Clinton News-Record, 1979-04-26, Page 29Lawn bowlers roll again Despite the cold winter months, action has started at the Clinton Lawn Bowing Club again. The greens are in great shape and the weather is so good that there were people out as early as last week, April 20 and again on April 23. Some club members just couldn't resist the temptation of bowling for another season of great sport. There was bowling at the Clinton greens as late as November 15 last year and this is probably the earliest bowling that has ever taken place in Clinton. The Clinton club has 45 members and would like to welcome anyone who would like to come and join in a season of good fun and friendship. Sq. sidewalks delayed year After several recorded votes, Goderich council passed a motion to delay the completion of The Square sidewalk project until 1980. The Goderich Signal - Star reported that the motion was carried by a 6-3 margin to trim $22,000 from the $60,000 set aside in the budget for the new sidewalks. The new brick sidewalks have been installed on four blocks of The 'Square and all the lights have been erected. Eliminating the $22,000 from the budget saved the taxpayer less than one per cent on the final tax bill. Fund.... • from page 3A "That will enable Joe Clark to get in. Joe Clark will almost certainly be the next Prime Minister," he said. Mr. Scott told his a dience that he's one ca idate who makes as muc use as possible of Joe CI rk and his image in his c mpaign and he urged th m not to be discouraged' by articles abet Joe Clark's or- dinariness. "Will Joe Clar make a great prime mini ' er? I don't know. I can' tell you if he'll make a g - at prime minister. I do kn.w that history and the people of Canada will find Joe Clark a better prime minister than we've had for 11 years and I thank God for that," he said. Smile You can't blame the tax people for worrying. How would you feel if you had a hundred billion dollars owed you — and it was all coming by mail? Something to Sell? A car, a guitar, a washing machine, a house, a set of dishes, a fur coat? You name It and you'll sell it fast with an ad in The News Record's Classified columns. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1979—PAGE 7A •Shopper's Square, Goderich •Suncoast Mall, Goderich •Sutton Park Mali, Kincardine • DIAMOND RINGS • CHARMS • WATCHES • RINGS • 10K -14K GOLD CHAINS The Greatest Sale Event In Huron -Bruce Counties • NO CASH REFUNDS • JUST A SUPER SALE master charge Iv, ouu..u.o siu.n0.nnuom CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Classified Ads 482-3443 11.111111111111111.11111111111.1111111111111111111111 GODERICH SUTTON PARK MALL, KINCA