The Exeter Times, 1887-7-27, Page 1' LEGAL, v. Ji. DICXSI4. Bs Glister, St01i. 1__4, to cf Supionie°dOntt,Notary Publie' QQaveyaoeer enunIsalencr, etc, Atouey tQ bean,. Oth4E1 eSt,I44 sBloolt Exeter 117-06LiAl-N 81 -t-t• Barrister, Solicitor, •Conveyancer, Etc., hx0241,1, . ON re. * 0 file 0 gam weer e lelock Dell sold °Meet/ ELI_AIOT ELLIOT. krrister, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. '17.--e•Kopey to Loan at Lowest Rates of in tereet. -OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. J. iLLIOT One of our eitieetie,• Mark kfttOkey: kt5 !.,`"k^c)1,1111\1tt Viilieit a lactitfo'41; r>vi 1:11 14441'45;11' was a Week ego, ).\Te now 404 bbn..tAM, TAW up anti down Mele.st. as uSue.) 0,40.-ntOre defiant than eve. Probably P, rfl liaise> forgot the feet "that Alereeie` teeel- " IiE W TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS PALL WHEAE THEY M.AY," oerable." It seeme that there was eame formality hi the proeeedings tgalust Mark, and lie (Mark) took Lvnta ot i' EXETER, ON TARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, J UL Y 271k, 1887. una"8'"4'1.6Mar1 wll-11°W 11411 VOLXIVNO • eeeteteete.:...-e ere- , Mr. J. N. Hooper sold hie' out.door ef- Attempted. $th.cide, On Wednesday afternoon last, a young , .su resit: or. everts -is Our Cousielre' Pi011iO. $11A.1\TGLES HIMSELF IN THE Ives; '$i^k„eeseiss N'illi(t!'.i'Lli,i .., ) _ 0 mil, P4 or comeipae, wore f Ilaktla Me t4buraen. Lev d „, than all, ' • o qikk,k;' ,,,A, In Tarrant's Seltzer health la The annual picnic of the 0. 0. took place BARN. at the Grand Bend last Wednesday. Not be- A Respectable stepueu, farmer eeeee his ing withiu the prescribed degree of consan- own life.-Paeticulare ef tile itid afrair, and it is reported a lititIVO of Exeter, guinity, we svere not of course invited, how- IiiIr3" attempted to commit saicitie by hang. ever we were um tolto stay et home and we ing himeelf to a beeen in the baY toft or znitn named Frank Howard, of Sarnia, foots ea Tuesday, preparatory to inoviii,g; to Toronto, - • We al waye contended that the mot liThe harrowed his neigliboe's newspeper wee the meanest man on earth, but We are nolv foreed to change that view, onte people - 1 i • 1 I •itt, tually boil osv tiei negi ts u DENTAL.' • sTrmGtM01•T r,=1•T"TZS',. Graduate of the Boys.). ()allege of Dental Sargoons of Ontario. Gay ing furnished fine Dbutal Booms E. CARTWNIaliT, L. D. S. en JAMES -ST., 2 Doors East of Central Rotel, Baster, out., where ram prepared to perform all branches of tho Dental profession with ease reit eltill. Charges, lgoderate; Terms, Cash. . KINSMAN ,DENTISTWAP-8 SantwelPs Block, llatn.st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving leitaitzed Air. Gold teuings and all other dental work the best possible. Goes DO Zona:al 91 last Thursday in eaob, month. MEDICAL CLUTZ , • Ofileeeat hisresieence Exeter. W. B.R,OWNING M. 'D., M. 0 .P. $ ,Gradnate Oictorianniversity.otece %hair e siden eoz arc pionLebor ate/ v. Exeeer R.,111(<NDMA.N, ooronet, for the Cain:if of tturon. offiee,, opposite Mr. 1. Carlinyea ore; Exeter, o ,M. 0. P. 5 0. ,I:xt't'68,`•sistia'S‘t.E.xeter,Ont.Besiden edhoneereplently occupied by P. Metnidlips, 1;KOODRUFF. _ Permanently located in ,No. 1se„ geeetes Avenue, Lundell, ,few doors east ef Post Office. Special attention `elven to diseases of the Eye, bu.d sight, anAthe pres- ervation of vision •. diseases of ,therlear, im- paired hearing, and, discharges froirlithe ear ; diseases of'the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent eanee of deafness; diseases of the NO90, catarrh being cOnlinOn etLUS0 of inpai.ed nearing. AUcTicilltERs. 1111111EliliY,ILBER, Licensed Auo- .1.„.1. tioneerlor Gay, Stephen, wad McGilli- Tray:Townships. Sales conducted at moderate zates. o iffee-eAt Poat-offiee.Crediton, Ont. _ TO EIN 5.IL1Anotioneer for the eJ Townahlps of Stephen, Gay and 'Osborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales prometly I 4, you'll and. ventured to send along our Uhicego oorres- There occurred in the township of Ellison's hotel barn in that town, It I 1 HS reports a inore than festitteFp len pri Feidey last a meet elepleekth e 4.10,,A,,i20T.,Seatreerlet: ,3X114111tBIll'Emendzadir ,11111,01•7 P'"(1," lit' y was rnost favoi'able, a niastunul, sad because the victim', Mr. See. te Ont northern breeze blowifrom morning fromorning unti ' King, was a highly respectable end imi. night, a goodly crowd and gay of the reguir'e vereelly well -liked resident. TJpon. the •rpm o Anvsisitis---L.owest rates for ad- ed relationship (some forty in number) and inforniation of the fact, the people for .ii yertieing ine000 good newepepers sent free, Addreee GEO. le AO W1.1,1:1 dc 00., 10 all excepting our Hensel! cousin whose atom- miles around werep c .y um, oun erfe H. d f ded , Spiuoci St, N.T, . nob has not yet reoevered from his late love end, knowing the dispositiou of the gen- sickness andis notvetequal to pie= bonbon, tlenian, were lietith to beieve the report ; DREW'S ,I—IALL avffiled themselves of the hurrah. With flags floating and bugles blowing thee drove oc,utlbLatii8bLoo It:4 mirt aPP,ulcajsiZa:b!befoloil: out from our quiet hamlet bright and early, snle and evidently bent upon making a big day of .auffering slightly from melancholia, which it on the lake shore. Arrived there, time was was brought on by veeklessness on the Seating Capacity, 700. called hnmediately by our cousin from Chi- part of some of 4is care in milling head- , / °ago, and in twos, threes and fours the party lon, into debt; and 'leteyitig the old TO Ii.Elsrr. —APPLY TO— CAPTAIN GEO. KEMP. Dissolution or Partner- ship, repaired to the appointed locality south of getaleman to settle bills. 'FM: a few Bob's cramp, the odd nunabers remaining be- hind at Joe's to look after the horses which were much exhausted after their hot and long pull. With much rubbing down and fixing uplithe tired equines were declared out of danger and with positive instructions to Joe not to giye the animals anything to drink the officer in cotnrnand of the rear guard gave the order "quick march." The result months previous to his death he had seemed to be in better spirits, and Con- tinued. tceiimprove 'mita he again saw that matters were slieping not altogether to his liking, wh'en, it is presumed he re- solved ehat life was not worth living for and decided to die. All hends were busily engaged harvest - is command was the prettiest four bun- ing, and at twelve o'clook in response to NOTICE is hereby given that the partner- of ibis ship lately Exietine between Jonathan X. dred yard raoe it hasbeen the pleasure of the call repaired to the house for.dinner. Pickard and Ezra Spicer, of the village of Exe- your correspondent to witness in Litany yams After waiting for some time for the elder ter,under the firm of Pickard &Spicier, Poultry Breeders, was dissolved on the .Kertx rbir or Cousin Charlie was the winner in °lie rai9; second call was given, bet no response. sr art, by mutual conseut. Me and ninety•five seconds. "What next His kind and loving wife remembering xoeieenexj. Picateun, e iviEs then the ,general question, and after that'but a, few minutes to twelve o'clock EZRA SPIOEB. , witness, 1 the hght weights and ladies should retire and whence she had eone with a refreshing N.B. Mr. S. J. . Pickard will continue the to amuse themselves in their own ohildish drink ,for the harvesters, he .had told her poultry busines, and keep constantly on baud way, while the heavy weights of the family he was going to cut some thistles at, the during the s00500% 13. S. Himburg, e p Emu. liatrg, I) Brahma, W C Black polish eggs itt should pair off. for a boxing contest, (a sett rear. of the born, -2,per setting*. of Indian boxing gloves having been and to cell hire when - found on the hands of two old braves diem- clinmer was ready, at. once instituted a inmEns 8, terred by Bob)our wilt be'well known cousin, search,, Fence corners were looked into FAR OTHERS. Bob has many Indian relics and the 'hoeing as well as every conceivable place of „ e glovekhe oonsidereee great find.. They very slurnber in the outskirts of the barn. The 'We *181.1 to ealt especial attention from the muctilf resemble h , arvest mitts but felt 'like e . nterioi — • ofthe building was then exam- , farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr. so_me ossified matter. , To the boxing contet ined, and while passing into the driving George Moatz,ofP,ot 11, 000.8. Stephen, Credi-- however, Miolne and Dougal toed the soratc shed ai and sight met the old lady's gaze— ton,P. O., haeon, iiand a yery lame quantity of and time being called, Mickie launched out the form of her husband. with drooping ' e with the left but Bengal. caught the blow . . clad by a rope attached to a cross , betun. At the Following Prices: . . s , eeping right bander, cmollfickises straw 'hat kr mob. Tile, ... . ... ... te 8 per At which... he hid , ingeniously thrown Life was•found to be extinct, and the • • P, W. Corallgs, ooneiderable discussion it Wa3 arranged that after returning from flee haryeet held TILE OF 'ALL SIZES ! erres encl wild staring eyes hung steepen - with his riglit foot and countered with a g 0 to the ground while :Cougars eyes were shut. corthier not debming an inquest necessary 10 ' , The referee hare interfered declaring the the body was removed to the house and 5 " 00" 6 " ... = '.- ..,. ' 50 " fight a draw and all bets cff- (../!eat excite- prepared for burial. For the purpose of 8 " . . 50 " ment prevailed when it was announced that enacting that which he accomplished the seven inch tile can be furnished if required. the renowned pugilists Cameron and Spen- eoeoreermee men had tied a; rope. to a oar of (Thiene were the next to don the beam in a driving shed, and standing Or gloves. Cameron was attiredin a most beau- a wheel -barrow placed. for the purpose, tiful suit of bronze mahogany 'while Spencer evidently put his hecid in the isoese and was more nnassumingly gotten np in black then stepped off as when found he was shoddy. Oa the word "go" Spencer. with hair- . , ) banging between the handles of the barrow eculbuts alacrity described fourteen and ode - half eireles around the amazed Cameron, and arid lile feet,about four inches from the) bi oeglet up Niers, Osprained ankle. This 11,9Lit. ,, 4 ./I3iShal) to:Bettina-I' coati:dna also fight in as T11,0"2dc0ouocie, eB.i'reeteeTiQVP-4. ie-Kee14.fts mucli as henceforth he was obliged to fight of Lot 12,, South Boundary Stephen vrlth his right login a sling,. f,The first forty townshipwas born at Glastinbury, Som - rounds were unworthy of particular note et- eept that Cameron dislocated his, oboulder The above are of best quality. Crediton, April 14,1887. GEORGE MOATZ attended, and sa.ttsfaction guaranteed. Sales •-• Sure Thin .„ arranged at this °ince. TtTBEINARY. o „TENENT TENNENT, itiai'6,clVeteri• - ilidritiiirtVuateS, oth f e OntariC -1-4.0nTilektineAnit :8 GRL:Esin. Veterinare College, Toren an office for FOR GENUINE BELLIB(Iiit' deti _ Animals, on FOR No. 1 INSEC'DPOWDER ..Boinestic ,, 11,,,instreet _ , Exeter. Calls a dis ...--. er---'----- -e- tance promnt,y , eteeaded to:- Medicine for Norses Cattle,&c .:;., always on band: ito,^ have) the treat ment o f all MONEY TO LOAN. ^ ONE! TO LO &IT ON.RE AL ES tate forthe Huron &ErieLoan Say- ingsSociety. -Low rates ofinteresi. Apply to Yolni gPaekratur,Exeter. ONE TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i Per Cent, 305,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. D.)I7Dicitsor7,. • • • • • tpi 13 arrister,Ezeter, • rir J. SUTHERLAND, Hensel], • ont., conveyancer, Cna enaissionerjlere ' a and for and. Life, Iusurance Agent, ardTseuer of mar- / riage LicensesAll liminess iransacteditriet- Examine ly confidential.. appears that Howard, who is a, carpen. ter by trade, and is about twenty-five years Of age, while working in Corunno some three years ago formed. the an- quaintance of 1%,liss Louise Larcirge, dau- ghter of 52r. Jos. Lafarge, Of that vil- lage, 'Cho acquaintahce was naffintain. ed, and regulted some tune ago in an engagement ; toei the marriage wee set for eueeday of last week, to talre piece at Elliecin's Hotel, Sarnia. In pursd- ance of the errangement, Miss Laforge eanae up to Sarnia. on Mouday evening:, but to her disappointment founee that- flulueg wiud. 13reeks, Tc,TXgrr400. Howard had mode none of the etieees Niel! ewe shelter in winter andi:spring sexy arrangementa, for thownseclitariiinitgeeigsr, ltviiiirtoculigirtsloieme0t)fhoelu'sr for housekeepin‘ 'Phe postponed till W eqaesdity atternoone lye I waitsi;gbillaiclg tetolesseeeesvce'ir;:Lourorwfsa.e,n,behr: yet Howerd still inede no prepartetions; were Pl nor did he offer an Y expianetions'pf hie trees mentioned, and the NorWay "epruee eondeict. Toward!, evening, floward lmparobbia.,ebalky go fr okvotil, ?mg; spruceic13.* e st. a nIai.;iuilivae, made his appearance at the hotand found his expectlat bride elespoldent caught0f S hupthtoe stphreuic)einien ptiwaearitotyyears hada years. Nbw that our original forestkehre going fast,,all should endeavor to :plant at,least a line of tree -s along one side of their farms.. Planting treesisibile of the chief meausby.which. we can preserve the fertility of the soil, . ; Yot.ioRa.tem.ita.prei" Toronto, July I5th '81. BROWN- ING-' like movements of SPeneeri In the forty - joint in atte optedto locate' one.oto top, 'TRE SPOT ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT JP Fishing Tackle lirstyound Spelner dropped over the ropes badly disfigured, his proboscis, nartioularly presentiug a most wretolied sight. The orowd now wanted something better and eilence nigned supreme, when it was known that the gaidtator, our bia professional cou- sin had consented to give the boys some pointers in the art. After a few glorious and seienitfic swings, he invited a few of the cou- sins out to practice :but only two entnred t accept. The first to step oat being the biLINA.YS A. FULL LINE' plucky Ba ay. Bray intendeelleaving for Chi- , eago a week ago but after one round he was OF ALL KINDS OF compelled.to defer his departure and he is A call solicited. ' Me"; attli e Post Office. ' r. WATERLOO <MUTUAL self. now on the shores of lake Huron looking up a lost eye, an ear, a. jawbone and several h Thi 1 t d Inc m tches teat s copip e eboxing a and very mueb exhausted, the late belliger- Your- ents now clamored for soi.&' thing to regale their drooping spirits and our would -like -to be cousin, Herb winked very meaningly at the boys. They followed mad your worthy J. W. BROWNING, Prop. sorrespondent here telt it his duty to waddle up in the van with a tin pail. Suffice to sav - L. FIRE IVSTIBANG E c o . that Herb's wink was an ieed "smile" on tap. Berb did,his part in princely style until he Established 1111863. . rarnion., Aliontion I laid HEAD OFFICE -.. 'WATERLOO, ONT. swallowed the tap, :;%vhich miefurtanff him up for the balance of the day. Sad- . . thinly the air resounded with the gentle ding This company 'has been over Eighteen gears in eueeessf61 operation in Western On- tario,arichontimies 80 ineure againstmss or damage by Pire,Raildiegs,Merchandi se,t,lan- ufactoriee , and all °the r deberiptions of linsur- able property. [ntending" ineuters have the option of ineuring on the PrOinium Note or Cash System . During the past ten years tbie Company has issned„ 57,00G Policies, covering property to the amount of e40,872,0e6 ; and paid inloss- es m1°116'8700,732,00 AssetS, $176,100.00, consisting of Cash n dank, Government Deposit, and the unties - e ssed tiremturnNotesonhiifld000tnforOe. .3", W WALDEN M D. Preside t. 0.11.TAXLON., Secretary. T. B. ECtiones,Inspector. CHAS. SNELL Agentfor Exeter and vicinity. TILE ..F CANADA, The Foyal Men, Passenger and oreight Route between Canada and Great Biitain and direct route between the West and all poiete ourthe Lower St. Lawrence and Baie des Cho, - feu'', a leo New Brunswick, Nova, Scotia, P. E. Island Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Bermuda, and Jamaica. New and elegant Pullman. Buffet Sleeping and Day Cars run on through 1Clispress' trains. Palsongers for Great 13ritain or the Conti- nentby leaving Toronto at 8.80 a. ra. There, day ,•,v,ift join outward molt Stettaller itt lig., Eittturday. SUe„ or EleVitor Warehouse arid Dock ac- commodation at Galifox for shipment of grain and general merchandise. Years of experience have proved. the INTER-' COLONIAL in connection, with steamship lines to and from London. Liverpool and (Gloat:ow to Fialifax, to be tile quieltest freight 'reiute betweee Cadade and Great Britain. Information as to Passenger and Freight rates ettn be ltd en op plioation to BOBBRT B. IVIJODIE, Western Freight& Passenger Agent ' Pc:mein Holiaetloch,Folvk st, Torerito D. POT TIN GLIB, Chief Superintendent, Hallway 0 to N. 33., Nov Iethi 1886.- INLPZII.I.A.1.1 MILLS, WOOD aA.M. The undersigned would respectfully inform the community that they have lensed tho above rains for a term of years' and will be pleased to have a can from all, The mill has recently been improved, by the addition of new mach- inery. Ibis the intention or tt.e subscribers to Ad a scb of rolls as soon as possible; and all combined. the Woodham Grist Mill Will be secoud to none in the West. ---x—x-- Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constnntly on hand for saes or exehanged for oats. SATISFACTION GOARANTEED. lefirA TRIAL SOLICITED, J. & A. IoNEVIN, July 14.] Props. elanZAZI arber Shot WANBOWS BLDG% A. Hastings, Prop, Shaving and Hair cutting in tho latetit StyleS of the art. livery attendee ptriel to cutting .Ladies and Children's Hair ll SWITCHES MADE TO ORDER, § ersetshire, England, in the month of October, 1829, and at a very early period young nsan (deaf mute) named White, of life; in the year 1842 irr company with of St. Marys, a painter ' by trade, while his two cousins George and James King, walking u°a(laY on the railway track who now reside in East Zorra, emigrated between the town and main depots. was to this country and settled in Woodstock, struck and fatally injured by an engine, then. a very small place. After Working both legs and one arm being broken, about that Village for a number of year besides wounds on the head and inter - and accumulating what in that day, was nal injuries. When picket up he was still living, though unconscious, but no hopes were entertained for his recov- ery. tatotver, • Tree Planti.p.g. , l'o the Editor of the Exeter Timea. Silt! -24 should like' to remind your readers at this periqe, teat if they wish to plent Ihiespf evergreee trees for shelter, it can very well bedew) in the, last week in July, or the first week iii August. Rows of these trees whether epine, spruce or cedar, will be, foiled superior to maples with whieb iitetey are aow and in tears. He rushed- out tothe stable, and beingi tollovved by, -the hor. ler was founcli in tlae loft with a. rope, round his neat: and the other end ete taehed to the beam apparently prepar- ing to drop himself through the open- ing in the hay loft floor. Howard was secured and tlee rope remelted; he then headed for the river, with the expressed intent of jumping in., but this also tvas prevented, and the would-be suicide was handed over the chid of police, by whom he was placed in sate -keeping for a while, and then handed over to his friends.. 'Me opiniore of those in a po- nder& to judze was that liosvard W58ly no means so desperately bent oa self -- immolation as he appeared to be, and that there was no particolar danger of ibe his doing himself very Much (Lineage. king raachwerYjnalce 111 P°s3ibisfibt. even in the most frantic stage of his .,werh0i9ch` to blyeaklibretiyeedvvarsatgtil otl wtdirPhave mania. Miss Laterge, who could giy. seemed little short, of marvellens, and no reason for Elo warcl'e 's tran ge actione and refusal to ,keep hes ongegenae.o. it is by thismeang that the farmers' were ble, during laSt week to,pleoe tee faII Was, as may be aupposed, intenely wheat and barley crop of the .county chagrined home next morning, proola•ming her over tee etdeir, and left generally und for rime so far adeanded that a very fair es - intention cover. The harvest is intention of severing all connection with her faitaless intended. gr. Laforge, tinaate of the geneeal. result can be m ele. and we. ,regret to say that the eowever, does tot -feel disposed to drop tiie ttter so eimily, and 'threatens, ir sh6wmeuk Irithec,'41° r'!,3*tieur.13ra‘not qtlite i satisfabiorY up till a very "ic satisfactory - The Harvest. The very favorable weather of -lest week yeas lakeh full advantage of by the farmers in this locality, and an iminense acreage of grain was teken in. The al- most universal. use of p roved 'harvest- HOward does not' make- settrement to institute a‘suit tor dama- short time ago been confidently looked , e for: 'ffteuitense heat of the prece.iing eek„„ciceurting OslO did al a critical. „ oessestet-elleep-esw:;litreecie sets's- :letage of the grain urops, a a yer3- • bee d ". prejudittireserrentellyleuethanst FATAL ACCIDENT AT ST. MARY'8.—A and barley Crop, such as niust operetta - to materially lessen the expected yield. The whole position according to t he best intormittion we can obtain, may be summoned sip as followsee-- Bent —Crap above' the averadc saved in the very best conshtion'eieept: in a, few cases where the pressuresof the 'fall wheat and barley harvest compeled:the farmers to leave their hay, stanuing till' too late. FALL WEBA.T is reported on theh W 0 el a fair crop. It hastall been saved i81. the very best condition the straw bright and free from chess.. The -sample is likes ty to be of very tine quality, the only drawback (Irv/Moll we have heard being that the gra in fa said to be in some cases slat ufiken from the effects of tete - hot weather. , BmiLgy.—Crop almost all saved, and in good condition. The sample is very bright,, but from the effect of the hot weather, the grain will be so light as to materially sherten, the yield. 0.tes.—Stand well on the ground, with very fine bright straw in most cases; hot on, 0100001 of the hot weather the gram in early delds will b light. With cool. add rainy weather late fields may yet come up to then average. Mooresville. SPRING WiazAr.--On. =mint of the tine yield of last year a very much. larger acreage Bruges.—Mr. Samuel Bodging, of Bid- jof spring wheat was puten, than usual; and dulph, has just returned from a trip to he present pmepect of the crop '.10 very poor ' Scotland much improved in health, aud i ,deed. Some of our iuformants think it bringing with him a yearliug OIydesda1dt must be a total failure; others think that stallion.—elost of the faetners in this J ander the recent cooler and showery change vicinity have finished cutting their fall l it has improved ; end that with a continu- wheat and some are drawing it in. ---111r.10000 08 favorable Yreathor the er°P maY tura David Cobbledtck, who has been suffer - me from a broken leg is rapidly recov- ing.—Mrs. A. R Campbell, of London 'East has been visiting her aunt Airs. G. Shoults, for the past week.—Mr. Jos. Cobbledick hasbeen oinking an addition of a bay windbw and verandah to his house which makes quite an =prove - meat in the buil.ling.—Durina a heavy considered a neat sum, he marnedslliss Elizabeth Lampert, daughter of Joseph Lampert, Esq.., of Blanfurcl, Comity of Oxford, onethe 21st October 1847. Lir- login Woodstock four years after mar- riage he, in company with familyremoved to the township of Stephen and settled on:the oue hundred acre farm which he U s borne. It was published a few weeks ago in the Tams that John Essery, Usborne, raised the largest barn in the Township then purchased, and. which he died in the of U.d by the Elimintle rrespondent aboine. In last week's 1111ES it was possession of. Being young and robust deni he worked hard, enduring the toils of the - eco early pioneer and the vicissitudes of life in a manner most remarkable. By care- ful study mid with the economy practised by his estimable wife the farm was clen,red, paid for, and heuclsome buildings erected thereon in a few years. For a number of years he held the office of school trustee for school section. No. -2, Stephen, and had on several occasions been solicited to accept high and more prominent office ; le of the (limier bell and a rush was made but being of a quiet and unassuming dis- for ham sandwich and chicken Pie, Bob of position he respectfully declined. De - course was there first. all the time and last. ceased was a prominent and consistent Your correspondent overheard remarks di- rected to Beb suoh as, "isn't he a terror to ert" Ihke pork but deliver me from a hog" 84e., however your correspondent was after- wards informed that Bob had some time be. fore eegaged in a boxing match with it pro- ecesional gentleman from Seaforth and re- ceived such a severe shaking up that he was nimble to eat for four days before the picnic. The cousins and your corresoondent were in- vited by amnia Ike to spend the eyeniug at his camp where he promised to entertain us with rnus:c and dancing but before evening arrived Ike cancelled his invitation having as he said made some other appointment with Parkhill girls, vvho were camping in the vi, einity. This last disappointment was too natiola for the cousins and after invoking all manner of blessings upon the head of Ike, they hitched up and drove to Prieds. burg where they procured music and a hall and danced till tired, then with Auld Lang Syne they bade good bye to your correspond - t h hab thi time b OMB eaken, en wo a y s GC W ,ed and weary that he was obliged to put up et 'this point for the night. I forgot to say that the gang was photographed id camp -like style and your correspondent -was on the privileged to see the proof. I can without flattery say that cousin Will was the worst looking one in the party. — American. Reports from a /lumber of places around Greenfield, Mass., indicate that the freshet yesterday was the heaviest since 1860.' The heaviest clainego is alohg the him of the Fitchburg road betWeeli Miller'S :Palls and 01 IOW &mai trains are stoppect at way pieties along the road owing to the washouts, So far no loss of 1if ia reported. This morning the hew iron bridge between Erving mid Millet 'e fang Wes swept away, and the loss alone from this will be tnore than $30,- 000, •41,8 a mistake the name of Mougle eleVicar Goderich Model School 301, wee omitted from the lit of entranee candidateg passed at Goderiole Also that the names of George Andrews end ,Tenele Eavillo were A CeLL SOLICITED wrongly insertect in the list of linseed can. dictates. member -of the Methodist church up to the time of his death. Throughout life he was a man of most exemplary conducts conscientious in discharge of his duties and pursuits, amiable and kind hearted to all. He possessed to an eminent de- ' pee the affection of his friends and intimates, and the highest esteem of all who knew him. He leaves: to mourn their loss.a wife and nine children—four eons and five daughters, three daughters and two sons married—all of whom have the deepest sympathy of a wide circle of acquaintances. One son resides in Mich - igen, one daughter at Ethel, the remain- thunder storm on Sunday morning last der of whom live in the neighborhood. Mr. igichtel Mountain or Biddulph had very fair. Grapes promise teell in the et 6 ,. The remained the deceased were placed hie barn struck by lightning, tearing off 0 improved variti ,e - oh guerteoil. Ou 0A. vines the yield will not bolo' .good. Apples in the Fairfiekl cemetery on Sunday a tew boards of the siding. Insurance 1 afternoon, the obsequies bepr•mise to be a very abundant yield, but ing performed by the ReV. Mr. Kennedy. The cortege ' W818 81 very large one, the hugest seen 151 the township for geme time. stating, that there are two barns near there larger; one is 100x66, and the other es 60x70, but neither one is as large as the correspondent wrote, the largest is only 72x50, thus leaving Mr. Essery's barn the largest, Very good for the correspondent liveng so close and making such a mistake. then WHO KNOWS. out better than its present promise. POTATOES "ere brought forward too fest by tha dry weather and intense heat, and, die yield will bo very poor. It in; only on, moist and very rich laud that anything, like an average erop is looked, for. • itoor OEMPS.--Tui nips are not ranch e growu su this region, tine we have not heard , any esti1na4e Of the prospect. els.neolds ate ,eported very good, ;" • Pruit,—The yield of sinfill fruit has been Mn George king of tast Zona, cousin of the deceased, was in attendance at the funeral,as also wore a namber of friends from Woodstock, While the cortege was on the way Mee. Clarke, fen from a buggy hi which she wets riding and sustained slirhb in;ittries. The aecident was caused by the rigs pee - ceding stopping up, suddenly. A soil. of Edward Jones who has 'been siek for 'sem time Was so oi'etottne by thesight of the reentinS being moved that he fainted away, and did not cane to for seine time. David Pike the Zurieh hoetler, who some time ago out his throne and who was sent te Goderich jail for a term, was released the other week, Laid is now working in a stable near Londoh. Greed tend is beaming quite a resort for those who wish a place of quiet retreat, on the shores of lake Huron, Parties from Goderich, Exeter, Parkhill and other plate are now spending a few weeks there. A few have broaght tents with them and are quite conteut with their frugal fare. Bium.—The first whistle of a thresh- ing engine was heard on Saturday last, when Mr. Joseph Rudd threshed for Mr. J. Cooper. The yield was rathef sinall.—If the weather centinues dry some tarnaers will finish harvest this Week.—Mr. R, Wilcocks has had a neat little house erected.—Although the heat bee been severe, very little sick- ness prevails in the neighborhood.— Our villageshoemaker has been helping his neighbors to get in their crops. A friend in need —There is a stay dog in the neighborhood JA hands high, blind in his off eye, with a bad split in hie nigh ear, also a big scar over his shout - der. --Mrs G-. W. lit:Oman and son lefi this week for a feW weeke sojourn anon g friends in the neighborhood ot Hamil- ton. Mr. Holman !pewee soon for the same place arid purposee attending the Ontario Teacher'S assoeiation at Toren - to before rettirning.--8plendid weather for harvesting and everybody is taking &ttivantage of L. The harVeet this year Will he early hottsed, thee ,ruit promises to be email. Cooler an moieter weather Would i018 'tit the pi ospect for late varities, • asommewasimaa, Vcrinohelsea. Mr. F. Godbolt, our enlerprisin merchant has disposed of his stock a rented his premises to M.r. Jas„Jone teacher S. 8, No 4, Usborices---Tdr Go' bolt, we understand intends moo! west.- Cho trustees of mar school a having our school house thoroug overhauled and repeirml. Power their elbOws—it needed it bad mien Mr. Ge A. Powell of 13erlionis rusticat With his frieuus at home. , • .., , • , Clinton people are agitakiug fur IL pt Clinton is behind bleeter in thifi ' many other respeote, BABIES AND:CHILDREN, They are always eatchnig coid in lee It Place rt small particle of Nasal Beim ix noatril at eight, also rab web owe the be of the noge, arid let us know how they at the mereiiig,