Clinton News-Record, 1979-04-26, Page 13• Dianne Bogie of the Goderich II club and Lynne Dodds from McKillop I1 received County Honors at the 4-H Achievement Day in Clinton last Tuesday night. Each girl has completed six homemaking clubs. (News -Record photo) Junior Farmers pick king and queen Bill Armstrong, President of the Huron County Junior Farmers opened the meeting on April 18, with the song. Sharon Colclough gave the secretary's report and Larry Plaetzer gave the treasurer's report. Wayne Shapton, a member of the South Huron Junior Farmers gave the financial report of the Semi -Formal at Exeter. The new 1979 King and Queen of Huron County Junior Farmers are Sharon Colclough and Murray Irwin. Jean Siertsema, co-ordinator of the King and Queen Contest was thanked for her progrjpnl management. Brian Miller then gave a report on his trip to Paris, France for the Second Annual World Convention. The Huron County Junior Farmers will be participating in a mixed soccer tournament at Wasaga on July 27 and 28. The County Field Day is July 7, at Blyth with a dance to follow. On'August 25, there will be a 30th Reunion for Huron County Junior Farmers at the Clinton Arena. There will be an hour of social meeting with a dance later. All past and present Junior Farmer members are invited. The next meeting is May 16, at the Clinton O.M.A.F. office. Auburn busy with... • from page 12 Thomas Haggitt, a member of the Huron County Historical Society. Mrs. Bradnock thanked all for their support during the past years and the annual reports were received. Mrs. Robert Peck gave the financial statement. Mrs. Lillian Letherland spoke for the card committee. Auditor's report was given by Mrs. Gordon Chamney and Mrs. Letherland; - *-g ri -c u-1 t -u re- o- a n d Canadian Industries report - Mrs. Roy Daer and Mrs. Arnold Craig; Citizenship and ' World Affairs report - Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mrs. Beth Lansing; Education and Cultural Activities report - Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs. Myrtle Munro; Family and Consumer's Affairs report - Mrs. Thomas Lawlor and Mrs. John Stadelmann; Resolutions report - Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. Ed Davies; Public Relations Office report - Mrs. Leonard Archambault and Curator report - Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Mrs. McNee presided for the election of officers and the new ones for 1979- 1980 were accepted as presented by the 'con- venor con-venor of the nominating committee, Mrs. Donald Cartwright. Other members of the nominating committee were Mrs. Thomas Jardin, Mrs. Beth Lan- sing and Mrs. Oliver Anderson. The. officers are as follows: Past President - Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, President - Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, first vice- president - Mrs. Gordon Powell, second vice- -:p.resident - Mrs. Hugh Bennett, secretary - treasurer - Mrs. Robert Peck, assistant secretary Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, District Director - Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Alternate District Director - Mrs. Donald Cartwright, pianist - Mrs. Catherine Jackson, assistant pianist Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, directors - Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs. Leonard Archambault, card convenors - Mrs. Lillian Letherland, Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell, visiting committee - Mrs. Major Youngblut, Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs. Myrtle Munro, telephone committee - Mrs. Elva Straughan and Mrs. Arnold Craig, standing committee convenors - Agriculture and Canadian Industries - Mrs. Roy Daer and Mrs. Donald Cartwright, Citizenship and World Affairs - Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mrs. Beth Lansing, Education and Cultural Activities - Mrs. Robert -Turner and Mrs. - Myrtle Munro, Family and Consumer's Affairs - Mrs. Thomas Lawlor and Mrs. John Stadelmann, Resolutions - Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs. Arnold Craig, Public Relations Officer - Mrs. Gordon Chamney, Curator - Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Tweedsmuir History Book Committee - Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, Mrs. Thomas Jardin, Mrs. Frances Clark and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, and Auditors - Mrs. Lillian Letherland, Mrs, Gordon Chamney. • SOCIAL NEWS Prize winners at the weekly euchre party held on Tuesday evening in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall were as follows: novelty - Jack Hallam, high lady (playing as a lady) - Derrick Cartwright, low lady - Mrs. Donald Haines, high man - Warner Andrews and low man - Ross Robinson. There were 10 tables in play. April 24 will be the date of the last euchre party for this season. Mr. Allan McDougall and Mr. James Denault, both of Sudbury, visited last weekend with the former's parents, Mr. Bick Cucumber CONTRACTS Available at Nor- man Kramers, R.R. 4 Seaforth, Lot 1, Con. 2, Tucker - smith. 527-0076 or G. Kramers Main St., Dublin 345-2700 Why not put your urea or ammonla nitrate on your fall wheat by alr thls year? LAMMEN'S SPRAYING SERVICE 519.875-4541 4 and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. The community is pleased to report that Thomas Johnston returned home last week after being a patient in Victoria Hospital following surgery. Mrs. Wilma Brawley returned - home last Friday after spending the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawrence, Lana, Leslie and Marty moved last weekend to their new home in the Maitland -B1 or Seven ladies started a needlepoint course last week. They were Mrs. Tom Lawlor, Mrs, Bill Andrews, Mrs. Emmerson Rodger, Mrs. Keith Rodger, Mrs. Bruce Vincent. Mrs. Klaus, Seeger and Mrs. Douglas McDonald. Miss Edna Duncalfe of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parker and Sarah.. of Goderich were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs. Leonard Archambault, Rick and Marilyn. OBITUARY The sympathy of this community is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Charles Robinson of Wingham formerly of the Donnybrook district. She was the former Katherine McClinchey and was born in this ditrict. She was in her 87th year and passed away in Wingham and District hospital on April 20. May 1st is' -She _is -survive-d by -two— daughters, Mrs. Hebert the deadline (Jean) Dainty of for applications Petawawa and Mrs. Douglas (Irene) Williams call. of London; two sons, • Gordon Robinson of Wingham and Edward Robinson of R.R. 2 Auburn; 13 grand- children; eight great- grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Charles (Esther) Potter of Parkhill and Mrs. Charles (Iona) Jefferson of Clinton ; and two brothers, Gordon McClinchey of Blyth and Sidney McClinchey of R.R. 1 Auburn. The funeral services were held at the Currie - Walker Funeral Home on Monday with burial in Wingham cemetery. Peter Roy 17 GIBBINGS ST. CLINTON 482-9357 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1979—PAGE 13 SeS coming. Control the foxtails, fall panicum and crabgrass— in corn and soybeans — with Lasso® herbicide by Monsanto. Lasso® is now.also registered for sup- pression of yellow nutsedge. See your dealer today. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW THE LABEL DIRECTIONS FOR LASSO. Lasso® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company. LC -79-3 Monsanto~ Monsanto Canada Ltd. Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver i)Monsanto Company 1979 FERTILIZER? THE QUIET REVOLUTION. MEANS C E N T R A L 1 FILLING MINI BULK A AT THE PLANT CAN OFFER BETTER SERVICE THAN EVER IN 1979 TRANSPORTING TO OUR DEPOTS H E N S A L L UNLOADING INTO OUR WAREHOUSE K 1 R K. T 0 N a FILLING THE SPREADER THE INTRODUCTION OF MINI -BULK ENABLES US TO OFFER BULK DRY FERTILIZER COLLECTION FACILITIES AT ALL THREE LOCATIONS PLUS ON-FARM SERVICE BY SKILLED OPERATORS DRY FERTILIZER LIQUID APPLICATION APPLICATION OF ALL,qND WITH OR WITHOUT STANDARD AND CUSTOM HERBICIDES BLENDS PLUS MORE SPREAOERS AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL COOK'S A DIVISION OF GERBRO CORP. CENTRALIA HENSALL KIRKTON 22$-6661 262-2410 229-8986 DISTRIBUTORS OF LION 3RAND TURF AND FORAGE SEEDS/ ASGROW SEED CORN AND A WIDE RANGE OF cHEMICALS