The Exeter Times, 1887-10-6, Page 1T kl. DIOli.SI)1v, Barrietei', Soli..i♦ cher of Supremo Court,NotaeYPublto' Oouveyaneer ;lotninissioner, &e. Money to Loan, Ofhcei r'a:,rtra lilock,Exeter, yy II, 001LLI1\i S, .Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., IrrXETEE, - ONT. O1llooSainwell'e131ock Flail sold office.) ARMOUR W. FORD Solicitor iuthe Supreme court of Ontario, Conveyancer, Comnlissioneri &e., &o: Special attention given to the collection of claims in the United States. Patents proesirdl,• money to loan ab lowest rates, O,lioo : Opera„Holtse 23lgck, St. Marys, Out. LLI OT. LLIOT & ELLIOT. Barristers, . SolicitorsNotallos Public 'onve -.aueors tie &o. Sze, kr t ioyuey to Loan at Lowest Rates ° of lutorest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. is. V. LLLIOIe J. ELLIOT.. __ --_a_.-_ . DENTAL. �1 - L BILLINGS', zaz; -TIST, OFFICE': over O'.)" E!1BL'S Bank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. W. E, CARTWRIGIIT, L. B. S.. SURGEON : emise TIST. Y{ , Graduate of the Rayal "College of ,.Y ti ;, Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Hav �A.A`ingfnruiehodfiva Dental R. . onJAli ES -ST„ 2 Doors East of Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont., where' am prepared to perform all branches of the Dental profession with ease & skill. -pr> - T.6 -SLE 'VAOR usedin extracting teeth. Charges, Moderate; Terms, Oash, i. I KINSMAN ,DENTIST...D.S'' 1..J... "unic11 s Block, ale -sl., Exeter, Extracts Tooth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold +•` ., Filings and all other dental work the best possible. Goo 1i1 ti..,,.r, to Zuntozl ori last Thursday in, each month. MEDICAL rt LUTZ, D. M:, t \J • Offfeeat itisresidence Exeter 0 W. BROWNING- M. D., M. 0 I • P.S,GraduateVictoriaUniversity.016es .udiresidence,t)ow role nlrnborate/ v.Exeter i. 'FIR. RYNDMAN, coroner for the -LJ County of Huron. 011ieo, opposite Mr. I. Carling's store, Exeter, R. J. A. ROLLINS, M C' P. S O. Office, Main St. Exeter 0 nt.R widen ' 1 byP. McPhillips, :enonserecontly occupies, Flag, TAR. WOODRUFF, JJ:, Pormanently located in No. 185 I Zneen h. .Avenuo, London, a few doors last ofOffico. Special attention given to liseasesof the Eye, bad sight, and the pres- rrvation of vision : diseases of the Isar, im- reared hearing, and discharges from the ear; tiseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation of the Nose, catarrh being a common n pai •ed hearing. cauxe of AUCTIONEERS. T--ENEY EILBER, Licensed Auo- 11LL tionoer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli- rray:Townships. Seles conducted atmoderate :atom. 0 trice—At Post -office, Crediton, Ont. CHN('',,r�?dIL, Auctioneer for the Towns •Of Stephen, Hay and Usborno and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Salus arranged at this office. VETERINARY. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." DEiF34wOo d, Beenee Weenier cold here,,•—$wild• ing opereteems'Ire in full blast at pres- ent. --Mies' 11. Simnel Who tette been Y;eztinp to Zurich, has :returned twine. —The Members Cf our bloyele OW) took It trip to Zurich last s4tturday, finite a number of our boys intendgetting' wheels next summer --Mr. August, " Schrader, who has been visiting; through — W ---- ^ the States, returned home Ssturday, r �+ -' - - - i wife; who O0'POBER fl;h Jon Belies & SONS been residing there for scene ! 1$�7, � a times- -------------- ina, VOL. XV. NO 5. .EXF,rER, ONTARIO TIiURSD AY MORNING, DRE W' ary; HALL ,6, 1, 9wbY . Seating -c.ap4LCluyr: 700, —APPLY TO- CAPTAIN GEO. KIP ,M13. � NIP,. A 1fl T1; • r1vitt` COLD IN THIS HEAD :q ty 9 1 son CATARRH., urteES Immediate Relief Tion Cold Head, HAY FEVER„ EASY TO 'USE. I+Tot a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price (SO cts. and $1.00. If not obtainable at your drug• gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Address FULFORD & 00.1 Brockville, Ont. Barber Shop, !ANSON'S A. Hastings, P ro p. having and Hair cutting in the latest styles 1 the art. Every attention paid to cutting adies and Children's Hair WITCHES MADE TO ORDER. A CALL SOLICITED Sure Thing ■ —0-0— OR PURE PARIS GREEN FOR GENUINE HELLIBORE FOR No. 1 INSECT POWDER BROWNING'S TR SPOT ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT JF Fishing Tackle ALWAYS A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF ENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri D PTT S ` T an office .or merit of all Animals, on nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario College, Re, Toren• to, have the treat Domesticn,, Moinstreet �A .Exeter. Calls from a dis _. - ' -- tance promptly attondectto:: Medicine fox Horses Cattle,&c always on hand: MONEY TO LOAN. �rT�ONES TO LOAN AT 6 AND G-- +r� ler cent, :26,000 Private Funds. Best l Loaning, Companies represented. L. EL DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. THE, WATERLOO MUTUAL FiRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. This corny. any has been over Eighteen years.hnsuccessful operation in Western, On- tario,andJontinues to insure againstloss or damage by Piro ,Buildings,Mercnandise,Man- ufactories,and iro,13ui1diirgs,Mercnandise,Man- ufaetories,and loll othei descriptions oflinsur- ablo property. Intending, insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash:System . Turing the past toil years this Company hasissued,57,000 'Policies. covering property to the amount of ;10,872,038 ; and isaid inloss- es alone$709,752,00 AssetS, 8l'76,100.00, consisting of Cast n isank, Government Deposit, and the unass- eusod l'remiuni Notes an handafldifl force. •J, W WALDEN3MI D, Presides t. O. M. TAseen,. Secretary. J.B. HU&HLSInspector, CHAS. SNELL Agontfor Exeter andvicinitV,, I�ercoloeial8ailway OF CAl\TADA. were The iloyctl 1<tall, 1assetiger aced '''eight Route between Canada and Great Britainand direct youtobetween the West and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale des Cho, lour, alab ick Nova Scotia, New. Brunswick, 1 , P. E. Island Cape Breton, r NeWfoundiand, • Bermuda, and Jamaica. New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping nd Day' Cars run on through Express trains, seen ersior Great Britain or tho,Conti• Pa g leaving Toronto at 8,30 a. m. Thurs• day willjino • e day will join outward .'nail steamer at Balt - fax a, re. Saturday, nd Do01rn- cornuhoctatt Superior Elevator '�Varellouse a ac- commodation at Halifax for shipi ent of grain and gonornl merchandise. Yom's of experience have proved the IN'PL It- COLONIAL in connection with steemsbip u, London. Livor,odl and linos to atld from I Glasgow to Halifax, to bo rho quickest freight route between Cadmic), and Great Britain, Information as to Pa!iaongor and Freight rates can be OA 011 application to ROBERT 71.1VI.)OBtE,'' 't•X 'Western VP:fight&passenger Agent sinHouse l3look,'3t"ork iii, Torento T.oe 1).P07?TINGER, Chief Superintonclen .,'to lV',Betov leth,1886 Ettilway Cull and Examine fo," Your- self. J. W. BROWNING, Prop. Farmer, Atkin I XLIP .lIR..6d.c�erml N C LL WOOD HAM. The undersigned would respectfully inform the community that they have leasedtho above mills for a term of years ; and will be pleased to have a cull from all. The mill has recently been improved, by the addition of new mach- inery. Itis the intention of t:•:e subscribers to add a set of rolls as soon as possible ; and all combined, the Woodham Grist Mill Will be second to none in the West, Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged for oats. SATISFACTIONN GUARANTEED. pA TRIAL SOLICITED,, J. & A. MoNEVIN, July 14.] Props, 9. LOTS X119 NEW GOODS ----AT--- ,South Huroni Fall Fair. Tho Union fall fair of the South Huron and Stephen & Unborn° A„1 Societies'' was �+ held in Exeter. on Monday and rl'gastlay. There was a continuous down pouring of. rant during the two days, which to a very large degree marred the success. of \Vhile rho tthe itedshow. at andanca of people was limited to a few hundred, the gate receipts aggrega- ting atom $90, the show of horses' and cattle n as good, sheep, swine, poultry &c. being an average. The hell was well filled with ladies work, fruit, &c,, while there was a vast falling off in the fruit exhibit, Space being limited, we cannot enter in details, but give the prize list only, which is as follows ;— HoRSEs,--IAZP011TED HEAVY DRAUOIIT,— Brood snare, Robt Martin ; foal, Robt Mart- in filly 3 years old, John Murdock, Robert McGowan ; filly 2 years old, Robt Martin ; filly 1 year old, Robt Martin, Robt Mollior- die ; stallion colt, Chas Monteith, CANADIAN HieAVY DIIAUONT.—Brood mare Geo Spearin, Chas Campbell, nos Worry ; foal, Thos Cudmore, Geo Spectrin, Chas Monteith ; throe year old, Trios Werry, Robt McLaren, (}• Ross ; two year old, Love Bros Alex' itfohteittt, Thos Worry ; one year old, Obits Monteith • draught team, Robt Fletch- er ; one year old entire horse, Bon Case, R Bunter, Thos MoMichaeL AGRICULTURAL.—Brooch mare, Jas Load - man, Rich Johns, Bich Elston ; foal, James Loadnt 1 a i Peter Wur m-Dav' u 1 Don throe year Jas old, Ja Hackney, Jas Loadman, Thos Cudmore ; two year old, S Doupe. J & J Mo - Lean, R Dayis ; one year old, A A Brett'. our, Geo Bnswell;.team, Alex Me.Ewen' John Mauling, D Chesney ; one year old entire colt, Jas Haokney. Thos Cudmore. GENERAL PURPo5E.—Brood mare, A Bret - hour, a Doupe. 51 Logan ; foal. Win Logan, S Doupe, Geo Penhale three year old, Jas Moir, Rich Delbridge, Rich Davis ; two year old, Robt McAllister, Love Bros. D MoKin- 0011; team, Jae White & Sola, John Ale. Gregor, L Hunter ; ono year old, :f'illiam Rowoliffe, E Williams, Robt McAllister. CARRIAGE.—Brood mare, L Hunter ; foal Jas Howard, Robt Nowell ; three year old, Wm. White two year old, Geo Spearin, J Charlton, Wm McLaughlin ; one year old, Robt Newell, Alex Ingram ; pair carriage horses, Thos Bissett Sr. ROADT rens.— • Brood rn are John McCurdy, D Taylor, r Alex Buchanan Mal, John Mc- Curdy, Alex Buchanan, D Taylor ; three year old, John Manson, D Clark, Isaac Handford ; two year old, John Snell, John McCurdy, Robt Martin ; one year old, Alex Buchanan, win Sontheott ; pair of roadsters Bissett Bros, Rich Hunter, L Hunter ; sing- le roadster, John Snell. SPECXAL PRXZES —Lady and Gentleman riders, Mies Fanny Bawden ; saddle horse, G Oliver, Bissett Bros ; pair roadsters, Thos Bissott sr., Bissett Bios ; single road. ster, A MoDonell, Wm'White. CATTLE:..-Taorrenonnnxn'DIInn:tis:— Vow, aged Thos Russel, 1st 2nd 3rd'; three year old. Thos Russel, 1st & 2nd ; two year old, Thos Russel, John Allison ; ono year old, John Hooper ; heifer calf, John Hooper, L Hunter, John Hooper ; bull calf, Thos Russel, lst & 2nd ; Herd , Thos Russel. m bringing with Mtn his f h has "NV,. oris ,Jonas I3artlelb has removed to,our v11 ._.._ T'ul>1lsherpatincl I're z Icier Inge, having sold his farm to Mf' Isaac ; intends..,retiring or a. DLnmrn0111 not lees � while:. u b b r games of annuals, A Bissett, ltn,y other variety games, Wtn Mo- , nI Jat.kell , man in all alfatirs pertanin to the cod Lend and spangled stators, john Anderson. I- . g � auy other yar+ioty icooliena, J 'Hord & Sou OCT FLOWERS.—Phloxf Bean he t- f' cc7�will be sorry to Ione Mr Beau as langshaus, EHer Many . plymouth rooks; Bissett than el$ va t T h A d lice;: 0 1 die Ina, c o n n ,'son; co 50 lots he vvas an active and intelligent gentle, rl'hos McCallum TV d i'kinns, Wel M Loon a baruburgs, ,J J Pick- Lenses' Woeit,—Houle-made bread A E of rho ,village.—Rev, Mr. Ortween has ard, g ands pouched hamburgs, E . Herd, b Efodgot•t, D `McEwen, R MoLaren• at � been visiting friends ,and. resat' es f harnbergs J Gould, houdans : P Beattie,: w c , Patched 1 !v • 4r > quilt, handmade, Mary AlcEtyctn, A F fi;ocl= ; several days in Berlin and other ' !,laces: black Poland's, J 3 Pickard, po an s, I' Beattie, black le lie ua .G ' ' 'n out ;'' acv McEwen, wen, We bad no lvine service ii nnutan whiteg e , George L Hardy; tatting, GOO Nett, Jae Tom, Wm here on. Sunda .-Mr.haS Y , le horns, D spice'', brown Y D. friends It s3] chi g P" Sweet, V S crotchet wont, McEwen, Jas. ; also been, away vision Friends rn Mich: foghorns, Bissett Bros, black'spartish, Bissett Bell, Geo Nott; embroider ! an. -,-Mrs. Pope. Bios:'"American seabrights, E Howard black Yin sill, velvet l ; gwho has boort sick, for minoroid le Howard, any variety geese L satin, Robt Stewart,' ;lacy 1ltEwan, D Bul1;'t 80100 ;line is now able to be u" and embroida •v P arc!, any other variety (ort1 1 d k Geo Nott rAI rl 'It M M E Consequently d Hunter, toulouse geese, J Fiord & Son, Pe- kin clucks. Wrn McLeod, Aylesbury ducks, W McLeod, Borten ducks, F Beattie, any other variety duelts, Geo Davis, bantams, D Spicer, laireeetexese—Farm wagon, ' Geo : Steaoy ; double top carriage, D 13ro'yn ; top ; phreton, B 3itoadhouee;top buggy, do, I Handford 2c1; open buggy, Jas Down, Jos Smith ;. double pleasure sleigh, B J Roadhouse ; fano n P b x cutter, . do ; portland cutter, Jas Down, . 13.•JORoadhouse ; heavy bobsleighs, Jae Dowe, Jos Smith ; light bobsleighs, 'do. do., iron beam plow, 'wooden 'plow, subsoil plow,', Verity . & Sou ; horse shoes, W H Parsons, I Elandfore; two horse cultivator, Gale Saikoy Co.; gang plow, Verity & Son ; iron hprrows, I Haudford ; roller. Verity & Son; woorlen pump, Swallow Bros, brick, John Mitohell. Gnats AND STEEDS, -Ten bushels fall , wheat the Canada Coy's prize, Robt. McAllister, Wm Logan. L Hunter :all al tv haat white, Rohl. McAllister, Thos. Shepton, Wm Logan; . fall wheat, red, Wan Logan, Jos Hudson, Jas Airth ; any variety spring wheat, A Johnston, Alex McEwen, Jas Airth ; € rowed ' barley Thos Bowe, Jas. Snell, sr ; large oats, Johnston, I3 Keddy ; conomon oats. A Ingi*am, A Johnston ; black oats, Joseph Fludsct1, A Johnston ; large peas, Jos Hui} sou, ;1hbtMcAllister ; small peas, Whn Logan Robt. McAllister ; timothy seed, A Johnston, A. E aodgert flax seed, A Ingrain, A John - on merchants' flour, Jas Pickard, 1st & nd ; white beans, Alex llloEwen, Jonathan Cooper ; clover seed, Alex Ingram, L. Hun- er, A/MLss.--Winter apples, Robt McCord, ohn -Copeland ; fall apples, Jobu Copeland olleotion of apples, John Copeland, John Dew ;i• Rhode Island Greenings, . John Cud - more, Wm Kydd ; Northern Spies, Robert MoCora, Wm Elliott • Roxboro Russetts 1, 10 drape or chenille, Jas Marlin, I around. We shall be glad to 'lee ler Geo Nott,' ltobt Stewart ; braiding, James happy time main. -air. and Tom. Geo Nott, J. Bell; fanny 'witting, Geo 4of Sebri n u Mrs ;Bulb], Nott, AJohnson • woollen I zngheir,cleug Saturday It ay and Sun - Note en sorlts. Geo Mott, iday with their daughter, -Mrs.. Charles A Johnson ; woollon stockings, Geo Nott, A Hartleib,--Mr. David Ruby .}tas' retired Johnston ; woollen mitis, Jas Tom, A, Johti fromfarming, son ; woollen gloves, Mrs S (x Hogarth, ;tae, and has moved to town; Toni ; waxf r - reit, Geo Toth; Isco work, A, St. Marys. Johnston, Mary 9lcEsven ; Bartle wool worst I __ Mary HInEwen, A Johnston; feather fl (mere, Received Geo Nott, I. Spice,; flower wreaths, Robot ( too late for last issue,) Stewart, A Johnston; shell woi•lt, A McEwen . gain 'another hooked mats, John l ooper, Mar•y31oE•vest hairw • flowers, D Ills); hen ; Gants' shirt,' lrlaiu breast, home-made, 1liirry 'McEwen, D Mc - 2 J 0 J ohn oh I n Co e at,d Sfta P cub nr' P s P g til , 1 t R N c 1 H 8 C J T J S la J i o agger obi loCord Baldwin, Mrs Morey, George ott ,ur Weslfield''s Seek no further, Alex vtoE u, P McTaggart ; snow aj.ples, John W 'Jas Spell ; fall pippins, Mary Mit- t'ell, • P McTaggart ; colverts, John Cope - and, ,Alex MeE woe; King of Tompkins, hoe " C„dmore, Thos Rowe; Alexanders, L enter, Geo. Nott; Swears, Jas. Airte; rib - ton pippens, Geo.. Kerslake ; Wagner, John opelaiid, Geo Nott ; Swayzie immure gris ohn Copeland; American Golden Russet, hos;.Russel, Adam Case; Maiden's Blush, • Gitpeland, J T 'Pickard; "Golrlon ' Russett imon Jory; best seedling apples, John Cope- nd, P. Andrew; ben davis J J Pickard, olin Andrew. PEans,—flemish beauty, Jas Airth, John GRADES.—Cow, Jas Pickard,. John Hooper. S Hogarth ; two year old, JoL-� Hooper, Wm Campbell ; one year old, Johi` Hooper, 1st, 2nd & 3rd ; heifer calf, W Westcott, 1st & 2nd, John Essery ; two year old steer, dos Oke, John Willis, Wm. Campbell ; ono ;year old steer', John Welsh, John Hooper, James Pickard ; fat ox or steer, John Willis, lst. 2nd & 3rd ; fat cow or heifer, Jas Pickard, Rich Davis, 2nd & 3rd ; best herd shipping steers. John Willis. ATIONIROS.—Best cow, John Essery. JEn8EV.—Best cow, Geo Satnwel!, 1st & 2nd ; two year old heifer, Geo Samwell ; heifer calf, D McIntosh, Geo Samwell SIIEEP.— LE�,tESTER.—Aged ram, D Har- vey, Goo PenhaIo ; ahem -ling ram, D Har. yey ; ram lamb, Geo Penhale, 1) Harvey, 2ud & 3rd ; pair ewes, D Harvey, Geo Pon - hale, 2nd & 3rd ; pair of shear]ings, D Har- vey, Goo Penhilo, D Harvey ; pair of ewe lambs, D Harvey, Geo Peuhale. SIIROPSnItE DOWNS. —811ear ling ram, Jas Coopsr•, lst & 2nd ; ram lamb, John Dun- Ve can, Jas Cooper ; pair ewes, Jas Cooper, 1st' Joh & 2ncl ; pair shearlings, John Duncan, Jas of Cooper ; pair ewe lambs, Jas Cooper. A ANY OTHER BREED.—Pair' ewes, Jas L' a Picka1d ; pair shrarling ewes, ,Jas Pickard,; rte pair owe Iambs ; Jas Pickerci; pair fat ewes gel Jas Pickard. O fur PIGs.—LARGV, on Maniuu,—Aged boar, flet John Hord ,& Son, Chas Troyer ; boar•litter. Na en in 1887, G W Plewes J Hord ; Del t & Snn, aged sow, J Hord & Snn, lst & 2nd sow Hit littered it 1887, Ed Lamport, Win Me- Joh Laughlin, Joh Sueroihts,—Aged boar, John Leinhardt, Pis lst & 2nd ; boar littered in 1887, John Lein- 1x11 hardy, Geo Piewes ; aged. sow, John Lein. Roo hard;1st & 2nd sow littered in 1887,` John Yell Leinharclr,.ist &2nd.. tom BermsrrtaE.—Aged boar, 3 Delbridge, W Jas C Charters ; boar littoted in 1887. R Dol- Ball bridge, 8 McCoy'aged sow, 1Vm Westcott, coil John Willis ; Sow littered in 1887, R Del kills bridge, D ;\2eIn tos h. PounTRT.-Pair light.Brihmas, F Beattie Jas Down ; Dark' Brohmas, J J Pickard, b Beath, Beattie Buff Cochi ❑H I' Beattie W McLeod ; any other variety et U 1' 0o atus Y Wm McLeod, Jtiord & Son • a Langshans h e ens E H Hord Wm. N g IeLeod ; Plymouth .Rocks, Bis - ewcombe; Duchess Angouleme, J J Pickard 1 os Brock; Bedrre Clairgeau, Jas Gould; holden. Alex Me]3,ven; Louis Benne de ersey, Wm Sweet V S, Mrs Thos Wood. PLUMs.-Lombard, J. Shier. GRAPES &c.—Delaware, John Anderson; oncord, Dr Lutz, Jos Diller;. Rogers 'o 19, Mr. Eacrett; Rogers No 4, Jas Down; y other variety, Dr Lutz John iderson; crabs any variety, not known; to Crawford peaches, A Jol.ttiston, ,Joseph !ler; Royal George peaches, A Johnston s Sweet; stump the world peaches, A. hnston; any 'other variety, not known, Jos ller ; collection canned fruit, John Ander- n, John Willis ; honey 111 comb, Josepb Iter, Miss NI Begg ; Honey in jar, J W 0 ooarth, Jas Tom ;collection of home made nos John Willis, Hay, Jae ,Torn ; maple gar, Miss M Begg ; maple' syrup, Miss M gni• VEGmTAnaes.-early rose potatoes, James ell, Robt McCord ; beauty of Hebron 00- oee, Jas Snell, John Hooper; late rose atoes, A Bissett,, A Johnston • earl an A7 1a D. Ja Jo Di so Di 13 wl an Be Sn tat pot rmont potatoes Win. Persona ; Snowflake n Anderson, Jas Snell ; any variety potatoes, Jas Snell, Jas Airth ; blood beets Johnston, Wrn Follancl ; auger beets, E amort, Win. Batkwill; long mangolds, ns. Russell, Win Parsons • globe man. de, Win Bagshaw,' Thos Russell ; 'mead. nips,' Wm Bagshaty, Chas Dinney ; early 'n carrots, `Wm Polland, A Johnston ;.. rates carrots, H Kerslake ; squash, Rich bridge ; long' orange of red carrots, Walter 1, A Johnston; wl:ite Belgian carro(s, n 5 Dorsey, " Jas Airth ; sweet corn, A nsten ; Indian corn, Jos Diller, 'Thomas sett, sr. water melons, A Johnston ; sit melons, d Johnston ; cauliflowers, Geo k ; red onions, Win Balkwiil white or ow onions, Win Balkwill, Jas Snell ; atoes, Jar Down, A Johnston ; celery, Ca Creech, Wnj Follaud, citrons, Wm instructed to complete the Colleotor's Leesport ; parsnips, Jos Bawderr Roll for 1St17 and deliver s of vegetables, A Johnston ;pump: , e ver the same to , Joseph Bawdoo, Thos Snell sr. the duly appointed collector, on or be - D entl Allis s Jae PI r'v Nott lift Uncle Sam is about to. oitizen from town in the person of i(tr. I Eli Birch, b, who, it is`rumored will leaver us shortly for the ('Lake State" Michi- dwen, A Johnson ; lag carpet, Dougall Bros, gan.' Mrt W Begg, Gen Kerslake; log cabin, quilt, A gent D McEwenq gentleman in town found a ladies' GeoNott, MaryMoEwen;knitted god watch in the fair ground, quilt, Chas Troyer, Jas Martin Mrs WBegg;b nd, p London, + ,during exhibition week. `.3 sflarp'�aleck baker's bread, J A Ingram, Hensall ; crewel present at the tune gave a friend the work, Mary iltoEtven ; special by Thomas tip about the find; bright Fi ton t d n Esq.,.sicand , silver cake basket, for the bo ,eaCly at next imorula eoe oft Ladies' workhe friend" e e P so'g d put .' f any aIn r class,an y Mary Itis, Ewen • quilt en ground work, Robt 'MoAllis..appearance, claiming that the watch ter ; Ladies mitts, .Jas Tom ; crochet' Blip= belonged to a lady friend in Strathroy". pers, M V. White ; berliti wool wreath. Mrs The scheme didn't work as noj�descrip- Thorwood ; Card bracket, Joliet Willis, Hay; tion of the watch could be given. 31e card board work, Chas' Eacrett ; Kensington went away without the: time piece Con - painting, NI V White; Binh on muslin. Mary soling himself uo doubt. with the quo McEwen ; e Knitted curtains, Jas Torn ; tation tithe plans of mice and men gang wreath of pressed flowers, John Willis, Hay.; aftaglee." In future we advise him, to, Darned net, Mrs M Begg crazy oushio`n, stick to his shears and leave the baking Mrs Thos -Woodley ; Spatter work, D. Mc- Ewen. business alone. JQDOIR e.—Fine Arta; Geo. Samwell i'kTM J. A large attendance is expected at our Clarke, Exeter ; Grain, roots, veeretebles. sad' annual fay this week. The entries ex - daily produce, Robt ()barters, Hensall, i W, need thos of any past' year. Dunseith, St Marys ; Fruit and Flower ;`Jno It is understoo-I that :1Ir. H. A. L. Allison, Unborne, D. Sheaf°, Clandeboy ; White has received thea appointment Ladies' wurk, Miss Etlber, Crediton, Mrs 11 Pl of. I'ost•master, in place of P. M. Nicol. E Crocker, Exeter and Mrs R Patterson, nen- deceased. There w about half -a -dot- sal}, Horses, ,Tos White, Si. Marys Thos en applicants for position. Mr. Green, Dublin, Hy Beadle, Auburn Ja roes White' will make a good and efficient Wilson T S London n Light 1 l of c Dr slr< official. tI1ClAl. Sutton, Llaudeboye, Wm Dun etch :St. Every person is pleased'with Marys, Geo blade Ottawa ; cattle li 8 Rab- the appointment. eon McGillvray, A Heal Fullarto.n • Piiiil'try i A number of our music -loving citizens' visited Stratford on Monday evg. to at- tend the ,I3,th Batt Band Concert. - ':They returned on a special, highly delighted with the band's performance. The• 13th is,seconcf''fo none in the Province. '• The town is now agitated over the U,sborne. question of gas, elictricity, coal oil and _ tallow, as a means of lighting therbelat- 1'hennmes of the two ed ciwzen'holnewarcls. Amass pupils in ea"t ' 1s -called fort i meettbs ,. of the arivanced cla'iises 'of S. S. f o- a.'1 pati° h s week to>. -t el *sr ter— Usborue, who obtaine 1 the largest num• matter. It to to"be Iio`r�eu""trtiaE either-- Ser of perfect lessons for the month of September, are as follows :—STaa CLASS, —let, Ida Kydd; 2nct, Albert Hodgson. 4Ta CLASS. —1st, Well,ngton Clark; 2nd Gertrude McCord, Se 3uo Claes.-1st, Chas Harris; 2nd, Edith Westcott. JR. San CLASS. -1st, Elizabeth Prout; 2nd. Chas. Shute, `2ND ()Lass.— 1st, Blanche Westcott; 2nd, Violet Russell GREGORY H. Tom, Teacher. S Mogett Varna, C W bnulop, `Seafortlr; J H Hyndmau ; implements. Wm i'Ioraod Lucan ; sheep & pigs, Wm Pridham I1 filler- ten, Wea Shillinglaw Hibbert; Jas Petty Henalal. gas or electric light will be asked for and received. Complaints are being made anent the management of the offices of the. Great North-west Telegraph Co., and have been formally laid. Is there a beam in the Co'y eye, or a mote to the Beam's eye ? Zurich. Batees.—. We had the pleasure of meeting an old friend this week, in the Stephen, person of Mr. Robt. Buswell, of Goder- ich, a former resident of this place. Fnni.—During the heavy storm on I Rob is looking like his old self again.__ Saturday afternoon, a barn belonging to Owing to the inclemency of the weather Tames Rowland, of the S. B., Stephen'; the tea meeting in aid of theLake View was struck by lightning and destroyed, Methodist church was not as great a together with all this season's crop, success as was looked for, although::. Loss, probably about .$1,200; insured those who were there enjoyed themsei- in the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual nes immensely. Very able speeches' • Fire Insurance Co. for about $900. were delivered by Rev. ltlr. Bridger/Ian, Seems. -Auction sales are somewhat Incumbent of Church of Engiend, Hen numerous in Stephen and McGillivray sall, and the pastor, Rev. Mr. Fear. this tall, and Mr. Ellber, the populxt• The Kippers choir under leadership of M auctioneer, of erection, is conductor of YIellis, rendered some excellent selee- the majority of them. As an auctioneer tions. which were highly appreciated by Mr, Erlber has tow equals. This is prov-all who were, there. The progranlnle• en by the fact that he can make more was short and good, and everybody went money for the owns' than any auctio• home svell pleased with the evening's neer in the section.. entertainment. There is still a quan- tity of eatables on hand, and the Com- mittee have decided on' a social for. Usborne.Councii. Thursslay evening,6th inst. Admission dmission 1ff cents. Go,everybo iy. A good tirne• Council: met Oct. lst, according to ad- guaranteed.- The journment. All members resent. Min- ac6g marsh.el of 11t is rs P again heard inthe'big ` Itis 'ro- utes of the previous meeting read and ported that partridges are plentiful — signed, The season for apple peering has again, Moved by las. Halls, seconded by W. come around, and as usual, Mrs. Mc Kydd, that Bylaws No. 4 and 5 far '87 of the Bronson Li Ilse ala now read be passed.—Carried. Line, made rtho startlestFriday evening. A' number of young Moved by J. Shier, seconded by T people ware therch moron„that the Clerk be and hereby P and say they'had such a good time that they would like to pare apples for iMIrs. McKee once a week. (Wonder how many apples they pared anyhow ?) Camp meeting'eervi. ces.commeneed on 'Tuesday evening in the Evangelical church, and will be eon• tin ped tor a few we l e s.—'Cho heavy e. Y showers' We ,. of rain which have, pr evsil ed for the past week, kept. quite a number of our citizens from attending the 5 H. Fall show at. Exeter, on Tuesday last, Do not forget the social at Lake View Methodist church l'hursday evg,, 6 inst. Admission, 10 cents. --Mee. 'Harris, of, 1 ont •YI' real, is the guest her of t zn clor a ld aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Zollar.-_Admission 10 c. to the L. V. M. C. social on•Thurs- d 'ay evg., 6th inst. Go everybody.—. e.t weather has started in earnest and tf you want to keep your feet dry, re- member t110 hest place in town to Cot root' boots and shoes P is at Fred, Kibbler'swater AIRY PnoDUCE,—Fi.ve lbs, butter, "suflie& y salted E Bell, P Andrew, Robt Mc. tor fifty lbs salt butter t, in tub,civ 'r P ae Cooper,Roble Bell, , 1rilli JV ams:• Cheese ate mule, 10 ! It e. 1 ,Do t all Bros, G eo ,Bagshaw ;checoo fa tntY made,1 , ThosRove, lBlroh,C 11 ANur'ACTuatas.- S,,roveu home mAte quilt Nett, D McEwen • domestic' cloth, J , flannel all _wn sett Bros., Ed Howard : col dorkings, Win )Bags McLeod ; any other' variety cloikings, Wm M McLeod, F Beattie ; b b r games, A Bissett Geo Wm McLeod ; white games, F Beattie, Wm Coop Nott Coo Won sotto Doug Fact Kato horns, Geo Ityntlinau ; white loghorns, Wm single harness J 'I 1 '. MeL Doupe's LootiOYt e . J Pr burg KIRKTO Wm • Beat Beat —0-0-- ands cod ; any other' variety games, W Me- DSpicer • for D a spangled b u a okard, 1st and 2c1 ; orp led h, J g s penciled ham- s, E Hoid, 3' J Pickard ; black hamburg McLeod, Alex McPherson ; houda is, I+' tie. Hord & Son; w o blank pol,.ncls F tie, J 3 Pioltard; any other variety poi- , E H Heal, Wm McLeod ; b}eelt leg - HEAVY DRESS GOODS (new shales) 10e EXTRA YOUNG I.LYSON TEA - 50c. lb; 17 lb NICE, SUGAR' -- $3..00 ,. ,r A NICE TEA SL1 P 44 Pieces - ,'2.2fi BEST LARD1NE OIL, - . 62c. gal 1:3{b Fine Tea, for ;1..00 Plug's iig 8 Chewing Tobacco .'- C S ,, 2:c, It will pay you; to .rive ten t 0 miles buyfrom il] 0 us. PLEASE NOTE OTIR PRICES. ES. P' Price Highest rr e for Bader and. Eggs tore the 15thinst.—Carried, Moved by J. Halls, seconded by W. Kydd, that hat theCollector's Yroc's bond rfor ii 7 be accepted, a ted the same satisfactory P t being —Carried Moved b J. Shier, seconded conded by Jas. Halls, that, as Mr. E. Stone has notified this Council to take away T. Bennett, an indigent, Mr. 1'. Cameron he required ar, A Johnston 0 0 1, ars to secure a place for hip;! and make the ; blankol, Geo best arrangement possible —Carried, blankets, all wool1 Mary M Y oESveu Jas Moved M b W,K d e er • d seconded satinet Y Y d P t, It I{iipstriolc, Johnston • � by �• leu' yarn, Roht Muir, lst and 2nd ; Don; Halls, that r. Brirumacomhe receive $4 u warp woolen weft, R Kilpatrick, lot. the keep of A. Carmichael, an inch gall Bros ; factory undo quilt, Robe gent.—Carried. Muir sat dl. 2nd ; Factory; tweeds, R Muir ; Moved by 1'. Cameron, seconded by J. cry flauuel, Robt Muir, A Johnston ; Shier, that Mr. E. Stone be paid :7.20 bin the t T h ` b d ry blaultets Robt blue 1st & 2i d Folland, 1st and 2nd ; brown leghorns, F 13eattie, 'VPolland black sauish Bissett Bros”3' ; P r Beattie American eeabrights, Bis- sett Bros,' Tilos Profr ; black- rooks, h flow. aid ; any other variety fowls, J Hord & Son' r any variety turkeys, Jos 13udson, J Hord & San , eteclen gorse, F Beattie; any variety geoiio, L Hunter 1111 and 2d ' toulouso eo, e J fiord & Son, '1, /etymon �poltin ducks, 1 H Hord, J J' Pickard ; rotten' ducks, J !Lord &Son, F Beattie , Aylesbnry ducks, Wm Mefieod ; anyvel letytiaake,'Wm McLeod, G Davis ; any variety bantams, J Mord ift Son, F Beattie ; pigeons, F Beattie, D Spicer singing birda, Wm Sweet, A Bissett ; bent fowls any (lase (A G Dyer's prize) J Hord & ). Son, P Beattie, Caicos --•Light brahmae Jas Down dark do, 4 J Pickard, bait' 000lliba, 1'1 l Herd, I i ass,, , ay or, .I o1m �-.Creole double team harness, Jacob Taylor, John Treble; harness; leather, Thos •McCallum r calf skin - leather, ` rhos McCallum ; mired ham, Alex Ingrain; tin :work, Jas -Pickard Bissett Bros. ; coppertvare. Bissett Bros. (+eying machine,; Bissett tiros„ let and 2nd Organ, .D W I{arn";' parlor furniture,' Record & Co. ; bedroom furniture. Rowe & Andrews John Brawn ; Stuffed birds, A McPherson. nee Ants.-�• Wt for 001in c{rawin . Weeke,ri BIOS painting' g, m nil, Julie McCallum. (irat • on eltete , N1 V White, It Hicks ; ponc'1 sketch, 3'. T'otn, Reba Buchanan; collection n! photographs, Jos: Senior Ist & ';nd. FLowrtis.. --Begonias in flower, John Ano derson; gorenituns in flower, John Anderson, hanging basket filled with plants, John An- in pots, Dl, Spi- cer, Collection of flowers' set, John Anderson, being ]6 amOUn cue. !m 10f oar of T. Bennett,— Carried. Moved byW. Kidd,seconded by" P. Cameron, that orders be issued for the. following amounts, Vis , `1, Brimmacombe, $4 • T. Veal, $14 1 . Hicks, $4 ; T. May, $6 ; Ii, Coward, $4 ; ,T..MoDonald, 50 cents ; T. Squires, $25 ; J. Ballantyne, $1,550 t E•` 1letvitt;. 75 aonts ; S, Jacques, $2 ; J. Hein $2,- 50 ; W t>.i, Brack, $5 ; 8. 1?,. Horn. $5 ; S, litartin, $5 ; 14.1, Stone, ' 20' VV Horton, $9 ; E. 11 ewitt,$I2'; h1:. Sam. well, $13'; (4, Pollen, $1,•25; Abray Edwards, $30.—Carried, On 'nation of. W. is dcl, seconded it .. Y. y J. Shier, the Connell adj,turned, to meet again the first Saturday in November, at 11 o'clock, A, 3j G. W, IferAr.ty, Clerk. aworrum ilooat cot' zrati 'Unite—Mr.. D Steinbach is bound to make the mil- linery business a SUGees i'lr. S. has se- cured'a hill line of Fall milliner' } . lie has also secured a first-class milliner from London- to take cl ' •o, Re- member yen sou get an thinly to s required Y e that i s, q ted ]n the way.of Blower , , s, • 1 ps, cCr,c,, &c. Give him a call and be sato. tied WEAR, PREPARED T P 11t1�1. Ait,a.,.D .l, Cl PROVE that C Imperial Cream •'+ , p G ate Cattatr :Baking 1 ulvuoi Cr t a,ns uo nlum, arnlnpuin, phosphate or any impurity orir adulterant, lint is ni0de of very best Oeysl i1 Cronin 'l'srfnr 'find 1,' , 13iearb Soda,—E'1 3, �o li5lt