Clinton News-Record, 1979-05-17, Page 23'711N,T, 7}- •fir
At the Legion
Ladies busy with many events
by Rene Brochu
Our week was again
, of eventful hap-
penings, commencing
with the Huron County
Municipal Officers
meeting and dinner. With
the meeting commencing
at 9 a.m. with ,coffee and
donuts, it necessitated an
early start for our staff,
Our Ladies were again up
for the quick change as
the meeting adjourned
just prior to noon and the
ladies had the dinner
ready by 12:30 p.m. Our
hats off to our ladies and
the men who pitched in
lending a helping hand.
Our Thursday evening
bingo again was suc-
cessful with the best
attendance of the year
and Comrade Steve
Cooke and his associates
bingo team were kept
busy with the increased
attendance. The $200
jackpot prize was split
four ways between Irene
Flanigan, Celia McNeil,
Bertha Gibbs and Eva
On Friday, our TGIF
was again a pleasant
evening with many
Comrades and friends
enjoying the relaxing
atmosphere. Bert Gray
was the fortunate winner
of the first raffle prize
and Slim Lacroix went
home with the second
prize. Reta Robinson was
not so fortunate, as her
name was drawn for the
attendance draw, but she
had not registered, so the
pot grows for some lucky
member in the future.
The Clinton and area
firemen held their annual
Firemen's .Bail last
Saturday ey.ening and
had some 70 couples
enjoy a pleasant evening
with their hosts. All
proceeds will go as usual
to . the Muscular
Dystrophy ' Foundation.
Steepe, 2nd vice Minnilou
Rumbull; secretary,
Grace Castle, treasurer
Phyllis Mountford; Sgt. -
at -arms Sheilla McKay.
Members of the executive
board are Comrades
Rose Lacroix, Blanche
Deeves, Anita Bartliff,
Mabel Schreiber, Marg
Switzer, Velma Lewis,
Marg Tait. Looks like a
potent combination of
willing workers and our
congratulations to them
on their appointment.
We're sure that another
successful year is in the
Our sympathies this
week goes out to the wife
and relatives of Comrade
Bill Carroll who 'passed
away last Saturday. Our
Legion Service was held
last Monday eveningwitf
Padre Broadfoot con,
ducting the service, with
several of Comrade Bill's
Legion Members present.
Off on Convention are
several members of our
branch, who journeyed to
Sudbury to attend the
annual Provincial
Convention. Comrades
John Semple, Slim
Lacroix, George Rum -
bull, John Deeves are
representing our Branch
at these proceedings. We
wish them much success
in their quest for im-
provements and we're
sure they'll have a busy
time of It and will come
home with much in-
formation for our
Playhouse staff arriving
The staff of the Huron
Country Playhouse is
beginning to swell with
the arrival last Monday
of four young men and
women on the Ontario
Career Action Program.
They will all be filling
important and deman-
ding positions for the
Mathilda Martens, a
native of Dashwood, is
already busy selling
tickets at the box office
for the coming season.
She is a graduate of the
University of Guelph, and
most recently graduated
from Elborn Teachers'
College, London.
Mark Cole, originally
from Woodstock, at-
tended the University of
Western Ontario. He is a
production trainee,
working in `the Technical
areas of the Theatre,
including carpentry and
lighting. .
Ken Lefebvre from
Brantford will serve as
publicity assistant. His
duties include theatrical
display and promotion for
the Huron Country
Playhouse. Mr. Lefebvre
attended the University
Our compliments to the of Waterloo and the
firemen, who not only Un: �taversity of Calgary as , any of these thr,.ee - electi n da _ have. heard that, the word' -.Bl. '-Blyth Mem ri
y -0:. 4 Y normall _ y o ial History
otec _.,and -aur. a Th _. catel e ...- . he d1ttionar. _- ...
,fit` . us. ea •re Rrts•IVt-j:or;- g rz- ~f a- s .ret~ w�l vote •kf ps�asrble ata , y w, wiIl direct Kerth
-=prop • ifi 1Vlarc.... .-Guinn _.._ of'.- .ni�a-ri,�- mariner, • advance poi"h� or�
��.,ix► µ, -� Sno
er but-al�o find-ifie �" at the -•-
time to support such a Waterloo will be Director Prospector, trapper, office of the Returning
worthy -cause as the fight of Operations. His duties member of an air crew, Officer.
for curing the Muscular include administration forestry crew or
Dystrophy. --a' - crippling --training; _butigbti „op graphical survey
every asPect of a
professional theatre
season from the earliest
'preparations to the last
closing night". For Mr.
Quinn, Mr. Lefebvre and
Mr. Cole, it will be a
particularly close
association, as they will
be living in the old farm
house on the Playhouse
Mr. Len Evans who is
director of the program
described the Ontario
Career Action Program
OCAP as funded by the
Ontario Government to
give on the job training to
young Ontarians in their
chosen fields.
ore proxy voting
The proxy voting rules you must have
have been broadened to tificate from a legally
include more electors in qualified medical doctor
Canada's 31st Federal on the doctor's letterhead
Election on May 22nd. paper (containing the
Proxy voting allows doctor's address and
another qualified elector phone number), stating
to cast your ballot for you that the doctor personally
if you will be absent and has seen you.
unable to vote on or- An 'elector 'May act as
dinary polling day, or at proxy for one other
an advance poll or in the elector -- butthe.names .of -
office of the Returning both must be on the same
Officer for your district. list of electors in the
To vote by proxy, you same polling division.
must take steps to ap- The proxy voter,,can cast
point another elector, his own vote on election
called a proxy voter, to day as he casts the proxy
vote in yourplace. vote.
You will qualify for this Those who expect to be
kind of voting if you fall in absent from home on
a cer-
Many enjoyed tea at the Clinton Auxiliary's annual party, and tour of the
hospital's facilities. Getting their tea poured by Bep Greydanus, are Ida
Mart1n, Ruby Webster, Lena Kingswell, Jean Livermore, and Edna Adam-
s.(photo by Gary Halst)
Well known directors at ,Blyth
Three well-known
Canadian directors will
work closely with five
playwrights and a
designer to produce the
1979 season of the Blyth
Summer Festival; James
Roy, artistic director of
the festival, recently
announced the artistic
personnel of the summer
Mr. Roy will direct the
season's opener, This
Foreign Land, by
Patricia Mahoney. Mr.
Roy, who founded the
Festival in 1975, has
directed many of its
productions since its
inception, including
Gwendoline, and the
Huron Tiger in the, 1978
\season. This year, he will
also direct Child, an
intriguing drama. by
James Nichol, author of
last season's Gwendoline.
Guest director Keith
Batten will direct I'll Be
Back For You Before
Midnight by Peter Colley.
_Among Mr:... Batten's..more recent credits are
`An interviewer asked the co -direction with
John Diefenbaker, the Robin Phillips of Private
Grand Old Man of Lives in the Stratford
Canadian politics, on a Festival's 1978 season,
CBC TV Vancouver Janet Amos, whose last
program, "Have you ever directing assignment
thought4r of retiring?" with the Festival was the'
Diefenbaker replies, "I 1977 production of The
disease which affects so overseeing cohcessions,
many of our nation's maintenance and house
children. management. Mr. Quinn
On Monday evening, is a Drama graduate
our Ladies Auxiliary not from the University of
only served. the OSSTF Waterloo. He was the
Executive a dinner, but founder and producer of
also held their election of the Twin City Youth
officers at a meeting held Theatre in Waterloo -
immediately following Kitchener.
the dinner. James Murphy,
The president of the Artistic Director of the
Ladies Auxiliary for Playhouse, said, "These
another year is Annie young people will have,
Sallows; 1st vice Marg the opportunity to learn
Sunday Specie
MAY 20
with dressing and gravy, or
with tomato sauce. Both with your choice of
mashed or French fried potatoes, buttered
mixed vegetables and including soup or juice,
salad, roll, tea or coffee. Dessert: Dutch Apple
Custard Cup
2 miles south of Clinton on
Hwy. No. 4 at Vanastra Rd.
NEW SUMMER HOURS: Monday - Thursday 6 a.m.-
11 p.m.; Friday 6 a.m.-12 midnight; Saturday 9
a.m:-12 midnight; Sunday 9 a.m.-11 p.m. ^
crew; +you have a
medical doctor's cer-
tificate indicating you•are
ill or physically disabled;
+you are a full-time
student, away from home
during an academic term
and have a statement
from the registrar of your
educational institution in
Proxy voting has been
permitted in previous.
general elections. But
amendments to election
law recently have ex-
tended to air, forestry
and topographical survey
crews, and to trappers,
the proxy , voting
Both your name and
that of your proxy voter
must be on the same
voters' list.
Either you or your
proxy voter must present
an official application for
a proxy certificate to the
Returning Officer of your
district, as soon as
possible after the voters'
list is posted -- but not
later than Friday, May
18th. An application form
is available from the
Returning Officer.
If you are applying to
vote by proxy because of
illness or because you are
physically incapacitated,
If You're Looking For Drama...Colour...
Enchantment...Music...And Enjoyment
In your. mail soon
or call
1519► 672-8800
Lost friend
Despite the use of a
private investigator and
consultations with Vera
McNichol, the psychic
from Millbank, there are
no new clues into, the
disappearance of Rover.
Russell and Clara
Knight have been looking
for their three-year-old
Border Collie since he
mysteriously vanished
from their L'urgan Beach
home on March 11.
The Kincardine News
reported that the Russells
have been offering a
$1,000 reward for in-
formation concerning
their long-time com-
Rover was like Mr.
Russell's shadow, his
wife said, "He was
always right beside him.
It's the mystery around
the whole thing that
bothers us."
Rover was a good
watch dog, barking
whenever someone came
on the property. And for
Mr. Russell, who is a
little hard of hearing,
Rover would always bark
to let him know when the
telephone was ringing.
The dog knew the ring,
one long and two shorts.
Thurs., Fri., Sat.
When was the last time
someone dammed
your locker''
NW 1 600411CA At
• P$$O51 524 111
McGillicuddy's Lost
• Weekend. Ms. Amos has
been recently named
associate director of the
Festival, and will assume
artistic direction of the
Festival on James Roy's
departure in Setember of
The final' production of
the season, The Death of
the Donnellys, by Theatre
Passe Muraille with Ted
Johns, will be brought to
the Festival by director
Paul Thompson. Mr.
Thompson's name is
more than familiar in
southwestern Ontario
because of the frequent
tours of Theatre Passe
Muraille in this area.
Design for„the first four
productions will be
realized by Tony
Abrams. Mr. Abrams is
currently .resident -
designer of the_Theatre
-Program ---o•f Ryerson
Polytechnical Institute in
Toronto, and has ad-
ditional design credits
with Phoenix Theatre and
Labyrinth Productions in
A includes accommodation for two
nights, free overnight parking from 6:00
pm to 8:30 am.
Based on double occupancy $29.50 per
person or $59.00 per couple.
B includes accommodation for two
nights, full American breakfast each
day, dinner one evening in the
Captain's Table dining room, admis-
sion to the C.N. Tower skypod observa-
tion deck, free overnight parking from
6:00 pm to 8:30 am, includes all taxes
and gratuities.
Based on double occupancy $49.50 per
person or $99.00 per couple.
Subject to advance reservations.
See your travel agent
or contact
irethel rrtgf ittoivn
Lord Sitncoe Hotef-t-,
150 King Street West, Toronto M5H 1K1
Tel: (416) 362-1848 Telex 06-22155 1.�
Blyth Centre for the Arts
Presents a
of Antiques and Crafts
featuring 50 of Ontario's finest artisans
and antique dealers
10 am-5pm
ythom n't u rtit y_. Ce.n-tr e-
.. Admission 50c
Special Advance tickets
now available
Also featuring Huron County's
largest annual book sale
You are
to meet
aid en,o.
Beef On A Bun
Goderich Arena Auditorium
from 5 to 7 p.m.
Meet Graeme Craig and his family
Bring the whole family and join
Graeme Craig for supper - as his guest
by the official agent for Gram. Craig, Walton, Ontario