The Exeter Times, 1887-7-27, Page 4�1Z,X15, i. PIS" RIC'rpOINCr$ • l+soCixk to 0 on One Past I yeah rixonaftAnt ultra Alp ttborttoott in t! ConOen n'Oene 'RSDA: $7,' JULY 27tH> ,)1)19.10111 I e The fifty Cenh -a s a been taken ofk hard 'trade friends toed us' • ton duty has coal. Olq;r' free that we could buy our hart coal that much cheap;, erthau last you., but we did not be- lieve them. Anthracite is ao cheap, er than last year, The iaatiolaal treasury will lose about half a mill• ion dollars,, the Canadian cousumer is not benefitted one cent, the 'Amer- ican coaln,asters pocket the money and that is theway of tree trade in practice. The British Government: is still considering the question of granting a subsidy to the Canadian, Pacifi: Railway Company tor the China and Japan mail route. Sir Donald Smith who is now in London, has been pressing the claims of the company on the Government, and his efforts are ably seconded by a host of in- fluential men, who recognize the im- portance to the Empire of such a route, The latest reports give hope that in a few days the announce ment will be made authoritatively that a handsome subvention has been anode to the Company for this service, Once fairly established we think there will be no danger of ri- val carriers being able to show such a good record of transit and safety, ye`have a very clear recollection o£ the Tory platform of 1878, which was re- ciprocity in free trade or reciprocity of tariffs. We arexolcl in this towo .and every platform in this` county by Tory speak- ers, that reciprocity was what we needed and the sootiest way to get it would be to meet the Yankeeswitha tariff like unto their's; in other v,mrcls the proposed N. P," -Mitchell Recorder. And whore is there anything wrong with the Tory platform of, 1878? It is precisely the same to- day. Were the Yankees agreeable to unrestricted reciprocity, the Can- adian people, generally w ould doubt- less sanction the scheme. So far the American Government has giv- en us no intimation, or even a hint, that it favors reciprocity, on the con- trary it has inferentially given us to understand that it is hostile to such trade arrangement, by refusing to enter the door which our govern- ment left open: for over eight years as theinitiatory towards a reciprocity of tariffs. The Globe gives us a definition of whatthe advocates of commer union mean:"Unrestricted recipro- city says caw contemporary, 'means to multiply the home market by thir- teen." Itis by, this nonsense that the Commercial Unionists : are try- ing to deceive the farmers.` Let any intelligent farmer ask himself how much of theproduct of his farm he could send to California' or to New Mexico, or to Florida, , or to Texas, or, in word, to any of the Southern States.? His answer must necessarily be that he could send none, there being other farmers so much nearer those States than he, who could sell so much cheaper and virtually exclude from the mar- ket. Canada under the Commer- cial Union would hare only the r frontier . States for customers, and that would be no advantage, accord - €o the Globe's definition; for multi- plying the home market by thirteen nocest cannot be confined to Canada. It estnc• would' be most unreasonable to de- prive, -the States of the power of mul tiplying the home markets by thir- teen, Things would Rist balance, and .wewould not be any better off than we are now. If the Americans we -:e mot producers of similar pro. stOm ducts, multiplying.thehome market y thirteen wot'ld be a good thing. ut zt works both ways The 17th annual soling of the St. Au- rew't Society of Buffalo tock place ori Sat fay at Lifreood Glen, and the pienie and is: games' proved attractive 'enough to fill eenclostxre front early he the afternoon hour lit 'the v latei e coni , til a g The sports tb ti fentore of the tidy, John MoPhorsan 'Gedetieb, put .,tlle,!light'stone 55ft7 12,1Vis g"delegntions born .Brussels, Vft`oodatoc1i,, nitro, Goderich, London and: "Windsoe rid off a goodly number of prize°,. Archie t,. of Britseels, was filed iri seven cote: lona and second "in five. J. MoPhet;sou. derioia Wan tretiti two competitions and }wap •dita:five and third in three. Smith, of y a sp;.idstdck; grit tiVo'tirstN, Bonnet of .Toronto pet 1p in two mile rade and third le sack race, Vernet tendon,.f rst hi one event, � 1110011ra, Videsat�, thirclin six,evebts, he Rank - 0, of Woodstock,. teak ,three prizes, a' ti seeolul' and 0"$rift#d. It is stated that about: a weak since the lige of prank 1,fsleour, of the. I+,Itlz hue of 7 , Zorr'a, elopedltritb the hired naafi, tleaylug ` a I"family of scree children, Strat,laroy is to have eleotal laghlne 4'i'hy eanuot Exeter pot ouaitsas well? The cost: s slight, Win. Crreig, ex liceuse inspector, Trona. North Dorchester' wee arrested and lodged iu jail yesterday afternoon by high constable Sohratn for nen-payment of a_ Scott Aet fine of 850 azul costs, While beeline ottt mattere ou flip farru of K eery-l\foOregor, a'South.Darehester, yester- day, a young ruin named Albert Leagle was run over by a loaded wagon. the eonditiou is oritical. e I know from, experience that Everest's 4l ,Otoigh Syrup is first•plass - Geo. Brock, Perot.P. 0, Air. ;elites Brown, of 1elle atop we with a sorious loss on Friday evening last, through fire. A eeighber's little boy was playing about the preuli'ees with matches, andwith childish innocence set fire to the straw about the barn' yard. The tire spread With such rapidity that. eoarcely anything could be saved. The been eontaiued forty loads of hay and w threshing machine which were burned with the building. There was about 0600 insurance on the premises. Wizen near St. Marys ou Saturday last M. Wm- Laster, of Mitchell, met with a serious accident. His horse got frightened and suddenly wheeled around, upsetting the buggy, and throwing out the onoupants, 111e, and Mrs. Leistei and child. The former was nonsiderably injured, and ` has been walkiug lame ever since. The others were fortunate in escaping without a bruise. The buggy was badly wreaked, A. wilt has bete served upon the county' clerk of Heron by the license commissioners' of SVest Huron, to recover the arnotiut set down to be contributed by the county to- wards the carrying out the Scott Aot. Clerk Adanieon accepted: service and planed the matter in the hands of the county solicitor. A Goderich piper says: -We -regret to learn that Mrs. S. P. Halls who went to Portland, M'ie,, for the benefit of her health, has been forced to return home, having been prostrated with gastric tever. She and Mr. Halls returned home Tuesday evening, and it is to be hoprd that in the quietness of her home she will recover her accustomed health and strength. This is to certify that I have used Ever- est's Liver Regulator, and find it the best I ever. used. --P. B Rosenberry, L. D. S. Ar- kona, Out. Adapt Sipple, who is out on bail on a charge of committing burgulary at Zurich some weeks since lute been sent to. Goderich for trial by police magistrate Williams for 'as. milting one of the witnesses in the case, E d • ward uurwin, also of Zaricb, It is alleged that that8 '.ho pri over threatened:to murdrx Cumin if he appeared against him at the trial.. Last Saturday the barn of Mr. John Flan- agan of Claudeboye, narrowly escaped being burned. How the fire originated is not known es neither dr. Flanagan nor men batt been smoking, or using fire about the buildings, (Mr. F. having a most terrible dread of such,) thefire started out side the stable, which contained a team of horses, also filled with hay, tee. It occurred about the middle of the afternoon, when the men were all to work, and bad it not been for a neighbor who was cradling around a field of wheat near by, and (a good well, the fire might of'beeu a serious one as owing to the very dry weather every thing erouud was ready to ignite; Jr. Maediarmid must have arsiplied himself very desteriously and de- serves credit, John Bright on Commercial Un- 1011 - The following letter from Mr. John Bright appears in theMail:- DEAR SiR,- I do not know what is intended by coin- ercial union between Canada and the Un. ited States. If you mean that no tariff should exist between the two countries, such a condition would be greatly to their mutual advantage; but if it is pro- posed to extend the States tariff to Can- ada, then such a change would be hostile to England, and if the present Canadian tariff were maintained for imports other than the States, England would be at a great disadvantage in her trade with Can- ada. I always believed that the imposi- tion of high pretective dutiesagainst Eng- lish manufacturers was and is the first hove in the direction of a seperation of Canada from England, and if goods front the States be admitted into Canada free of duties, or at lower duties than from England another and more serious step would be taken in the direstion of seper- ation If the States and Canada could adopt free trade or a tariff with low duties following the example of England, the example of the English speaking nat- ions would have a great effect upon other mations, and would influenee the world in favor of peace. The great enemies of mankind are war and the tariff. War and its expenditure and waste give us an excuse for tariffs or render them necess- ary, atac'l tariffs seperatenations and niake war more probable and more frequent. It is a deplorable thing that, in your great and free continent, the only thing not free is the industry of the people, and that you in this pernicious example of the old and blind nations of Europe. England Bets a grand example, and it is always s a grief to e; that her children in other me; ds and on the continent do not admire and follow. it. Yours, ete., Jomr BRIGHT, London, July 25, 1887. Bayfield to the Fore. To the Editor of the Free Press. SIR, --Now that London has got two new railways into the city, I would like ,to urge, upon the inhabitants of that growing city the excellent opportunity they have of extending the road to this port, and connect with Lake lurnn at Bayfield. There is a vet•,V excell- ent country lying between London and Clin- ton. No railwaynear the Lake in all that fertile eeetion. From London to Bayfield by' Crediton or Exeter and`Ztirieh aa. a very ley. t' • 0 eu ineerin + fdi culti ' i el acorn y, tl g 1, fi'i est, any kind, ,Free harbor ecoornmodetion can -be ob- tained . lerc, land very clia f r building par - posies. •-poses. finer sum Mel' retort within easy, easy reacli of Ldzttton ,criniot be found in the. borniou of Canada.. Bayfield ' is One of the finest sites for a town in Canada,. clemu (;ravel aoil,,no disease of any kind, titid plenty of room foe establishing' inanafactuing industries. 1 again sily that the people Of London, as well as: all along the line, should use every,lateftl effort tie have a railway hero.` Now is the time ;we want ` a grailway, and mi -t have it Citizens- of London, 1- ashl ,inti t,i Crum er this question, 13siveittn, irir 'Meat Winnipeg. July 115:,.-ltsplies to ttuestions sept Ohl 40 A.gent§ of the chtnadren Paeifle railway tltrougliout Heriot oba and the North westTerritorios snow that theerspeeenetally^ are well advanced, and the Weather is every. where favorable. In some places the fagzitors have gotnmerieed euttleg barley, but intine majority of eases harvesting will commence in about three weeks. 411 the reports de. Blare Wet tiro props never looked better, and that the yield of ailkindsof grain would be eonsiclerably above the average. TAUA,B4C, To efceotually pure a batt Cough or Cold, and do it qu?eic, use Tamarac Elixir It strikes at the root of tbe trouble and gives minodia relief. BIIi'PFIS. Itows.-At,S'herou, Township of. Stephen, on the 14th Inst„ the wife of John Rowe of a sou, 1Besaar,-In Stephen Towusltip, ou the 16th inst., the wife of Harry Essery, of a son, BAthex.--On July 15th, 1887,_ the wife of Air. Joseph Bailey, of the Sizable hue, Township of Hay, of a sou. Kxox.-At Centralia, on the 19th inst., the d'ife of Ales. Knox, of a ecu. KEaLANn.-In Usborne, Srd ooucession, on the 21st inst., the wife of John Kelland, of e daughter. DIED. DICKIE-Iu Fullartou, on the 14th inst. Agues Dickie, aged 31 years 7, mouths. BAIRD-In Fullerton, on the 15th inst., John Baird, aged 81 years 2 months 9' days, Klan.-Iu Stephen, on the 22nd inst., Mr. Jos. King, aged 67 years and 10 mos. MARRIED. LEyAN.--Iu St. Marys, on the 20th, at the residence of tbe brides's father, by the Rev. J. A. Turnbull, B. A-, lir. 1. M, Le- van, B. A., Read Master of the Collegiate Institute, to Emily, second daughter of John Sanderson, Esq. Hon0INs-HonciNs-On the Oth lust., at the parsonage, Kirkton,g by the Rev. J. Bale, Mr, William Hodgins, to Miss Eliza - bath A, Hodgins of the same place. 1 ..IcCt.nzcv-McC L o -A the i tt L pan t t tc los deuce of the bride's. mother, on the 17th inst., by .the llev.• Robert Hamilton, Mr. j\'iili+uu AleFedzen, of Fnllarton, to •Mica Jane - lie- Cullough, daughter of Mrs. itIeOultomle of Blanshard, and sister of Dr, OleCnl- lough, late of St. Marys. PARSONS -TREBLE -In Exeter, on the 27111 inst.: at the residence of the bribe's father, Mr. S. Parsons to Miss MaryTroble , both of Exeter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS'. riLL+'RK'S NOTICE OF THE .JFIaST Posting or Voters' List, Alunici pality of the VILLACIE 0 F ESETER, County of Huron. Notieo is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons men- tiouod in the Srd and 4th sections of "The Voters' List Act", the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all ;persons appearing by tte last revised assessment roll of the said municipality to ea entitled to vote in said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elcotions, and that said list was first posted up at my office, Exeter, onthe 28th day of July, 1887, and remains there for inspection, Elec- tors are called upon to examine the said list, and if anyomurissions or any other errors are found therein. to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected accor4iag to law. Dated this 28th day MICE[2EL EACRETT, of July, 1887. Clerk, Dominion and Industrial EXHIBPPIOS TORONTO.. SEPTEMBER 5th to 17th, $30,000 in Prizes TNTRIES`FLOSE AUGUST I3TH. This, being the Dominion and Industrial Exhibitions combined, will be the greatest exhibition of the agricultural and industrial products of this country ever held. A (;-rand Programme of Special Attractions is being preparect. Return tickets at single fare and cheap excursions on all railways during the full time of the exhibition. i'he Greatest Event of the Jubilee Year. For prize lists and full information addeess J. J. WITHROW, II. J. SILL, President. Mgr. and Sec., Toronto • r) UDICIAL SALE. In the High Court of Justice Chancery Division. BAZEri, vs. hTJXTABLE Pursuant to a judgment or order made in this cause and dated the 27th day of JUNE, 1887, there will be sold by and with the approbation of Sutherland Malcomson, Eschrone of the Mas- tersof the Supreme Court ofJudicature for On- tario, at Goderich, AT [iOD(hlN$' HOTEL, in the VILLAGE OF CENCRALIA, at Throe o'clock in the afternoon of SATURDAY the 3rd day of September, 1887 the following lands, viz.: The SOUTH HALF of LOT NU,M,T3Ele TWO in the FIRST CONCESSION of Ih'("TO WNSHIP of STEPHEN. in the County of Huron, except- ing thereout the allowance for gravel road tied the land conveyed to the London, lIuron & Brune Railway Company, The said And is all cleared and of excellent quality.' There iso comfortable frame house soda good frame horn-30xiOtaet-on the premises. There is also, a good orchard of about two acres stocked With Choice trees. The said landeetre very conveniently situated, being about miles !from Exeter, and 1 milt front Centralia, ane there is a School House, Post Office and Railway Station within one mile. Terms of Sale. Teri per cent, down on the day of sale to the P'lainfsff s 8ehoftor and the balance tq be paid tufo Cqurt within 3d'days thereafter, wLen the- purchaser will be entitled to ptasessio,t and to a etmvoyanee, but, the purdhaserwill .bealio wed to, enter en the land' for the iiurpose of'«ploughing inunmediately after the Present crop is reaped. The said lands will be offered for Sale subject to a reserved bid, In allother respects the Conditions ;of Sale will he the stendrngleondisionsof this court., For eoither particulars apply to John Hoskin Esq..Q,C.'Toronto,hfeesre. txarrow, and Prone tlarristers Gorier eh or to the Plaintiffs Se- rbtli:r.' bated at Goderich thie 26th day of July 1t87- 13• Cy ELttc,r, Sr M ttcOM!{ON a Liintrf%a Selieitor, Local Maettir, Jl Teter. at trloderich, L llrsPQS:l�Q'ZCE'o lith 1.+',[I1S',R TxNSh Ql,` YQ"i'ltil&' 1il5T8, voters' Listierti57 1lafuulpipall yof the TOWN, 51111 Oe OS,B4OIU I Qounty of tIprot No, Hoots heFgbygiyon titu t 1lrevut trwusutittod re Ueliyerod to Ilio person� 1flOntiQ0ed lir ilio deft eon 4tlr eeetteoe of "%`, O V°stere'-L4sts. 4144, the ooliies rqr euro i by sat oetf�puz to bit ra as- united ors e1lyered of One list erode t ursueut to said Ac ,of all persttpe µpliiat'ini: by the twat t,•eylsod eesessuiettt roll o the said nunl- gipitlity to be on.tit104 to Totem said, uiunfei• pal tyatelections for;ti'tembersof the Legiele. vo Assetubly, and at. mnnlctpal eiootieng and 0144 said 110 were Brat posted tin alt uiy 01 floe at'Ellusvillo on, the BGth day of join), 1887 ani reaiitfus tbpro for ivapegtiun E1eotors are celled neon to examine ate eine list, end, if any orulsefons or any other owner aro found therein, to ogre immediate pt'aogediugs to have the said orroro cerreotef acgorrling to law; Peted 11118 Gtlr day 01st; W, IXOT AN, nfJnly,1 87.. Olork01 &Iunfoipallty. (�1 LBK'S IC°T 04,.. THE Those ale \JFIiIST Posting of Voters', Lists ,Vatrtrs' Bpat Co y r,ists, 1887, Muuietpii,tit = of the Tri * , OFtT,tY Couutyofiiiarou' D� t'' \VI�6Ixil Do 1`�' Fail t �,� to Visit :the 1V.ta xri °.'toe as lteroby „tree drat 1 laser transmitted or dellvorod to the personsmentioned in the 515 and 4tb sections of "Tho Voters. Lists AoV' tiro copies ) required by said soothe to bo sq transmitted or delivered of the list merle pursuant 10' eatd Act, of alt Perseus tel nearingby. tbe lest revis- ed asseesmeetroU of the sad pluuisipality to be entitled to vote in said municipality at carte • Wino foe and at tau la .oipal picot on, rs of the ao and that lisSSODI t was,tirst posted up at my entice; Lot. 0, Con. 0, incl remtaions s'ttz eros for inspection:J1 1t8o8r7 are callof upon to examine the. said 114, incl if any etumissions or any other errors are fouu,T therein, to tette immediate proceedings to leave tite said errors corrected scene nog to hew. Dated this 14th day S. FOSTEIt, of July, 1887, Cleric of pitluiaipality. FARM FOR SALE, First class, one hit rdred 50803, ono toile East of Centralia. For Particulars Apply to 11. HARRISON, Exeter P.O. (0 -weeks.) t&R11i FOR SALE -L r 6, in 'Ito 4th Con. of '; tephen, six miles from Exeter, Containing 90 aces, 80 clear, and 10 woods,. The land is in a goad stale of enitiyatiou. On the Oulu is a good brick house, two largo frame barns, good orehnrd, good water in wells and sls Everything aepad tllopace Wlbsoldep, Aplyonhepac or by > ]otter to • (t -f) FRANK EVANS, Crediton, P. 0. G 'al D •y Goods MVIillinery Mantles Carpets and ,k10 ise Furnishings. They one of the Largest g and Richest Stocks to be found in Canadas NOTE THE ADDRESS :-176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond -Bt. 1.41,1 000 SOU IRITIMOVED To new premises West side Main -street One Door South of Post Office Where he will be found with A. NEW AND COMPLETE Slack of9ooishoes AIt14I 10It SALE. --The under- Sewed work a speciality. L1i signed offers for sale his farm, being lot. 14, con, 0, township 01 Usborne, two miles and Repairing prou)ptl y attended to. a half from Exeter 100 ;tore,, about 81 acres cleared and in first' class sotto of cultivttf the remainder bush in wnioh there IS soma very valuable oak and black ash rail timber ; Um farm is also well fenced and drni•»e,t ; there are upon the premises. a, first mass brick dwelling house, with first class cellars two good barn ; two never failing springs and one first-class orchard. For nar•ticulars, apply on the premises, to THOMAS SHUTE, [t -f] ' , EXETER P. O ONT. tFHL+' OL]) MoLEOD FARI11, IN 1. THE Township of Hay, for sale. It con- tains 100 acres more or 1ees,beingthe west half of Lots No. 21 and 22, Zurichgravelroad. Good frame buildings on premises, and all convon iouces; large orchard of fruit bearing trees. The land is of good quality being cl:,y loam. Good water. Two and a -half miles from FTen- sa11 market. The property free from all incum- Pranoos. itoa,,,ous for selling: -Going north to procure more land. Will sell with or without crows. For further particulars apply to this office or to WM. wIT,SON, Hensel], P. O. Ont. SMALL PAM FOR SALE.-Th'I Undersigned offers for sale 25 acres of good land, being part of the north part of Lot 17 ,1st l go of 0Stephen, xewithin rt The Mandl i mis le olathe first plass state of cultivation, there is on the premi- ses a good brick house, good frame burn, g od water, and a half -acre of orchard with all kinds of choice fruits, also a first-class cider mill. This is a good chance foo „anyone wanting a small farm close to tho corporation where alt kinds of produce meets with a ready sale. F, r further particulars apply on the premises, or to E. LAM PORT, Stephen, Tune 20,'87' (t -f) Exeter, P 0. Wesicoll k Sanders EXETER -- - ONTARIO. Have may amount of money to Ioan on First. class security at LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST. Fire Insurance affected in first-class wealthy -and- RELIABLE COMPANIES. Life Insurance on the Assessment ptau. The Canadian Mutual Aid Association, the Cheapest and Best in the World. REAL ESTATE AGENCY Any amount of first-class farm and village property for sale or exchange filially part of the P.ovince, Michigan, Dakota, Manitoba or Wester States at Reasonable Figures. NOTES AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Agent for the heaver Line of Steamships. The Cheapest and Best Ocean Steamships crossing the Atlantic. A Trial Solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Westcott & Sanders, Gen. Agents. Great Clearing Sale -oF- Summer Goods 1.. -AT- TRICi( & CURRELLEY'S, FOR J. T i HE NEXT 30 DAYS. See our 6, 6 and 7 et.p rints. In order to clear out our large stock of Embroidery wae are offering them ch ea er than any other house in ONT:A:.T'LIo 4Ve are sellingthe balance alando of our, straw Eats y o wa atv :d ', n below coot. A call will satisfy yon that this is ag enuine sail; GEO. MANSON JON ERSWSSV , UNDERTAKER, & CABINET-MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS of EVERT DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. 1. GIVE ME A CALL NOW FOR ::argains 1 Xirkton -AT- DO PM's Big Reduction in Prints, Meshes, Lace, &c., &c., • We are determined to clear out all Sum- mer Goode in July. OUR BUSINESS LS INCREAS- ING EVERY MONTB. It will 'pay you to drive to Kirk on and see our goods and prices. WE WILL GIVE YOU 10 Ib. TinTea for $1, BUTTER and EGGS WANTED. J.DOuPEco, Picnic ! Picnic 'Bey your canned goods from 0.41PTAX17ICEMP. Armour's Corned Beef 2 lb. tins 30 cts. Canned Saltnon-:Lobsters Mackerel & Sardines ALL FR1 8H AND NEW. 'GiOLl) DUST 1 GOLD DITSl'":' CORNMEA L. Try it once and you will always use it, Ocean &Lake Steamships Ic/Y AJ UR I NV .1 ND GE N-G/IR.4LGD �, y. , .N q ./Z ..L For all information apply to CA PT. P Drs S Bloc k and post-Oflloe Salt, -Salt, al The Exeter Co, tY U r X ii; 9I in 13v,; A house dna Loi also a + RICJK d' VU/i!t'�LL�I A 1: to naval for Salo J OPiFERr SALT AR' THE WELL, AT pp Y - , OUARE, EXETER. °;1.,2,25 PER l ',: JOETN NIATH°;ESO MARKET'RK�T� STO ►�AI- . � 1?. o 4 ;i r►� How Lost, Iiow Restored. Just published, a now edition of DR, CUL- V1iIIWELL'S UELEI3IIATED ESSAY ou the radical euro of SeEaarATOlinogA or Sentient Weakness, Tu voluntary seminary Losers, IM- POTENCY, Mental and Pysical incapacity, Ini- pediments to marriage, etc.; also, CONSUMP- TION, EPILEPSY and firs, induced by self -in- dulgouce,or sexual extravagance, Fog The celebrated author, in this admirable es- say, clearly clots onstrates from the thirtyyoars' successful practice, that the alarming eons° gnences of self•abnse may bo radically cured poiuting out a modo of aura at once simple certain, and effectual, by means of which ewer sufferer, no matter what hie condition may by may cure himself ehottply, privately oo radically, ems.' Ilii$oe tu• l io eboulct every youth and °very naninitbe 1,e,c7 sects an Sent nudes soal,in apl,rin ouvolape, to any adder ss, post paid, on receipt of four cents or two postage stamps, Address, THECULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41dnn St., Newyork, N. Y. P. O. Box, 400 Lots, Lots, Lots. FOR A,L:111. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES, & FARM LAND FOR SALE, Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, EXETER. CENTRAL UC STOB E A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter cL _rUTZ. 500 TIDES Butter Wallted J1 lillathesors,, EXETER NORTH, Our Stock is Well Assorted FOR TIxE SEASON'S TRADE, LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED 1 GROCERIES 11 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in j'0as from 20c to 75e, per lb, Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely aesorted stock of U .A. 'F D W A R `1`r..�. F0E] S, SCYT1-IES and GLASS all sizes (Cheap:) Bea, Machin e oil ser per Oral. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75. A good suit of ready -oracle clotting for $6. Ordered suits got up . in Good Style. Our Dr es SCr00(l are lYlallCBd down to the' Lowest NoE"oh." COTTON -20 YARDS;FOT ONE DOLLAR