The Exeter Times, 1887-7-21, Page 5IIQdg$on vs. Bosalequat. Judge 13e11, of 'Chatham, to whom was re. !erred the matter of damages and costs in tiro oase of Hodgson vs. Bosanquet, has gtveu Ins decision as follows: ,1--I, find that the drain referred to in the evidence herein was constructed under the provisions of the Municipal Act iu that bo. half in a; goodand workmanlike mariner and Interosting It$111$,. Mr, $penes, Inland Lteveuue Collector,' of Mitchell, 11asbeen removed to Si. Catharines, and left on Wednesday. The office at 11lit- ohell will bo conducted by Mr. Brown, es wel as the Seafortb office which he now has, -Ft D. the e To'all who are suffering, freta o effete and a indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, without doing or causing any trvo clable,, early decay, loss of Manhood, .&o,1 will sand a damage, and wag eoluideriug the Jntereets reoeipe th" t willeure you, FffEE Ob' CHARGE. of all parties ` located iu the proper place. t This great remedy was; discovered by a 'mis- 2--I further find that by reason of tho von, sionary in South Alnorioa. Send it self -ad- struotion Of the said drain the said Jacob dressed envelope to ltnv, Tosak i T, lrin$Art Hodgson was required to build a bridge pr Stettionl). Neto YorkOit culvert over the i ai31e in order to get access Tlio' ►if1' uLty idxperionced. to the public road and I award him for fe tilting Cod Liver on is entirely (ver - building the said bridge and keeping the om,no in Scott's Ezuulsi'au of Cod Liver Oil same in perpetual maintenance the sum of and liypophosphites., It is as palatable as seventy five dollars 3-I further find that milk, and the most valuable remedy that has the cellar of the said Jacob ftodgson is mole ever ben produced for the cure of Consunap- lieble to be flooded at periods of high water thin Serofnla Wasting Diseases. Do not than before the construotiou of the said fail to try it. Put up iu 500. and $1 size. in but that the expenditure of two cr at lz year in removing obstructions will pro- 0An Industrial School will be built at lie. est of throe days workonion average in ine this season, It is said it will cost $25;• ,ao y such flooding and'for such increased Q 00 esponditure to' prevent the stuns award to A SOURCE OFADNGE i, the said Jacob -Hodgson the sum of,` fifty The frequent source of danger attending dollars, making in all the sum of one' hue. bowel complaints deriug the summer and dred and twenty five dollars. 4—Except as fall iee the liability to check the diarrhoea the aforesaid I And that the said Jacob Hodgson suddeny, Dr. i owlets Extract of Wild St has sustained no further or other damage by will not do this, Inflammation reason of the construction of the saki drain for which the said corporation is Hebei. 6— And I do further ditect that the wets of the said Jacob lIodgson and the costs of this reference and award be paid by the said corporation and bo "somaessoa by them against the ratepayers to the said drain (except the said Jacob Hodgson) pursuaut to the statues in that behalf. TROSE BUSTLES For .Girls and Ladies fair. And for Mothers grown in years.Of Sizes, Shapes and Colors, not a few. Just 1.100k at Them, From 1..21 to 50 cents. Any and All can buy them, they are so cheap, NEW CORSETS A .Bag Supply to hand. Special for • umfi1 er .... wear. The color is GOLD, : and the summer P100 just half ft dollar. Sizes' from ,8 to 3 . Don't you really think your size is there ? /QUEEN I •! B I %.' CI AND COTTON. .D S. Are going fast, A few ends yet to be cleaned , out. The of the bowels does not follow its use, es is too .Olfl,n00 IS yours if you'll only take it, The Garette Ottawa correspondent tele- graphs : "I had au interview with Hon. Mr. itleLelhn,; feeetmaster-general. this after- I works have been sold in Canada alone. We noon with reference to the reduction of the want every person troubled with Liver Com- oomtuiesion hitherto allowed stationers and plaint, Dyspepsia, Headache, Kidney or Uri others who sell postage stamps. He said that nary Troubles, to bey a bottle of Dr. Cirase'e the reduction to 1 per cent. was made in the intermits of economy, stud he did not think it -}oul.d cause any izsoonveuionee to the publio or reduce ;the revenue from , the sale of stamps. in (treat Britain and the United son, Mother of the htinieter of Justine. States no eulenliseion was allowed to slave N'1i1ADACl31a AND LOSS OF APPETITE vendors, and in the former oouu ry they had to give bonds fel* one huudred pounds The commiesien paid here hast year (1886) amounted to forty thousand dollars, two thirds of, which will be rayed by the reduc- tion, The eommissiun allowed need to be five per andwhi it was reduced o d to three there was a great outcry, but the deal- ers had not given up selling stamps. They found that keeping stamps for sale attracted Don't forget a supply of that Dr. Fowler's custom to their shops, and so they will con- Extraot of Wild Strawberry. It is a super- tinuo to keep them. There are about forty for remedy for sea sickness, and a positive stamp vendors in Ottawa, find the feeling enre for all bowel eomplanlls induced by bad against the reduction it very strong. Several water, change of diet, or of climate. Whether of the leading stationers say they will diecon-1 at home or abroad, it should be kept at hand time the sale it. Hope & Co., who run the stamp counter in the post office, have noti- fied the postmaster that they intend. giving it up. There is notmuch probability of any oue else taking it and the postmaster says he'suppo es the clerks will have to sell stamps at the wiettets, r ' *Jani11issiou atludore, Central India, has. Goods, PlusheS, Velvets and Silks all to be run of right Putt returned to Toronto after an absence in r lain. of to years, Speedily, and the cash will do It A prontapie Life. Few men have accomplished the same' If 'a nice Suit you want, a pair of pants to fit amount of work and good in this world as the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 600,006 of his or a vest that's right there, come to tis. Our tailor will like you ever so much and you'll bo pleased as well, often the case with powerful opiates and as. triugeute. Itouves promptly and in a net ural manner• Parasols -loges remnants of .gess M`ss McGregor, McG e, of the Canadian Presby- 1 Liver (Jure, it will cure yon. Medicine and Recipe'Booe $1. Soldby 0. LUTZ, OnszueL DRUG SToua, Exeter, Ont. The death, is announced of Mrs. Thcnlp- Mrs, JOHN IfYLNE, elle of John. Myluo, Druggist, Bothwell, esys: -ally experience of Dr, (:arson's Stomach Bitters is that it will more Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion anr1. Headache, T believe it to be the best family. medicine, and ecu strongly recommend it." GIVE THEM A ORANGE ! That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. 'Very wonderful ma- ohinery it is. Not only the larger air -pass- ages, but the thousands of little tabes and cavities leading from them. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your e lungs cannot half do their work. And what in case of emergency. New Jersey farmers aro cutting their hay by moonlight, m order to avoid the intense Beat of the day. Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and sorely develope into Catarrh when you can be cured for 25 Dents. A few applica- tions will cure incipient Oatarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One to fire boxes will euro chronic Catarrh. Sold by all dealers at 25c. per box. Try Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure -take no other—it will cure you. C. Lutz, sole agent for Exeter In the French Senate Friday, M. Gavardio gave notice that he would question the � and social corruption in France, as revealed ITRV EVEREST'S LIVER REGULATOR BARGAINS IN ALL SPRI G AND S VIIVtLR, GOODS Felt and Straw Hats very cheap. Examine our stock and test our prices and we leave the verdict with yourself. CASH WORKS WONDERS t Eggs and butter aro .rna when oboioe is right at or OS Everest's Cough Syrup CA1gNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful cora. tive Dowers, price 25 cents. Government regarding the growth of crime (T11ADE M&F.] .l they do, they cannot do well. by the Pranziui affair. ' Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia , AFTER LONG YEARS, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of th ' at and nose and head and, lung ohstrue- tio e, ell are bad. All ought to be got rid. of. The a Is just one sure way to get rid of them That is to take .Bosehee's German Syrup. Alma Ont. which any druggist will sell you at 75 dente kett,. , a bottle. Even if everything else has failed I A. GOOD ACT. yon, yon may depend upon this for -certain, ' "As a etre for all summer complaints I highly recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, having o:teu used it with the beat results. I have been often thanked for reoonnneuding it. William Haw, Ames - ter, Ont. A Cairo despatch says :'-The Dervishes after completely devastating the villages be- tween Sarras and Dongola bare returned to Dongola, and peace is again restored. • "I wastroubled with liver ee plaint for a number of years, finding no cure. I tried B. B. B. I took four bottles, and an perfectly cured, strong and hearty." Mrs. Marianas - t -.r+.a The Saaiss Federal Council bas decided to enforce the spirit monopoly law after the 20111 inst. 1`or Scrofula, impoverlslied Bloat and General Debility. Scott's .Emuisionof Cod Liver with Hvpophos phites, has no Neel in the whole realm of Medicine. Read the following : "I gave - Scott's Emulsion to my own child for Scrof- ula, and the effectwas marvolons."—O. F. Gray, M. D ;White Hall, Ind. Put up in Soo. and $1 size, It isunderstood that the suppletneutary list of Queen's Counsel for the Province of Ontario will shortly be published. YOUNG 4IFN guttering f rem the effects, of i early evil habits, the result of ignorance or jolly, who find themselves weak, nervous, and exhausted also Minnrin AGED and OLD %TEN, who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the coneequences of youthful excess, send for and DEAD it. V.thuban's Treatise on Disea°es of. Men. Thebook will be sent Sealed to any ad- dress on receipt of two le. stamps. Address M. V.LUBON,47 Wellington St. E. .Toronto. Jari.l8th.1887. 1—v. The Austrian Government has issued an order which again permits the exportation of horses. coNstawrriON Grum. An old physician, retired from practice,hav- ing had placed in his hands by an i,ast Iuclian missionary tCo formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the epeedv and permanent cure' of Cons eruption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and rel throat and lung affections, also.a posi- tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of . eases, has felt it his duty to me ke it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by tLi9 motive aurl a desire to relieve human sufferirh, w_..1 seud free of charge, to all who desire :t. ibis withseGfpe, in Clenivan French or English, wi- th tali 14)..,,, direpreparing preparing and using. Sent 1.)•mail__, ,by...lA. nem ,. ,th nM.n ,,,n. ❑arninn this paper, W..4 NoeS,149 Power's Block lit Mester i , The ocean snail steamship contract has no yet been awarded. THE KEY TU HEALTH. Znlocket all the ologgod &vermeil of the Bowels, Kidneys and Lives., burry ing off gradually without weakening the' system, all the impurities and foul humors of the socretiona t at tho same times Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing 1E3iliouSness, 13y8- pepsia, headaches, Dizziness, Ileartburrt, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Drops'*,:Dimness of Viei.on 3aandi.ce, Solt rheum, , , ,' Erysipelas,t3erofiila � lutterzttg of the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen. oral IDebility, ell those and many other riirnilar :dompiaints yield to he happyy�TTi��ntl}uence,.i of L'LT7 BLOOD : .L^i �: 11AS. ADv1OE TO MoTaans•—Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and. crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup" for Children Toetlxvig. Its value is incalculable. It will ielieve the poor little sufferer immediately. ..,eneudupon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrl'caa, regulates the Stomach 81111 Bowels, cures Wind Colla, sottona the Gums,reducesInflamcnation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething ispleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest' and best Iemalophysiciaos and nurses in the United States, midis for sale by all druggists through- out the world, Price twenty-five cents a bot- tle, 13e sureand ask for "Mao. 'WINSLOW'S Soair xG STEEP "and take no other hind. Twe prominent citizens of Ottawa, Dr. Beatto and Mr. P. 0. Auelair, clothier, have become inetme within the past few days. Don't Speculate. Run no risk ea burying medicine, but try the great Kidney and Liver regulator, made by Dr. Chase, author of Chase's receipes. Try Chase's Liver Oure for all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by 0, Lutz. There is a etrzke a1 the Kingston I:rutting mill among hands who have been lately otn• ployed by piece, and demand a return to day work. Fox diseases of the Liver,. Kidneys, a e., and Purifying of the Blood. Price $1. Six bot- tles for $5. For Sale by Arm DRUGGISTS Manufactured only by G. M.EVERST, Oftel,/HT. PoRLST, ONT. BAD STOMACH, tomach Liver. or all disorders oif the 5 Foe a Kidneys, Dr. Carson's Stomach 13itters are unsurpassed. '.Chet' areagtheu the whole muscular system, give a healthy complexion, bring bade the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into healthy action the whole pliyei. nal energy of the hotline frame: Mr. Wiman admits that nodes• co:marcu,l reciprocity a large number of Camelia', fsctories would be oloeed, but argues th t there would, bo benefits to correspond. But few peeplc ecu sofa just where they GREAT GAIN'. "I need a great deal of doctor's medicine for kidney complaint during fiye years, was getting worse all the time until I tried 13. 13 13. I took three bottles, gained in weight from 130 to 150 lbs, I can highly recoil] mead Burdock Blood Bitters to (he a good werlici1111." 'rhos testifies John Walton, of Springfield N. 13. T110 hack Carl to tt,hmo at Southwest c. ., t Point,Point,T>ntu;osti, rtnrl will likely be ,a 10101 tel .vtec.ft. She ie loaded with sepals at 3a tilt 101 Cticlior) for London; Pot. Children Starving' to death, On account of their inability to digest ordi , Lary food. Scotl'u 1111111111oncsan be digested funu ive strength and flesh when all et er noel fails. Sen chat 1)r: A. N. Pock, Penn. tiled. t5ollego, Petitcodiac, says : •`.1 110l'e used ud ptescr,bcri Si:olt's .P.:ruul,ilSn of Cod ,iv(.r Clip, rend tirrd 11 utt excellent prepare (en, ogroitirlg w, 11111111 tin the 1,l0uiaeil, and its ;antiuuettuie adding greatly to the strength to 1 arirnfor't et' the patient." rat 11() 1n ,I0(r. tAt, [ia�l � 1 size. T. litil.ui:? s' ,1 1:0., Prerrf..t. iy, T'oren 'worm POWDERS. Are pleasant to tufts, Contain their own Purgative. Is a P.—ft., si'r'e, and effectual dcltaoYer of worms iu Children or Adult& TRUSSES ! T3RISTIAN LAWYER, manatee• turerof all kinds of Trusses; Residence: Bantam's Mills, Hay, wnere hewill attend to the wants of any who may require his services, Why pay from $15.00 to $25 00 Thr the same ar- ticle which he can furnish you Inc $5.00 and which is as z;ood if not better and warranted to fit with comfort? il,emetuber, Double Trusses $5.00 ; Single Trusses, 82.50, All com- munications addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER, Zurich P. O., Ont, Why Proclaim .. � The GreatGreat1EnglishEnglishPiesci•ilUIOm. A successful Medicine used over . 30 years in thousands of cases . Cures • Spermatorrhea, Nervous 4 Weakness, Emissions. Impotency and all diseases caused he abuse. rraswoIuc] indisoresion, or over-exertion, Durres) itsackages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great Engli.h Prescription, take no substitute. One package $1. Six $5, by mail. Write forPamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, bitch. Sold in E titer by Dr. J, W. Browning and 0. Lutz. S. ERSEY —Z,S' SELL1XG- --GROCPRiIS-- �sl�nis�i�� Pries QTTY OIL WORKS OIL At Toronto. Every Iia Orel Guaranteed, This Oil was ,lsea on, all machinery during 11 a Exhibition, ft has been awarded NINE O OLD METALS during the last three years. "ace that you get Peerless. it is only made b _— CALLANDBE CONVINCED. THE BOOT Published by the THE A. B. S.. New York. OF WONDERS. Lino` fs ed Co., TOEQNTOI , F0.1"t SATE BY JAS, "P.KC ARt$. FRUITS, F 4 x A. '. i'Arst:lL9ui W GR ".cu w1LlY is the place to go for all kinds of fruits' in season. e ALWAYS IN STOCK. CANDIES, IV U TS AND CONEEOTIONEHY, ICE CREAM PARLOR. p My Ice Cream. Parlors are the coolest and best appointed 1 >_ in town. The cream is of the purest;, and always fresh. SPIEETTEETHEERMEITITION CORM/IMO NEARLY' 300 PAGES. RICH, RARE and RACY. >i STARTLING REVELATIONS, , Over 1,000,000, Solei in. the United States. Every Sporting, Gambier and Actor in Can- ada should have a copy of this work. IT'N JUST. TEE THING ; IT TELLS ALL, AND 18 000 GOOD TO DnwlTUOIIT. Sent oy mail, postage .paid, on receipt of price, sec., or three books for $t: M. J. COLLINS, Welland, Ont. ornmermal LOVELL'S s: l GAZETTER AND HISTORY AS BEING A BENEFIT TO THE GENERAL P[JBLIC —while— • 1' DEARING, �r Montreal General Store is Hellina goods CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, I3alaneo of Sinner Stock to be sold at COST for CAST y to make'roorn for full purchases READY AlA.DE C1.IC)TBI G BOOTS AND SHOES 1 A P AlsnChoice Family rhroocri,is TEL 'Ci9A�1I Still Lowert1Jts , Syrups, Vinegars, Con rt'ctioaery. A few Kari). and Demi/lien Orgais for sale at n. great sacrifice for cash, as I aur going to give in, this branch of business, Goods sacrificed for cash d.eying the menthe of July and August, Also gond machine 911s Ceeod Revelling Utilise to 1lori1. 111.n'trn.[rs'n,ttTaw, At,i)I1Ti53, T. Deanne,, U ansou's Block. OF TSE �<viit4frbe .00 .0Sib 5 °fig ° C., at, O;� v�y� oq°�l`o, a �o�aoi 00 5 '9�it$ 4° 0:4'°NVtie eke w° 3\ 001/1H104 OF .01MAOtil In Nine Voi?u,aes, /loyal Svc,. MO BE Co3nrgNC'01]) whenever it sef,ieiout iL number of subscribers is obtained. 10 corer cost of 0013110;1,401.1 Subscription to, the Nine ,, Ontario r• Province ot Ont I o L lint•{ e U b Volumes 375 0 to e , r New Bra,' wick or tb. Nova to Quebec `,t.,,aU, to h d 731 Scotia 31180, 10 Manitoba or 14t•,tieb Columbia. 3'150, to 1'duets 'Edward Island or to Nortir- west Territories 9,,050. h:nobi?rovince to bave, a May. Please send for Prosnectns. JOn.N Ii()V tilt A/anti/er anti Pub1isiteo' Montreal Oh August,18511. augSdikva If 0 ejo. 4, °c '�' am 9, t`°S 4 4g� 0 a r `�t` 030 b y ° 6'0 .0. y4 t o4 o�u, `tit of ae itis 0e,4"' e'h a~ to e o, .ay o Dye Manufactured' only by Thomas Holloway, 78 New. Oxford: Street, late 638, Oxford. Street; London. AT' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots, the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. t) -T4 SPRING ' PG OUR NEW GOODS ARE HERE And we are ready and anxious to show them, they will make friends, outshine rivals, win victories, and sell themselves on their merits. LADIES call and see our Millinery, trimmed ° and otherwise, Shapes, Flowers, Ribbons, &c. LATEST NOVELTIES in Dress Goods, Trimmings, Lace Flouncing,, Ginghams, Mullins, Jerseys,-Cheneil Trimrnings, .Jacketing, &c. The ladies say our Priute and Mue1ins are rho prettiest ever shown in Exeter. We guarantee every one to Wash. We are showing* over 2OO Pieces of Embroidery, colored' and white from acts. per yard upwards. Our New Stock of BOYS' CLOTHING is baying a big run, and, no -wonder, the priests aro so low, the styles so nice, and they fit so Rood. t ' D GOODS we guarantee the Best Value,Newest lo MEN'S URDE1tE. GOO � 1; Style and; Neatest Fit in town. Largest Stock of BOOTS & SHOES .� Remember we carry the g, auca nothing but the Latest Styles in ladies',, children's and gents'. JAMES S P]ICI .A D., Furniture & Undertaki WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, 'µ DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY, INDIGESTION, � FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, _. ACIDITY �d ' STOMACH, SALT RHEUM, � THE°STOM , HEARTBURN DRYNESS HEADACHE, t OF THE SKINP l:zd every^ species of disease arising' irnrn disordered LIVER ICIDNEY,S, s•TOMACIJ, BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. 2YU L1U,( rM Ot co., ProlirTO 2o'NTO. We would call the attention of the people of Exeter and surrounding country' to thr fact that we, having purchaeod too stock and business of WIhLIAII DREW, are offorin .special inducements in t ' Parlot Setts, Plain ailcl .Valley Tables. Springs and Mattress( Bedroom Setts, Wool, Carte & Perforated Chairs, Book Cases, Writing 1,e4 5, Sideboards, VletitLyi GL illd�� itillsUtiids , .Find all Endless Variety in $>?)deli, f;ui calfs, GtipboardS, &O. Our Stock of 0 ., and Thoroughly Seasoned,- and, having had extollsIumber is Largo g experience in the leading factories or the Doniinicu, wo'000 guarantee Stylish and Sore' able Fnrnittira. s arges in the County, i io(}ends s th r� „e. t o sty, and cut Hearse has Cur Stock of 'Undertaking Sp ciinl atte attention will be paid to this branch of the husinesb and equal north of Lona. , e i , ever yonl' will find tis prompt and reliable business men. I1E1 AL11TN�� o 1? ALL ICIN1)S131 PRO ATI'ENDED T0. , N Relna'trnkiel the Stand, One Doo North of 1Tolsbn. s It() () 7:i; L 1 1-.1 li w -S