Clinton News-Record, 1979-07-05, Page 17What may seem to be the simplest task' to you and I can often prove to be dif-
ficult to the handicapped. It is for reasons such as this that programs suchas
the Special Recreational Needs have been developed:;ffei'e ;:an;em.plloyee,from —
'ARC Industries gets a helping hand' from program manager Bernadette Scott
as he manoeuvres over the balance beam.(News-Record photo)
Handicapped enjoy fitness
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C:LINTON'NEW$RECORD, T1 URSDAY,, JW. Y 5 ,1:979,• -..PAGE 17
. -.
'Pee WeeB irls
'Iuie.- 22 saw our pee
wee iris win second
g n
victory, against Hibbert,
Home runts 'were hit by
` Lynn Mc?adden, Michele
Hewer and Kara Van-
Then on June 26 'our
girls went. -to.- .Hibbert
taking a third victory 35-
20. •The girls played very
well with a double play
`made by Christ'a Lehnen
in the third inning -and'
another double play by
Kara Vandennucker. . in
;the fourth inning.,—
nning.,-On June 27, our pee wee
girls travelled to Exeter
where they lost 13-5. On
July 4, Exeter -B will
t� Vanastra so
come out and, cheer our
Super Chicks on. The
team along with their
coaches Esther Handy
and Lyn Jerome would
like to takethis time to
thank Mr. Dick Lehnen
for supplying our team
with 'Trshir-ts:- They --are.
greatly appreciated Pick
and thanks again.
Social news'
Again a rethinder that
part....of the __tuckers mith
Vanastra Fairewill b'.e a
local talent night on
So ,anyone who lives in
Vanastra or Tuckersmith
township and who has a
talent they would like to
display, please contact
Mrs. Esther Handy _at 37
Victoria Blvd, Vanastra.
Church News
,,Pastor Bill's sermon
topic for this Sunday will
be "What is the Faith?"•
Scripture text is Luke 22,
verses 31 and 32: - 'The
service is at 10 a.m. and
- nursery facilities are
, availabl�.�
Anothp reminder that
--1ibl.e;Sehbol; for boys and-.
girls ages 4 to 10 will be
Z'7 , .,:.
--Tilly 2 to tfrom Tto.3 In
the afternoon.
i•, S. Jerome x ."11 )1, ,11t►►is n,,i'r
the pla.. grouhds were
established and are as
follows: Egrnondville'
Pla round, `the , Van
yg .. � a
Egmnnd House grounds.
If....'alma-gy .Egrnandvilf• ,
United Church;
• Brucefield-Varna
Playground - The Stanley
Township Park ('the .
baseball' diamond) . If
raining; the Varna
United, . Church shed;
Vanastra Playground
the park behind the
recreation centre.: If
raining the Rec. Centre,
This week's theme was.
thc+ Wild. Wile Wpet rind
.the. Wednesday trip of the
week was to the Liori
Safari in Rockton.
. APP-r,oxinnately 50
children went to Rockton
E.w; th"a.`tt Rt' -of -80 -children
attending t'h.e
playgrounds. 4
Next week .oil(be Get
Eit_._week._ with ...a trip to
Goderich Beach,
Any person interested
in oVolunteering to go On
any trip scheduled, to
supervise children,
ple_as:e call 482-3544 .and
let us know.
__ _travel
Sharon'recipe ,
corner and hints.
' For future use, mash
_ and freeze bananas that
are going bad.
Dress up the flavour of
regular tomato juice.
Pour„ they juice from a 48 -
ounce can into a
refrigerator cpontainer.
Add chopped green onion
and stalk cut up celery.
When the juice is poured,
the, spout will hold back
the vegetables, and the
juice will taste like an
"-- ga r d e n
cocktail juice.
Make a tasty new salad
by putting any leftover
gelatin salad in a blender
with ..a. little'" 'Wfiipping'
cream or cream cheese.
Refrigerate until set. -le,
Use maple syrup as a
substitute for sugar in
applesauce or apple pie.
' Applesauce
Meat Loaf,.
1 lb. ground beef
1/2 Ib. lean pork
1 cup fine bread crumbs,ed raw.carrots..._T.
or potatoes
special ro % C• m 221
tsp. salt ceng
•���' 1sp. bapwder, _ .. . Bingo ,2bsp,rad oh.ion
winners for - Tuesda _.:" 1VIix weal "togethe'r�'�':atid°--�-
June 26 were: Heather bake 11/2 hours in loaf pan
Plu_msteel, Vanastra, at 350 degrees. Serves 6-8.-
62p; Rita Momim risteeg; ;-
Zurich, $62;' and Mrs. Ed
Marshall, Wingham, and
- Terry Gibb, Clinton, won
$35 each. Pat Shaw of 3 cups fresh rhubarb, cut
Blyth won the $200 jack-. up
pot, when 96 1 -pint, fresh strawberries ,
tended. 11/2-2 cups sugar
Playground started 2 cups flour •
The-, Tuck e r s m i t h' 2 tablespoons sugar
Township Playground. 3 teaspoons baking
Program started this. powder
week. 1 teaspoon salt
_T,he_Joca.tion:of..each -of. one-third cup_ salad_oil
two-third°cup milk
2 tablespoons sugar'
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Heat oven to 450
degrees. In ungreased 9 x
9 x, 2" pan mix rhubarb,
strawberries and 11/2 cups.
sugar. Place in 'oven.
Measure flour, 2 tbsp.
sugar, baking powder
and salt into bowl. Pour
oil and milk into
xneasurmgcup (don't stir
together). Pour all;' at
once onto flotir mixture.
Stir until mixture cleans
side of bowl and forms a
Drop dough by... the'
spoonfuls onto hot fruit.,
Makes a dent in each
biscuit and' dot with
Mix 2 tbsp, sugar and
cinnamon and sprinkle on
biscuits. Bake 20-2-5
minutes. Serve warm.
Makes 9 -servings.
by Shelley McPhee- . Along with the_pool, equipment in,,the
The mentally and physically* han fitness room is used regularly along .
dicapped " are not made much dif; ' with other recreational` 'activities.
-fore lthanan one else.- Although Oistacle•�coursrib'. � instance; using
• some part of their bodies may be in- basic moves such as somersaults, rolls,
jured, • or may not be fully developed, - crawling, a ball toss, = are -an enjoyable
they, like anyone else, need and enjoy activity for some of the mentally
recreational and social activities. handicapped.
It' is for this reason that three young . Creativity •• is ,,important. Ber
women, set up a unique --program, We have to keep the
Recreation For Special Needsnadette said.
'people interested and we have to find
,.The program, which begways to get them to do things that they
February, is financed through a„
Canada Works Grant. The trio conduct don'twant-to.
their fitness and aquatics classes at the Forcing people to do strenuous
Vanastra Rec Centre. exercise is not the prime objective of
Despite a low start, the program.
p project co- Laura explained, "We work on their -
ordinator Ber a cott reported
that now som 147 people come each weak areas and try to develop it. With
week to take part in the program... cerebral palsy patients we try to teach
`.`We ,were glad it started slowly them to swim.”
because we had to learn about it all Bernadetteadded,"We try to give
ourselves," Bernadette explained. them the skills so they can be in -
"The groups usually start out small, tegrated into communityy programs."
but then they go back to their homes One group of mentally handicapped
and talk about it and usually get more people from Exeter, for instance, -are
after that," she added= _ ;allowed to ._.join.. _in___with--__the--.-- public
Small groups, like the six senior swimming class at night. '
citizens from the Kilbarchen Nursing
The program does not end there.
Home in Seaforth that just came. for When not teaching, the girls , are
their first day are not discouraging to planning... new progams. and finding
Bernadette. In fact smallerroups, ways to•reach'Ymore people.
first trying out the water are better A Fun and Fitness program will
since most need individual assistance. begin on July 1, when the girls will visit
"•"If they came in masses it would be nursing homes in the county and work
scary," she envisioned. with people who are unable to leave the
The people come in all shapes and home.
sizes', from children to adults. They As well, several proposed progams
come from various municipalities in are in the planning stages. A back
the counfy and include groups with - prevention session has been discussed
varying handicaps from crippled to ease pain and mobilize the muscles
children, cerebal palsyvictims to those . and bones in . those who have back
afflicated with arthritis and strokes. ailments. A °maintenance program
Each group that comes to the centre may be started for those who need 'to
stays for a minimum of an hdur-and-a- put injured limbs, such as broken arms
half ' and.; up to an entire morning.• and legs, back into working shape. An
Duringr`'that time they are taught - additional program for stroke patients ,
swimming in' the indoor pool, exer- is being planned "specifically for those
cising in the water and also exercising who are not presently involved in
and other recreational activities in the another program, like the Stroke Club,
fitness room. is operating out of Huronview.
While Bernadette, a recreation "Unfortunately we don't have a
. graduate from Waterloo University, comfortable spot for people to visit at
oversees the program, Susan Dick, a the centre but someday we'd like to be
r. qualified_ Reid Cross and . Royal able to have;a group come in for a day
Lifesaving Instructor, is in ,charge of to make their, own lunch and have a
- the water activities; and Laura Johns, • visit," she said.
a kinesiology graduate from Waterloo The. social aspect is stressed in the'
University is in charge of the- program.... On Monday night,' the
rebreation program. mentally handicapped from group
While each has her specific duties, all ho rites- in, Exeter, Goderich and
help when p'group comes in. Wingham joined fear a night of swim
"Physically handicapped ,people areming and a dance.
the hardest to 'work With, that's why We ' All seems to be going well at the
like extra.helpers,�'especially in the Recreation For Special Needs project,
water. ' .Sometimes it takes several 'but one large obstacle • stands in the
volunteers to help them get in and out way of any long run developmertt.
ilk;.,... of the pool,",Bernadette explained, -,- x Being a Canada Works project,
IMFWhile some are hesitant about going financed by' the government, the grant
into the water, others -have problems fiinding will run out in September,
negotiating ,the ladder once intoitie leaving the project with no operating.
p000l,.However, Bernadette is proud to money.
' saythat there has never been anysort'. Without this, eight months of.plan-
of an accident ...ning,and work could"be finished.
-If loeone is particularly reluctant "' Bierrade' rejs concerned about this
to go in the"water, .Laura will take them sible l 'kaki future,hopes that
pas w but
,to'-'�th°e-,fitness tooth for .a little extra: the,prograrh c ri contfnu .
exercise ' "" "We hope to find funds to ''ontinu
ifch errip axis is placed on the pb01, is,"'she saiid. "
�le pools oar'.drawing:.card,,since 1 think there's °en'ough roti
t e� nl `i'rmocr•o e in„' volved tt':th ' ,r , p.,!
y n the county, i e 'ogre o
.`m 'Who' think..
BernadeTtte;explained. ' worthwhil'e, 06 maybe they can
S,..ii a fh e' "w e a 1 t h 1-15 oz can applesauce
Strawberry -Rhubarb
on a fast -acting,
classified ad.,
when you pay before
Thursday of the following
To place your classified
ad, phone
Mon. -Fri., 9-5
Dear,Vanastra Voice:
Share .' with me
• Canada's 112th Birthday
celebration. ' I had my
,Weekend ”' all planned
g g Y
ternoop, head for the
misty shores of Lake
Huron all by myself, take
_myself a nice hotel room
till Moncjay_ _or.. Tuesda3r__
and do my own thing,
a,ftr All I am a retired
-and enforced `single' but
the best laid plans, of
mice' and men, often
come to nought.
It happened Friday
_morning, suddenly, when
I' was thrust into a
situation from which
there was no retreat,
absolutely no way out.
What would your reaction- -
be if you were confronted
with the odious task of
looking after, caring for,
the feeding' of and
-lovingly watching . over
Quintuplets! Our five
babies were born a` feW
(14ys ago, and they ,are, ewe l; -founded having
like, babies the. world
over, real cute and I
would like., to. say cud-
dlesome. eemngly, .our
local press and- media'
ostensibly, missed out on
this awe inspiring event
which occurred right
here -IR the environs of.
Clinton' Itself y on._ -this
devastatingly lovely,
Country. estate , of
Not , desirous • of
publicity or anything like,
that, we wanted the event
kept in low profile, no
undue interference or
commercialism, you
know how it is; Co-
incidentally, I have five
babies of my owrk not
born all at once, but in the
natural order of -things in
a marriage of 40 years
spaced about a couple of
years apart. I was in no -
hurry. So my prowess
and experience with
babies is more or, less.
nurt1 red my own family"
tomaturity,, obviously
then I wa natural in
'-choice to be :offered this
otxtewhatas "irkso:me 'but
not altogether unpleas:ant
task. by any loving
u daughter to set her and
herhubby free. to enjoy
the: -`1ong,..w.eekend.'• with -
relatives in Oshawa: •
At the moment _ of
writing I have just :given
our Quints their late
evening meal and got
them, bedded down into a
rather Moist bed, not that
I ,didn't change their
diapers, they just like it
that way. They certainly
.are the tiniest babies; 've
ever seen, but full offe,
only about half -an -inch
long, as they dart con-
stantly up and down their
own small world in the
aquarium. The joys of
grand) father -hood
Mr. A. Sourbutts
"The Store That Saves You More"
master charge
to • METRE
Styrofoam float for
the water. Hours of fun.
NOW �+
-100% Crimpknit
Bedspreads &
Blanket Ends
Ir!EG.-SO,�D AT 1.97 LB.
NOW' $
Floral Cotton Print •
199 9
on the purchase of a Bernina 830'Sewing Machine.
Yes --we'll give you '125. off .a Berniha 830 when
you trade in your old zig-zag machine.
The Queen of all .machines. •
full zigzag, plain rind
utility stitches, automatic
buttonholer and the
ingeniously simple fancy
stitch system make the
Bernina 830 tops. The
presser foot lifter is only
one of its many ,drutstan.
ding features.
"The Store that Saves You More`
i*SiW,a*s 1,444oo4,44
R�w,rraM�cN�wts POU►/o06064
Monday. Frlciay t0'o.rrt.. 9.p,r»
Su0doy t3 if noon p.m
Highway -4.. South of Clinton at Vanastra