The Exeter Times, 1887-11-10, Page 5A Shooting Contest.. we've nolo a aoocl joke op our littlo "darling;" Who keeps a few braaiusand W brick in hit Jrat. He was bound to go bunting so taping hiegnuHo pat in a charge; this was load number one, 'Phen out on the carp and whon all was done, I3y way of experiment, he thought he would [ba .And see if perchance be could bit the bfauypyll's . Then Ftraightoueditinrsolftill }le Made agood feeures. Took deliberate aiin, and then pulled the rr,, "olialc" n•eiib the liaiuiner, but nothifpt[tuc eat-. odeigged,. i•And sure," mutters darling,"the thing isn't Then in flees another, the same as before ; Unitise it,contained just a grain or V.v.(' more. ") wonder eau this bo still shooting" se ys dar- put ni a load iiow, P11 now eortai a be, Uiut, $o 111 erica the cartridge of load number three, Then irking again with confidant air, 110 succeeded no bettor• --gave up iri despair, When just attire moment he lraarpenoo to spy ~iia friend, Copt, 13listor, hurrying by. Bello!" says darling,"coins mull try on Limy [gun I Neb.oen trying to shoot till. I'm'tirPd and [dono. SoBliss' 'took the gun and picked up the pow• [der, Remarking to darling "Twill Hulce it go hinder. Tben placing it firmly against his right arm, Fle never suspected'twould do him harm ; Then off wenthe gun like a country election t4 bore whiskey and gin are the ehtaf selootion; Ald l1te2 goes off i anotherdirection. n . "Rohl on shouted darlinQ, h ll onto the gent I put in three lonad4 and you've fired off but Get up and be careful ; don't hold it so level, Or else both of us will be blown to the d—. "I'm going!" , shoutedBlister, it's timer had WANE I got the first kith and will nowt take the hint. Scorer. TO THE FA S 0 H V AND SEEDER. ROW We respectfullyea11 your atteition to a Ess testimonials monial s vkith the GALE HARROW MAFV FACTU R - ING COMPANY OF WINDSOR, ONT., have received front soma of their patrons. Everyone who has purchased the Implement ppi•onofnces it a grand success, and an Implement every fernier should have. A. R. 1VIGIN/ANUS is in charge of a company of men and eight wagons, at Exeter, and is doing a thriving business in Huron County. Gale Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont. Gln .wxucN.--I'Ilis is to certify that the PERSONAL CHARMS, combined Harrow purchased from your ager has given entire satisfaction, and, I consider it the best implement of the kind sow the Deleartian Theory of Development ever futruduced in this neighborhood. I Beautifies Wemen. prepared my potato ground for wheat with - cut ploughing, and I cau:say that the ma- chine sloes all your agent•claimed for it, and sein cheerfully recommend it to my farmer 3nends as the BEST. Yours truly, James Halls, Usborne. Gale Sulky Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont. DkdR Sins. --In answer to your question as to my opinion of the Gale Harrow, I would state that as a Cultivator for loosen- ing and tearing up thegrouncl'I would as - What is the Delsartian method? If ladies ,can secure cultivation of the voice ; $o as to read and converse hi sweetly modu•" laced yet strong and deep tones, cud by the same course of training acquire grace of car- riage andttLe development of chest and lungs that ensures health and adds to personate ebarins, the methods employed are worthy' investigation. So thought our reporter. who called upon Mme.' Gray, the noted !teacher of Oratoryi and Physical Culture at one of cur leading sigh it the highest place of any that I have Hotels. ever 'tried, doing its work more effectually, As he entered the room a lady tall but leaving no blanks, light of draft, and invar- iable v' is la uniformity of dgpth. Notluti having test eel it as a seeder, I most not speak too post- tively of its merits assuch, but from ` its construction, and what I have seen, I have well proportioned came with graceful move- ment toeard him. A well shaped head, crowned with a wealah of iron gray hair, dark, •brilliant eyes, beneath finely arched browse )sere noted at sheapproaohecl. When she epo$e it was with a voice sweet and low, pelt with a wondeifa,l compass. a. fiat is theaeoret of this powerr of vocal expression you se m to Have? e 'Secret? there is no secret," laughed Mine. Gray- "`lime was when I had one of the weakest and thinnest of voices. Any one eon accomplish what l have done. It is so easy to acquire a full, resonant yoice, that will never never tire or grow hoarse. All vocal dies• bilities umy be overcome, hesitation, states - `n eaigg, stuttering, soon disappear under pt r -training." "does this training affect the physical system ?"' '.Yes, it will develop the bust to almost ideal perfection. Gentleincn will add four. nightand broken of year reef by n. side child or dive inchescHos measurement in as many by - suffering nncl crying with rain of Guttine months " Te th? If fo sand at •ono° and get a'bottle of "it is desirable from a point of beautcy.,'Mre.Winslow's.Soohsng Syrup' for Children (hen 4" TeetEi'ag. Its value 3e inoalculabie. It' will des, Indiesgain the 1 oundness.of !valet "'1'eve the poor little sufferer ,immediately.. , I ,. euend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake taper of aim and hand. and the perfect poise, about it. It cures Dysentery and Diairl'cea, aria and race in mo\ Fnaent, that add so 1 repulates the Stamacli and 13o,rois, cures wind g a Grein, sot ere nue Cat ais,reducesInflamtnatfon; mile iso personal eharzvc," and gives tone and ens gy to thewhole system o 1th, I should think, would be benefit- "alas, Whiskey's Soothing Syrup" for children ted u1;?, teething i,Pleasant to the taste and is the sed it iLung throat ,tronblPa prescription of aro . of the oldest and bes p , s. ung rind ronurlopbvsiciaus and ;nukes in the Un ted dierria}e, mance. chests and thin areas. aar a states, and is for sale by all dr ug;tistk through - developed, andfemale vreallneseea largely out the sure andask1nrl Ilfafive s. WntsLents a o 's Opel acme " SOOTHING-. Svnur ",anc! take no orherl:iuei. "It .seems to be a regular panacea?" fudge Clark's teeiglzationhas been received "No, ' I mu sorry to say that some organs by the Government. His Hotter resigns to canaatibe made good iu this way after they accept the position of :solicitor to the Cauadi !rave been injured as mine ,were by a soiourn an Pacific Raihcat3c • near a iontliern swamp. • Before 1 tried play CTJitED 13y 13, B. B. WHEN ALL steal sulfide and Warner's safe cure I was it •conennie,d invalid. I was consumptive in early life, and it is only a few yra1s since I' overcame s serious liver trouble. I owe ..much to Warner's safe cure, tudl do not hesitate to acknowledge it." "And the consumption tendency ?" "Dfeappearecl after the use of this remedy, end When 1 had Is alnCd 1iw to breathe. Not one in twenty 'breathe in suck a way as to fill the air cells; to expand the strong musolee at the baso of the lungs, whichsl'ould do the labor of expelling air. Hence, if Kidney dis- ease pretoiler, the luugs.affected by .the kid- ney poisoned blood 5001) give wary. "Is not your system the Delsartiau the- ory ?" "Yes, ' and •I greatly rejoiced when this' greed teacher gave to the world his ideas. They corie&pond to those cIhad long taught,' for I ala a pioneer in• this work and .have devoted life and energy to teaching the aoiad,that women may gain vocal :mom plishnaents, health, grace andbeautyall ,at the swine Buie by these methodsofcultva- tioell?' • Yon are yet teaching? "Yes,.iege° School of Oratory and Physi `"gal culture at Syiecnse, N. Y., a permanent institution, now in very successful progress. CONSVMPEEON CUBED. o c h eic'an retired ira etiee hav An 11 v i p 1 r F s Inc 'an bad .ace. in his hands uv an .a t ii is uu d g p a -' , vegetable 'our chef formula of aim la 1166] r U 1 remedy for the speedy and 'permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and sll.tliroat and lung affections. also aposi- tive:alai radical cure for NervousDebility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty' to make it known to his suffering fellows. Aotuated by ti ie remise and a desire to relieve human sufferin6. 'r i send free of charge, to all wlro desire :r.• this recipe, in German, French or English w-th.full directions icrpreps ring and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp}, naming this oalerwV.A Nov1ts,14tiIowor•spica; Rcchester N ADvicxl•ro McrEEns.—Are you distnrbed at Interesting items. The outbreak of the mountain fever among Mouutod'Police ..in •British Columbia has been got under control. `three deaths have resulted so far, but there are no; new cases. American anthracite coal is selling at $10,25 a ton int Winnipeg, and Galt and Banff coal at $0.50. For IR.ickets, Marasmus and all. " Wasting Disorders of Children. S'cott'y Eaiaitlsion'of liars Cod Liver Oil, ivlth 7f 1poplaosVlcntes, is unequaled. The rapidity with which children gain flesh and strength upon it je very wonderful. "I have used Scott's Emulsion in caste of Rickets and. efaratinus of long standing. In every ease the improvement +vas 1narlu:d:"—J.:NI, Main Mir, New York, Put up in 50 e. and 61 sizes, • :Cl1e tel al number of itiinligrnnte arrived in Winnipeg this season to elate is upwlnrds of 16,000. Dyenepsia Directly Disappears During Doses, 08 Dr. Carson's gtomach Biters, the most reliable fancily medicine, All druggists. The steady increase of tra&ic' On the Iutercolonial ltn,ilway has made it necessary for the Government to increase its hauling cnpiteity, and it contract has just closed with the Caiiadir Locomotive and Engine Co., of Kingston, for the building of fourteen flew heavy l000ur0tives. ss I 1Etter!. 1 Pectoris 1 Pectoria 1..'.A. better eont;heu't• oi•exnectorant'ie not Made. Be- fell: 3o-fela: ,yeti give ftp try Pectoria, 25 cents per bottle, ell drtrga;ists. Sn ierinteucie tSherwootl telegraphs from 1 Detroit, Miele, that he has not served divorce papers on Mrs Middleton. Where the danger lies 10 using pill,; in (1010 menthol-- almost 011 putgativo pills e,r pellets eon feel calomel or inereury in some for ni ter ctth, r. By using Dr. Carson's Sto irweh 'Bitters you got a perfectly pure vege. titbit! inventive, Largo betties 50 bents,. iiLSE FAILED. Mr. Samuel Allan, of Lisle, Ont., states �. that he tried all the ,doctors in his focality while suffering for years with Liver and Kid - trey trouble; no;lriug heuefited him until he took Burdock Blood Bitters,, four bottles of which cured him. Major-General Middleton says there is to truth in 1110 statement that he will retire from the command of the Canadian militia before his term expires. , A SAD CONTEMPLATION: o dub - k�Harrows anc edsa n doubt fulfill all that can be cltr,ini key 1 Seeders and must y eel for the vary best in the Market. this It ul well pleased with the way it sloes Yours truly, A. J. Ross, Nairn, its work. I prepared and, sowed wheat in a East 6\'illiams, July 20, 1887. very rough, lumpy field where it was impos- t .—.v-.— ( Bible to use lily drill. I also used it to 8dig Crediton, Ont, Sept, 23, '87. potatoes, and afterwards prepared and sow- Gale •Sulky Harrow Mfg. Co., Windsor. ed the same field without plowing, and I G1snmLluEN.—I purchased one of your act convinced that the Gale is the best and Hareems & Seeders and have thoroughly most useful implement ever introduced to tested it on all kinds of ground, and after farmers of Huron Co, Respectfully yours, secistg the work it will do have uo heeitee \Villiam Anderson, Stephen Tp, Um! in recommending it to my farmer --�— frietuds at the best imlemeut in the market. Gale Sulky Harrow lv[fg. Co., Windsor Ont. Yours truly; DEAR Suis.—The Sulky Harrow & Seed- Tobias \Vu`;tz, or bought from your agent is just what we Sarepta, Sept, 24th, 1877. need. I have used it to harrow, cultivate Gape Harrow Co., Windsor, Ont and seed, and can truthfully say that it {a] NTI Lrii1sN.--I have bought and tested does the work better,' easier and with less one of your Sulky Harrows and Seeders and labor than any instrument I ever saw. I think it is just wviat every farmer needs, will also state that 1 have a good drill, but and , it will do all your agt. claimed for it. think that broadcasting as alone by the Gale Respectfully Yours, Alamo Foster. is the way to sow grain to get the best re- sults I have worked ten, acres of wheat Centralia, Ont., Sept.. 24, 87. stubble with the cultivator without plough. Gale Sulky Harrow Mfg. Co., Windsor. ing and. it did the work to perfection. DEAR. 8rns.— I bought one of your Sul_` Wm. ltowtaliffe, Stephen. TYUIING MEN Suffering from the et:slots ,of i ear1y evil hub'ts the result of t ncrauc io. r folly, who find themselves wank nervous, and exhausted.; luso MIDDLE AGED Gild (OLD MEN, who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequence„ of youthful excess, send for and READ M. V. Lubou's Treatise on Diseases of Afon. The book will be sent sealed to any ad- Ivess on receipt of two 3c. stamps. Address M. V.L17130N,47 Wellingtin St. 31. Toronto. Tan.l8th,1887. 'ane Great English Prescription. A. successful Medicine used over 80 years in -thousands of cases. Cures Sperniatorrhea, Nervou$?'' Weakness, Emissions. Impotency - �\ A'r ~r- and alt diseases caused by abuse. [intronn] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [AFTER]" Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when aflothers Fait, Ask your Druggist for The Great English Presertptlon, take no substitute.' One package, S1. Six Si, by tnaiL Write for Pamphlet. Address rattrelra ChenniealCo., Detroit, Ditch. P ish,�iE'iE.IVlAN cwt; WO' MtM. 10WWJ' FDEE = Are pleasant to t Iva:+(cotr, i .heir coca d'ttrgativo. I, IL 7 •:.1 0r.;rcc;at *U'eyer of uorm.•.i.a t;.n,drett pc Adult° ure Thing n^e— It is sad to contemplate the amount of physical snffexing in- the world,. H w many FOB, PURE PARIS GREEN weary, broken down invalids there are to 1 FOR ,GENUINE HELLIBORE whom life is burdensome 1 Thduervous debil- ityand general weakness,of those afflicted with lingering diseaseis best reniedied by the 1 uvigorating powers of 13. B. B. BI O W `T I L� Y S''' A NARROW ESCAPE.1 People who are exposed to the sudden changes of our northern 'climate have little —IS— chance of escaping colds, cotiglrs, sore throat 1 keep HnFya � SPOT and lung, troubles. The. hest sate guard Is to rd's Pectoral Bassam at hand. ICI is a quick relief and reliable sure for such ''ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT JF complaints. • e Ti.IE MODUS OPERANDI. y y� , r. of o radii of Burdock Blood .1.� hJl i I lckle 131tersist a g ' is that it acts at once and the same i ; tame upon the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Haid- neys and the Blood, to cleanse, regulate and ALWAYS A FULL LINE strengthen, Hence its almost universal value OF ,LL KINDS OF in Chronic Complainte. Jenny Lind, the noted singer, was buried at, �. Malvern Saturday. In aeoordanee with`' her oft -expressed wish. thepatchworkquilt which the United States presented to her was buried with her. - RELIABLE REMEDY REMEDY I+OR RHEUMATISM. Procure iti bottle of Halyard's Yellow Oil from your medicine dealer, and use according to directions. It cawed Icla Johnston. of Corneli, Out., of that complaint, aucl she recommends, it as a sure euro. For 25 years it hat never failed to give satisfaction, DIPETT1 P RIA. "Last.7anuary," says J. N, Teeple), of Or welt, Out., "there appeared diphtheria in our neighborhood. Doctor TAD night and day, bet I kept right to Hagyard's Yellow Oil grid brought my chillreethroe hall right." Yellow Cil cures all painful complaints end injuries. lire Observer, in a loading reticle to -daffy says that the attempt on the part of Canada, to prohibit English impo'ts,es a moaasureof protection to Canadian rnafr(tinctures will tend to a complete separation of the Dominion 'frore the Mother Country. TorxnNUUAtt, ONT., Islay - 3rd, 1887. i. have been troubled with nasal catarrh for five years. Seeing. Nagel. Balm advertised I procured a bottle and although I have only used :port of it, I do not hesitate to pronoruloe it the remedy in the world for that loathsome disease, cater] le It is easy and pleasant to use; soothing Bird healing in its action, instat5t hi giving relief removes and changes the poiaaonoue sectetione to it healthy state, stops into the throat, and the droppings from head removes all the symptoms ofentail 11 and cold in the head. In fact if the directions are faithfully followed nolbing but a sore and perrilanentetll'e can ire the result, irolirs Truly. JNO, S. GEORGE. Call and Examine for Your- self'. 3. W. BROWNING. Prop. —CURES— Liver Complaint, Ilyspepsiat, Biliousness, Sick Headache, liicluey.Troubles, ? ,hetunattism Skin Diseases --anti a11' - In' purities of the Blood from what- ever canes arising l?oiri ble a eakncss' d,0eferatl,debility Partly Vegetable, T. -Ti„ hl,y Concentrated, Plcasantnerd effectual' to use. —;1ST, 'OR doctor Hod'7rer's Compound. Take no other Sold everyt'here. Price 75 cents per bottle.: DR. I-10 D]DE3.ii'S rumors, 1ten1ion IMPMR,ILL MILLS, WOODELAM. The undersigned wbuld respectfully inform the community that they have leased the above mills for a terin of yearsand will be pleased to have a call froth, all: Tho mill has recently been improved, by the adnition of new mach- inery. It is the intention of rho subscribers to add:a set of rolls as soon as possible.; and all combined, the Woodh.a,. Grit Mill Will be second to none in the West. —x—x-- - Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oattueal constantly nn band for sale or i'tchaagi:il fur oats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. aarA TRIAL .SOLICITED. J. & A: 1% cl\YEVIN, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE , OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And evdry species of disease arising• froth disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS STOMACH, BOWELF `eR BLOOD. T. MILBURN. & CO. oprT04D2T!L'O. —FALL— GOODS T. Pealing- has received, and is receiving drily his fall stock rp`f Dry-Goocls, Ready- made made clothing,'Flannels, win - ready -made knit shirts, and .Ladies''Dress goods, Hose &c. BOOTS and SIHO] iS, A Well seleeted'Stock for Winter wear, P Goods wilt be sold very Farm Pro. Cheap for Cash or Fai duce,,which is taken as Cash'. GrooeriCS -A1 a. s F reek. T verytliiug required by the Housekeeper, Dried Pork and Roller Fleur of the est. ---A FEW-- . l f afire Dominion J Sold Everywhere. " Price, 6 cents end 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and Meer'f'rs, lee tftziolz Maclicitle G oinpanSr, Toronto, Canada. Organs For Sale. QUTEN CITY OIL WORKS ..L.:.rY P, E 0 a_ ms At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed, This Oil was used on nit machinery daring Exhibition. It bas been awarded NINE GQLI) MEDALS during :the last three years. "'"See that you get Peerless, It is only made b S is a1C"CiEL nocmazts & CO TORONTO FOi SALE 13Y JAS. PICKARD. FRUITS, FRUITS, FRUITS. THE F`APPSILY GROCERY is the pace to go for all kinds of fruits in season.. FLESH GROCERIES ALWAYS IN STOCK. lJN4 Q/ IES NUTS, AND CQNEG TI SNE Y; ICE CREAM PARLOR. My Ice Cream Parlors are the coolest and best a l l � .)ointel in town. The e ream is of the purest, and always fresh. alle A. Ilyndmaii, Prtt� 1- .AeC)*' V¢o r4fi�fi o ��fft G �1pfitib {v\ w•V.,`6,l.ot ok. .S "° .q° efio 1a se,,zeicec's6c. ,r:v.1 0� 1�Go•• es fi w e, e file. 4-0.-0erne ofi a� � ��9 w to e Gt ti, e� , S Gt e e i e .5oia$�5• �e�tioM1,� e11 , .t .(11 of{4. Vie. eS o' Flet' .r „te b. ..ssN ase ^s o- 11 a 9 (o •;>Oo fi tiCfi��� re. Vie` !Manufactured only by Thomas Hollowly, 73, New uxf,nvd Street, late 5811, Oxfurd Street, Loudon. • EW' Purchasers should look to the Label ea the Boss and Pots, If the address is not 533, Oxford Street,lIerndor_, they are sperioris. ji WARE ! (Wholesale and Retail.) BUILDER'S HARDWARE --Neils, Glass, (stained and engraved),' Leeks, I-Iingss Butts (fall line.) CARRIAGE HARDWA13E—Bail• Iron, Bent Stuff, Habbs, • Spokes, ,.Cutter unners, 'Shafts; Moquette'Wnnslin, Drill, &e. MILL SUPPLIES-'- " lbw Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Asbestos, Packing, Rubber and Leath- er Beitinge, etc. SPORTING MATERIAL—Breach Loading and Shot Guns, "Powder, Shot, tee Rochester Lamps, Silver Star Coal Oil, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, 6 Skates. LANCE' SAWS. 'ROCHESTER u STOVE DEPARTMENT, —SEE THE— Original Cook and Triumph HEATING STOVES. The Bradley Eavetrough and Tin- ware a Specialty. Verity's Plows and Points, CJai- Felts, Pitch, Send in your orders for Chestnut or''Stone, Carmel Soft, and the Semonlo Biossburg Coal before it advanees. Ansaled Galvanized andBarb'Wire cheap. JAMES PICKA.R r Furniture Undertakirm We would call the attention of the people of 'Plxeeter and :surrounding country to Mot that wo, having purchased the stock,, and business of \VILLIAM DREW, are elite special'inclueements in Parlor Setts, Plain 'il.tt(t Fancy Tables. Springs and: liiatti•csSe Bedroom. :Setts, Wood, Ca11(' & POl'frit'1tte(1 Chairs, Book Cases, Writing Desks, Sideboards, Whaatnots, ()radios, Eiftlista'nds, And on Endless' Variety in Beds, Bureaus, Clipboards, &te• Our Stock of Lumber is Largs and Thoroughly Seasoned- ami he:vin had eaters' e�puirnuecl en file leading factnrics of the Dominion, WO Can guarantee c le tee St�'lishautlSore able Furniture. Out Stock of Undertaking Goods is the .Largest iti the County, and our Mere° bas equa' meth of London. •;Spreia. ution will he paid to this breneli of the business, nn u5 00 prompt and reliable bush se Men. evafyone trill Gt 1 ir... nlen. REPAIIII\'G 01+ ALL BINDS PRO ATTENDED TO, C Remember the Stand, One DoorNorth of IVfolsou's PACIK T. IXETAIRIN, FANSON S I3LOCt ., R•0lW.F+ 4=.1"vT.1