The Exeter Times, 1887-12-15, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS, • Ne?wsof the Day.: pootirranoee of the Past weelr Throughout the Neighborhood in a Concise Forth. Alex. Morella, of Luettn, has pur- ` chased the Atkinson farm, lot l2, Don. 3, Bddulph, Price, $5,325, Oh yea l I should think so. The first dose made me feel like a new person; the invariable answer to theuestion did Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters help' your Mr. E. Sibbon, of the .Huron Road, Hullett, has rented the entire farm of Mr. Chas. Carter, also of the Iluron Road, for a terra of five years, at a year- ly rental of $250 as the farm contains 100 acres and is only a short distance from town, it is a very cheap place. Mr. Sullen, of the Base Line, near ,Clinton,.killed a nine months old pig lash week, which turned the scales at Fee 320 lbs, Mr, James Walltlnshaw, of the 2nd eon. of Hullett,'killed a couple of pigs last week,.not quite 'nine months old, which weighed 295 and 308 respect. ively, dressed. A certain farmer on the 2nd eon. of }Juliet, who has been paying taxes for 32 years, can make the proud boast that in all that time he has never failed to pay bis taxes the day the collector call- ed for them; If all ratepayers were like this the collection would be much easier and more pleasant; At about daylight on Saturday morn- ing, the inmates of Mr. George Gross- man's house, on the 6th Don, of Hullett, were startled out of their slumbers to find the rear part of the house in flames. They dressed and got out as quickly as possible, managing to save only a few things before the whole place was burn. ed. The loss by the fire will be in the vicinity of$2000, on whioh there was no Insurance. "Pectoria" loosens the phlegm, "Pectoris" soothes . the inflamed bronchial tubes. "Pectoria" never fails to cure a C or Cough. "Pectoria" 25 Dents a bottle. - There died at the family residence in Lucan, on Thursday morning. Thomas Willis, aged 64 years. The de- ceased was one of the oldest settlers of London Township and lately removed to Liman, buying a home intending to rest from labor and pass the rest of his days without toil. He -had juste got settled down when death made its call. Deceased was a brother of Mr. James Willis, ofExeter. For nineteen years Mr. David Walker has been Reeve of Tuckersmith, and in all that time he has never missed meeting of the council, nor has he eve been one hour late. This as an excep tionally goad record, and if Mr. Walker ill accept our disinterested advise, he - zebtire from municipal life, in the enith of his glory. fie has given a fair share of his time to' the inteests of the township and it is unreasonable to expect a inan to die in harness. Sometime during Thursday night an- other (the third) dastardly attempt was made to damage theproper:ty of the new Perth County buildings at Stratford. Friday morning the caretaker found that an entrance to the basement had been effected by one of the back windows A fu Cher search revealed the fact that the +'eturn" tap of one of the boilers had'• en opened and the water run off. The urposewas obvious. It was intend ed that when the caretaker should make his fire in 030 morning, the boiler would be burned and either much damaged or destroyed. The County Council has' offered $200 for the apprehension of the Miscreant. Mr. S. G. Sellers, of Mitchell, was in Erie,, N. Y., on Friday, to put himself In communication with the father of Charles Ross, who was kidnapped from Philadelphia, Sellers states that twelve years ago eternity came to Mitchell, Ont., from Philadelphia. They had with them a boy who bore such a close resemblance to a wax figure of Charley Ross that Sellers and others believed him to be the boy who was wanted in Philadelphia. Ross' friends paid no attention to a communication at the time, and the matter rested until recently, when a terrible casualty took off the Philadel• phia man and a companion. The widow of the man who elaiined the boy, fearing that the death ,of her husband was a divine visitation. confessed that the boy was Charley Ross, the Ittdnapped child. As soon as she recovered from her fright she recanted- An Erie friend of the Ross family takes a good bit of stook in the disclosure. `111e Quash has fifteen a villa in the'Eiv for , for the riprtnK. Henry Taylor, the imprisoned banker, of London, is recovering.- The Fisheries Commission has adjourned FOR PURE PARIS GREEN uy� ntil after the holidays. FOR GENUINE IiELLIBORE x r n ,..tl zaxziras T. I OR N 7 .. . «.".� C7" 1 I,, tent X l t dbottle Farmers, 9tEeaEioa! ►1- �l i( QUEEN CITY OTS. WORKS 1 WORKS., 34 DALT Sr, Ottawa, Opt , 11lay Ord 1887. and pleased to state that l.asal Balm has already relieved my catarrh to a very great QX. have no yet use one , but the nauseous droppings from head into throe llaye almost. ceased. I breathe easy now; get better sleep and altogether feel and approoi ate the wonderful virtue of the "Balm." Its merits cannot possibly be exaggerated for catarrhal troubles, and as a Duel. 1 believe it to be. OSNUXNE, Yours &o., JAMES G. TERNEI' T. A single day of heavy fog makes the Cit of London pay 540,000 more for gas No. 1 INSECT POWDER, WOODuAlvi BlI- Toronto. Every Barrel u:uu, µunser}. 'i•'nre uii. was used on :all machinery dozing �ha.:...'. n - 'Y 7 Exhibition:. It bas been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS 1'lltj undo is p MP,AILS during the last dire Dara. t V 1 xsltaaad ~xeric xeenoctfnily xnfq> In 'See that you get Peerless, It only made Q y tee commueitythatthey have leased the above Y d by The railroad between ,Minneapolis and Sault Ste. Diarie has been completed. The Russian Government is puslliug 'a railway across Siberia with great energy. Sir Adolphe Caron and party returned to Ottawa from Deitish Columbia on Saturday At SOLEMN VOW. Burne vowed to love his Highland Mary while grass grows ana water suns," and so long as nature continues to present these phe noxuena it ie safe to bet that Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder will make the bes biscuit, Judge Tasohereau denies the rumor that he proposes to retire from the Supreme Bench The new high liquor license law in Phila- delphia is driving' a number of saloons out of existence, The best remedy for burns is said to con- sist in letting the contents of o seitzor sipbon trickle oyer the injured part. EvnnssT's Liv Begulatgr worked wonders onme and made me feel like a new man. - Levi H. Slipper, Pores. P, 0. Sir John Lubbock, in his lecture on "Sav- ages." says the niggers never kissed until they were taught by the white people. Oluez Rodriguez, a Mexican, who had murdered half a dozen persons during his life, was hanged at Lynette, Texas, . on Fri- day. B. Soouler, Forest I'. 0 EVEREST'S Liver Regulator has proved the best medicine I ever tried for impure blood and liver complaint. --John Jones, Hillsboro'.. The police of Kingston are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death in a hotel in that city of a pian named Patrick Kelly. So far: fqur tenders only have been reoeived at Ottawa for the Atlantic Mail Service. St. Paul now has $1,234,432.83 deposited the bank, subject to the orders of the City Treasurer. Evanesces Cough Syrup is the mostremark- able nediciue I ever used for Coughs and Colds, two or three doses invariably effecting a cure.- Wm. Gillis, Forest P. 0. Scott's Emulsion of Ood Liver Oil a ,, and Hypophosphites is sold all over she world. It is far superior r t to plain Ood Liver Oil, palatable and easily digested. Dr. Martin Miles Stanton, Bury Buess, London, England, says: I have pre- scribed Sectt's Emulsion, and take it myself. ItisI t pa a able, efficient, and can be tolerated by almost•anyone, especially where cod liver oil itself cannot be borne. Put up in 50e. and e1 size. A Leavenworth (Kan.) man will clear near- ly $1,500 from a four -acre crop of celery this year. "I had a bad cold on my bungs for two years; every thing I tried failed me until I got Everest's Cough Syrup, andit cured me. - Mrs. D. A. Frasar, Parkhill, P. O. Parnell has gone to the: south of France whore he will remain until Parliament re -assembles, Where the danger lies in usiug pills in cold weather -almost all purgative pills or pellets contain calomel or mercury in some form or other. By using Dr. Carson's Sto- mach Bitters you get a perfectly pure vege- table.purgative. Large bottles 50 cents, Dyspepsia Directly Disappears During Dome os Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, the most reliable family medicine. All druggists. Pectoria 1 Pectoria 1 Peetoria 1 Aid better congh cure or expectorant is not made. Be- fore you give up try Pectoria, 25 cents per bottle, all druggists. see -iS mills fora term of years. and will be pleased a tea V E,fsi 1 to have a call from all. '.PhD mill has recently ���.1�q ,e tots 1G is filo intention of the subscribers t add a sot of rolls as possible; and all, FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD, TRE SPOT been improved, by the addition of now mach- .! ®!1n Va Wars., scr ors o combined, the as soon ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT JF City Fishing Tackle ALWAYS A FULL, LINE OF ALL KINDS OF -1 Call and Examine for Pour- t self The Mitchell Advocate says -"For a few hours, late on Wednesday night, there wassgreat excitement on Maln•st. In the absence of Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Keeler, John Green, of London, from whom' Mr. Keeler had pul'ehased' his goods for years, got into their store, and barred the door against their entrance. Mr. Keeler, it appears, is a. debtor to the wholesale firm of ,John Creen & Co. No entreaty .would induce him to un .�, bolt the door and allow Mr. and Mrs, {f.}• , eeler to enter their premises, and their the children, who were alone over- -'-head, were greatly frightened. Lawyer Hodge, Police Magistrate Flagg, and the constable, with an angry crowd behind' them, were soon on the scene, and advised the breaking in of the door and the forcible ejection of the intrud- ers. Mr. Colwell counselled otherwise, not but that he thought the act would bejustifiable but fearing bloodshed, and in this he was right, for the crowd re- lieved thentselves of their coats, and seemeddetermlued, if the door was oaee opened, to clear out the shop in. uicktime. Had theygot in Green would certainlyfared ou roughly at their �3 hands. In about an hour and a half t arily unlocked the door was voluntarily when Mr. and Mrs, Keeler entered. and. the crowd driperred` A more high- handed �h- . handed proceeding has seldom been heard of and if such a thing is allowed to go unpunished ho man in business will hereafter be sate. What IVIr. Keel- er should eel-er"should have done, under the circum- stances was to have broken in his door, and kicked and his lackies into the street, or ordered them out at the o. point of a revolverr as the Police Magis- trate a b gis- trate advised him to do at the time. .,. No creditor lia9 it right to forcibly col- lect an account, much less to invade the home of any than and bar the door against its owner, MARKET REPORTS. • EXETER, (Corrected af5o'clock p.m. Wednesday. Fa11Nlze a 1 ... ... ... ... 080 to 62 Spring Wheat ,.. 0170 to 0 79 Barley... ... Oats ... 0 30'to 32 Clover Seed . 4 50 to 5 00 Timothy •' . 1 50 to 2 00 Peas .. 0 58 to 0 GO' Corn 0 68 to 0 GC Eggs .. 0 17 to 0 17 Buttes 20 to 0 20 Flourperbbl.... ... ... 00 to 5 56 Potetoes,por bushel ... ... 75 to 80 Apples,perbag •.• 40 to 0 50 Driodapplespr b .... ... 0 04 to 0 00 Geese peril). ... ... 005to005 Turkeyper lb .-• ... 0 07 to 08 Ducksperpr ... 0 45 to 0 50 Ohickensperpr •,. ... 0 20 to 0 80 liogs,aressedperl0 1... ... 5 50 to 6 00 Beef ... ... ... ... 400 to5 00 Hidosrouhg, ... ... ... 5 50 to 5 50 dressed . .., . G 00 to G 00' Sheepskins each 0 75 to 1 GC 0 50 to 0' 70 Calfskl118 Wool per lb .. 0 20 to 0 21 Hayperton . B00 to 8 00 Onionsuerbush .. ... 0 60;to 0 75 Woodper:cord .-. 2 50'to;:3 oo - 531 Auras. Furnished by Messrs Carter Son d, Co. Fall Wheat 80 to 85 Spring Wheat..,. f.......•• 80 82 Bar,oy 65 70 Oats 30r 33 Clover Seed .......................................4 50 ere' Timothy ................:.......150 2 or Peas' 58 0n Eggs 10 17 Rutter 16 17 Potatoes por Bush 00 ?n Apples per'bneh 30 Wool 21 21 Havnorton 800 0 00 ToaozTo,Dec14th 1887. WHEAT -Fall,' No. 2, 84ic to85ie; spring No. 2, 83e to 84o; red winter, No.2, 84o to 86. 13AIILEY-No. 1, 77o to 780; No. 2, 71ac to 73e. < PEAS -No. 2, 61c to 61e. OATS -No. 2, 351-e to 37e.' . Dlot5Tanen, Dec.,I4th 1887. GRAIN -Wheat, nom.; rod winter, 87e to 88o; white whiter, 87c to 88e; spring, 88c to 840; corn, 690to 70e; peas, 730 to 74e; oats, 38c: to 39c; barley, 60o to 70c; rye, 45c to 50e, London, Doc. 12.-Tho1learir, Lane Ez» ress says English wheat is decidedly venter; and the demand was lessened, while the dsmp weather has to..ededtodeteriorate thncondition Tho sales of English wheat during theweek: were 66,888 quarters at 31s 211, against 68,3.15 quarters at 33s ld during the corresponding period respond ing petIbd of last year. Foreign Nkhat is further depressed, The znild weather en the Bettie and 13lack Seas enables, a continuation of extensive shipments, which, combined with the steady inereaie in the arrivals of Amer. lean flour, hake elide side. : Corn is uiet, Nino, cargoeswheatthave arrived. Two sold four withdrawn and fb wq were , m rgmnin0d. To day the velnos of English and foreign wheat are unaltered, but all Itinds are slow to sell in buyer's favor, Flour -•Dull. Corn -.Firm. Oats, beans and peas sell low. ,Linseed is dull. a part of locont advances being lost. J. W. BROWNING, Prop. NoDDER' RDOG; CURES Liver Compliant, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney. Troubles, Rheumatism Skin Diseases -incl 511 - Impurities of the l3loocl from what- ever cause arising Female weakness &General debility Purely Vegetable, Highly Concentrated; Pleasant and effectual to use. ' -ASK FOR - Doctor Hodder's Compound, Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. HO DDER'S Cough Lung aura Sold Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and, Manf'rs, the Union Medicine Company, Toronto Canada. QAW GUMMING. -The Under- signed would inform the public that he is prepared to gum saws on the shortest notice, and in a first-class manner, guaranteeing not to damage the plate. Saws gummed at a low price, at the factory. t inile south: of Exeter. 2-m T. HEA'MAN. The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used overv. 80 years in thousands of cases. C i Cures Spernatorrhea NervousifMj v ` Weakness, Iimissions, 'Impotency ' \ Nk4,• and all diseases caused by abuse. SDuman] indiscretion. or over-exertion. erase] ix packages Guaranteed to Ourewhen all others, bail. Ask your Druggist for Tho Great English Proscription, take no substitute. One package SI. Six $5, by mail. 'Write forPamphiet. address .irnrelca Chen tetei Co., Detroit. Mich. A v •per q � �:�:. WORM POWD E t tt_ Are pleasant to tnko. Contaih their own Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and cffoca:at oiconeser oP vvorns in Children at.AdnitO A POSITIVE ounE, Fort ©ATAila GIVES Immediate Relief FOR Cold m Had, HAY FEVER. EASY TO ESE. Nota Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price 50 cts., and $I.00. If not obtainable it your drug - gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Address FJLFORD ds 00., rockvil1o; Onto TRUSSES CHRISTIAN LAWYER, manufac- turer of ailkinds of Trusses; Residence Ranni e's Mills flay wnero he will attend to the wants of any who may require his services. Why pay from $15,00 to 5126 00 for the same ar- ticle which he can furnish you for $5O0, and which is as Rood if not bettor and warranted. to fit with comfort? Remember, Double Trusses, 85.00 ; Single Trusses,. 82.50, All com- munications addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER,' Zurich P. O., Ont. EW BLACKSMITH SHOP.- Those Cave would inform the public that be has opened a �xAc cs Mx'S2� 5230:E, In Southcott's l3loelc.opposite the Post Office, whore he will be pleased to meet his old eusto- mers, and as many now ones, wishing work done on sltotiettnotice and et low .prices. :llnrsc-shooing andeneral bla s nailing a stiocitilty, THOS. CAVE, Ooprosite the Post bil'icc, Exeter; C ONSU51P TION CURED, W ' 00dh am Grist -.._ �-.-.-----•�-� Will be aegondto none in the West, X-]Y[A.8 IS colvErNG Promptly. S'resli oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged for oats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. stinra and Chopping ppin Don g e AIWA TRIAL SOLIG:ITED. J. & A. McNEVIN, Iseeenittifie WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA,. DROPSY INDIGESTION; FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, SALT RHE ISM, ACIDITY STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every, species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS STOMACH, BOWELP'>^BLOOD. T(1 . M LBURN & CO, ,"r r of 'ro. g 474,1 0 f ' JZit The whole system is il'ranged and out of sorts The blootlis impure, pimples, boils and liver sprts appearing on the face and body, The liver is clogged anis inactive, causing fa- tigue, lois of appetite, a dull. sleepy, tu'eclfeei- ing , withinabiltty to do work. time complexion is fallow and muddy, and it is absolutely ne cessary,to enjoy gooclhealth,to take the cele- brated AND--• IS TO THE FRONT WITH A FRESH STOCK OF Groceries, Fruits, & Confectionery Purchased for the X-mas trade, Petty's Sugar -cured hams and lard always on hand- The Thorley Horse and Cattle Food. While returning thanks to my numerous customers for their liberalatrona e during the past eight years, I hope, by strict attention to business, ndkeeping on absolutely fresh stock, to merit the confi- dence of all in the future. My Oyster Parlor is alway open, and oysters served as you want them, and on the shortest possible notice.` G. yndman, �� �c ce, 5w 3 ate .6%,frfie,, G �i¢o dee 1y ,� .�°•P Sti ��. • ye4 2 y i � G o° Gt2e tiii5 <e~� eP iS°• ta000 ��%`'' 4e'1�o�`a��s, e47��� ,d, • 4i° -it'o. F' . gc> S• 1 �Z Baa � c .�' ctl N ' i�o� Gertz a0 y t, � 69.o eco ��e' osQ, car's a 13, 1 GO 1"t ��Manufactured only Thomas Holloway, 78, New OxfordStreet,late Oxford Street London. AO -Purchasers shonldlook to the Label ea the Boxes and Pots:` If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. ti 5 0 e. ti A (Wholesale andRetail.) BUILDER'S HARDWARE -Nails, Glass, (stained and engraved), Locks, Hinges Butts (full line.) CARRIAGE HARDWARE -Bar -Iron, Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, Cutter Runners, Shafts, Moquette Wunsliu, Drill, &c. MILL SUPPLIES -Stow Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Asbestos, Peeking, Rubber and Leath- er Beitinge, &c. SPORTING 1VIATERTAT,-Breach Loading and Shot Guns, Powder, Shot, &os Rochester Lamps, Silver Star Coal Oil, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, & Skates. LANCE, SAWS. STOVE DEPARTMENT -SEE THE_ Original Cook and Triumph. HEATING STOVES. The Bradley Eavetrough aud'Tib. ware a Specialty. Verity's Plows and Points. Cal iPlaster,. Carpet, Felts, Pitch CCat,& Send in your orders for Chestnut or Stone, Carmel Soft, and the Semouic Blossburg Coal before it .advances. Ansaled Galvanized and Barb Wire cheap. Dr. CHASE'S • JAMES S PICKARD Mandrake, Dandelion: Liver Cure, which puri- fiesthe blood by stimulating' the Liver, aiding digestion and promoting natural evacuation oftiobowels. Mandrake and Dandelion are two of the best Liver regulators known, and all medical mon -agree that the Liver is of more vital importance to health than the Heart and Lungs, If the Liver is torpid or in- active, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hnadaehe,Cos- tiveuess, etc. will result -IAV- -; Complaint, Kidney and Urinary Trouble, J sun - dice, Live `;pots, Impure Blood, Foul :Breath, are quickly cured by Dr. Chase's Mandrake Dandelion Liver When the Kidneys aro diseased, overtaxed andwoakeuod, ono or two bottles are 5nar- auteed to cure. Mr. Alex, Testier, West Gwil- Umbur y, was trouble for 15 years with kid- ney disease, was compolied to rise 5 and 6 thins tbiouglr'the night to urinate, suffered intense pain, and was,finally cured after all other remedies and physicians had. failed, by using three bottles. 5000 000. SOLD Over ono -halt million of DI. Chnso s Receipt Books have been solei in Canada alone, and (yo want ovary person troubled with Liver (eau. plaints a'ttcl kidney diaoasas, etc., to try I:ivet Cure; Wrapped around evory bot lo fe valuable RECEIPT -BOOK FREE. No to cly's toilet, 110us0 or houseman should bo Without this book, the finest collection of r'eci- pes oxtail., Tee entice department {civ ea 're - Furniture ndertaki k II z • otie set cei'ptn for benutityins' the..complexion. staai- 001t,1 Balm cream' or Ii eauty 7tla '7iow, Tan, .010cicics, Sunburn, 7inlr Dyes and. Promoters 'notlt pOwdars.Washes, (,olden flair Dyn, for )103011 ,ii++, dark hair to a golden hue, Eye or Lustre, ole., etc.' Sold by all all dealers n t $I. 'iltuy a bottle. The book alone is worth ten times the cost of bo medicine, Tr Dr 1,550'lidn0 Y . C s I Y Liver Pi11 , the cel pi 11 made acting di.i ectig on the Ioidileys, 7iiv or and BOwols, Pried 25 o, Sold by 'en. deal - ore. Ell ON YOUR GUARD. bun talln``v a cold in bond to Slowly and sanely develop into catarrh, when you one be cured for 25e, by titin Dr. ' Chase's Catera., Cure, ,a fob applicetians titre 111610ieet" eat arrh; 1 to boxes cure ordinaryentarrlr ; 2 to 5 boxes le guaranteed to 0ure ebronie catarrh, >ty ft, On H 13c. aid sure (lure, Anold physician, retired frontPracti00,hav 1 ing had placed in his hands n an East Indian l missionary the formula of a siin.ple Vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of 0oiisnrnptioh, Tironehitis, Catarrh, Asthma anti all throat and lung affections, also a posi t tive tinct radical mere for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of 03808, has feltit his duty to make it known to his suffering' foliowS. A0tttatodby 1111s motive and n desire to relieve liftman. situt00iit' :o i send free of charge', to nil who desire this rodeo, in Gernran,Fronoh or English, with 11111 directions for preps ringand nsing, Tient by mail by addressing with stamp naming this 1T.A fibrins, 110Power's 17loek t?CohesQer We would call the attention of the e i I o tto.le of Lxuter and surrounding p i~ chantry to. fact that wo, having purchased the stock°aua bueiness of WIlstIeef DREW, 'aro 0ire special hid ucements in Parlor Setts, Plain and Fancy T1tbleS S)ring. 1. may and Mattress( Be(trooiit Setts,' Wood, Came & Perforated -. Chairs, .l"3o0Ii diil,iiL'9z W1it111g 13eslcsg Sideboards, 00 hatilcttS, Cradles, t-Ittlisttl,ndS., And an Endless 'Varietyiii Beds, Cupboards, .,(L+i, IiYYi'e:L1Y5, !CYii)b0<L1 fIS, &G. Our Stock Our S ocl> of Lumber Large and Thoroughly l y Seasoned,and baying hadextent xlerrence in the leading faotories of he Dominion, vo eau guarantee Stylish ,zed Scts,le Fuitituie. Oi g Our tool. of u S 'Undertaking l Largest a Lln GbOdg le file „ in the Count and our Hearse hal edial of of e . ..i o t (opal n r h af L . ndon.' Special attention will be paid to flus branch of the:. business a ,everyone will find us prompt and reliable business men. l 1' REPAIRING + OF ALL KINDS I'aOSIPTLY. ATTENDED TO, Remem br e theStand �t `red One � Door North ortli of 3/.1''olsoa s B, Q WIT' & N : .) :E. -S/V ,0