The Exeter Times, 1887-8-25, Page 41 '', deter nem. . B TTh IA 1, A.'UG.Ui T.25th, 1887 The railway discstera of 1887 have e-1 oeoded anything in the history elf this continent. First,, the awful disaster at Fepublio, on tate Baltizhtore st Ohio ;rail road ; then the White River, Yt., catas- trophe, followed by the plunging of a teeohing of aeY special religious dootrines. FRANY IrL"ST 14+, Bu PAY 11/APAZI(A34 f' The September number of this we1o4ir4e.' zuat;asine.brlp(ws together a large unmber of pleasant articles oot binipg ipstruotien and eutertainrneet, and all breathing forth high moral spirit, though carefully avoiding the 14Tx ANNIVERSARY train through a bridge in the Boston sub' Among he important extrudes m ay be foend one by Walteron'TheRise NOTICE TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CQNO RN;— I hereby caution an)" person giving goods oSl my account", unless awritten order trope pie is so presented,con ass I will het be responsible for debts (4—int.) JOHN TA N k LLS, Usb erne, WHEN YO RE IN Do Not Fait to Visit the ivL tiL moth ft was fourteen years ago the 23rd of tis , and now the see ening horror at le fully i uu ra e w portraits_. August, since the drat number of Chatsworth which exceeds in the number Of the CitY. of wasbiugten and thoeo wlho aril ; after that the collision at St. Thom- t and Growth of our Natio* Capital," which h k 1 t l' f ll 'll �t t dith and views have made itfemous. "The Domesday13ook o William the Conqueror," is a curious ex- cursion into the fields of arohatology,'and a fat -simile of a page of the famous heck is' shown. "Our Sweetheart" is a tender short story by Mrs, Dduison, Professor Proctor discourses learnedly on the "Origin of Meteors and l:omets, and C. F. Hold on )'The monster Sea serpents of the Oretaoeons Seas." Several very beautiful full-page il- lustrations are Riven. reproduced from famous modern paintings, Dr. Talmage contributes a stirring sermon on "The Secret Society," and dl. cusses timely matters editorially, The two serial stories both keep up and indeed in- crease their interest, the short articles and poems and entertaining, CATTLE ESTRAY the THe s was issued, Fourteen years f -r " ^"^-'^—S TQ R E s is a long time to look forward to, and yet looking book upon that period, it seems comparatively short, though it has been crowned with many events, not only of a local but of a national and world-wide im- portance. When, amid not a few misgiv Ings and fears of our future success, we undertook the starting of the TIMES, Ex- eter was a very small, though steadily growing and prosperous village. Like very other place of the same kind in Can- ada, it has its ups and downs—its periods of prosperity and depression—and though its progress has not been phenomenal, yc t it has been steady and substantial, thanks to the energy, enterprise and public spirit of its citizens. We have always taken a wsrre inserestin encouraging of industr'e to locate in our midst, In every move- ment we have endeavored to do our duty to the best of our ability, and have al- ways felt a pride in holding up our pretty village and placing it in the proper light to the outside world. Fourteen years have elapsed and many political changes have taken place in the country ; several general elections have been held ; many changes of a political character have taken place; but it is a sat- isfaction to us all to know and reslize that the Dominion has made rapid and steady pronress, and that our own province has shot ahead of all sister provincesin wealth intelligence, enterprise and in the devel- opment of her resources. What the fut- ure may bringforthwecannotsay. What- ever changes time may bring forth in our system of government we cherish the be- ief that Canada is destined to go on in her career of prosperity and progress, and that asregards Ontario her future may be brighter and her advancement more rapid than in the past. As regards the TIMES personally it is not necessary to say much. When it was started the future looked gloomy, a view of the situation assuring us that our suc- cess would be speculative. Undaunted, we pitched our tent, and as we received liberal support from all, we succeeded be- yond our anticipations and from that time forward kept with the growth and pro- gress of the village. Years of hard labor, close attention to every detail of business as well as to every local object and enter- prise, soon gained for the paper a high standing and a large circulation, which latter, we are glad to say is steadily in_ creasing. If the same care and attention as has been bestowed in the past on our work will continue to accomplish the same objects in future, we can promise that they shall be. given. We have very many subscribers on our books now who took the TIMES on the day upon which it was issued, and 'hundreds more have been add- edto our lists. Inreaching this mile -stone in our journalistic career, we have to thank, not only them but the public for he encouragement and support they have given us in the past. We know that their hearty congratulations are with us at the celebration of this, our fourteenth anni- versary. As for ourselves we would be ungrateful if we did not feel an honest satisfaction at the measure of success our efforts have secured. Fourteen years un- remitting work on the press, although not a long period, is a tedious one, but we have experienced much pleasure in that work, along with not a few disap- pointments which invarbaly comes to all more or less engaged in such a business. And in now entering on a new term of work, we have the proud satisfaction that we have endeavored to do our duty, and however long we may he permitted tocon- tinue on the strings, we can faithfully pro- mise to follow in the same course, and keep the TIMES up to a high standard as a local paper not only in the village but in rhe surrounding counties inwhich it]arge- )y circulates. of dead and wounded all the others com- bined. The year 1887 will be looked up- on as a black one in the history of rail- road oasyalities. A. meeting of the young Conservatives of the Dominion will be held in Toronto on the 13th and 14th September, the second week of the industrial exhibition) There will bo no limit to the number of delegates from each electoral division. Addresses will be delivered by Sir John Macdonald, G. C. B., and other statesmen Anyone wishing to attend can have cre- dentials signed on application to the Pres- ident or Secretary of any Conservative As- sociation, any Conservative member of Parliament, or the Editor of a Conservat- ive paper. It would be a much better thought for the local Association to call a meeting at once, appoint delegates, and issue the credentials. Let a meeting be called at once. A Moncton saloon keeper was convict- ed the other day for selling liquor con- trary to the provisions of the Scoot Act, and was liable to imprisonment, but as he is in consumption and as imprisonment would kill him a compromise was merci- fully effected with hint. He was to pay the costs of the prosecution and go free, provided he shipped his liquors to Halifax and stepped out of the illegal business. One portion of the arrangement was car- ried out, but the saloonist continued to sell contrary to law. When proceeded against for continuing the offence he took action against the lawyer through whom the arrangement was effected and now for compromising a felony, this lawyer is in gaol for twenty days. and are very good THE Globe is informed that petitions have been sufficiently signed calling for a repeal vote to be taken on the Scott Act in Dundas andGlengary, Dufferin, Guelph St. Thomas, Huron, Bruce, Halton and Simcoe. If the prayer of the petitioners is granted and a vote taken in the differ- ent localities named, we presume that the electorate of these municipalities are intelligent enough and will not require to elicit information as to the workings of the Act, but will be in a position to vote accordiegto their own convictions, two and a half years being ample time for one to form an opinion, as to whether the Acti has advanced the cause of Temperance? and morality or otherwise- The election will take place under the Dominion Fran- chise and those only whose names appear- ed on the last revised list, will be entitled to Tote. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A olute!Y Pure. Strayed from the premises of the undersign- ed, Lot 9, eon, 12, Osborne, on or about July 23, nine yearlings and one two year old, The two year old is of a roan color, one of the yearling steers is a large red, with white feeo,and white spots on body. two heifers and t*va steers red, three heifer spotted, add ono e andwhite ss to 1 red v p steer. Any persontvieg information as to their whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. W. R.5 ARSBALL, (Aug.18—$ a) iiirkton P. 0. Thi s powder never varies, A marvel of pur- ity, strength and wholesomeness. More econo- mical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum orphosphate powders. Sold only in cars.—ROYAL BAKING POWDER CC,.1OO Wall street, N. Y The Bank of London suspended pay- ment on Friday. It would appear from rumors that the President, Harry Taylor of the Bennett Co., having left the coun- try, in part caused the suspension. et,Fie left in the fore part of last week, and took with hila $20,000, which he had drawn from the Bank of London just previous to bis departure. He has not been heard of since, and it is said will not likely re- turn. Some ascribe the failure to the over -drafts of local concerns to,the amount of $300,000 which it could not pay. The President it seems was interested in a number of`manufacturing concerns and to these he advanced all the money that they required on security thatwas not of the best. The nominal subscribed capit- al of the Bank was$1,000,000, but only $212,973.69 of this amount was paid up. The President himself held $313,400 on which he had paid $35,156.83. There seems to be no doubt but that the deposi- tors will get their money in full ; that the Bank of London bills sre still as good as gold, and that the shareholders will not lose a dollar. In consequence of the bank suspending the Bennett manu- facturing company, assigned Friday morn- ingto Henry E. Nelles. The Western Fair Association had deposited in the hank, $2,700, and had over $1,000 in checks and bills on that bank intheir safe. , EDITORIAL NOTES. The writ for the new election in Otta- wa county will be issued at once. Nom - Illation will take place on the 3rd of Sept. and polling on the 10th. According to a report from Washing- ton the American transcontinental lines of railway, smarting undei the competi- tion they meet at the hands of the Can. clic Pacific, propose to invite the Con- gress to notify the '13titishauthorities that the United States desire the abrogation of the section of the Washington Treaty ender which geode are carried in bond across Canadian territory. So :many self -binders have been sold this year that there is a great scarcity of eine, and the harvest is said to have been retarded thereby. It is said that one large brut has sold no less than fifty Cutis of twine �:� this season. In this section ;i'I>anyself binders were standing still, owing to the twine famine, and far, mgrs brought their, old reareapersslgain into requisition, tying the grain by hand. The state of those xsaniets cannot be so "hope- less and helpless'' when they are able to 'buy improved machinery on a scale so en- tengi'vo. t,r r.. i tw,,ee,,s (hula Farm for Sale ! A first-class farm, containing 100 acres, situ ated near Brucefleld, for sale. Good buildings. two wells, splendid orchard, good bush, drat- ( lass gravel roads in all directions, Six miles from Clinton or Seaforth, For full particulars apply to Elliot S: Elliot, Barristers. &c., Exe• ter, Ont., or to LiOBT, BARKER, Brucedold P. 0. Sept, lst-2.1n, The Eighth Annual EXHIBITION OF THE SttTUE RM-:-COUI1TIES' FAIR ASSOCIATION, —WILL BE HELD AT THE— CITY OF ST. THOMAS, FARM FOR SALE. First class, one hundred acres, one mile East of Centralia, For Particulars Apply to R. HARRISON, Exeter 1'.0 . TUES., WED., THUS. & FRI., 1887. SEPT. 27, 28, 29, and 3o. Very Liberal Prizes—including many valuable special premiums. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS ! Farmers' Premium Race. Trial of speed for Gentlemen's Road Horses. Running race for Farmers' Horses. Trial of•Speed for Colts. Stallion Race. Single Roadster Race. Race for Lady Drivers. Team Race, Trotting Rare, 2.40 class. Arrangements are in progress,forother attrao tions. - An Incendiary fire wasthe cause of the burning of Charles Strickert's barn at Logan the other nigh. This season's prop, a bell and some farming implements were lost. In- sured for $2,000. Mr Jennings, chief engineer of th C. P. R., was in wingbam on Thursday locating the station grouse, eta. It is reported that'Wing• Lan] is to have one of the finest stations on the road. In a few days the trains will be running regularly. ' On Tuesday evening there occurred in St. Marys a sad and fatal accident. A horse belonging to Dr. Matheson had been driven to the stable, and while being unhitched, made a sudden jump, knocking the boy down, the wheel of the bufzgy passing over hien. The hw'ie tan away and while clashing clown one of the streets, ran against James Donald of Blaushard, throwing him over a bluff, and falling upon him. With great difficulty the anima] which was severely injured, was removed from off the unfortunate man who was still living, He was removed lo; his home and medical aidsummoned; blit to no avail. En died about two o'clock Wedueedny morning, The deleased was' lime of the oldest residents of Blanchard r •lilts fern en whit l] 120 resided for over thirty years wit i cleared by him. A portion of it Es. inside corporation of 1Vi`at s c the c St is fnhid p y r fore going on to the fitful he was fit;st on the loyal r 1'1ai1 line of stoanil oats which ply betweeia 'Montretsl and Hamilton, which. lt'1 for pearl tweet e positron he Itsc� ,. y ars 5 Ir. Donald was ; alt hones ruing,respeote' 1 citizen. and his untimely Booth is deeply regretted' by the ettire eethrourity tie: (eaves a irife and eight childrenMeet of whom fire grown up. Mr. 1Thnald was a no,tive of Perthshire, Late trains from St. Thomas Evgs. ). Cheap Fares on all Railways. See illuminated hangers and mammoth posters. Send for a prize list. J. A. SRl7ANCE, J. A. KAINES, President, Secretary. Salesmen Wanted. F ARM FOR SALE. —Lot 6, in the 4th Con. of .i tephon, six milds fromExeter, Containing 00 acres, 80 clear, and 10 woods. The land is in a good state of cultivation. On the farm 1s a good brick house, two large frame barns, good orchard, good water in wells and springs. Everything handy, a good and pretty Place. Will be sold cheap, Apply on the place, or br letter to To canvass for nursery stock. Steady em- ployment to good men. Salary and expenses paid. Apply at once. stating age. CHASE BROTHERS, Colborne, Ont, r1 UDICIAL SALE. In the High Court of Justice Chancery Division. BAKER vs. £ UXTABLE FRANIC EVANS, it—f) Crediton, P. 0. ARbf FOR SALE. ---Tho under• L signed offers for sal, his farm, being lot 14, con. 5; township of IIsborue, two miles and a half from Exeter 100 acres, about 85 acres cleared and in first class state of cultivation. the remainder bush in which there is some very valuable oak and black ash rail timber ; the farm is also well fenced and drained ; there aro upon the premises. a first class brick •)welling house, with first class cellars two good barn ; two never failing springs and one first-class orchard. For particulars, apply on tie promises, to THOMAS SHUTE, [5-0] Exr'rLnP.O ONT. r IHE OLD 11IcLEOD FARM, Ib; 1THE Township of Hay, for sale. It con- tains 100 acres more or less, bningthe w,!Si half of Lots No, 21 and 22, Zurich gravelroad. Good frame buildings on premises, .,,ncl all conven ieuces; largo orchard of fruit bearing trees. The land is of good quality being clay liauz. Goocl water. Two ane a -half miles from Hen - sail market. The property free from all inoum- pra,nces. Reasons for selling:—Going north to procure more land. Will sell with or without eions. For further particulars apply to this office or to WM. WILSON, Hensel', P. 0. Ont. �iv1ALL FARM FOIrt SALE.—The Undersigned offers for sale 25 acres of good land, being part of the north part of Lot 17.1st Con. of Stephen, within one-half mile of thevil- lage of Exeter. Tho land is in a first olassstate of cultivation, there is on the premi- ses a good brick house, good frame barn, g od water, and a half -sero of orchard with all kinds of choice fruits, also a first-class cider mill. This is a gond chance fol anyone wanting a small farm close to tho corporation where all kinds of produce meets with a ready sale. Fc r further particulars apply on the premises, or to E. LAA'1PORT, Exeter, P. 0. Stephen, Tnne 29,'87' (t—f) Farm For Sale. Thos Beattie & Co f• — —FOIL— ThS General Dry -Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Carpets and Ho se Furnishings. They show one of the Largest and Richest Stocks to be found in The undersigned offers for silo Farm Lot number1S, con. g, Tp. Stephen, containing 100 acres, 90ta3res cleared, and upon whish is situ- ated good Brick House and Kitchen, Bank Baru and other good buildings, also a largo or- chard, abundance of water, well drained, and everything -iv a firs, -class order, Also NI 18, cou.0, Tp Stephen without any buildings. This is also first-class land and well fenced, upon which is sou -e splendid rail timber. Terms easy, For further particulars apply to Crediton P. 0. GOTI,EIB MORLOCS,'I GOTFREII) OTSTRICHFR, FEx ecutors. L OUISA FA1RTZ,111 Canada. NOTE THE ADDRESS :-176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st. 0111..6.111, Dominion and Industrial EXHIBITION 1887. . TORONTO. SEPTEMEB 5th to 17th. $30,000 in Prizes COO* TNTR1ES F -r LOSE AUGUST 15TH. This, being the Dominion and Industrial Exhibitions combined, will be the greatest exhibition of the agricultural and industrial products of this country ever held. A Grand Programme of Special Attractions is being prepared. Return tickets at single fare and cheap excursions on all railways during the fall time of the exhibition. - `'he Greatest Event of the Jubilee Year. For prize lists and full information addeess J. J, WITHROW, B. J. HILL, President. Myr. and Sec., Toronto Pursuant to a judgment or order made in this thecause and dated the 27th clay of JUNE 1887, of Su well be sold co and with the of th e Mas- ro saio of re will sold y and Esq tent of the Mas- ters the Supreme Court'of.Tudioature for On- tario, at Goderich, AT IIODS?INS' HOTEL, in the VILLAGE OF CEN'TRALIA, at Three , o'clock in the afternoon of —OF— SATURDAY,the 3rd day of Saptember,1887 .ummer Goods ! the following lands, viz.: The SOUTH HALF of LOT NUMBER TWO in the FIRST CONCESSION of the TO 'W NSIIIP of STEPHEN. in the County of Enron, except- ing thereout the allowance for gravel road and the land conveyed to the London, Huron Sc Bruce Railway Nemo se The said land is ell cleared end of excellent quality. Thereis'a comfortable frame house and a good frame barn-30x50feet-on the promises. 'Cl•ere is nese a good orchard of 1 about two acres stocked with choice trots. Tho said lands ore very conveniently situated, being nbeut4 miles ;horn Exeter, and 1 mile from Central in, ane there is a, School !louse, Post Office and llailwity ,station within one mile, Terms -of Sale. Ten par centc-lown on t:1re day of sale tc the Plaintiff's Splibetor, and the ha.lance to be paid into Court within 80days tllereafter'i where the Purchaser will be entitled to possessio,l and to a conveyance, but the purchaserwell be allowed to enter the forthe slat en noxo o . ploughing l p f to hnr p g g immnleiliately after the present crop is reaped. Tho said lauds will be offered for sale subject i ares" b (f. tU e In alt otherrved respects the Conditions of Salo will be the standing,e0ndi Lions. of this court, I?Or furthcrpartieleers apply toilohn fieskin lisp, C. Toronto ()arrow arrow 'andProud foot'1Litrlatert Ootler.eh or to the Plaintiffs $c - tooter. 9)atetlat Gederieh this 26th clay ofJuly 1.S137. 1l. V'.1JLLT.OT, S. MALdelf8011, Thai ntiffs Solicitor, Lose) Master, Litten at l oderieh BE C b ci 1) To new premises West side Maiu•street One Door South of Post Office —AT— ICK & CURIELLEV'S FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. Where he will bo found with A NEW AND COMPLETE Sid of Boots Shoo: Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, JOIEN BRAWN, Lots, Lots, Lots. UNDERTAKER & FOR SA 14X7 CABINET-MAKER, 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Walnut & Rosewood Caskets' Situation good; frontes Oood wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES, & FARMLAND I FOR SALE, - Parties desiring Land or Hoii,ses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to sant purclaa,ser. I. CARLG, EXETER. A GREAT CAUSE of HUMAN MISERY —IS THE OF— c010 A lecture on the nature. treatment and radi- cal eureof Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrh,cna in mood by Self-abuse, Involuntary E nliesio119, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Inlpepi- ments to Marriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy and Efts ; Mental and Physical In- •apacity, &c,—By RUBETT J. CULI' IRWI L, 01.D. The world renowned author, in this admir- able leeuro,$e1earlyprovos from his own ex- perience that the awful consequences of Self - Abuse may be effeetuall.r removed without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, in- struments, 'tugs or cordials ; pointing out a• mode of cure at onoo certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his con - di ion may be. may cure himself cheaply, pre yatoly and radically. ll'e'J hislecture will prove a boon, to thousands and thousands. Sent under senLin a plain envelope, to any acldress,post.pa•tcZ, on recoipt of four cents o two postage stamps. Address, THECULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41Ann St.,'New York, N. Y. P.O. Box, 450 ALSO Corners of EVERY DESCRIPTION A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISFED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. t GIVE ME A CALL See our 5, 6 and 7 ct. prints. In order to clear out our large stock of Embroidery We areooffering them cheaper than any other }louse in ONTAfIO We are selling the halftime of ourstraw Hats away down below cost, A call will satisfy yon that this is.a genuine sale. TRICKCURP'ELLEY MARKET SO JARS EXETER. LOTS OF NEW GOODS --AT-- poupe's Store KIRKTON. —0-0— HEAVY DREGS GOODS (new shades) 100 EXTRA YOUNG HYSON TEA - 50c. lb 17 lb NICE SUGAR — $1.00 A NICE TEA SETT (44 Pieces) - $2.25 BEST LARDINE OII,, • . 62e. gal 131b Fine Tea, for - - $1.00 8 Plugs Chewing Tobacco - 25c. —0-0— It will pay you to drive ten miles to buy from us. CEN TRAL DRUC STORE A. full stock of all PLEASE NOTE OUR PRICES.I Highest Price for Bunter and Eggs. GEORGE HEMP, Family Grocer. Pure CrystalPickling VnECA. Whole mixed Spice for Pickles, which gave such Sat- isfaction last year. Try it. Ocean, Lake /1 General rnsuranoe Agent. � gent. Prepaid Tickets from all parts of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND & GERMANY, For all information apply to CAPT. KEMP Brow's Black and Post -Office, Salt, S alt, Salt The Exeter Salt Works Co 'y Of.' EXETE ,0 it s OPP1111, SALT AT TfP W]iiLL, AT 2,2 PER TON kinds of Dye -stuffs and° package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition - Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared. at -' the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. 500 TUBS Butter Walltjd J. niatheSiony EXETER N OETH, Our Stock is Well Assorted FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED ! GROCERIES!! 16 lbs, sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20 c to 15e. per lb. Boots & ShoesAll Styles) at Low Prices, ( y A nicely. assorterl stock of ' Et Ate R W .A R t !� FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes (Cheap.) Best Alachiq Oil Me per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW IS THE LOWEST. A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.70.. A good suit of ready-made cl.othin for $6, �, Ordered suits got up in (:loocl Style, ,.;,„ Our Dr essCood are. )narked down to the Lowest Notch. YARDS 20 Fort mg Dor4,Att A Hoitst and Lot, also it harm for Sale Apply to MATHESON. TfAY P