The Exeter Times, 1887-7-7, Page 3IEALTh
The Peilee.
Every person should know mmething con -
venting the pulse, that tree iodicetrar of the
•condition of the huinan body, beconse it
telle the etate o ... of Ste ratesotconailing forces—the heart. The pulse beeta as
the heert beets aud only when it beats, and
may be felt aCtbe wrist en the thutrib side,
or at the temple, or just below the Ankle.'
Every theob of the heat ie health aends the
bright life-giving blood through the ',Aerie;
and the living cuereut goes to the tips a the
Augers and the toes. In ill health the ex-
trenaities a,re cold because the h.eerb is not
strong enough eo propel the bleed. to 'thesin.
When deeth is approitchieg, the heart works
mere and more feebly but faster aid faster
until life is ended. The pulse has various
beets at varioes ages even is health, and
these uK be reckoned as followa
It fancy 110
iildhood 90
Middle Age.... 70
Old Age . 60
and the produete of animal and vegetable
decay and putrefaction. A half-pint of rain
water coedensos out of. about 3,373 cube)
feet of air, and thus in &hiking a tumbler
of water, impuritiea which would only gain
acme's to the lungs in about eight days,
inay be wallowed at ouce. On the roofs of
awellinge hie rain water, wide's is after all
the only Mere° of our water-eupply, meets
with soot and dust, and on the fields of
reenure eud all sorts of impurities, which it
carriee down Sato wells, stream end. rivers.
Thee sources in their thee liable to be
fuether contaminated by soelciogs or Mai,
trations from cesspools end privies, and also
on a larger scale by the laud drainage, sew
age and r efilfte Of towns, whice flow into our
rivers by dead Ash anti animals end decom-
posieg weeds.
According to an eminent physicem the
natural pulae feels lilte a soft yarn under
the fingers, while the pulse of inflammation
is like thet of a wire vibreting under the
A quick, jerking pulse that is also vari-
able, as one that indtoates nervousnesEi. A
double pulse is always dangerous, that is,
a pulse that beata twice very close together,
all of it making but one pulse; it indicates
great clebility,, sometimes typhoid spins -
A thready pules, 'vibrating very fast rather
than beating, and only slightly felt, is a very luxurious repose, to embark in what he re -
bad pulse. It is the pulse of the dying. If goaded as the cause of Roselyn liberty.
the pulse is simply fest, it is fever; if it is When quite a young man, Prince Keapot.
fast and herd, beating like the vibration kine conceived au ardent love of scientific
Plait Description lir their New and
o s
ncent arenouse.
Tee new building erected on. the corner ot tiM
Bey arid Wellington streets by Messrs. thio
W yld, Grasett & Darling, wholesale dry- end,
geode importeta, is oae of the most complete and
establishments of the kited in the Dominion ear
of Canada. No expense has been, spared to the
1 the rehouse everything that it ter,
shonld be, and the moat casual inspection is voice being changed and ha,vieg a nasal
sufficient to show thee completeness in every twang ;the breath offensive ; smell ancl
detail has been echieved. The firm was re- taste impaired : experieuee e eensa.tion of
re -organized last Feburary, Mr. Wyld, who dizzlnese, with mental depression, a hackiug
Eo r many years' has been identified with cough, and generel debility, then you are
business interests in Toroeto, taking into aufferieg from chronic slisawl catarrh. Only
partnership Mr. A. W. Greeett, u. thorough a •few of the above named symptoms are
expert in staples, and Mr. Andrew Darling, likely to be present in any one case at one
who takes care a the office department. time, or in one stage of the disease. Thou -
The warehouse of Messrs, Wyld, Csrasett & sands of oases annually, without manifesting
Darling is Ave storeys in height, the base- half of the above syniptorns, result in con-
Inent Icing built of Credit Valley stone, the sumption, and end In the grave. No disease
first storey of Ohio greystorte and. the wall is so comitionMOM demptive and danger
above of red brick. The sills, bands and
string courses are also of Ohio stone, and aa
the eornera are heavy round stone pinnacles
with corneal tops -
oonsists of two heavy dwarf arches, one on
each street, while inside the portioo rises
an interior arch supported upon red granite
columns with carved capitals. The roof,
above which five walls extend, is of Trindi-
dad asphalt, which is a very durable mate-
rial. The size of the various flats are 118
feet by 60,feet, and they are provided with
about sixteen windows eaoh. The side wall
of the building facing the north on Bay
street gives exceptional opportunitim for
ample lighting, and. in every depertment
goods can be seen to perfect advantage
just where they lie. The interi or fittings
of the building are of oak, and everything
throughout the structrre is of a massive
character. The establishment will be heated
by steam, the boiler being situated 'under
the sidewalk, and each fiat will be illumin-
ated with incandescent light. There are also
under the sidewalk lavatories etc., and
storage rooms. At the eaet end Of the build.-
ing two elevators run from the basement to
the top storey, so that goods can eithe be
despatched'or received with the leastpossible
delay. A 'granolithio pavement from the
entry room to the shipping hoist is a feature
of the basement. The
as well as the private rooms of the members
of the firm, are handsomely fitted up hi ac
cordanee with modern requirements. The
ceilings throughout the building are of
wood, with supporting colunms of iron. A
passenger elevator finished in oak is conven-
iently placed near the main entrance to the
building. Speaking -tubes connect every
department in the establishment, and a
telephone room is situated near the front
offices. 1 he various floors of the establish-
ment are ueilised as follows :—The basement
contains an entry room and packing and
shipping department, and will also be used
for storing surplus stock; the ground floor
contains offices, and is specially devoted to
leading stailes of Canadian and imported
manufacture; the second flat is devoted to
woollens and tweeds from all the leading
mills of Canada, as well as fine imported
goods of Scotch manufacture, and an endless
variety of worsted and West of England
tweeds. This department contains every-
thing necessary for a fine tailoring trade.
The third storey contains dress -goods silk,
smallwares and haberdashery generally, and
the fourth a large stock of hosiery and knit-
ted goods. At present the firm not being
yet thoroughly established in' their new
premises, part of the top flat is used as an
entry -room and is crowded with goods ready
to go out. Mr. Wyld devotes his personal
attention to
in which he is thoroughly at home, having
been for many years prominently associated
with probably the largest woollen business
in Ontario. Messrs. Wyld, Greeted & Dar-
ling keep a resident agent in Great Britain
to look after their woollen trade, and their
buyers for each department are experts in
their own lines who have had many years'
experience and are trained men, thoroughly
familiar with the wants of the trade.
Special attention is paid by the firm to the
staple department, and their stook of prints,
cretonnes, colored cotton goods, flannels of
all kinds, blankets and linen goods is im-
mense and varied. Already the house is in
receipt of a great number of orders, and to
judge. by the rapidity veithwhichthey come
pouring in, anticipates a very large season's
trade.—[Toronto Globe.
1000 Reward. 1 1arilf43usiletess Celleite Guelph, ow.,
Twelee fltatee end Provinceeldready represeet•
rYtiocourliflobr flreoranoc181,11v1afih:zevsy, hic:orleae6hL, its gentatills=011, :Ili fessicsoZtoltuotwioens. its'eopopthwori,ett;tglyi poreicr:
big from the head into the throne, some-
ee profuse, watery, and acrid, at ethers, • cula"' giviafg tel"' etliol,nf
itgelalt Principal
k, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody OLD COMPOSITION COLD, Antique Bronze,
d, and other Picture and
FnufLriincle,;1 if
atted etyheesre"ies iwinevgkiOgwiantetlITO R001 P'1(')Autilditir'''1.gsWi 1°43'nea Dtc, Papli,i,ogs, ,En-
s, deafeess, hecking or coughleg to clear Vi6sYric;:rargefett).2,2'e",,rsteTss,s'eteTits
throat, expectoration of offensive met- aseeee. DAT'IDEWS BROS. st CO,, l'oronto.
together with scabs from ulcers ; the i
Prinoe and Nihilist.
Thereis now living, in 0 somewhat obscure
ledgiug in. Lando', Russian noblemen,
who aSserts that his right to the Czar'e
throne is better then that of its oecupent
himself ; but this nobleman is, and has long
been, an exile from his native country, for
he has for years been. an active conspirator
against the government of the autocrat.
,Both the cheracter and the career of Prince
Krepotkine are iuteresting and suggestive.
Ms adventures have been many and 'start-
ling ; nor is it probable, though he has now
passed middle age, that his reatless career ia
yet finished.
Prince Krapotkine has the blood of Rurik,
the founder of the Russian monarohy, in his
veins. There it; no prouder or more ancient
name than his in Russia. He inherited
great lauded estates Dada princely fortune;
yet he gave up wealth, lofty social position,
of a tightly drawn string, it is an indication
of inflammation and meens danger.
Seventy steady beats per minute is the
average standard of health in middle life.
All above that indicates super-excitemeno of
the heart, and hence an exhausting of the geological and geographical researehes, and
vital forces. travelled far and wide in search of seientiAc
Saes Dr. Hall, the quicker a machine runs knowledge. At last he found himself at
the faster it wears out; so with the body. Geneva, in Switzerland, where he engaged in
In proportion as the heart is beating over labors on a new universal geography.
seventy a minute, fever is wasting the sos- It was while et Geneva that Prmoe Keep -
tem. The heart beats under ordinary we- otkine became a Nihilist, and joined in the
cumstances, about one hundred thousand great conspiracy to overthrow theCzer. He
times a day ; under the influence of too vio- became the leader of the circle of Russian
study. From boyhood he was serious,
thoughtful, and hardworking. He did not
indulge in the costly pleasures which usually
occupy the time of young Russian nobles.
He went to Siberia, in order to make
lent exercise, such as running rapidly on a
level, or up an ascent, or up -stairs, the
beats are correspondingly increased, and
oonsequently the wear On the system.
Hence, every one should be careful not to
prolong exercise ot that kind. Indeed, in
many cases, running long distances, or run -
3 up•stairs should be absolutely avoided.
conspirators at Geneva, and, throwing aside
his steentifie work, gave himself heart and
soul to the revolutionary cause. He soon
became known as a fervent and brilliant
orator, and in secret, out-of-the-way places
would address his followers with burning
A recent Russian writer says of him, "He
Moieration itt all things is the safest, mod- is all fire and passion on the platform. When
ed. He trembles with emotion, while Ins
voice vibrates with an accent of profound
Krapotkine went to St Petersburg, where
"What is granulation of the eyes.? it
his eloquence at secret meetings gained him
many new (Heel less. It last, the imperial
police got an inkling of what he was doing.
/Hs house, which was a head -quarters of the
conspiracy, was watched, and he was arrest-
ed and thrown into the grim fortress -prison
of Peter and Paul.
Fortunately for the prince, hia health
failed in his gloomy prison, and he was
transferred to the Nicholas Hospital, 111
was here that he and his friends planned
one of the most artful and romantic escapes
recorded in history. He got well, but
still pretende'd. to ' be ill and -weak. His
keepers did not dream that the man who
feebly dragged himself along, with the hol-
low 1We and tremulons voice of one at the
point of death, was daily gathering his
energies for an attempt at liberty.
"He was allowed to walk," says an ac-
count of the affair, "in the court -yard Of
the hospital, attended by a soldier. It Was
Winter, and the hospital gate was left open
and ungarded, or the bringing in of wood.
erate work, moderate exercise, moderate he rises he seems almost as one transform -
rest, moderate pleasure.
Granulated Eyelids.
are its cause, symptoms and cure? e
cause of movable lines over the sight ?" are
quest one tl areoften asked. There is no
connee on between disease a,nd the lines
mentioned. The latter are of little impor-
tance. Most people may see them on look-
ing steadily at a white wall or a cloud.
They are supposed to be shadows of objects
within the eye—parts of its structure—
*, thrown on the retina, and thence projected
greatly enlarged, into space. They trouble
short-sighted people more than others, but
they do not indicate disease.
Granulated lids are a form of conjunctivitis
—an inflammation of the mucous membrane
which lines the lids and the front of the
eyeballs, called the conjunctiva.
The 't are four varieties of conjunctivitis.
With t•tsf them we have, at present, no-
thing to do. The infa,ntile, which is due to
coalition, and may speedily result in blind -
nese if not promptly treated ; and the diph-
theritic which occurs mainly in feeble and
51. Catharines, Ont.
A Beautiful Imported 13irthdaY Gard SOO
GO any baby whose mother will. wind us the
tanneo of two or more other babies, and their
parents' addresses Also a handsomo Dia-
mond Dye Sample Card to the mother and
much valuable Inforn)ation.
Wefle Rteltarilaoo die Co,, illonIreaL
tanyrs—Ladles centicinen wanted.—
mc owo4s tor .our Subecription l3ooke. Our sass
TR eiRE 15
Snow Drift Bakinz P^w
r rt'W
, ()vs
airy Salt,
EW Importations.---Iliggins' Eureka, weshing-
ton and Ashton Brands, ill large or sines WES,
AISO RiOe'a Canadian Salt. Write for prices.
Wholesale Provieion Merehante Termite
;1;;;;;1;&indtoor More ullauCceeeftlily standard and popelar week, Dr. Withrow 0 If e ory flia
ated by physicians, The ManufactIlrere of Cauada"—a book which ouunetsotuolb-teoiuncehvileiritleibmrpareyr:
ich they cannot cure. The Remedy iti P, Jones,
0ainv instructive, amusing
with a short sketth of the lite of Sam W.
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy offer, in good ce book "Plat forin Echoes," by .I. B Gough. Our
th, e500 reward for a case of catarrh complete book of eernions, and autobiography of Sam 'No
d by druggists at only 50 cents. Swell, and three ot his speemi Bermons. Our bee.uti-
ln the way of studs the saine designs as lands entitled, eGolden Theughts on mother, Rouse
MI book of poetry and literature of all ages and. all
shown for ladies as for gentlemen,
Beautiful woine.e, from whence name thy bloom,
Thy beatning eye, thy features fair ?
What kindly hand on thee was laid—
Endowing thee with beauty rare?
'Twas not ever thus," the dame replied,
" Onoe pale this fam,these features bold,
Tee Favorite Prescription ' of Dr Piero°
Wrought the wondrous change whith you behold.:'
See the man hold up the post 1 Is the
post loose? No ; the man is tight.
"Golden at morning, silver at noon, and
lead at night," is the old saying about eat-
ing oranges. But there is something that is
rightly named Golden, and can be taken
with benefit at any hour of the day. This
is Doctor Pierce's Golden 'Healed Discovery.
literally worth its weight in gold to any one
suffering with scrofulous affections impuri-
ties of the blood, or diseases of the liver and
lungs. It hi unfailing. By druggists.
The Sultan of Turkey has established two
schools for women at Constantinople. A
century ago it was considered an impropriety
for a Turkish woman to know how to read.
ill -fed children, and which is s. serious dis- A plan of signals with his wands was y
ease but thus far it is not known to have arrauged by secret letters. The great diffi-
appe,ared in this countey, though German
immigration may at any time bring it here.
The other two varieties are the simple and.
contagious. The simple is generally due
either to some irritating substances getting
lodged under the lid, or to exposure to cold.
In the first case the trouble subsides on re -
°Ashy was th evade the soldier, who kept in
parallel line with the prince, but always five
paces nearer the gate than he.
"One day, some notes of a violin were
heard. With &sudden. movement, Krapotkine
cast off his hospital eoat, and made for the
gate. The startled soldier forgot the gate,'
and lleavea," Our haudeome Family Blblee, beau tu
and cheapness. Buy no other until you see them. AS
Bible study besides good Wear type and paper. Our
OE leading Carriage Buildere sell them.
are tatn0118 tor their style
illustrations, full ot useful and helpful matter for CARR!A OE TOPS oonvenienee, elurabilit
Lerma are liberal, Send for circulars.
WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. VaoterF 401 King St. W., TORONTO.
Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness and
Hay Fever.
Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases'
are contagious, or that they are due tO the presence
of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose
and eustathlan tubes. Mierriecopia research, however,
has proved this to be a tacit, and the result is that a
simple remedy hae been formulated whereby catarrh,
catarrhal deafness and hay lever are oured in rom
one to three simple applicatione made at home. A
pamphlet explaining this new treatment la sant free
on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 808 King
Street West Toronto Canada
Those Japanese women who are allowed.
thread outside books are now busy with
"Pilgrim's Progress," which has just been
translated into their language.
opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco, and
kindred habits. The medicine may be given
in tea or coffee without the knowledge of
the person taking it if so desired. Send 6c.
in stamps for book and testimonials from
those who have been cured. Address M.
Lubon, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto,
Ont. Cut this out for future reference.
When writing mention this paper.
Be pleasant and kind to those aroundiyou.
The man who stirs his cup with au. ieicle
spoils the tea and chills his ownfmgera.
YOUNG MEN suffering from the effects of early
eviIhabits, the result of ignorance and folly, whofind
themselves weak, nervous and, exhausted; aloe MID,
ma-Asino and OLD Des who are broken down from the
effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life
feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and
man Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The
book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of
two Se. stamps. Address M. V. LIMON, 47 Wailing.
ton St East Toronto Ont
Elevator Youth (inquiring) —" Suite 16,
miss?" Toronto Miss (blushing)—" No, only
fifteen last January."
Who are Weak, Nervous and ex hausted ; who feel
themselves losing strength; who are pale, delicate and.
sickly In appearance, suffering from the many com-
plaints peculiar to women—send for andread
M. V. LUBON'S Treatise in Boos roam on the Dbl.
eases of Women. Mailed sealed and secure from
observation on receipt of 60. in stamps, 'UNSEALED
PREZ. AddreSS, Ms V. LUBON, 47 Wellington st.
East. Toronto. Ont.
moved of the offending cause. In the seer , described two sides of the triangle, and
a simple wash, which should be prescribed allowed his prisoner to reach the exit before
by a physician, with rest for the eyes and •
"A carriage was in waiting, and Prince
Krapotkine, his attire completely changed
by the way, was rapidly driven to a place of
concealment and safety.'
A short time after this happy escape,
Krapotkine turned up at Lyons, in France'
where he was detected in a Socialistic plot.
Be was tried, condemed to five years' Im-
prisonment, and confined in the prison of
St. Paul, in Lyons. Before his term was
completed, however, he was released, an
to many of his mates. Cases o nes° took up his residence in London, where he
have so resulted. A towel used in common now is.
has often imparted it. One should never AU the troubles of his career have not
wipe with another's towel. dampened his ardor or decreased his revo-
The granulations are minute, swollen pro- I lutionary energiet; ; and he is still one of the
tuberauces under the lid, sometimes clnits ' most formidable living enemies of the Res -
fine, sometimes large enough to give the lid sten despotism.
a puffed look. They strongly incline to be-
come purulent, and thus oontagious. They
are most common among children living in
In both simpleand contagiousconjunctivitis A singula. coincidence came under the
badly ventilated rooms.
the main reliance is on astringent washes, 1 wnter'snotite recently. A Russian army
but for the treatment of a contagious case 1°RLOor invited six gentlemen to dinner.
the physician should be promptly coed. -i Without mentioning names I will state
their occupations. Mine host was a General
No one eufferinf from it should be allowed
in the Russian army,my next neighbor was
protection from dust and sun, will soon re-
move inflammation.
By neglect and aggravationfrom surround-
ings, it may run into the contaious. In the
aimple form the secretion is only mucous,
but if it passes into the contagious, the
secretions become purulent.
As a general thing, the contagious fermis
due to contagion from a similar case, or
from some other foul secretions in the blood.
A single infected child at school ma give it
Teterboro', Ont.
•/ tri15 1),-
41 fl 10
it& Send 3c. Stamp for Catalogue. Wilily ILA;
23 ADELAIDE ST. E., ToGoisTo.
All classes of fine work. Mfrs. of Printers' Leads
Mugs and Metal Forniture. Send for prices.
Bicycles 1
Second -Hand Machines,
New Catalogue Ready 1st April
Toronto Silver Plate Bo,,
Govern all Nations But Their Own.
Large Insurance Claim Paid—Endorsentent
ot Inc Mutual Reserve.
Office of W. D. MATTHEWS & CO., Grain and Produce
Merchants, Toronto, llth May, 1887.
J. D. Wells, Esq., Generat Manager Mutual Reserve
Fund Life Association:
to attend schoo .
Treatment of Whooping -Cough,
a Turkish official, he gentleman opposite
was in the English Consulat service, and
the gentleman on his right was a young
DEAR Gni—We beg to acknowledge receipt of
cheque for Pies housand ,DeGars in full of claim
under a policy of ineurance issued to us by the Mu-
tual Reserve Fund Life Associationr for that amount,
as creditors of the late Edwin C. Fisher.
We have much pleasure in bearing testimony
to the prompt and satisfactory manner In whith this
claim has been adjusted, and at the same time to ex-
press our confidence le your association, Having an
intimate acquaintance with your President and
chief offieers, we know them to be gentlemen of the
highest integrity, and in whose hands webelieve the
interests of the members of the Mutual Reserve are
perfectly safe.
Wishing your association continued success.
Yours truly, W. D. MATTHEWS .gt Co.
The following plan of disinfection of sleep- French officer. The seat at the end o e
table was occupied by a distinguished Irish -
and dwelling apartments and clothes is
emmended by M. Mohn in the treatment man, who is famous for his knowledge of
el the ancient and modern languages. The
whooping -cough. It is said to cure the
'cases immediately. The children are wash- ' writer
States Consular service. The conversation
was connected wath the United
ed and clothed in clean articles of dress, and'
was chiefly French, as all peesent spoke
removed to another part of the town. The
that language. Neither the Turk nor
bed-roorn and eitting-room or nursery are
the French. officer understood English.
then hermetically sealed; all the bedding,
European politics was discussed, and the
playthinge, and other articles that cannot be
conversation turned on the Irish question':
washed are exposed freely in the room, in
The Prenoh officer said that he had. always
whicA sulphur is burnt in the proportion of
one ounce to the cube, yard of Knee, the taken a great intereet in Irish affairs, be -
grandfather wag an Irishman.
room remains thee charged with sulphurous cause his
ftsid for gee hours, me sa then freely, 'elite The Turk then made the announcement
that his grandfather was aim front the
lated. The children return the Hanle day,
Emerald Isle, The Englishman's mother
and may Elle%) and playein the disinfected
rooms. was a County Waterford lady. The Ameri-
can's father and mother 'were born in Tip-
-- perary, and the Russian's grandmother
Polltttion of Rain 'Water, cameqroin Wicklow. Tide dinner vvets
*1"1" The ittmoephere, says the 'Royal Commis- gi'Ven ill a town of onCient Cilt68sta.
MOH on the Domestio Water Supply of ____ ._.
. ,
Great Britain, is the recipient of. vast mg. Th.. e ()1d, Old. ZtOry.
gregate quantities of impurity, derived part.
ly from the respirittion of oninsale, partly " And will yeti. let me go Way without
from the conbeetion of eisormous quantitiee an ansvver, dear ?" he fetid, geotly, thotigh
of fuel, and partly front exoreneentel (Ito, * big heart Wile throbbing double throbs,
the flue particles of Which, in dry weather, 1 " „It is all 00 strarige and unexpected,
beeome suspended in the air to the eetent, George,"—the Words came eoft tind low.
weer the area of this country, of hundreds " If eometimes in tny dreams the thought
of tone, and remain theta for week's entil I has come that you might settee day call me
washed out by rein. Thug raiii ifs in teal- I —Ah, dear, you meat r..4 your ariewee hi
ity water which ha 's weeffied a More or less My eyes,"
dirty attnosphore, It is laden with ininetal 1 And the aneWer reads "I'll tot Int you
and excrementitious dust, Wroth) germs, get away,"
An Earthquake Incident.
Then saw in my dream that 11 18 much
easier going out of our way when we 816 111
it, than getting into it .when we are out of
it.—(Benyan's Tilgrirn's Progress.
Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of or.
der, causing Biliousness Dyspepsia, or Indigestion -
and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr,
Carson's Stomach Bitters. Best family medicine.
All Druggists, 60 cents.
The most agreeable companion is he who
has experienced enough disappointments to
tkae off the keen edge of conceit.
People who are subject to bad breath, foal coated
tongue, or any dieorder of the Stomach, San at once
be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters,
the old and tried remedy. Ask your Druggist.
A. P. 338.
Postage 6 Cts. Extra
Sans Dors MS ef ice: C0 L0058 El:15801:4.1m
Please mention this Paper whoa writing.
shove a posatveremedy for tho above disease ; by Its rise
thousands of moos 01 1118 wenn kind and of long steadies
have bean cured. Indeed, so strong is my faith In BA
etnrsoy, that I will Nand TWO 130TTLES EltEE, together
with a VALUABLE TREATISE on OAS &Wile 10 =IL
Sufferer. Olva express and P. 0. address.
Ilraaohnoe, 37 Taco St,Toroato
EarThe Celebrated Han-
cock Inspirator.
Itff*Greshatn's Automatic
Re -starting Injector.
'51 551 Automatic.
Sight Feed Lubricator.
ttlffEngineers' & Plumb.
ers' Supplies of every
deseription. Send for
75 &77 Adelaide St.W.,
PATENTS Loorwsi:i?;Thitrgeadmgr.firiiirgolir.
County in Canada. Address,
FERRIS A CO., 87 Church Ett, Toronto.
416.4311.0Elicrere; ANDoArfAnsans wanted,sisse
or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or commis-
sion. Industrial Union of B.N.A., 45 Arcade, Toronto.
TORONdesirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of
garment cutting should apply at once to S, CIORRIOAN,
122 Yonge SC, Toronto. Terms on application.
Artistic Designs, combined wills
Unequalled Durability
and Finish.
33.9-WEIT.JTOMT 01\TT.A..12tX0
HE greatest diss.
cover). of the
present agetor Risen -
fect Blood Purifier.
A few in Hamilton;
seho have been bene-
fited by its use :—
Mrs. M. Keenan, 192
8.obert St., cured of
Erysipelas of 2 years'
Standing ; Robert,Cor-
hell, 24 South St.,
daughter cured ot
Epileptic Fits after
years' suffering;
enn irreil, 55 at., eured of weakness
and Lung Trouble ; Jblin Wood, 96 Cathcart St,
oured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, need only
3 fifty -cent bottles; Mrs. 3. Beal, 6 Angosta Se,
troubled for years with Nervous Prostratioo, two
small bottles gave her great relief. Sold,at 50cLuatt00.
F. DALLET Proprietots.
. , . . ,
, .
wh..1 Bay core I do not mean manly 80 6101' them for e
Woe and than have them return agot. I mean a ranee'
care. I have mode the dimes,' °MITE, EPTLEPSY °OPAL!" ,
INH MENUS a • llfo•loarstudy. 08.15,51 my,retnedy
to cora the worst eases. BODSWID others have tailed 1, 50
reeson for not now receiving e cure. Seed st once for r.
treatise and a Free Bottle al my Infallible remedy. Girt ,
Exton' and Post Mks. It costs you nothing for • triad . ,
8115 I Win CCM 90[1. Address H. G. BOOT,
BranchOffico 37 Toeat. 'foredo
1I .
Allan Line Egyalltiail Steamships,
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday
and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in suat
mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling
at Londonderry to land mails and passengers fin
Seetland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Hall.
fax and St. John's, N. T. to Liverpool fortnight')
during ERITOMEr months. The steamers of the Glee
gow lima sail during winter to and from Halifax,
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during:sum
mar between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glaegoe
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelpha
For freight, passage, or other nformation apply 10
A. Sahunzacher & Co., Baltimore ; S. Cunard is Co.,
Halifax ,• Shea & Co., St. John's Mkt; Win. Thomp
eon & Co., St John, N.B., en
Love & Alden, New York; IE. Stourlie;, Torontot
Allans, Rae Ile Co., Quebec; Wm. Broo e, Philadel
phia ; H. A. Allen Portland Boston. Montreal,
kFULL, SUPPLYraft 1887 ,
One snail with The Elevator Ditchinr Machine
can do more work than thirty men with spadest.
Mairufactured. by WIZ HENNIE,•TORONI`O.
Use ourlyour Machinery only the Well-known
The coolness of Englishmen under all sorts HE BOILER INSPECTION and 'astir.
people of the continent of Europe, where Consulting Engineers and solicitors of Ratents.
of dr entstances is greatly admired by the T rime Comanny ot Cana a,
IE COLD MEDALS have been awarded it during the last four years. Try also our TEARLESS
AXLE GREASE for your Waggons and Horse Powers.
Manufaotured at QUEENLCITY OIL WORKS, by
stories of travelling Englishmen are con -
G. C. Rolm, Chief Engineer. A. FRASER, Set:Sy-Treas. N
dandy told,
recent earthquakes at Nice, in France, an fibrous Anti -trio
One of these stories relates that, in the SPOONER'S OOPPERINE"'Babb"V—
English guest at one of the hotels was muzanAese
awakened by abeam WIN on his bed. He delliritorit.evAZOMM:
gen BT-ncletal for journal bearinsfs in machinery-- f
rOse coolly and rang the be 1 a long time. 1 SPOoNER, ellitentee anad manufacterer, Port llama.
A waiter finally arrived to anewer the
call, thinking that some one was in dis- 1ANOTHER NOVELTYs ...
ler Goldmanand Atornizer.
's Sprink-
trees. All the rage in the States. Moots wanted. Sample
14 can't where you give me a room, tic
Sample"Waiter," eald the Englishman calmly by mail 45 cents. CLEMENT at 00,, Toronto.
in't you
the beam doesn't fall on the A • i Decorated Win -
bed ?"
. don Shades, dee.
wnm s Wholesale and Re.
Sir Andrew Clarke defines herilth as that
state in whieh the body is not consciously
easy arid duty not overgreat a trial, in which MANGLES kinds ' Washing Machines; 2
8 kinds; Clothes Wringers, so
present to us—the date in which work is
it is a joy to see, th think, to feel, ant / kinds: Churns, Carpet Sweep -
to be, ' liamiteres itiniusraist, Woatte Co., Hamilton Canada.
ere, Meat Choppers, Trucke, and other sundries.
Mr. Grenfell, whom voyages in the oils- Send for artiole wanted, 1 lustrated Oatelogue.
sionary steamer Pose have led to lsis being
.--- ..._....4...—
C of health, the enemy of distease ; heals the
Lungs, Re-builde the Broken Down Ormstitution of
tail, at the Oxus.
passim Gino MEDAL laiia2 Mairrassareav, 70 Ring St.
West, Toronto. NATIONAL, MANUEACIUllaa co.
called a secorid Livingstooe, said lately,
"'hat, we know concerning the Congo add
its tribUteries proves it to be one of the Yint.14110,nd old. 11(4°13 t'"htlent, suffimeht ft° two
nioet wonderful systems of natural Canals Ivnedhamieyr oaffind6:111rocmotn7p3lextien,gse‘ivitosbtyteosporesicsitloige
on the face of the earth. It wars a very tea. MRS. C. STIDIRAM FIEROE. Four yearr
moderate estimate to MT the t its total establiehed in Toronto. 32 Office Treatments for 518.
navigeble water way will mita et least six Seld for (311"lat.'
thotteand miles, ley them channels access RAVER LINE OF STEAMSIRITS,
may he had to the Soudan, to the empire of SailloklvooklY botwern l'iteetiteal and Livor'Peol."
Ngandat to Tanganyik,a, anol.oth,or. tegilos+8, ! sAito ,A:08,_ 0111:idt'AigAtItel—tullittl",r"incikNertgoatt oat° Dr-',1r,vnecirtroloi
almose inacceesilsle in central Airiest,- xt. —ootottling to Steamer and aceorninodation. Inter.
in etifficult to realize vvhat is meant by all ' mediate end Steerage at lowest rates. Isor !nether
MAO. There ie evidently, at any rate, reoirt partimilese and to score Berth, apply to 11, E.
for *good deal of eiaterpriee and advetiture Isleilelt4tare,*Drottarecant CerraSie IlthittellLoltacealr'AllrethIntestininthile°dulte!
itl these tegionis through them highwaye of feketit TOwde ad dities.
the Congo.
r ey's
C C "
c 1/101•11A_IZOI-1'
The Harris Wood Furotice is especially adapt.,
ed for Churches and Schoolhouses.
Sin for our Illustrat(d CaisIcgue.