Clinton News-Record, 1979-05-17, Page 15rrw CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1979 -PAGE 15 - LondesboroUnited congregation sorrytotfaithful �t�r and matter what may befall. A U -haul it was loaded up He can organize meetings with all the things you'd and gives all a chance, need, To help in the church When you set out to reach work, their life to your home, though the enhance. speed signs weren't all heeded. Stan has many talents , You blew into Londesboro and you will agree, town, saying this looks To visit the sick he is good like the life, company. But some. down here were He's willing to help when wondering '`that big just given the chance, house with no wife!" He can talk, he can swim, Now that was back in '70, he can sing, he can dance. just nine short years gone by, There is many a ,tale of And some of us are his time with us here, wondering, we're won - But it can't be all told dering just why, right now, I do fear. You'd leave our church He now goes to Hensall, and head down south, his work to,begin, could it be for warmer They are certainly lucky clime? to get one like him. Now what the heck do you put with that to make it rhyme? Though going from our village, we're not left here in the lurch, For in the past nine years, Stan you have helped improve our church. Each person in the congregation learned to take their place, And take a job and do it well with a smile upon their face. There are too many accomplishments to list here in detail, And I'm sure that if I tried it I would surely fail. I'd miss out maybe one or two or maybe several more, .... The missed ones might climb up to where they'd make an even score. When we hear of your follower, comes back to this thought, That like the man who. guided you, his name is Scott. As we now close this chapter of our lives 'ere you depart, I know there are deep feelings from each and every heart. From ' each one here assembled to honour you - by Dora Shobbrook United Church news The United Church was filled to capacity on Sunday morning when Rev. McDonald preached his farewell service. Greeting the wor- shippers were Nick Whyte and David Lear, ushers were Kathy Radford, Traci Mitchell, Diane Bromley and Susan Jamieson. The service began with Gospel hymn sing with Mrs. Glen McGregor as organist and Mrs. Allen Shaddick as choir leader. Mrs. Margaret Whyte, clerk of session, invited the parents to present their children to Rev. McDonald for baptism: Allison Elizabeth, daughter of Art and To Stan in the future we Gloria Burt; Robert wish you the best, Craig, son of Bev .and This last Stanza is not Betty Jewitt and Rebecca intended in jest. Elizabeth, daughter of May all of the best things Bryan and Brenda in life come to you, Wilkinson. And few trials or hard - Choir anthem was ships in all that you do. Happy the Horne with Mr. McDonald and Bob Thompson taking John Jewitt were called solo part. Marjorie to the front and John read Duizer and Bob Thom- the following address pson had a.du,et part. written by Harry Lear: Rev. McD-onald's Dear Stan, message was 'My Now Old McDonald had a Church'. The text was farm 'twas known by Who do Men Say, the Son every clan, of Man Is? from Matthew They also had two 16, 13-20. daughters and a bouncing Next Sunday Rev. chubby Stan. Gordon Hesselwood will As you grew into have charge of the ser- manhood for you, no busting sod, You left the farm and home behind and pledged your life to God. But here we've got ahead of ourselves and so must reverse a bit', - 4 Where in at Pickett and Campbell's you sold clothes that surel' all fit. The 'church, the store, Y.P.V. filled your very life, And you poor lad were so busy you'd no time to choose a wife. desboro UCW, from Young People and others. Explorers mother and daughter banquet Thirty-eight were present at the banquet on vice. Appreciation night The church was filled on Sunday night when the congregation and surrounding friends of Stan McDonald came to show their apprecition for the . past nine years. Organist Louise McGregor played music and the ushers were ' Cathy Radford, Susan Jamieson and Carol Cartwright. Nick Whyte was chairman and welcomed all. "There was one man The program began whose influence to Stan withasin .s_on „,vsa , KB ea .... e::'a1 n.ewea:: -..umasent:f ltoNe..o4.,. a iot ,:Sc.ott atar aria. e_ ..:., G .... es ouiour cTe p siLwl_-- Stover led in singing. to the Rev. Charles J. for you, as you keep up Duets Hot Diggity Do and Scott. the fight. My Bonnie Lassie were Through this association The fight to bring the sung by Sharon and Bob you, niipd became quite news of Christ to all the 'Thompson accompanied set, " )r ' tlistening ears, by Barbara Bosman and I. So off to Brantford and And that you'll' have the Believe in Music and Five Oakes you went ,health and strength to go Turn The Radio On were without a qualm, on for many years. sung by (Snell family). The work was hard and Barbara Bosman, Bonnie steady but to your mind a and Bette Jewitt, Rob and calm. Rick\ Snell, also sang an From thence to half Oile"to Stan, composed by across the west you Ruth Shaddick. The travelled out in style, words were: If in your heart there It happened in Lon- lurked some doubts, they desboro just nine years vanished with.each mile. ago, r) Your goal was set, you'd That we needed a struggle on though each minister and sought to road had a bend, , and fro. Your high school you We finally heard of a completed your B.A. not young man who came, the end. Originally from Ethel For a few more year you and Stan was his name. worked 'an'd toiled with a flock out in the west, He was out in Regina so When a minister you gave him a call, finally became you He gladly accepted two moved to do your best, charges and all. Now at this time the flock He fitted in well with both down here in good old young and old, Londesboro, He even held babies just Were in a tizzy like today like an old pro. for their minister was to go, He's a capable cook and The Reverend Hec4Cen- we've all had a taste, dorn you see had reached Of his hospitality of it three score and five, there's no waste. And who would we in In the kitchen he's ef- Londesboro get to keep ficient with pans, spoon our flock alive. and knife, From Elwin Merrill the So, as yet has no need of a word that you might beautiful wife. leave the west, So off a call to you was It was in the first year sent, and we all know the after Stan came to us, rest. A bad blizzard hit, with such a big gust, That school children were going to sleep on the floor, So many kind villagers /opened their door. The manse was s0 big that they sent Stan a few, He cooked a big turkey and thought it might do. With 30 or 40 young , people to feed, Some hot dogs and m haburgers he also did need. For three days and nights there was almost no sleep, There were long distance phone calls but still some did weep. They ate up the food and played games by the score, They were happy but sad whet) they went out the door. Now Stanley has been a big help to us all, He's ready to help no ION And as you now are leaving to take up your new life, The one thing we've regretted, that you have no wife. 'Cause then by gosh, you'd toe the mark though of course we mean no harm. When we say that's the only way to continue McDonald's farm. G--- - With all best wishes from the congregation of the Londesboro United Church, We ask you to accept these gifts as a token of our appreciation, for all your many acts of kin- dness to us through this past nine years. Jack Lee and,. Allan Bosman pre§ented the gift of a colored TV and a purse of money. Stan thanked all in his fitting way and closed with a reading Being a Pastor. The evening finished with a hymn Rejoice the Lord is King. Rev. McDonald asked blessing and all retired to church parlors for lunch and fellowship. Mr: McDonald had also been presented with gifts from Burns and Lon - Mary Buttinga received an award for leading 441 Girls for 5 years. Presenting the award is Home Economist Bea GbsselIn. (left) at Hullett Central School 441 Groups met their for their 441 Achievement exercises. (Standard photo) May 10. Cheryl Hulley said Grace. Everyone was welcomed by Explorer leader Mrs. Wright. Lisa Presczator thanked the ladies of the church for the lovely supper. Mrs. Tom Duizer, last year's leader, per- formed the graduation ceremony for the 3rd year girls. They were Karen Wright, Marni 4-H Achievement day was held In Hullett Central School Monday night. Cer- tificates for County honours were awarded to (back left) Nancy Moore, Mary Archambault, Betty Popp, front List Thompson and Cathy Shiell. (Standard photo) Gibbings, Lisa DLizer and Debbie Presczator. Rev. McDonald presented gifts to the girls with perfect at- tendance, to Debbie Presczator, Karen Wright, Lisa Duizer, Connie Hoggart, Brenda Nesbitt, Crystal Ken- nedy, Kimberley Wright, Sandy Merner, Darlene Hulley and Jennifer Sottiaux. Explorer girls presented the program with Karen Wright as Master of Ceremonies. Caroline Dougherty gave a piano solo, Janet Wilts and Sandy Merner presented Explorer Emblem. Darlene Hulley gave a piano solo, Jen- nifer Sottiaux and Barbie Roberts had a puppet show. Connie Hoggart, Sandy Carter, Angela Synder and Brenda Nesbitt sang Blowin' in the Wind with Lisa Duizer at the piano. Mrs. Cooke from Clinton showed her pictures on her trip to Africa last summer. Marni Gibbings thanked her and presented her with a gift. Rev. McDonald closed the banquet in prayer. Berean Unit The Berean Unit held their meeting May 8 at 8 p.m. in the church with the Airn well Unit as guests. Leader Helen Lawson welcomed all and opened the meeting with a reading. ' John Lawson favoured with a musical number on the electric guitar, and prayer was given by Helen Lawson. Roll call was answered with scripture verse with seed or planting by 14 members. Minutes of the April meeting were read by Dora Shobbrook and the treasurer's report by Laura Lyon. Correspondence were thank you notes from Edythe Beacom and Ferne McClure for the skating party committee; invitation a n to Brucefield U.C.W. on June 5 at 2 p.m. and to camp Menesetung. Goderich; open house picnic May 27, 3 to 7 p.m. June meeting worship and program, Mrs. Lyon and Isabel Airdrie; lunch Mrs. Beacom and Laura Saunciercock; clean brass for June, Hattie Wood. The offering was received by Laura Lyon. A reading was given by Mrs. Lawson; and Dora Shobbrook also gave a reading. Mrs. Lawson in- troduced the guest speakers Mr. and Mrs. Fran Powell who showed slides of their trip going to Vancouver by train, by air to Ocean Falls, then a tour of Western coast on Crosby boat. They were thanked by Hatti Wood and presented with a gift. The meeting closed with a hymn. Florence Car- twright, Aimwell Unit leader thanked the Berean Unit. Lunch was served by Margaret Turn to page 21 • TOWNSHIP OF HULLET Auditor's Report To: The Members of Colncil, Ratepayers and Inhabitants of the. Corporation of the Township of Hullett We have examined the 197 financial Statements of the Corporation of the Township ofyHullett and the Blyth District Fire Area Board, the Hullett Township Recreation and (.orimunity Centre Hoard and the Auburn Hall Board. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and ether procedure, ars we corsidered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion these financial statements present fairly tht f'ina;.ial position. of the Corporation of tht Township of Hullett and'ait, local boards and.l.ommittees as at December 31, 197,, and the results of, their operations for the ytar then cndtd, in accurdante with accountin,, principles generally ac-ce'ptcd fur Ontario muni:cipalitic, applied ur .I basis consistent with that of the 'prectdin,, year. Durst, \odden h Bc.ridc r Chartered A'. ountants Lictnce Number ^40 Goder,ich,Untarlo March 16, 1979 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE "' 0 ...c. mss:-..�..,,..�._.. ,._. L...-. 'ir )Tie. i -iur t rtdr•J 1pe c ev)r her 11,19-7,s - Accumulated net revenue (deficit I at the heginning of the year • Expenditures and transfers Municipal expcndl1ures General goscrnment ProteLtlun to person, and properly transportation sery1tt's -nsiruninental sirs I. es Health ,eryltes St,Clal and fallldy ser\ lu', Re'rt'a0on and cultural servlecs Planning and desclopnicnl Other Total expenditure transfers 1r,tnsfer, to rei'1,n or ,aunt) l ransfer' to ,thu„1 ho.Irds Total transfers Total expenditures and transfer, Revenue by purpose Munrtrpal purpose, laxation Payments In lieu nl t,l5cs Ontario grants Other grants Fees and s.r'.icr .Ilargcs Outer Revenue to pity fpr municipal purposes Region or county requisition 1axutIOn Payments in hen of taxes Ontario grant, Other Revenue to pay the region or county requisition School hoard requisition taxation Payments in lieu of la'n Other Revenue to pay the school hoard requisition Total revenue Accumulated net revenue (deficit I at the end of the year Analysed a, follow, General revenue Region or county School hoards Special charges Special areas local hoards Municipal enterprises Hullett Township Recreation and Community Center Board Auburn Community Hall Board Blyth District Fire Area Board 147, 1978 Budget s i ,11,050 16, ;00 30,500 320,570 4,054 y(0 6(14) 4,(1(4)4 ,,4, 1514 200,,11 9h,4;. ?00,100 14,500 .s,450 50,000 455,024 741,',69 Actual $ 11,050 •47, 141' 41,2,5 176,076 1 '72 504 45- u 0.470 4-, 1 0' {44 17%. 21) 3 , 45'4 1',4417 12 11. 4^1 4 ' , 441, 57,60; 1,4, '40, i BALANCE SHEET ,44 411 /)t', 4 403'tI• 111 19',s Current assets Iaxes reeeisal)le '1. colitic, re.e'Ibahlc • Othct current assets Capital n1I1I.1 to be recovered in future years Otttcr Itiiik tont Jsscts Current liabilities 16113)4,1r\ loans ;\.counts I,,iv,thlc and accrued ILIhIIit,rs tither ,utrent ha631ucs ,1 1 �I.+r... �. .'rw..-, .(. ts.�..... ._J -..,.r ...v....=.Y.r ��r• ..,...ar....unS✓e'011-73.41+ar..v. •Rel 197, Actual 20,4 s4,,51 40,t454 1')),, "0(, 3,77. 445 12,`44, ',4 s '411, 2 i4 I,2, 5514 21',,44 61,0"- 14,, 10' 444, 50, ,14214 21 2' 1 204,47', 1 4,sis 642,452 '011,112 15,)"5 22,440 (612) (714) (0,0) 3,441 (7,992) 15,55 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL OPERATIONS ° 1nr the icor faded 1)er rather 71 19 "X' Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the heginning of the scar ' Capital expenditure (.enerai'government ,Protection to persons .111,1 property transportation 5cnicc's I'.nvironmental service) Health services Social and tamily services Recreation and culnual scrslccs Planning and development Other Total expenditure Capital financing Contributions from the revenue fund Contrrbuttons from reserve funds and reserves Long term liabilities incurred Ontario grants Othkr Total kapital financing Unfinalnced capital outlay (Unexpended ' capital financing) at the end of the year .......... . 11,050 541 (t,7) (4301 (349 ) 1,',06 (1,451) 11,050 154,711 21,041 3,191 197,917 107,574 155,843 329,415 36,965 21,841 50,000 159,90e 123,100 78,215 66,526 _30,741 112,94E 355,.843__ /29,415_ FY ' Reserves and reserve funds A'ccunlulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts 1978 7.6,992 81,856 ' 122,496 281,344 508,618 53,440 843,402 10,800 125,401 1.3_6 2 p - 903.,61,8 - 182,998 15,565 843,402 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AC4,01 N -I TNG POLICIES 1977 55,948 82,571 211,453 349,972 396,242 38,003 784,217 125,785 55,763 t 1-r- • 396;•242 195,377 11,050 784,217 Statement of Revenue and Expta'oditure (his statement reflects the revenues and expenditures of the revenue tuna, the Hullett Township Recreation and Community Centre Board, the Auburn Community Hall Board and the Blyth District Fire Arca Board. (h) :itutemunt of r apical Operation, This statement r'ile'd, the capital expenditure of tht municipality to he recovc rI d from the ,,'neral municipal revenue of the municipality .and it, local hoard, and manic ipal enterprises as described in note 1(a). 1 Balance .Sheet -" ibis •t..teeent reflect the .,sats and 11abiliti8s of the revenue fund, the ,apical tend, reserve fund, and local hoards and municipal enter- prises as described in nut' 1(a). (d) Fixed Asset the hi stori, .11 40,t, and accumulated depre c iat ion of fixed asset : is '.ot repr,r1,d fur rur.i:lp11 purposes. Instead, the "Capital outlay to be rc.overed in future years" which is the aggregate of the principal por- tion r,f unmaturtd loner ter,, liahilitic., capital funds transferred to ether or,ani/ations, and the cost of capital project, not yet perman- c4tVv financed reptaacted.on the Bal nee, Sheet. ' c hard s tot ',et ion,, term liabilities Delo r(tiremen1 lasts includin,, principal and 'interest are charged i,,ainsr ,ur,rc•nt revenues in the periods in which they are paid. Interest art nut accrued for the periods from the dates of the latest inter, ,t payments to the end of 'he financial year. (U., Trust Fur,cls Trust funds administered by the municipality amounting to $ 2,200 are only reflected in the Trust Funds, Statement of Continuity and Balance .heat. (4 ) 2. ',AMA! OI TLA? TO BE RECOVERED IN FI'TLRE YEARS (Al the apical outlay to he recovered in future years does not represent hurden on .eneral municipal revenues as it is to he recovered in future years from other sources: 1978 1977 special, charges on benefitting land- owners for tile drainage loans $ 508,618 $ 396,,242 (h) Capital outlays, including fixed assets and the transfers of capital funds in the amount of $ 36,965 which have been financed from general municipal revenues of the current year, are reported on the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure. - 8(51)451 1.1 '4)5 Darin,, the year, .$ 19,151 were credited directly to reserve funds without he it,,, recorded as revenue, and expenditures of the Revenue Fund. The wire: Province of Ontario Home Renewal Plan grant Blank and loan interest , 5 36,397 $ 2,756 NFT LoNri TERM LIABICITIF.S The halance for net Ion,, term liabilities reported on the Balance Sheet is made up of the following: Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality including those incurred on 'ehalf of former school boards and outstAhding at the end of the year amount to Of' the long term liabilities Shown above, the respon- sibility for payment of principal and interest charges has been assumed by the Huron County Board of Education for a principal amount of 663,618 (155.000) 0,1 long term liabilities at the end of the year $ 508618 5. CHARGES FOR NET LONG TERM LIABILITIES Total rhar,;cs for the year for long term liabilities were as follows: h, 1978 1977 Principal payments 47,524 39,188 interest 19,056 13,302 $ 66,580 $ 5 2��490 The total charges shown shove were paid from general municipal revenues of the municipality and are included in expenditure on the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure classified under Planning and Development. THF. ANTI-INFLATION ACT The municipality, its local boards and commissions are by agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Province of Ontario dated January 13, 1976, Subject to The,Anti-Inflation Act " (Canada) and the national guidelines. This legislation limits in- creases in compensa,4Otn payments effective October 14, 1975. This limitation was removed April 18, 1978. n