The Exeter Times, 1887-7-27, Page 5FRAMs P(jI'nLAI MoNT11nx Interesting Items, For August, In the sultry days of Summer, it is plear an t to rea d of, even if, we cannot enjoy, cool and breezy scenes where Natures chorine never fail to. delight, "Bow Arrow Point, on Lake Champlain, and the Amn- on Canoe Association," by F. G, Mather, in Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, is there- fore acceptable readii,g; and Emily Piorce tells us of the sewn 111 ol)arins of the famous ` New York lake. A, Y. Abbott, in his "Lux- urious Railroading," lots tie into the secret of the manufacture and cost of the niaguificent Cars wl ioh make Arorieau travelling such a comfort and delight, J. H, Lee ldolecanbe, U. S, N,, gives a pleasant account of Kiing- wa, a Oman town he visited, while Anna L. Ward parries us to tui island very near us, yet little known to most people --"Prince Edward Island." "Pen and Pencil Sketches of tehadcland," by Mrs. J. C. Ingersoll Gata is an extremely interesting aecocint of a institution ti or th a isi An Pennsylvania v y visit expert, 0. L. Morton, initiates us into the mysteries of Polo.playing; and if sport allures us, we can discuss "'pocky Mountain Game Birds" with F, M. Endlieh, "Curious Stories of World famous Diamonds," Stories by Mrs, General Lew Wallace, Amanda M. Douglas, Etta W. Pierce, F B. Flallowell, and others, make this a •speoielly attractive Summer number.. RE8OUED AT THE BRINK , THE STORY OFA POOR WOSIAN. I Called upon a poor wo111au who was very' sick, She had not left her, bed for weeks. friends said she 'was dying of ` eon'sumnp- ti l; indeed she was low it seemed that it would be but a very short time until she would pass away. I looked around on her little children and resolved if possible to cure her, but how to du it was the question, I was well used to the different forms of con. • sumption and knew her trouble all came from. the "Bead" and that her lunge were being destroyed by breathing the poisonous secretions into thein. I came Hume praying that God would give me what was wanted to cure her—and he diel iu a strange way A little boy dame into the room where I was and wanted motto look at a star 011 a piece of paper. It proved to be an advertisement of Nasal Balm. I ordered it at once and it proved to be just what t minted as to day the woman's head is all right. She is able, to clo hor own work and is getting strong very fast. This remarkable change was effected by ane bottle of Nasal Balm. En- close 50 cents for another bottle which is for a youug lady hero who has had catarrh for a long time. Please send at once and I will try and make is s worth anowu in this place. It is a pleasure for me to work for the suffer - lug and praise the medicine that deserves it. MISS JENNIE A. MoNAIR, Lions Head, Bruce Co., Ont. 0 ••, • IN BRIEF, AND TO THE POINT. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other things which ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. But Green's August Flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad bus- iness and making the American people so healthy that theycan enjoy their meals and be happy, Remember :—No happiness without health.. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seve..ty-fore cents. Sunday morning last, during the terrific thunder storm, the barn of Mr. James Rod- gers, south of Fullerton Corners. was struck by lightning and entirely consumed, with all the centents, consisting of 21 loads of hay and a new reaper. On the same morning a cow belonging to Mrs. Hugh Wyllie was also struck and killed.by lightning. For Scrofula, Itupoverlslited Blood and General Debility. Scott's Emulsionof Cod Liver with Hypophos plates, has no equal in the whole realm of Medicine. Read the following : "I gave Scott's Emulsion to my own child for Scrof- ula, and the effect was marvelous." -0. F. Gray, M. D., White Hall, Ind. Put up in 50c. and $1 size, The Mayer of Mitchell gets the town councillors -together by the nnging of the town bell. tTOUNG USN Suffering from the effects of i early evil hab`ts, the result of ignorance or folly, who find themselves weak, nervous, and exhausted ; also MIDDLE AGED and OLD.. MEN, who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and READ M. V. Lubon's Treatise on Disea"es of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any ad- dress on receipt of two Ac. stamps. Address M. V. LUSON, 47 Welliugt,,n St. E. Toronto. .Tan.l8th,1887. •1'-y In consequence of the brilliant harvest prospects it isl not improbable that the Canadian Pacific Railway will extend its South westeru line this summer. CONSUMPTION CURD. An old physician,retired from practice, hav- ing had placed in his hands Dy an Mast Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consnm rtion, Bronchitis,. Catarrh, Asthma and r11 groat and lung affections, also a posi- tive and. radical cure for NervousDebilityand all Nervous Complaints, after having tested' its wonderful curative powers .in thousands of oases, has felt Mils duty to make it known to hie suffering fellows. Actuated by this n.ctive and a desire to relieve' human sufferin,,, w.a send free of oh urge, t0all who desire it;. this recipe, in German,Prench or English, w'th full directionsprepn.ring and using. Sent by mail by address Ing with. stamp, naming this panel*, per, W. A . NOYEs,i49 Power's Block Rochester Mitchell ball tossers' defeated the Clinton club at a match in the former place last week, by 8 runs. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Jnlocko allthe clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry. big off gradually without weakening the systone all the impurities and foul humors of tho secretions; et the same title Correcting Acidity of the Sltoinaeh, curing Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, I-Teadachos, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen.. oral Debility"; all these and many other similar Complaints_y�'eld to the happp iii inonee of Bt7RDOCK HLiOD Bl:'t'!lTlfI ylEl,rf73iZ11 4 tit. Profirfottiri, 'lioroOO' A CARD* ARD. To all who ore suffering from the effete and indiscretions of youth, i qivous weakness, eariy`decry, loss of Manhood, de, I will send a rcoelpe the willcure you, FREE 017 CIIAlitalia, Tbis great remedy was cliecoyered by a, Mis- sionary sionary in South America. Send is self-ad- dressed envelope to Env. Tosux?tt T, INIr4N Se t' Neao YorlcOit Tho moulders of the Kingston locomotive iworks who were on strike will return to work on Monday, their request having been needed to, The Difficulty Ex»erienceet. in taking Cod Livor Oil is entirely over- come in Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypopbosphites. It its as palatable as milk, and the most valuable remedv, thathas ever been procluded for the eure of Cons unp- tioutScrofula Wasting Diseases. Do not fail o try it. Put up iu 50e. and iii. size.. Owing to the strike at the mills in Cohooe, New York, large numbers of French Cena:- diens are returning to their native Province, A Profitable Life. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good in this world as the. celebrated Dr. Chase, Over 530,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone. We want every person troubled with Livor 'Com-' plaint, Dyspepsia, Headache. Kidney or Uri Chance 1Syours if you 11 onlytake it. nary to ' I y Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and Recipe Boos 61. Sold by O. LUTZ, Oman Dune STonE, Exeter, Ont. Parasols, .Gloves remnants of Dress Goods, Plushes, Velvets and Silks all to be run of right g. Speedily, and the cash will do it. 737- O ./ iv�•:• m , OSE ,For ca Girls and Ladies falx. And for Mothers grown , �n years. Of Sizes, Shapes and Colors, not a few. Just Look at Them From 121. to 50 dents, Any and All can buy thele, they are so cheap. N EW CORSETS A Big Supply to hand. Special for summer wear. The color is GOLD, and the price just half a dollar. Sizes' from L$ to 30. Don't. you really think your size is there ? Sac�IETINCS AND OOTTON.A.DES. Are going fast. A few ends yet to be cleaned out. The Y buy a bottle cf Dr, Chace s Three relies square of woods have been destroyed by bush fires in Loughborough T unship, County of Froutenac, HEADACHE AND LOSS OF APPETITE Mrs, JOHN MYLNE, wife of John Mylne, Druggist, Bothwell, says; --My experience 411 Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters is that it will care Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Headache. Ibelieve it to be the beet family medicine, and 0011 strongly recommend it." The Governmeut bas decided` to place a lifeboat at Burlington Beach in charge of Captain Campbell. PROMPT RESULTS, "I was very sink with bowel complaint. Two physicians did• me no good. I tried other meantime but all was no use until I tried Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry. The next day I was like a -different man." Geo. H. Peacock, of Stroud, Ont.. Up to Su.turday night fifteen miles of the Red River Valley Railway hadbeen graded. Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a uold.in the head to slowly and surely develope into Catarrh when yon can be cured for 25 cents. A few applica- tions will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will euro ordinary Uatarrh. One to five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh. Sold by all dealers at 25o. per boar. Try Di•, Chases Catarrh Cure—take no other—it will cure you. C. Lutz. sole agent for Exeter Large deposits of coal have been disooyer. ed at Crow's Nest Pass in the Rockies. PRAISEWORTHY "Last summer I was entirely laid up with liver complaint, a friend advised me to use Burdock Blood Bitters, I did so, and four bottles cured me. I cannot praise this remedy too much." John H. Rivers, Orr Lake, Ont. A young man named James Baylis at. tempted to swim across the Lachine Canal ast night and was drowned. He was under the influence of liquor. KEEP YOUR HOUSE GUARDED. Keep your 'tense guarded against sudden attacks of colic, cramps, diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera infautum. They are liable to oome when least expected. The safest best and most reliable remedy is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. The Directors of the South Ontario & Pacific Railway Co. met at Hamilton on Monday and decided to order a survey route asper charter. AD371OE TO MOTHERH.—Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winstow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teethe rig. Its value is incalculable, It wiU relieve the poor little suffever immediately. .,eoendupon it, mothers : there is no mistake abput it. It cures Dysentery and Diaii1'md regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums,redueeslnffamination, and, gives tone and energy to thewhole system. "Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup" for ebildren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists tin ough- out the world. Price twenty-fivecents.as bot- tle. Be sure and ask 'for '•Mus; WINBLow's SO0THnmc FYRup "and take no other kind. Two prominent citizens of Ottawa, Dr. Beatto and Mr. P. 0. Auclair, ciotlier, have become insane within the past few days. Rey. Canon Carmody, of Halifax, has been appointed Viet }General of the Diocese of Halifax in place of the Tato Mgr, Power. Don't Speculate. Run no risk in buying medicine, hut try the great Kidney and Liver regulator, made by Dr. Chane, author of Chase's receipes. Try ()base's Liver Cure for all diseases of the Liver; Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by C. Lutz. The driver of the wrecked Robbius'=car 'is still alive, bet inflammation of the brain has set in and be cannot much longer sur- vive. BROKEN DOWN. "After suffering with dyspepsia, kidney disease, loss of appetite: and pain in the head until discouraged, I heard of B.B.B., I took two bottles and am happy to say I feel as well as ever," Mrs. Rufus E. Merry, New Albany, N. P. The contract for building a lifeboat for use at Hamilton Beach bas been Jet to H. L. Bastian. It"twill be ready in three weeks, AN Ot,D FAVORITE. An old favorite, that tins' been popnlnr with the people for newly 30 yenrs, is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberryfor all verities of summer complaints of children and adults. It soldnm er ever fails to cure cholera morbns, diar'hoea and dysenterv.. Dr. May, Provincia' Inspector of Edina - Venal Institutes, inspected the .Hamilton Art School on Mondavi. BAD STOMACH, For all disorders of the Stomach, Liver. or iiidneye, Dr, Carson's .Stomach Bitters are unsurpassed. They strengthen the whole muscular system, give re heali.by complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into lienithy action the whole physi. cal energy of the human frame. A workman named Grans Mason, employ - ea in the Canada tool works at. Dundas, bad one of his legs broken and the other terribly bruised on Thursday by a heavy casting falling on him. Pot. Children Starving to 'Death, On account of their inability to digest ordi- nary food. Scott's Emulsion can bn digested ane give streuktli and flesh when all other food fails. Sen what Dr. A. FI. Peck, Penn. Med. College, Petitcodiac, says : "I have used mid prescribed Seott1s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, acid find it a+'. excellent prepare. tion, n.greeing well with the stomach, and its continued ilso adding greaily to the strength. see enmiortof the patient." Put np hi 50e.I and 61 site, If a nice Suit you want, a pair of pants to fit' or a vest that's right thee, come to us. Our tailor will like you ever so much and you'll' be pleased as well. BARGAI'S IN ALL SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Felt and Straw Hats very ,cheap. Examine oar stock and test our prices and we leave the verdict with yourself. CASH •WORKS WON: ES Eggs and butter cue firm when choice is right; at Everest's • Cough Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Pry it end bo convinced of its wonderful cura- ''tive Powers, price 25 cents', The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over tea' 80 years in thousands of oases. Ri Cures Sperntatorrhea, Nervous Weakness„ Emissions. Impotency l • .k end all diseases caused by abuse," "^ Sar.roaE] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [AFTER] ix packages Guaranteed to Our whew: ail others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great En,rlt.h Ere erintien, take no substitute. One package Si. Six $5, by mall. Write for Pamphlet. Address ]Eureka. Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. J, W. Browning and 0: Lutz. TAKE !1TZ! I We sell Roller Flour, Bran, Shorts, Chop, a I kinds of Feed at Lowest Cash Prices 1 (TRADE MaRK.l . We keep Rolled Oats, Rolled Wheat TRY EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR Coarse and Fine Oatmeal, alto the ' For diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, eke., and Celebrated American Granulated Cornmeal ties for $5, Foy Sale by ALL DBIIGGIeT5 Manufactured only by G_ M_ EVER E ST, C$€MIST FOREST, ONT. Purifying of the Blood. Price $1. Six bot - WORM .0 O'",',•.T.D..ERS. Are pleasant to t:.ko. Contain their own Purgative. "Is a r', s"'"0. arnl ct?cctaar ars r'oyer of` worms in i.,iildren or Adults TRUSSES ! FIEtIST'AN LAWYER. insonfac- NJ turer of all kinds of Trusses; Residence: Rannie's Mills, Hay, where hew' attendto the vents of any who may require his services. W by pay from $15.00 to n„,S5 00 for the some ar- ticle which he can furnish you for $5.00, and which is as good if not better and warranted tofit with. comfort? Remember,- Double Trusses $5.00 • Single Trusses, $2.60. All com- municetions addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER Zurich P.O., Ont, Why Proclaim. ommerciai UNION AS BEING A BENEFIT TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC —while— T. DEARING, Montreal General Store le senile, goods CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, Balance of Sumer Stock to be sold at OOST for CASH i to make rooin for fall purchases READY MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES C..L.yl,s,,.P . s_A Alio Choice Family GSocefies TEAS 1 TEAS 1 TEAS 1 Still Lower Ryrups,'Vinegars, Confectionery. A few Karn arid Dominion Orgsns for sale at a great sacrifice forcash, ae i- am going to give up this bsitneli of business. Goods sacrificed for cash 'iltlring the months of July and August. Also good machine elle Geed Dwelling House to Rent.' i lti stEst131-:R TES/ ADDRESS, T. leafing, 1' aJJSO1]'S 131odk,1 We have reduced the price of Groceries 50 %, and can give yon great bargains .in i TEAS, SUGARS AND CANNED GOODS. We have just received a fine lot of FEARMAN'S CELEBRATED HAMS. LONG and'SHORT ROLLED BACON BONELESS SIDES and l3OLOGNA.S. QT'�N: CI'T'Y 0I] WORKS M IR,LS S S 0 1 At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was ,used on ell machinery daring ti. Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GQLD MEDALS during tbo last three years. tz'See that you get Peerless. It is only made b S: atrcrAL 2aOC'r s e4 CO., TOXION'TO, FOR SATE BY JAS, PICKARD FRTJJTS,FRUITS FRUITS. • THE FATYZILY GROCERY - Is VER- Is the place to go for all kinds of i fruits n season, FRESH GROCERIES AL WAYS IN STOCK. aaV)/ES, NUTS AND CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM PARLOR My Ice Cream Parlors are the coolest and best a: fresh. @d in town. The Bream is s of the purest, and always fresh.. nyndmans I �e �tio�O �° d' o.iy .? oSP ,p �i?p w� o� e SSeG �S;s, e,'co S' $ co i 4-6\ e: kos • ye p;4; me�qe5e3 .f Seo' 9 c>,�g ASe.��E' see`‘ c' e"eice eo es p°5� rzS�e �oS�h\e' os Seo 113 O- e, • e5e 5 e°a. Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, late 539, Oxford Street, London. g Purchasers should look, to the Label on' the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. iim ...W 44M1 A J a 1' l f�,!( JJ J SPRING 1887 H SPRING OUR NEW GOODS ARE HERE Lensoaas and, Oranges And we are ready and anxious to show them, they will make RECEIVED EVERY SECOND friends, outshine ND DAY. 11ie rivals, win victories, and: sell themselves L S. C. HERSEY.. on their merits. LADIES call and see our 1V[illinei' y, trimmed an THE BOOK Published by the A B s otherwise Shapes Flowers Ribbons &c New York. LATEST NOVELTIES' in Dress Goods, Trimmings Lace Flouneings, OF WONDERS• Gingham' Muslins, Jerseys, Cheneil Trimmings, Jacketing; &c. The glizararladies say our Prints and Muslins are tho prettiest ever shown in Exeter.` CONTAINING NEARLY We guarantee every ochs to wash. We are showing over 200 Pieces of Embroidery, colored and white 300 PAGES. RICH, RARE and RACY. STARTLING REVELATIONS, Over 1,000,000, Sold in the United States. Every Sporting, Gambier and Actor in Can- ada should hove a copy of this work. IT'S J98T THE THING ; YT TELLS ALL, AND rs TOO GOOD TO las wiTHOIIT. - JAMES - PI V� \\\ C ARD. from sots. per yard upwards. Our New Stook of BOYS' CLOTHING is having a big run, and, n wonder, the prides ara so low, the styles so nice, and they fil so good. 1n MEN'S ORDERED GOODS we guarantee the Best Value, Newest Style and Neatest Fit in bows. Remember we carry the Largest Stock of BOOTS & SHOES, an nothing but the Latest Styles in ladies', children's and gents'. Sent uymail, postage paid, on receipt of pre, e, 60c., or three books for $1. M. J. COLLINS, Welland, Ont. LOVELL'S ■ T S LJ :AZE1 TSP, AN �zI� TORY FurnitureUnder[akinosTgE DOMINION OF BANAOA, In Nin° Pbl%YILss, Royal see. TO BES OO1:111IF.NORD whenever a sufficient ii number. o1 subscribers is obtained to coyer eeotofpublication, Subscrfptfon to the Nine Velumoe 8711 00,torho Provi.neo of CtherN or to G„)nebee 0, to r"ow lfrnuewick o,, to Novu. Peoria �1L 50, to i,Ianitoba. or British Columbia *11.50,10 L ,ince itdward Island or t0 .North- weetTerritorios 0.50 Each Province to have &1.51.17. Please Send for Prospectus. .70 ti7`7.18OV FILL, Manager roue Publisher Montreal 4th August, .1880. augsd&wB WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA- DROPSY INDIGESTIOIJ, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of .disease arising, fain disordered LIVER KIDNEYS, STOMACE„80WiEL0 ^k BLOOD. T. MILBURN ix Ca '°'' oaO) 'ro. ef_�tinr., � c We would call the attention of the people of Exeter and surrounding country fact that we, having purcbaeocl the stock and business of 1VILLIAII DdEW, are ' special inducements in Parlor Setts, Plain and Fancy 'Fables. Springs and Matt Bedroom Setts, Wood, Cine & Perforated Chairs, Book C Writing aieslcs, Sideboards, Whatnots, Cradles, liallstatf And an Endless Variety in Bents, fisc reatis, Cupboards, &e. Our Stock of %umbos is'targe and Thoroughly Seasoned, and, having had experience in the leading factories 01 the Dominion, we arm guarantee Stylish ani abie Fertriture. Our Stock of Undertaking Gooc15' is the Largest in the County, and oar Hee equal north of London. Spe5ial attention will he paid to this branch of Ine busi everyonee will find us prompt and reliable busies Se rues. REPAIRING OP ALL RINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Remember elle Stand, One .[door North of IV: olson'p RO VET' J , ,N TJ A F