official day,
and if you drop by anytime between 10 a.m.
and 4:30 p.m., the coffee and cake are on
Happy Birthday to us, August 1.
100 years old ' and still growing strong.
The First Canadian Bank,
Main (,'Orner, Clinton
11s2 -a479