The Exeter Times, 1887-9-1, Page 1P:
e'14-" x0ub(�}1} tcD4triki Notary rola
40a44yAnoci Qaiutllist3ioal4r, &o, itiloneyto
;Q41941 Oat' " 401 s Pienlr,t'iketot,
Barrister, Solicitor, "Conveyancer, DtC,,
Ot11ceSAmwefeplileek Deli old since.)
1)arristers? Solicitoxs, No a i s
t r e . �ublct
Couvey -ancers. &c &c,.
nes to Loan at Lowest " Raters of
n. v, a5nr,Ios`» Y. n14401";
StrE; ca•; 101V XDF11P=XS'S.
Graduate of the Royal .College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Hay
inglnrnishedfine Dental Rooms
on 3Ald111S-S'P„ 2, Dona "Cast of Central Ilotel,
Exeter, Ont., where am prepared to perform
all branches of the Dental profession with ease
ski11. -q•�q-�ry,g13=,� E11�OR
usedin extract/5g teeth. Charges, Moderate;
Terms, Cash.
Snmwell s Block,, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Filings and all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
co Surma on last Thursday in
each month.
L'U'l.'Z', D. M.,
• O.filoeat hisresidene° Exeter.
• P.y,GraduateVietoriaUniversity,Ofnee
audlresidence,1ou: nionLaboratorv•Exeter
TR. HYNi)MAN, coroner for the
County of Huron. Offioe, opposite Mr.
It. Carling's store,Exeter.
O Oche Main
t S t.Exeter, Ont. Re side n
,oe hauserecently occupied by P. McPhillips,
Permanently located in No. 185'.
Qnoen s Avenue,' London, a few doors
east of Post Office. Special' attention: given to
disease, df' the .]lye, bad sight, and the'pres-
ervation of vision : diseases of the Ear, im-
paired hearing,". and discharges from the ear;.
diseases of,the Throat, chronic inflammation:
belega;;feequent cause of deafness'; diseases,
of the Nose, catarrh being a,Gom•nion cease of
rupai'•ed hearing,
HENRY EMBER, Licensed Auo-
tionegr for Hay,Stephen, and MoGilli-
rray'!e",.�*n..ehips. Sales conducted atmoderate
races. ilnlgee-AtPost-oifiee,Orediton, Ont.
TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for thA
tif Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfaction'guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this
g� ,
ur Th.
k'itxtrtilf a 1ir1 la�rbi sI}poting eolniXlence
I aliie a>lrlis in pilturi0 ere lassinq ab)r-
laurholdinla• l)alters strictly to tiha two pound
wegllt» s
itilr. Jnmea Beer, the caretaker ef: Site
hooting grounds' at Lake, Sniith naaved his
familyto.the ,rustic borne Monday,.
W �` T. E g i „F Owing to'tile delay of 4'001410 of •l ed of
LINE, .LJ,T ' Wks l
Ey r�• ;; ai w 0140. saialetone, the woel:lneuof the Trivia
, OR
13 RENTS JAL Concha, FTurOn & BFIlee Bl evince:
t;orNO Non}Ta Paseen e1 The annual pink. of rho ChrieS
Loudon, de tod ' Sne,da School will be ' 'i `
0 E' l xt ...... ,.. �' r y held tn'a toteEr .
Luaati Crossing .,. ..,.-98.0 n, " kr r .aV ,"'ebool re opened of
;napdsboye ... .,, 0.10. 1 Monday., 9n
conttalta ,,, s.t5 tendanoe was larger thti usual upon
,eating p
?OO. PT(1', r .,, : o deg t',1. ng ,lava,
�.r a a,G'r1% lEiausail ,.. ,.. ,.. ..,.0
> 70 a tett .,.;.,"-90:4.501 sass i!or several days last weok the
-APPLY L ' TO•- 13rueofield . .:. •.. " ... 0,1� were not'' watered: 1V ,
hat )law bpt0
x< r •) , Clinton - .., 10.1 Q 9 Elie goiltractol ?
OAPT4IN ,GE0. KEMP. LQEtdeskoro• ... ... 10.87 0.50
1;1 tl4 ... ,.. ,., ,., 10.40 7 0, the dueators of the Usborne
Aelhrave „ 11,c0 7,so Fire Ins: Company' ftteet at 1 uh
IN ES -11E . l IN /A . wi'ngbom, arrive ' ... ..• 11.20 7, 0 Monday ilex,.
+ Oon:a Soma: Pasa4nger Mr. G. F. Dyer intends taking a
Al fl,.
INDUSTRIAL AND ART EXHIBITION. lntitam,depart ,.. 7,con,nr. :o6 P,ar gonia shortly. Cres, is an = lave
E grave .,. ... .,
Blyth - 7.81 4,42 sport.
� � Londesboru' ,.:' ,.. ... 7:40 a"s8 Alnumber of localninirods left for tie.
s Clinton . ... ... .., 8,00 4,11 lake yesterday. to shod the ii1
Rree field . .•. ... m 899 4.20 win t dtGk on the
19th TO 24th SEPt ,1887. liens s 4,.,7 g'
Exeter ... '. ••• 8.88 4;49 .
••• .•. ... 8.47 4.07 the patches are ,r.aretally gone over each
Centralia ,. 8,07 5.07. morning by lovers of the spongy plant.
LIBERAL PREMIUMS Chindeooye :" ,., 0.10 >,20 p bY
7 uoanOrosaing 9,10 5 5 ).Messrs. R. S. & A. K. Hodgins have:
_Poll- London, arrive 10.10 6,OQ sold lot 23 in con. 2 Biddui ph, 100' acres,to
Mr. Robt. Cooper of Usborne township,for
ire shall he happy to re- $6,566.
- 'sive at all times, from any pari of; the Seaforth is in high glee beeause there are
New GroundsNew Duildings, New Race Traok County, items of local news, such as ac- ten brick buildings beingerected therethis
cjdents,or any is e Ybeing
are befog provided for the forthcoming J'' ou interesting inters or year. There are over twenty erected
Jubilee Exhibition at an estimated ever, from any of our subscribers or read- in Exeter.
-cost of- eare generally for the purpose of public- In Seaforth this year the street watering
$120,000,000 tax amounts to two cents per foot fron
The , tax in Exeter is eight cents per
B!Iw X 1'S i�' pacty, -vulval & cowl
.... -.. ... 1)d 7' O,,,Qy'r.,R and• .t',.
,L Sx30610 dQ Uaeit have•euspended Work fqt'
sl Am eettug of the "onng, Mone L1163ral
niut,ri$oi Coil8ervatiye?A#silaiatiorl will be held 'n
_ L awyer' Dfakspxtrs O1#iee, ori Saturcla • oxen'
A le£ Rkte '
eltureh' Q.e 4andaypi' ht Elle.' wfls so den..
days,',' ,het �qos i eS,t}ir44•s�pecta0 . M`to fled Ids. novo
he .at-,--r';d•• nee card walza 404-.b 1 ` aid o i
i t laid nM
t w
n r 0 .,�. n
00011, het a x4 'r
r hall Tkta > . t I a. s al
rP � ata• e t c
place wo ilay;„antlra nlatlll a roar Exeter a:
streets teed•--,INl oo�nilig coltgla;•ta,,rppparterl preva
me of lent amoitl;st'the youu5'and,oldin the nor
there part, of Txebornie R " lkittp.�C)d
Hib mills 5 0)9 fFifl;?Peg9itd9P,r?!luc1r, is a sag
ber"that wifrtelt r3s';;}iotc far lititant,.- .5Ieesre
ar oh',Ranton los have offet'seil.,, o eoinpronnn
at 60 a. on thee:dollar. It ia• Likely all of th
trip to creditors will oolti elle to :the tee.,
tug next» A, Hill attaudanoe Is ' efluested»
Important business,
1 The Ontario ,i4i ntr�,i41 Life 'Assn' Conn,,
n- Sany keeps On iii its course of progression,.
teady, rel abbe and o ar k '1s'
pal. # ,t fast^; ii •.
e i
a le
4 1
n n ,
G _
e f. e u
. t >I -
l) l v
P p c i e new
t .ria. $:ware written in this company here
The petition,uskipg for repeal vote' of
n the Scott Ask' in Ifurort County, 'har-
UI reinainad in the iSheriff's.', office tell'.
o, days Wafter deposititlg,;' will be at once
forwarded to Ottawa, ,and the Govern
went will fix a day for the vote,
A traveller for a Toronto dye works Co.,
was in, town on Tuesday.. A. pink -dyed de
weal;ing.4 pair, of spectacles accompanied
the rig,
no doubt to illustrate the qualities
retention the dye possesses. The canine
created amusement for theanpo}}ips,
The Parkhill Gazette, gives the e orttppai-
tion of the "Irish Nine" base hall club , of
Lucan, as follows : TheScrath Nine frond
Suckerville is composed of two from Lon'
don, two from Clinton, one from Guelph,
ape from London Township, and two 'little
fellows from Lucan, and are more familiar-
ly known as "the Lucan Irish 'ipe."
Mr. Fee, the soliciting agent for The Em-
pire, the Conservative daily and weekly to
be started in Toronto shortly, is doing the
country. Hedhas met with • success much
beyond his expectations, The paper will be .
issued some time, before ,the New Year.
Presses are now being manufactured for the
company and everythingin connection with '
turning out a first-class journal is being vig-
orously pushed forward,
Mr. C• Dorward complains that,parties
who, should "know better are in the, habit of
entering his orchard,`on the Kilpatrick pre-
mises; and destroying the fruit trees. Mt.
D. would not find fault if they wohld con-
fine themseldes tea small feast, but he de-
cidedly objects to parties carrying away the
apples in bags and despoiling the • trees.
In future, parties entering the orchard with
fiat consent wf be prosecuted.
The Minister -of' Education announces that ° t
the regulations which were prepared by the
Education Department two weeks ago re-
specting the High School curriculu,n were
mislaid in the printing office, 'and conse-
quently cannot reach the head masters of
the High Sehouls beforesthe 1st September.
No change, however, has been made in the
Old regulations, eXcepting that Euclid will
clanotslib e
be required from candidates for third-,
Our obituary column this week contains
notice of the death of Adeline, second dau-
ghter of Mr. Benjamin Higgins, of this
aceat e
the age of � ,
She he
Y a was tak-
en doWn, some weeks ago with an attack of
typhoid fever;the ravages of whion caused
her death'on Friday evening last, Deceas-
ed was well thought of by her many lady
associates, and by wholn /she will be great-
ly missed.
Editorially, the St. Marys Argus says:-
"`Iron has made its appearance near Exeter,
inpaying quantitie3s. with some ':indications
of gold." "The extent of the iron Imine" it
says "is still undetermined." We are in-
debted to our totem for the information,
but would consider it a greater indebtedness
if the editor were to describe the location of
such mine. Would it be ,too' presumptive` 4,
on our part'tosesk for,theartieulara of: the
discovery on the Q. T.
We have received from our old and much
respected friend, Mr. N. J. Clarke,. of Butte
City, California. late of Usborne town-
ship, who, upwards of two years ago, emi-
grated thither, a large pamphlet, giving a
]lflstory of, and portraying in a lucid style
the advantages enjoyed by Colusa County.
'residents' The book,` from beginning to
`end, is interesting,describing the popula-
tion, wealth, climate and , seasons, produc-
tions, &c. From what we can learn, Mr.
Clark likes -the country very much.
At a meeting of the lvlillers''•Association
f Huron, Perth, Grey, Bruce and North
1'ellington, held at Palmerston, the follow-'
g resolutions, after lengthened discussion
Mushroom season opens in a few weeks.
H tLIi' A MILLION DOLLARS Mr. W. H. Gilpin, chemist of St. Marys,
who is taking a tour through to the Pacific
coast, speaks very highly of the appearance
and prospects of Manitoba.
Mr. Will Gundy, "late book-keeper for
Messrs. Samwell. & Pickard, on Monday en-
tered the ofince of Mr. R. H. Collins for
the purpose of studying law.
TEN CENTS per line for firatinsertion, and
FOUR CENTS per lice for each subsequent in
sertiou will be charged f notices appearing
this column.
Will be represented by Om Live Stock display
Grand exhibits in pain tin gStatuary &;Sculpture
The committee of attractions aro preparing
a splendid programme: Better than ever.
Send your address oh a. postal card fora copy
of tbo Prize list. For all information write, to
the Sent etary;
A. NV. PORTE,Pres. GfIO, Mall ROOM, Sec
We, wish to call especial attention from the
farmers and.others requiring tile, that Mr.
George Moatz, of Lot 11, Con. S. Stephen, Credi-
ton ,'P:O.,has on` hand a yery lame quantity of
At the Following Prices :
2i inch. Tile,. . ... ... $ 8 per M.
4 „- 10
5 "
34 "
20 "
8 50 "
Seven inch.tile can be furnished if required.
The above azeof best quality.
.Crediton, April 14, 1867. GEORGE MOATZ
nary Surgeons., Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinar3 College, Toren -
to, have an office for
tbP treat meld of all
Domesti " Animals, on
11.instr et Exeter. Calls
attended to:- Medicine for Horset Cattle,8re
always on hand:
JUST Received a complete stook of Truces,'
Shoulder -braces, Supporters, &•c., at the
Central Drug Store, C. LUTZ, PPOPRIETOR.
Those Fall and Winter Boots and Shoee;
have just arrived at C. Eacretts, also a geed
Assortment of Harness, Whips, Trunks.. &
Valises. A call solicited. Butter and eggs
taken in exchange for goods. Alas a _Aw-
cless Brick House for sale. C. EACREI$..
Stop it at once. What ? That cough which
is troubling you. Call at the old stand'' Dr.
Lufz's Drug Store. and procure a 25 cent
bottle of Hallamore's Expectorant. Thls
preparation. has been the popular cough niix-
ture of Toronto for over 25 years. It invari-
ably gives speedy and permanent relief from'
all colds, aougheand chest troubles.' It
safe'aud pleasant, always sure the worst of
coughs to quickly care.
Fruit jar corks, gem rings, sealing wax,;
insect powder and sticky fly paper at the,.
Central DrugStore, S re C.
� ,Prop.
A new organ for sale,
atisoffice. t, .
A number of the sports left on Monday
for the hunting grounds at Lake Smith,
pear Grand .Beud. The duck shooting sea-
son opens to -day.
One would suppose that
pp there was°con-
siderable electric gravitation about St."
Marys, when ibis learned that no less than
five buildings'have been struck by lightning
there within one week.
The wild duck will suffer to -day, as this
season for shooting the game.
is the open
They are scarce in this vicinity but
reported plentiful at the: lake. The
rods are jubilant.
Oyer 35 tickets were sold here on Friday
7� ast for the excursion to Niagara , Falls..
er few o
y of the excursionist: retained until
Monday, having remained to hear...
Sam Jones.
thirteen sun
men we '
n went r
1 l l : pishing on Monday and succeeded in ; catch
or exchange for a n •`:..pian ,,.of the long -limbed horse. A } this � .,. Y ,g limbed teauties:.
Apply f
• b
This. is. said>to•bethe•finest,,frogging -neigh-
orhood', in Ontario.
Mrs. Duncan, wife of `Alex Duncan, s
of the Usborne & Hibbert'Fire Insur
Company of Usborne, who has been
previous meeting were read and confirmed.. extended' trip through Algoma retu
B RO'V N I N ( ' S Moved by J. Pickard sec. by T. B. Carling, home Saturday evg. Mrs. D. reports
that Mrs. Fanson be paid $9.00 in full for iness booming in that district.
hall rent to date. -Carried. Mb`ved by T. We are informed and upon good authority
P. Carling, sec. by D. Johns that figures be� that the 'average yield of fail wheat in
asked from the several Insurancagents) Ushorne this seasonwill be twelve bushels
here for insurance on town hall in the sum to the acre, while the average yield in
of $3000.00, terms and names. of companies I Blanshard township will not exceed eight
to be submitted to the council at the next I bushels to the acre.
N• • f meeting. -Carried. Moved by T. B Car- The bigoted head who sits supreme in
L 1l n (� ling, seconded by W. G. Bissett, that CIare the sanctum of the office - of the Goderich
►, lIl Tackle- Bros: tender for furnace for town hall be Signal wielding the pen of egotism obtuse-
accepted. -Carried. Moved by W. G, ness, and veriinnism has as yet neglected to
Bissett, t ., »r• v revamp the falsehood "that the Exeter TIMES
had become defunct."
Mr. H. Kinsman,. dentist uses the latest
and best anaesthetic--"VEGETARLE VAPOR."
Citation Meeting.
The 6ouncil met pursuant to adjournment
at Dre Rollins' Office, g4th Aug 1887. All
the members present. The minutes of the
John Spackmet ,Exeter
Loaning Companies renresented.
Barrister, Exeter,
Turned un all RIgl4t, r'risr .
On Friday evening Mie'. Oliver ' Johnston
of Clinton, (formerly of'll eter), drove out
to a friend's on the second tion. of Hallett,:
securely tying his horse to the fence. When
ready to start home ' he 'wag considerably
alerrned'on finding thatllis horse and buggy
had mysteriously drsappenred. 'Se spent
the night in searching for titian), but with-
out success, and concluded that they had
been' stolen and driven away, but • his feel-
ings were agpreably relieved' next morning
to learn that that the horse had been found
tied to the fence. near the Hallett Catholic
church. A couple of boys hadfoundit wan-
dering along the road, and tied it there.
Mr. Johnston is satisfied that the horse was
driven off, as it had been tied in such a way
that it was impossible for it to litosen itself.
This Summer's weather.
The August report of the Ontario Bureau
of Industries gives the following record of
the phenomenal: weather of this summer ;-;
The summer teiti�perature' and sunshine re-
cords of Ontario this year show considera-
bly; higher averages than those of the five
years, 1872-6, but average .of ' rainfall is
considerably less The Mean . 'temperature,
of May was 8° to 10° higher ; tit June, 1 to
2 deg. , and of .Tuly, 6 deg. ; while the high-
est in the five years by 7i deg", the July
record ranging from 90 deg, Su Simcoe to
100 deg. in Hamilton. The sunshine for`
May was 40 hours and for July »;..1 hours in:
excess of the average of the past four years,
and fire June it was 30 'hours lids; for the'
stations fiotn Toronto westryardthe July'
average of this year was 321 hoF'ns, against
261 hours for the four years. ",The rainfall
of the' three months in the west and south-
west, centre and 'east and north east die
tricts was 4- inches less' than the 'average of
the five years 1882-6, but ' ottly`°i,j•. inches,
less in the north' 'and 'north-west, district.
In the^liatter the fall of July ' egeeedud the
average by nearly` -an inch; lieing11 'inches'
more than in the eastern'distria and two
inches more
than in either' r of tljn others.
The general effect of the ` long ,geriod of
drouth was accentuated by the "high' teiii-t
peratute` and' clear sky which (prevailed
throughout the maturing stage of cereals.
Notes About the Station.
can an Thursday Iast Messrs J'. &'T. Hurley,
rued coal dealers of Detroit, shipped a car lead
bus- .of horses to that city, to be used on their
delivery wagons. The animals • are fine
specimens of horseflesh, -Messrs. Wood
Bros., on Tuesday, shipped a clir load of
cattle to Montreal for exportation. The.
animals' were purchased in the vicinity. --
Mr. McGarvey of London, shipptid on Sat
urday 3' cars of ashes to Greenland, N H.
to he used as a fertilizer. -Mr, Jas. Oke
shipped two cars of cattle to Black Rock,
to • be forwarded to New ; York. --Thirty-
five tickets were sold at this station on
Saturday for the Niagara Falls and Grimsby.
Park. -On' Monday, Mr. John Willis cattle
dealer of this place, shipped' a car of prime.
cattle for export, to Montreal. -Mr. R. S.
Lang, the noted apple vendor, shipped a car
of fall apples to Montreal, Tuesday. The
load was sold to Messrs. Upond; McBride
& Co., of that city. Mr. Lang ships a car
to -day, (Thursday) to Manitoba. -Mr, Jas.
Pickard despatched a car of his celebrated
brand "choice extra"
'Tuesday. -Messrs. Bissett Bros. have, dur-
ing the past week, shipped several cat -loads
of wheat to Preston and Galt, for milling
purposes. -Mr, John Parsons is daily ship-
ping tan bark to London and Burlin. -The
LWAYS A FULL LINE council adjourn tor two weeks: --Carried.
J. SUTHERLAND, Henea11,10a11 and Examine for Your-
• Ont., Conveyancer, Commissioner, Fire
and Life Insurance Agent, and Issuer of Mar-
riage Licenses. All business transacted strict-
ly confidential. A call solicited. Office ; at the J. W. BROWNING, Prop.
Post Office.
Established in 1863.
This con4anv has been over Eighteen
years in 9 uccessful operation in Western On-
tario,andaontinuea to insure againstloss or
damage by Fire ,Buildings,11,1erchandise ,Man -
able property. Intending insurers have the
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
Cash System •
During the past ten years this Company
hasissued 57,098 Policies. covering property
to the amount 0940,872,038 ; and paid in loss-
es alone $709,712,00
AssetS, S176,100.00, consisting of Cash
n dank; GovernmentDeposit, an d the amass"
eased Premium Totes on/hand and in f ore e.
Secretary. J. S. Unarms, inspector. CH r.s.
The Royal Mail, Paseenger and ereight
Route between Canadatand Great Britain and
direct route between the West and all points
on the 'Lower St. Lawrence and Bale des Ohm-
leur, also
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
P. B. Island Cape Breton,
and Jatnaiea.
Now and elegant Pul- ltria- n',33tiffet Sleeping
nd Day Cars ran Ott through EXprefel trains,
Passerigersfor' Great Britain or fhe Conti,
day will join outward Mail hteattler at Hali-
fax a, M, Saturday, r
end ge neral tnerchandfae.
Years of experience have proved the INTER-
OOLON1AL in bonnection with Steamship
linos to and from Loudon, Liverpool It'rtd
Glasgow to ,Hallfax, te be the quickest .froight
Information as to Paseenger and Freight
rates can be had on apPlieation to
ROB 811IT 11. 161/ ODIE
Western Freight ,kraesertgtr Agent
ranters, Ationlion I
The undersigned would respectfully inform
the community that they have leased the above
mills for a term of years ; and will be pleased
to have a call from all. The miD has recently
been improved, by the addition of new mach-
inery. It is the intention of t'.6.e subscribers to
add a set of rolls as soon as possible ; and all
combined, the
Woodham G-rist Mill
Will be second to none in the West.
Gristing and Chopping. Done
Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or
exchanged for oats.
J. ccz A. MeNEVIN,
Barber Sho
A. Hastings, Prop.
Shaving and Hair cutting in the latest styles
of the art.
Every attention paid to (eating
Ladies and Children's A*,
n Tuesday evening last a young man I ersons in consumption and heart disease,
who claimed to be a doctor and hails from 1 and all others can safely take it, and have
out west, made his appearance on the mar- I their teeth extracted, and not feel it. See
ket square, and commenced Selling; medicine I his card in another column.
To d.raw a crowd he commenced singing I 13ruesels is to have another paper, to be
songs and telling funny stories to amuse his published in tbe interest of the Conserve -
audience. After a while, however, he coin- tive party, by A. II. N. Jenkins, late pro-
menced giving away what he called gold prietor of the Durham Chronicle. The ven-
watches to every purchaser of $1 bottle of ture will douhtleseokeve a success as Mr.
medicine. Nearly every man on the sq,uare Jenkins is a practioMewspaper man. The
invested, imagining that he was going to paper will be issued at once.
get a handsome gold watch for a dollar.
However the elegant gold" watches turned Prof. Wiggins has predicted a big storm
out to he of the purest brass, with no for Sept 19th next. He says it will cross
works. If any of the purchasers are asked the meridian of London on the 16th, corn -
anything about it they will claim they ing west, and will e:ctend across half 'he
bought itsfor the medicine awl fin the
watch. Wingham Times,
The first rnnaway fer several znonths oc-
curred upon ourI streets on Thursday last.
Mr. Frank Knight and wife had come down
town to do some shopping, and had tied , .0 some miding.• We presume it was the
their pony in front or -Mr. S. C. Hersey's former, as we have not heard of any huild-
gtobery. The flies were very tronblesome ing being destroyed or yet an attempt
and becoming restless the pony by some having been made to that end. They were
means elipped the bridle off its head and given the matches. however.
The nut crop this season promises to
the heaviest known for years. Walnu
and butternuts are of prodigious size, al
the limbs of 'trees are bending• under tl
sveight of the fruit. Hickory nuts also pro.
American continent on the 19th, being ve
destructive.on the sea. He says it will i
crease owing to the position of the plane
The other evening three young ladies ca
ed at a certain place in this town a
sought matches. It is not known whether
they wished to light their pipes or set 'fire
flour to Montreal
were nnanimouslycarried withone exception:
Rev. Mr. Turnbull and wife of St. lielarys
ry spent last week with parentshere.-Miss G.
n- McConnell, of Exeter hasbeen selected.from
ts, a number of applicants, as head milliner
n. in Mr. D. 13. McKinnon's establtslinaent,
ng Blyth. -Misses Maggie and Ida Routledge
left. It came down Main street at a terri-
fic rate, for the first couple of squares keep-
ing the centre of the road, but when near:
ing the Central hotel, ran dose to the side-
walk, and passed through a verysmall space
between the walk and the 'bus, which was
standing there at the time. Here the pony
was completely detatched from the buggy.
The horse was not ats all injured, but the
buggy was considerably bent and brOken,
while the harness was severed in many
places. One of the 'bus horses was slightly
Injured by the collision.
A Retaliatory Base 13011 Match,
On Thursday last the married men chall-
enged the single men to a game of base ball
merely to retaliate if it were possible for the
defeat received at the hands of ihe single
men on civic holiday. The game was called
at two o'clock p. svith Mr, J Bowers as
mnpire, The first innings the "Roughs"
scored twelve runs, which must have ratt-
led the married men, as their playing, from
that to the finish was characterised by er-
rors and confueions, as will be seen by the
Searre appended,
The Reugha it will be Seen had Mie inn-
ings' spare. 1Nie married mon have lost
ell coeceilan themselves and will not try
conclusiOnsIvitb the Roughs' again,
That- we as an association would approve
of a commercial union between -Canada and
the United States upon a fair basis, believ-
ing it would be in the interests of the com-
munity as a whole, and especially would it
aid and assist tbe milling business of the
country by giving us an enlarged Market
for our product." They evidently believe
that the scheme now in operation is not a
fair basis upon which to achieve the desk -
The following is copied from the Qanadian
merman of Chicago, Aug 19th ult. "Prof
-R. Knight, formerly of Exeter, Ont.,
ho has been travelling for' some months
rough the Western States, and who is
eatly pleased with the west, has settled
wn to the practice of his profession-
usic-in the city of Concordia, Kansas.
e has been appointed organist to Ihe s
Grand Ariny Re -union which will be held
at Concordia in Sept., sesthat he has made
a good 'commencement in that atty. His
success there may be said to he assured."
We have some good. musicians in Exeter,
cal and instrumental) and some miserable
ones. On Monday night anyone who might
have been passing along Main street could
not avoid beinsgattracted by the singing of
a couple of young men in a certain house
not many squares from the eew town hall.
We svogld advise the young men ill question
to cease their present avocations and em-
bark in the music line. They- have entirely
devia,tedrfrom their callieg. We might say
that "George, the hatter" prosiled at the
of Hyde Park, are spending their summer F
holidays at pashwood and _Exeter. -Mr. w.'
has also left for the city of the straits, E
Geo. Willis /nod family have left town and th
gone to Detteit to reside. -Miss L. R. Weir ,
-Miss K. Gundy, formerly of Exeter, 01
spout last week in Exeter. -Arnold I3ower- -11
, man left last Monday to attend the High
School at Clinton. ---Mr. H. Wilkins and J.
Pss N. Hooper are in town. -Mies Essery, of
1° Exeter, is visiting the Misses Lee, of Lon -
'e don. -Miss Mary Sanders has returned
mise to be plentiful, whilst the chestnut
will be fully an average. And what is very
umumal, when there is a good crop of nuts,
the fruit crop is splendid this year.
The tower of the new town hall is almost
completed. The bell will be raised this
week, and the clock placed as soon as the
plaster iS dry which willbeabout two Weeks.
r. Hese the maker of the clock was in
town Monday putting the dials in`positiom
When completerl tlie building will present
an imposingappearance, and will look much
better than people anticipated:
The initial number„of the Blyth Standard
came to hand last week. The paper is a
Inight and newsy sheeti and is published
by Mr. R. T. White, a graduate some
years ago of the ',UTAIES office. 3f there be
a continuation of the cordial support now
succeed. It is indeed healthY looking
paper for a small place, and the pOtrons
The following letter, together with a
stun of money, WaS received last week by
Rev, S. P. Robinson, incumbent of Christ
chem.!) from I% Coughlin Ilse, M. P. for
north 'Middlesex :--'‘Illnelosed please find
, small eontritertee to yonr good work.,
Threshing reports are somewhat =Ara- Mr Trivitt's example is one which should be
dictory. Samples ot new wheat and oats followed by eveey man of means, May he
received are very line and weigh. )vell, live long to enjoy the fruits of his Indus-.
Earley is reported very light in weight and try. Wiehing yon every succose in your
short quantity. Many farmers speak mideetaking. remain, yours respectfully,
dolefully el everything but hay, which is a T. .Conottr.m." Mr. Coughlin's generous
A. CALL SOLICITED good crop and generally well saved, spirit is here exemplified.
home ftom her trip east. -Miss 'Browning
her brother, 'Dr. MerhoWnine hero --
The Misses Thomas, who hage been the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Clarke, re-
turned to their home in Cobourg last week.
-Mr. John Gould, who has been compelled
to keep his chair for some weeks owing to a
swollen leg, has recoVered sufficiently to be
able to attend to business. -Rev. Julie
Holmes, pastorof the King-st. Meth. church
London, and wife, are visiting friends iu the
village and neigh borhood.-Mosars. S. Man-
ning, E. Ruse and P. Clarke, who have
been. rusticating on the shores of lake Tinton
for the past week, returned hethe Ttlesday,
They report having had a good. time, zel-
thougsh the nights were uneoinfortably cool.,
-Mr. john Evansi who fell front the seaf,
folding at the hew toWn seine weeks
ago, receiving a broken ankle, is progrein.g
nicely. -Miss May Elliott, of . Jbendon,
yisiting friends in Exeter, and
4. Cathcart, Grahams, 30. Acheson aid
,teverta othere of St MarySi visited Exeter
On Sunday last,--MiSs Muttatt, who has
been visitii-e; Mends. in Stratford, foe the
John Weekes, of Candi* Vieietieg friends
in Exeter and vicinity. -Is Meissen,'
throughout Middlesek,
The Ameriettn trade dollar, which is at
present in Canada in -large numbers, is now
of little or no value. To -day the United
States Government ceasee to receive the coin
except at its bullion value.
The concert given on Tuesday erg. under
the auspices. of the Royal Templars of Tem-
.perance, in Drew's Opera IIeuse was faitly
well attehded.“ The programme was ren-
dered to the satisfaction of all --both home
and foreign talent doing eatceptionally web],
As space will not permit es going into de-
tail wo might so that the conceit was the
bestigiven here for some time, The pro-
ceeds amminted to ripwards of $10.
Frogs togs,
On Monday erg:. last, a pttrty oonntosed.
of the Vet.? beet 'pumie material env
eentains, drove from here to the watery
habitation of the eilettioris croaker.,
tribe succumbed to the dibble dabble of eur
experienced sports. After securing ir
ficieetonantity of the delectable game for a
fey, the,party arljourned to Ny spot on
the marehy green, where all hands and the
cook got to work mid tho'ac present sky
every person had 'a geed time,