Clinton News-Record, 1978-06-22, Page 7Vanastra Gun club results George Hamm of Blyth was the lone perfect scorer at the Vanastra Gun Club trap shoot on June 13. Glen Mogk of Bornholm, John Hessel of Goderich and " Jeff Darling of Exeter each hit 24 traps. Jamie Caldwell of Kippen, Jim Butcher of Clinton and Bill Boussey of London all had 23 hits each. Mery Batkin of Clinton and Jack Mills of Guelph had 21. Dan Crerar of Kippen hit 19 targets and Harrison Schock of Zurich came last with 18. In the skeet shoot held on June 17. Rill McNutt and Randy Stanlake of Exeter had the high scores of 24 points. Jeff Darling, Harrison Schock and Bill Boussey each hit 23 skeets. John Hessel and Glen Mogk had 22 points each. Mery Batkin, Paul Giles of London and Bill Stewart of Goderich had 21 hits. Shooting 20 skeets were Paul Haggitt of Zurich, Joe Kenda of Zurich and Bob Snell of Exeter. Bert Mahaffy of Fullarton had 18 points and Al Mitchell from London came last with 15 hits. Motocross school set The final race of the Hully Gully spring series blasts off this Sunday, at Varna with preliminaries starting at 11:30 a.m. and majors at 1:30. There are over 300 riders expected for the event, including series leaders Jim Bearss of Springfield. The overall junior• winner will take home a 1978 RM125 Suzuki and the top school boy will win an all expense week at the Bailley Motocross school at Hully Gully. The school, which starts Monday, June 26. is being conducted by world renowned motocross racer teacher and author Prof. Gary ailley of Axton, Virginia. Mr. Bailley teaches six months each year and Canada is lucky enough to have Gary's skill of motocross shown at this week long training session. Class instruction in- cludes all aspects of motocross from before race day preparation to diet, to training, to riding and the cost including room and board is $200. Registry office may close Dan Murphy, vice- president of the Huron County Law Association is concerned that the provincial government may close the registry office in Goderich, using the same reasoning as was used in plans to close the registry office in Durham, Mr. Murphy said the proposed closings are just another example of the government's thinking that bigger means more efficient. The Goderich registry office is one of 28 that the Grey County Law Association has said may be closed because of volume of business.' Other offices on the list are in Walkerton, St. Thomas, Glencoe, and Woodstock. The provincial government hopes to save $35,000 by closing the Durham office in Grey County and moving the facilities and records there to the Owen Sound registry office. The'Grey County association has claimed that the Durham office generates an an- nual revenue of $160,000 in that area. The association claims that if all 20 offices are closed, it will cost clients an extra $5.8 million a year because lawyers would travel further to do land title transfer business. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1978—PAGE 7 News from Kippen The column that's read for a purposo.... A few of the members of the Clinton Business Association and the Horticulture Society have been busy getting Clinton's main street ready for the influx of summer tourists. Here Clarence Denomme stains one of the tree planter boxes. The merchants are also planning a midnight madness sale for July 13 and 14. (News -Record photo) Young- Canada projects BY JOANNE WALTERS Nine Young Canada Works projects are being funded in Huron County this summer says Wilma Bolton, Project Officer with the Job Creation Branch of Employment and Immigration in London. Included. among these nine projects are one operating out of Goderich and several in Clinton. Summerhouse One sponsored by Philip McMillan in Goderich is a theatre project which will provide experience for high school students who are interested in per- forming arts.' A full- length play will be produced at the end of the project and those in- volved will also take part in theatre workshops. The project includes seven . people working from July 4 to August 26 under a grant of $8,104. Vanastra Summer Fun is a project sponsored by the Vanastra Lions Club. It will provide a recreation program for the school age children and youth of Vanastra. It involves three people working from July 4 to August 25 under a grant of $3,624. Huron Centennial Community Adventure Playground is a project sponsored by the Com- munity. School Organization of Brucefield. The three people working on this project are planning and constructing a corn- m•unity adventure playground in Brucefield. They began work on June The Londesboro Lions Club staged 'a successful bike-a-thon last Saturday along a 22 km (14 mile) route from Londesboro to Clinton and back. There were 65 riders in the tour, which raised money for community projects. Here Allan Bosman, centre, serves cold drinks to hot riders at a check -point near Clinton. (News -Record photo) Best Interest *9 34 % annual We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest Interest being offered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. *Subject to change Gaiser- Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. Phone 482-9747 14 Isaac St., Clinton, Ont. DOORS! DOORS! DOORS! *Cedar Front and Rear Entrance Doors *Classic Entrance Doors *Mahogany Slab Doors .Slab and Louvred Bifold Doors *Breezeway Patio Doors 5 and end August 25 using a $5,112 grant. S.P.A.R.K. (Summer Program and Recreation for Kids) is a Huron Project which will provide a summer recreational program for children of five years and older. The project • ac- • ti'Jities include games, sports, crafts and outdoor education. The sic people involved began work on this project on June 12 and will continue until August 26 under a $7,448 grant. SPRAAC (Students Provide Recreational Activities) is a project operating in Blyth to provide a recreational program for community children between kin- dergarten and Grade 8 ages. The project in- volves three people working from June 26 to August 11 under a grant of $2,860. ,. The Huron Centre Sung mer project operating out of The Huron Centre for Children and Youth in Clinton will provide learning experiences for approximately 15 lear- ning disabled children between the ages of seven and nine. The children will he referred through the local schools and screened by the Centre. Five people are involved in this project working from June 5 to August 11 under a grant of $7,246. Site Preparation '78 Plowing Match, a project sponsored under the '78 International Plowing Match Committee will provide a showplace for the products of Huron 1 County. Five people are working under this project. They began on May 23 and work until September 8 under an $11,474 grant. Seaforth Totlot is a project operating p recreational program for children (three to seven years of age) to take place in a morning and afternoon program provided at the Seaforth Public School. A, small fee is charged. Four people are working on the project commencing June 26 to August 25 under a $4,912 grant. Research and Catalogujxtg for the W ingham and District Heritage and Historical, Society is a project in- volving collecting, cataloguing and storing local historical materials. Five people will work on this project beginning July 4 to August 11 under a grant of $4,356. For further in- formation about_ any of these projects, contact Ms. Bolton at 451 Talbot Street, Room 1116 in London or call 679-4030. By Rena Caldwell The regular UCW of Kippen United Church was held Tuesday evening June 13 in the Sunday School rooms of the church with a good attendance. Mrs. Bert Faber gave the worship and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot accompanying on the piano for a hymn. This portion closed with prayer. Mrs. Emerson Kyle presided over the business portion and began with a poem. The various reports were given and it was decided to send a donation to the plowing match to help with the expenses of the courtesy booth, and to visit the Bluewater Nursing home July 11 with entertainment and refreshments. The topic on the Caribbean countries was very ably given by Mrs. David Cooper. Mrs. E. Kyle then called on Mrs. Edison McLean who read an address to Mrs. M. Stephens. Mrs. John Cooper on behalf of the Kippen UCW presented Mrs. Stephens with a piece of luggage and money. Mrs. Stephens thanked everyone and invited the ladies to visit them if they are in their city of retirement. } Mrs. Carol Anne Lostell gave courtesy remarks and lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Ken McLellan and Mrs. Ray Consitt. The ladies are reminded of the bake sale on July 1- at Homestead. Please help along . by donating some baking and leaving it at the church by 9 a.m. Saturday morning. It will be picked up and taken.to Homestead by volun- teers. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Doug Caldwell, Moose Jaw, Sask., Mr. and .Mrs. Laughie Gear, Fergus, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Grasley, Prince Albert, Sask., visited with relatives in the area last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brayman, Omaha Neb., • Mrs. Effie Brayman, Sioux City, Iowa, and Miss Bertha Hood, Shenandoah, Iowa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood, on Thursday and later acccompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Kernel Hall, Shelbourne visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jones and Mrs. Ida Munn Hensall. John E. Caldwell spent the weekend in Toronto. Mrs. Clarence Smillie has fractured her hip. Quite a number of Kippenites attended the strawberry supper at Brucefield on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Mellis and Joyce, Inkster, Mich., and Mrs. Margaret Hutchison St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Speare, Toronto, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis. Pearson and Bessie Charters observed their 40th wedding anniversary at their home in Tuckersmith on Thur- sday, June 15. The couple was pleasantly surprised when their children, and grandchildren arrived with flowers and other gifts. Rex and Jessie Thompson of Battle Creek, Mich., who were visiting for the week, were also included in the happy occasion. Smile Jack says he's proud to be a Canadian taxpayer. But he says, for half that money he could be just as proud. HIRE A STUDENT WEEK JUNE 19-23 CALL US THE CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE FOR STUDENTS Tel. No. 524-2744 or 235-}711 Before You go on Vacation... Have Your Diamond Ring Cleaned and Checked at no charge to you. Don't rely on good luck. Have your diamond setting checked today at Anstett Jewellers Ltd. At the same time, our ultra sonic cleaning equipment can make your diamond shine like new while you wait. All at absolutely no charge to you. Another service from the professionals at Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Diamond experts since 1950. CEMENT-SAKRETE MIXES SIDEWALK SLABS - ROOFING PANELLING-FIRPLY-KEM PAINTS DASHWOOD WINDOWS All these and much more in stock for your immediate use...at COUNTER CASH & CARRY Building Supplies RINCESS ST WEST CLINTON 482-9612 ANSTETT JEWELLERS LMTED Renowned for Quality Since 1950' 11 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON 482-3901 SEAFORTH WALKERTON 26 MAIN ST. S., 527-1720 203 DURHAM E., 881-0122 MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY I" PA1111 111 by Scotty Hamilton 1111 Mall your problems to "Impact" c/o s this paper. All letters will be answered provided o stamped addressed en- velope Is enclosed. Some of general In- terest will be published. Letrs must be signed but we will NOT reveal your Identity. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE "These questions and Answers based on Ontario Law, are published to Inform and not to advise. No one should try to apply or Interpret the law without the aid and advice of a trained expert who knows the facts, since the facts of each case may change the application of the law." A Syndicated Canadian Newspaper Feature We thought our readers might like to know what the cost of living on some necessary items would be like if the present price increases continue as they are, in the year 2001. The following figures were computerized by a Chicago firm called Manplan Con- sultants. Although they are U.S. prices we should be able to take an educated guess regarding our own. Automobiles from $17,000 UP. Houses $171,400 (AVERAGE) Rent on one -bedroom apartment in city suburbs, $1,278 (MON- TH). Manplan claim that their computer shows, that just to get by, a worker will have to earn a minimum of $45,000. They also did a preview of food prices, but we feel they are too gruesome to publish here. Ball & Mulch LTD. • HOME FURNISHINGS I FLOOR C CSI R•�. POVERINGSE iNG 482.. 9505 71 ALBERT ST. CLINTON • ECONOMY • QUALITY • SERVICE "Big jobs or small, We guarantee them all." 482-7374 CLINTON Can IMPACT tell me who to complain io if I think I have bought an item that is un- derweight? I presume it's the Weights and Measures people, but if it is I need to know their address. The Weights and Measures Division does not handle this -type of complaint. Their main function is checking measuring equipment, such as weigh scales, gas pumps, etc. You should send a letter detailing your complaint to the Federal Ministry of Consumer & Corporate Affairs, 781 Rich- mond St. London. They have a division called, The consumer fraud protection, (C.F.P. for short) which will act speedily to check out all complaints regarding short weights on consumer products. Boxes. and packages are filled by machinery, and sometimes a mechanical failure can cause this kinrl of orrnr ROWS SUNOCO GAS BAR 8r VARIETY 192 HURON ST. CLINTON Nearly a year ago I made arrangements with a monumental works to have an in- scription put on a tombstone in the cemetery. It has still not been done and I can't seem to get anywhere with the man in charge of this firm. Can IMPACT try to speed things up for me please? We visited the firm in question and saw the manager who informed us that he had told our reader that it would take about a year to do the job because his men travel all over Southwestern Ontario and are kept very busy, also, he added, that they can't work in inclement weather, because a roller base is used in all inscriptions. Anyway he has promised to have our readers' job completed before the end of • this month. • Weddings • Passports • Industrial work Osiot �O� Q BY JAMES FITZGERALD 482-9502 or 482-3890 The Canadian Home In- sulation Program now covers homes built prior to 1946. You may be eligible for grants up to '350.°0 for materials. Ask us for details. GODERICH INSULATION FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 524-6844 SAVE ENERGY BLOWN CELLULOSE FIBRE CMHC APPROVED FIRE & VERMIN RESISTANT RES -IND -COMM FREE ESTIMATES SCOTT PEARSON